HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 APPT. PLNG COMM. 08-05-02AGENDA REPORT NO. 14 08-05-02 MEETING DATE: AUGUST 5, 2002 120-50 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER SUMMARY The City Council will cast ballots to appoint a member to the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATION Cast ballots to 'determine an appointment to the Planning Commission. FISCAL IMPACT None. BACKGROUND Doug Davert tendered his resignation from the Planning Commission effective August 1, 2002. The following candidates have submitted their applications and are seeking appointment to the Planning Commission: PLANNING COMMISSION - One (1) vacancy to fill a 2-year term expiring on March 1, 2003. All applicants meet the qualification of being a registered voter in the City: Bob Aris, P. Arnsen Blakely, Scott Browne, Devon Dougherty, Joseph Gehley, Peter Holzer, Nathan Menard, John Nielsen, Mamie O'Brien, Cole Othmer, and Jennifer Holden Wierks (~ee~f Deputy City Cl~k Attachments APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE AP 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA92780 ![~ JUL Z 5 Z00Z JJl (714) 573-3025 . !1\\ 0FRCE-TUSTIN CITY CLERK COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S)APPLYING FOR: p/.ann±ng Corn/ss±on Name: Bob Aris Home Address: 4 5 E.~ ~-. r ~= 1 I a Street Tustin ApadmentNo. 92780-7407'; City Home Phone: ('71 ,4 ) ~,4 ?-`41 6 ?_ Business Phone: 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): Havinq watched & enjoyed Tustin's None Zip Code 9rowth for 31 of the last 38 years, I want to contribute to the future while maintaininq the best of the past. I am optimistic and open-minded about the future of Tustin. 2. Pleaselistyourbackgroundandexperiencethat~u~elqualifies ~u~rtheposition: 1. Sales & management positions for 25 yrs. I understand business and commerce. 2. Residential Realtor for 10 yrs. I understand and values. This is important for future planning. Pleaselistpro~ssionalorganizationsofwhichyouareamember: None ~]rren~ly family needs . Please list any professional licenses (current or past): California Real Estate--Allowed to expire May 1996 Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Yes No . Education: Circle highest grade completed' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13~,~15 16 16+ List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: Wayne State University Dates Attended 1946 to 1948 Degree Obtained Business Admin. No Degre . What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. Tustin Pride-- Immediate Past Chair. Street Fair & Chili Cook-off Committee. Tiller Days Committee. Veterans Day Parade Volunteer. Graduate¢ Tustin Police Dept. Citizens Academy. . Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction E] ~ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a wdtten explanation. If aPplicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City. Signature:.,~~ _ Date: Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic Bob Aris Planning Commission Applicant RESUME PERSONAL Bom and raised in Detroit, Michigan Married April 1948. Moved to Los Angles June 1948 Four Children, Five Grandchildren. Widowed 1991 EDUCATION Graduate Redford High. Attended Wayne State University in Detroit, Business Administration courses. 1946 to 1948. No Degree EMPLOYMENT Free-lance Photographer, Southern California area 1948 - 1950. Service Station Operator, Owner 1950 - 1959 South Gate, Calif. Salesman Dixon Crucible Co. 1959 - 1961 So. Calif. Area Salesman, American Greetings Corp. 1961 - 1971 Los Angeles District Manager, Harrisburg, Pa. 1971 - 1972 District Manager, Washington, D.C. 1972 - 1974 European Sales Manager, Munich, Germany 1974 - 1976 Regional Sales Manager, Atlanta Georgia and South East Region 1976 - 1978 Retail Merchandising Manager, Los Angeles 1978 - 1986 Realtor, Orange County 1986 - 1996 Tustin Homeowner 1964- 1971 and 1978 to presem. CITY OF TUSTIN RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY JUL 200Z TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-3025 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: PLANN]NG COMMISSION Name: Home Address: P. Amsen Blakely / / ~ff~~irth Riviera Tustin Street 92782 Apartment No. City Zip Code Home Phone:( 714 348-4739 Business Phone: ( 714 556-dgdd ext 2!22 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): To make a cOntribution to the city in which I have lived for many years (since 1976). To do what I can to help maintain quality standards for this wonderful city. 2. Please list your background and experience that you feel qualifies you for the position: For the past 30 years I have practiced law assisting large and small companies, charities and individuals. This work has included appearing before various regulatory bodies, government agencies, ~ .......... ' ' ,,~,-~+~-~-~ ~ .... ; _1 sittine as a member of the hoard nf clirae, tnre, working in reports (I passed the CPA. exam during same year of passing Bar exam) and reporting to _1 .... 1 . I I 1 ~ttmcxxutuc~, memocr~ and other groups. 3. Please list professional organizations of which you are a member: Aclrnitt~cl tm practice !aw. before all ...."'~ :- '-'~':"---'- d" ...... ' ' ' .... f ............. vut,u ,0 iii X-,O~ilIUIIIII::t ali tllU ~agtlNgClll LtlSLrlCt OItne State o of Missouri, all federal courts in California, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U. S. Tax Court. I am a member m good standing of the Orange County Bar Association. , Please list any professional licenses (current or past): License to practice law in California and Missouri. Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? :, If yes, why? No revocations or comnlaint.q at any time Yes No 5X Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16+' List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: College of the Pacific University of Southern California Universi .ty of Calif. Los Angeles Southwestern University 6. Dates Attended 1958-59 1960-61 1964 1969-71 Degree Obtained l:lach~dor's of Arts t~.ql:l ,i ,.,,-, A,*,,-.-,:,,:..*,.~oe,~rl ~P A Acco rating classes What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. None at present. 7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: Nnna 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been conVicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than reCeiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction i--I J~ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appoinl~nent; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(les). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made. in-.this application are true and complete.' I agree .and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, re~sa[;of, appointment,' and/or dismissal from appointment with the City. Signature: /~}~.~,_ . Date: Please retum your application and reSume to the O~fiC~e of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic RESUME OF P. ARNSEN BLAKELY 11960 N. Riviera Tustin, California 92782 714 348-4739 arnie59~cox.net amie~lawfriend.com County of Tulare, Califomia Deputy District Attorney, County of Santa Clara, Calif. Deputy District Attorney prosecuting crimes for county American Insurance Defending Insured on policies of insurance Self Employed, St. Louis, Private practice Watkins, Blakely & Senior Partner, private rorgerson, EBB practice 535 Anton, 8th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Street CITY OF TUSTIN RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY JUL ]- 8 2002 TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-3025 BY C,t,q3/._CLERK'S OFFLCE City Home Phone: (~) ~ ~~f~ Business Phone: ( Apartment No. Zip Code Reason you are applying for the position(s): , , Please list your background and experience that you feel qualifies you for the position: Please list profes~'sional organizati~ons of which you~rea member: 4. Please list any professional licenses (current or past): Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Yes No o Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16(~ List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: ! ~ Dates Attended 6. What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: , Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction [] ~ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City. Signature: ~ Date: Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic Scott Browne Summary of Qualifications 14932 Bridgeport Road Tustin, CA 92780 714-669-9559 email: scottbrowne~hotmail.~m PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1993 - present PROFESSOR OF BUSINESS, CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY IRV1NE. Chairman of Undergraduate Business Division (2001- present. Teaching and research areas include economics, entrepreneurship, business ethics, and strategic management. 1990 - 1995 LECTURER, RESEARCH ASSISTANT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IR VINE. Taught graduate and undergraduate Business courses and conducted research in strategic management and entrepreneurship. 1988-1990 DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, SUNGARD FINANCIAL SERVICES. Commission sales of mainframe-based accounting systems. Territory covered 27 states. Consistently exceeded quota. 1987 MANAGER, TELEMARKETING GROUPS, ASHTON-TATE SOFTWARE PUBLISHERS. Planned, hired, launched three telemarketing groups serving major customers (corporations, distributors, government accounts) for PC-based sof~ware packages. Consistently exceeded quota. 1984-1986 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER, BUSINESSLAND COMP~RS. As staff to the regional manager, responsible for operations and reporting systems in opening 32 West Coast (1984) and 30 East Coast (1985) branch offices for selling personal computers, software, training and repair services. EDUCATION DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) expected in mid-2003 from NOVA Southeastern University. MBA in Marketing from the UC-Irvine, 1982 BA in Economics from UC- Irvine, 1978. COMMISSION/COMMI'I-I'EE POSITION(S)APPLYING FOR: Name: Home Address: . I I '70..~ ~11~ Street City Home Phone: C71 ¥) , "OF ~. J U L 2 6 2002 CITY TUSTIN APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE API~~ l'iN Cil~t CLERK 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-,3025 Apartment No. Zip Code Business Phone: ('Z~-~) Re, son you are applying for the position(s): To ~<~,:~+ ,'n ~t~/or~m~-F of- Please list your background and experience that you feel qualifies you for the position: ,,j _r-~__- ~*v~o~r~b~. ~. .... I~d~_ Pleeee list professJonsI organJzelJorls of whj¢ll you are a member: o , Please list any profess~al licenses (current or past): Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? ff yes, why? Yes No £0'd ~8E9 ~£8 P[~ NIISRI JO AIID ~0:£~ E00Z-.~7.-]fl£ ! Education: Clrcle highestgradecompleted: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.13 14 15 1 List all Colleges, Business Dates Attended or Trade Schools Attended: =,1, Degree Obtained What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency., 7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or hav4 A yes answer is not an automa'ac bar fl3 appointment; items are considered only yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating c~ also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ !CAREFULLY BEF( I certify that all statements made in this application are true ant misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result i_.i.i~qualification dismissal from appo~eot with theC~/. ~ ~ of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No ; been diamisaed after conviction as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If ), date(s) and penalty(ies). Jrrent and prior employment for ten (10) years must )RE SIGNING complete. I agree and understand that any ~)f my application, refusal of appointment, and/or Signature: Date: 7- 7_.,/'~ 7__~- es~um'e ! - Please ream your application and r to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. / t~O'd E8[:9 ~£8 I::,TZ, Nil I _-I0 AIID ~O:Z,T ~00~-q~--I1'1£ DEVON D. DOUGH1 devon, dougherty~boycoul 213-413-4400 Mr. Dougherty is currently the Chief Development Officer he received his Eagle and Vigil Honors as a youth. He California with their daughters, Kelsey and Kenna. Fundraising Consensus Building Problem Solving Areas of Key Strengt, Public Relations Crisis Communications Marketing Prior to his current position as Chief Development Officer, Lo the following positions: CEO/Scout Executive, Pacific Skyline Council, San Mateo, Recruited key community leaders to the board and out Initiated budgetary cost controls while increasing reve · Directed Millennium Project (Long Range Plan) throu ;RTY 51a~org ith the Los Angeles Area Council, where and his wife, Jolene, reside in Tustin, Recruiting/Interviewing Public Speaking Training & Instructing s Angeles Area Council, he served in CA reach program positions. aue to ongoing operations. gh volunteer committee to set aggressive five-year objectives and conducted capital campaign feasibility study. Instituted training programs to increase staff abilities, ~ompetence and confidence. Reorganized staff to achieve organizational objectivest Developed "Welcome Video" and new marketing mat~ :rials to attract and retain new youth members and leaders. Initiated coordinated publicity :ffort. Increased camp attendance by 40%. ~ COO/Director of Field Services, Orange County Council, (~osta Mesa, CA · Successfully organized the marketing efforts for pl0nned giving programs contributing to a 61% increase in the endowment fired to $9.7 million. ! Provided the direction and leadership to increase ov{ from $610,000 to $1.12 million in the categories of and foundations. Researched, evaluated and implemented changes t¢ including: a new format for the council newsletter award-winning annual giving brochures and annual of clients served to quantify program effectiven~ community leaders; increasing positive publicity; and · · Implemented the organization's long-range plan. · Pioneered outreach programs in each council for unde: :roll funding for ongoing operations 83% major gifts, special events, product sales the marketing programs and materials effectively communicate to all families; eports; a first-ever market research study ss; a communications program to key managing crisis communications. Expanded Learning for Life program to meet commumty and population needs. >served and at-risk youth. Boy Scouts of America, Orange County Council. Director of Field Services. COO. Achieved reoord number of new through effective staff, selection, development, motivation and ret provide quality programs to inner-city populations. 1998-2000 units, quality units and membership growth ration. Greatly expanded outreach efforts to Director of Financial Services and Public Relations. Raised through special events, major gifts and foundations in excess of $1 million annually. Directed the implementation and,expansion of planned giving and $10 million capital campaign programs. 1994-1998 District Director. Led the southern section of the organization in the areas of youth membership, volunteer Resume- Devon Dougherty recruiting, fundraising and district management. Supervised three district executives. 1990-1991 Senior District Executive_. Directed one of the largest districts inthe organi?ation in the areas of membership, volunteer development, fundraising and district management. IThrough supervision of a district executive, achieved record highs in membership and money raised. 1987-1989 Development Director. Supervised special event fundraisers and foundation giving to expand core budget revenue. Created new materials and trained staff for $450,000 Friends of Scouting campaign. Launched fu~t- ever fashion show. 1986-1987 District Executive. Succes~y implemented a new countywide Soccer Scouting program and guided district through a major restructuring. 1983-1985 Boy Scouts of America, San Gabriel Valley Council. Assistant achieve two national recognitions despite recession and reductio~ retail operations through two Scout Shops. Initiated capital camp~ Milestone of 500 units achieved. Increased efficiency throug computers; introduced voice mail system. Scout shop sales more merchandising. Began campership program. 1991-1994 1 The Newport Group. Director of Public R_elations and Marketing. Directed publicity of agency and developed corporate communication pieces and collateral materials. Launchgd monthly news magazine. 1985-1986 1 Fluor Corporation. International Administration, Policy_ Coordinator. Formulated compensation policies and procedures for expatriates in overseas operations of the Middle and Far East. 1982-1983 Relocation Coordinator. Supervised staff to effectively relocate employees to job sites. 1981-1982 EDUCATION · Masters in Business Administration. University of Califomi~ Irvine. 1990 · Bachelor of Arts in Diplomacy and World Affairs. Occident College. Cum Laude. 1981 Scout Executive. Directed daily operations to in staff. Coordinated camps, office staff and .gn for camp and secured major 18-year lease. .~ expanded use of mainframe and personal than doubled with better customer service and CERTIFICATION Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) 2000 Accredited in Public Relations (APR) 1989 PUBLICATIONS Authored Crisis Communications: What Every_ Executive Needs INSTRUCTOR University of California, Irvine, Extension. Courses taught in including "Annual Giving," "Writing for Public Relations. Communications." NATIONAL MARKETING PRESENTATIONS AND LEADi National Marketing Roundtable, BSA, 2000-2001; "Communic~ Presentation at National Investor Relations Conference, 2001; Blackbaud National Philanthropy Conference, 2001. SELECTED CMC LEADERSHIP AND HONORS President, William Steward Young Society, Occidental CoIl Fundraising Executives, Orange County, 1998-2000; Secretary, County, PROTOS and Award of Excellence 1988-89; Eagle Scout Know, Walker and Company, 1991. ~he areas of fundraising and public relations "Publicity for Non-Profits" and "Crisis RSHIP Jng Your Message During Turbulent Times" "Communicating During Times of Crisis", ege, 1988; Secretary, National Society of Public Relations Society of America, Orange Vigil Honor. COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: Name: "o 0 9 I~ 1°~t ~ [.2 ~ ~CCy APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOIN NT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY I~ JuL ~ 5 ~.00~. TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-3025 . . OF~CE-TU$'[tN CITY CLERK i , Home Address: Street City Home Phone: ('7'q' ) Business Phone: ("Tiq') Apartment No. Zip Code Reason you are applying for the position(s): Please list your background and experience that you feel qualifi: ;s you for the position: I Please list professional organizations of which you are a member: , Please list any professional licenses (current or past): iN~ V[ZA/vc f,. ~ieIcE.~ Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Yes No / . Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16~ List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: Dates Attended Degree Obtained L0Yoc~ I~,~y mod,ur-- q -'7 '7 . What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. 7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes ~1o This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction ~ i-'], A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City. _ Signature: .,t/~, .~./t- ~/~/~'/~ Date. '~'¢L ~"- 0¢'2---- /! Please return y.~/r application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in~erving the community. b.forms.applic Joseph S. Gehley Planning Commission application Question 1. As a homeowner in the Pepper Tree development for positive contribution in the development and pres{ demonstrated a genuine interest in the community served as a member of the Tustin Citizen's Police Ac My family and I are members of St. Cecelia Church am an active volunteer to help with her school activi permits I am very interested in being an instrumental part in plan the growth of Tustin, with emphasis on the p oriented, downtown city center area. In addition, I w, for the new Tustin. the past two years, I want to make a :rvation of Tustin. I have always n which I live and have previously idemy. .nd my daughter is a student there. I :ies, and participate as much as time a Committee that will strategically reservation of the old time, family )uld take great pride in helping plan Joseph S. Gehley Question 9. In September 1997, I was celebrating my brother-in-laws. celebrated too much and tried to drive home. t was stoppe under the influence. I pled guilty and was given the stand ~0th birthday in Laguna Beach. I and arrested in Laguna for driving ard, ~years probation and classes. JOSEPH S. GEHL 2361 Basswood, Tustin, C (714) 368-9900 SUMMARY OF QUALIFIC A seasoned professional with twenty years, marketing, financial and bl to senior level executives, loan/lease underwriting, credit approval, ca~, analysis, budget analysis, projection analysis, business development, professional with a thorough knowledge of commercial loans, docux involvement in all projects and is willing to accept responsibility for sel PROFESSIONAL EXPER American Technologies Credit, Inc./Amplicon, IncdCalFirst Leasi Since April, 2001, Managing Director of the Vendor Finance Group. C and software partners. Duties include; marketing and sales to new analyzing and structuring lease proposals and commitments from $50, vendor contacts at the CFO and SVP levels. Currently managing 8 "informal" programs. Promoted to Marketing Manager from Senior Account Executive in development. Initiated, structured, credit qualified and sold business- leases for computers, software, machinery and equipment. Achieved company for the last two years. Territory is National. Supervised up tt Anderson and Anderson Insurance, Inc. Irvine, CA Vice President Business Development. Structured, designed and im institutions. Formed a marketing and business development program customers for insurance and financial services. Initiated and maintain, CPA's for business referrals. Salary $57,000 Southern California Bank, Anaheim, CA Vice President, Commercial Loans. Maintaining portfolio of approx outstanding of over $20MM. Responsibilities include financial st~ analysis, loan structuring and negotiating with customers. Additiom selling additional bank services, cross selling, investment advice and needs. Also, identifying problem credits, loan workouts. Complet~ personal cash flow analysis classes. Customers include distributors $55,000. Increased existing loan portfolio $12MM in 1994 to $20MM. Sunwest Bank, Tustin, CA Vice President, Commercial Loans, Maintained portfolio of apl commitments. Senior Branch Credit Officer. Administered portfolio branch in Manager's absence. Managed Sunwest's mortgage ban commitments. Primary responsibilities include business development~ Completed the implementation of Lotus based tracking systems for los statements. Salary $50,000. Received Sunwest Bank's "Top Sales Officer" Award in 199 relationships totaling $6MM in loans and deposits. EY 92780 ~TIONS Lnking experiences. Strengths include: marketing ,h flow analysis, financial and financial statement nd loan administration. Dedicated, hardworking tentation and regulatory requirements. Requests f and others. [ENCE ag 1996 to Present urrently managing a vendor portfolio of hardware vendor partners, preparing vendor agreements, )00 to $5,000,000, negotiating with end user and formal vendor programs and approximately 15 1998. Primarily telemarketing calls for business leasing products. Includes capital and operating >osition as one of the top three managers in the 8 salespeople. 1995 to 1996 .lemented a program of insurance for financial )r insurance producers. Called on middle market :l contacts with lawyers, financial institutions and 1994 to 1995 ~mately twenty commercial borrowers with loans ttement analysis, cash flow analysis, projection 1 responsibilities include marketing, sales calls, assisting customers and prospects in identifying :d bank sales training, asset based lending and manufacturers and service companies. Salary Increased profitability of that portfolio by. 74%. 1991 to 1994 roximately thirty borrowers with $26MM in and managed office's credit portfolio. Managed king department including approx. $20MM in portfolio management and loan administration. n covenants, UCC filings, insurance and financial 2, by obtaining five new major banking Joseph S. Gehley Wells Fargo Bank, Santa Ana, CA Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer. Portfolio of twenty-two be outstanding of $14MM. Completed bank sales and negotiation worksh Increased commercial loan outstanding by 20% in 1990 .57%. Security Pacific Bank, Orange County Commercial Division Analyzed, structured and administrated loans with a portfolio of ten bc Successfully solicited major new business accounts, includ# commitment. Additionally funded other loans ranging from $. Security Pacific Bank, Newport Beach, CA Southern Division Administration/Loan Supervisor. Managed the cre branch managers in the structure, approval and control of all types of c delinquency control, loss administration and audits. Security Pacific Bank, Los Angeles, CA Various commercial, consumer and operation positions within the Bar responsibility for supervising, training and administration of up to fifty loan administration. EDUCATION MBA - Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA B.A. - Major, Sociology; Minor, Business Administration, Loyola Uni, Classes include: Accounting, Business Law, Economics, Finance, Labc January 24, 1996 1989 to 1991 rrowers, with commitments totaling $20MM and ~ps. Salary $48,000. :nd increased gross portfolio profit by 1985 to 1989 Towers and $30MM in loans. ~g Archive Corporation with a $10MM lOOM to $4.5MM. 1981 to 1985 Jit portfolio of twenty-nine branches by assisting ommercial and consumer credit. Responsible for 1976 to 1981 k. Experience included training officers with the management trainees, consumer and commercial rersity, Los Angeles. Relations. CITY OF TUS' APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/( 300 CENTENNIAL TUSTIN, CALIFORNI (714) 573-30; COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: Name: Peter C. Holzer Home Address: 14701 Hyannis Port Road Street Tustin, California City Home Phone: (714) 731-5408 . . . . 92780-6 Business Phone: (' 714) 634- Reason you are applying for the position(s): I am a long time Tustin resident and a t~xp in land use issues. With my business experienc contribute to the city's continuing development Pleaselistyourbackground and experiencethatyou ~elqualifi I have practiced real estate law for 22 years. industry for more than 20 years. I have voluntE committees over the years, and I am intimitely "IN ;OMMITTEE APPOINTMENT , WAY ~, 92780 ',5 Planning Commission Apartment No. 32 Zip Code 001 ~yer, and I have experience ~, I am confident that I can ~syou ~rthe position: I worked in the title insurance ered for various T U S D 'amitiar with the community. Pleaselistpro~ssionalo~anizationsofwhichyou are a memb~ State Bar of California; Orange County Bar Asso¢ Pleaselistanypro~$sionalllcenses(currentorpast): Attorney at Law Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? -: iation RECEIVED II il 'l 9nn' BY CITY' CLERK'S OFFICE Yes No . Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1~ List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: State U. New York at Albany Dates Attended 1972-1976 Degree Obtained B. A. Politic;~ Science Southwestern. Sch. of Law 1976-1980 Law Whattype(s)ofcivic activities are youinvolvedin? Pleaselistany positions you currently hold with anotherpublic agency. Director, T~stin Chamber of Commerce; Participant, League of Women Voters Community Forum. I do not currently hold a position with another public agency. 7. Do youoryourspousedo business with orwork ~rthe CityofTustin, ora businessthatcontracts withthe Cityof Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: . Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for deve:opers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convici, lons Wili;.;ii J idV~ bb'f=,~ ,~xg'.u;'~ged f~'on~ i. he reuu~d o; have bee~', ,"~;~,;'~,;--~s.~d -,r;e¢ co~wic..i,J~"! F: F': A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you a,~. applying. If yes, please attach a wdtten explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I aqree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application7 refusal of appointment, and/o~' dismissal from a, ppointmen. Lwith the City. Signature: .J"\_~'~ ~ Date: Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Peter Holzer 14701 Hyanni$ Port Roa Tustin, California 92780-6 Telephone: (714) 731-54~ E-mail: pji~itzer~aol.col Wildish & Nialis ~4ssociate Orange, California 1999 To Present Represent developers, escrow com' other parties to real estate transacti and real estate litigation; Act as ou brokers, escrow agents, mortgage 1¢ Revise Agreements, Trust Deeds, Le~ Wolfe & Wyman, LLP ~4ssociate Long Beach, California 1996 To 1999 Represented banks, real estate agenl insurance, and real estate litigation; ( AMRESCO Residential Mortgage .dttorney Irvine, California 1995 To 1996 Compliance counsel for nationwide closely with Underwriting, RE0, Do, Departments; Supervised licensing aJ and disclosure documentation; Advis relations, underwriting, title insuranc Fidelity National Title Insurance C /lttorney Irvine, California 1987 To 1995 Reviewed and underwrote title insun Advised management about risk man Analyzed and resolved title claims; Southwestern University School of Los Angeles, California Juris Doctor - December, 1979 Honors: Dean's List - 1977-78 Law Review E State University of New York Cent Albany, New York Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - Honors: Regenfs Scholarship 1~ Dean's List - 732 )8 )anies, real estate agents, lenders, and )ns, in commercial, insurance, business tside compliance counsel for real estate nders, and banks; Prepare, Review, and ases, and Other Real Estate Documents s, and mortgage lenders in commercial, )utside counsel to lenders and brokers Uorporation :sidential mortgage lender; Worked :uments, and Broker Relations ad preparation of mortgage lending ed senior management about broker e, escrow, and compliance matters ompany ncc in complex transactions; agement and compliance issues; 4anaged outside litigation counsel Law titor er at Albany day, 1976 ~cipient 1972-73, 1973-74 Peter C. Ilolzer, Attorney at Law Phone (714) 731-5408 Email pjfritzcr@aol.com July 16, 2002 Ms. Pamela Stoker Tustin City Clerk 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Ms. Stoker: Attached please find my application for a position on the city pl~ find a copy of my resume. I appreciate in advance your conside~ Very truly yours, Peter Holzer 14701 Hyannis Port Road Tustin, California 92780-6732 RECEIVED JUL 1 7 2002 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE aming commission. Enclosed please also ration of the enclosed application. 300 CENTENNIAL TUSTIN, CALIFORNII (714) 573-302,' CITY OF TUSTIN APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT NAY 92780 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: Name: Nathan D. Menard, AIA H0meAddress: 345 West Sixth Street · Street Tustin¢ California City Home Phone: (.71 4) 832-1 666 Business Phone: (949) 622-2 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): I feel th Architect as part of the make up of the Ci The Planning Commission does not currently evaluating development proposals and to pr Council regarding land use matters 2. ' Pleaselistyourbackgroundandexperiencethat~6~elqualifie With eighteen years of experience as an As Apa~mentNo. 92780 ZipCode 'i72 at it is essential to have an ty of Tustin's Planning Commission. have an Architect to assist in ovide recommendations to the City syou~rtheposition: chitect for various types of Architecture, I have a clear understandin¢ of the land use planning and entitlement process. I will also be able quality of the end result, 3.' Pleaselistpro~ssionalorganizationsofwhichyouareamembe American Institute of Architects AIA Orange County, Tustin Old Town Association (TOTA) Please list any professional licenses (current or past): California Architecture Licenses #C27019. . Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? Ifyes, why? Not Applicable to contribute to theaesthetic Yes No Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16+ List all Colleges, Business Dates Attended Degree Obtained or Trade Schools Attended: Louisiana Tech University 1979 - 1983 Bachelor of Arts Louisiana Tech University 1979 - 1984 Bachelor of Architectur What type(s)ofcivic activities are youinvolvedin? Pleaselistany positions you cuffently hold with another public agency. City of Tustin, Cultural Resources Advisory Committee Tustin Old Town Association (TOTA) Habitat for Humanity Orange County, Knights of Columbus . Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No Ifyes, explain: Opus Architects & Engineers, Inc. (A member of The Opus Group is my employer. The Opus Group is made up of Architects, Contractors and, Developers. Additional information about the company can be obtained at . our web site www.opuscorp.com. We have never done business in Tustin, Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction CA. A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(les). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may resu~in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dism iss~oin.~nt~//~t,y. ~ Signature: '~1.?,,(///.~,._. /' //L,C,c,~._./ ~ Date: / / Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic EDUCATION NATHAN MENARD 1979 - 1984 Louisiana Tech UniversityII Ruston, Louisiana Bachelor fram - 1983 I Bachelor of Amhitecture - !984 4 · California Architecture License Number C 27 19 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998 - Present OPUS West Corporation Irvine, California Assodate Manager - Architecture · Manage and coordinate Design/Build projectsl for the Southern California region. Liaison between the Real Estate and Cgnstrucfion Departments with the Corporate A&E Division. / / 1998 - 2001 Casco Corporation C ~sta Mesa; California Architect / Project Manager · Coordination of projects, from entitlements through final construction. Commercial Retail Type V-N construction. 1996- 1998 BKM of California Tustin, California Project Manager/Designer · Coordination of office layouts and space planning of modular furniture, Utilized Auto Cad 12/13. Minor tenant improvement :oordination. 1995 - 1996 Pacific Bell L( ,s Angeles, California Project/Fadlities Manager · Responsible for approximately 200,000 squar feet of office space for Southern California region. Space planning, construct.on administration and budgeting, transportation management, procurement and, inventory of office furniture. 1991 - 1995 Plaza Home Mortgage Santa Ana, California Fad~ties Planning · Leasing real estate to branch office openings; relocation and re-models of branch offices. Coordinated construction documents with outside architectural firms. Construction budgeting. Purchasing of Office furniture and equipment. Supervisor of Facilities Planning and Telecommunications departments. 345 WEST SIXTH STREET · TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 PHONE (714) 832-1666 · FAX (714) 832-4153 · E-MAIL NDMENARD~AOL.COM 1988 - 1991 Ballew & Associates San iClemente, California Project Architect · Coordination of construction documents, permitting, and bidding process. Construction administration. Consultant for the City of Lake Elsinore Downtown Redevelopment. ~ 1984- 1988 Greenberg Farrow Architects Tustin, California Project Architect/Drafting · Single client services for The Home Depot. Development of site plans, entitlements, construction documents, permitting and bidding process. Construction administration for Type VN commercial construction. PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND POSITIONS 1984 1987-1988 1988-1989 American Institute of Architects, !Corporate Architects Committee. Board of Directors, Costa Mesa Boys & Girls Club (currently known as Girls, Inc.) American Institute of Architects, Orange County, Associate Director. 1990-1991 American Institute of Architects, California Board, Associate Director. 1995 National Council of Architectural Registration Board/American Institute of Architects, Intern Task Force Committee. 1995 American Institute of Architects, Student National Convention - Guest Speaker. 1996 National Council of Architectural Registration Board/American Institute of Architects, Intern Development Program, Steering Committee. 1996-1998 American Institute of Architects, National Intern/Associates Committee. 1997 American Institute of Architects, National Convention -Guest Speaker. 2000 City of Tustin, Cultural Resources Advisory Committee, Chairman. OPUS. THE OPUS GROUP A R C H ! T E C T S CONTRACTORS DEVELOPERS www.opuscorp.com OPUS ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, INC. A member of The Opus Group Main Office: Branch Office: Branch Office: Branch Office: 10350 Bren Road West Suite 360 Suite 800 Suite 800 Minnetonka, MN 55343 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road 2020 Main Street 2415 East Camelback Road 952-656-4444 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Irvine, CA 92614 Phoenix, AZ 85016-4201 952-656-4529 Fax 925-463-9254 · 925-460-6058 Fax 949-622-2172 · 949-622-1148 Fax 602-468-7000 · 602-468-7010 Fax California Architectural O~cer: Robert Carli · California License No. 16887 · california Engineering Ol~cer: Michael E. Lederle · california License Nos. C- 33211 & S- 3038 July 10, 2002 Mayor Thomas City Council City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RECEIVED JUL 0 20112 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RE: PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS Dear Mayor Thomas and members of the council: I have been informed that the interviews are tentatively scheduled for August 5, 2002. In the event this does occur, I apologize in advance for not being able to attend. I have a prior commitment and will be out of town. I have noticed that the application form has been modified and feel I should disclosed that Opus Architects & Engineers, Inc ,4 member of The Opus Group is my employer. The Opus Group is made up of Architects, Contractors and Developers. Additional information about the company can be obtained at our web site www.opuscorp.com. Opus has been in business since 1953, Opus is one of the largest and most successful real estate developers in the United States, but has never developed any property within the City limits of Tustin. We currently do not have any prospective projects within the City limits of Tustin, nor do plan to develop any property within the short service term of the Planning Commission appointment I am seeking. I look forward to providing assistance to the City Council in evaluating development proposals and providing recommendations regarding future land use matters as well as the Tustin Legacy Project and Utt Juice Redevelopment. Please accept my application whole heartily and do not let my absence on August 5th hinder your judgment on my sincere devotion to the City of Tustin's future and my desire to serve on the Planning Commission. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me prior to August 2, 2002. My direct office number is (949) 622-2172 or home number (714) 832-1666. Sincerely, Opus Architects and Engineers, Inc. Naihan Menard, Ai~ Associate Manager - Architecture cc: Beverly White THE OPUS GROUP: Allentown · Atlanta · Austin ° Chicago ° Columbus ° Dallas · Denver ° Detroit ° Fort Lauderdale ° Houston ° Indianapolis ° Kansas City · Los Angeles · Milwaukee Minneapolis ° Orange County ° Orlando ° Pensasola ° Philadelphia ° Phoenix ° Portland · Sacramento ° San Francisco ° San Jose ° Seattle · St. Louis ° Tampa · Washington, D.C. ) RECEIVED CITY OF TUSTIN APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTM~I~ ] 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-3025 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE · .omeAddress: ]q~~ ' ' OX&~d Street Apartment No. · City Zip Code Home Phone: (71"'1)_~ _~-'-bq,'~g Business Phone: ~lq ) qqq- Z300 4¢ Z$O cC 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): 2. Please list your background and e~erie~e that you feel qualifies you for the position: 3. Please list professional organizations of which you are a member: , Please list any professional licenses (current or past): Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? ~ Yes No , Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(~6+ List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: Dates Attended Degree Obtained 6. What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. Se. vert:LI o-~ -t'f~l"u~-~ ¢i~,:¢ orc 0.nizc hb. % ;nvolv you or your spouse ao business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction .1--] '~ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalt3,(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission (~ a f.,ar,,t-,pay~esult in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appo~ Signature: Date: -7'" 1<~- 7~-~::)c:::~ Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic JOHN NIELSEN I d d62- O~ Avemte Tustirr, CA 92780 RESUME OF QUALIFICATIONS Telephone.' '(714)838-6438 · E -Mait: Jnictt225~tot~. eom SUMM,~RY OF QUALIFICATIONS: · Thirteen years experience in selling and marketing pricing and structuring equipment leasing pro,ams for the middle and small ticket marketplace. · Over seven years experience in selling marketing_ structuring and pricing leasing programs for a corporate captive leasing company. · Over seven years experience in leasing credit management, r operations and sales management and ownership for a medium sized equipment leasing company.. · Seven years experience in telecommunications sales and marketing with six of those years in sales management. · Possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services with a minor in Finance. EXPERIENCE: Regional Leasing Manager, Agfa Finance Group (formerly Bayer Financial Services}, Aug. 1994 - Present Responsible for managing_and providing captive equipment financing services to six Bayer Corporation sales divisions, and three Agfa divisions in the Western United States, including Medical, CJraphics, Imaging and Plastics Divisions sales budget responsibility. Specific responsibilities include: sales, marketing, pricing, lease deal analysis and structuring. Also have responsibility for dealer~ customer and direct sales interface with the Agfa Finance Group. Recipient of Presidents Club and special Bayer Corporation Achievement Awards for exceptional results. Vice President, Pacifica Finance Company, Jan. 1989 - Aug. 1994 One of three principals of the company. Responsible for providing direction and supervision of all sales personnel. Helped in planning, organizing and managing the acquisition of equipment leasingbusiness in the western U.S. Responsible for a portion of the operations and credit management within the company, including staff supervision. Also responsible for selling direct vendor programs to large accounts. EXPERIENCE ( Continued )' Page Two Sales Manager, Air Mobile Systems, Nov. 1984 - Nov. 1988 Responsible for sales supervision of all sales personnel for a medium sized General Electric Radio Communications dealer and distributor. Duties encompassed personnel and training matters, major account sales,~ equipment lease coordination~ development of marketing strategies anti materials. Also started and managed a small radio paging di~sion. ZOne Sales Managers Motorola Comm. & Elec.~_ June 1982 - Nov. 1984 Responsible for supervising sales personnel and selling radio communications equipment in the Orange County area. Duties included~ exceeding sales quota numbers for the Zone. Also, handling major account generation, training, coordinating equipment leasing & handling FCC licensing for ali new customers. Sales Manager, Gencom, Inc., May 1981 - June 1982 Responsible for management of sales.._ customer service, advertising marketing for a large radio pagin$ company in San Diego. Also selling to large corporate accounts. Catffornia-~University~, Fullerton 19~3 Bachelor of Science De~ee in Human Services with a minor in Finance. Special'courses include: Financial'Analysis, Accounting. Economic Theory & Practice, Speech Communications and Business Psychology. REFERENCES: Available upon request. CITY OF TUSTIN APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPO! 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 573-3025 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: Planning Co~ Name' Marnie O'Brien UL Z 6 200Z n, Cl Home Address: 2621 Alister Avenue Street Tustin Apa~mentNo. 92782 City Home Phone: (714 ) 8 3 2 0 4 0 2 6 Business Phone: .(2 1 3 ) 4 8 6 9 8 8 4 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): Zip Code I believe in giving back to the community. I have been looking for an opportunity to serve the city I live in, making it a better place to live and work. It would be a privilege to help the city meet its . goals for improvement and growth. Please list your background and experience that you feel qualifies you for the position: I have been in the consultinq industry here in Southern California for 4 years, helping public agencies serve their constituents better: ! understand ~h~ ~mpnr~n~ o¢ a w~ll-thouqh out pla~ in the ultimate success of public projects. , Please list professional organizations of which you are a member: Construction Management .Association of America - Member Women's Transportation Seminar -member Active - CELSOC . wOmen's Transportation Coalition - member Active - ASCE . Active - Society for Marketing Professional Services Please list any professional licenses (current or past):. N/A Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Yes No 5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16(~ . List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: Un~versity of CA~ Irvine University of Chicago Dates Attended 2000-200~ 1997-1998 1993-1996 Degree Obtained MBA expected 6/03 graduate coursework BA, history ~agna cum What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. I coordinate ~he volunteer activities I am on the Executive Council for UC and charitable donations of my Irvine's Graduate School of firm rude ,7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convictions which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction ~ ~ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(les). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointment with the City. Signature: ~/J~~~J~ ~~.~._ .. Date: 'l/2~"j!~._. Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic 714.832.4026 Marnie D, O'Brien 2621 Alister Ave. Tustin, CA 92782 mobrien@pinnacleone.com Natural leader seeking intellectually challenging position in fast-pa(~ed marketing, advertising, or PR environment. Looking to utilize terdfic creativity, strategic thinking, organizational, coaching, and interpersonal skills in a demanding yet fun workplace. EXPERIENCE PinnacleOne Los Angeles, CA Marketing Manager · Oversee proposal production staff and marketing/business development consultants · Quality control to ensure compliance with RFP requirements · Establish and oversee $75,000 annual marketing budget 2002- Present Lead and coordinate business development activities for Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties Created and implemented Client Manager program to increase technical staff business development activities Developed and implemented 2002 Marketing Plan for Los Angeles office Independent Contract Work Irvine, CA MARKETING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT 2001-2002 · Business development for NE/C clients: positioned clients for appropriate future RFP's throughout Southern California, facilitated client meetings with key decision-makers in target markets; created and maintained prospect database; determined appropriate networking opportunities; composition of press releases; determined appropriate advertising mix; performed market analysis; and conducted internet research · Coordinated two luncheons for high-level industry executives focusing on the effects of the September 11 tragedy on the real estate markets in Northem and Southern California, and looking ahead at the market over the next year and a half, with a focus on urban infill · Led proposal team for USTDA-funded solid waste feasibility study in Casablanca, Morocco · Gained sponsorship commitments from intemational companies for a USTDA-backed conference showcasing 90 upcoming infrastructure, technology, and environmental projects in Latin Amedca The HNTB Companies Irvine, CA 1998- 2001 MARKETING COORDINATOR, HNTB CORPORATION · Led cross-functional proposal kick-off meetings, progress meetings, and "red team" reviews for state (SF 254/255) and pdvate RFPs, SOQs and presentations to ensure synergy and schedule/message/quality adherence · Drove proposal strategy and determined aesthetic concepts to creatively respond to client RFPs and communicate company strengths effectively · Coordinated and edited input from technical wdters and subconsultants, and contributed to technical writing · Managed production staff and schedule for proposal documents and presentation materials · Ensured compliance with all proposal requirements and performed quality check on final documents ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT, HNTB DESIGN/BUILD, INC. · Supervised office administrative staff; Interim Human Resources representative · Negotiated rates for supplies, reprographics, shipping, communications, travel services, and vendors · Coordinated travel, meetings, conference calls, and appointments · Confidential liaison for executive with clients, attorneys, consultants, and colleagues · Prepare content of business plan and other corporate presentations including graphics and text · Led Holiday Party Planning Committee and organized all corporate and social events 7/26/2002 Page 1of 2 Marnie D. O'Brien 714.832.4026 2621 Alister Ave. Tustin, CA 92782 mobrien@pinnacleone.com Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian EVENT COORDINATOR Newport Beach, CA 1996-1997 · Coordinated all meetings and special events in fast-paced healthcare facility · Revised and implemented policies for hospital-wide use of Event Planning to streamline reservation process and better allocate room use for hospital groups and outside users · Independently researched and created new policy for audio-visual protocol to ensure proper resource allocation and appropriate staff scheduling for events · Facilitated departmental communication to increase responsiveness of catering staff and improve services offered INTERIM CATERING MANAGER · Negotiated service and equipment rates with outside vendors, monitored and verbally followed up on collection of fees from facilities and resource users · Customized, generated and distributed daily, weekly, and monthly resource-usage reports · Tracked, analyzed and streamlined catering expenditures through updating the materials ordering process · Supervised and supported staff of up to 10 kitchen and catedng employees at meetings and events daily EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE MBA, Graduate School of Management 2003 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Graduate Coursework, History 1997-98 AMHERST COLLEGE BA, History, Magna cum laude 1996 COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient: MS Windows NT, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, PageMaker, Scheduler Plus, Intemet search engines, Ewan Telnet, Eudora Pro, Unix, Kermit. Working knowledge: Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, QuarkXpress, WordPerfect. Some knowledge: HTML, FrontPage, Fireworks, and Dreamweaver. ACTIVITIES/HONORS Professional Affiliations: member WTS, WTC, CMAA; active SMPS, ASCE, CELSOC UCl GSM: Member GSM Executive Council- Academic Co-Chair, Teaching Assistant, Organizational Behavior; EDP Group Representative, volunteer host for prospective students University of Chicago: Completed Masters Thesis while working two jobs Amherst: 145-page honors thesis; Women's Varsity Swimming and intramural rugby; teaching and research assistant; volunteer first responder for campus emergency medical services Athletics/Leadership: LA Marathon, Pacific Coast Triathlon, 2001; Swim Coach, various levels 1992-1997; Excellent Service Award, HNTB, 2000; Member Westem Association Schools and Colleges Accreditation Team, 1992; HOBY Leadership Conference, 1991 7/26/2002 Page 2of 2 Home Address: / 7 ~'"'~ / Street City ( .'FICE-TU~;I'iN CITY CLERK Apartment No. Zip Code Home Phone: (~;3'llf) 7.~C)-'~/'~Business Phone: ('71( 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): .,,:, ©.c. 6/ c/ Z / ' - ~ ~ ~~-~ ~ ~~.-/ - 2. Please list your background and experience that you feel~ualifies you for the positibn: . ~ - -~ ~ ~- _ 3. Please list professional organ~zati~s of which you are a member: 4. Please list any professinnal !icens~s (current or Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Education' Circle highest grade completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16(~) List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: Dates Attended FO £5-' Degree Obtained What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Please list any positions you currently hold with another public agency. 7. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustin, or a business that contracts with the City of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: 8. Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest") of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes am/convictions which hove, be¢.,'~ ,..,m ,nr,~d frnm fha. rar'n '4 0¢ ha\""' h,~n dismissed ~¢.or ~-n,-,, r-*in,, .I-q, ¢~;¢/ · . ..... . ..,. ~ . ..... ..... . . .~.~...~:, .. ~,, ...,, .__ A yes answer is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates to the position for which you are applying. If yes, please attach a wdtten explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(ies). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in di~,q~alification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from appointm~. ~ Signature: _ Date: Please return your application and resume to the Office of the City Clerk, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 92780. Thank you for your interest in serving the community. b.forms.applic COLE W. OTHMER 17591 WELLINGTON AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92780 (714) 730-6514 OBJECTIVE To secure a position on tl~ City Planning Commission QUALIFICATIONS · Orange County native familiar with Orange County real estate and marketplace, as well as other South- em California marketplaces. Four generations of family involved in Southern California real estate in some form. 12 years real estate industry. Last 2 years spem strictly in comn~rcial, industrial and retail property arena. Four years corporate real estate legal department. Six year combination real estate information services. Licensed Broker, General Contractor's License, Mortgage Broker, Knowledge of real estmes real estate law, contracts, leasing and negotiations, construction and building, Law degree, bachelor's degree, current California Broker's license. Current California Contractor's License. · Data base of over 1000 contacts in real estate industry including, but not limited to, owners, brokers, developers~ lawyers~ lenders and banks in Orange County 2001 - Presem Independent Mortgage Broker, Tustin, California 1985 - 2001 HRST AMERICAN CORPORATION, Santa Ana, California · Regional Marketing Manager- Southwest region. · Account Executive · Corporate Legal Department ORGANIZATIONS · REEF/member- University of Southern California alumnae and friends in commerc~ real estate indus- try in Southern California. · NAIOP/member- National Association of Industrial and Office Properties · ICSC/member- Imernational Counsel on Shopping Cemers · CREW/affiliated - Commercial Real Estate Women · USC Alumnae Association · Western State University Alumnae Association · ACRE/Affiliated- Association of Commercial Real Estate Executives LICENSESICERTIFICATESIAWARDS · Current California Real Estate Broker License · One of 50 selected l~om the nation to attend sales management training for First American · Excellence in public speaking and presentation award winner · Conducted numerous real estate seminars and educational forums · Pending California State Contractor License EDUCATION WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY, J.D.- 1992 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, B.A.- 1985 REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. CITY OF TUSTIN APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT (714) 573-3025 COMMISSION/COMMITTEE POSITION(S) APPLYING FOR: Street Name: Home Address: Apartment No. qZ-TBz. City Home Phone: ("] I~-) ¢JOS'- q2..~, Business Phone: ~1~,) ~! -~~ Zip Code 1. Reason you are applying for the position(s): 2. Please list your background and experience that you feel ~ualifies ~u for ~e posi~on: 3. p~ease fist pro%ssiona~ organizations o¢ which you are a memer: I Please list any professional licenses (current or past): Have you ever had a professionaJ license suspended or revoked? If yes, why? Yes No 5. Education: Circle highest grade completed: i List all Colleges, Business or Trade Schools Attended: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16~~ ,. Dates Attended tq,e,e, - t c, i Degree Obtained 6. What type(s) of civic activities are you. Involved in? Please lisl any positions you currently hold with another public agency. ?. Do you or your spouse do business with or work for the City of Tustln, or a business lhat contracts with the Oily of Tustin? Yes No If yes, explain: Do you or your spouse do business with developers or work for a business that provides services for developers or vendors of developers? Yes No If yes, explain: 9. Have you ever been convicted (including pleading "no contest"} of an offense other than receiving a traffic citation? Yes No This includes any convlclJons which have been expunged from the record or have been dismissed after conviction l'-] A yes answer Is not an automatic bar to appointment; items are considered only as it relates ~ the position for which you am applYing. If yes, please altech a written explanation. If applicable, include offense(s), place(s), date(s) and penalty(les). This application must be completed in full and your resume indicating current and prior employment for ten (10) years must also be attached for your application to be considered. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING I certify that all statements made in this application are true and complete. I agree and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of a fact may result in disqualification of my application, refusal of appointment, and/or dismissal from~a.O, iZ~t~t v~th the City. ~. Signature:~ O~ Date: "3~ ,~ Ic)'2_. Please retu resume to the Office of the City Clerk. 300 Centennial Way, Tustin 9:2780. Thank you for your Interest in serving the community. TOTI:~L P.03 JENNIFER HOLDEN WIERKS 11070 Matthews Drive. Tustin, California 92782 · (714) 50.5-9236 jaws2~cox, net OBJECTIVE To obtain civic position within my community. EMPLOYMENT ATTORNEY La Barbera & Myers (1994 - PRESENT) Santa Ana, California Litigation practice primarily in the areas of Tort Law (personal injury, professional negligence), Criminal Law and Administrative Law. Responsible for Law and Motion and Appellate matters of the Firm. Also responsible fOr Administrative and Personnel matters of the Firm. LAW CLERK/PARALEGAL Law Offices of Heidi Mueller (1995-1997) Santa Ana, California Researched and drafted motions for attorney with Criminal Defense practice. Acted as a consultant to attorney on legal issues and argument. MANAGER Mervyns Department Store (1988-1994) Cypress, California Customer service manager and manager of visual merchandising. Responsible for all aspects of retail customer service, including training employees and responding to customer grievances. Also designed and coordinated merchandising displays throughout the store. EDUCATION JURIS DOCTORATE (1994 - 96) Western State University College of Law Fullerton, California Graduated with Honors. Recipient of American Jurisprudence Award (top honor) in Evidence and Legal Writing. Served as a tutor and mentor to fin'st year students, 1995-1996. BACHELOR OF ARTS (1990 - 93) California State University Long Beach, California Political Science major, Criminal Justice minor. Studies included comparative politics, writing, international relations, urban planning, law. ASSOCIATE OF ARTS (1988 - 90) Cypress College Cypress, California INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES Newport Beach Jr. Chamber of Commerce, Vice President (1998-2001); Bd of Directors 2002 Orange County Barristers, Treasurer (1999-2001); Board of Directors 2002 Member, Orange County Bar Association Member, California Public Defenders Association Member, California Deuce Defenders Various Volunteer Community Service: i.e. YMCA, Red Cross, Race for the Cure, Kidsprint JENI',,llPER. ANN HOLI)EN,WIER. K$,ESQ.. 1107'O MATTMEW$ I)R. IVE. TCISTIN, C.A ~Z7BZ RECEIVED JUL 6 2O02 July 13, 2002 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find for your consideration an application for the Tustin Planning Commission vacancy. I believe that I am a strong candidate for the position given my professional, educational, and civic background, together with my Iongheld interest in contributing to the community. Although I do not have previous local government experience, I have been an active participant in community service groups and organizations throughout Orange County as a Board member of the Newport Jr. Chamber of Commerce and the Orange County Barristers, a professional legal organization. In addition, I am extremely interested in municipal issues within my community and feel l can make a positive contribution to the City of Tustin. It is my sincere desire to become involved in preserving Tustin's historical integrity while facilitating growth and development in the community. I would appreciate your consideration of my application for this position and look forward to hearing from you soon.