City Manager
Finance Director
The City of Santa Ana, in its capacity as a Care City for the Anaheim/Santa Ana Urban Area, has
applied for, received and accepted a grant entitled "FY 2011 Urban Areas Security Initiative"
(UASI}. This grant is from the federal Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, through the State of California Emergency Management Agency. It is
intended to enhance countywide emergency preparedness, and to help the Operational Area
prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism, as set forth in the grant guidelines and
assurances that are incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
The Office of Grants and Training has awarded $7,421,142 to the City of Santa Ana for use in the
Anaheim/Santa Ana Urban Area, for the term of December 14, 2011, through March 31, 2014. The
funds are now available for distribution throughout the Operational Area, and the City of Tustin, as
aSub-Recipient, is authorized to participate in the grant funding.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Adopt Resolution 12-19, designating the Chief of Police or his designee as the City's
authorized representative for the FY11 UASI grant.
2. Approve the FY 2011 UASI Transfer Agreement between the City of Santa Ana and the City
of Tustin.
There will be no impact on the General Fund.
Chief of Police Sergeant
Attachment 1: Resolution No. 12-19
Attachment 2: Agreement (Sub-Recipient: City of Tustin}
WHEREAS, The City of Santa Ana, acting on behalf of the Anaheim/Santa Ana
Urban Area, has received authorization to begin spending of FY 2011 Urban Areas
Security Initiative ("UASI"} funds; and
WHEREAS, The City of Tustin may seek reimbursement from the City of Santa
Ana related to the City's participation in the programs and activities associated with this
grant program; and
WHEREAS, The City of Tustin may receive Equipment and Services from the
City of Santa Ana related to the City's participation in the programs and activities
associated with this grant program; and
WHEREAS, The City of Santa Ana has requested the City to designate an
authorized agency representative who will be responsible for administration of the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Tustin
that the Chief of Police or his designee is hereby authorized to execute far and on
behalf of The City of Tustin, a public entity established under the laws of the State of
California, any actions necessary for the purpose of obtaining federal financial
assistance provided by the federal Department of Homeland Security and sub-granted
through the State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, California, held on the 6t" day of March, 2012.
City Clerk
I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is
five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 12-19 was duly and regularly passed
and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6t" day of March, 2012
by the following vote:
City Clerk
/~C:aF~,i (fvTl rJ 1
City c~r~tra~t [~~r~ber
` 'i is};:J ~ ' ~; F ~ :rt~},i~E\!('.`. ~f tl~e ~~-11"~.I`~ ~i";~ ~CVIG~ C7{ ~~C}FI
'~(~~~, (.:~~fft1'tl~~t~ l~~r~:ccdc;~~~ttoExeCUt1C?nofthi~ t~~~CP,P,€1?r~~tt
~~.E~C~~I ~~E~ID ~ER~IICE~ TC} E3E PR}t~fDED
2U i . Time of Performance
~;?02. lJse of Grant Ponds
X301. Payment of Grant Funds and Method of Payment
fi401. Construction of Provisions and Titles Herein ~
X402. Applicable Law, Interpretation and Enforcement ~
X403. Integrated Agreement 9
;404. Excusable Delays 10
~40~. Breach 10
X406. Prohibition Against Assignment or Delegation 10
§407. Permits 10
;408. Non Discrimination and Affirmative Action 11
X409. bonds
t ~. Ir;~il.`f c if (ki!t;:31,~„~t
~' ,
~ k., c-
~3 .~ .;t,.if~,i~ , '~~ C?~ ~~~trf;t+Ir1!~r, ~"~~,~~(it:;i~f~. ' _ ~~ grant t~ttft-~~
'#1,`,>. IC?1!~'.Il't;r)r~` I'~it~t~kt_.`> pit}C~ (~-(~} ~'-"kl~`,a
(~E- F=~~ r! ~ ,~,;~ `~~1`~1~C~'t~!`~C(~N. ~~ E F~~~111Nf'~~i~l~~t,_~~~Ii~ !1fJl~=E~D~ENTS
`~~'I. Def~~t~lt~
~.~.~Q~. ~rr~~>r~drnents
§601. Complete Agreement
§602. Number of Pages and Attachments
Execution (Signature) Page
Exhibit A Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and
Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions
Exhibit B Certification Regarding Lobbying
Exhibit C Grant Assurances
Exhibit D Reimbursement Request for Grant Expenditures
~~ I.1
F `°r 6
~~~1 GT,~,~,t~`~"t~"~ ( )(. !'~ 14St'~~},n` E ! IFF~t'FJ~' ~1 11 ~~ i'~f~~~' _~ ~~'~ - ~ ~~~
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} f ~1 ~t°~J E~ I- f~f~
TI`S ~~~ ~~r~E E ~`~~~~-~1~~ is rrr~~~;: ~r7d ~ t ~ ; ~~~te this 14fE~ c~;~'y` fa I_)E `EK~'~~;~,.:~ x'011, icy and
h~fiw`:E'r,~t tl~<~ ~ :I~I ~ ~.~i= tiAE~i~I~~, ANA, a . ~ ~~unicipal corp~~~~z~~U~ ~ ~the~ f. l i~~"~, and CITY CF
l t i.:~~ 1~~~~h~, ::,113-~~CI~'1€:~i~T" or "Contractor"}.
VEC Ii_T_~~ ~ ~'_ ~_ ~`
~~HF~AS, CITY, ~r,tir~g tiEra~c~ri t.~~~ >a~-f`~> ,1,r~~~ !'alias Ue~ artrE~E,nt in its
capacity ~~:~ a Care City far tk~e t~nahE~ir~~'~~~r}rata Ana Urban Area ~.1,~~~E:r tl~e ~Y11 Urban
Area~~ ~Fc.~_~rity Initiative, has applied f€~r, r~.~ceived and accepted a grant entitled "FY
2Q11 Urk}an Areas security Initiative" fram the federal C}epartment ~f Homeland
Security{CANS} federal emergency Management Agency {~EMA}, through the State of
California emergency Management Agency {CaIEMA}, to enhance countywide
emergency prepared ncor {o atedrto this Agreement fby reference af~d located at:
assurances that are p
http:llwww.fame.gov/pdf/government/grant12011 /fy11 _hsgp_kit.pdf
HazMat/DocumentslHSGPi11/~Y11 °I°20CA°1o245upplement%2gto°l°20the°t°24Fed
Copies of the grant guidelines shall be retained in the Anaheim/Santa Ana
Grant Office.
1 _ ,"`VL!':~; ,f+V, ;tit.
i ~r
~ P { r r
~ ~,~illl ~f ~ r~ ~i ~~~. i (:i;lflr k E1C;t~ iii 1~1~: E,~ ~ ~ ~~ '~~A /`~ i~`` <'~
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~'rt;li ~ ~ f(?t?~lIfI1?f'i"li,, ~ j~)~€IE`E~1{it9 :>E LU[li;~~ ~?IVI:;It L? l``~)f~`i~ ~_i~~It 1`~i(;E'"~ ~~ ~~"~~~~~ for
it ;'frtl[f,fi? ~);C1VEtI :'~'li) ?If~:~ t,'ltli.`fCaEitl~;y/ ~:71Y ~`']i':=C~ 1 _.;; ~~~d
1'i~l I( ff f~`>~ f!I~ ~~/~~;i ~~;r~~~t f affil F~ rir~~J ~<<~isi~i~s fa ~~isfriE,~~.~f~~ ~==~Y11 EJA~i Gr~rtt
t~r~ri . ~i~r~>tu~l~~>~~; iff~:~ ~`~~`11;~~, ~~~r f~a~'~~~E~r ~1~;°i,~fl~;~~ ire ti~is A~r~.FwrT~ent {"l~greement"~ to
~,i 1_Y~~?i~ I~1`~~IN (~;~iEtE f~~l (;IF'lC~C~i; r <lr!C} ~>t~hE,r
~tIF°IF'r :~, thf~ t;IIY c3nr~ ::~J[~3 ~.F_C,If~li~~°C are ~fe~~~irot_~s ofexecutinc~ this
r~~~rr , ::~ ~~~ ~.: -ttJtf~~~}ri.'E~c1 r>y ~I~F~ ~.iiy ~;r~~arFcif ~:~r~tt the pity [~~fianager which authorizes
~F~F, t.,=I~Yto ~rE~f,zzr~~, ~,r~r~ ~°z~~,:E,tte thr~ f\~~~:>>_,~,7f_~r~t.
~InV`I„ T6 {(~.:E~:C~._~.ti~Em, IT i~ l[U~4 ~ALI..Y /~C-;I-;F Ew.C) A i=Qtvi~.~}~IIfS:
~. ~f'_,f'i~ if?i r _~ ilCifi~f
Ths, ~~ C~fi"> Lf.~1 ~C~1i:, .~i_ICi}Eiillf,?.fit ~3~e:
~?t. l l?f: ~;l~~~t , - ,i;ti[[k(~i(' t~ c;CE~Et~f,l[i~~`("i, ~"EVlnC~ its rEnoipal ;~~~;;i~ ~!: Civic Center
. '~,
. CI ~ Y CF `~I )`, C I[~J. ~~ e,~un~rc:,:~i ~ ~;rl~r7r-~`:it;r?, :~~? ~ E~R,~f,lr'~i.al Way, Tustin, CA
1~)r' k\E''~~1(~ 'I'`,I`~[~\'t (14 ~~?E. I'~P`~fE?~i r?~ ~>f~t't}lCf~ Ui !~JC?ili:F~;
~ ,R, ~ ~ ~C.'C;,tl`dC? ~7-'I~FEF `~i~`F} ~rE ~Cl~~"~C?i I,iE~{~ 1CC~ t~{~C~1Ft~IS~~r
~. ~ Eli. E~'~JiE (~It~~fllr;., Cif ill CE:.r
~!li> ~`~~~E,'C.i"~'CGlt ;.zl"K~ iC) V'v~"~<<C~ ti'}~~I1`G.i! rtt)~';;E;.~ , t1,~r~E }["i(7:~; ~.:Cld ~U~"rirr-unicat~ons
~~,h,~f! i~r~ ~~ive~t are a~; fo!i~'4~f~:
1. Thfl r~}~rt;.:>>~~rf~~tive f~f the City of Canta Ana ~."r~~=~~[ be, ! „~~less oche ise
stated in t~ Ee ~ac~ r e ernent:
2. The representative of CITY CAF TU~TIN shall be:
Jon Cartvuright, sergeant
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: (7140 573-3220
E-mail: jcartwright@tustinca.org
! ' E r ~f Fl~r ~f i I< <i_~~:r `:.;. t~€';Tl~al"1C~S ~C1C~ C-C)f'rtmuC?tC F~t1C`;r'1`; t(} ~:2F: !~i\fF?Il ~`lE're'lt!~1C1~'t' by
r:ith~~r ~r,~~ty :,f~~~ll F)i~ rn~~tir,~ ir< «uritir~rz r~r?:~ r7~:~y E~~~~ r>tfiF ct~ct E;~f pFrs~r~~~f
r; ~,. ~ Gti,r~~ r~~i~ ~c>st~3c~~~ ~~r~ ~ r~ti~ ~rf~.r`~~i ~c~t;etP~t~
~E~~~}trt .~; rt ~~n~i °=F7~iIl bc~ ~1f~ernr~~ rc~~~~[~?!_rrrc.~~tec~ a:~; o~ttft~~ d~~t~; of rr~s_,fiir~g.
. :`~~,~~- r~.,Er~t; ~~; ti~rc: pF,r:~.on ~~E~signated to receive the notices, demands or
~~~ ~ ~ r€tr~~i~a~fii~ ~n~> ~r thf~ adt~~-~,;~:z of such person is changed, written notice
1 ~.i h~~ ~;i~<<~r~, in acc~ard with ~~his section, within five {} busine:~;7 days of
iEE~ ~~ (l~~Ci('~r~.
§104. Conditions Precedent to Execution of This Agreement
SUB-RECIPIENT shaP1 provide copies of the following documents to the CPTY (~F
SANTA ANA, unless otherwise exempted.
A. Grant Assurances in accordance with section 4150 of this Agreement attached
hereto as Exhibit C and made part hereof.
B. Certifications Regarding Ineligibility, Suspension and Debarment as required
by Executive CJrder 12549 in accordance with Section 415A12 of this
Agreement and attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof.
C. Certifications and DiscPasures Regarding Lobbying in accordance with Section
4150 of this Agreement and attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part
hereof. SUB-RECIPIENT shall aEso fife a Disclosure Farm at the end of each
calendar quarter in which there occurs arty event requiring disclosure or
which materiaPly affects the accuracy of the information contained in any
Disclosure Form previously filed by SUB-RECIPIENT.
~~ ,~~ ~hi~~: ,~t~~~, ,1 << ~r~ :~ r~=~l.l ~'f7C~?n~<<~~~c~: ~z~~ 1;(r f ~r~la~>r ~4~, 2011 and and
i ~i'
r~~~ Pv1~~f~:~r -~1 :%t} ~'L i~r ~~~ ~;~ ~;,t: ~~r`~ ~I ~ii,,~i~t ,~::~r~~~ rF~: c~t~ ~!( ~~~ iF t~ Grant A~`~at.lnt
,' tl~ ~~If'lE`ti fli ~~iF'~ fitt~k ;O 1 i ~i ~,ii ~t~€~E(lr?GIEaE [}E:€iC~~l. L34 tt[r1° ~~" [.`° rt°?~{t_F~r~C~ to
~~"' ~ ~~ ,~zi~:i f~~~~r~ is >'r~ ~t tc~ tic..
~'if~CtG/I`?I~")r}.`'; rl(rE'.if t.
A, (~;i11~ rrt<~y, a} tr;~nsfer to .>[ ~E3-i;i__CIE~'IENT, ~~quipmant or ~}~t-vic~
ur ~~~:~~~., ~' with grar~i #~~r~cf ~~nt3 ir} accor~~ar~.:~=:~ witi~t ~r~E~+ c~uid~fines sat
for:: ~>~;ove; or, k:f) rc~~r~~k:fa~:~E~ `',~_~~i-RECIPII_NT fir gr_~rc~~~~~:~~: cf aut~c~rized
a~".-II~)'~~lent, exar+..I;, ~Jt~.t':~ ~); tra~n~Hg U~):JC? CtG~'IVEE~~ prlar ~r~rlttan
~~t)~)rr;v~i fram CI i Y ~~r ~i_:~~ ~~~r~,ic~s~~,~; and in ~~r~:r~r~c~ance with grant guidelines
ar~ci i~~~ Ball aam~li<<~r~c~~ ~.viti~ ~~!I cif the SUE_-F~;k-~_C~IPIE-NT'S purchasing and
bic#din,~ proceaur~= `f~~ ~ I-~k~t~IP1ENT shat' ~~eci#y the equipment,
sarvi~:e~, exercises ~<<;_~ training to be purchased using the Application far
Project Funding. A p~~~>E:r copy of this document will be provided to SUB-
RECIPIENT by CITY. In additioH, a compact disc with a cagy of the
document will ba pravided to SUB-RECIPIENT by CITY. If additional
copies of the dacumant era Headed, SUB-RECIPIENT may cantact the
Santa AHa Grant Coardinator and it will ba provided.
B. SUB-RECIPIENT shall provide any reparts requested by the CITY regarding
the performance of the Agreement. Reparts shall be in the form requested by
the CITY, and shall be pravided in a timely manner.
C. The Authorized Equipment List {AEI-) is a list of the allowable equipment
which may ba purchased pursuant to this Agreement and is located at
htt~s~l/v~rww.rkb.us, and incarparated to this Agraemant by reference. A
copy of the AEL shall ba retained in the Anaheim/Santa Ana Grant Offica.
Unless otherwise stated in program guidance any equipment acquired
pursuant to this Agreement shall mast all mandatory regulations and/or
DNS-adopted standards to be eligible for purchase using grant funds. SUB-
RECIPIENT shall pravida the CITY a cagy of its most currant procurement
guidelines and follow its owH procurement raquiraments as long as they
meet the minimum federal raquiraments. Federal procurement requirements
for the FY 11 UAS1 Grant can be found at 2 Cade of Federal Regulations
~CFR} Part 225 °`Cost Principles for State, I-acal, and Indian Tribal
Goverments" and 44 CFR Part ~ 3 "Uniform Administrative Requirements for
Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments.,,
Any equipment acquired or obtained with Grant Fundsa
.~,i~;,fl ~~u~ rr~i~x~e =:~~~~~~ifr~~~~(~_r t~ntir:r±F~~~ 1";F_zlff~~r~~i~a I)ir„~:>t;~~~~~r~~ t"`i~.~i(
11t`rt'I?`',i; ~~f~l`;tE'f ~J~[-1t~1~3f /~1(.-t ~~if~rE,'E,fEIE:,(~i I(t t'~_if,:1;~~rt~'3r~ ~d'.iilil
CC'f)[~~".C`FIi~J~I~E~.`i OF ~F1F ~<iriChl`,; ~~rr ~61r~'I~f"EH:'~` ~7~F't~IC;r11r ~I~i_'~3i~f1C~E1`~
Iri~i~ ~t~:al°; re <r,E~rt ~e ;;z f`J~i~;f"`. ,'3r,~ i'"~I i;+itC~r't't:ili:'rl~ ICxi'.CIi I 4`Jltilli
t~ i! : )t 1! !f;tj!i;t,iC?f 1 C~~ tl~)e ~31.?~1[f(;~3n~;
`~I~:-cif t;t:~ ~ «~ISister~t t~rith n~3~.r~> as iden~~ifi~ ,~ i~~~ the ~at~«r~ :1 ~'~`ic~~ cif-,:~~
~~~r~~t I~~~rr~, t (~r~~?~~hilitie: the .;{~1tE:' I-Ica~~~ ~ ;~_ .~ur~t
~~ ~ y ,.qtr try ~?i
t~"iF; ~~!7~I~E't~Il~:.i~f~~Gi ~fl~ ~~r~~~Cl ~Ce~ ~fi ~ ~I aid r; ~;alJllt~
~ >E,~ ~,atir~i~rjl ~~rr~~ t~an~~;a~~~.~ :>c:curity Ce;z~~~~~ts~ ~tr~tec~y; ;~r~u
der? ~.~ ~~~ ~~ car?formante with these ~iar~r;
. ~i i ~~( ~?e made available ;:~ursk~~r~t to t~ppli~;~~E~IE; tErrr,> ~f the
~`;~~Iifc~~-r~ia C~isaster and Civil defense ~~~aster (~1ratF~al Aid Agreement
an~~ de~lr~~yecf v~~ith personae! trairect in the ~~e of such equipment in
a manner ~o~sistent with the CalEferr,ia t.~~^r F~.nfortement Mutual Aid
Flan or the California Fire Services anti Fescue IVlutual Aid Plan;
~. Shall be su~ject to the requirements of Title 44 CFR Part 13.32 and
13.33 Far the pr~rpases of this subsection, "Equipment" is defined as
nanexpendable property that is not consumed ar does net lase its
identity by being incorporated late another item of equipment, which
casts $5,000 ar mare per unit, ar is expected to have a usefu[ life of
one {1} year ar mare. Items casting less than $5,000, but falling rota
the following categories are else considered Equipment:
{1}electranits communications equipment for stationary or vehicular
use, including cellular telephones acquired by lease ar purchase, and
{2} electronic affite equipment, including facsimile machines,
copiers, electric typewriters, personal computers {monitors and
CPU's}, terminals and printers;
5. Shall be used by SUB-RECIPIENT in the program ar project for
which it was acquired as long as needed, whether ar net the project
or program continues to be supported by Federal funds. When na
longer useful for the ariginaP program or project, the Equipment may
be used in ether activities currently or previously supported by a
Federal agency.
7. Shall be retarded an a ledger. This retard must be updated bi-
annually and forwarded to the City. The retard shall include: {a}
description of the item of Equipment, {b} manufacturer's medal and
seriaP number, {t} Federal Stark number, national stark number, ar
1F~ {4 i t E i; t~'itl '. SVi~ il+ { 11 IE">'ti ~`'~1 t" }'ri :5t)l lf';t t C)~ ~ii;il~ }~i~I;V:i(`~ i,>( t~;,
la 1 ~ s ~ ;;tlEllt~ =f, ('E CX.=t`: r>( C1 ~~I [~~~i ~l; {f~
~ f IIz~~F~ ~l~, It 1;~ 1 I tit: F,G1f~~
~ ~ ;o- ~ ~t~El` ,~i-~i , ~~:',,~ il~+' F ~tt}~tCE(`flf_ i,3. ~r'(, lfrl. _ ir'~lk~~l~~f
t s~ ~;i ~f~7E'~ i~~J~;) lC~ i~` t; i ~~IE', ~ ~~LCLIir~~C lid iii ~f~` ~ ~~tai~ ~IC~~7
l1lt.ii f~ri t 'I
I~itli:l, ,llltr ift~ i;;r ;11i~?fl 2~l1~~ ~',CiPlt~ltil}i' t)f E_t~tll~.ff";(= fi~ ~~i.(.~)i a: l~}ik~;~~E,'
i ~~14ik( tt [?i!j It;i(l L, k,`{. ~. i .i"4. ~''i.~Y~. ~:;.~~<~, :1(';(i ~ ~~1fC, ~.t4 ~?c4x 6.
. F'~.II!=(~'~E(Hflr:r~l ~~f~~i-11CI4_'.(~ IJi'(_~f"','~~il,>>`~(~I :EI"li i~1.~:;11~~i flt~~'`E anASAI.lA
t _} i ,c ,~~k'ic n ~:~r~~ct,~~l, ~;! iii( !7~ aff-xcd
iE~r~r~~ifi~_ a,F~-~~. ~, ~1 ,cif X~~~~ tc. t, dt~~ ~,
. !~: ~~~~y ;r.:~l i~~~t;~~~ofy ~f ~'~~~ ~~~~~k~r~~r~t s~?~ll be talon and the results
C ;'E )CU I~~tt~~ a"JI~~I t~}~7 ~ ~7~"ti1F>fTi"[~i fc ,":(~r~~~,~','f.~ It'~st C}ncG' ~'v~'ry}/ear.
G<<v~~~r~rf~~~y s~hali ~~Is~~ !_;~ t~k^~~ ~1il~Jrto ~r,y E~ASI, Mate or Federal
10..;1_;-1~:~ t_;lE'lE: N I :fhall exercise due care to preserve and
s~~fe~i_~~~~rcf .~~:1~-,'l~,rl"1~~11.t acquir~:d 4~,iith~ gr~r~t funds from damage or
~c~~~tri. `iort ~~~ i~~ ~a~~~ll prc~vic~~ ~~g~~ar i~~air~~enance and such repairs
for said equiprrlGnt as n~c e~~= ~~ry, in orc~ r to keep said equipment
continually in good working order. Such maintenance and servicing
shall be the sole responsibility of StJS-REGfPIENT, who shall
assume full responsibility for maintenance and repair of the
equipment throughout the life of said equipment.
D. Any training paid pursuant to this Agreement shall conform to the guidelines
as listed in FY 201 ~ Homeland Security Grant Program, as set forth above.
All training expenses must be pre-authorized by Cal-EMA at
http:C/wwnnr.firstrespondertraining.gov/admin. A catalogue of Grantor
approved and sponsored training courses is available at
E. Any exercise paid pursuant to this Agreement shall conform to the guidelines as
listed in FY 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program, as set forth above.
Detailed Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Guidance is
available at http:llhseep.dhs.gov.
F. Any planning paid P Homeland Se ugrity G ant Program f as sset forth above es
as listed m FY 20
G. Any organizational activities paid pursuant to this Agreement shall conform to
the guidelines as listed in FY 2011 Homeland Security Grant Program, as set
forth above.
E', `,~~f;n,; PJ f°
'~(!(_ f',"~jli(~IC'~~i ~'~ ~ ~;:3i1( ~ il~li~`; ;If1(~ It%I~l~~il~.ti~ `if ~~~1~yflfi'I~l~
A. C!~"Y1tr~y, ,~~ tf~,r ,,~r_f~~ ;~~l~t~;1~,L_r-1i'ff hJ I, t~t~~ail-r~i~:~~t~ trr .,<<r~ri~a~ ;:r~r~:r,~~
~~~rrtr~ ~xr~,~~~I fE_~ii is~ ;~~: ~ E;irrlk~~t~R~,F, `;! II; (-l r;!['ff N! fiat ti~ic~ ~~t~r~;l~ , ~ F,~
,~~lti_~t~,~~,~r~~.f ;~~{~~i~,t~7~~r~~i -. ~~ r~;~~ ~,~_~ ~,,r~'fr~E',~~ c;r 4 ~~iF~in~~ «~>~~r Ft~cE~iviru~ ~7rf~~i ~.•~~hi~~E1n
~1~)lC~~)`.~;a~ ~ft>~~, ~;~ ~ 1` Eii ~C. ~i~'f;iC~[Ita: .)I1(_~~ f!} ~.C;t;OIt~~1(ICt' V~,ii~~t ~.Jf~afi~!j!11(~F~'ll(ic :~~~ ~_1(~r.~
ire f:.-.~If r,~;Crt(~~If ~r~:;a, v~ittr a{) :,[ ~~hE::tJ€_, i:l~:ll'll_.:N (;~~ ~rE~t~r~;h;~:~EEU~ ~~~~~.~ F7id~~i~i~~
. ~ ,~~ ~7~i~f°~;. `~;111~ Itii~.C.;li'If~N~[ shell ~,E,~~r:~ty tFEt:~ c~~~f_~i~~~r~F:iat, l~xr~rr i ~c~~,, 5c,r~~~i~.;E .
~`"r t' ~,"II~C1 ~C~ i,E~ ?~t~~ P~F!`~ C Q` !a.~;lil( the h\k? ~)ll(;ci~IC}il l~O`- } r
~ ~ ( ~ r~~lt:c1: E and~rt~a !1 ~~~~~~F,
~~~~ ~ i tf~i:; a ~~;un~z tit ~~~fll ~.E~ ~~r~ v;~1t~f~ i~~, : ~E1~3-f'f ~,ll ~IE_-h1E~ f~;y~ (:~ E Y ire
~~ifion ~~ c~~n~~t~~' ~iis~.: ~~Jif'~r ~~ r,~:~K7~~ «f tlFk ~.~~~r:urt~~:r~t ~wtEi be I?rCwir~e~ t~ ;~~UE=;-
('€ C;fF I~:Rii by .al tY If. ~~ti~iFtf~~rt-ii rr~r~iE:: ~! t~ ~ •. ~~~7~;~.~rt~ierlt ~:~t~~:~ r~~=e~~ed, `C,JB-~
~~:F-C~~l~-'IE=NT may ~;«rrtr;ct the `~~~r~t~~~ 11r~~~ C :r,~ : .n~~rclirrr~i~~r ~~~~~ it trJill bo
pE~cvi,~ed. Funds may be ~<>e~~ f~;;,r ~i~~~~~~nir~~c~, exorci~~;'s c~rc}r~r~izational and
trair~irg ~~~:ti~rities, and tl~e p~_lrct~a~e of ~c~~~itament ~s ~-i~-~:~c~Eibed in action C}
B. SI.1f~-RECIPIENT shall provide quarterly invoice ~ to the CITY requesting
payment and all supporting documentation. Each reimbursement request shall
be accompanied by the Reimbursement Request for Grant Expenditures
(attached hereto as Exhibit f~} detailing the expenditures made by SUB-
RECIPIENT as authorized by Section 202 above. Each reimbursement request
shall be submitted electronically at https:/J3$. ~ ~4.19~J. For equipment for which
SUB-RECIPIENT is requesting reimbursement, al! appropriate back-up
documentation must be attached to the reimbursement form, including
invoices, proof of payment, packing slips, and Equipment Reimbursement
Worksheet. For training reimbursements, SUB-RECIPIENT must include a
copy of any certificates issued or a copy of the class roster verifying training
attendees, proof that a CalEMA tracking number has been assigned to the
course, timesheets and payroll registers for all training attendees, receipts for
travel expenses related to the training, and Training Reimbursement
Worksheet. For regional project reimbursements, SUB-RECIPIENT must
include approval from the lead agency for all submitted invoices.
C. Payment of final invoice shall be withheld by the CITY anti! the SUB-
RECIPIENT has turned in all supporting documentation and completed the
requirements of this Agreement.
®. It is understood that the CITY makes no commitment to fund this
Agreement beyond the terms set forth herein.
E. Funding for all periods of this Agreement is subject to the continuing
availability to the CITY of federal funds for this program. The Agreement may
be terminated immediately upon written notice to SUB-RECIPIENT of a loss or
reduction of federal grant funds.
~~.i ~ ~ t~ ~~ t.1i7~ t ~7f l''~ t\1;,iE( Fl` ~:311i+ ~11~F f l~'kE'i'?
~~II Cii.jE isf ;Yli~if)t~t`~ '=t~~~f)E'tl~ki"1(~ fl('fE Eli IicA/C; k3ti3f rl Ir?z;( ftf)(~ F(t~ r't}[~J' C1K:i'i' ~' ~zC1C~
<,.I ~ ~I~ ~l(;? ~)F' t~F ~: ~ ~ ~~i} c)'fECt ~C lti !'t~ ~~illliE~ Cif (;(lf ,s~rE.l~ ticl~E C~~ ifl~~ Cat '(-~t i~~~ tri:~ C7C
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~, :1 ~, fi~air ~r~f ~ri~r~c~ ~r~<~ Kist ~Ir~ctfy E ~r «r ~r~~~~ir~: ~ t~~f~ ~ I'=~r`y E jrF , <<,,~~~
':,;ik:~ ~~~~::i~~iF;r~t" i~r~;rF~in ~~~ in ~r~}~ ~~rr~~~~_{~a~~r~~ts r~~~re~~~ ~~~~,It~.rt,.~ ~k c ,_~:.t~~tFar
ly ir~c~~~~ic:~ tr ~
p>~ICfJ( Vt.~E.'fl~f~l~~Ct` Ifs ~l~l' ~~t~CeE,r"1x3111. i lr~, `(1C~l,~l~l ;~i~, ~~('. ~ ~l1( il.~ If
f: (1~IbrC~ ~.)"161 i);l~ `?tl~ f"c',f l~>!~rl~ %~~ id£:11t~`fk~,G~ ~I~'EFsrCt, ~.allEt'~;~, F',X~)i"E `~ s~~
is C'tl"lE}Evl';i-~ ~Fi~~{C U~ll~cltlC,rt`~ c1C1(:? Iic1~3i~E~f(:" I}~ic'Urfd~r s~!clil ~E; ~CJ(i t 1[kC~
~,t.~i, 4 Js~= ~f th~,~ faminir.~, masculine, or rl~utc,~r genders shall be cfE'~:ri~t~~d to
irt~~~lu~:~ ~~, -~ t~ert~~~rs nc~t used.
t;•'i~?~ :fir ;-,r~, ~r,l:_I_nw, fntcrpretation and Enfc~rc~errerr
. E: <~c,l~ 1~~=~~ty`s performance hereunder sh~if carT~~F~Ey ~^aith all applic~i~la I~~J~s cif the
t)f~iTE'~ :Mates afAmerica, the State of C~lifarlfia, and the CITY. This
t~<<~rE,:F:r~~er~t shall be enforced and interpreted under the laws of the State of
C:'.~~lif<,.~nia and the CITY,
If any part, term or provision of this Agreement shall be held void, illegal,
unenforceable, or in conflict with any law of a federal, state ar local government
having jurisdiction aver this Agreement, the validity of the remaining portions of
previsions shall not be affected thereby.
X403. Integrated Agreement
This Agreement sets Earth all of the rights and duties of the parties with respect to
the subject matter hereof, and replaces any and all previous agreements or
understandings, whether written or oral, relating thereto. This Agreement may be
amended only by a written instrument executed by bath parties hereto.
Ilt{(;i. iii i~t 1~"= i[1 ~i:Jli ~~irlfil 11'i_ll"~! ~'; t' t`~F?nt
~~fdx` ff~r~~l~ 1r~ `1•~ :~!`I.;~'ri i;'•,~ i~4~' Et i~`~/ ti.:~`Ifff'~ ilf iii ~~l~sl;_I~. :tC~., ;ir ;7iFlf ~ir~i1`; ;:3fi;:~
!~; +1~, ,,,~+, •4i~ ?[i !~ '~f;'~y ;~r~ fi~',~~r~lll~ hilt: ~)~Il~~j` li::t:'i~Ii,"~k~~r ,:C7fI~fYa~
[ X, t'~,f f~tE i-;~(.if~,~l~l;l~~ i`tt',l~l~ey, ff ~itl~! ~l[tF~fit i<~II` tC) ~3r'f((>rrt~, in whal~* (iC iri part, any
C)(~"f11 ~F,'. ~,!]Ji,'(~~lfl~, t)f ~l~lf~'t:;i~iE'fl1 `~~'T j~?;"iil ~IiP"Earl, i-)I' .`"'~r1C~i!Pd any rF'~)I"E'.~E~ntatlan
r~~i~a~~~: [}y it fa~> ~~lt~~l~_ ~~~,y .u~i~tiE~~~r:~i C_r,l~iy r~f~~y rlv ~~f ~t;~lf ~~f all ri~tht:~~ <~rld
iE.~ri~~~cii~,:;. ,~t I,a~,.~~ ~~r t ~#~iif~y. !rf frtc~ ~::,tirfs; f~f Is~~•~~ ;;~_~icf i~i~~flt~~:, ~~rl~~ ~~E:>r_rlx.c~i~s ~~~e
a:UiKltifa2~J`~Ea C7f f~ .t ,i' C><<: Vi~~r~r1 (C>I ~lF:fi'ff~ r ur;t~'~i~ tl~l~,~ kC1 I1C) went shill ~3f"!Y party
~F:c~wr~r r,<<,rr.tfi lr~ ~~,F:.r. :;~a#Cr.r ~z ~,~;f?~~Ity or f~r~(E.if.ure, ar be urt~f~sfly
4fl6. C~'ro~f~bi~i~ri tyta~.l r~:;t /y c~r~r~~r~;r~~t-c~~ (~~~I~ ~:ltic~~~
~;~aE~ i?~:C:,I~:'pEN~P rrtay r~~>~ a,l,~~.;~;,; ;~ i,~~s first obtained the written permission of
f i~ ~s C , ! l ~~":
A, ~~~asic~r~~ ar c}tF7e«~ii;;E~ ~~~i~~r~at~~ any of its rights hereunder, including the right
t€~ p,~yr€„~~rlf. ur
B. Delegate, subcontract, ar otherwise transfer any of its duties hereunder.
§4fl7. Permits
SUB-RECIPIENT and its officers, agents and employees shall obtain and
maintain all permits and licenses necessary far SUB-RECIPIENT performance
hereunder and shall pay any fees required therefore. SUB-RECIPIENT further
certifies to immediately notify the CITY of any suspension, termination, (apses,
non renewals or restrictions of licenses, certificates, ar other documents.
§4fl3. Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with the applicable nondiscrimination and
affirmative action provisions of the laws of the United States of America, the
State of California, and the CITY. In performing this Agreement, SUB-
RECIPIENT shall not discriminate in its employment practices against any
employee ar applicant for employment because of such person's race,
religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, physics!
handicap, mental disability, marital status, domestic partner status or medical
condition. SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with Executive Order 11246
entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order
11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (41 CRF
Part 6fl}.
~~ ~ ~ I~ € ~ ~r )` z4~ ; ~ 1 ~ ;~~J ,~ ~ ~ ,~~ e: t='~P F`F)~ LfF;fZ1'~y
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~,~~~~~,~ €~>€~€~, ~~f ~~-.~t~~r~ ~ ~tf~~: ~~ ~~ , c~~~ <~f such
ir~~{?a~~rr~« t;,Ertair~ t~~rt ~i~rk~ility l~i~~tiy ~~~ "" p~~bGt. ~:r~tii E ..,>t~lt:ly ~.y ~ ,
er~tilf~:_, k~~rr~g pditi~r~ t~~ <~r~ ~'igrf;~~r~~t-rat as dc~fir~er~ t;y ~,ect~r~n ~3g5 of s~~~ ~,r, Vie, the
p~r~r~S h@reto, az bet'u`lk'E'.[~ ~ft~fll.,C~~s%~'U ~)~Ir~E~~~~li fU trk~' c`lt~~~~l~~G%~~~_b`JC'~ ~,~~1~di~'t'C~~ In
S~~c~tic~rl %~5.~ and 895.E3 cat a~~id E~oct~;~ ; ~il€ F~~r€ ~~:~:~;~_br~~e the foil liability irxtp~~se~
upon r` or upon any of its off~ccrs, ager~t~ ar ~,rnpl~yees by law, far injury c,~~sed
by a negligent or wrongful act or orris pion occurring in the performance of this
Agreement, to the same extent that ~uc;h liability would be imposed in the absence
of Section 895.2 of said Code. To achieve the above- stated purpose, each party
indemnifies and holds harmless the other party solely by virtue of said Section
895.2. The provision of Section 2778 of the California Givii Code is made a part
hereto as if fully set forth herein. SUB-RECIPIENT certifies that it has adequate
self insured retention of funds to meet any obligation arising from this Agreement.
X411. Conflict of Interest
A. The SUB-RECIPIENT covenants that none of its directors, officers,
employees, or agents shall participate in selecting, or administrating any
subcontract supported {in whole or in part} by Federal funds where such
person is a director, officer, employee or agent of the subcontractor; or where
the selection of subcontractors is or has the appearance of being motivated by
a desire for personal gain for themselves or others such as family business,
etc.; or where such person knows or should have known that:
;, ,
r F, ~~
i ~ I, ~ .~ ~~ I!r;i it ;, f,3 t „ 7 4 ~f
F ~,~, ~ ~ ~'Irlly tn~.ll,(~"t'. k)lI I ~ ~I:?~ I€!T?Itt'C~ fit t{~.~t~t1E', C
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if I~3~~"~ I~}(ii~~i.'( ~C! 1~3~~./ kli(~;~,k~f E ~(~t ~c.~i~~, ~~~~f:;l~, fll (r3~"'~, >F.~~i k~j 1~~4~1,
~ ~t~.= `_~. ~rri ~ "fin,~~~~.,i~~( c,r` u'Crr:~r inffr~~.~~t"' includes but is net lirr~~tccl t;~;
a. ~t.y ~iir~ct r~r inciir~;~t fir7~nc:ial interest in the specific
c~ iE1t~,~et, iri~:;l~~r~ir~~~ ~.~ t~~~~n~~~nissicn or fee, a share of the
pr<}f;E~E>d<~, ~ro~~~ec,t of a prc~mc~ti~r~ car e~f f~rt~rre emplayment,
~~ pr~~~it, or any ctkr~r farm of finar~ci~i r~~~~~ar~.t.
t. any ak tk~e fr~il~a~ving interests in the sutcontractor
a~•~~r~~r~ship: p~~rtr~ership interest or ether beneficial interest of
fi~E~ f~~:rcent or mare; ownership of five percent or mare of
t[~e sto~.k; employment in a managerial capacity; or
tr~f~r~rk~ership on the beard €~f directors or gaverning body.
C. The SUB-REGIPIENT further covenants that na officer, director, employee, or
agent shall solicit or accept gratuities, favors, anything of monetary value from
any actual or patential subeantractar, supplier, a party to a sub agreement, for
persons wha are otherwise in a position to benefit fram the actions of any
afficer, employee, or agent).
U. The SUB-REGIPIENT shall net subcontract with a former directar, officer, or
employee within a one year period following the termination of the relationship
between said person and the Contractor.
E. Prier to attaining the CITY'S approval of any subcontract, the SUB-
RECIPIENT shall disclose to the CITY any relationship, financial ar
otherwise, direct or indirect, of the SUB-RECIPIENT or any of its officers,
directors or employees or their immediate family with the proposed
subcontractor and its officers, directors or employees.
F. Far further clarification of the meaning of any of the terms used herein, the
parties agree that references shall be made to the guidelines, rules, and laws
of the SUB-RECIPIENT, State of California, and Federal regulations
regarding conflict of interest.
~. The SUB-RECIPIENT warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or
give to any third person any money or other consideration for attaining this
H. The SUB-RECIPIENT cavenants that no memter, officer ar employee of
SUB-REGIPIENT shall have interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or
sutcontract ar the proceeds thereof for work to to performed in connection
with this project during isfher tenure as such employee, memter ar officer or
r ~ ~. ~ ~ ,
!. ~ ~ iE i I,~ t .E~ ~~ f~~ ~ ~t~; l~ !h [(;tttC)t iIF F k ~ ~ ll ~
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~t`cllili~: ~I' i~iftll Lt~= (tt1?~~t~;iE~~C ~`~i Ili I('[;~k ,F~~, I~';~ i,lE'~E ~~-~~
afr.~ .f~:44i
~(frl ~~'=~'t_FlT .14~~=alkl~;.i~_(ri~~~ ff)~ ~ ~lt~i,~.ti(l~i;lt:~~>f~~.
Aiiy~ ~ E~f,~~ ~,F~~~:{y c~,, ~i~(ii~_ rf~~~~l~nf~:, ~rf~f:.~rrrt~~~~.~E~, r~F~ d~~t~-~ ~7~~nt:r~aE~~~[ ~~
r_~~~~hlf !/[ tell,? :~(_jr~.(,;~f~`~tfh 'aIC' ~~) ~}i:' !}(~t/F:I~~h;(~ ~)`~ ~i'r't ~.r~i~4t)rrl~ ~ ~'Ia~~ifCE ~~~f ~1rf~s Act
~ c1~~f~1(III~J. C ~C?\f`r'.(~IC}'~t ,C1({( `;('(`; (3.`~J~~, F i -`.;E;C'~. .
~~. :_;Uf~ ~~k t;lr'fl N.f ,~~~~~ll f;f~,rr,~;~~~ ~~~~~`ri ~_zll ,_~l-;~~IG~;~~~~1~~ rFa~~t~ir~~rr7ents of stag;, federal,
f;~~~fir~ty, ~~rf~~ ;;~ 1[~-l~:E i;iF~'IE-_~kX I~~~~ ex~ c.~~tiv~, c7rt~c'.K`~, re~.ft~l ~tions, program anti
ciCi(1"llCll~~ffc3'ffVE' h~c:,'F~U{E'~-(~T'tE;'~~t~. ~)t)E€f'EE'.r, _~C~t(~ i~I jt C}triE;r C~3(~L~C~E)f7}E'.C~ts gt)v@rn4ng thlS
~`~C~rE~~~I~"teat. 3~ 1I_:; fo f C;If li__ ~~J r ~sP1~3lI ~;um~ly with stag and fE'~era! laws anti
r~(:~Lal~~t~~tr~~f:~a ~~er~=air~~t~(~ ~~> i<~E",«r. v a~e~, he~urs, and e~thar c~ncl~tlons of
F~~rf~it~I~~yn~~nt. SUS~I~zt~:li'IE__~rJ~I .>i~tu~l comply with new, amended, or revised
!u`J~~, r~:gulations, and/or ~roc~:dures that apply to the performance of this
,~,~~rr~f~~ment. These requir~mF~~r~t~~ include, but are not limited to;
1. ~~;~;~ ~{ M~naaement and Sudg~et BOMB} Circulars
SUf~hIaCIPlENT shall comply with OMB Circulars, as applicable:
OMB Circular A-87 (Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian
Tribal Governments, relocated to 2 CFR Part 225); OMS Circular A-
102 {Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local
Governments, found in 44 CFR Part 13 "Uniform Administrative
Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and
Local Governments"}; OMB Circular A-133 (Audits of States, Local
Governments, and Non-Profit C}rganlzations.
2. Sint~ke Audit Act
3. Americans with Disabilities Act
>C f! ~~ I F_~;(~'fNT h~r~:l~y ~:.E~rtitir~~, ~tl~,~t it ~.r,Eiff r:c~rrt~~ly w:':l~ 1~he
~~ 1{i~ff~'~l~l`~ b`~`~~ll ~ t15~lt;311trE .`, ~Ct, ~~w) e~ ` ~ '~t(? ~, ~ ~ ,~.(~.~ ;~f~if it>
:~~~i~fEyr~t~~f'ir~q r~:~t~_~!<~tir~rti:; ~;lIE3 f~l_(;If'!f PJ~~ ~iEi ~i~wi~i~~ r~~:a:- ,E,,~hl:
:t~:~a~rilfilt~t};11Ittfl`; ~t0 ~_tfi~)b'~ C~t1<:~i!~i~'C] ~I~I(~IVfi~la~Y~: ~,'.%Iii7 ~I:_;~_iE)141t1t~'.;; i~)
h~~~lt ~ ,li ~ F :~:'; tO ~111(~ tO [7 ~:~F(ft;f~r3tE' Ir! f~` ~;(t)~~r~il'' ~,E'I~~i!( :.; ~3iYC~
,,~.tFuF~t~r=,s ~r? ~~C't;C>rCi~~~~~;t:; v~dEtP"? tf-!~ pr~~Vi~s1Ur!`; r>i r ;; ~irnE:r~~ ~~r?:?~ ~.nlFth
L)E~;~~Frili~f~~~: ~\~~t ~iUh REC IF'fE~E~Twill r~~~t ~~~_c~~ir;iin,~tr> <~r;~~Fr~ ~t
~~ r ~~ri~s with c!i ~~~bilit~r~~~ nr ~~gainstperrrsr~~- c~~1F~ t~} tF~fir rE'I~{tiun;,hrp
~~« ~~~r ~~:;~.«,iat~on ~_r~ ~ ,~ person with a ~~fist~hility. any :r~bc~~ntract
E'r;~~.'r~F'.t1~ into by thr ~ ~: iE3-h;FC:IPIENT, rr~latir~c~ try this Agreement, to
thr~ c~xtE,r~t ~~Elc~~~ded hereunder, shall be subject to the provisions of
ti-,, r~~~r~yrr~p~~.
. ~'c~E~t~,~~f_a~zct_~ectarian~c:t~vi~yProhibited
Nc~rrE~ of the funds, materials, property or services provided directly or
~ncilE~E'ctl`~ i_mr~er this f~e~reement shall be used for any part-san polrtlcal
acti~Jity. ar t~ further the election or defeat of any candidate for public
office, Neiti~er shall ark, fr.~nds provided under this Agreement be
used for any purpose designed to support or defeat any pending
legis(ati~n or administrati~Je regulation. None of tine funds provided
pursuant to this Agreement shall be used for any sectarian purpose or
to support or benefit any sectarian activity.
If this Agreement provides for more than $100,000 in grant funds or
more than $150,000 in loan funds, SUB-RECIPIENT shall submit to
the CITY a Certification Regarding Lobbying and a Disclosure Form,
if required, in accordance with 31 USG §1352. A copy of the
Certificate is attached hereto as Exhibit B. No funds wiI! be released
to SUB-RECIPIENT until the Certification is filed.
SUB-REGlPIENT shall file a Disclosure Form at the end of each
calendar quarter in which there occurs any event requiring disclosure
or which materially affects the accuracy of any of the information
contained in any Disclosure Form previously filed by SUB-
RECIPIENT. SUE3-RECIPIENT shat! require that the language of this
Certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards
at all tiers and that all subcontractors shall certify and disclose
5. Records Inspection
Il:ii! `i.t:~. }~ ,'J?i~~ is't'r.~s~"~ ~.~~ ~t~~~: r~E~iti'I, C'ski~Cli~l.)I,, raj i':fl~(~tt`~r~FF'P~t
C ,
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~t~„C,tr~.> k[ ~IMi'!? Ofh~lilC_i~ ~Y~flf`2, ~"311 ~~ ClC3~f'1~_C~l~1C-`~~ IC1 _.CX:C~IC~<3C1C; ~N€th
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~,lr~~t ''.:(~ ~~f i IhE"t ~;7I ~1~ ~jU`;U[itC (1' ~if'f;IflF?C1 lCk t}li ~ t'~~lf"t~E'~[~?lE'~~3t.
C}~;C1(.(It31 {~ifl7~%'~ ~ltt' tC> r}C' Ctlall`l~C?ir1C'(~ C?r~ ~!I`? ~C~+!" III C~C~~ ll!"1"1~11T.`.', spec;{I~C7
ire +hi~. EI~~~F ~;~ ~ ~rtt. .`-a~~r~rr rep nrrSs [~~~~::-~4! k~E~ rc~air~ccl fi~~r ~ period of
t~irF_;~; !:1) y ,[:; ~~(F~_:r ~~~[E1llf"1~.~'.u~.in ~~~~ thli•, f~~~~,r>rr~r ~tfi ~~n~~ ~~fft~Cfir~al
lal`~~C)< <~~,C1CV ('~ r.lii ~)~'(lf~fl ~~1"~tct E C1f~k~l ~ ~.
~I ~'a t ~ t+` rrC)f ~1t~1'F;i ~~C~!{;;i1S C'`~~~.ll 4~1.~~c:y but are
~~ r~ records.
{1(.3t l~P(t~~tttf i,~, ~~r~ ~t.,U,t ~{tG(,at,Gvfl _ ' r g
j ~ EC'. ~.;E ~ `i llii;y, ~i Ifs d~ SC:(E'tfC~Cl, 1~hE' ~)OS~F~a>IC)rl CJf, rE'taln and audit
:;aid rF;[;C)r~ff,_ F~:E,~,E~Gd:>~ ire ti~~cair ori:}ir~~al f~r~~~ ~~rtar~ing to matters
C,~,vt~~~ ~ ~,y tl~7i:} /~c,<<_~crrrer~t, shall ~t ~€1 times ~~ retained within the
C;~:~~~n~~~ of ~?rar~«e tar~ie~s at~tl~loFiyatiari to remove them is granted in
vrriti~;c~ I-}y tl~~; t~41'Y.
`~. ~;~_~~i~~_c~ntrf~rt~_~nd C~roc~~rement
BUB-~~~.C11=~IENT shall comply with the federal and BUB-
RECIPIENT standards in the award of any subcontracts. For
purposes of this Agreement, subcontracts shall include but not
be limited to purchase agreements, rental or lease agreements,
third perky agreements, consultant service contracts and
construction subcontracts.
BUB-RECIPIENT shall ensure that the terms of this Agreement with
the CITY are incorporated into all Subcontractor Agreements. The
BUB-RECIPIENT shall submit all Subcontractor Agreements to the
CITY for review prior to the release of env funds to the
subcontractor. The SUB-RECIPIENT shall withhold funds to any
subcontractor agency that fails to comply with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and their respective Subcontractor
BUB-RECIPIENT shall comply, as applicable, with the provisions of
{ '~ ~
~s~?t~~~~ f~, , ~~~r~ F}, the f~aC~~~f~n~t r:~
~'~tr f f ,`, ~: ~,.~r(~i(; ~1r~~~ i'~ ~ :~,.~ Vii;/'`~~E [;'F~ (,r]Ifff iC~ ~(~t~li; i iOI}i;~ ~.Ifl(~
~~>~11f'~~/ . ,1~1riC~ lrCf`; A~:;t "C f ~,~~,'.~ r~ .','.',~1 fi't~<tltjif l(7 ~~3k)C)I
°;f,a~iEl~!r~j~, (f~C ~~ -iE~~r ~If'r ,,. ~t;tt ~ nrl~:tFirait,rt .~~~'t>;~r}~. ~ r~t~~ ;.t~ ` t'
- .~~ j•~~•~ l.,. ~,).
S~.II . i:l C;if'if NT ~;l~~xfi r,«mply'~~~itti tf~E~ I f~r1E.rzf G~ E~ir ! ~E[~t~r ~>r~n~~~ircf:;
A(t (-1C3 ~ ~:(~ ~~~'~}~j1 It,'C7~i31~~~rlj~} w 1(~~,~,~ c~fi(.)~ !li)Elri flf F'K7EplOyr~e~rt, Nt~CI«
of tf~~~ f~r~~rf~, ~;k~;~ll i~F~ u~;F~;~ try pr~~rrFr~tE, Sri r~1r;t.E~r I_fr<<f~r~fl~bororgar~i~~~iru~
~c fivftir::z (.~f'L t.aou~`t ~,o~fe ~~~.c`. 15r~~45 fit :>r-(~.
9. t;i~~iE F`ic~~~f>
~~~i`~-~~,F~C[PIF~JT shall ~:.r~rr~pCy with all i"k~;~r-r aC ~,t~~f~r~ dating to
r~r~r~di~scrirl~ination. ~~tes~ in~~lude but are r~or lirr~iter~ i~: (aj Title t/I of
tho C~vii F~;igl~ts Act pf 1~1~4 (P,l_ 8~3-35~~ ~~^v~hici~ prohibits
di~~crir~~~ination on the bat,is of race, ccicr «r national origin; (b} Title [X
of ~i,e E-~~:~~.rcation Amene~~~r~~~r~t~s of -Ir;,~?, r~s an~~ended {20 ~.~.~.
1681- 1683, and 1085-1(~8~}, viltich prohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex; (c} Sectio« 504 of the Rehabilitation ~,ct cif 1973, as
amended {29 U.S.C. ~~ X94}, which prohibits discrirrlination on the
basis of handicaps; id} The Age Discrimination act of 1975, as
amended {42 U.S.C. ~§0101-6107}, which prohibits discrimination on
the basis of age; {e} the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of
1972 {P. L. 92-255}, as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the
basis of drug abuse; {f} the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation act of 1970
{P.L. 91-616} as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis
of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; {g} §§523 and 527 of the Public
Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. §§290 dd-3 and 290 ee 3}, as
amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient
records; (h} Title VI[[ of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 {42 U.S.C.
~§3601, et seq.}, as amended, relating to non-discrimination in the
sale, rental or financing of housing; (i} any other nondiscrimination
provisions in the specific statutes} under which application for
Federal assistance is being made; {j} the requirements of any other
nondiscrimination statute{s} which may apply to the application; and
{k} P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved
in research, development, and related activities supported by this
award of assistance.
10. Environmental
~t;iEii~-~j-';_l~l~~il kll r~ult;~t~,
r z~.if F~~, ~~~diikz-ik
,;~~t. ~,[~;f~'k~-P•~1~ ~r-~~ ~-am~S~rv~~i~l~~~~;~ir~rr~ir~' ~°`
;~~,1'~,t ~~~, ~};E~:;(~.~i~~i~,j ~:rkl I~~r~rt(ii.ll( i~l{1~~~,iil~~. f ~, !rl`;1 L lll~'~i} ~,j
{ r~ < <~r~~tr~al r[ ~,~ ,,,~, ~ir~~~~~ tklE, r1 ~~rE,,~,~'
t'itVl'~!~lirlE Ii~:~l C~~l aVi,-~!`
~ ~ ~Ejfi~ lr}C.I ~ ~t:l:llt V;'
f I fVR ~ ;11iT l~ :€ V~;_~1 ~ t)~ICJ r~(,l - ~ ~ t ~ c
t,r~~f.r (F i,y .j ~1'i~~+. (~}E ~~r~ti~f~~;atir~E~ ,,~ ~Ii~~I~~'irr~ ~ ~r,~ht~r . ~~~-~r ~~ ir~~E ~~°~
l ~~ ; ~1 ,%:~~; <<a ~,~nlE~-c,1i«rf ~~~ ~t1~~!f~~_~ ~>~~E.~i~~:~rlt t« f- t , 1 ~1:~~~; <<~l
r~~~~IE,,.~~i~~E~ z~i iir~~~~~ lkc~.~~~~~r1:; i~~ il~,z,r~~>I;~irt:~: rr~ ~~ .~~,s~rr1,'rt~.~~ ~~Ftl~ i ~~)
~~}C i'~', (t""-'-~ ~3`.'>`.lj<ilClGti: (~ Clli~~r'c;~ CC~rI t =.~_~ii1C;~~f \%dE~~"1 ~.~'lr` ~~;~~~~~VF'.C~
} , , 1; ? -'
~~tr.l~~` l~[~~I'c~~Et n~~'rlf ~Ji fy C~r~il ~1 C~ii; ~l C,~n~)E';{~ l_c r~f~F?r t~t€.' ~ (l~r~r31 . rh,
~,~-~r~ ~~~~ r~~FE.:~~i l~~f t ~:f ~i~3i~~ i,~ri 0.~, r <<, ~1~`}'~, ~t s~;q } (f;t
;;~7r~t~}rFi~ity r~~f ~~~F~cs~~'ral ,~c;~t~ior~5 ~r~ `:}f.3tt_ (~,~iE~an Air} Ir~~~lpr~~~n{~~~i«n
I'I~:tfts> ~_,r7:.t~~~ ~>rc;tic>r~ `11(c} ofth~ ~ I~:<.~C ~'eirratactianai~ `'r=.
nmF;r~ci~d F~~~ ~.t.~.C. 7401, et se~.l.}, :~} p
€~~~dr~ryrc~~r~d sources ~~~ cirir~kiri~ ~~at~~r CEC ~~~`r tyre Safe Drinking
t~°~1~x~tf:r flc;tc~f 1074, r~ , ~-~rt~E~ncied ~F'.~. `~~-5~:3}; {h} protection of
er ~~arlc~ered ;~~ecies under t~~e ~ ~ waanger ~:~ :species Act of 1073,
~~. ~r~~~;r~ci~ct {P.L. 03205}; and (i} Flood Disas~er Protection Act of
~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ ~,~~ 4~} (P.~. 93-234}.
;,~.I~~ ~E CIE'lEr`,i-[- shall comply with the ll~lild and Scenic Rivers Act of
1961 (16 U.:~.C. ~~~~, et seq;} related to protecting components or
potential campanents of the national wild and scenic avers system.
SUB-RECIPIENT shall camply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning
Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. §§4801, et seq.} which prohibits the use of
Lead- based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence
SUB-RECIPIENT shall camply with the wFhd ~ ae~tortes anoduma mains
Control Act (33 U.S.C. ~ 1251, et seq.}
the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nation's waters.
SUB-RECIPIENT shall ensure that the facilities under its ownership,
Tease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of
this project are not listed in the Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA} list of tliolating Facilities and that it will notify the Federal
Grantor agency of the receipt of any communication from the
Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a
facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by
the EPA.
By signing this Agreement, SUB-RECIPIENT ensures that it is in
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act {CEQA},
Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. and is not impacting the
environment negatively.
SUB-RECIPIENT sha11 camply with the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act {P.L. 94-163, 89 Stat. 871}.
y~Pil ~~:f ~ ,li '!i i~t =~;{i~tli ~.~Ef ~!}E)~~~, I! :11)I7{f:,, 1E ~f '~,~=-~li![ ~tili' ~~rCtVf::;tF ii! ;.?f (il~.:
I-i f~~-`. ~~i, l~ l~r ~~~E~.!C 1~, ,O f~itf :. .. ~~~[;f ~(~.~ {~ ;.~ ~. l; ~~f :`f~ l i~.jf?~t{`~. .~~~ .~f.
(~!, l_1`>~ . ;;!,Il ~ ~~t ~ tt j. ~'dlll(~,I1 l~.rrafi!E~!f;; lit ...,Ett;f~~ft1!1'C' rat r1}~) ,i 11
1 f ~:~i~l:l~ filiifl' w'!~!!i!I t~ li(Irf'. Oi [!?ii ( ~);t,,~;.ii ItItl~Et( E_;~. 'f1tCE'.`;
>f )I7 F?E C;IE'fE ~J~! ~:;l~~~ll C`,l_)`rtErlti~ wtt~- : F ti~~~7 ~ (iF, rat tE~~~ E~~~~~ir>r~<~(
i (~ f~ li ~(; t'tf '~;1't s~ltlf 11~ :^t(;t el I ~aE'F) ~ i ~ ff'.t1~~E !~ •'~1 ~ f I ._i C ~'~ / 0}, ~:{~
11 ~ .~ ii~~c ~~~i~~c iilOn ~ar~~i t~trtEt.~:f~~~r, ~~t Ikistr~r,r F~rol~ 'rti€ _,~, ~~r;C~ the
f1r~ ti~l~~olu~~i~;r:~~ ~~t~~_f f fi~;tr7r;~: E~r~~ ~r~r~~~~tian At;f of 1y74 {16 U.S.C.
12. ~~~.,~;FtE;n~ ~ :~~R,~.~ f?et~~~rr~~Fr1t
-~:,1_rE~ ESE t;lE'lE~~~{_ <,f ~~i~! c:~rr~pfy ~~°~~ith Fr~~a~~r~E E~E>c~isi~~r, Vnlum~ ~8,
E~f~t~tK~er ~1c;, rec~~~r~~inr~ :~~~~~>E;~cnsicr~ anc~ E~}eC~~rrr~~r7t, end UB-
E( t;lE~IE:~ E~l~ ;~har~ll suF~rnif t~ ~_:e~riific,~tiart fr~ca~r~~iE,q [)k~b~rtrtent required
b;~ E xE3r,«tiue (:)rc~F~r r `?~.;~c3 anc~ ~~riy ~t~~er~clrrt~~r2t ti~erF,f;c7 ;aid
~;~rtffication shall ~>~~ ~>l_tk)rrlittecf to the C€~~''~ eunc~rt~ertl v~~itrt the
exec:~.~tion of tFris ~~gr~~em~~nt at~d ~~hall certify that neither SUB-
R(::CiE'IE(<~-z~ nor its prir~~:ipal~: are presently debarred, suspended,
prc~~c~st-:et tar d~laarment, de<~lared ineligible cr ve~luntarily excluded
from participation in this transaction by any federal department head
or agency. SUB-RECIPIENT shah require that the language of this
Certification be included in the award documents for all sub-award at
all tiers and that aN subcontractors shall certify accordingly.
13. Drug~Free Wor~lace
SUB-RECIPIENT shah comply with the federal Drug-Free
Workplace Act of 1988, 41 USC §?01, 44 CFR Part 6?; the
California Drug-Free Workplace Act of 199C}, CA Gov't Code ~~
14. Miscellaneous
SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act
of 1966, as amended {P. L. 89-544, ?USC §§2131, et seq.}.
B. Statutes and Regulations Applicable To This Particular Grant
Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations {CFR} Part 13; EC? 12372;
Department of Justice {DC}J} C3ffice of Judicial Programs {C?JP} C}ffice
(}l 1f1 ~ ~~~. Ji il~r7~. if i~ ~{,• {~f'.~1 111 ~~ i ~ ~iE '~ I1 It€ ,` r t L~I~°,'` ,
i ~ (xl, 111~F-t.lti~ its, ~ irk , . ~~f;iEi l~~~a-T ,,t ~ z zi(I,:, ~ ~ ~.
~ i,l1;'a1 f's( i (~ifkl~'.I~1{!~~ .`>t lf;f~~` t i~ifs +, t~{ ( f 1€E~:~ 3i1'~ ~ f tt€ILlt1 i.,;
< },
i ~ I(?lik~ ~'i<<a r f`~E ~ ~C r ~ ~'( t-1li~ ~'i"~~ 7Ffl r ,lli,i,, ,r ae .
t - r ~'"~
/~r~~rilr i(lui} ~ I}_, '~ 1{ it' ~~i~,~~.aG) w t 1iC1f J l,~if(i ~' (~ iG ~ - of ~ i:. ),E F ~C~r.,~
ft~; ~ .fvlf 6 ,I~,l,t°'~,
~i;~:z~t~laCi~l: ~'~~ i ~~rir~rlC`t.~ ~~~~ I~t i~~r fi r ~~~ ,; f~?C ~ (:;i K:rl=~}
r''f~!!fl' C1 i~"'f F~ a` :a~IT ~! i9ra E t ~~~a F~c i .::<f ~ Wit,
~~;Cw~ €~lrY~t~,~lt ~.;~rtlf' (.;~7 ~C3'~ r .rf f_)I~~i~ i~;~ l 1 ~;~( l Ef(~ ~",E(~~.1{e} and
~ ~ F Ia
ClG lac)tlflC~~t4J~~~;1~,~1t,~~1c~\EjCIi~C,~f`i ~~i:., r ~}~">~)f it\%f
~k~r"~ . F,r ~ r~ ~1 ~ ~;~~ a~tJF` ~ :~.AJ~c ~=J I ~C(l~,c~ C~l..l~"~'v~
Fart ~O CCi~r~il7al .Ju~ti~:e Inf~~~~r~ati~~f `:y ~E~rr~~ fart -'~',
~;t}rijlC;~'.Cltia~ft'~ (}t (C~E;'Cltffic~k3~r t1°iE'c#r(:Ci aCt~l `i~ 3tl ]tiCa~ ~i1tUP(?latlU'Ci,
4~~a~~ >1~i, ~:CiCi"iCClal I11t~lli~enc:r3 ,~~;~t IifS ~J~fi[aklil~ f~C)~~r iE'=,, l~af~' ~~,
1' ',,_f '';it/E'.CC1CCl~.flk~~f l~(;~JfE;w of ~~~alrfrl~;C}+ ~:}t ~)I k`,t.ICE. ~~'rCJt7Cc~C~'iS and
i~ctiw~ft€es; Part 6, Nc~ndiscriminatl~~f ~ ~~n fh~ E3asi`a of Disability' in
;~tatE. aril Local C.',cvornmerlt a~!vl< <:-:.~ i'a~t 3~>. .qual ~`r~atrri~.nt of
F ai~~~ b~:~~~~;~~ (~r~~ar~fza~i«ns; Fart ~~'-? t`~~>r~~iiscCirT~tinatic~nl~gta<-~1
employment C~pportun~ties Policies ar~C~ Pro~:cdurs; Part u1,
Procedures for implementing ti~te f~lat~lor~aJ L.nvironmental Policy Act;
Part 63, Fioodplain Management aris# Wetland Protection
Procedures; Part 64, Floodplain Management and Wetland
Protection Procedures; Federal laws or regulations applicable to
federal Assistance Programs; Part 69, New Restrictions on Lobbying;
Part 70, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements {including sub-awards} with Pnstitutions of
Higher Learning, Hospitals and other Non-Profit Organizations; and
Part 83, Government- Wide Requirements for a Drug Free
Workplace {grants}.
Nondiscrimination requirements of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended, 42 USG 3~$9{d}, or the
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, or the Victims of
Grime Act, as appropriate; the provisions of the current edition of the
Office of Justice Programs Financial and Administrative Guide for
Grants, M710U.1, and all other applicable federal laws, orders,
circulars, or regulations.
2, Travel Expenses
~! `f ~ ~~,~t ,~~'~~ I`~11 fi;,'~.~~ °~ ~ifi`i Ei; ~; ijlt't!t fF:lYlt)i;;". rat (,?';t
,'hi(!t~~f'(~11';_. ~F.~',f~~) ~~ ~,~~~;~.~~~ itUt`.,,'It_7fiCl~!\(C,~.'c',t<~~~~i~?i'.C~
~[;i~,~t'~ t)i i'(:!t':; ;lrl;f ~1Ct)i;(~tftlCt';f. ;,~)~i E~f ~.„.zil-~~l~~i FEill"C7k)l1f"`>E~IF1c't
~; 1~ _;~ I, i~f i` ~(.?~ E `X,C,E't'(~ i~lE' :ifi I(}li! ~~.: E_i, f,?1.;ii:',f IE i(~ ~I1f t~fF'. `,'f~fiF`
~)r ~t'tF`[flt'~}{ C~(~ ~t.'C°~,r~t1C)r'i ~~tfrilf~lf'.~~t~fC3t_IC-Jf1 f"~~U~F`; C3P~1~~ (~r~1r~~_IICItkI~I~S,_
f~~V~~ ~l(' il.'~f. ~,( (;~Ct~, r~ifCl Fj"~`.). ({`<l~E:(~ ,~II~~/ ~) 1~;~~~ir i~4ld `7f'C;~lC3n
`~t~~~.:i:; ~ ~~FUf ,~:; ~~~nr:iF~"i~>~i fr~~rt~ ti~~ri~; to time.
~~~~~ 1€? ! ~;;~ ~ IF'Il N~E~ ,.~ndE:r~,t~r~d~ ti`sat ~~ilur~ to rc7~rrp[y ~.~^,tith any of the
~~I l~v~ ,. ~r~~f~~,~~_:~~ r~'~~~x, ,~-~.~u~t fry S~,'~~~~r~=a~~rE, ~errr!ir~atic~n ar reduct~an
„~ ~xr~~nt f~~r~;i~s ~~F~~ rE~payrnFsnt by ~~EJF~=~.~-.C,;If-'IEN~C'ta CITY of any
un«~~,~~~rft~f ;:xr.r~.r~c:i'.~.
C. Carne€tn~;ce it'r~ E: ~~~~ri1 Assur~r~~;~<>
C o ok,t<~in t~~c {.~~rant ~ ur~ds, the C_z.-rlr~t~r required an authari~ed representative
~:~x t~~ie (~;i I Y` t~, ffc,l~ ~,r:r~f~i~~ pror~~ses regarding the way the Grant Funds would
be ~p~r~t ("r_~tarzt ~~s«r~rt~`es"}, attached hereto as Exhibit C. By signing these
Grant Assur~~ances. the CITY became liable to the Grantor far any funds that
are used in violation of the grant requirements. SUB-REGlPlENT shall be
liable to the Grantor far any funds the Grantor determines SUB-RECIPIENT
used in violation of these Grant Assurances. SUB-RECIPIENT shall indemnify
and hold harmless the CITY far any sums the Grantor determines SUB-
RECIPIENT used in violation of the Grant Assurances.
§414. Federal, State and Laval Taxes
Federal, State and local taxes shall be the responsibility of SUB-RECIPIENT as
an independent party and not as a CITY employee.
X415. Inventions Patents and Copyrights
A. Repartinp Procedure far Inventions
~~' k ~ ~/~ i',~1-. t ( ,~ r. t ~ ~' ~~ ti i ~~r~~ k pit ~ It'(lFl ~} ~/~ '.l~i~<,'~(~1,~'tt!
ri j4~~,l ;t [~ rr ,E ~~ r;T ~'; 1~''f E) k''tklr _;r ~k~ ~(ti. ~ !< <`~`- ~ 1 i~iE I ..t~V't' ~ If k):Il Eiji `f~) ;:~f ~~~
;~,~~ 1~'!~ !4;i~ ~ ,'r~ (~ , f`'; t ;t~ ° f .. ~:1liVt ~ }F~1= i `„ .h,~itl~~. ~ ~~: i I~
~} 1 ~~„ ., `_,~ f f E~., k (t r~, ilFl% C)'~~ t i ~ t,s~il'~/. i }~rl yY 1, [ iii
1 '..' _,~r, ~ ~ E ~ ~ ,2; k r;~j~ t ;k) E ~;, ; ;. rf; [~-, (, `,~r; `;l I(~, (~k ~ ;IE'!I I~°~ ~'
>i,.f ll)`y' ~~~ t) k~~.'t~~EtF~4.{ {)~/ ~ki~' i'c ~ls;`~`, ;lll~} ~~~;k~ ~ _)iII~I~)E1-~~~~f" i~tt.klli~: Ift-
~'~C°l:;f~rti{~'k ~~_? ~~. ~1UL1~1C~s 1.?~ ilt4: k'~~~i~a`-~,
k k'I~iti't= C.~ ~_~;~: ~f'iU`r ,tf_€C?Ct:
-i ~ ~"~ _;~l~ik~ l1<1V(° ~t[1 {.}(if;Ild`;Li~ilfli.fE'C:} fl~~il~~, ,'~liltk ~i [kttr f'sX~;kl, l`~%( li~rll~~C ~_l~'}l¢.'~,
,~%zlty f<<;E= ,<<;;~~r~ ~. tr; ~~ ~r~~, rn~xrtE~f~~r.h~~rf~, ir~~~,k~,~~;~/E~ t~k, ,r,, <~~ ~ ~il~~~tnt C~th~rs tt~
:~>~~ fiE>~~ ~sif ;~~r,~E:irErr~~:~~~ ptt~a~c~;;~ ,ny Inl/~,~°t~!rtn _~F:~~~~_1~~~~~;ct under this
`~ . 1)f l) "~.~ t~therwi ~~ ~)i ~:~Vi(Sr.'C~ ~;~ arlf~ tf-,rCr1°, t?l tl1E~ ~~rcl~ltC~r or o~ tflis
Ag~s::'F~,€YEE~n+, ~^~h~~,r~ ~:~~~,~~f-i~ht~k~i~a ~7~;~tE~r~ ~~I (''~~~~~.~teri~l"} is cf~vef~F~~d
unt~~=r ~a~i.~ f~grF~ :rnen=, tr~~~ E~uthc~r ~,N tk~~ . ~I_k'P, at the ~ITY';~~
discretion, rn~y ~~~«~yright the ~,~f~iF~ri~.~i. kt'~,~ ~~ITY declines to
copyright the M~3tE~rial, the CITY _~~,~tal have an unencumbered right,
and anon-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty- free license, to use,
manufacture, improve upon, and allow others to do so for all
government purposes, any Material developed under this Agreement.
2. The grantor shall have an unencumbered right, and anon-exclusive,
irrevocable, royalty-free license, to use, manufacture, improve upon,
and allow others to do so for all government purposes, any Material
developed under this Agreement or any Copyright purchased under
this Agreement.
3. SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with 24 CFR 85.34.
D. Rights to Data
The Grantor and the CITY shall have unlimited rights or copyright license to
any data first produced or delivered under this Agreement. "Unlimited rights„
means the right to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works,
distribute copies to the public, and perform and display publicly, or permit
others to do so; as required by 48 CFR 27.441. Where the data are not first
produced under this Agreement or are published copyrighted data with the
notice of 17 U.S.C, Section 441 or 442, the Grantor acquires the data under a
copyright license as set forth in 48 CFR 27.444~f}(2) instead of unlimited
rights. (48 CFR 27.444~a}}.
E. C~biigations Binding on Subcontractors
SUB-RECIPIENT shall require all subcontractors to comply with the
obligations of this section by incorporating the terms of this section into all
;~_lk~~ ~; ;~~ ,,_ ;,
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~~F'F~mc'.C~ t~~ hr? :gin carEgi~~~l. This ~c~ret_~~~F~rtt ir~c(~des fi~l°~~~nty-fire (2} pages and
five `~ E~xhi%its w~~ich constitute the ~T-~tire understanding and agreement of the
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~.. The ~lh,~ii~~ud ~~rtiiic~; ~h<<t it a~~d its f~rincipals.
(a) Are tfot i' ~ ~~:; ' e!~:f~ ~ ,i. si~SEicn~h~i, prof ~; ~~ ~:~- debarme~~~t, declared ineligible, sentenced
to a dem~l t.f 1 ~e1t~r~if ,~, ~~ ~(El. `'Y ~~ ~lttt~ or l ~_~';~~~al c;aut-t, or ~roluntarily exel~tded frotrr covered
transactions bv, r1~~ F~ cl~:ri' cfept;~!;~,~~;,! or t~-~c€t~}f;
(b} N~;lc not within athree-year period preceding this application been convicted of or had a civil
~~~~1~~1?ent rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in comlection
with ol;Caining, attempting to obtain, or perf"oi°ming a public (Federal, State, or local j transactian
or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or
commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, briber}~, falsification or destruction of records,
making false statements, or receiving stolen property,
(c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity
(Federal State or local) with commission of any of these offenses enumerated in paragraph {1}
(b) of this certification; and
{d} Nave not within athree-year period preceding this application had one or more public
transactions {Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default, and
f3. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall
attach an explanation to this application.
Authorized Agent Signature
Printed or Typed Name
iK " ~tt ,~, ~+ , ,,. ed
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~. ? r~ ~rn:~: ~~;~.~e u transa~ `~~~ ~,~~%arred," „suspe ~E," ", ,~ ~~~`ble," "lower tier covered
r, ~ i,, ~ ;.,,+ ~~r;, ~~ ~° _ ~ r.,= ~;,~^r covered tra.^sa. :~n,,""pr~ncipad," "proposal," and
"_ ~: us ... a ~ ; ;, , , F:, have the mea~ ~~,gs set out in the Definitions and
",vs .r, , < ~"
~; ,.x<. ,_:~,~~r~ c" ru' ~~ ~~4er ~:r~~ ~~ t~aecutive Order 12543.
5. c:; r~ i~~iar:` of Fr--~~,r~l =~~ s~ar~ce funds agrees by submitting this proposal that, should
-;. , ~ ~ t <~ ~ ;;c ~~. ~~~_ er.~ red into, it sha#I not k~:o~,: ~r~3'~~ enter into any lower tier
c.._ a=~~ic?°~ ws ~ ,~~r-on ~`v`--~~=~ is debarred, suspended, d~c!ared ineligible, or voluntarily
e~ _..~ ,. ~; r~articipation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or
agency with which this transaction originated.
6. The prospective recipient of Federal assistance funds further agrees by submitting this proposal that
it will include fhe clause titled'"Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and
Voluntary Exclusion dower Tier Covered Transactions,"" without modification, in all lower tier covered
transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.
y. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a
lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded
from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may
decide the method and frequency by whioh it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each
participant may, but is not required to, check the t_ist of Parties Excluded from Procurement or Nan
Procurement Programs.
8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records
in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and
information of a participant is nat required to exceed that whioh is normally possessed by a prudent
person in the ordinary course of business dealings.
3. Except #or transactions authorized under Paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a
covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is
suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntary excluded from participation in this transaction, in
addit"son to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agenoy with which
this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension andlor debarment.
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I~c~c~era! ~~c~r~rr~~~ct, tt1~~ r?rakir~c~ of ~~r~y f-~~dera! c~r~3r1t, tr7e rt;~kinq of any F~eciE~r~! Ic~an,
tflt F.'f1f~E'f Ifl~ (ntC} C)f tl`~ ~:UC~~)E3I"~~CIVE' dC~rL;~(l~Cl~y ~nC.~ t~~G;' E'Xt~t~l~n, C(~IItICIU~~!C.)n,
rr:nc:~^r~l, am~ncirrtant, car mt:~:~ifi"aficn €~f any F-~ feral cc~nfract, grant, Ic~an car
coo~~~rative ~~rc:t;n-aF'nt.
3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the
award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants,
and contracts under grants, [Dens, and cooperative agreements) and that alI
subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
4. This certification is a material represents#ion of fact upon which reliance was placed
when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a
prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352
Title 31, U.S. bode. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be
subject to a civil Penalty of not less that $10,000 and net more than $100,000 for
each such failure.
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4. Wi1C comply with any east sharing commitments included in the FY 20I 1 Ittvcli~u~i~~t
.lustiiications submitted to I~1"IS/FEMA and Cal LtvIA, where applicable.
5. Will give the federal government, the General Accounting Office, the Comptroller
General of the United States, the State of California, the Offtce of Inspector General,
through any authorized representative, access to, and the right to examine; all paper or
electronic records, books, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper
accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards andlor
awarding agency directives.
6. Agrees that funds utilized to establish or enhance state and local fusion centers must
support tl2e development of a statewide fusion process that corresponds with the Global
lusticelHomeland Security Adviso-y Council (HSAC} Fusion Center Guidelines, follow
the federal and state approved privacy policies, and achieve (at a minimums baseline level
of capability as defined by the Fusion Capability Plam-ting Tool.
7. Will provide progress reports, and other such information as may 6e required by the
awarding agency, including the Initial Strategy Implementation flan ~ISIP} within 45 days
of the award, and update via the Grant Reporting Tool {GRT} twice each year.
8. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of
approval from Cal EMA.
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S.II~~"I;i~ f~a~Y`--, jcl tili~ ~_;I~il~ ~ r._tEi'~:1LC`le.
I5. Will notify Cal EMA ofany developments that have a significant impact on award-
supported activities, including changes to key program staff.
1 b. WiI] comply, if applicable, with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act {42
U.S.C. ~~ 4801 et seq.} which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction or
rehabilitation of structures.
17. Will comply, and wi[1 assure the compliance ofali agents and contractors, with al(
federal and state statues relatingto civil rights and nondiscrimination, These include, but
are not ]united, to:
a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 {P,L. 88-352}, as amended, which
prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin.
b. Title IK of the Education Amendments of 19`72, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§
1681-1683 and 1685-16$6}, which prohibits discrimination on the basis afgender.
c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1913, as amended {29 U.S.C. § 794),
which prohibits discriminatio~~ against individuals with disabilities.
d. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S,C. §~ 6101-6107),
which prohibits discrimination on tl~e basis of age.
e. The Drug Abuse C}ffice and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255}, as amended,
relating to nondiscrimination on the basis ofdrugabuse.
f. The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and
Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-6I6}, as amended, relating to
nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism.
g. Sections 523 and 527 of the Public health Service Act of 191.2 (42 U.S.C. 290
dd-3 and 290 ee-3}, as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug
abuse patient a-ecords.
h. Title VIII of the Civi! R~;~ts Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. ~ 3601 et seq.}, as
amended, relating to nc~ di ~~~ rimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing.
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r~~i __ Il (.~':~~ f It SF1 li E.iC C .~i C~ lf~~~ll< <~Ili 1 l 1 'l' ~ ali ~~t LII _F' it ~. I~~ -'~ `,'Ill
;~i~i ~ flip.. ii i is f. ~~ ~ \}~~ j 1,~~/~G ~ i ,.i( ~ t} i:,.. li iii ~I! ,:~ ~..
1~~. ~~ i',i ,~ _~vil#~~ ~ 1 l~qual Employment C7pp~'~ iri~~~:~, I'lat~. i' G i,~>>I . _~.hEe, to the C~ ril~i~~tt
01 t ~ !i,~l CI~~!c~~ of Civil fights within G4 c ~, ~~l` ~;~`.i'~~I,
II E f il~ ~ ~~:' ~~~~~~, l~~,ocatio2l
24. Will ~ ?~~ w~t`t t ~ ~trr•Ar2letlts of'T'4~ ~:_.
Assistan~~ ~~";i ~:~-~,~ I'f~l~ l~ Acquisition Policies A~' ri~ ~ I ~~ (-~~ U.S,C. § ~~"'f1 et see}.
~P.L,. 91-64~:,} ~ F~~-;; r~1, "€{E;'s for fair and e y' 41 :~'nl ttc .:1, r < <-~f'persans d ,~~ ~L ,i '.'r`
wha~~ ,~~r'operty is ~ICqurr~,d as a result of I
re y 11 ~!;I(,~lts apply to all I~ f:i ,i0~f 1 i ~ tk f` i :t~ t ~I.ilt~ 1 ~ ~C pIE}teCt pu ~ ~~ '~
~~ with `I".El~ ,« C`? k~4x
jt. V CI i'.~ 11~ i Udc I ~ ~l t( [~c ~~~~Il 1C1 ~ I ~~i~t ~' ~l i ~~b ~ y
~. ~_:Cl~~~~~Ihi ~i'f~C ~lC1I1,~ ~`Iti[2.i~:~.: ~ill~~ Iv~a~ iii :~':_ T~ ~~.CC~It, _L?4i1€2 ~(!(~ ~"~~~~F21~ ;tl1i{
Fc:i~rwdll A> 4cu t'r~:~f,r „~,-.
2l . Will comply, if applicable, with the flood insurance purchase requirements of` Section
142(a} of the Flood L3isaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients
in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance
if the total cost of insurable construction and acquisition is $10,400 or snore.
22. Will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local envu-onmental and historical
preservation (EI-IP) requirements, Failure to meet federal, state, and local EHP
requirements a~~d obtain applicable permits may jeopardize federal funding. Applicant will
comply with all conditions placed on any project as the result of the EHP review; any
change to the scope of wos~k of a project will require reevaluation of compliance with these
E1-IP requirements.
23. Will comply with all regulations applicable to DI-ISIFEMA grants including, but not
limited to, 44 CFR, Part 14, Environmental Considerations, Applicant will also comply
with ail state laws, including the California Environmental Quality Act.
24. Agrees not to undertake any project having the potential to impact the EHP resources
without the prior written approval of DHSIFEMA and Cal EMA including, but not limited
to, ground disturbance, construction, modification to any structure, physical security
enhancements, communications towers, any structure over 50 years old, and purchase
and/or use of any sonar equipment. The subgrantee must comply with all conditions acrd
restrictions placed on the project as a result of the EHP review. Any construction- related
activities initiated without the necessary EHP review and approval will result in a
noncompliance finding, and may not be eligible for reimbursement with I~HS/FEMA/Cal
EMA funding, Any change to the scope of work will require re-evaluation of compliance
with the EHP. If ground-disturbing activities occur during the project implementation, the
subgrantee must ensure monitoring of the distu'~ance, if any potential archeological
resources are discovered, the subgrantee will i,r:.lediately cease activity in that area and
notify L3HS/FEMA, Cal EMA.., and the appropriate State Historic Preservation {office.
~ ,
i ~'f;. ~ li ..'r ., E,,~ {il: ~ fV'P:~ ~.C ~~' .. ~,',(il] I~i1~i' ,_~~ ,'-l ~i'i f)ik(/~.
(` ~ '~Fi ~; ` i ~~rr:~! (i !t t?; r ,:nil ~ I!Irit'~I, 1~:1~. ~ ~ ! ,t~ ~ ~ r,,. ( r
[; I1, ( ~ I.tI ili~f. 1. (t l ; u
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l ,4~t ,t; .'r1 ;fl. III,. !t ..: [;. A .li,~.
~~7 ~~'., u,, [~!;tt !IL' ~;1~'!li(li.' !Iit, ~,'r i( _l,,rl ~~ I ~ f
iif 1. f",a' ~ll~ ~~I(Gy V'(`,!(~;1_ ~-~:?IC~? shall be
~~~(~!. ~ , ;(I~ t~flll •1I!. ! ,~~ `:~. cif. ~ (tC'. X11 .`I! f~ll ~,(1 rl ,.i?IP., .ital I'rar Ct~~lll!,
gin, tI~€ , 1 i V'~- „f. ~,_.~~nt .,.:I ~.~r!! n,~,lj~~ ( .~ E 1i.~1 ;ulcl Ii '~1;~ n.~?i1C'-
I i~l'; i~ ;l!'.i, ,.ill i"[':'.. ~ f: .,.- llt,' ~)1I~,.'~t}f ~~ ii~l' }~,I1'~ ~)~~~.'C. C'~ f"l't~t'1~!1i 1~G:.V1!it..,
]I ~ a', ~ ;F i ;il ~C~ G'~. 1 _(.; ,., ?~;,. ~'~I'(' ~ s ._~ C[{=U~`. ~.~,i~iliC'i .~.~111 ~ ~t. ~li:-.lilk~y ~}}' iflC
!'.'~ .
< . ~x.~_'~ h ~?~ i'~~'I~ill! ' . '1 i~t ~.~L~;f~'('i 'y l~~ ~` 1 } ~~ "\ ~lil:~ ,I_ l '.' } ~'~ i. E.? wrlS~lre
Ct}Illl'~~. ~1,'. A` ! ~, ~l! I~';.. i ~', t!I il:illi Ili ~. !~,~~'~,
a. ~I'~.llilfllt~ll ~ t ..'[IA'fl ~,:'ll.. ~~~t!I 1 •,~,_~ti~, ~ pi F !i!Ci• _„lil~f tlx.: ~J;},I~?!!_If
} I1 VIl~i.)Iltlh'll~;:l fti~~l,..A ;~t'~, ~JLt~li~ ~ f f;ti;,. ~ IC!?I ~~Jf : ~'{'b,!~IClll ,"it !~I1;~.L'tt:alogrcal
!.!il ~~i;!,.tiili' ~'i".'1~'fV II~~„l~r `~il:l. f};lt ~~ :,'~ ( .~'~, 't`j;1;1 .!1C. ~.~:_'U'tf~`~"Qi`dC'C"4C}fl
( ~ .,. 1E `_7 ~lli1-. ( ~!'ii~ i. ~~ '[~(!il~ii ! '; ~')i}r~~. 1.1lvII'ar~Illo?n~:!~ ~~llStlce I2i`~k
( 8), and
~`°~'C~t! i a~i. ~ i i( il;lli l.ll!ii. !7!@)~i I .. !(_} EC? I I~i~.
c. A~s~tl.l~l.,e ~ ~~r,,i<< , :~li> ;1tnc~~ ,~ ;~i;~ 1.~c ,!I>,~rove~ s?.lt~~~ rn,~r~agement program
develal7e~I tntE( ,~ tl~l-,~ Ct,,t;t,:I ~`-,>n~~ ~It!ia <<~~ltl:~:;t Act cC 172 (Ifs U.S.C. § I45I et
sect. }.
d. Garrformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under
Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et
e. Protection of underground sources of drinking water ender the Safe Drinking
Water Act of 1974, as amended {P.L. 93-523}.
f. California Environmental Quality Act ~GEQA}, California Ptirblic Resources
Code Sections 2I080-2I098: California Code afRegulatians {GCR}, Title 14,
Chapter 3 Sectiarls 15000-I5007.
g. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of I968 (16 U.S.C. §~ 1271 et seq.) related to
protecting components ar potential components of the national wild ar~d scenic
rivers system.
h. Applicable provisions of tl~e Coastal Barrier Resources Act'P.L. 97-348} dated
Qetaber 19, 1982 X16 USG 3501 et seq.), which prohibits the expenditure of most
new federal funds within the units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System.
28. WiII comply with Standardized Emergency Management System (BENS) requirements
as stated in the California Emergency Services Act, Government Cade, Chapter 7 of
Division I of Title 2, Seetian 8607. I (e} and CCR Title l9, Sections 2445, 2446, 2447, and
29. Agrees that alI publications e~-~~~-d ar plit;, i~'d with funding under this grant shall
prominently contain the fallow:;., s ~ .~:-.dent: "Ti's; ~,- document was prepared under a grant
from FEMA's Grant Programs Dit_'c torate, LLB. D~epartrrzent of Homeland Security. Points
o, f view car opinions ~xpressee~ i~z td~is docufrzent are those of the authors a~ad do root
necessarily rcpt°eset;•t the official position or policies of FEMA's Grant Programs
Directorate or the U. ~" Department of Hol; r ~ Ian:: ? Security. "The recipient also agrees that,
when practicable, any equipment purchased with grant funding shall be pr-aminentiy
~;~r ~.. '~~ +.v~: ~~'<,, r. ~~."~t1~7~1l~t€ab~1 ,.r' ~~ t~1~? (T_,. L ., r ~ ~ ,rx
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.? ~. ~ ~~-I. ;-~'itliii `n? l°:~: `~l:l[ ,?~ ~_ .t ~`.i~li, 1 r ..~. ., !~ti .'IG~ s ~.I11 }~ ..-t't'll
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`.~`~,~kt~~~.~~. t~'° ~i~l, Lil~i~~ ~~~ l-f ~..~~ ~.'(~~.~. ~I_-li 1.( ~ [Zi! t i r ~}'~V I _ fk3it, ~i E:1 .I _„cxt~ d~
'~_~ ~1lTf' [
~,, };,~u ku~v' ~f,.:~?untfor lll£Cl"~t C`[ .~ ;~~ ~`S(~Il[ 'tlF;dS, and wtll return all rnterest
earned, IIl f°~i'~'~ ~~f ~,~(}(~ 1~;'~ I i'(~e_~ it ~_~:2! ~'.'f61~,
33. Will comh[~x ~ ~~,~ ~' ~ littrrgo~.:.r~nna :,~` 1'~xso~~t~el ~: ~ ~~ l~~ 0 ( (".~ (.,. 'i~_;ns
478-4763) r~~l<E~u~< <;~ ! ~~.cribed st~n~f.a~E- for merit ~. sip n~~, f~-~~ 1 ~~,rra~ns f`un l~ ~l und~.r
one of the 19 st ~`.i[?c~ o-- rr~~~:~E,~tions specified in Ap~endi~ A oft~F'M's Standards for a
Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.}=.[~. ~(~~, Subpart 1"}.
34. Will comply with provisio~7s of the Natcl~ Act {5 U.S.C. Sections 1501-1.508 and 7324-
7328}, which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment
activities are funded in whole or in pa~•t with federal funds.
35. Will comply, if applicable. with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects
invoh~ed in research, development, and related activities supported by this award of
36. Understands and agrees that the applicant, grantees, subgrantees, recipients, sub-
recipients, employees of the applicant, grantees, subgrantees, recipients and subrecipients,
may not:
a. engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that
the award is in effect,
b. Procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in
effect; or
c. Use forced labor in the performance of the award or subawards under the award.
Applicant understands and agrees that Cal EMA andlor DHSIFI~MA may
unilaterally terminate any award, without penalty, if the subgrantee that is a private
d. Is determined to Dave violated a prohibitioa~ identified in paragraph 35,
subsections a, b, or c; or
e. Has an employee who is determined by the agency official authorized to
terminate the award to have violated a prohibition in paragraph 35 subsection a, b,
or c through conduct that is either:
i. associated with performance under this award; or
ta. ,~~,~~„i~~~l ~ f,~_ _ 1~1;)(11'~ ~" :1t ~.ll•.,1 f ~11~It',tE. il`~IIi i~l(~ 1111(i;!!~~ ;tnd
~: t~ ... ~~.~~ inn,. nu lu~ _ '~I'~li;~~ ~+I i !t~l, i.St+:il ~. ~n ,.',i
i irPnr_ 'ill I ', l! _:at'~n i ~[11~~~ r~`-:~Flr~' ~ ctiLl_~ ~;;
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~~~t..':II~'. ll< < i,... '~ ~~~.., i ~ ii l~'~I! Ili Fl;l' 1 ~Ci;-`~1 ii~ C'~.il(`I'. '~ ,`I t
(}~,,:~ ~i~~ii (:.~ i~ ..~t_ itil,f~~'I,t,?V Cfi~'~ ~ ~.... ~ p, .I t .~,1': i~l'"lelTle6lts
ii~~n ~' ~ t .r. , f t~ .~,.
i;i i ?' E f 'f! F., ~~ I tl~ ~ ~~` -c_Eii)I`: :~~'t ~ 1 Y 1~;A~ ~_1~ f~~~,} iS
~~ ,~<<' r~_°.~ `;(" ''~~ ~;i t,:_;•i,~ftt~:~fI1;~1,1;nt~ICaIEMAtoter~~;i~~atethis
'~.~ }ll ~~ llu~~;''t~ ~ 11'-i E~- 4~ ,~(;~I't, ~'.1 !.7 all oth ! '~ Ill'.t"~'~~35 for noncompliance that at`e
~.i'~11~~' ~'~ iil~~~l!i. ~ EL~,CL
• ( .'Ill t ~I,A.:_1~i< i .I^~;~ ~'~_~ the Sub '~'~ i7C ~ ~~..'~ ("rl, i91hE) Is
~~ !il i ' ;)el'I, ' I1!;lll~_ . .°(!Ile 1'3rC}~e€.ti ~ ,' f?I~) .;'.1 ri;l~ler th1S award; or
11. iul~~llln!~ ~)~. I~t~II ~!l ~~.~C~i Ifi tilt: h,'Clorfnan~c t`1 !fli; ~JrOC~eCt C31"program
LI(1GCt~ t~~l~ .I AtatU all~~ lit?: ~'~`inj~t'fl~;tii'il by the stl~~~C'antee or Si!~~FLC111Ient,
t'*Clii(l~ ~~i~' n(~t ~fi~,lt'ti 1U, a vU~llR?~Cl~ Ctr nldlVtdtlal 4~hO`-e i'1~~ ~tiGS are
~I~f!'i';)!i[~;d i ~t i~if~~i ~)~tr'ty as an (Il-t~lElt.~ CC;ntrEbutlon towaE'd ~~`5t altarltlg
ar n1;L. ~~li~~~ !'CCjUtI~CiTIi'r1I~,
ii. "l~c~l _: ci ~.:a,-~v'_ [l. .~~~; Ia~~t„ ~ c~!:~tained by any ofthc following methods;
the rec~ui~inc~~t, harboring, tt~~l;.s;~t~rtation, provision, or obtaining ofa
person is labor or services, thrt~u1~ ~h use of force, fraud, or coercion for
the purpcse of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage
or slavery.
iii, "Private entity" means any entity other than a state, local government,
lncfian Tribe, or foreign public entity, as thane terms are defined in 2 CF`R
175.25, and includes non-profit organizations, including any non-profit
institution of higher education, hospital, or• tribal organization other than
one included in the definition of Indian Tribe at 2 CFR 175.25(b), and for-
iv. "Severe forms of trafficking in persons," "commercial sex act," and
"coercion" have the meanings given at section 103 of the TVPA, as
amended {22 USC 7102).
37. Will comply, if applicable, with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P. L. 89-
544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131. et seq.} pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of
warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this
award of assistance.
38. Will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hour provisions of the Federal Fair
Labor Standards Act {29 U.S.C. 201), as they apply to employees of institutions of higher
education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations.
39. Agrees that "Classified national security information," as defined in Executive Qrder
{EQ} 12958, as amended, means information that has been determined pursuant to EO
12958 or any predecessor order to require protection against unauthas•ized disclosure and is
marked to indicate its classified status when in documentary form.
40. Agrees that no funding under this award shad. be used to support a contract, subaward,
or other agreement for goods or services that wi11 include access to classified national
security information if the award recipient has not been approved for and has access to
such information.
7( ~ ..~ _ f .. 'Ii.., f Et i, II i. illl; ~~I
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..~i:~~ 1 ,,.. ~~ _ 1 slC.. lllil . l! ::ills{ ~-+I~ln; l ,Ill L'SII~E.ii.~t1C7I15.
~)~ f (~)(l.~_1' i'f .~ .:I~ii•. F~,,irc_ li~'~.~I It ~;--:fI41"ilii`I!:
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43. Agrces with the requirements regarding Data Un~~eC~~l Numbering System (DUNS)
Numbers, meaning if recipients are authorized to malcc sub<iwards under this award, they
must notify potential subrecipients that no entity (see do ~nition in paragraph C of this
award term) may receive or make a subaward to any entity unless the entity has provided
its DUNS number.
a. Far purposes of this award term, the following definitions wild apply:
i. "Data Universak Numbering System (DUNS)" number means the nine
digit number established and assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B}
to uniquely identify business entities. A DUNS number nay be obtained
from D&B by teleph~xze (currently 8b6-705-5711) or the hiternet
(currently at http:lifedgov.dnb.comlwebform),
ii. "Entity" as it is used in this award term, means akl of the following, as
defined at 2 GFR pat-t 25, subpart C, as a Governmental organization,
which is a state, local government, or Indian Tribe, or a foreign public
entity; or a domestic or foreign nonprofit organization; or a domestic or
foreign for-profit organization; or a federal agency, but only as a sub-
recipient under an award or subaward to a non-federak entity.
iii. "Subaward" means a legal instrument to provide suppo~-t for the
perfo~°mance of any portion of tl7e substantive project oc• program for which
you received this award and that you as the recipient award to an eligible
subrecipient. It does not include your procurement of property and services
needed to carry out the project or profs°am (for furtk~er explanation, see
Sec. 210 ofthe attachment to OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States,
Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizatio[~s") and may be provided
through any legal agreement, including an agreement that you consider a
2'. - 1:--~?.~.'~~~~f,'(~li _(,,I.,. ~fll ,~',liA`t!11~[i !.'i"fA, ~~ ft'~.l~l.lli1 '(iitFl v(3u
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~~ `~ru ~ ~i.°r:~! ;i~~~prapriated funds h ~~~ he~;.n paid or will be paid, b~~ ar an behalf ai~
:iii' t;! 1~ .I~ fll ,l, ~.~ ;Ill~~ 1~~"'x~Ci ;~~E~ '!;;Iti~(1Ctl?~ ar attempting to l~'+!7i1~f':: ~ an (`t!I~~i
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b. l!~~F! ~ .-1ir_, `~~~u;r, tit,~~n federal approi~ri~ucc' fE~~~~l ':._~~~ ~~ hc~,,~ paid or will belaaid
f~ ;i!~_~.' ('-er~;~~n i:)~' .[?I~~«I~cmg ar attetnptnl~_ t`~ ~?11~L~~`.iCC ,; o(ff~'C~ Cyr t.~?;playee of
~,~~ a~~ ~;.~,. ~i ~1 ~n~'~~~er afCongress, an of~Iicer or ~i~r rr1~l~la~cc o~C':~n:_ccss, ar
~E .l`:~~~~'~ ti!~c, \1~n,h~~~`afCaC~gress nt CanneC~tu~' ~~.,t;l t17~ Ec~(~rti !.f;':!i~tar
~,~.;~r~ttive af~re~c~nc~nt, the rn~dersigned shall cae~~plete and submit S,~~c~dard farm
Ll.l,, `~Ui :closure ahLobbying Activities," in accordance with its nstructians.
c. `I~lr,~ u~~~i-r~i~~I1Cu shall require that the language of this certification be included
in the ~n~ nr~f documents far all sub awards at all tiers inciuding~ subgrants, eont~acts
unde~~ ~i~a.~ts and cooperative agreements, and subcontract(s) and that all sub
recipie~7t; sha[I certify and disclose accordingly.
d. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was
placed when this transaction was made ar entered into. Submission of this
certification is a prerequisite far malting or entering into this transaction imposed
6y section 1352, Title 3 1, li,S. Cade. Any person who fails to file the required
certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,400 and not
more than $ 100,000 far each such failure.
46, Agrees that equipment acquired or obtained with grant funds;
a. Will be made available pursuant to applicable terms of the Califor~~ia Disaster
and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement in eansultatian with
representatives of the various fire, emergency medical, hazardous materials
response services, and law enforcement agencies within the jurisdiction of the
applicant, and deployyed with personnel trained in the use of such equipment in a
manner consistent with the California Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan ar the
Califat~~ia Fire Services and Rescue Mutual Aid Plan.
b. is consistent with needs as identified in the State Homeland Security Strategy
and will be deployed in conformance with that Strategy.
47. Agrees that funds awarded under this grant will be used to supplement existing funds
far prog~-arn activities, and will not supplant (replace) non-fedel°al funds.
48. Will coanply with all applicable federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and
requirements, including OM8 Circulars A102 and A-133, E.O. 12372 and the current
Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements.
49, Will comply with all provisions of 2 CFR, including: Part 2l5 [lnifarm Admini~ ~ ~tive
Requirements far Grants and. Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, ?Y ` .ls,
and Other Nan-Profit Organizations LOMB Circular A-l ] 0), Part 225 Cost Principi. ~~ Fir
~, ~ II f , ~;~~i! [~. ~ ~iis'?71' f' j~,~~i'~ i ~t.~ii~. ~, , ~ ~~rll"f ~~~) 4~C~ .
.~~ i. ~r i~~ i] (I ..~i Inil. ~~~~~'j~! ~ il-~'t!i.~i !" 1'~i1~ -~~'C);t f~I~ 7'._. for
`t't j i ~iiut ,,.., ~lil ill* ~ ,i~ I, .i ~" ~~
il~ ~ _ ~i. ',u„ ui ~~~ ? ~ls. ~•~~~~ ~ ,ail lip- . altitlE}tl
,1~ ~~f il? 1 _,..II~ .t ~ ~, 1i;~;il,~ ;I !l~ ~. ~~ t~`~... t ,~}II. ~ll: ~-'~. ih'[at.
t"~Itl ~ ~. <<l~, .~~;~k. 1 ail ...~ '~..'CIFif' ~I..~. I'' 'i~if;l?t?' ~~'s`~ ~~ ~ (~;~~ :-,. C,7ntra~t (~oSt
~~i ~. I, ~ ~ ~~ (i,il. ~~_~ .'[ ~ ~i. ~. ~.. ~..C![1? ~G'~ 1 ~ off ~,:li: ,,-.
~" 1',,' ~1,'; iti~;~ v°,11?1 1 ~ (ulti ~t'I;i< <;n~-~ ;tdi111nlstratlVe reCllttrE:nlents Set forth In the CC1I'Ce[lt
edition o`tR~~,~ U} E.`~ }irl~uu:i"I > >~~ I~;a~.. ~,~;et Guide.
>,~:'~~; tll~!; (i <~.i~t; 'I ~;'::; u; u: , ,~~' ~'~~,~,~~ e~r~derth~s gra~rtw~ll be m accordance with
I~il, ! ~ '?~' ! 1 I~;n1. `:,r,,i `~:'Clir C~,~r~1 ~t t',~~,: ~<<<~t C~u~dance an:l Appl€catton Kit, and the
~- t ii11~1?~<- ~LIE7f.~~;i;Ciil (t~ t'1C i ~~ ~~'~~ F ~'i~= ;P~?~~~ SeCEtI'~ty tJ ~irT' 1~'rogram C~urdanee and
Al~~~i. <~n ,:; E~i'. _11i ;~i ii~~ns and ~1,.~ c?~ [ ~1Cs ender this gr.u~t will be in accordance
~~t:lt[1~' ~,14~',-ali~!.','i.~:nduSeofranrf~l;":~i.t~1I1,~~Sl:i~Rpportt.'~e;'~~is3~~dobject~VeS
il~i~~ii~t~.'Cllil:~i,~,l f~a~~dforlJr'~t=~-~~c~ «~1nl~ill~Ci~+ci't1C~~f ~t-~~c,`~~~eSa@iVdellaSt~tPw
I}~ •.f F1}Clii.~lt~~'ll~ GI:~~tn~Il€'If'cc'tilil?t._14~,1uti~,t~~;illJug:AO~~"ttf..r,~~Ci:iC.tbFllltted as part of the
(' ~ [~~~~rt~,~~ I~Y 2Q11 1 I~mela~~ ~ `;~~._~,~~ty G~°ant i ~~~~ ~.1, ~,G~p!~~ ~~t~,c~r. ~cn•ther, use of FY
~+_~ f~un~ls is limited to those ~ ~~~~;tEti~u~~ts incEt~-ded in the Ca~i~ornia F~' 2t}11 Investment
~r~~t;Iications submitted to DI-ISl1~1~~IA and Cal EIvIA and evaluated through the peer
rep ;~_w process.
55. Will not make any award or permit any award {subgrant or contracts to any party that is
debarred or suspended or is otherwise exchided from or ineligible for participation in
federal assistance programs under EOs 12549 at~d 12b89, "Debarment and Suspension".
56. As required by EQ 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 44 CFR
Part 17, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, the applicant certifies
that it and its principals:
a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or
voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal depal-tment or
b. Have not within athree-year period preceding this application been convicted of
or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a
criminal offense in connection with obtau7ing, attempting to obtain, or performing
a public {federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction;
violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement,
theft, forgery, bribex-y, falsification or destruction of records, making false
statements, or receiving stolen property,
c. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
governmental entity {federal, state, or local} with c:~~t.~~,.i~=ion of any of the
offenses enumerated in paragraph { 1 }{b} of this certi (ication; and have not within a
three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions
{federal, state, or local} terminated for cause or default; and where the applicant is
unable to ce~°tify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach
an explanation to this application.
7. t~;~r~~~~, i~, ~~~, il~ ~~,i(li (h~_• 1~rir I~. ~r 11~~~~~I~;il„ ~~ /kct of 19~, ~i<<<' ~raii~i; , iirU ~~:~ill
yrt~.i(l :t:. ~;~ >iu~:i;lra.F;u,, (r_~ ~i~`~n~;:1,~,': r
. !'.'i I !si~~;, i I"i'l' r !ti if( t!`~i; fili~!~.`v ~'t.': i!~ ~ .~ ,~'~];?\1 ~, ! Yll:li' .,~ ~i!irt'.
~i l.- „jt~i ~, i~l `_'1 `-f [, %i _,..i}. C1f'U~.~. i1~ .~ .`r'~I t-i;~s ~~ .IE~~ .; t; .,'~' -}n 1(l lr~El~d
1n (tL i...,~'~'i ,~,:.?i_~.I~i~it'. ~!II~{ :!).` I~lfll;. Ft:~' ;}::~ `~!. tf i..t ,ll!I ,!tr~~ ..fll,_,I
E ,.~ ~'rU ,.~i} i'i ;i71t_ t~l !; i' ~ICt~ ;!\i ~tl `itC~S ~'i~~,`i:illl ii, ..... -('~ ?!c'\i ..
~t! !fi:
i. E ~;;' ~l.!!IfrF i ~ i?1 i~! I ;1~~'1 ~„ i~~t. AA C11~;~. f?~sfCi'.
~~ ~f!:. „[ll~ 'ti j~a:i } .)t~.,._UI'„~t`I Iii .1 cit~.~n i~C~' ~t.'E~I~; ~Rfir~zr
lli, !~.;i~ ~1\~}I~'IC>iC iil~U ~ i:Crllil i_~~ilt'.. ,`'~;zhll!!?J1E~1I1, ,I&1(~ c'itl~~~;~~~~ .' ~I~;Sl~~ta7ICR
~i; ~ ~i~,: ,~il~:~
,. f il~ I`;'ll<t~l'..'~ IFltii !?11V ~`~ ! :~1;_~ C;( Llif•`k} e111~', ~t~...i faF`dru .~"1ii`,C ~ I,ai~ill:'~Et
C;. ~~~:;~( Il_ '? a :'il!II!~ .;'.Cf11 ~~i !~ :'~l~ ~ (.?F't ~. ;'I~~ ~l~i_~~l nI tflt: ~ (li%rinance aftllc
Cl~alll i~ !1'~I~ ;l ,:l'''`V' .if (l;C: ~( -1: ., i. !~6'(~ ';t.'f~ 't l f~(~ (~?~.
' ,1'~.~~i~ ~ ~,; ..~ trnhfoy~~~.. i~~ ~,« .,~ ~~ ,_;~ tce,._t,t ,~i ,, ,r~~~gs~ailFl {a~ tflat, as a
eand~ti ~!, i?~~C I~ I iI1E'Ell Ei11~~C! illy a!?i. ?lam ':III` j1C~C, 1~,',fl;
i. ~~l~~id~~ by tfle terms ofth~~ st~u::~Ilent; and
ii. ~~.:! iiy the etn4~i4~ye;r in z it~~~~~ of his ~,~ I;cr canvictian far a vi f }Ei:~rl of
Cl~I1i`I'lal ~?fi~g ~!_!i[iTC i)~Ci ii,1i~ fin t11C Ailll'~pl~tce na later than fl','c
._,~,I~:~u!~~r r,P~tl- of€cr sucfl ,~u~~vicEicin.
e. Ivan- ,~~~,~. ~;~.~~ l;~a.t, in 1~;-itiE~~. ~~ itiun f0 calendar days after receivr`rIg native
under sui~~~~ar;l~r~.~,?~. {d)(ii~ from arI <~:>>pfayee or otherwise receiving actual native
of sr~cfl corlvi~tion. Empfaye~-s of carlvicted enlplayees rllust pro~ride notice,
including f~ositian tiffs, ta;
Department of Justice, Office afJustice programs
A"I'TN. Control Desk
fi33 Indiana Avem~e, N.W.
Washington, DC 20531
Notice shalt include the identification numbers} of each affected grant.
f. Taking one of the fallowing actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice
under subparagraph (d)~ii}, with respect to any employee who is so convicted.
i. Taking appropriate personnel action against sucfl atI employee, up to and
including termination, consistent with the requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; ar
ii. Requu-ing such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse
assistance ar rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a
federal, state, ar local lleaftll, !aw enforcement, or other appa•apriate
g. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace
thraugll implementation afparagraph 57 subsections {a}, {b}, (c), (d}, (e), and {f}.
58. Wilt comply with all applicable requirements of all other federal and state laws, E(~s,
regulations, program and ad~Ilinistrative requirements, policies and any other requirements
governing this program.
i ~~ ~, ~'~ i r ._.t1~f. ~PI;L~' iil 1,1~ .~~. ~, u _ t~~~~1 ~~1, i ili<<
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~ t;; i}r tllC't"dill !~~.:~xl year, y(7ll 1~'t'~"~.~~`i~ ii f) ~'; I~~~;IltoT 'ilE}Fe ofyouf'
'u t ~.<_ t..~. ;~ ~,~`[ilt~:. {'-~~'Iil ` ~i('1(!1 i'[t..-ll "tF1Ctl1 'I`f4~~t I_ ~3lli
,iE. .ii!i .,...~} 7 ._(~+'I"tl iil ~(I1~.~1~„ ~;th ~. ~dhi:t l lC ,t~i ) .. t ~ CI;.'~li_
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t° ,~~~ ~ :ttl!ill~t I ... t V'~.'~lll4 . Ff~`„ I: i~t'( 1~ ~7f~1~`C inv.,'.}i ;lt -?L,t .[`-. (;illd
i~3~1 ,'S?I ,.,'l';1 '~~ :~'.~ t, E. t.; dti -~ 'S1El'. ,tiUj~.'wttC) tllE' :I'_ i!`:tt~t`11~:V
Act, ;L "~~'Gi.1C;~ ili l ~ I'~ ~~ l~ ( ~ ..~t ~1~~=lEC~`~` and
Ia`,t :~CCt~~, ( !t ti,t ~,.~;n~Ubouttl`: ~~~vT;~":'t1s':f'.f~i1
lIt l~tt ~[il~Ii~ ~cG:~;li t~~ ?~ ~ .
(}1 ,;h:3 ~ t II; f\ F~}f~ 1 ~~ ". It iii; t ~t ~!_` C'~;.C{ illlc~~.r sPCt~E tl '1 Y ~i
'..~;+.~ < < ,.~. ,. ,t.i_ r_:~, ~~~i_., ,1 t,;f',t~;~ (IS U.S.C `7,~7, ,~. 78ofd))
~c~_t „i, E~ ~ ~i~ff~c In':~ri ~: ~l~iu~~ ~itu~~~ ~`.~,~e of 1986. ~To ~!,:t~:r,~Yine iftl~e
ilh~,C tt~l', .. ;~ Et? tilt' ..ttl' ~''~:11`~$~li~f~E .~'t i Rl':~tCEI~., S: C the ~.~. SeC!!i`ity
~lii~' ~_` :~l;lil4'C ~ U~li[il'•tiIt-?h, ii~~~a1 cl?IlltlCfi~affC`i-1 fl~rilk'~ ~iE
httj.~; ~ ~ ~; ~ ; ~ "~ ~ tIi ~'•C'-~~ ;~aecomp IlE-tt )
w Sul ~~:~~ 7t ! ~~~~utwes. Unless yo~t ~ t cx~~~~i~t a: provided above, for
each fi_~~-tier ;t~1~r~ ~,il~i~cttt u~~der this awai~d, ~r,,;_i shall --eport the names and
fatal cv~~~,pensation of each of the subrecipien~`s five most highly
compensated executives for the subrecipient's preceding completed fiscal
year, if in the subrecipient"s preceding fiscal year, the subrecipient received
80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from federal procurement
contracts {and subcontracts] and federal financial assistance subject to the
Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170320 (and subawards), and
$25,000,000 or snore in annual gross revenues from federal procurement
contracts {and subcontracts}, and federal financial assistance subject to the
Transparency Act {and subawards}; and the public does not have access to
information about the compensation of the executives through periodic
repot~ts filed under section 13(a} or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 {15 U.S.C. 78m(a}, 78o(d}) ar section 6104 of the Internal Revenue
Cade of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation
information, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total
compensation filings at http:llwww.sec.govlanswers/execomp.htm.)You
must report subrecipient executive total compensation to Cal EMA by the
end of the month following the month during which you make the
subaward. For example, if a subaward is obligated on any date during the
month of October of a given year (i.e., between October 1 and 31 }, you
must report any required compensation information of the subrecipient by
November 30 of that year.
"~ '11? ~=onl~~'il~ ~ aIE' rncans I~'~ +'(; t i '
1 !7i tl i~~ 't511 ~~,If;l ~ i~ii~' ~ ~~f'It.C
~'~` tlh i'.Ci'~ ,I(ItC CjII( ti,~ the CC.'CT~ii,. ~l(~S iii ~.~~„ I I:'Il~ ~!i'.'i ~~ i}i' I.(~.;fl
_;;< <[E lily ~tlCfCti iil :~u'i~U;'.'[8"tom [ ~t'C tIl t.'4.: [llit..-IIC:~h~I, 'ii'C ,~ f i~~~
"' `r~t~tt!~,' and ~3C7t1E1S.
~ .I~V~CC1 `i of ti~~` h. i_ C~ ~`1", Ii~l:' "1llfr ~ ~ ~;, ...
f n 1~ ! fi ~ I? r~~ I i ~ ~1~:'
r ~t?~ "r_ ~U tl C. ~'~t:(tk `~( ~.~' ICI Ic~%.11 ~_,~,C`C' R I[fl ~1~ ~ ,;ice ~_4lh(~~ I .~111t ~?~
tl '~~~Fu~~ting St~_tf~c~~u,;, '~~ . ~ ~'_3 (R i;~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ,1`
~ ~ '~i[~i_ ~: ~E~~~ Eased
^ !<<r~~inr~ ;~~>r services under non-equity incentive plans. "T"his does not
irwf" ~' , - ~ ~'~~. h< <~'tfr ; i -alization or medical reimbt~r :~r>>cnt plans
t~~a~~ ,,.~ :.~;,i ' ~_~ ~:1~ i~ n:' in ~_.vor' ofexec~~r'~~.~;. _~~~d are a~ al~x` ~~~erally
r;, ~,i~ ~'ar;~ c. ;~,I ,,.~::~,.
<<n:e in ~e~~s.,r, ~~~lue.'T`his is the ~ ~rt~.~;w, i~r present vr~luc c>t~delined
~Si.'fl;'C;i _',Il,~ actU~kl'!<l~ t`CFk~ron plail~.
A' .::-m~~,~hc; ~ :,,nos ~;~ii €(~: !~,~C(I compensatron whtel~ rs riot tax-
qual~f red.
C}ther eompcns~~tioi~, ifthe ag~nrt~lt~ value of all such other
con~i~~~n~~~tion (e,g., severance, ter•mi,;atiun payments, vait~e of life
ir~sura,~ce paid on behalf of the empl<~~,~ce~ perquisites or property) for the
executive exceeds $ I O,OOtI.
61 1;~~~i;;r~tands that failure to comply with any of the above assurances may ~ ~~ult in
susp-: ~:ic~n, termi~latian, or reduction of grant funds.
The undersigned reps ~~~~en[s that helshe is authorized by the above Warned applicant to enter into this
agreement for and on behalf of the said applicant.
Signature of Authorized Agent:
Printed Name of Authorized Agent: