HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 344 (1967) ORDINANCE 344 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO FEES AND BUSINESS LICENSES The Cl~y Council of ~he Ci~y of Tus~in does oPdsin ~s follows: Section 12 (b) of Ordinance 328 !s hereby ~mended to read as follows: (b) Any non-Droflt instltublon or organization as to oarticu!sr en~er~ainmen~ fund-r~isln,~ venture, so!icltat~on, c~rnivai, fair or c'5her enterprise, when all of the net proc. eeds of eke ensertainmen;, fund-r~lsln~f venUure~ sol l c1~sa,~ ion. carnival, fair or other enterprise are se'~ ~side for s church, schooi~ re!iglous~ benevaient~ charlCabie or elee- mosynary purOose~ ~nd no orofit or beneflt is de- rlved from the oroceed. s of s~id en~'?t~inment, fund-rslsing venzure, solicltstion~ carnlva!~ fair or other enterprise by any 'oer-son~ d:.rect!y or indirectly; and orovid.ed further that no so!Iclta- tlon or function shall be en~s~ed '!n wltkin the City exce-ot in conformance with the 'orovisions of sli appllcsbie ordinances of the Cl-cy re~uiating such activities. Provided furSh. er, howsver, zlsa's if oar~ of the oroceeds of a ~ar~lcuiar enterta~.--.-,~nt fund-'raising iva! venture, solicitation, cam ~ ~ fair or o~5her en'oerorise are ~to be received by a non--orofit institution or charitsb!e or~anlzai'ion and oart of the funds are zo be received'by~ or are, for the direct or indirect beneflt of any oth~i~r parson, ~'~ ;-ion then in such even~ ~1 ~ or or:~}anization~ the fee which would ordlnari!y be char~'ed for such ven~-ure if i~ were wnoiiy $ %Drofi~ yensure s .....~ ~.e~u.u~ to'the same pe.r. cen~aTDs of such ordinary cha?;je as ~he pe?cen'sa~e of she ~r. oceeds so be receivei by any inssl~uslon~ organization or cerson o%heP ~ban ~he non-or.o?l~ lns'sltut!on or or:~aniza~ion bears bo the ~o~al s?oceeds of the venture. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a re:~uiar mee-cln.oj of City Councii of %he City of Tustin, Ca!ifcrnla, held on 'bhe 3rd day of Aorll 1967 A TT']] ST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ...20th day' of Ms-~.ch , 1967 , and was given its second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the ~.r0 .day of .~p~] , 19~._,bY the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: MACK, KLINGELHOFER~ CO. CO, MILLER, RiNG NOES: COUNCILMEN: NONE " ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE Ci"ty ~ City of Tustin, California