HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1961 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 lZ 14 15 16 18 19 2O ~2 2~ 24 £§ 2~ 27 28 29 SO ~2 RESOLUTION NO. 1961 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING THE EXPANSION OF SILICON SYSTEMS INCORPORATED TO INCLUDE SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE FABRICATION, LOCATION: 14351 MYFORD ROAD The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (Use Permit No. 80-25) has been filed on behalf of Silicon Systems In- corporated (hereinafter "Applicant") to expand their facility to include the fabrication of semiconductor devices. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use applied for w~ll not, under the cir- cumstances of this case, be detrimental-to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The development as proposed is in conform- ance with the Tustin Area Plan. 2. The development as proposed is in conform- ance with the standards of the Planned Community/Industrial district. D. That the establishment, maintenance, and opera- tion of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1§ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2§ 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 II. to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by Orange County Fire Marshal, and street improve- ment requirements as administered by the City Engineer. F. That a Focus Environmental Impact Report was prepared as an amendment to the master EIR, and was certified by the City Council on April 6, 1981. G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Depart- ment. The Planning Agency hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 80-25 to authorize the expansion of Silicon Systems Incorporated, located at 14351 Myford Road to include the fabrication of semiconductor devices subject to the following conditions: A. The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all appropriate City standard drawing numbers. The developer shall construct all missing or damaged street improvements to said development per the City of Tustin "Minimum Design Standards of Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards". This work shall consist of, but is not limited to: curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drive apron, and street pavement. B. Applicant shall install, implement and maintain all of the mitigating measures into the development --2-- 1 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 2~ 25 ~5 27 28 29 ~0 S2 plans and ongoing manufacturing of semi-conductor devices at the subject property outlined in Focus EIR-81-1, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Applicant shall install and maintain two stage pressure regulators to control the gas pressures in all gas lines. 2. Wherever possible, gas lines shall be heliarc welded to minimize the ~number of mechanical fittings. 3. Gas panels shall be vented to scrubbers. 4. Gas cylinders shall be stored and used outside of the building. 5. Each gas cylinder regulator assembly shall be plumbed to a cylinder nitrogen source so that in case of a line leak or bottle change, the nitrogen shall purge out the specialty gas from the gas lines. 6. Wherever possible, phosphine shall be premixed with silane. 7. All lines will be checked for leaks statically and fitting by fitting after initial construc- tion. 8. Whenever an accident occurs involving arsine or arsenic trioxide, the procedure specified in Environmental Impact Report 81-1 commencing on page 43 shall be followed. 9. In the storage, usage and disposal of hydro- gen gas the following design features shall be used to minimize potential hazards: a. The liquid hydrogen tank shall be at least --3-- 1 5 6 ? 8 10 11 12 15 15 16 17 18 19 2O 22 25 27 £8 29 ~0 ~2 0 ce d · e · f · g· 180 feet from the building. Liquid hydrogen tank and evaporator shall be enclosed by a fence and wall. The line between the liquid hydrogen tank and the building shall be installed underground. The main line shall have an automatic shut-off valve activated by an earthquake of significant magnitude with a manual reset. The main line shall have an automatic shut-off valve activated by an unusually high flow rate to protect against acciden- tal line rupture or maintenance error. The main line shall have a normally closed valve kept open electronically. This valve s~all shut off the hydrogen supply in case of: i. Loss of power. ii. Detection of hydrogen in the fab process areas. iii. Detection of fire in the process exhaust ducting. iv. Activation of "emergency off" but- tons by the personnel. In all of the above cases a manual reset shall be necessary to turn the hydrogen back on. Hydrogen detectors shall be located in areas most likely to accumulate hydrogen in case of a leak. --4-- 4 § ? 8 9 l0 ~0 h. Ultraviolet detectors shall be installed in the hydrogen process exhaust ducting to detect fire and activate local reactor in main line shutdowns described above. i. Alarm indicator lights shall be located locally at the hydrogen use areas, central Status/Alarm panels in the fab area, the maintenance area, and the security station j. A documented maintenance schedule shall be established with calibration and check- ing procedures, logs to indicate results found, when, and by whom the maintenance was performed. 10. ~The following design features shall be utilized to reduce potential hazards pertaining to the use of acids, bases and solvents: a. All chemical storage areas shall be clearly marked acid, base, or solvent storage. b. The general acid storage area shall have a recessed floor to contain any liquid in case of bottle breakage or spill, and a drain in the general acid waste neutral- ization tank. Acids shall be stored in areas separated from the solvents to pre- vent reaction resulting from simultaneous spills. Interim storage of small amounts of acid shall occur in vented cabinets. c. Transfer carts and individual carriers shall be closed bottomed vessels of adequate volume to totally contain the 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 lZ 14 15 15 17 18 19 ZO £5 £? £8 £9 SO liquid in case of a bottle breakage. d. Wherever possible, filtered acid recir- culation modules shall be utilized. e. Acid shall not be disposed of in solvent drain lines or underground solvent storage tanks. f. Air flow shall be established around the edge of the acid vessel "lips" to insure good quality air at the work stations. g. In the case of an accident involving acids the procedures specified in Environmental Impact Report 81-1 commencing on page 53 shall be followed. 11. The design features to be utilized with respect to the use of bases shall be essentially the same as those required in the use of acids. 12. The following design features and procedures shall be utilized with respect to the use of organic solvents: a. Organic solvents shall be physically isolated from acids. b. Storage areas shall be vented and air circulation provided. c. Storage areas and cabinets shall be color coded and clearly labeled. d. Bulk storage and solvent system block- houses shall be sprinklered. e. Explosion-proof lights, pumps, switches and other electrical fixtures shall be used in the solvent dispensing system. f. On-line 55-gallon drums shall be vented --6-- 1 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 lZ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 ~5 ~6 £8 29. SO ~2 g· h · i · j · k · i · me n · oe via flame arresters. On-line 55-gallon drums shall be grounded. Non-spark tools shall be used for tank changing and for normal duties in the solvent dispense blockhouse. High and low level indicators shall indicate any abnormal problems at the dispense reservoirs. Solvent lines shall be color-coded and labeled. Fire Marshal approved smoke and fire alarms shall be located in the solvent storage and dispense blockhouses. Status and alarm indication shall show on the Status/Alarm panels at the security station, in the fabrication area and in maintenance. High-velocity air exhaust flows shall be used to maintain air quality for per- sonnel. Duct configurations shall be custom adapted to or part of the equipment to insure efficient removal of organic vapors. In case of a total power failure the system shall be designed to maintain a 75% air flow rate via an emergency generator. Solvents shall not be mixed with acids in the sinks. Work stations shall be sprinklered. --7-- 1 4 5 ? 8 10 11 lZ 14 15 17 18 19 ZO Z4 Z5 £8 £9 ~0 p. In case of an accident involving organic solvents, the procedures specified in Environmental Impact Report 81-1 commmencing at page 61 shall be followed. 13. Mitigation of ambient air contaminents from the project shall be provided in the form of at least two scrubbers for manufactur- ing process vapors. All vapors from the manufacturing process shall be vented and exhausted through these scrubbers. The scrubbers shall have a guaranteed efficiency of 95% in HCL removal at 100 ppm concentration. They shall be designed for 23,000 cfm air/vapor flow each and shall be operated in parallel at 15,000 cfm each (total flow 30,000 cfm). In the case of failure of one scrubber, the process lines sha~l be cut back in their operation to insure that both adequate venti- lation and scrubbing of the exhaust vapors are being accomplished. To provide improved dispersion of vapors exhausted to the atmos- phere, a velocity nozzle shall be designed into the exit of each scrubber stack to increase exit velocity from 2,000 feet per minute to 3,000 feet per minute. 14. Silicon Systems Incorporated shall apply for and maintain a class I wastewater discharge permit [16] with the Orange County Sanitation District. To minimize the possible discharge of hazardous waste to the sewer system, a random sampling of the general acid waste line 1 2 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 '15 14 15 -15 18 19 2O 22 25 24 26 27 28 29 SO ~2 shall be Conducted monthly to insure that hazardous liquid materials are not being disposed of via the line and hence to the sewer system. Records of all samplings and analysis results shall be kept in a permanent log form and made available to the City of Tustin and its staff and consultants for review. 15. Silicon Systems Incorporated shall apply the mitigation measures proposed in Environ- mental Impact Report 81-1 commencing from page 92 pertaining to aesthetics. 16. Silicon Systems Incorporated shall develop the project in conformance with the planned community district (PCD) regulations estab- lished by the City of Tustin for parking within and around the project. Specifically, Silicon Systems Incorporated shall comply with the regulations specified in the Environ- mental Impact Report 81-1 commencing from page 94. 17. In the event that any complaint is filed with the City of Tustin against Silicon Systems Incorporated related to hazardous conditions, offensive or nauseous odors, nuisance, or any possible violations of the conditions imposed herein, and upon investigation and reasonable determination by the City that Silicon Systems Incorporated is a probable cause of the alleged offenses, the City may order Silicon Systems Incorporated to terminate --9-- 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 :21 22 25 24 25 26 28 29 50 $1 52 the operations which are reasonably determined to be a probable cause and Silicon Systems Incorporated agrees to terminate such activities without the necessity of a court order or public hearing and until such time as Silicon Systems Incorporated can provide the City of Tustin evidence from an independent authority that the cause of the offense has been corrected or that Silicon Systems Incorporated has not been the source of the hazard, nauseous or offensive odor, or nuisance. 18. Upon notice from the City of a drought or water shortage affecting the ability of the City to assure domestic water supply to its then existing water customers, Silicon Systems Incorporated agrees to restrict and shall restrict its water purchase from the City to a maximum of 4,000,000 gallons per thirty-day period. Silicon Systems Incorporated shall further restrict water purchases from the City if more severe restrictions are universally applied to all other industrial water users in the City of Tustin. When the drought or water shortage emergency has expired as determined by the City and distribution throughout the City system has returned to normal, water usage by Silicon Systems Incorporated will no longer be restricted. 19. Silicon Systems Incorporated agrees to and -10- 1 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 18 19 2O 24 2~ 28 29 ~0 S2 Ce De Z · F · shall hold the City harmless from any damages resulting to Silicon Systems Incorporated as a result of the City's enforcement of this permit and any conditions thereof, including, but not limited to, damages caused by an order or actions of the City terminating any of Silicon System Incor- porated's activities as provided herein. 20. With respect to paragraphs 17 and 1~ above, the City shall prepare written reports of its investigations and findings and make said reports available to Silicon Systems Incor- porated within 48 hours after ordering the termination of Silicon Systems Incorporated's operations or taking action by City to ter- minate. Any vehicles transporting hazardous or explosive substances to Silicon Systems Incorporated's com- plex shall not use for ingress or egress any adja- cent roadways that serve Tustin residential areas. Prior to occupancy and operation of the new facilities, all sewer improvements required by the City Engineer and reasonably related to this project shall be completed. Final development plans shall be approved by the Irvine Company. The use permit granted by this Resolution No. 1961 shall be of no force and effect unless and until all of the conditions outlined herein are satisfied by Silicon Systems Incorporated, and further, unless Silicon Systems Incorporated. agrees by execution of -11- § ? 8 9 20 £9 a copy of this Resolution No. 1961 to be bound by the terms and conditions of Use Permit 80-25. G. The terms and conditions of this Resolution No. 1961 and Use Permit 80-25 shall be applicable to Silicon Systems Incorporated, and any and all successors and assigns of Silicon Systems Incor- porated. Silicon Systems Incorporated shall provide all prospective owners/operators with a copy of this Resolution No. 1961 prior to transferring them any interest in Silicon Systems Incorporated or allowing them to operate the facilities which are the subject of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Agency held on the 20th day of April, 1981 ATTEST: R~cor~ng SecreGary April , 1981. James B. Sharp, ~alrman In consideration of the approval of this Resolution No. 1961 by the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, Silicon Systems Incorporated agrees to comply with and be~ound by all of the terms and conditions imposed herein. CH /t / ~.~_~~~~TH/~E BOA ~cretary v. RLL: lw: D: 4/13/81 RLL:lw:R: 4/16/81 -12- STATE OF CALIPORNIA ) OOUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ~JSTIN ) I, Nt~f ANN CHAMBERLAIN, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, and adopted At a regular mcct~/ of the Tustin Planning Agency, held on the ~ day of ~~'~ _, 19~ / / - Associate Planner Tustin Planning Agency