HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 4190RESOLUTION NO. 4190 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2011-01 BY AMENDING THE CONSERVATION/OPEN SPACElRECREATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN BY UPDATING RECREATION PLAN TO REFLECT EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND OPEN SPACES; AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 2011-04 (ORDINANCE NO. 1413), BY ALLOWING THIRTY (30) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL UNITS AS RENTAL, ALLOWING TRANSFER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND NON-RESIDENTIAL SQUARE FOOTAGES BETWEEN PLANNING AREAS, ELIMINATING A 9-ACRE SPORTS PARK FROM NEIGHBORHOOD E, REQUIRING THE EXECUTION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PRIOR TO OR CONCURRENT WITH CITY APPROVAL OF ANY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, AND IMPLEMENTING MINOR TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE MCAS TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That the City of Tustin is proposing a minor amendment to the Conservation/Open Space/Recreation element of the General Plan and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. General Plan Amendment (GPA) 2011-01 involves updates to the recreation plan to reflect existing and future parks and open spaces. Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 2011-04 involves minor amendments intended to: 1) increase the allowable number of rental units; 2) allow transfer of residential units and non-residential square footages between planning areas; 3) eliminate a 9-acre sports park from neighborhood E; 4), require the execution of a Development Agreement prior to or concurrent with City approval of any development project; and, 5) make other minor text amendments of the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The proposed Amendment would not increase the overall development potential or residential capacity currently allowed by the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. B. That on January 18, 2011, and September 20, 2011, the City Council approved Final Tract Maps 17144 and 17404, respectively which thereby refined parcels designated for parks and open spaces. General Plan Amendment 2011-01 would update the Conservation/Open Space/Recreation element of the General Plan by reflecting the refined Resolution No. 4190 Page 2 acreages related to parks and open space parcels and implementing other minor text amendments. The proposed updates would provide up to date parks and open spaces information to members of the public. C. That on April 25, 2011, the Tustin City Council approved the "Tustin Legacy Disposition Strategy for the Former Master Developer Footprint." The Disposition Strategy recommends refinements and/or modifications to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan to support development activities anticipated over the next economic cycle. SPA 2011-04 is in response to the recommendation contained in the Disposition Strategy adopted by the Gity Council. D. That allowing thirty (30) percent of the total unit count as rental can be supported based on: economics of future reuse of Tustin Legacy; the need of affordable workforce housing; the desire to maintain jobs and housing balance; compliance with Tustin Housing Element by providing affordable units for special needs population (elderly, large families, very low income households, female headed households, etc.); dispersion of affordable units throughout community; promotion of equal housing opportunities; financial feasibility of projects; Regional Housing Needs allocation; and provision of a mixture of housing types for the diverse socio-economic needs of Tustin residents. E. That the elimination of a 9-acre park site can be supported due to the fact that: there are over 287 acres of open space planned at Tustin Legacy, approximately 160 acres are planned within the former master developer footprint; the park sites will be available to the general public through public easements; upon implementation of these park sites, there will be a surplus of 141 acres park sites in the City; the 9-acre park site was once planned for a detention basin where further refinement of Tustin Legacy infrastructure design has rendered a new detention basin at the corner of Barranca Parkway and Redhill Avenue; the 9-acre park site is surrounded by proposed commercial and industrial uses in which a park site is not conducive to the surrounding non-residential uses. F. That on June 7, 2011, the City Council adopted an Urgency Ordinance No. 1401, requiring the execution of a Development Agreement prior to or concurrent with City approval of any development project. On July 5, 2011, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1402, extending the requirement for the execution of a Development Agreement prior to or concurrent with City approval of any development project for a period of ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days. SPA 2011-04 would codify this requirement in the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. G. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on February 14, 2012, by the Planning Commission. The Resolution No. 4190 Page 3 Planning Commission continued the item to February 28, 2012, asking staff to address concerns brought up at the meeting. H. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on February 28, 2012, by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission considered staff responses to their concerns. On January 16, 2001, the City of Tustin certified the Program Final Environmental Impact StatementlEnvironmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin. On December 6, 2004, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 04-76 approving a Supplement to the FEIS/EIR for the extension of Tustin Ranch Road between Walnut Avenue and the future alignment of Valencia North Loop Road. On April 3, 2006, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the FEIS/EIR. The FEIS/EIR along with its Addendum and Supplement is a program EIR under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The FEIS/EIR, Addendum and Supplement considered the potential environmental impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. J. An environmental checklist was prepared for the proposed project that concluded no additional environmental impacts would occur from approval of the project (Exhibit A). The Environmental Analysis Checklist concludes that all of the proposed project's effects were previously examined in the FEIS/EIR, Addendum and Supplement, that no new effects would occur, that no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects would occur, that no new mitigation measures would be required, that no applicable mitigation measures previously not found to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and that there are no new mitigation measures or alternatives applicable to the project that would substantially reduce effects of the project that have not been considered and adopted. K. SPA 2011-04 is consistent with the Tustin General Plan. The Land Use Element includes the following City goals and policies for the long-term growth, development, and revitalization of Tustin, including the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area. 1. Achieve balanced development. 2. Ensure that compatible and complementary development occurs. 3. Improve city-wide urban design. 4. Promote economic expansion and diversification. 5. Implement a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin which maximizes the appeal of the site as a mixed-use, master-planned development. Resolution No. 4190 Page 4 The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment 2011-01, and adopt Ordinance No. 1413 approving Specific Plan Amendment 2011-04 attached hereto as Exhibit B. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 28t" day of February, 2012. JEFF R. THOIVIPSON Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Elizabeth A. Binsack, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4190 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 28t" day of February, 2012. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit ~4 to Planning Ct~rr~is~ic~n Resolution fVn. 4190 Environmental Anaiysis Checklist for GP 201-01 and SPA 2'0'11-004 q..~~1~3M~1'Y 11 ~, dt iL~"~ V'~iYA ~.~i19 ~.J~ ~3>A.11ffia, VI 3lJD C'etttennical Way, Tustin, CA 927b:. (?l~) 573-:31 t?l7 The folio :*,~ing chee?:lis+. takes into cortseleratc~n the preparation of an environmental document prepared. at an earlier stage of the proposed project. This checklist evaluates the adequacy of the earlier document pursuant to Section 15162 and 1 S l 6~ of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. A. EACK~I~®UNI3 Project Title(s): General Plan Amendment (GFA) 2011-41 and Specific Flan Amendment (SPA) 2411-44, Minor 'Text Amendments Lead Agency: City of Tustin Lead Agency Contact Person: Justine Willkom Phone: (714) 573-3115 Project Location: The Gerserai Plan encorripasses the entire City of Tustin and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, generally bounded by Edinger Avenue to the north, Harvard Avenue to the east, Red kl.ill Avenue to the west, and Barranca Parkway to the south. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: City of Tustin, 304 Centennial Way, Tustin CA 92784 General Plan Designation: MCAS Tustin Zoning Designation:. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan District Project Description:: 'The City of Tustin is proposing: a minor amendment to the Conservation/Upen Space/Recreat%on element of the General Plan and. MCAS Tustin .Specific Flan. General Plan Amendment 2011-Q1 involves updates to the recreation plan to reflect existing and future parks and open spaces.. Specific Flan Amendment 2411-44 involves minor amendments intended to: 1) increase the allowable number of rental units; 2) allow transfer of residential units and .non-residential square footages between planning areas; 3) eliminate a 9-acre sports park from neighborhood E; 4}, require the execution of a Development Agreement prior to or concurrent with City approval of any development project; and, 5) make other minor text. amendments of the MCAS Tustin Specific Flan.. Thee proposed. Amendment would not increase. the overall development potential or residential capacity currentl-- allowed by :the MCAS Tustin specific Plan. No .change to the General. Plan land use or zc~nn; designation is proposed.: Sun•oundirig I,Yses: ~veneral Pla ~1: Various residejaial, commercial, ancf industrial laid uses :~TCAS Tus'dn Snecilic I'Ian: Forth: Residential, .Light ndusti•ial, a~cd ~ornrr~ercial East: Residential Sout1>: Fight Industrial aa3d Camn~ercia Nest: eight Industrial ax~d C:orr~rnercia'. Previous Environmental Documentation: Dn .ianuaiy I5, 2001, the ~i?~fof "f'ustin certified tl~e Progr~n Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environnmental l;npact Report {FEIS/EI.R) for the ret;se arci disposal of MCAS Tustin. ~n December 6, 200, the City Council adopted Resolution 1~'0. 04-75 approving a Supplement to the FEIS/EIR for the extension. of Tustin P.anch Road between °+Nalnut Avenue and the future alignment of Valencia Forth Loop Road. Gn April 3, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution I~o. 05-43 approving an Addendum to the FEIS/EIR. The FEIS/EIR along with its Supplemental and Addendum is a program EIR under the C.,'alifornia Environmental Quality Apt ~9~'~QA~, The ~~T'~/1~.IR ~~ipple7zs~ntai ay~d Adriend~trxi ~.ancirlPrPrl the pntanfial Pa~yirnnrnent~ ~mpa~.tg associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. I;I~I~~IVI°~~I'~1'I'AI,, ~'A~'Ii'~~S P®'I'~IV'~'IAI,Ia`i' A~'F~~~'~~ Tl~e environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at Least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated l7y the checklist in Section D below. [Land Use and Planning ^Population and Housing ^Gealogy and Soils ^I-lydroiogy and Water Quality ^Air Quality ^Txansportation & Circulation ^Biological Resources ^Vlineral Resources ^Agricultural Resources 4n the basis. of this initial evaluation; []Hazards and l-lazardous Materials ^Atoise (Public Services [Utilities and Service Systems Aesthetics [~~'ultural Resources ^Recreatiori []Mal~datory Findings of Significance f find that the proposed project C;~ULD ~TC~i" have a significant effect oa. the environrrten#, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATI(:~~ will be prepared. I find that although the proposed prajpct could have a significant effect on the environmen#, there will not be a signif cant effect in this case because the mitigation measiu•es described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A ~F,GATIVE I~ICLARATIQ:~,~ will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an E:1; VIR~'\'vTE:'~1TAL IvIPACT REPORT is required. Q I fine that the proposed project :..MAY have a sig~7ificant effect{s) on t11e cnvirar~nient, lout at Least one effect I) has been. adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicai~le legal standards,. and ~) lies been addressed by mitigation measures based an the earlier analysis as described an attached sheets, if the effect is a "potentially Significant h-npac;t" or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." An E~ VIRO'~ME'~'TAL, IVIPAC'I' I~EP~JRTis required, but it must analyze only tl~e effects that rc;inain to be addressed. ~' I _iinGl that altl~ougll the proposed pro;cct could ha~~e a sigz~ilicant effect on the envira~ai~ent, there ~%JIi:.?~ '~T~T'oe a sigtzifcant effect i~7 this case because all potetltially sig~niEie~.r~t effects 1) Have been anal}zed adequately in an earlier ELF pursuant to applicable stanclti~rds, ~d 2; laav€ bee~i avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earii~:~r Ui~, including ~°evisio<~s or mitigation rneasiu•es that are unposed ~~pon the.. pro~osud pro~eci:. 1 fna *11at aIihough the proposed protect could .have a significant ef~e~Nt on the erwiror~ment, there ~~UII.1.. ~~3T be a significant effect in this case because all potentially signilicairt effects i}have been ar~aiyzet~ adequately in an earlier i~1EGATI~IE DECLARATIflii' pursuant to applicable standards, amd 2} have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier tiEGATZVE i~~~LA-~.ATI~i<', includingre~isions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. • ...,` `' ` ~ ~~; ~`,~, ~ date. ~`ebruary 2, 2012 ~'x cpaFer: ~ ` -- - a---~-•----- -,--'=- ~, ~~ ' l , ~, .. ~' - , _ ~; t Bate b~.u~ 2, 2012 ~~ _ :Fe r ~~~--- ~` --._~ _ ~_ Elizabeth ~. 13insack, Con~mL::~ity _`aevelopment ~irectar See Attached. ~VAI,~J~'1'~D'~ CF ~~~JI~D'~'~3~'[~"? Af.~f?~I~~.C'i"~ ~~5 IIF.'1'fCS - 4}jou'd file project: a) 1-Iave a substantial adverse effect o:a a scenic vista? b) Substa.~tially damage scenic resources, irtciud::g, but not =invited to, trees, rock outcroppings, aid 'Historic bl;r;dings within a state scenic highway? ~) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial tight ar glare vs+hch would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ~[. A~I;tCIJL'I't1~ ItES~URC~S: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer is fhe California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site .Assessment IUlodel (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland, Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Fai~nland of Statewide Importance (Farn~land), as shown on the maps. prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Mon itaring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? b) Conflctwith existing zoning far agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c) Involve other changes in the e~tisting environment which, dueta their location or nariire could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? fII. AIR 4~tJALI~'~l: bVhere availabia, the significance criteria established by the applicable air qualitymanagement or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations, ~VouId the project: a) Conflict whit or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing ar projected air quality violation'? c) Result a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard {inc:luding releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds far ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant „oncertrations? e) Create ol?{ectionable odors affecting a substantial number ofpeople? ~To Subst~tn!ful New llric~re Change ~rtam Sign~cca~tt S~ver•e Prevr'ous _ Irrapcaet Impacts .teal ~si~_ s~ Q 0 ^ Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ fm.', ;.....,r .~ -_~-r~',- ~',c~~ r ~; -'~vs~utd the aro,}eet: a} I-3a'va a sabstar,tial adverse e`~ect, efiher diz•eciyer hough habitat r~odif;catior.s, on ary species :derti5ed as a candidate, sensitive, ar special str.tls species in focal or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by tl~e Ca]ifomia DepartmentofFish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian }Yabitat or other sersirive natural cornmunty identified in iota or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the Galifoinia Department ofl*ish and Game or I~Y,S. Fish and Wi]dli`'e Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federaQy protected wetlands as defined by Section 404. ofthe Clean Water,~ct {including,. but not }invited. to, marsh, vernal. pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption,. or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native residen# or migratory fish esr wildlife species ar with established native resident or migratory wildlife cotx~idors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, snob as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state. habitat conservation plan`? ~. ~ta,~''u ~ ~.~SGF,~'~C~,S: - Would the project: a) Cause a substantia} adverse change in the signf canoe of a hs.c~rs~:Gil resource as r~,.; iincci in § I5~64.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 151164,5? c) Directly or indirectly dest~•oy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geo}ogic feature? d) Disturb any htunan remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? !/I. C:~;D? ~C~' ~~T~ S~].~.5; -Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential subs<<,ntia} adverse effects, including the risk oP loss, injury, or death involving: ~~Vo ~Substantaat Nsav ,LPore Change Pram 5r•gn~cant Severe Previoa~s fact Im~~cxs Rnafysis ._ ~ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ 0 ^ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ -~ ^ ^ ~ i) Rirpttzre ofa lcr_own earthquake fault, as de'ineated orc the most recent rl.quist-Priolo Eac•t}:quafte Faun 7_oning ~Vzap issued by the State Geologistfor the area or based on other substantial evidence of a lcnoµn fault? Pe#~r to .Division o~ amines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result Ln suLrstanntial soil eression or the toss of topsoil? c} Be located. on a geologic unit or soli that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result flfthe project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslirie, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? d) Be located on expansive sail, as defined Ln Tab1e 13-1-B of the uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or properly? e) Have soils incapable of adeQuately supporting the rise of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? Vli'~IL~ft~~,I~13S tSIVI) i-F~~~~~D®tJS IWIA'l'FRII~L,S: Would the project; a) Greats a significant. hazard to the public ar the environment tlu•ough the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment tlu•ough reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditians imrolving the re'.ease of hazardous materials into the environment? c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be Located on a site which is included an a list of hazardous. materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Cade Section 65962.5 and,. as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e} For a prooct located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adapted, within two miles of a public airpo~ or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for pecaple residing or working in the project area? L) Fora protect within the vicinity ofaprivateairslrip, would t?;e project result ir< a safety hazard ~r people residu~,g or tvc,„Acing i~~ the pr~~teo~ area? ;'tto Strhstantial 1Veti~v ?;~Pa•e C'harrge f~rorr¢ Significant Severe t'revious hn~~t~ct Impacts ,4rtrclysis ^ ^ ^ ^ Q Q Q ~~ _ ~'Va Substantial 14'ew ,Aare ~hnngeT"ram Sigrsiftaarrt Severe F'reviaus g} Frrrpa:rimplementation aforphysically interfere with are Impact Irrtpersts .4rrrrlysis adopted Emergency response plan ar emergency evact~a±:an plan? ~ h) Bxpose people or stnzct'.res to a significant risk of toss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildl~nds are adjacent to urb4 nixed areas or where residences are intermixed with widlands? Q ~ V~ ~t~~I~~~tt~~~ ~:~~ ~i~l~T~~ ~d7~~.i1~~ 3': -Would the project: a} ;i ialate any water duality standards or waste GisCha.gu requirements? b} Substantially deplete. groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering oftl-e local groundwater table level: {e.g., the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land usesor planned uses for which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion ar siltation on- ar off site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ofthe site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rats or amount of surface runoff in a manner w ich would result in flooding on- or off site? e) Create ar contribute runt~ffwater which would exceed the capacity of existing ar planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial addtic+nal sources of polluted runoff? f} C}thewise substantially degrade water quality? g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal>~Iood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other Road hazard. delineation. map? h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people ar structuues to a significant risk of lass, injury ar death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a Levee ar dam? j) Inundation by seiche, ts~.rnami, or mudfiow? IX. I~~"F'~ ~'Sf: ~,'.';`~ I'' ~~'~'~;s~;'~ _ Would the project: (~ ~ ~ Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ Q n a ~ a) Physically divide an estuhiisl•.ed community? C] ~ hl ~anFlict ~vitiz any applicable ;and use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency v~~ith jurisdiction over the project (inc'.udiug, but not limited to the general plan, specific pl~:n, lace; coastal program, or zoning ardinance) adopted for the pu1•pose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? e} Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? .~~. 1~II°IE~~L, DES®3J~t~11S -Would the project: a} Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral reCnL;rr~ f}?at t~/rn~!rl h~ of y~l~te to the reg;^'? anal tl;e r..~ICIe ;tS of the state? b} Result in the loss of availability of alocally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or ether land use plan? Rte .S'ubst~:ntial ~~'e~ ~ylo~^e ~ Change Fron~~ .5'ig;rificrarr~ Severe Pret~ic~us hnpact lntpaets ~?i~crl~sis ~~ 0° ]{ll. T~I~iIS~ - Would the project result In a) 1xposure of persons to ar generation ofnose levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standardss~fother agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive graundbarne vibration orgroundbome noise levels? c} A substantial permanenf increase in ambient noise levels in'tl?e project vicinity above levels existing without the project? d) A substantial temporary. or periodic increase in ambient noise Ievels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) ;~or s project located within. an ait~~oz~t land use plan or, where'such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use an-port, would the project expose people residing or working in the project urea to excessive noise Ievels? f} For a prc~jeet within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose peap;e residing or'working in the project area to excess noise levels? ~I~.I'C?l~'i~i ~~'I431~ A_\~ ~®[;Si'i~ -Would the project: a) Induce substantial population gro~~th innriarea, either cirectly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, thraugh extension of reeds or other infrastr~scture)? b) Displace substantial mu~?bers afexisting ho!asir.g, necessitating the cansfruction of replacement iiousinQ elsewhere? o n Q ^ Q ~} ~,.; ~ ~~ ?Vo Substr~nliul New r~lore ~:hunge Frarra ,Sign cant Seuer•e Ar•etrioa*s hn uct Ir».paets ,4~~r~lysis ej I3isplace substantial numbers of peapte, necessitating the construction of replacerztent housing etsewhere? a) Would theproject result in substaattiat adverse physical. impacts associated with the prevision pi' new or physically aItered;governrnental facilities,. need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction ofwhich could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to ii]ain~ain aCC~}~iSuic ScrviC.c ratios, response tirne;~ ~r G>~'er performance objectives for any ofthe public serviees: Dire protection? Police protection? Schools? Parks? Other public facilities? ^ ^ ^ ^ DIV. E~~'~'~C9I~l aj Would the. project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such tha# substantial physical deterioration of the facility would .occur or be aceelerated? bj Does the project include recreatianal'facilities or require the construction ar expansion ofrecreatianai facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? XV.''~~1I~IS€~C~Ft~'t4'T'I~1"~i/ ~ ~~~~I L - Would the project: aj ~arrse an increase in traffic which is subsiantsaS in relation to she existing traffic ;aad and capacity ofthe street system (i.e, result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity xatia on reads, or congestion at ntersectionsj? bj Exceed, either individually ar cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency far designated roads or highways? cj Result in a change in air traffic pattents, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? dj Subst4~nciali}• increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g. sharp curves ter dangerous intersections] ar inaampatible uses. (e,g., farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? tj Result in inadec;~:uteparhir7g cai~acity? ^ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ Q Q ~ ~ Q (-~ [~ [~ Q ~ ~.,.___~.__......_ ~ _ ~i g) Car,fiic: wth adopted po'icies, plans, or programs s~rpporting alternative transportation {e,g., bus tU171C31Iis~ bicycle racks)? Would the project ~) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? eyiirr~°.• yr resUli rig ~ iG iv,iiSu iiCtiGri Gt uc1+' wait! tar wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the constriction of which could cause significant environmdntal effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are ner~v or expanded entitlements needed? e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient pez•mittec] capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal. needs? g) Canzply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? %Vtt. I1~t~N~1~T~R~' ;~ IIVI)dl~'ts~ +Q~' S~~lY1~~~l~T~~' a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality afthe environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop. belowself-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a tare ar endangered plant or animal or eliminate important. examples of the major periods of Caiifor•nia history ar prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individualty limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in consiection vvith the effects of past proiecis, the effects of other currant projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? c) Does the p!•oect have environmental effects which will cause s~.ibstantial adverseeffeets ott human beings, zither directly or indicactly~ o Strbslant~crl 3Y~w 11tICJl'$ C'I7 c7)9gP F'P07i1 i~~lgY1%~C(I171 S'2YGt'E ]~1'C/102dS ~i17J1uC1 1117~TQG$3 ~394TIySIS Q ® ^ ^ ^ }~ ~ ~1 • _ _ 1 ~.~ ~~ iA . al {fin ~anuarr~g ~~, 201, the City of Tustin cerkifi~:d the Program Final ~nvironav~er~tal Impact ~t~t~r~aent/~r~vi*c~~rnental Irrtpsact Report ~i°~~~l~i~) d=ear ~~~~ muse and disposal oi• ~~~ T~r~#in. ®n ~~cember ~~~, tl~e City Council adopted resolution ~, ~-7~ approving ~ ~up;~l~ment to the FFI ~l~Ir for the e;~ensi©n of Tustin ranch Road befinoeen ~1aln~~t ~1ver~u~ ar~d the tu~ura alicdnnaen# ®~ 4lalenci~~ ~lorth 'Loop load. tin April 3, 2~~6, t~~ City Council ~dc~iated P~~olc.~tion f~~. ~6-~3 approving an Addendum tothe ~'~I~l~IP. Tie ~9~lFiP adt~ng ~it~~ its >~uppiome~t an~i Addendum is ~ program Fll~ undLr tie °;alifornia Fnvir~an~ontal ~ualiiy~ pct {C~). T he F~lS1Elr, Addendum ~r1ti ~upplernent Considered tie pe~t~ntiad erlvi~°t~nen~~l ill'ipacts associated V~tith dev~loprnertt tin ~~ fr~r~~cr l~rir~e ~prp~ ~1ir ~~~'~iC3~i, ~'s#i~. The FEI~/Ell~, Addendum sand ~upplerrnen~ ~,naly~ed the environrnen~al consequences of the itilavy disposal and local commt~r~i~ty reuse cf ~~~ ~iCA~ ~'ustin site per the Pause Plan and the It~CA~ Tustin ~pecifi~; F'I~anl~euse Pd~r~ {referred to in this document as the ~p~ciTc Plan). The CEQA analysis also analysed the environmental impacts of certain "Implerr~er~tatic~n Actions" t~~t td~~ City of Tustin and City of Irvine mus# take to irr3pd~rr-~nt the INCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The ~C~S Tz~sti~t Specific Plan proposed, and the F~i~/~il~ analyzed, a multi-year dPV~loprr~~nt period for the. planned urhar~ reuse project {Tustin Legacy}. 1Jtihen in~ivid~al discrati~an~tiry activities witd~it~ tl~~ ;specific Pd~n ire proposed, .the lead agency is req~air~d t~ examine tY~e individ~ad activities to determine if their affects ovate fully an~ly~~ci in the ~~ISlFd~. Tie agency can appreve ~~~ ~~ctivities as being V~'ii~i'liil the scope of the project. covered ~y the FFI~ld~l~. It ~tl~e a~en~;~ ~d•ir~d~ that. pursuant to Sectit~r~s 1562, 15163, 151 a4, arld ~5'€~~ ct the Ci~~A ~~tidelines roc r~ew effects vvaaudt~ occur, nor v~rould a ;~~.~hst~anti~l increase in the severity of previously identified sign?ficant effects occur, then roc s~.~pplerr3ent~d or subsequent leis is required. C~C~dC~ ~C~~T The City of ~°~~stin is proposing a m#nor amendment to the Conservation!{~pen ~pac~ll~ecreation (Cc~R) Element of the General Dian and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. The proposal involves minor amendments and. will not "substantially sitar" the current adopted General Plan or the MICAS `Tustin Specific Plan. General Plan Amendment 2{?11-Q1 ir~vedves upc`ates to tine recreation plan to reflect existing and. future parks and :pen spaces. 3p~ci~c: Plan ~mencirr~ent 20'11-04 involves minor amendments rote; ~cl~d to 't} Incre~s~: tie ~dlo~~ab(~ nurnb~r c~~ rental ~<nits; ~) ~dlt~w transfer of resic~entiad t~~t~its snot n®n-resic~et~ti~d square footac~es bet~~een piar~ning .>r~~s; 3} ~ai~~in~t~: a ~-acre sports p~r1~ firon~ nei~l~~~or~?ood ~y ~) require the executicrr ;; a C~ev~:ic~c~rrter~~: ~r~ern~nt pticar to or c•c~ric«rrent ~~vith City approval cf any ~vaiuation of ~nvirflnm~nfial Jrnp~cfis G~'A 2011-0'( 1~+~3~ ~~'A 2011-0~ Palo 2 developmeit project; anci, a) make other r~?ir~or te::t a;lundn~ents of the ~f C3~S S ~asti Specific Flan. ~Ah~: proposed ~rne;°;dmer~ ~~~raulcl nog increase the cS~erali de~reioprr~er~t p~ater<tial or residential capacity curr~;ntly allowed by line ~C~S T Basin ap~citic flan. ~U change to the General Flan fare use or coning designation is prope~~ed. ~n environmental Analysis Checl~list has been c~mpletAd and it h~~ been det~rrr~~~d ti~at this Project is within the scope cif the previously approved FFIS/SIP and #hat purpsua~nCt to Title11~ California Code of ~egulati®ns Secctions 1Q1Q2 and ~pai6~~c), no n'i±vtr~ niY°wia ivi.iid uVli t.ir, grid iiu n~vv drii0.ii~~,.'~'.aa~V19 1llLC~.'^. aP.9ldrGa r~la Li l7r/'td d~,i 4r r~igi.i 46 i~-i ~. Accordingly, no new environrn€~nt~i docurr~ent is reri~ired lay C~~~1. The following information provido~ bacl~ground support fc~r the conclusions identified in the ~nvironmenta! Analysis Checklist. ~1~~T~~TIC ~ ~~lt~ e ~raj~c#~ ~~ ~~v~ ~ ~~~~~#i~i adv~:r~~ efaec# ~~ ~ scenic ~iie~1231 ~~ ~~bs~#ially da~ae sc~~iic r~^~c~rce~, i~cl~cli~g, ba~# r~ct li~itctl ~~, #r~es, r~clt ~~tcr~~~i~g~, a~~ i°si~#®ric b~il~irag~ wi#~aira ~#~#e ~ccr~lc highway? c~ ~~~s#a~#iaiiy d~~ra~l~ #h~ ~~1~#+:~ vi~ua3,~h~~ac#er ~r q~aa9lty oaf tl~e site ar~d i ~~rro~~di~~~~ ~~ ~rca#e ~ ~e~v e~~rc~ of ~~b#~~atiai ligiu# or ~l~rc, ~thch cold aclv~r~ly a3f~~t day ®~ ~aiigh~i~a~ views ire #h~ area? ~'PA 2Q1 ~-01 Aly~ SPA 2011-0~ would implercient minor tent amendrrien#~ to the CUR element of the General Flan and the l~lCAS Tustin Specific flan. The. proposed refinement would not increase the overall deveioprnent potential allowed icy the (VICAS Tustin Specific Man and would not cause aesthetic impacts that were not previously analyzed in the FFiS«i~, ,~ddendt~r~~, and Supplement. These modifications would not change the future development crandition that was analyzed in the FEISI~IR and there would be no change to development ictensity, building heigh# restrictions, setbacks, signage, and other development standards. There are no nevv or increased significant adverse project-specific or cumulative impacts with regard to aesthetics and visual quality that would occur as a result of the implementation of the Project. There is no new information. relative to aesthetics and visual quality that was not in axis#ence at the time the F~ISI~IP was prepared. Therefore, the proposed project and its implementation are consistent with .the F~IS/~if~. IVo new mitigation measures are .required in ~~l~tian to impacts to aesthetics and visual quell#y. There are n~ designated scenic vistas in the P~c~ject area; therefore, the Project. w~auld n®t result in a substantial adverse effect on"~ scenic vista. The Project Site ~v~iuc,ii~n o~ i~nt~ir~nment~i Irr~pac~s C3~1~2~11-0~ ~i~'~i~ ~~~,~41-tt4 r~ac?~ 3 (~ ~.! ~~ ~"?fl'~ 1C,'i s, i:£`'i:': 1~1~;~~'tli°4 ~~;~ ~:+'sfli3"i~;1 flr ~ ~s~~if°?`l~~~' ~1~:,~, ~afl~:'t~1i ~~~'i'Is~e ~. ~~ ~C~3,~~ 1~/~~s<~` SitJ`r ~~~~~~ jEi~~ t;fl,"sfl(~,s,~~°s~3~~ La':~ ~.'~~' i?i:~i~.I ~i f3;"~~,''s~S~ fl~'i~' i'~i~1~'~~~ ~li~;~ i~~~pp~~~pp~}}#;~~^~Tn~~ :(~~~. (y°~~~1~~'~~!~~Z r~rl~i:t~~ .a ~3i~a~; ~h~~;~~ ~ij ~e .~~,~. `~r~~~~w ~+r4/a~~'~ti~~4f L:9~; 1~id~ ~:i i't~i ~a f. ~1!~+`~-~ lib7~~~~.`¢I w~.J.. ~~~~~ ~r~ the ftar~gt~ir7g, r~~~ 4~ ~~~ ~~ ~~i#i~~~ i~i~r~#i~~~~ in ~~,~ ~;.ricl~li~~s Sic#ic~n _'~~,62 ~~~~# ~~,~~~i~' firi~~~r #~~ r~~ud #~ ~r~~a~r~ ~ ~.~~~~ci~~~# ~~' s~~~p'-~~~~t~i ~1~ ~r fl#~~r ~~~ir~~r~~~#~! ~c~~~~m~~# #~ ~~~iu~#~ ~'r~j~~t i~~~~#~ ear rr~i#i~~#i~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~xi~# ~i#~ r~~~r~ #~ ~~~#~~;#(~~. ~~~~i~i~~ii~°, #~ier~ ~~~~ r~~# ~~~~: {~) ~~~~c~~~ #~ #~~ ~'r~~~~# #h~a r~~~3ir~ r~~;~r ~~.~i~Ji~i1J~ ~~ #h~ ~Sr~OlftDi~S ~a~..(via'.~_':~ Li~~ fifl ~hma irriyfll~,°fl?^~~a9,^~,~ f'ai~ t"t~?1~J ~i~~i~ifl~.~~ ~?t`91Jirf3P~~'1"l~fl'~c`~! ~i~`~fl#~ ~?~' s~a~~#~~#i~! i~~r~~~~ ill #}~~ s~~~rity caf ~r~ui~u~(~ id~r~tifi~~i ~°~~~~t~ (2~ ~~b~t~r~#i~l ~h~r~c~~~ ~~i#h r~5~~ct #c~ the ~ir~~rns#~~~~~ url~l~r ~hi~h #h~ F'ra~~cf is ua~d~r~~k~n #~~# req~:ir~ rr~~j~r r~~i~i~~~ t~f #~~ pr~~ic~~~ ~~i~/~(F~ tfu~ to t~~ irtv~afvemert# ~f ~~~~ .~igr~i~~~~r~# ~~~irc~r~~~n#~i ~~~~#~ ~r ~ ~~~~#~~#(~? i~~~re~~ in ~~ ~~v~rify of ~r~~ic~usi~ id~r3#i~~~ ~~~~#~; ~r {~~ ~~~ ~~~i(~bili#y ~f n~~ it~f~rr~~~ic~ri of ~~~~#~~#i~( i~~~~~r~~~ r~1~,#ir~~ #~ ~i~~i~~~~t ~~ec~ car ~t't~ti~~~tari~ ~~~~~r~s car ~!#~r&°tr~'~t~'v°~ 2~i~# ~~~ ri~# ~~5~~'M9~ ~:3G ~t~U(~ r1Q$ ~1~VE? b@~rl krtca~ert when $~~ ~~lSl~1~ VU~i'~ ~~1i'~~~ ~ GiJ1°~'l~i~~. f~7~~i~atican orai~~~~g ~'~quired: o new irn~~~i~ gar s~b~tar~fially, more sev~r~ ~~~#9 ~~tic irrt~~~#~ w~a~ald r~talf from ~~~ ~dc~p~i:i~r~ ~ impl~mer~fatiort caf the Proje~#; #h~r~~~r~, ~~ r~~vv or ,r~vi~~d rni#i~~#ia~ m~~Lire are. r~gt~ir~d fQr ~~~#!~~#ic~ ~~~ yi~~~ai q~~(i#y. ~o r~fiit°,~r~~~r~is r~fa~~ci #~ #i~~ ~roje~t ~r~ n~~es~~ry #~ #~e ~~~i~l~(~ ~i~i~~a#iflr3 ~~~.~~r~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ rni#i~~#i~~ m~~~~r~~ ~~ r~~~,rir~~. ii/li#ig~#icr~ ~~~s~~r~s ~~r~ ~~~;~#~r~ by #~~ ~~~#ir~ ~i~ Council in ~~~ FEIS/~1~, t'~dd~r+d~rr~ ~r~~ ~~a~~i~~~r~#; ~~~lic~~i~ r~d~~~r~:~ ~nfii( ~~ r~~;~rnrn~nd~d ~~ ctandititan~ ~~ ~~!#i#(:~~-,Q~# ~~~r~vi~ 7~~r ~~~#t.~r~ d~~a~l~~~f Of '~i•te sits. ~cararc~s. ~i~1d C~~~~~#ions F~(~1i=(!~ #~r ~i~~~~~( ~r;~ R~~~~ cif ~~,~~ Tustin (P~g~ 3-~4, ~-1rJ9 t~r~~.a~h ~ ~~) ~nt~ ~~r~~~~~rn ~~~~~ a-3 t3~rraugh~ 5-~} ~~~~ ~~!~tir~ ~p~~i~~i~ i~l~;~I~~~~~e ~(~~ (~~~~ 3-35 ti~rtauh 3-62, p~g~~ ~s~~3 #hr~~.~i~ 3-~~, p~~~~ 3-~~ #h~ou~h 3-8g, snd pages 3-'iQ4~ tilrflu~l~ 3-~37) Tuv#i~ ~u~~r~! F~l~n agri~~i#~~~~i ~°~s~~r~~s ~r~ ~ig~ifi~n# ~n~ir~ns~~n~#~i ~ff~~~~, '~~ti~ ~~~~~~~ m~~ r~~~r ~~ ~~ ~~iif~~~i~ ~~gri~~i#ur~i ~~~d ~~i~~#~~~ ~~~~ its ,~~~~~~r~~~t ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~') ~~°~p~r~r~ ~~ ~~~ ~~iif~~ni dept. ~f ~~~~~~°~~~~~ ~v~it~;a~;on~f ~nvironrne~atallm~acts G~A2Ufi1-0~'~NL~ SP,~ 2011-0~ Page 4 ~^~ ~~nfii~t wi~~ xa~~t€n ~angr or ~?~~8~~?i°tu~. ~.,.~ ~ ~~~ -_ .. ,~ ~~. „~ c~nt~a~t°~ ~~ l~v®!ve r~fih~r ~~~~es n~ *~~~ ~~i~~ia~~ ~rav~°or>im~r~t ~~i~~4 ~~~ ~~ #~~#~ tocat~c~r~ ®~ ~at~re, ~o~a(~ ~~a~i~t ire c~nvr~iar~ o ~'~rla~~ to ~on~ agr~cuit~s>rat use? G~'A 2011-01 Al~~ SP,~ 2011-~~ would irrapldrn~nt .minor text arrrendments to the CC~I~ element of the general Plan and the (UlC~1S Tustin Specific Pion. The proposed refinement would not increase the overall development potential allawed by 'the I~C~S Tustin Specific Plan. There were no agricultural uses an the Site in the recent past.. Them ire currently no agriculture( uses on the Site. The Proposed Project would riot cause impacts to agriculture and forest resources that were not previously analyzed in the FEIS/EIP, Addendum, and Supplement. There continue to be no agricultural resources an the property. There are no new or increased significant adverse project-specific or cumulative irripacts with regard to agricultural resources that are identified as a result of the adoption and implerrrentation of the Project. The impacts of the implerrientatian of the Specific Plan are already analyzed in the FFISI~IP. There is no new informs#ion relative to agricultural resources that was not in existence at the time the FFiS/~ll~ was prepared. ~s ~ result, na new mitigation measures are required in relation to impacts to agric~aitural resources. Based on the foregt~ing, ndne of the conditions identifiied in CFQA G~ide(ir~es Section '~ ~10;~ that would trigger the deed to prepare a subsequent or supplemental Ei~ or other environmental document to evaluate Project impacts pr mitigation measures exist with regard to agricultural resources. Specifically, there have not been: (1) changes to the Project that require major revisions of tl~e previous FElSI1=1R due to the involvement ofi new signifcant environments( effects. or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effe~;ts; ~2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous FF1SiEIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or (3) the availability of new information of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that was not known and could not .have been known when the FEiSIF1R was certified as complete. tl~itigatiorr/Morritarirrg Regc~irec~e in certifying the F~(S/FIR, the Tustin City Council adopted Findings of Fact and Statement of overriding Considerations on January '9~, 2Q01, concluding tf~at impacts to agricultural resources. on other areas of ~C~S Tustin were unavoidably: (Resolu#ion ~o. DO-90~. i~o mitigation is required. Eve€ua~ion r~F ~~vironm~n«(!mpacts GP.~2£31'~-Q "C ~~'1~ ~#~~~t111-0~ Page 5 n t page 30; ~ fin~~~~~n -'!, ~~~~ 30~~ '.};r~cl~n 3-, ~r~d ~rar ~:~~ .- i~ #hY©~~h ~~-~ ~~} ~'u~fii~ ~~~~ral P;ar~ Far~la~d i~ia~pi~g aid I~®ni#4ri~g Program lid, ~~ ~:~{ ~ 'r ; °r~'~r~ ~~~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~,~ ~ , r~ ~ ~ ~~#;~~~~~~ ~ s ~l6A ,aa -a°a. ~.., ~, ~~~ ~m ire r~,~c~9aaa4 ~ ?"'~~~~ ~~8~~"°?~~ ~`3s°~'4P ~~' ~~~i~~~~'i~ .0~~6~~~ T`~3es~a~~~as7~ea~ ups ~aa ~~, ~ .e. ,; ~~~~ b~ ~~~a~~~~ ~.~ ~3r ~~~• ~~~~ ~js.~rs~ ~~ ~~r~#r'?~°. ;,~ ~~~~~'~~~~t# era ~~~~~ng ~•~,. ~r~~~e~~~r~}~' ~~,~ 2~1 `~- 4 ~`~~~ ~~'d~ 2~ ['d~(?4 we~~.~ld i~~i~~r~t r~in~r tent at~er~dmen#s tea ~>~~ C®~~ ~E~m~nt ~r' ~nw ~~~~ra1 ~'!a~ aid t~~ M~~~ ~°us#in e~i~ic Plan. `i~h~ prr~~~~~d r~~r~~~n~r~t v~c~~ld r~~# 3~lcr~~:~~ t~+~ ov~rail d~v+elomant p~t~r~tial allowed by fine ~~~~ ~ ~,~~ti~ : p~ci~~: F'1a~t. The l~r~~ti~~d ~r~lec~ ~3~~id r~~~t ca~~~ ir~z~~~#~ #t~ alr ~~.~aiity fi~afi v~~~r~ n# pre~;~~~iy a~a(~~~~ ire fins FF.S~f~P~, ~dd~~d~;rn, aid ~~a~~~~~~t. ~'~:ere vv~~!d be n~ ~ha~~e to d~u~lc~pr~~nt ir~t~n~l#~, b~;ildirtg h~i~hfi r~~tricti~rs, ~e#baci~~, slc~n~g~, other de~~;~~~~nfi ~fia~da~d~ ar v~hi~l~ .~pl~~ tf~afi ~®uid I~ad #t~ Increased air emissions frc~rri Qv~rail ~~hicle trips. Thera are n~ ne~n~ c~~ ir~~reased slg~ni~~ican# ad~~ors~ pr~je~#-specific car ~um~.~l~fiiv~ imp~cfi~ with r~c~~r #o sir u(i~~y fih~fi ~~uld occ~ir as resul# saf the adopti®n and i~~plcm~nte#ic~r~ ofi the Project tl~a~t was na# previously analyzed Irf the FFi~/~ll~. Thcrc is ~~ ~~~ Infior~r~afiion reiative #o aIr q~;afity that was no# i~exister~cc ~fi thr; #Ime the F~lSl~i~ ~~~~ prepared. ~°herefore, the Prcjec4 and its imp°or~er;fiatiari are ccn~iste~t vvi~h anu ~rcv~ously ~r~aly~ed In the i ~(~l~lF~, f~dde~d~~r~, aid ~~.~ppiomc~~~fi. ~,~ a res~.a't, nrj t~ov rnifiigatlt~n ~~~asures ~~~ ro~uirod Ir rel~rfiicr~ t4 it7°ipa~ts tc i~rt guaiiby. ~va'u~~ior~ ofi' Erwironm~ntal lrr~p~ct~ GPP, ?011-0'~ A~Q ~~'A ~b~ 1-G~r i~~g~ 6 The ~'ustirt City ~ot!rtcil ac;opt~d Fl~?dings and a Statement ofi Cverri'ing ~~-nsidarations ~foi t;'!e F~lS1~l~ o~ ~ianuary ~~~, ~Ea~~ .o asdress signifiicant unavoidable short~te~m ~cr~ns~truction), long-term (operatiana!), a;nd cun~ulaive air quality impacts for the Specific P?are. The ~i alsa adopted rr~itig~tion measures tt~ reduce these unavoidable adv~rs~ impacts. Consistdbt witht~e findings in the r"ElS/PIP, le~nplerrientation ~fi ~f~:ture development an the Project Site cauid result in significant un~~ioidable short-term construction air quality impacts because it is part of the "project" analysed in the F~IS0~1~ for which this finding was made. Construction activities associated with the Project, v' ite livere ~ar~vioLl~ly Gz+"'saurc~~ed ss i i 3e r-~lSi~l~. There is nv s+.1u~t~aistica! ncvv information. that shaves there will: be different or .more significant. short-term air quality impacts art the envronmeht ~'rorr~ the E'rt~ject titan described in the F~l~r~l~. Conslste~t vuith tl~e find+ngs in the FEISJ~lR, devei©pmsent on the Project Site could also result in sigr~if;cant unavoidable long-town and curnulativo air quality rrapacts because it is part of the "pro}oct" anaEyzed ira the E=~lS/F!R for which this finding was made. The Proposed Project makes minor refinements to the CQ element of the Genera! Plan artd the i1~CAS Tustin Specific Flan; thorn would be r~o increase in overall development intensity. Thy: Project does not modify the averall trip budget evaluated in the I=FIS/~Il~. T'hore is no substantial new information that shows there will lie different or more significant long-term andlor cumulative impacts art. the environment a~ a result o'€ the Project than described in the FFIS/EIR. Based on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified irr CI=Q~ ~auidelin~s ~rw~tiMn 1 ~ 1 Li'7 #h at gn~ns slri #ri near #hts nc~~i-} #s~ nrran~ro ~ ni shecans i~n# ~,r ~ u ve.+~u ~~~gy ai~v IIV4~r1 w td~vNu~a.. a N~+a,v~...~NVI~t ~ supplemental EIP or other environments! document to evaluate Project impacts ar mitigation measures exist with regard to air quality. Specifically, there have riot been: t1) changes to the Project that require major revisions of the previous ~FlS/ElR due to the involvement ofi new significant environrnen#a! effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previous)}~ ldAntified effects; (2) s! ~bstantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous FFISJIwIR duo to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantia! increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or {3) the ava!lability of new information of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures ar alternatives that was not known and ca~aid not have been }mown when tine I=EIS/SIP vuas certified as complete. Miti~~tian/ll~antoring Required' Mitigation measures were adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEISIE=IE~, Addendum, and Supplement; applicable rneas~tr~es will be recommended as conditions of entitlement approvals for future development of the site. i-lowever, the F~IS/FIR, Addendum, and Supplement also concluded that Specific Plan relates! oparafional air quality impacts were ~v~~l~~tion of ~n~iror~m~:nt~! ~rti~~r~~~s GSA 2~1 ~-tJ~ A~!I~ ~P,~ 2G1'R-04 Page ? ~ir+ ire-- ~ ~';~" 3~ !9'~ ~ r^ ~ s,~ .~,,~,.,,~,s,,~~~": ~'~ U~"~i'wi+~`'„a+.° A ~~:~'~iC1t~i~''ti~E? f~f ! w:.€~l~ iii _.. E„~,.t~Ji'~' ~~' ~i~: fin;., :~ L~';-.,~ ~i~:~i"i:li ~~°, c'':u~i~ ~~~~ii9~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ air ~°~~~~~~Q ~a~~~~~ ~a~a'$apa~lm9 '959 F~a''^~ld~g3"~i ~v~ a. 9~J~'~Ap ~%~m~~ k7'ib'o1~1~~' t~3~d ~~~~'li~l~~'~~~~a ~~G.~'~ ~~3~~ A~68a9~~3,~3 'VJ den tl2vM95 BA~ R9 rob" ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~d~~g? ~~.~~~ ~~~~ ;~~3.,~ ,,~>~~~~~~ ~ y ~~ra~~ r~~~~~~ car s~~~~$'e`'.~~~9~' s~'i~~ ~~ l~t,~6~~a~~ ~~`)°~,-°~~~~=~ _. `i ... ~'~~~ a~n$h~~ ~~~`'=~"k Y~^i~9~~'~~ ~r ~8~~~~ ~r ~~~°~~ ~~~~~~ c~~~~~~~~~i~ dam? ~~A 20'l1~01 A~~ SPA 20'["a~4 w~~~i irnplerz~e~ rr<i~~r fi~~ ~m~~~~nts t~ fhe ~C7F~ ~lem~n# ~F tY~e ~~r-r~r~i Plan ~~~d the GAS ~'i~~#ir~ p~citi~ PEr-. The ja~~~~~ed r~fiin~~~~?t ~i~r~al~ nit in~rea~e the c-~cr~Rl dev~l~prn~r:~ p~~~~~'ri~i ~i(c~~r~d ~;~ t1~~ i~fi~fi:~ L Ua]~i3 C ~~.j~i+r~i~i~r ~'f~t~. Ev~lua~ion o~ ~nvironrnen~ai Impacfs ~P~1:~O'I-0'1 A.i~`I~ SPA 2Q11-0~ Page ~'he Paoposed Pr®j~ct ~n~ould not case im~aac~ts tc biological resr~~.~rce~s ~,h~t were nofi previously ~-~naly,~ed iii the ~f~lEl~, ~d e:~dumi, grad BupplernQnt. Where are no new or increased significan# adverse protect-specific or c:~m~!la'cive impacts with regard to biological resources that wo~aid occ~,!r as ~ result of the acoption an~fi implementation o~F the Project, There is no new inFormation relative to biological resources that was not in existence at the time the FE1~/E!R was prepared. There#ore, the Project and its implementation are consistent with the FElB/F1R. ,4 a result, na new mitigation measures are required in relation to impacts ort biological resources. Based on current delineations of wet{ands and jurisdictional ie n#~rS^ ~ ~-. ~ ~r,i (f n 3 r' n~ i .~( 4'nr..91 5..,.-n 'i'h 'w.w.. non mJc-~~c~,~, ~~ ~ a rvj~'~ Li/lu i ~o~ ~~~~~.a. vv~tlcaiuEa or ji..+i i:9Cai%tly~ icr~ xvai~~ o. ~ i ~~ is a iYa~,.c~ resulting from the imple?~entation of the Project, if any., would be those identified in the FEIS/E1R. 3ased on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in ~EQ~ guidelines section 15162 that would trigger the need to prepare a subsequent or Supplemental Ells or other environments! document to evaluate Project impacts or mitigation measures exist with regard to biological resources. specifically, there have not been: (1) changes to the Project that require major revisions of the previous FElSfE1R due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; (2} substantial changes wifh respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous FElB/E1~ due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or (3) the availability of new informatioh of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that was not known and could not. -have been known when the FElBIEIR o^.~~~ c~t°pi~A~ ~s ~aa^nr~Qr~~F~a ,F..,,~,.,. ~/liiigatior~oni~oring Required: ~o mitigation is required. Sources: Field Observations FElB/ElR for disposal and Reuse df i~1~~~ Tustin (Pages 3~7 through 3-$2, ~-103 through 4-10~, 7-26 through 727 and addendum pages 5-2~ through 5-~0) ~~A~ Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan (P~ges 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3-70 through 3-~1, pages 3-~? through 3-~~, and pages 3-10~ through 3-'137) Tustin General Plan ~~~.?'~3~~~ ~E~p~R~~~: - ~~®~!d #t~e pro~e~t: a) ~au~~ a ub~#,anti~l ~dv~r~e change In tl~e ~sr~l~ics~~e a hl~t~aric~t r~aource ~~ ~defin~~ i~ °1~~~~aa~ ~v~~u~~on ~fi Environr~~n~~( Impacts I'r ~e ~ 1_ s ~ _. _-.~ ..._ ,... ~... ~Il-~<~..r ~__. _ - _~k ~,a.va -_ .w vaG m. _. ec ...~ ~~ ..1 ..~ .i ,. .a ate. /..ua uav .,.,r m ~ _. _. / . ~~{ ~~~~~~~ ~;~o~i~~i~ ~~~t~~~~>~ GP,~ 2~" ~-~ i ~3~iw+ ~P~ X01 t-0~ v~~o~.~ld Irnpi~~~nt rniror tesct arrrer~derits to the CAP ~i~~er,i: ~~ the ~~~cr~i ~~~ a~ci lire ivil~~~~ °i"usti~, ~~~~ifi~ Pion. The 9 .€: e-.r,~ ».~.~.9,,..jj r,~4 ennr,Ljnc+~ $ .Can 9 r^~l~i !'~ta1iSa~PT7^a}'9'1~,2)°Ii 3'4Y'1~.~8'J~l~~ .3-3' iltttfl,~~(~ ~.7d iJ ~J S.~~~'~d I~i~i~~i~+Gd ii ~S}I3.J L9 i8,d 81aJe v161+i •-~~,ds.. ti 3~.. u~a ~+i vaa ~~v nw~v~.., e~... .. ~... _:.. by the i~~~a Tu~~ir~ ~p~cific Plan. The Prt~pcseci ~'rcaje~t ~c~uid ~~~~ cause irr~p~~ts #o cufit~r~l resourcesthat were not previ~~sl~ ~~ai~~ecl i~ the ~~I~O~iP, ,~dd~:~tiurr~, ~~~ ~uppl~rr~~nt. The Project would r~~a~l cause irr~p~ct~ t~ s;ui~ural r~~t~ur~~s. The i~p~~ts afi the. Spe~i~c Plan on cultur~i r~sc~~,~rce~, ir~cius~+r~~ ~~ny that may be prescr~~~ on the Praj~ct Site, ~rere Ci~J€;sld~re~3 $~ $h~ ~~ISl~lit. it Is possible that previously uni~ntlfied burled arch~ologlcal or paleontological resources within the Project Site could b~ disc~a~er~d during grading and other construc~ic~n activities. Consequently, futuro r~~~cicpment is required to perform cor~str~ei:icn rr~cr~ilc~rir~~ ~cr cuii~.~ral ar~d p~iccr~tcioglc~l r~sc~iarces ~~ reduce potentiai im~c~Ct~u ffl ti~ese reseur~eS to a Reuel a~~ irl~iC~3"31ii~~r1C~ ~~ found ire the ~~sQd on ~~~ fdr~~oing, nc~r~e of the cor~diticr~s ide~ti~ed in ~~ t~t;~ldelines ~~-. ;ti~~i v~ v~ il~Gi '~~,'~:',.~~ir~„$ ~rir9ntar fi~~ r~~~~l tt? ~~'~R~«~rP. ~ ~l G~~4?Cf~~?r!~ ~r ~~~,. suppierr~er~tal ~iP sar c~the~ e~~siro~rr~er~tal d~ac~arr~ert ~~~ eu~i!~ate ~'roject irn~acts or mi~i~ati®~ measures exist with re~~ar~i tc~ (;uit~~lr~3~ a~~i paiecr~toifl~ical rescurce~. Speci~icaily~, fil~er~ ~~vc r~~t ~e~r~: (1) c9~~r~c~~~ ~c tine i*'rcjeci: ~~~t require major reuisic~r~s ct ~ihe previous i^~iSI~IP due i:c ~~~ ir1~'C)i~'~;r?l"~'rl~ ct r~evv slar~iticant e~viro~;~e~t~i ~~~~'~~ cr ~ suhs~a~ti~i i?i~r~c~~~ i~ ~~~ :~~:veri~ty of pr~vie~.~siy rdentitied effects, {2~ subs~arat~al cl;ar~es w~~h respect tc~ t;~e cir~,urr~at~rcces under which the Project is ur~dertaiser~ that require major revisica~s ct #~~: previous ~El~/~!~ due tc~ the involverr~er~t c~~ r~ebv sic~r~iTicar~t et~virs~ramer~t~?i efFects or a sutast~r~ti~i increase in the severit~~ cfi previc~isiy ider7ti~iied etfiec~ts; or {3) the avaiiahifity raf new informatics c~f substantial ir~pcartance renting to significant effect or m;tigaton measures or Giternatives that 4vas act icno~~rr~ and could not have been known when the F~I~/~li~ was certified as ccr~plete. ~atigationl~'~c~nito~in~ Ric/aired.. iii#i~a~icr~ rr~Q~su~•~s were adopted by fhe Tustin pity ~e~ur~cii i~~ the I°lwl~/PIP, ~,d~ier~du;~, aril supplement; ~pplica~i~: rr~easures will be reccr~~e~~~~ded ~~ ct~nditit~rts of e•ratitiemest apprcv~ls fcr develc,~-~rr~ertt of the site. ~v~fuation of;=nv;ronrn~ntai lr~tp~ct~ GSA 201501 A~!D SPA 201 `3_p~ ~~~~ '1 (J ~tl~~'?;~5: "i~.",!d Q~3a~r;6cl~i~i'~~ i=~l~IisiP ~fc~r ~ispasal and ~e~?se of i~fi~AS T ustir? ~Pa~ea 3- through 3-7~, ~_~3 thra~s~h ~?- ~ ~~, 7~2~ ~t~ra~!~h 7-~~, and A~idendurr Pees 5~~ through ~~~~~ i~CAS Tustin Specific Pian/reuse Pian {Pees ~-3~ ti~raugh 3-~2, pages 3p7~ through 3-~1, pees 3-~~ thre~u~h 3~~~3, and pales 3-;C34 through ~-137 Tustin ~enerai Plan V. ~~~~~ ,~~~ ;~~it.Sa ~ acid #~ pra~~~#; ~) Expose people ar str~~#~res to pates#is~i ~~bs#ar~ti~! ~~~~rse eff~o, i~sal~di~~ tie ri~~ of ia~s, i~~ury, +or de~t~ 9~~c~irsita~: R~pt~tr~ of ~ i~~a~~ e~rt#~~~s~ke fault, ~~ deli~aeatecl ®r~ #3a~ ~nas# re~e~# ~l~~i~#-~riai+o a~~~~~Ce F~~a1# ~rsr~i~~ ~~p, is~~ed ~y the Sty#~ ~e~la~is# far #~~ ar~~ ar used a~ athe~° s~b~t~~#ial e~iel~~~e of ~ k~a~~ felt? defer #a ~i~i~can caf' i~e~ aid eala~~ ~pe~i~i publiaati®~ ~~. Strang sea~~ia grau~d ~~~ltita~? ~eissx~ia-r~lat~c'J grau~d f~ii~sre, i~~i~dirag ll~~~:fa~#la~? ~ ~~~ds8ide~? b~ a~~it ira ~~.alasr~ti~l pail er~a~i~~ ar the hasp of tap~ali? ~~ ~~ la~~#ed a~a ~ g~®lagi~ ~~it ar soli #~at i~ ~tr~~table, ~~ #~a~~ a~~~d b~aa~e ~ra~tabie ~~ ~ re~ul# of the prajeat, ~r~d p®#e~ti~lly s°es~ait i~ c~~w gar c~.~Q~~? i~s~~3~~e~~~_ ~~~~~°~! ~~s°~~~ge~a~_ ~at~?~'se~€~re~~ E'sr~ai~?~~~~i~s~ SAC d'~ ~~ lao~t~ed ®n ex~aa~si~e sail, ~~ def;i~~d ire `~~bie 1~-~-~ of #~~ Ll~ifa~r~ ~~ai3die~ ~a+de ~'t~9~~, ~r~~ti~ag s~abstar~#i~i ri~k~ to life ®~° p~~ap~~~? ~~ Move ~ail~ ir~a~pabl~ of ~dequa#ely s~pparting the ~~~ ®f septic t~~ks ar ~iter~ati~e ~~st~~a#er diispa~ag systems ~l~ere ~e~~rs ~r~ ~a# ~~ail~bie f€~r the di~pa~al of °+~astav~ater? GiaA ~0'i 1-g1 .Ai~~ SPA 2011-0~ would impi~ment minor text ~mendrrients to the C~f~ element of the ~~;neral Pian and the MGRS Tustin ~peeific Pian. The proposed refinement would not increase the rrverali development potential ~iiawed by the NiCAS Tustin Specific Pian. impiement~tian of the Project would not cause any direct impacts ts~ geology and sails. There are na n~;w or increased significant adverse protect-specific. ~r c;~amuiative impacts Frith regard to geology and sails that are identified as a result of the adpptian and implementation of the Protect. There is na new information relative to geaiagyand sails that u+~as not in existence at the tirr~e the F~iS/F~ift as ~u~!uation of Ei~~iro~meRtal Impacts C~'A2G1~-~~ ~,~QS~A2o~~'-04 ~~ga 1'I o i ~ ''~, i~~ 4'~S ~~~~~~ •,~-"~ ,~ w~!~ _~~ i~`~wi i'~~~i.G '.3~a'a ; ~<~'t~o ~r~~i.~ii.74~.1'~ . 4~ i~~~;~~~ ~~ g~~'~g~ ~j~~ s~?i~. ~'~~ ~~i~i%i~ #a~„~:d ~?~~,~ i~~~~~~ ~~ 5~ii~ r,d g~~iog~ re~~l~i~g from ~~g~i4~~~~f~~;s~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~i~~i~ ~i~~ ~o~id i~~i~ad~ s?cag~-~~i~~ni~ i°~~~~rd~ ~~~a~h ~~ io~~i ~~Lt3~~l'3EC~~, . ~iClCi~~ ~~.!'~~ICI:~'i~~rv, E~i'~'~iS~~'3a~'1~1~. ~C~t9~, '~~'~~L~.. 4~~~`~."~J~Bai~f, ~f ~~1C3~1, ~~~ ~~d~t~~v~~ ~rtd ~oi~r~i~ h~~~r~~ i'~~c~ ~~ s~r`~~~ #~~.~If di~~la~;~m~~~, high- ~~te~~i~~ gr~~s~d sh~a~i~g, gr~~aa~d f~ii~ar~ ~~d itsr~hi~g, ~eisr~ic~li~ i~du~~d se~ti~~?~~#, ~~d ~o~di~g ~~~cacia~od ~~i~~ d~~ f~ii~~re), e ~~ F~i~l~~~~ ~~r~c'~:~e •ti ae-,} ..a 9 1 r~vwr O~t'4Yfyi~1 ~7yd'9~ ~'~utRf~'T7~°f~~ ~~~SSi~ 1l~ll~i°1 ~ri~~~i~~~i~fz ~~'~~ "tl~'i 1~9 ~t~f~; ~d to iV'L.~~t IG+~~. ~i~4:33»/a ~~a' +a e~~ahii~h~d ~r~gir~~ering ~r~~~d~r~~ end #~~h~iq~,,~~, ~~t~~i~ ~vr~id ~ar~~c~~~t~h1e ri~~ or #~~ ~re~tisa~ ~# ~ig~i~~~~t irrpa~#~ r~~i~#~d ~a;o geotch~i~~i ~~~~~~, Pao subs~~~~iai ~~a~g~ i~ ~~pe~f~d d~ri~g i~~l~~~r~t~#i~~ ~~ #t~e ~'ro~e~ from the ~r~~iy~i~ ~I-~vit~~~ij9 ~~r~~i~~~~~1 ~ the ~~~~ii'i~d i=~i~/~i~. ~~a~~d e~~ ~~~ for~c~tairic~, ~~~~ ~~f #~~ ~~~di~io~~ ic~~r~ti~`i~ in ~ Guide~irles ~~~~i®~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ fiat ~~~1d #rigg~r #~~ ~~~d ~~ ~r~~~~r~ ~ ~t~h~e~~~~# or ~~,t~a~l~~~¢~~a9 ~~~ ~r o#h~r e~virs~~~e~~t~i d~~~€~~~# ~~ ev~iu~~~ ~~ro~~~fi ir~p~~~s or ~iliga#ior~ rnea~ur~s ~;~i~t ~~ith r~g~rd Io g~~iugy ~~d ~t~ii~. ;pe~iti~~ldy, ~i~~r~ have nog bean: {'~) ch~~g~~ tc~ #~~ ~r~~~c~ f~~t r~q~~iro ~~j~r ro~i~ie~~s c~~ the provisos i'~9~/~1 ~.t #© tho ir~v~ai~~~rn~~& of nova ~igr~i~~i~t~# ~~viror~rnet~#a~ effeet~ or aub~t~~ti~' in~r~~~o in t~~ ~ov~ri~~ ~~ ~r~vio~~ly iden~i#i~d o~~~~ts; {2j ~~~b~t~~~~iai ~~~~ges ~i~h ro~~~~~t ~tc~ ~~e circt~rr~~~~~nc~~ ~nd~r whi~~ ~~e ~'r~j~~# i~ u~do~~i,~r~ ~~~~: r~q~iro ma~~r r~visios~~ c~~ #~~ provi~~.9~ ~~i~liwi~ die to #~~ ir~volv~r~~r~t of n~v~ ~igr~ifi~~i~t ~nviror~rraor~~I~i ~ff~c~~ ~r ~ ~~ba~i;~~~iai i~~rease ire the so~erity ~~ pr~vio~asiy idora~i#iod ~~~~~~~~; ~r (~) rho ~v~il~biii~~ ~f n~v~ ire#~etion of ~ub~t~r~tial ~.. ~, .~,.. •~;~.~,~.,~ t,~~~~ 'Jr ~r;i~i~a~inr`a 1'p~'~ ~~~~'~~ or a~tern~"~itt~a ~~"9~t l~i~~C~~i~1~C;~: l~3~111k~ itJ ~i~iisiiiii'r.~i& ~.+~c>s,i way r~-ot ~;~:c~yvn ~;:~d ~~a~id ~~~~~ #~~~~ been itr~~~~~~ Zvi E~r~ #~z~ ~~9~1~~~ way c~;~ifi~d as cort~~i~fie. l~li~i~~tii~r~/iv7c~r~if~~i~g F-~~~u¢~~~: ~~i~~ig~#ic~r r~~~~~t~r~s ire ~a~~t~ '~y ~~t~ `t°~~~i~t ~it~ ~~~:r~~,ii ire 'ti~~ ~~:!~/i~'i~, ~~,~d~~rl~.~rr~, ~~d ~u~~l~~~~~; ~p~~a;c~;~i~; ~~~~;~r~s viii be re~orr~r~ended a~ c~ndi~i~ns ~~ ontiii~m~r~t appr~v's for d~~~;~prr~r-t of the site. Sources: Fief V~~~r~r~li©r~~ F~;~/~'~ for disposal and Reuse of ~GA~ Tustin {Fees 3-~ #hr~i~agh 3p97, ~-~ 15 through 4-~ 23, ~-2 through 7- and ,~,ddor~dsam #'~ges ~-46 ti7rough 5-~~9) ~~~1~ Tt.~s~ir? p~ci~i~ ~'i~n/~ouso l~iart (pages 3-35 through 3-62, p~aos :3-7~ 2hro~!gb 3~~1, pages ~-8'~ #hro~,,gh 3-, end pages 3-~04 thro~gn 3-`i37) Tt~stir~ ~~°~~ral F'lar~ ~v~iu~;tion of ~nvirormeniai impacts G~'A 20? ~-0 `1 fa~a S°~\ 20~ 1-Q4 Page '12 ~~g?`t~hl~ ~rar`i~p~~~, ~?~ ~3°dlsp~3s~a ~~ ~~~~°~~~s°s ~°3~~~ax~.~- !~~ ~r~~~~ ~ si~i~~a~t h~.~~rd ~~ ~~~ ~~abla~ ~r ~~~ ~~vir~~~e~t thr~u~ ryas®hale ~~r~s~~a~le upset aid ~~~id~~`t ~~a~~it~'s~ns ~~v~tv€~~ ~~~ ~etease ~fi ha~ard~~s at~r;ials i~t~ the ~r~vir®~~°s~~t~ ~} ~r~9t 6~azard®us ~missi®~s ~r h~n~l~ i~a~~r~~~s ~r a~~at~ty ha~ard~u~ Ss a.w Qo. d. r+ as ero ~e~ waav+b ss asa a.~a$d~~iw ,9~99ae°i ,v~,$ X7°9 ~i®Y®~*'~~9`B~ d'A a~i~~~~s~~e~, ~e~~as~s~~~, ~i '~a~~a,~s we~e`~iia ~~°'a~°~a.~ra~~~v s~w~ms ~,.aa ,~.w ,~~»~a~a~ ~$' pr®p~se~ s~hca~i? d) ~~ I~~ated ~~ ~ ~it~ ~hi~h is ir~~t~t~~t~ ~r~ a list ~~' ha~ard~t~s rnateraals s9tes ~~rrapile pursuarst #~ ~~v~r~~~~t ~~~~ S~~ti~n 6596~a~ arsd, as ~ res~slt, ~~uld it ~r~~ta ~ si~rsi~cant h~~ar~ ~~ the pui~li~ ~r ~~~ envir~~~eint~ Fir ~ pr~a~e~t I~~ated ~it~ai~ ~~ asrp~a laid ~~~ play ®r, ~h~r~ ~~~~ pia has ~~~ ~~~~ ~d~pted, ithi~ ~ mites or ~ pubfi~ airport ~r pubii~ ~~ airp®r~, ~~ul~ the pr~j~~t r~s~l~ i~ ~ ~~~~;~~ ha~ar~ fir pe~pl ~-e~sdin~ ~r a~r~rkar~~ ira the pr~~e~t area? ~ Fir ~ pr~~e~t ~sthin the ~i~i~it~~ ®~ ~ p`i•i~at~ airs#rip, w~~rld ~~~ prc~~~~~ res'latt in ~ s~t'ety ha~~rd ~~r ~e,ople ~~siiira +or ~®rkis~~ In the p'r®ject aria? gal i~r,~ae~ imva ~®a~ra~.aa~a4~a~~~eR n~ ~~ -~l~~r~;~~~~~v i;r;#~e^~'~~~ ~ifi$o ~ adapted ~' aawu6.daMtwl waaapwa,.waw wea.am aw was aea. w n ~..+ o~ e~aer~e~~y response pSan ~r emerge~~y eva~~ati~t~ p9ar~? ~xpr~se peraple or structures t~ ~ si~~ifi~as~t risk ~~ I~ss, injury ~r d~a~h i~~~lvi~~ ~°~ildEa~d fr~s, in~?~~di~~ ~~here il~dla~tts are ad~gacet tc~ t~rb~r~i~~:~€ areas car ~~~;? ~ r~sitt~~~~ are i~t~rmi~~r~ ith ~itdt~nds'? GPA 2Q'11-01 Ai~® SPA 2U1 ~-94 wouid implement. minor text amendments tt~ the ~{JR eiement ~-~ the Generai Plan ar~d the N~CAS Tustin Specific Plan, The proposed refinement would nofi increase the flveraid development potential ailowed by the IViCA;~ Tustin Specific Plan. The entire i~CAS Tustin site vas reviewed fir hazardous materials prior to start of redeve(oprr-ent activities. 1"ederaf regulations rewire the i~lavy to complete remediation of hazardous rr~ateriafs prior to conveyance of properties to other iandov~ners. Portions of the Protect Site are presently undergoing remediatien, and therefore remain under Davy ownership,. ~v~ua~ior o` Errvirc~nr~~ntai Irtt~;~cts ~i~.~ 2Cr1'i-01 ,~1P~!~ ~i:'~0. 20'11-G4 P~c~ i3 isii0l~ri4~1'~;~!''1QYI {3r ~1~~ i~d~`~~ ~d?lili fii~i`. ~~~' ~r?~~ dirS~:i.~i~e i~"~~~~~ ~~ !"~~£1°'Ci~ #~ '.~.f~~~idtit.lS 1~~`~'c'°'1€:la. i j-s~!'~ ire r;~ ~"lfa,,~,~1( t)` '?"r;r~'-.~~~fl ~:i~r?1"i1~2?'4'1` c`'.~.z'~J~f~su ~rOj~~:~ ~~£?~I~iC~ fir '~'urYil.,icaive i:"''I}?~~~f`~ Vvi~'11 rvC,~~r~I;~ ?~ ~I`c'~~i~1~ ~r2~ ~lu~~iCi~tlra }'i~i~ri~i a that ;~Sre ide~;ti~ted ~~ ~ ru~ult ~~ tl ~~ ~:d~~ti~r! ~n~ impl~:rr~~l~t~€i~~~ ~'3` ~~ i~r~j~~t. ~ mere i~ nr~ nevv in``en°n~Y=on relative t~, ha~ar~9~ and ha~~rde~s rr~aterial~that eras riot in exi~tenee ~t the lid i i~ the ~~i~~~iR ~~~~ ~rera~red. ~herefe~re, tie ~'r~ject ~~d its imple~enta~ties°1 are ~c~n~l~ten~t with the F~i~/~iR. ~~ ~ result, Rio ne~v mitiga~ti~ar~ measures are reg~lired i;•~ r~lati~n tc~ i8`i~~c1~tS from hazards end hs~ardaus materials. -! f!~ ~~i~i~ifi~ if~l~ii.lde~ ~ 4a~~ea11~%i ~ai~C~i~~ri rl ~f the ister;e ~:~~? t#~ra~,r~_vt~srr~°"~t ~~~~ardeus materiai use erid ~ia~ardc~us oneaste gener~ti~~ v+~ithirg the ~~eci~~i0 Pisa ,area, The any is respc~nsi'hie ~®r ~lanr~ing end ex~~uti~~ ert~ironme>~tai res"terati~n ~regrams in resp~r~`~e to releases ~~ i"lazardeus substar~+ces fir MtAS 1'us~tin. ~~~ F~'1~~~IR ~en~luded that the irnpie~~ent~ti~x~ cif the ~~e~iti~ F"ian v~euld ra0t have ~ sigr~iti~ant envirtar~~~ler~tal irr~~a~t ~frr~rrt the hezard0us wastes, s~lhst~nees, grid materials en the ~r~~ert~ during ~c~nst~u~tit~n ~r c~peratier~ sirl~e 4~te ~~vy ~~pirid irn~le~ient v~ri~us remedi~i actions pursuant to ttte ~tar~pli~r~~e Fr~gr~rr~s that ~~euld remeve, rnan~age, er isela~te pctertiall~+ ha~ard~~.ass~ab~t~~~s i~ se~i9s ar~d grr~u~d~water. ~~ identified ire the ~~~i~9~iR, the Pr~j~~t bite is v~ithin the h®und~rie'~ s~f the ~irpert ~l~~sirerls Land use Plan {~~LIJ~') ar~d ~;~ subject to height restrictiens. the i~rcpcs~;r3 Rroject does r<ct ~r~pcse changes tca the 104- fcct ilei'ght lir~itaticn inclladed in tide ~~?eG1C Pi;~r2, The Rroject bite is at located in a vvil~land firs hazard aria. E~a;~~d cn the fOregeir~g, narie c-f the c0~ditiar~s identified in ~EQA t~uidelir~es ~ectic~n 1a~~2 that wc~~ld trigger the need to prepare ;a Saab#seuertt cr I...~..,~-.~ i ~f~9 r, r,~'r~c,r ~a-i~,~err.ahs~v°itae°r$!t~ ~1+~llYrt~aYt'~'~~.~~~f~~~.s-,.,'+ ~1"l~Ad;~~+L iC~`g'l_('.~!? 4"9r .`~t,d ~,7 ~.31'~d1E>rt iST~.'i! 901a-ti ~r s.JS~ c,~ ci~vi3 vi nti+,..++ti+.a vya,~ivx~ 3°' mitig~ti0r~ measures ~;~ist with regard tc i~a~ards and l~a~~rdc~us m~lterials. ~peci~~cally, there have nat been: (9~ changes tc~ the i~r~ject t~l;at regi.;ire rn~jOr revisic~rls c~fi the previ~a~.ls F~i~l~iR due. to ~e inv~ivemer'it ~fi n~~e ~ic~~ifi~~n~ envirc~nmer~tal eftect'~ gar ;~ suiasfianti~l ircrease in ..the severiiy of previc~tsly ider3t~t'ied effects; {2) s~.l~~st~ritial ci'l~gnges n~=ith r~~ia~ct tt~ the ~ir~u~rlst~n~~~, under which file i°'roject is s.~ndertaicen that reguire m;Ajcr revisions Ofi the previQUs ~~I~I~iR due to the invclverr~ent c~7` new signit;car~# et~vironrr~ental effects or a subst~a~lti~f incre;~se in "the severi~~ o previously d+erttified e~`fects; flr (3) the avaii~bility of revw ir~form;~tion ~€ ~ut?1>t~rlti~i imper~ertce re3etinc~ t~ signi~cartt effeu# or rni#ig~,ti0n rr~e~a~ares or alternatives that was not l~nc~wn arxd could rat have been iCraov~n when the l~~I~/Eli was certified as cora~piete. itgatio~anitaring t~equ%r~d.• I~1~ rr~iti~atien is required. ~ou~ce: Field C~b~erv~tir~~r F~l~%1^ii•°~ for ~isposai and Reuse of 11C~4S Tustin pages ~3-~tt6 trlreugh 3-~i 17, ~-"1 ~© thrs~ugh ~-t3~, ~-3~ thrrat~h 7-3t, and ~dde~du_m ~ag~s ~~~ ti~rough ~-~~) v~lu~~ion of Er~~ir~nm~nta! irnpac~s SPA 20^,1_p~ ~u~ ~r~A 2fl~'i-Q~ P~g~ 1 ~, iV~~~ ~u~ti~ ~~~~ifii~ ~ra~/~~a~~~ C~1an ~~'~~~~ 3-3~ ~i~r~~~ ~: -~G~ ~ag~~ 3-70 ~i~re~~g~ ~-~'i ~ ~ag~~ ~-~~ ~~r~a~.~g#~ 3-~~~, ar~d page ~-~ ~i'?rca~rg~ ~- ~ 3i) Findia<g ~f ~ui~abiiil~ ~i~ ~rar~~f~r (F~~T) ~~ar ~~~s~lz~rn 'tic r~L?~ ~-~, '!~l- 2, i~, aald ~2, and ~ar~~is 2a, ~6, 3C-33, 37 and ~'flrfic3n cafi4~ ~r~d 4'i Finding Qfi ~~i~a~ili~~ ~o L~~s~ (~"~~a...) 'For ~~u~~~rn ~~rc~l~ Cary-~u# ~r~a~ 1, 2, ~, and ~ ~irp9rt ~nvirpn~ Land ~~a~ i-'l~tt (~~L~Pj 1'ussin ~~nera! €'lan ~~ Vi~lafi~ ~n~ vv~#~a• q~a~~iixy ~t~~~i~re~.~ ®r ~ua~ta» ~i~~~~a°~~ r~q~ir~a~~a'a#;~°~ b~ ~~b~#a~-tia!!~ ~~~1~fi~ ~~~~~d~~#~r ~~pli~~ ®r i~t~~~~ ~~~~#a~fiia!!~ Iasi#~ ~~®a~rad~~t~a' r~~har~~, ~~~iz #h~fi fih~a•~ w~~lali ~~ ~ ra~fi ~~~'ici# in ~a~~aifarr ~~laa~~ ®r ~ lca~t~ria~a~ ~f #~~ la~~~! ~rc~a.aa^ic~~r~#~~ t~bl~ i~v~! ~~.~. ~~~~ prc~~l~~#i~~ ra#~ ®f pr~~~~l~filra~ ra~ar~~ ~!!~ t~~~al~ da°~~ #~ a l~v~! ~hi~h ~~aalt! a~~fi ~~~~®a•t ~~i~fiir~~ iaa7~ ~~~~ ~~ ~i~a~r~~e! ~~~~ ~'~~ ~hi~~ ~~a°rrmi ~'B~Y~ ~~~~ g~a#~~~~ ~~ ~a~b~#~rati~ily ~lt~a° fide ~~i~#irac~ ~r'aia~~g~ }~~fi#~ra~ cif file ~ifi~ ~a~ ~r~ra~, iraaalaJClia~~ #~tr~~~h #h~ ~!#~ra#i~a't oaf #h~ ~~~a•;~~ ~f ~ ~fi~~~m car ri~~~, i a ~aa~a7~r ~hi~ch ~~atald a'a~~~lt i~~ fi~~~ir~~ ~a~~ ®r c~~fp~i#~ e ~~ ~iab~t~a~#i~!!y ~!#~~° fii~~ ~~is#irag ~rai~~g~ ~~~~r~ ~f fi~~ ~ifi~ ~p area, i~cla~~lira~ fir®~a~l~ the aifier~#i®aa ~f fibs ~®~aa~e ~t ~ ~#r~ar~ sir a°i~er, ~~° s~c~~fia~a~tiaily in~rea~e #~~ ra~k~ air a~a~aa~fi ®f ~~rfa~e ra~a~~ i~a a a*raaa~~~r, ~s+hi~~ ~~~ald re~~!# i~ flt~~~iir~~ s~~~ ~r c~~F~~i#~~ ~) ~reafe ®a° ~~ratril~aafie r~a~~fif ~~#er ~~i~h raa.aid ~~~~~~ #~~ ~a~s~~ifi~ ref ~:~i~fii~g ~r~ ~l~~~e~ ~fi~r~ ~~#ea' dr~i~~ge ~y~#~~~ ~r pr~~sg~e ~~ab~fia~fii~! a~diti~aaal ~~a~r~e~ ~f ~~!!~s#~~ rtara~ff? fl ~#i~ei~~ ~~ab~#ara#i~!!~ ~e~ra~e ~at~r gaa~li#~`~ ,~) laza~a~da#i~re ~~ ~~ia~i^S~, fi~a~a~~a~i, gar ~~~fl~~? kj ~'ra#~~fiia!!~ i`~pa~t ~#~a°~t~ater ~~a~~~ frc~a~~ ~:~a~~t~•~a~~i~s~ ~~#i~si~ie~~ ~v~:fti~tion of nvir~nment~l 1mp~ct~ G~r~ 2fJ11-01 A~lt3 SSA 20~ 1-~~i ~~;~~~ '1 e~dhxwa~n ?C~~~ ~~~'~: n°~~Y ~'~', "+1~~FS~„~ ::d S~ ;~ ,. ._. _, ~. ..1 ~', ~'e~:-. ca~s~~i~fl 5'~~i til~~~~ ~G~~iaga~ ~~~ ~+'i~i 5~ „jd. ~~., ,. ..~a.. ~.. _ r,~,.. ,. ... .. red ~~~ifi i~ g~~t~~~iii ~i'~~ isc~r~~ ~f water ~~ ~~~~~ ~ b~n~~icial ~~ ~~ ~~ r~~~i~i~ ~~~~~~ ~r~~~~ ~~~ ~o~~~~il der sini~i~~n# ~ ~ ;~r 'e? ~~ ~~~~~ ~e~o~ty or i7~9~~~3' ~~ ~~~r~`3~~?~s~~~' ~~~~`3~~ ~~ ~;~3~.i~~ ~;3`~'~€u ~.ea~~~~~~Y~~,~~ p~~B~~~a~ } ~~~~~~ ~na~~~~~t i~~~~~~e~ ire ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~i~e ~r ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ GPI 2~'i'I-tl1 ~i~i~ ; PA' 2~'I9-fl4 would ir~tplerrte~t minor ~~ at~e~admerats to the CtJ~ ~i~r~^er~t ~~ fi~~ ~~~~ral Plarp and the 11~CA~ Tustin ~pacitic Plan. The pr~p~~~d rot;r~eme~~~ ~~~~id not increase the overall development poterptial allowed by t~~e ~'a~,~~ ~~~tir ~ ~~~~i~ F'I~r~: The Project gill no# cause direct impact to h~drealogy and water quality. There wouid ~~ ~c~ ~Y~ar~~e to de~reloprr~~~t intensity, building height restrictions, ~~~}b~~izs, si~na~e, and otl~~r c;l~~~cic~rnc~~i sfi~r~~l~rtl~. Them ire rtc new or ir~cr~~s~d ~i~nific~r~k a~iver~e prc~~~v'a:-~p~ciii~ or c~.~rnuiafiive im~~~fis wit~t regard to hydroic~gy>v~vafier q~aiifiy fih~fi are id~r~fiificd ~~ ~ result flt the adopfiic~r~ and t~pi~mer~tatic~r~ ofi file I~rojeGt. Where i~ rto new informati©r~ rciafiivo to hydre9egy/grater ~uaiity tilat vu~~ r3at in cxi~t~r~ce at the time tine ~=~i~I~IP was . .~ -r~.~.~.,..~a,Y .~i.,,, ter.,>,,.,a ~.a ;~~ ~~,-,~,I~~-,-,a,r'ttiflr! ~!'~ C3i°i~i~i'~'!~$ w1'~~'1 t~'1 ~JI f:~'~4 ~l.d. ! 7 !~9 ~I Uf ~, 1! l~ i I ti„~y~a,l ~dl F~ Fay ~i s i,aai~.~ a ia.. E ~~i~l~~~. A~ ~ re~~it, ~® r~~~ mil~~tir~n m~~sures are required in relation ~~ irnpact~ ~io hydroicgyl~rv~ter q~aiit~'. ~~ concluded in ti~~ F~1~/~1~, pr~pai•~tit~rt of a 'UO~ater ~uali'ty l~/lar~~gemer;t Plan C`i~~'; to ~ut~.~r~ ~i~v~ic:~~? ~~~~~ ~rcc~~~ orgy fii-,~ ~'r~r;~~;l: ~if~~ i~r ~.~~~~~iiar~~~ yvi~h a'l a~~ii~~bl~ rc~ui~tc~ry ~~~an~iard~ ~ouid roduc~ mater q;~aiity imp~~t~ from cleveiz~pr~~r}t activiti~~ to a 1~~~~1 of in~igni~cancc. ~°hc F'rc~ject wo~~ld r~ct result in ne~v cr ~ub~tantiaily rr~ore ~~:v~r~ irr~p~ct~ to vvafier quality then what was previau~iy id~ntifii~d in the F~I~I~l~. ~utur~ d~y~iopment will b~ r~ciL~rrecl to comply v~ifih ;~pc~ifiic P(an deveiopm~r~t ~tandard~ end wot~id req~.~ire preparation of a 1(~I~iYiF'. 7h~ Project prcpc~~~~ no char~~~ ~ic file drair~~cro ~afit~ rs~ and water mansc~ement syst~:m~ previou~iy ~r~aly~~d in the i"'i=1Sl~ll"t. `~h~ draina~w pattern artd v~a~~~r mar~ac~~rne?~t ~ysfier~~ ire the Project Sits vicir~i~~y wpuid remain cor~~i~t~nt ~~ith fife °I'~~~fiin i_e~~cy ~,~ia~t~r ~rai¢~~.g~ Plan. ~; h~ret'ore, the anal~~is arty. c+cnciu~icr~s in tote ~=i"6~l>~:ii~ r~letivo to ir~pact~ reiafi~d ~l:~a ~rca~ar~d~~atcr s~ap~ly, gratxnd~at~r levees, cr ic~;ai rech~r~c have nct c:hang~d ~~~~~tar~tialiy. Ire addition, no change to the bac4~~~n~ crai~age syst~;m i~ pr~apo~~d. T1~erett~re, no new or ~va!uaYion a~ ~n~rironmental(rn~~cts GP~12091-01 AtiD S~"~, 2011-04 ~'ag~ i6 ;amore ~evare irnp~d#s related to drainage ~~t~ern~, drainage facilities; ar~~ po#ongi~3 fioodi~ig v~ould resuib fror.~ fiho Projoct. used on the ~toregoing, ncrao of fiho cohditi®ns identified in C~~A ~uideiinos Sootior~ ~ 5 i ~~ that would '~riggor tho noerl to prepare ~ subsoguent or supplernenta! ~iR or other environmental document fio ovaluate Projooi img~acts or mitigation moasuros exist with regard to hydrology and water r~uality. Specifically, there have not boon: (1} changes to the Project that roguire rr~ajor revisions of the previous Phi S/~iR duo to the invpivement of new significant environmental oftects or ~ substantial increase in fihe sevority of previously identifiod effocts; {2} s~,,,~bstant;ai char;g°~ :",'i#4-, r°spout t~ th° virU~.ii'i"i~trdr iCc.`-. u~ outer `v"vhiC~~'1 if i~ ©ri~ject i~ undertaken #hat requiro major revisions of the previous l=~lS/~!~ fio the involvement of nev~+ significant environrr~ental effects or a substantial incroase in the severity of previously identified ef;ects; or (3) the availability of new information of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that vvas not known and could not have boon known. whoa the P~iSI~IR was certified as complete. MitJgationOdl/lonitorir~g ~'egt~ired: f1r#itigation moasuros vvero adopted by the Tustin Gity a/ouncil in the Pi=IS/EIR and Addendurrm applicable moasuros will bo recommended as conditions of entitloment appra~ais fcar development of the Tito. Sources: Hold Observations F~1SJI=1R for ®isposal and ~ouso d~ ~VIC~S Tus#in ~Pagos ~-98 through 3-~QS, 4-12~ through ~-~2g, 7--29 through 7-30 and Addondum Pages 5-56 through ~-92} IVit;AS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan 4Pages 3-3~ through 3-62, ~~gr~g 'x_7{1 thrni~r~h '~-R'9 t^~~~pc ~_Sd? thro~~;nh '~_S2~ ~n~~ p~~°S u-?(~4 w~. ~ ~, thro~,agh 3-137} Austin General Plan lit, LAP~~ ~#~~ Al~~ P~,~~i~t~a ~~i~ #h~ pr~~e~t: aj ~'hysicafiy dlvid~ a~ ~~tabii~h~;d ~os~t~ur~ity b~ ~®nflict with any appiicabi~ i~r~d use p1~ra, policy, ~~ ~~~~siati~r~ ~~ n a~ea~cy wi#h j~ri~dicti®r~ ~ve~° the p~~®~ect, ~is~c8ucti~g, but nc~t limited, to tMe g~:r~erai piara, specific pima, i~cai cc~a~`t~i prog~arn, ~r ~~ninc~ 9rdiraaa~c~~ ~~~pted for the pt~rp~se ~f avr~iclirag or rrai2iga`~irag are e~vir~nr-~orttai eff~c#? ~~ ~®rafii~t vvi#h any applicable habitat ~~r~~erv~~#i~r~ plan ®r nat~srai ~®rnm~~aity cc~a7~ervati~n pia~~ CPA 201 ~-01 ANA SPA 2711-Q4 would irrlpiemont minor text amendments to the OOR element of the General Plan and the I~~AS Tustin Specific PlarF. The propr~sed refinement would increase tho number of rental units v~ithin thy: Specific Plan to nt~t exceed thirty (39) percent of the fiotal overall r~urnbor of units within the ~V2.~LIr~~!OC1 O~ t~Vil'AC1t1S~tlic; ~I71t~c1Ci`a G~~~ 2{31 `f-C}1 ~~dD SPA 2fl31-U~'r f~~ge 17 ~~~i~i'i~ ~`~(~~i !t'. ~~tif~~.'(C? ~ ;v°;.~1 ~~u t€°~ti°i~'3~? {~ either h-~~lt~~'iii~;' ~.'~'i'S~ ;~~° ~'~~3- r~~iC;t~~~ti ~ :a~,~a,;c s ;'(~~+mc~~~;,~~~ ~i;;t~~~ ~i~a~,°~in~ ~;~'~ : z ~.,~~, c;.ri3s.,'3C~'~~ ; ,.. ~. , ~ ~~ : +.~~, cad` "~'~' ~ ^~~' ~' ~~~~~`r'~i,i~l .i;3=~S G((~~~ic~t 'is~ %i1 ~~~,~~ a ~"~as~in ~~~~~~:~ ~(~n. lie (~~~i~d~ ~~~~c( ~:~~ ia~a~~i~~?(~,~ ~iViL~.'sti°. ~~?~y ~~S~Li';'i~ ~i~n (~n~ ~s~, ~~~t(iG# ~~~i~~ ~~~; ~~~ci~~~ r~(~;n, ~~ ~can~~i~~ ~~i~~ any h~hi~~t crar~se~~~i~~ ~(~n ~r n~t~~~( ~~~~a~~it~ c;~n~~~~ti~~ ~la~. irn~l~~~r~t~~i~n of ~th~ Fri}~e~ ~~+i(( nod ~~~~~ any ~(ir~~~ i~~~~t~ ~~~ (~n~ ~~~ ~r~c; ~(~nn(n~, ~"(~~~~~ v+~~~.sld ~~ nta ~(~~r~ge t~3 ~~~~(~~n1~n~ an~en~i~}, ~~i(~(in~ h~ig(~~1' r~s~ri~~i~ns, ~~ti,~~~s, si~r~~ge, ~~~d ~~~e~ ~~~~i~~~ent st~n~~r~~. ~~ere ire n~ n~~~ ®~ in~re~sed sic,' n~~~nt ~~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~t~s~~~i~~ ~i~ ~~.~~~(~ti~+~ i~~~~t~ with ~~g~~~ ~~ (~n~ use ~_ ~~, 4 •.a -~~~• , .~,~. ~ ~~,y„~~ .~;•~ #??v ~~(~~~lr,~± ~a~r4 i~°r~l~m~~$~~i~i-~ Qf ~.,. _. ~$~)~ ~!~'?9inll~~ dli~t s1i~ SLd~i1~~9 e~%, ~a~ i~ 3i. ti,ib the Fr~~~~~. "~~~~~ i~ n~ ne~~ int~~~~tir~r~ r~l~ti~e ~® (~r~d sue end ~l~nning #i~e~ v~~~ X03 iii ~,i~~~r~~~ ~~ ~~~ tirn~ ~i:(~~ ~~(~l~l~ ~~~ ~rep~3~~. Therefore, ~(~~ Fr®~~~~ ~r~d its irr~~(~~~nt~~i~n ~~~ ~;~n~i~~~n~ ~~~ith ti•ae FF(~~F(F~. A~ ~ r£:su~t, nfl new mitigation m~~~~ares ~~~ r~~~tir~~ in re(~~ion to i~p~~~t~ tc~ (~ n~ use pi~ranir~g. ~s~~~d on ~~ foregoing, nine ~~ the conditions i~(€:n~i~ec0 irk ~~ ~~aid~liries ~~cti~s~a ~5,~ ~~~~ ~~c~~(~ t~i~ger th° need ~~ ~a~~;~r~ ~ ~~.~bs~~~~nfi or st~~~(en~~nt~l ~i~ or ~th~r ~n~i~°~n~er~t~( ~c~~~r~~nt try ~~9~(~a~t~ ~'rt~~~~t i~~~~~ or miti~~fi~r~ ~~~sur~s e~i~t ~wit~ regard ~~ (end ~~~~ ~~n~ ~(~:~-~ni~rg. ~~e~i~~~i(yt #~ere h~~~ nit begin: {1) oh~:nges ~~ tho ~'r~~~ct t(~~~ require ~~~or r~~isians of the pr~viu~~ ~i=1~tElR due to tb~ invo(vemer~t'of new ~ic~roi°iic~nt ~n~+irc~nr~~r~tai effects or ~ ~~b~~~~nti~! ir~cre~~e in e ev~rity c~~ ~r~~~i®u~(y ic(en~if~~ ~tiects; {~j sub~t~r~i;i~( ch~ng~s w(~i•? r~~~~ct to the ~ir~~rn~f~n~es under wh(cY~ tl~-e Project is ur~ci~r~~~~r~ tl?~t r~quir~ ma~~r ~evi~ions Qi: 1:}~~ ~r~~iic3u~ i=~(~IF(~ ciue ~ the it~~c(~e~rn~nt cif n~~u ~i~ni~i~~nt envir~~rrter~ae~i e~~~~~~~~ ~r ~ ~ubst~ntiei incre~~e in ~th~ ;,~v~ri~ ~fi pre~ic~a~(y i~(~ntiti~~ ~~f~c~~s; ~~ {3) #i~e ~~~il~~i(it;~ c~~g r~ev~ information Gs ~'s.iu:~ic;o ai(ca( is i i~v; `~~P%`~N. a"~I~~in J 'f~',~' ~:~;ni~rir_~s~i' s~ai$€?£'.t` t)r ~'ti~i~l~~it~[i t'T'#$~~1.1~~~a ~~' ~(terra~~iv~;s ~~~~ ~~~ n~~ i~nt~~4~n Inc( c®~s(d trot h~j~e beers €tnow~ when the FF(~IFI~ ~~er~ cer~i~~t~ ~~ ~~~~~t~. Mitige~iononito~ir~g ~;~~~~i~-~a': ~r~i~ig~tion rnea~ures were.. ~dcapt~d b~ the Tustin pity Counoii in the t~-~`s~tF(~ ~~~d ~;~(c(~n~(urn; ~~~?i{aC~iA1(~' m~~s~ar~~ L~iii be recommended. as G{~ti~ii~iort~, oi` ~ntit(er~et~~ ~~~r+~ve%s i's~r deu~(oprry~r~fi o~~ the site. ~oc~--ces: FFl~IFi~ for C3i~pcs~( end ~e~;se cf ~~3~,~~ T~rstin {Pales 3-~ to 3- ~7, ~-~ t~ ~- i 3, 7- i 6 #0 7-1 ~ end ~d~~n~(~,~rr3 ~'age~ 5-~~ to ~-95} ;~;~~~ ~"ustin ~pecitic P(en/i~~~~~e Plan {Feg~:s 3-3~ through 3-62, page 3-70 through 3-~~, pages 3-82 through 3-~~, ar~d pages 3-104 through 3-37) Tu~tira fierrrel F~Isn Ev~lu~tian of ~nviror,~~~t~i t~p~c#s GPA2o'f 1~Q1 ANA SPA 2C^ 9-0~} ~a~~ 1 ~ '~ ~~a'd~,s~~~ ~§a ~i1~ '~.,as~ ~'~ ~v~~~~"'~;?~' ~Y ~ ~E'i~~a'~~~ 6~h~~a$ ~~,~.'.`:._ ..., ~': . ~ ..,.. b~ ~ ~~~~iu~ ~~ ~~~ reign ~~d ~~~?~ ~~n~~~t~ ~f ~~ :~~~~~~ ~~ suit i~ the i®~~ o~ ~v~iria~iti~y ~~ ~ i~caii~ i~p~at in~ri ~°es~ur~~ r'~cove~y ~i~e e~~iin~ate~ o~ a io~ai ~en~~ai p9ar~, ~~~~if~~ ~i~n or ot~r ian~ use ia~~ GPA 2Q11-g1 At~C SPA X01 ~-OA~ ~voufd irnpfernent minor text amendments to the C.R element of the Oenerai Plan anc~ the iviC:~.S Tustin Specific Plan. The .proposed refinement would not increase the overall development potential alfo+~ved by the ACAS Tustin Specific Plan. The Project ~rvoufd not cause new impacts to rnineraf resources that were not previously analyzed in the ~~IS/~lR, Addendum, and Supplement. There are na new or increased significant adverse project-specific or cumulative impacts with regard to mineral resources that are identified as a result of the adoption and impfernentation of the Project. There is no new information relative to mineral resources that was not in existence at the #ime the F~IS/SIR was prepared. Therefore, the Project and its implementation are consistent with the F~IS/SIR, As a result, no new mitigation. measures are required in relation to impacts #o rr~inerai resources. Based on the foregc~inc~, none cif the conditions identified in C~~A Guidelines Section 15~t72 that would trigger the need to prepare a subsequent or supplemental ElR or other environmental document to evaluate Project impacts or mitigation measures exist with regard to mineral resources. Specifically, there have not been: {1) changes to the F~roject that require major revisions of the previous Fi=fS/~1F~ due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; (2) substantial changes with respect to the circurr~stances under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous F~lSi~iR due to the involvernenL of new significant environmental effects ~or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or {3) the avai{abifity of new information of substantial importance relating #o ; ignificant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that was not known and could not have bsren known when the ~~fS/~lR were derti~ed as complete, Mifiga~ivnlft~ani~oring .Required: No mitigation is required. Saurce~: ~'ieid Observation F~ISI~IR for ~isposa( and ;lease ofi MCAS Tustin tPage 3-1} and .Addendum {Page ~-95) ~iCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Flan (rages 3-35 through ~-62, panes 3-7Q through 3-~1, p~ge~ 3-~2 through 3-~~, and pages ~-1iJ~ ~rOc"I~tl2il~~l0~t'iVit{3111?"1Ga[1~~~ (i3"~;~~G~a P~~~; '19 $~, r 1 ~~ ~/f Slo k S'J'i w-tSp ~ ` f '.4.Ja iy°a~e ~i~m~i 4'.Y rd 9:a'J ~~ N F,~~~{iS~d ~Su `v~`5,.. .~~ a , J ..~• ~B'.. ~. r. ~ w~ ... ~.._) ::~4~'ka ~-. ' ~5 3 . , ~ '+ +1~ a ~~a~r , ~'~ ~' ~~`~~~~~~~~~aS ~~a S , , a~tl~l d ~'~ a~~a~;~ ~~h r~ e ~~~:G~~. '~~ ' 34 ~2+~'~ -. ~. :.~~~. .~~':9 ~s pp ,, ,, ~p ~~'a~Tm~~~o~a,l~~. a~~~i$~~~'~.~a~ ~1 'i~~ ,, a~ a d~~~ `s~~~rs~'~~`~E ~ ~r~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~a~ ~~~~1~ ~~~~~~~€~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~r~a~~~~~ pr~g~~~ ~re~ ~~ ~~;~~~~~~~ ~~4~~ ~~~~~~ #} ~'~~ ~ ~r~~~~~ ~~~~i~ ~~ ~~i~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~r~v 1:~ ~ir~~r~~~ ~~rt~u~d #h~ r~~~~~ ~~~~~ ie~~~~~ CP~a 20~ ~-0`~ ~i~t~ ~~'~ 2~i~ ~-Q4 ~J~acauld im~alemert~ rni!~~r fief ~me~~rr~e~~s Ito the Ct7~ ele~er~~ c~~i: i:he ~er~er~i Pl~r~ ~~d the ~~~ T~~tin ~~eei~i~ Flan. The pre~~~e~ re~Frier~e~~~ ~ve~.ai~ ~c~l ir7e~~ea~e the caver~~i ~e~reio~et~~ ~eLer~~ial all~e~ ~~ the ~~.~~ °~u~~tin ~~~ei~i~ Pl~~. There ~a~x~d be ne ci~~r~c~e ~~ e~eiapr~ent In#~nsity, fir~~fic gea~er~tic~r~, buil~ing 1Zei~h~ re~~ric~i~irl~, ~etb~~k~, ~9~n~c,~. ~, ~r~d ether d~~el~prr~e4~~ ~~~~;ci~rd~. ~lca nevi or in;re~a~~~ ~ic~~ifi~~r~~ ~~ver~e ~rti;ec~-~~e~if~ er ~~~r~ui~ti~~; i~~p~~~~ v~riih re~~r~ ~~ r~~ise ire ider~tilied ~~ ~ re~uit ~~~ the ~~~ro»~i ~r~d irr~~,lerr~er~t~tic~r~ efi the l~rc~je~t. There i~ ne r~e~n~ ira~©rrr~~~io~ r~i~tiv~ ~~ r~~i~~ ~~~~ ~~~ nit ire ~~i~t~r7~~ ~~ f~~ ~ir~e the ~~lS/~i~ v~~s ~rep~re~, ~hereterey ~~;~ 1're~a~ed Pr,~ject and ~~ irr7~ler~er~t~tlo~ ~=re c~riSi~aten~~ ~i~}~ the i'i=i~/~ii~. As ~ r~e~~~.~1t, nc~ nest rrtlti~~ttien t71E'~at~.~?'~'S c're required Ir- ~'~ic'~~lOrl t4 Iri"1~3r~~'~~'~O 1`tG~lae, The l~rc~je~t ~cruld nc~t rriodi~,+ the noise-ref~t~c~ (~r;d u~~ di~tril~~u~ior~ witf~fin the i''r~jee~ ~is~ car Tustin t_e~~cy. The [c~ng-trrr fir~~"ic-rei~teci n©i~e irr~p~cts ~~~c~ci~ted vvit~t ~~lerr~er7t~tior~ ~~ the ~'roje~:t hive ~~~~ i~e~tified ~~d ~t~~ly~ed ire fibs ~~IS/~i~. ~hert~-ter-°n ~~ia~ imp;~~t~ were ~,i~® ~ri~fyzed ire the previau~iY ~e~;~ed ~~1~/~1F; ir~~ierne~t~~tie~ ~~ the ~r~je~t ~ro~~id be req~~ire~ to ~~r~~iy v~ittt e~~iie~~le ~de~:e~ ~tiitiC~~ti~i"f t~e~~~re~ ~ri~ ~t~te end (e~~;i regLdl~ti~r~s ~r~d ~t~rz~~~d~, ~ie~~ y~~t1~ eaf~hli~he~ er~~i;~~~ring ~rc~~ed~.~r~~ ~~d ~~:~h~iq~aes, this Ev~(ua#ion o~ ~nvironr~en~~l lm~~cts GSA 20'I ~-01 IaND sf~t~ 211-0~ ~~r~. ~ 2C1 avoiding s?gni~~c~r<t si•;o~~ter;"~~ ccnsiructior°r~~°eiat~d noise ,~pacis. There f~oulct be no changes prcpcsed thafi ,~~ouid rnodi;~ de,~elop~er";t in~~ensity, firailc ~~r`r~'ra~:li~(?; ~;..~ll{~'sri~ l"+~l~~'''s re~u'~;'IC~i9r'i~, se!'t~s°-~~s~ siC~'r3~~°, or ~it'l~!" deVel~,'la~r~c;: standards. used on the r'oregoirr~, none of the conditidns identified idl G~C~~ Guidelines section 7 5~ca2 that would trige~. er tfre need to prepare ~ subsetl~sent or supplemental ~fP or other en~rironmental document to evaluate Project impacts ar rnitigatian measures exist with regard to noise. specifically, there have not been: {'I) changes to ti'ae Project that require rrrajor revisions of the previous Flp1S/i=1P due to t~'iP i21ilf7ltJP_i"3'1~Y1~ ~f 3°f~~j1D ~fgX'1l~var~t e;wlro~~'~"3u'ntc,^'~ ~iiects or a a~a~i~tcaiitiul iiiGr~~c`". i the severity of previously identified effects; (2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the ,Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous Fi=l~/ElR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or ~3) the availability of new information of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that was not known and coulc! .not .have been known when the F~1SJ~1R were cert~ed a~ complete. ~llitir~ation~~Jot~itorfrtg ~'egrai~ec{• r~litigation measures v~ere adopted by the Tustin City Council in the F~l~/~lR, ~iddendum, and supplement; applicable rg-leasures will be recommended as canditions of eptitlernent approvals for development of the site. Sources. Field Qbservatiort F~IS/EiR for fQisposal and Reuse of 11/iCAS Tustin {Pages 3-1 v4 through 3-1~2) and A~irt~nrl~rn (page ~_.~(~ thrni~nh ~~A~~ ..~. CVI~A~ Tustin specific Plan/Reuse Plan Pages 3-3~ through 3-62, pages 3-~0 through 3-~~, pages 3-~~ thraug113T~~, and pages 3-104 through ~'~ 3') Tustin General Plan X~1. C3I.,~TI~#~ ~ F106J~11~{~a mould the pr®~~~fa ~~ Ir~d~ace ~~abstar~tial populat~c~r~ growth ire are ~~°;ea, either d~re~ctly ~fs~r e~arr~ple, by prapo~ing ~~~ hc~m~~ aid busin~~~e~g or i~dlrectiy ~f+~r eacarrrple, through exte~saon cif r~aa~fs ar other €nfrastructurep? b~ C36~piac~ stab~tar~tial numb~r~ of e~istir~g ho~a~g~g, n~c~ssiting the construction of replac~rnent housing ~lsewh~re? ~~ C~i~pla~e substantial r~ura~bers ®f peo~l~, ~aer~e~~itafir~ the ~a~nstr~~tia~t of r~~al~cerr~ent ho~.r~ing ~fs~wher~? G1='~ 2~J~ 1~Q1 A~f~ ~P,~ ~Q11-0~ would irrrplement r~rinor fiext amendments to the ~C7P element of the General Plan and khe INCAS Tusfiin specific P{an. The proposed r~fnemen't +~c~rld nod increase thc~ overall development potential c~ the ~~Jc~~l1~(Igi~ i~f Gt~~lii01T1Y1~'i1`t~i ~~I~?~~'t'a P~~~ ~ i L~''iy~,~ ie1.,~r~~''e'f S~I r~~~s~~i?~!.f G11 ~.~~iL.~ ~i,1i~i~l~.7fa'~"gif, a~.i ~1' l~~i e,Ji :.~~'j~a:% .,^~.i ~Jtili i)~s:~:-t .'~e r~i~~. b~~,~~I 1~E,'.Ca~"i ~s~°t~` ,~I~'f)~'I~a~'`b`~•i.~ u:i"i ~:f'1~~"'."~~~iL !`t'3~IL1~{~ ~i 1 I.~r'l~7'"~'c:.~~~'` !d ~~~~C; ~t~`L~_~ i i~.ii ~it~~'{° 4~~ ~~ ~ ^9 ; r i'r^ •^uyr^ ~ ~ c ~';~"~~~;~3~ 1¢~ii~a; "i~~ ®~~~i"~~i `,'~~l ~li.~si'a~~}b" t~'1 ~?~~~':.~~11i~ :•~l:.a r~~ICi ~'.";'i~:~~CJ~~i~:i>~~~`s ~~~5.3;45~'~i~~? ~1F~J ~J~i~ ~~~ i~i :±i~~~~ Gl~~ ~~i i?~~~"'i.'~i'tu~ ~~ f7~ ~1~~~~i~~~i °~eJ 4_~; ~.~1. S i'i t~3~"~`1 ~i~v nee ~~~~r ~r i~a~r~~~~ .°~?i~iliL,i~r~,~ ~~~~rs~: ~r~~~~-~~~~i#i~ ~r ~~~u3~biv~ i~~~~;~~ ~`vi~~3 r~~~rd ~~ ~~~~al~i:i~n ~~;~ ~~~~i~~ ~~~;~# ~sr~ i~~~i~ill~~ ~~ ~, ~r~~~;i~ ~# t~,~ ~~t~~~ii~~, ~~~ [rn~i~rr~~~~t~tiv~ tJ# ~~i° ~'i'r~;~~i:. ~ i1~'r£~ i~ ~l~D ~1~Vli 1~"?~t~~'r'f3~~i~3~'i r~i~ii1~'~' ~~ ~:3L3~31.~~~'iiC1~i ~~d ~c~u~i~g ~h~# ~~~ ~~~ i~ ~xi~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~i~~ ~~~~ ~"~i~/~i~ ~v~~ ~r~p~r~Gl. Th~r~#€~r~, ~~~ ~~c~~~~c~ ~~"~j~c;# ~r-ci i~~~ i~~l~~~~~~#it~~ ~r~ ~or~~is~~r~ ~~i~~ 4hs F~i~/~it~, ~s ~ r~~~aii:, ~~ r~~~^~ rni~i~~~i~rt r~~~~~~r~s ~r~ t•~~~air~tl i€~ r~1~~ion to .~ , ~ t, o...<.'~.~ ~~`~'~~D~nt;~.~ tt~ ~t~~3i.it~'~e~is ~ e-aisia 3 !~~,i~ia ~~. ~~~~~ ~~ i:~~: #~r~g~i~~, ~c~~~ ca# the ~~i't~iie~r~~ i~~ra~~~i~d ir°r CE{ C,~~tid~iines ~~~tia~ ~ 51 ~2 #h~~ uv~~.~i~i #ri~~~r` ~~~ n~~~i t~ ~r~p~~€ ~ su~s~~o i~rot er ~~a~~i~~~rs~~i ~i~ ter ~~~~r ~~~ir~~r~~rt#~i ~©eu~~~~ ~~ ~~~iu~~~ ~r~~~U~~ im~~~~~ or €~i~ig~~i~n ~~~a~tar~~ ~xi~~ ~i~~~ r~g~r~ t~ ~~~~±I~~i~~ ~ra~ ~~~,~sir~~. ~~~ci#ic~liy, #~~r~ ~~~ ~~~~ b~~~: ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~ "~~~ ~~c~j~c~~ ~h~~ r~~uir~ ~~~~r r~~ri~i~~~ ~# tie ~r~~itau~ ~~1~l~i ~'~~ ~~ ~~~ i~~~i~~~~~# ~~~ ~~~r ~i~~i#1~~~9~ ~r~~ir©~rr~~~~~! ~~~~e~s or ~ su~~~~~~i~i i~+~~~~~~ i~ t~~ ~~~s~ri#y' ~# pr~~itau~i~+ id~~t~~i~d ~##~~ts, ~~7 ~~~~#~~ti~i ~h~~g~s Sri#~ r~~~~ct to t~~ cir~~~~fi~~~s ~.~~d~r ~i"aic~ ~i`ts Prt~j~ct 'rs ~~der~~~~~ t~~x r~~ui~-~ ~~~~r r~vi~i~~~ ~# "~~~ ~r~vi~rus ~~i~/~~R due tt~ ohs invoiv~~~~t of r~~vv ~i~ri#i~~~# ~r~~ir~r~r~~~~~i ~~j~~~s or ~ ~u~~~~nt~sl increase in the ~~~~rity ~# pr~~,+ie~~~iy i~~r~ti~~i~ci °fit~~~~; car {3) ~h~ ~~~ii~~iii~y cif ne~nt ink©rmati~n ci• ,ui,s#~~#i~l irn~~r'c~rtc~ r~ia~~ir~g $~3 ~ic~ri#ic~~# ~~'e~t or rr~i~ig~~i©r m~as~ares or ~itsrnatives that was nat i;nfl~,vr~ ~r~~ ac~slcl rto~ hsv~ been k~~~rr~ when t3~e ~i~l~~~ vu~s ~~rtified as ti~r~~l~'re. P~,iL;~,~~sU oni~ub~,~~ ~'~~~;; ~~'• o mii:igairi~ra is req~ir~d, ~c~u~-c~s: i~i~ ~~~~r~a~bi~r~ Fi=l~/~iF~ fir [~is~~s~ i end i~2euse o~ OCAS T'tas#in (Pages 3-18 to 3- 3~, ~-~~ ~o ~-~29, end 7-'1$ tc~ 7-19) ncf P~dc~~c~um Pages {5- i ~'i'.i°i?"QU~t~ ~`°~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~"~.a~ti~ ~~~ci#i~ Pi~rzlPe~ase Play (P~~~s 3-35 ~hrt~~~i ~ 3-6, p~~~s 3p70 fii~r~uc~h 3-~9, pages -~ thrac.!gi~ 3-~, and pages 3-3{34 thr~u~~ 3x137) T~r~ti~ ~~:~~ral Pi~~ 1~~. PULi~ ~~~~~~~ ~ss~ci~~~~ ~i~~ ~~~ ~~~~i~i~~ ~# ~~~ ~~ ph~i~~~ii~ ~i~~°~~ ~~~~~~ac~~~i __ ~~c~ii~as, ~~~ ~~~ ~~a~~~ ~~ ~~~g~;~i3~ ~~~~~~ ~~~r~~~~~~~i ~~~ciii~a~~9 ~'~ +c~r~:~~u.~~~i~~ ~~ ~~s~~ cc~~i~ ~~~~~ ~i~~i#ic~~~ ~;~~z~e~~r~~~i i~~p~~~s, ira ~~~~~~E•~~~~~~ ~~~~i-~~ #~~ ~t~aa ~~~ ~i~~ p~~fi~ ~~~~~i~~: ~va~uafio~r ofi ~r~virc~nm~ntaf ~rnp~cts ~P,~ 201 ~-01 A~~p S~'A 2011-O~t Page 22 CPA ~~` -~ i ,~'~i~l~ S~'A ~0 i `!-~~ would l~~perne~,t minor tex~~ arnendr~e°~ts to the ~~P eier~~ent of ~i;i1e ~er~era! flan and the ~~A~ Tustin ~pocific i='ia,;~. T~r~ proposed re~nerr~ent would no# increase the ove~ii dovolopn--cr~t potential alic~w~ef by the ~~~AS Tustin specific Plan. Implementation of thi Project wii! not cause arty direct impacts to public services. There would be no change to development intensity, which would lead to an increased derraand for public services. There are no new or increased significant adverse project specific or cumulative impacts with regard to public services and f~ci~itl~~ that are ider'~ti~ieta ets a r~s~lt 4f the c'3dapiion anc implerr~entat[an of the Project. Where is no now information relative to public services ar~d facilities that was not in existence at the time the FEIS/EiP was prepared. Therefore, the Project and its implementation are consistent with the FEIS/EIR. As a result, no raew mitigation me~sur~s are req~iired in relation t~ impacts to public services and facilities.. Fire E'rotection Fire protection for the Project Site was discussed and analysed in 'the FEiS/~i~t, The Project results in r~o changes to that previous analysis, and na increased or now environmental offiocts ©n the environment. from those previously analyzed in the FEIS/EIR. Implementation a~' the Project will require compliance v,rith existing QCFA regulations regarding construction materials and methods, emergency access, water mains, fire flow, fire hydrants, sprinkler systems, building setbacks, and ~ti'9f~r rAlAyi~n'F r~n~al ~inr^,~+ /1 'J~L,..a.......,.. .s~ s~_~ ~ t.~ ~. ~ a.ys.~~tieiui ». r-~~,ai ~~i c3 ~c.,c ~c.+ tt »~e r~glll~dllURS Wiil rt'dl.1C~2 the rlsK at uncantrallable fire ono' increase the ability to efficiently provide fire protection services to the ,Site. Pursuant to the FElS/EIR, the existing fire stations in the Project vicinity with additions! fire fighting personnel and equipment viii meet the demands created by the development within Tustin Legacy. ~Ja new or expanded facilities were identified ~s being roctuired anc~ therefore rte physical impacts were identified. Felice Protection ?`he need for police protection services !s assessed on the. basis of resident po~,ulatian estimates, square footage of non-residential uses, etc. Future implementation of the project site in compliance with the l1~CAS Tustin Speci is Pfan would not increase the need for paiice protection services in addition to what was anticipated in the FElS/ElF~ and Addendum. As a condition of approval, future development projects would be required to warp with the Tustin f'oiice ®epartment to ensure that adequate security precautions are implemented in the project of plan chock, ~v~~,lu~tfo~ o'~ rtuironrrz~~t~! ~p~~t~ G~'A~fJ1't-C1 Ada Sf',~ 2091.pa P~~~ 23 ~i"~ '~~~~'~ ~? ~a'~`t~i~~ Y~:~~1'ii~'~ +~~?°YI tl~u;ti"-, i"~ ~(u?~i~e l~~~it~~^ ~~ th@ pr~p~sed pr~;~~.fi ~~~~aic} ~~ ai;ri9~r 'i:~a i~~~ i~;er~~isi~~ iii 'i~~ ~~~/~1~ ~~d ~,cid~r~c~urn. Cr~rasi~}~r~t ~nri~i~ ~~ ~~, '~}~~ ~i'~y ~~ ~u~'i:i~ ~r;,k ~~ic~'~~.d itYl~3i~rrf~3"~~~;~i~rl ~~~s~res th~~ r~~;uire #uture deve[~s}~~r ~~ pay ~~~li~~~ia school fees tC~ the TU~~ to rr~i~i~~~~ indirect acrd dir~~'i student ~ener~~icn irr~pacts prior to the issuance of huiidirag permits. ~h~ p~yrr~en# of scoc~# r~iti~~~iort i~p~zct #~~~ auY~t~rizec~` by ~~ ~~ is d~cmed to x . , „ ~ ~~. ~,d..~a,. .~ ~7rt311iC~~ .``iU~ ~~{~ cor~pi~'{~ fTliit~et~iC~~i fit i~~l~~~~~ ~litJ(~ 'tt-~ ~~~~~~p~~~~r;~ ~~ rce~i prcp~r`iy' s~r3 schc~c~i #~ciii~i~~ (~~a~err~r~eni ~cde ~~~~}. ;~ 54 pr~vid~s ~~t a ~'~~~~ or iocai agency m~~ not d~r~y ~~~ re#~~~ to approve the pianr~irrg, use, or d~~~i~prrr~r,t of r~ai property on the bads of a developer's re#usai to provide miticda'~ion in amounts in excess o#that e~t~~li~l~ed by ~ 5t3. ~~rlt~ Ftatur~: devei~p~r~t ~~i'~i?ir~ Tustin Legacy may include ~~~~ stash as perks, recr~etion faciliti~~, t~c~t~rs, rr~~.~~~~ams, and varioa~s other ;public and private recre~~ionai uses. 7hc prcpt~~~d ~F~ 20'11-0~ wotald eli~n'rnate a nine (~~ sere neig~,bcnc~~od park origin~iiy loc~'~~d v~~itl~in ~~i~hborhood E. This n~i~hhcri~ood p~r~; his been deterrr~ined u~td~r ~~~ ~i~po~ii;ion strategy #or #orr~~r iVlaster ~E'1(:iC~yK?er Footprint ~d~p~~ci ~y '~~~ ~i~ Council t0 be t1Ctt necessary to meet recre~ti~an~l needy tdr i u~ti~t Legacy or the commtanity given the extent of other public and private parkland and t~pen space resources designed #or Tustin Le~~cy. C}th~r ~uhlic l"~ciliti~~ (iwi~r~,-i ~inc~ certitic~ticar~ c~i"tl~~ ~F4~/~i~t, tl~e C~r~n~~ Gcnty Library (t~CF'L) entered into ~r~ ~~r~~me;~t ~it~ ~~~~ City ~~ ~'ustir~ #or fih~ e~p~n~io;~ c~# the ~usti~i ~r~r~h lib, pry, ~'~o ~~p~;~~~io~ ofi tl~o ii~rt~~y 3~ ;~ c~~~i'i:w,i imlarc~>>~rn~~# of ~ pudic '~~cili~y tl~~t 3r~°il directly ber3e~t d~veiopr~~nt activities v~iti~in #;~~: ~pecifc i'lar~ ~re~. i~euelopers within the ~pecc Dian area are required to male a fair share ct~ntributi~sn to a portion o#the developmen# costs o#the iiiarary e~c~~nsiorr. To ~upparf dev~foprnent in the reuse pl~r~ area, the ~~use F'lanlSpecific Flan requires pudic services end #acilities tc~ be provided car~current wifh demand. The FEi~/~il~ ~rtd Acidenaum concluded that pubii~ ~i~cilities would be provided act;c~rdir~g to a phasing plan to meet projected deeds as development of the site proc;eea'ed. ~~i~i~~~i~rrf~~ontorrr~g Required: ~iiti~~'~ion rne~sures v~ere ~dop#ed by the Tustin City ~~auncil iT~ tie ~~i~/Fly, ~cideradum, ~r~c; ~upplern~;.~f; ~ppiicable rrieasures ~i11 he ca~difiio;~,=~ of ~~~i'~i~~o~~ ~~3~aro~~t~ far d~~elcprr~,~s~~ tit ~?~e site. ~va;u~~~on of ~nvironmen~a! lmpac~~ ~~A 201 ~-0'i A~'~D SrA 201 ~-0~ rage 2~ Sfl~df"~~5: i=~id ~0.d~er~~!ti'~}ri ~~}Seri for ~;isposai and ~~euse of ~~AS Tustin (Pages ~-~7 tt~ - 57, ~-~~ to ~~-;30 and 7-?~ to 7-22) and Adclendurn Pages ~-112 Through 5-122) ~1~C,~,S Tustin Specific Piane~euse Plan Gages 3-35 through ;x-62, pages 3-70 through ~-~1, pages 3-82 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-1 ~7) Tustin General Flan ~~ ®a~id #~~ pr®~e~t ihcrea~e the ~~~ ~~ exi~ti~~ r~eigh~~arhe~d and re~ionaB p~r~ ~r ottaer rr°~:creation~B faciiitie~~ such that ~~b~#~~tial phy~ic~9 deterio~°atior~ ~~ the ~'~ciBity ~°ot'Bd ~cc~ar car be ~cceler~ted? 'b~ ~ae~ the project ir~cl~.~de recre~#i~raai facilities ~r req~9re the c~n~#.r~ctir~ra ~r e~~ansi~~ ~f recceatic~r~ai facslitie~, which might have a~ ~dver~e lahy~iceB effect ~~ the e~visr~n~e~t~ Gi'~l 2011-01 AIV~ SF'A 2011-04 would implement mir~dr text. arr~endrr~ents to the Ct~P element of the General Flan and the ii~CAS Tustin Specifiic Plan. The proposed refinement would not increase the averaN d~~~}aprnent potential allowed by tfae f~CAS Tustin Specific Plan. The Proposed Project would not resui# in an increase of development intensity c-r change in uses that would result in increased use of existing parks or recreational facilities. T'he project however would eliminate a nine (0) acre neighborhood pat'Bt originally located within l~eighborhood Be. Phis neighborhood park has been determined under the Disposition Strategy for forrrier faster i~eveioper footprint adopted by the City Council to be not necessary to rr~eet recreations! needs for Tustin Legacy or the community given the extent of other public and private parkland and open space resources designed for Tustin Legacy. There are no new or increased significant adverse prc~yect-specific or cumulative impacts with regard to recreation that are identified as a result ofi the adoption and implementation of the Project. There is no new information relative to recreation that was not in existence at the time the i=~lSl~iP, Addendum, and Supplement was prepared. As a result, nr~ new mitigation measures are required in relation to impacts to recreation. Sased on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in C~~A Cuideiies Section 15162 that would trigger the need to prepare a subsequent or supplemental ~1R or other environmental document to evaluate Project impac#s or mitigation measures exist with regard to recreation. Specifically, there have not been: ~1) changes to the Project that .require major. r~evisians of the previous P~iSt~l~ d~.ie #o the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a ~v~~u~#i~n o~ ~r~v~rr~r~m~~t~i ~m~:~cts CFA ~091At31 ;Ai~tt3 i~A ~f1 i ~-U4 ~~g~ 25 ~~~~a'~~:`~i~~ li":~:'~~:~~ lYT ~~ ~~~f~°.'l"':~ f~f ,~p'u^.°~1~~;~,i~ S~`~~"?i;"~~~~ ~'13`'~~R~; {~~ ~.J''r3,~.>'~~1"l~'~: ~'~~ ~~~ a ~11i~`~ ~''~~xi~-'~s ~ L~ 1'~ ~'t~'t~Li tP""i~~~ ~;~~;~ i,;;i~°~ ji`t#t`~~~;~i ~3 ~~ ~i ~~~~ i,~a i~('.Ci~i i~<}<~t'~ '(~;e{ )`:~Ltl~'~ i'?~J~~' y"~~'1~~~;i~ t3`~.~'~~;~ ~3~'~~~~Z,i~a m~t~~~~~ ~?.i€-' "L~ '~~1~ ~l'~3Qi13'~??~"?k (7~ ~~~! ~i~4'ii~i~~s'~~ ~'~°i~h(~t"~~"€"1~'~~~~ ~~£~~S t3~ ~ ~~I~~$~~~I~~ ~~'i~~'~~~£: ~"~ ~t"?~ ~~~J~~°i~~ ~~ pr~~ri~~=~i~ i~~r~~i~i~~ ~~~~~~s; ~~ {3~ ~h~ ~~~~il~~i; ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ i,~"~t~~~~i~~ o~ ~~~~~~~4~I i~~~~:~~~~: r~i~"fii~g its ~i~~i~~~~~fi ~~i~c~or ~ii~;~fXli~7~ ~;~~~tar~~ ~r ~l~i~rr~~~iv~~ ~~~'~ uv~~ nc~~ icnc~v~~ ~~d could ~~~ ~v~ b~et~ kn~v~r~ uv3~~~~ ti~~ F~I~I~i~ ~r~s c~rt~ed cc~mpl~te. l~l~tig~~i~nff~lo~ri~~rirr~ i~~quis~e~'~ tvfiitic~~titan ~~w~r~~ ~~~~ ~r~o~~e~ ~y the T~s~~ ~~t~ ~~~~t;ii i ~ ti7~ F~i~l%i~, ~~ad~~t~~?~+, ~~~ ~u~a~a<~~~~~Y; ~~a~aic~~i~ ~i~~~~ir vv~dl b~ r~c~rnrr~~r~d~~ a~ c~~tditie~n~ cap ~r~titi~~~nt ~p~~caval~ Fta~ de~~~lop~nent of ~h~ ~~t~. ~m~~auu 7c-.anm~ ~~~ m+~ sae+n'xef ,aa~ ~~,~ 2s~op~~~ a~+r~s3.e~mra /`area m®~ce~S~ ars ua ~eS~~~~srra~A~~ ~0 ~~aa~av s~rS'a~,a ~a®e c„~i'~s.~~o~~~ ~~ n~~~, kr ai ~„we~ ~~..~sa9n~7® ~a., s..g ~a:w. ~,e~3 yea tt.i ,-~;w ug~~arrao sra~xs t~~~~ ~~~s~1~ ~r ~ ~~~~ i~ ~~~~i~~ ~h~ ~~~~i~~ f~ ~~~~~~t~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~'~~~~~ ~ a~tr ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ evaluation of ~nvr onmen#ai lmp~c# GPA 20; ~?-09 ,~i~;f~ ~pA 2011-~?~ Wage 26 ~fl'S/5~19 tl2u0'~ ~.~ f~I 1-q",'~ ~ ~_ .~Ad~a?NYs9'.aJa .. ~ f y~~"~'`~' ~ S'P~`,~yy _, ~ OpA 201 ~~0~ ADO S~'d~, 20Z i~0~ v~rould ir;~ple?°nsnt rr~i~or tear a~rrPendm~nts to the ~~~ element of the General Plan and the t1~~CAS TustinSpecific dart. Tie proposed refiinement would not increase the overall development paten~tial allowed by the ~iiCAS Tustin Specific plan. There are no new or increased significant adverse project-specific or cumulative impacts with regard to transportation and traffic that are identified as a resi,lt ~f thQ adoption and implementation of the Project that was not previously analyzed in the FEIS/~Il~, Addendum, and Supplement. Since the project does not result in an increase in trip generation as compared to the expected generation assumed in the l'I=lSl~1R, Addendum, and Supplement, the project site remains within the trip budget assumed by earlier analyses. Sased on this analysis, there are no new or increased signi~ficarrt adverse project- specifsc or cumulative impacts with regard to traffic and transportation that are identifed as a result of the adoption and implementation of the Project. There is no .new information relative to traffic and transportation that was not in existence ~t the time the ~~IS/lvll~ was prepared. As a result, no netiv mitigation measures are recfuired in relation to irr~pac~ts to traffic and transportation. used on the foregoing, none of the conditions idenfiified in C~QA Guidellr3es Section 15952 that would trigger the need to prepare a subsequent or supplemental SIP or other environmental document to evaluate Project impacts or mitigation measures exist avith regard to recreation. Specifically, there have not been: (1 j changes to the project that require major revisions of the previous FEiS/lrlR due to the involvement of new significant environments! effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; (2) substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under which the #'roject is underiaiCen that require major revisions of the previous a"~IS/SIP due to the invoivernent Qf new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or (3) the availability of new information of substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitigation measures or alternatives that was not known and could not have been known whop the F~IS/~ll~ was certified as complete. l~litigatiorr/N7onii~aring Requirecl.• Specific mitigation measure were adopted by the Tustin City Council in certifying the Fl*lS/EIR, Addendum, and Supplement,. However, the FEIS/Elp, Addendur°n, and Supplement, also concluded ghat Specific Plan related trafl•;c impacts were significant and impossible to fully mitigate. A Staterr~ent of Overriding Consideration for the FEIS/~1R, Addendum, artd Supplement, was adopted by the Tustin City Council on January 16, 200'1. Applicabl+~ measures v~rill be conditions of entitlement approvals for development of tf~e site, Ev~lua~i~f~ crf ~n+~ir~nm~ra#ai I~p~c~f~ Page 27 ~C}CdP'~~'S: !Wirt`' ~~~~;;`!fcl'r±"~~i s ~- is.:/~~§~ '~~'~" ~.Jias"?CJ~ac; ~~i~ ~~~,!a~ ~i iVaa.af"'.~ ~ U~b.~ ~ct~~'..a ~~~~~ ~~.;s~i~ ~~~~~i~ ~'1~~~~eu~~ ~I~ra (PeOe~ ~p35 th~~~u~~ 3-62, ~~~~s ~-70 ~~~o~g~? ~-5~, ~~~~s 3~~2 through ,~-~, end pec,~.~~ 3-104 t~r~ta~~ 3-~ ~~} ~"~~~~~ ~~~~r~i ~l~~ ~:~ ~d i.3-~~.9.~.~.aa~s~~r~~~,na 3~,u~,~y~ax~s,... ~ ~~.> .a ~) ~~~~~ 3~~~~~~~~~~eaa ~a~~'~~~~ ~e~aar~,~ z, . ~ ~~ tae ~~~~~~~~~ [, ~?-~rr~1 ~~ ~h~~~a ~~7~ ~~~a~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ana~a"~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ r~ ~~~~~~ tea, ~~~a~~~ ~a~ ~~ ~~a~~~~u~~3~~a ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ a°~~~ ~~a~9 ~~~~~ .~~~;i~s~~~~at a~~~~~a~a~a~~~ ~ ~~~~`~ ~~~~~ ~~a~~~~.~~~ ~~~~~~c ~aa~~t~~~~ ~~~~~~~~e the p~~se~ ~ra~r~ ~n~tm~~ea~~a^~~~ ~~~~~~ ~a~~~~, ~~~~~e•~~a~t~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~;~~~~~~, the ~~e~~~~®~ ~~ ~~~ ~o~~~d odoa'~~`~ SPA 201 ~-01 ANt~ S~'~12011-~~ would i~-r~~Pe~'!e~a# minor tent ame~dmenfi~ to tine ~flR dement o~ ~h~ ~~r~erl ~1~~ end she ~C~~ T~~tin ~peolf~c ~'ia~. The pro~o~~d refilr~~m~~'t vv~uid r~~fi i~~~r~~~~: `~~u ovr~ii ~~v~lomer~t po~~rr~i~1 allowed ~~ ~~~ i~CA~ T:~~~i~ ~p~~lric ~I~~>~. ~v~a;'tl~4iC~n of ~nviron~~nt~l im~~cts GF'A20"1 i-0~ Ai~'~ S~'A201'i-04 Page 2~ The Project ~+ould not Danes any direct impacts fio utilities and se~ir~ systern~, T'hert: would be n€~ c~ange to d~e~.relopnoent inte;~si#;~, building i~eight res;rctions, setbacks, signage, and tafiher deveioprner~t standards. There are no ne~.~ ~r ±ncreased significant adverse project-specific or c;~rnulative impacts with reg~,rdtc~ utiiitieslservices systems that are ider~fiif{ed as a result o~f the adoption anti irnp9ernentation ofi the Project. There is no new in~forrnation relative to utilities anti service systems that was not ira existence at the tune the FF1S/1"lR was prepared.. Therefore, the Project and its implementation are consisfient with the FIvIS/EIR. As a result, no new mitigation measures are required in relation to impacts to utilities and service systems. The Project would not result in any changes to the utilities i~l~'~' pra~~nfAr~ In t4~~ ~~®rlf,c Play. Sased on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in C~QA guidelines Section 15162 that wo~.~ld trigger the need to prepare a subsequent c+r supplemental Ells or other environmental document to evaluate Project impacts or mitigation measures exist with regard to utilities and service systems. Specifically, there have not been: (1) changes to the Project that require major revisions of the previous FEIS/SIR due to the involvement of new sign cant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; (2} substantial changes Vvith respect to the circumstances under which the Project is undertaken that require major revisions of the previous 1~~1S/IsIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; or (~) the availability of new information ofi substantial importance relating to significant effect or mitiga#ion measures or alternatives that vvas not known and could not have been knovrn wharf the FFIS/1*ll~ was certified as complete. ~rnnn~c?ci CPA ~(111_f7'1 APel~ SP~1 7(111_rl,~. t~iill rrMsiilt in ~;p ~u~~fia;°;tial yhanr~~c trti :-----m .~.,~. the environmental impacts previously evaluated by the FINS/~1R, Addendum, ar~d Supplement. There is no possibility that the activity in question .may.. have a s~gn9ficant effect on the environment. 1~9itigatior~/I'b~7o,~ifo~r~g Required: Mitigation measures were adopted by the Tustin City Council in the F~IS/~iR, Addendum, and Supplement; applicable measures will be recommended as conditions of entitlement approvals fior development of the site. Sources: Field Observations i=i=iS/1=1R for Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (pages.3-35 through 3-~i6, 4-32 through 4-55 and 7-20 through 7-21) and Addendum (pages 5-1~7 through 5-165). MCAS Tustin Specific Pian/Reuse Part {Paget 3-~5 through 3-62, pages 3-70 through ~-51, pages 3-52 thrt~ugh 3-88, and pages 3-'tQ4 through 3-1;37) Tustin t.~enerai Plan ~~~luati~tt of nu~ronmental ~mpac~s CPA2~1~~0:.~~'~ 5PA201~-~4 f~age 29 '^'a ~ R ~~~~l~, ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~i~~~~t~ ~ ~~~~t ~~' ~x~~~i ~~~~~i1, ~~d~~~ the ~lii~~t~ ~~~a~~~t ~~~~~~~~ ~t the ~~~r ~ri~~ ~~ ~~i~~~~ri~ hi~~~ ~~ r~3~~~~~~ yy,~, m~> P~ 3 sa are ~~aw~i swa a,~,,~~*,s ~.e l9~'~~ t' "'+ 61.9 .~~~~ ~~~' p~~~~~ °w ~~~~~~«e' ~~~7~3'.l0 $,~ t33~3 ~, A~`~i ~iaas:+x v;~aa as+~aae~.r ,.. ~~~~lata~~9~ ~~~~i~~~ieE ~°3~~~1~t~~~iy ~~~~is~~~a~~~°~ ~~~~ t~~~rt tie ~~~~e~~~t~a ~~~~ts ~~ ~~o~~~t ~~~ ~~~~~~~~°~ee ~€~~-. ~~ vi~~~~ i~ ~~~a~~~t~~~ v~~th the ~'~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~, ~~ ~~~' ~a~ ~~~e~ ~urr~t ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~r~~r~r~~e~#a~ ~~~`~ ~~~hio wiii oat~se The F~I~/~iR previously cor~~idered ali er~vironrr~er~tal impacts ass®oiated Frith the irnplerrientation of the S~~e~ific Mara, sn>rludir~g mandatory ~r~dir~gs o€ signi~veance asst~ci~ted with the.. i~pierr3erak~tion of the Project., "here v~rould be ~~ ch~rage to deve3oprr!erat iraterisit~, boiidir~t~ height restrictions, setbacit~, signa~~, end other dev~;lopt~nent stsra~dards. the Project wo~aid riot cause ~n~ai~ig~fied onuir~anmental effects that were riot already ex~rnined in the ~im9~/~1~, t%ere ire racy r7ew mitigation measures regoired; and there are rao now sigr~ific~rrt adverse project-specific or tt~~ a~,~a~,,,-, ~~,--,~-,-~~•+c ;n ~~ar she-;~; ir~a~;m~rtt~~ ~r'~~~ `~~~~ 1!V£?~'e 't{~E'1'1~I'~~{~, ~"1C~T 4~1o11~C~ r~il~: Vu) 91Ld9£~iU YG 11 I a~e:ivw ~~ i sa ~ proj~:ct~specif;c or curns~la~~iue ir~p~cts in any enuirc~nrrtental areas he ~~de worse ~s ~ resit of the Project. iii fusible ~itig~tion rr~o~~~°~=~ id~~~;~~ ire the ~~i~i~i~ wiii be iracorporai~d ira~o s~!bsequer~t actit~ns that the ~t~~C~~ and County ct~rrara pit to fully irnp9err~ent. therefore, the la"roject does trot orea~e any impacts that have not pr~~lo3~sly been ~dar~ssad by the ~-~1~~'~'i~, Further, r~~one of the rean~i`tions ide~ititie in CE Guidelines ~ectitara 152 that ~vouid trigger'the need to prepare ~ s+~bse~uent ElR #o e»~luate i"'rojoct irr3pacts or mitigation measures exist with regard to environmental ira~p~c}s. ~pecific~iiy, tr~rere heue not boon: ('f) changes to the project that require major reunions ofi the previous ~~I~l~l~ due to the invoivernent of navy significant environmental effects or a substaratiai iracreas~ in the severity of previously idertified effects; (2) substantial changes with respect to tine circumstances under which the Project is ur~dert~aken that require major revisions of the precious l°~ls/~lFt due to the inv+~lvernent of new sigr~i~cart envirortrnental €ffects or a subst~,r~:i~3i increase in the se°~erity of pre~rio~.!siy identified effects, gr () the avai(abiiity o. new ir-3fc~rr~aation of s~.~bstantiai i!~po~ance relating to significant eft'eot +or mitigation meas!.~res or ~'ternafiives that was not ;mown grad co~alci not ~~ave bee~~ ~nov~n u~hera the F~ f~l~lF~ was certified as cornpiete. evaluation of Environmental trripacts GFA 2011-01 ANC3 SPA 2011-04 Page 30 Mifig~ationl~~fonigo~ng ~~gcei~c~~ The FEISlEIR previously considered all environrraentai impacts associated with the impl~r~tentation of the Specific Flan. Mitigation measures nave been adopted by the Tustin City Council in the FEISlE1R and would be included in the project as applicable. Sources: Field Observations FEIS/EIR for ~ispc~sal and Reuse of lVICAS Tustin {pages 5-4 through 511) MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Peu~e Plan {Pages 3-35 through 3-62, pages 3-7g through 3-~ ~, pages 3-62 through 3-88, and pages 3-104 through 3-137) and Addendum Tustin General Plan CC30dCLt9Si9N The above anafysls concludes that all of the .proposed project's effects were previously examined irf the ~'EISlEIR and Addendum, that` no never effects would occur, th~# no substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects would occur, that no nave mitigation measures would be required, that no applicably mitigation measures previously not found to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and that there are no new mitigation measures or alternatives applicable to the project that would' substantially reduce effects of the project that have nofi begin considered and adopted. A Mitigation and Monitoring and 9~eporting Program anti Findings of Uverridirtg Considerations were adopted for. the FEIS/EIR on January 16, 2Q01, and shall apply to the proposed project, as applicable. xibit t~ {a~ni Gornrn~s~o~r~ es~lt~ti®n ~. 190 eneral Plan t~enr~ent ages and ra d~rd6nar~ce ~. 1413 c~ Tustin's location and geology n:take it an important archaeological and paleontological resource area. d Methods of protecting archaeological and. paleontological. resources while permitting development must be addressed. I'AT~KS ANI~ t~PE~aI SP~,~CE ~1'~T'iJI~ o A comprehensive integrated plan for parks, 'open space, and scenic highways does not exist, a~td. so, a complementary system of such resources is difficult to create or maintain. o Without the support of school facilities, Tustin faces a shortage of recreational facilities, especially in the southern and western portions of the community where densities are higher. o In ' ` f ; ?, the City had ;=~, ~ ;` ~?. -acres of existing local and community parks, but needed an additional ' ~ ''~ ~ ~ ~ acres to serve its population based on a standard of three acres per ~ 000 arsons ` .. , ~, a Regional recreation facilities will be located in Tustin, requiring coordination with adjacent jurisdictions.. a Limited recreation space often ..precludes pragrarns for all segments of population. Increasing population will aggravate this problem. o Given the limited recreation space, careful planning is needed to provide a balance of diverse facility needs, o The community's facilities are limited and disrepair would create a severe deficiency in facilities. a r „< ~ i ~z .. CI'T'Y ©F TUSTIN CONSERVATIONf OPEN SPACE] GENERAL PLAN RECREATION ELEI~-LENT 10 ,~ .. ~ <<~,_ through the winter months, thus reducing peak loads in the drier summer months. A fourth program is the C?CWD Conjunctive Use Well Program. 'T`his program offers local agencieslo interest loans for construction of up to three wells. Ari additional. method of zrtanaging the groundwater resources is using reclaimed water. The Irvine Ranch Water District supplies reclaimed water by the Michelson Water Reclamation Plant, a 35 nullion gallon per da~r facility. though the water is of near potable quality, it is used strictly for irrigation purposes and.. replaces water that would otherwise be pumped from the ground. The Irvine Ranch Water District services East Tustin. The City of Tustin also promotes water conservation, through its water conservation ordinance. The ordinance, "'Finding and Determining the Necessity for Adopting a Water Management Plan'" identifies water conservation stages and water use limitations,. The Water Management flan ..ordinance specifies water conservation stages and. prohibited activities during each stage. The City also participates in low volume tailet replacement, showerhead replacement. and landscape water conservation programs through the Municipal Water District of Grange County. Water resources and features, including watersheds and riparian habitats, are very important to Southern California, and riparian habitats are quite rare. The most prominent water feature in Tustin is Peters Canyon. Several mitigation: measures were adopted for Peters Canyon as part of the East. Tustin Specific Plan, These mitigation measures continue to reflect City policy. For several years, the Lower Peters Canyon Retarding Basin contained a small riparian habitat. This habitat severely deteriorated: in recent years. The City will work with the County of C3range, which recently constructed a replacement CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN CONSERVATION/OPEN SPACE] RECREATION ELEMENT 34 ~ ~'~.:~_. .~ ~ arm , ~ ~.. ------ l_~fllVIE LOCATIO_~' AC2ES i FACILITIES i i. C~mina Peal Park Ceni~r 4.3 Preschool & sc~#c~-age apparaius, basketbal J court I 2. Centennial. Devonshire 3.0 Group picnic area, preschool & school-age apparatus, fitness course, horseshoe pit, basketball courts, volleyball courts 3. ColuntbusT'us#irt Prospect ' 13.0 Basketball caurts, football/saccer field, softball fields, tennis courts, volleyball courts, I gymnasium ~. Frontier Mitchell 4.5 School-age apparatus, frisbee golf, fitness course, horseshoe pit, softball fields, barbecue gri11 5. Magnolia Tree 4.2 Preschool c4z school-age apparatus, basketball Fig Tree court, tennis courts, barbecue grill fi. McFadden- McFadden & 0.~ Picnic tables Pasadena Pasadena ?. Peppertree First 5.~=~ Preschool apparatus, .fitness course, harsesh pit, youth ball fields, barbecue grill 8. Fine Tree Bryant 4:2 Preschoal and school-age apparatus, volIeybalt courts 9: Clifton Miller Community 300 Centennial Way 0.1 Meeting rpom, auditorium, microphones, kitchen. Center 10. Tustin flrea 5renior 200 South C Street Q.4' 9 Mee#ing rooms, game room, avdi#arium, Center . micro hone, kitchen, ool tables 11. Laurel Olen Park 3.0 Passive spark with picnic facilities and a to#lot M ford I2. 5ports3'ark 2t1.0 Lightgcl softball/saccer fields, ten3us courts, Robinson multi- ose court, rac netball court 13. Cedar Grove. Pioneer 9.? Pre-school age apparatus, group picnic facilities, nature; red~vaad,/cedar trees 14. Heritage Park 5.0 Tat Iot, picnic area, basketball court, roller hockey 15. Tcsstin Family Youth Center ' lewport/Syearnore Ave. ~''=.5 Pre-school, meeting/game rooms, multi-purpose activity rooms, computer lab, after school drop-in ro am CI'T'Y OFTUSTli~ CO?~SEIZVA'I7ON/OPEN SPACE] GENERAL PLAiti RECREATIO_\ EI,EVIENT" crr~ o~ ~rur~ cor~s~~v~~rrc~:~ /o~~, s~~c~/ GE?VERAL PLAN RE~Ti EA7' [Old' r L%M~Nl' E ~ 'I'11a Mate of Califs~rnia f'ia~ ~-~ar~~g mid ~oni~~ag ~,a~~ ~Zd tb~e ~u'adi~ris~ion i~ap C~ct Code ~ectio~-~ ~fi~r~~ {The ~~~z~r.:~y ~.ct) indicaie tbx~zt ~e Ieg~slative bs~dy of a City or C€~unty, may, by ~rdin~,r~se, re~ui_re ~~e dedication of land, the payrreent of fees in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, for park and recreadona3 purposes as a condi~don #~ tl~e approval for a final tract snap or parcel rnap. In cases where such dedications or fees have not been obtained for particular lets #hro-ugh a map, they may be unposed a# #lze time that building permits zre issued. A~,ong other ~equireen#sf the foilo~uing conditions rraust be met: a 't'he ordinance must include defini#e s~u~d~ards for det~rmin- ing the proportion of a subdivision to be dedica#ed and the aaa~ount of ax.y fee to be paid in lieu thereof; and. o ~~ legislative body has adopted a General Plan con#aining a Reoreation l;le~nen#, and any proposed park and recreationZl facilities are in accordance vv#' defini#e principles and s#anda~ds contained therein. In confc~rrriance with, this st~tu#e, the Ci#y of Tustin Conservation, Open space, and Recreation Elerx~ent includes standards determining land requirements for future park sites. The standards identified in Table CO~R-4 and in the following te;ct should be utilized in selecting sites for parks and should serve as guidelines governing the acceptance of land dedicated to the City. Ftature acquisi#ion should focus on ac~uixin~ land for taarke#tes and neighborhood and con~n-unity parks as well as obtaining easerr~ents ar~d property for trails. Generally, parkettes are no# cost effective #o maintain and #his will be considered prior #o acceptance of dedication. pigure COSR-5 presents the 'i'ust~.~. 1ecreation Plan for parks and o#her recreational open space facilities. CrTY OP TU9'TitiT CC?I~SERVA'~~ION/C7I'E'~ SPACE/ ~E~'ERAt. P~.A:~;' ItECR~;AT.tO'_V ELE.YIE\,T 45 r~~~~ ~A I ~~ cc~~s~~va~~~;/c~~~:nT ~~c~/ <~ This standard is satisfied by neigliuorhood grid communi parks. Peters Can on Re :anal Par?< :s not used to meet ittis ty _ Y S st~a-!darci. Howev,~r, the MCAS Tustin urban regional park is included due to active sports facili tips Utat wiil~e available to the ~ community. 5chooi p?aygro~d acreages cse based on tii7e assumption that 3 percent of approximately acres of Iand asso~ated tvitil dloot is used for recreational purposes. i~ Sphere of Influence 1 CITY ©F TUS~'IN Ct~~;5LRVt~1,TION/C)PEN SPAS/ GENEItfiL PL,~~ AE4IZEf~'~:iQN ELEMENT f ~7 ~ ~~ ~, t r" ~ 11 1 ~ ~ ~. -t t ~ t '+1 7= ~~ _ f1 .r 7`~ ~'Z3~~r3 ~~ 1 r ~rl ~ r r tai ova ".._ + el ~ v k S ^5 ~~t 1~i1 r~~~~7Tt~$.~~1 j~ I. ~ a. ~ ~y '- c + ~ ~` C~} ~ r~ ~ y `, `~o,' tb Y~ ~-., ~ E S ~, It ~ t~~j 1 ~~ ~ . _ ~ ~ P ~ 1: i s rz n t a r ~ ~ n ~ ~ ti i r ' ~ } k ~; ,~Y r 'v ~ {t a ~ J)ttJ Fd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~ ~ /2- ) r~Ti e12~-~ Sth~ ~3i t~~t ~t t.. ~ by 1- ~ ~ \.,4''~J~ ~ ~L ~y~~~~~ #~ . ? _(. 1~ E r e f .I - 1 S X s .,r 4 r~~c-i 1 ~. 4 ~'-~.. ~ rl 1 ~3~ t i ~~ ~-- r~~G J~ :c i ~ ~ 1 ~ ~i ar! jj ~~~ ' + > J 1.. ~ a 1~'°F C 4 4z* -•-x-_._.'P4~K C~~ rt' t yrr ~a~.i~ ~' ~~'^~"~ CTt `~ ~ ~~ • - ~i y fi ~ 'I + .P ~'vY~+xt .. a ~h e,~ i r ~~~'~?3~~1;rL.ts~ lye Ir +._ 3 t.~~3~-' ~ f ~7,n S~~~ ~ d,~N1 1 k ~ I t '`L, ~ + tt` ~,1~ 3ti~~ t~~' p '~'^ • ~ tt 2rr~ T~1r E ~~ 7~ c.~ ~ ~ CI ~~-~-t. ~a'"'~~ ~~~"y,~ {" f ~~ St 4.~'~~i ~b y ~j :14t t. t r~' 1 ~.., ~5 ~'r ~ 1 ~,n. a~~ v:~~ 4r+ / S f~~ }~ ~ - ti 2 'ft-'j-h ~ Y~' } -0 ~ ~„ / gg ~~y~'~3.~1 ` Sd ~_:c 1 1 ~ ~,. ~ 1'f~ 7r ~ "u' ,,~ 4~ ~'~~' w`.~~ 7~ ~~'y~~~ ,~.~ ~{ +~Nr ~ t rL 1'~ ~' X ~a; ~` Ylr~~fy)~~~. '~~f`'i,~1~~rt~ (r ~v~~~~i~-~ •~~ # ~ ~~~^~ ~ S'~.~ J '.u,, __1_ sir H,~~ r /)I °_ 1 a c ~' f ~ _ ~ }?pF i 7r 1!~ ~. ;~y~t~.~~~ta ~t lso ~ .y ~ ~~~`~~~5~ ~~~,"~ ~ i ~,~J~ r. +j ~ y~ JJ~ , 1 ~+II.~ (~~ 1 ~!G i,.y,A J~~AI F` i y~. ~F, w.~ ~ - ~ F Y.- d, r ;\. ~J 1 ~ ~ '~ r ~ 2 x '~ >~ ti ~ ~''1i ~"'~ ~ .' ~ c f~. _ ~ )d '. +,. Y s~~ 1. , ~ic ~ ;~ ~1~ ~.*1~~4'3"~~ + Y ' A '•• ~ ~'J . • a~o ~ ~`i';`~El, ~ f y~': t~ t'~y {t ~ ~4+: ~ t i .TYp ,~a,~j .y ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ . r ''III ^ 4u 1 9 ~~ . v - • ~' ~ ~.~+~~,'~"~~~' : ~ r f '~~~~ ~ti.~~sc Pit , ,i.y .ti +' , fia.y ' ~„ ~+a ~ ~ {{}} ~ ~ ~~ ~ ` z°~ ~ Z~ ~ 1~5?YNQ i'P.lykT~ Q~l'1Tpgy par, .~, ca we , ~ .. , ~ , a ~- .1 .. ... .. .. ._.__. ' i L"'Iya#'ie~;t,fimrr ~TCmM •.,'i'a,:s~ {S ._; kc~s3ls~a~isr~~a~r~,,: ,P;a:,q ~_*~ t r a ~~ ~ r; . ~. 16 ~ ~ ice,.. . ~ > r~E ~~~~.~}~3.t.t h~r I~t ~ 1 • ~l',~d.Ai~ }nY~^^~,y ~' &tl i ark~.'ttes c'',r~' su':LS1ai~ p~ SutV~°., zoCal 1:}s~rl~s, bQnera~ly 1~SS ~ilf'.n one z+'~'i'e in s3~°. >'d/~~5~ .~arkett~~ ~.Sc esta~lrsz~ed 1n hlg °%' d~'nsTty areas aS ~~ st~bst~~.ate far bacicyar~Is. maize and location are usually tleter_~-n~~ed by tl~e availability of vacant land. `T'hese parrs may serve any age group, depending an the characteristics of the neighborhood. They azsually feature play apparatus, a paved area far wheeled Lays, bencheJ, and landscape treatment. Whey may also feature children's play areas, clt~iet garr-~e areas, and same sports activities such. as rr~talti-purpose courts, if space allows. ~o~ne rctini-parks are natural areas vvitb minimal improvements (e.g., benches) which safeguard identified` a_rchaeological/palean~talflgicai sites or other nat~.aral resources, or serve as viewpoints. As the City approaches build-out, it becomes more irnpartant to take advantage of opportunities available to the City for the establish~•nent of park space. I'arkettes could be established in areas that lack conveniently accessible parkland. The maintenane costs of proposed parkettes regazire cansicleration prior to ~cce,~tance of dedication. ~ie~ghb~r~r®od :~~rks 1!~Iany of the facilities located within neighlaorhvod parks are associated with active g'ecreatiart. X11 neighborhood parks shoult contain some area for active recreation depending on the site of the park. The park site should cantairt co~soli~3ated ~n~Veas ,q7~+~, s 3' 1Ldl apps ViJ11Q ~~ area devoted to active recreation such as ball fields (saccez and baseball), n~~~lti~~purpose fields and open t-~.~rf, game courts, tot lots, picnic facilities, swimming pools, community buildings, restraorrt wilding and on-site parking. 'T'he standard min.amum size for neigl~borhoad darks is three acres. 1~Teighborllc~c~d :parks should 17e located near tlze, center of a neighborhood unit and, if possible, adjoining an elementary school. Easy access should be provided to pedestrians, bicyclists, and maintenance and public safety vehicles. A neighborhood park sho~.ld nt~t be separated from its user population by major l~igllways, CITY OP Tt; SfiIN C©tiSERVATIC~~?/ O.P~A' SPACE j G~''VErdAL PLAi~i RECREATiO'~' BLE~YIE~,"I' 49 ?'~:~tT''~cC~Sr €J{ t3s~lel° 7.iS1 "e~'1~IE'T'S~{~lC,'' 03v5~c^,.C~~~u. t~ a1~'ig~lbC3i~1~Jfl;~ l~ca~'~ ~31f:i?~~:5 x7~ ~Iz~lt t°~ u.~J~.}y ^£'i1~ ~'.~ O?' i"!'E.'~'' g^P°?Ib~~~s, ~~.Ar^.Ti ~~ ~C~ ~ :ii4~g~~r fO:C ~3YYi~~''i~.'1~^.~3'~,:CP~+a~'~t~j ~^~L'.biy,5~~1^.~~~'£'~~'au:~~2~. cC?l?:~~u i~ T^~~1.'ti~A.~Q+ i/~i~li ~~~K~Q u~Ji~:~i &.~~A"'fl1~g~1~1'_'~ ~P~'~'~iL`'~J. [ / ~oss~r_c3~ni~J ~~ks ~r~ int~n~ied ~~ serve arc ap~a.~ta .ate. p©~rulatis~n of ~D,00~3. ~1o sp~ci#ic sl~~a~~ ~~ rcc~uir~d fern ctarxu~r.~~ity parks as they a~r~ an~~r~rted to ir~co~p~rate b~~z~ active recreatiernal facilz'~ies and ~ras~ive ~~~n s~ae~ ire tie ~~~~ ~f ~.~nl~~xe physical features such as a ~°c~gQl~g-~~_ ~t~~n~»tia'1~T a~-ar~s 3h~93s3~ ~ns~ ~ rn,~nimtzi:?1 D~ ~?g~?~ ~?tr~$. ~~~a~nity ~a~~r~s shc~tal~l e.nc©xrc~ass pedestra and bicy~:~e paths arcd. ~a~ra1 open s~~~e. Cornxni-~fiy pars ~:no~alel cantribu~e to the City's erpem space systen~c h3't:a~n~~et~-cg ~~ n~eigllbb~l~c~tad parks cr~x~h ®p~ space ' ages err c~nnee~ing t~ at~~ recreatz©~~~ ~~cilities. They shcauld be Ic~ated at tar xaea~ t12~ in~e~sce ~i~n ~f an artery ~aeax the center taf their s 'ce ~r~a. Cfl~cr~aa~nity paxlCS shc~ald ctantan sp~.ce for wive recreati~~al. ~aczlities sucrC as ga~efzelds, garxce cercu~s, s~nrirxaming p©erls a~:d play areas ~s ~nrell ~~ ct3r~nunity centers, tan-sine ~aa°ki~g, res~"re~n~, snd picnic areas. CITY t)F TI3STIi~' CCaNSERVATION/C1PEN 5P/LCE/ GEI~IERAL PLAN ItECIZEA'I"101\' ELEVI r~I1'fi 5ta regional Parks The County. of Grange ovwrns and. maintains many regional re~reatiox~al facilities,.Policy for the development, maintenance, and improvement c~£ these parks is provided by the Prange County Recreation Element, which includes a 1~laster Plan .for regional recreational facilities in the County. The County currently operates the Peters Canyon Regional Park within the northwesterly portion of East Tustin.. 'The City also supports the County in locating other regional park facilities in the City» A regional park of approximately 84.5 acres (including 11 acres occupied by a blimp hanger) is proposed to be #xansferred to and operated by the County within the. MCAS Tustin Specific Plan area.. C3utdoor recreation activities and adaptive reuse of existing buildings within this regional park location for recreation-oriented uses is planned. School PlaygrouncisJJoint Agreements ._ ,, ~; _ : C>rganized sports leagues such as those for baseball, soccer, and football utilize ~~ ~ <<?;~ ballfields through a permit process with the School District. The City includes ta,~~_<:~ school recreational facilities { ~~.'~ i;"":~ ~;~ ~~ '_ '~ i, , `. _>~ , ~~>% 1 ~~it ~ to meet the overall ~ , sir:,' of three acres per 1,000 population. .%~. ;~. . , .. 1~~~ ~~/ ~,.. .... ~~. i'. i" i ~ i~ (~ . ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ 1 ~ , ~.,- . ~: ~.~. C7p to 1.5 acres per 1,00(1 population. can be provided through school recreation areas provided the school recreation areas are open to the puk~lic. (Jpportcanities exist to maintain and enhance schoolJrecreation joint use agreements with the Tustin Unified School District. Whenever feasible, the City should work to improve agreements with schools to enter into a joint school/recreation use and maintenance program. An educational college campus is proposed within the Tustin Legacy development which could provide recreational facilities open to the public. CTI'Y of TUSTIN GONSERVr~,77C>_'~T j{7PEN SI'ACEJ GENERAL PLAN REC 1ZE:17-IQN ELL'~tENT 5T , ~iki:n Icing 'Trails The County of grange maintains a coordinated system of trails, including bikeways, equestrian trails and hiking. trails within the City, The Tustin Parks and Recreation and Community Development Departments disseminate public information regarding trail availability, and assists with design review of new trails. Bikeways comprise the most extensive part of the City's trail network. There are three categories of bikeways: o Class I~ a paved path that is separate from any motor vehicle travel lane; o Class II. a restricted lane within the right of way of a paved roadway for the exclusive or semi-exclusive use of bicycles; and. a Class III: a bikeway that shares the street with motor vehicles or the sidewalk with pedestrians. A number of policies included in this Element are concerned with the expansion of the City-wide system of hiking and biking trails. Precise development standards for the various types of trails are difficult. to establish since trail width and gradient will depend on topography, surface features, and. availability of an easement. The City's trail system includes pedestrian and bike trails within. open space corridors and along regional .trails which link to Iocal and regional parkland. The bikeways located along the City's street system are addressed in the City's Circulation Element. The MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. also CITY OF TUSTIN CONSERVATI©NjOPE~T SPACrj GENERAL PLAN RECREATION LLE';~ TI~:NT 52 a~la G~i~iis~~~i~iG~ ~ -a ~-I~ ~! ~(~~~i~r~ ~- ~~4~ Gib ~ i~~S i~, ~~~~~=~°~~''lr~!G S~F~IFr'~ I~i~ A~i~l~i~~.i~~-i- ~~i~"~1) 2C~ ~--C~;, i~?~I~~A~(~9L Ti s~ ,~'~? ~.~i;~'i,~~1c3i.. ~.~t~?~tE3~P ®~' ~F~aT~,~. L,9(T ~, ~1L~.G'~3~'if~tG Ti~~°~~~ GF PFSI~~~P T IAL ~~IT S A~~ ~-R~SI~FP~TI~iL S~~A~~ ~®~ i ~~.a~S ~~T~IFF~I PLAi~i'~II~G ~~~~~~ ~~ Ii~31i~4~,Tli~G A ~-~1GPF SPGPTS PA~~ FPG~ IVFIGI~I~GP~It~®~ ~, I~FC~I.~IRI~lG T~F ~~FGI~lTIC~I~ CAF DF1~FLflPI~'iF~T ~1C3PF~~Ji~l~1T PPIGI~ Tt~ G~ GGItICI~I~I~~I°~T ii'1IITH GIT'~f ,~PI~RtJ1~AL GF ,~~~ ~F~FLG~'F~T PPC3JFGT, ANA I~PLP~Pl~TI6~G I~lf~Gl~ TF~T ~i'~~;~I~~~I~ITS T~ T~-l~ It~'iGAS T~lSTi~d SI~~CIFIG PI...A,I~. The City ~ounci! cif the Gity of T ustirt dais ~ei°eby ordazr~ a.s fiallows: S~GT~C}~ 1. TheCity Gouncii ~n~~ and determines as fellows: A,. That the Gity o~f Tustin is praposir,g a minor amen~lrnertt to the I~i~GAS Tustin Specific Plan. The prep®sal involves rr~inor amendments and will net "substantially altos" the currant adopted GAS Tustin Specific i'lan. The proposed arnendrnent is intended to: ~) increase tae aliowafisle number ofi rental units; 2) allow transfer of residential units and nan- residential square feafiac~es between planning areas; 3) aliminafio a ~_ acre sports park from neighborhood ~; 4), require the executien of a I~eveloprnent agreement prior to or concurrent with Gity approval of any develaprnent project; and, 5) snake other rr~inor tsx# amendrr~arits of the ~1IGAS Tustin Specific flan. The proposed ~lrnertdment would rust increase the overall development ,oatential or r~~ideratiai c~paci#y currently alla~ved by tl~e tUICAS Tustin Specific Plan, I. That on ,~prii 2~, 2131 ~i, the Tusfiin Gity ~auncit approved thy; "Tustin. ~.egacy flispasitian Strategy for the Farmer IVlaster Developer P~etprint." The Disposition Strategy recommends refinements andlar mcsdifications to the l1~GAS Tustin Specifiic Plan to support development activities ant'scipated over fife nest economic cycle. SPA 2011-~0~ is in r+~spanse fio the recernmendation contained ire the Disposition Strategy adopted by the City ~a~ancil. G. To strengthen the public planning prc~oe~s, encourage private participation in comprehensive panning, and reduce the economic risk of development, the Legislature of the State cif California adapted the "~~velopment Agreement Statute," Section +658~~, et seq. of the Government Gala. The L7evelapmerat Agreement Statute authorize cities trs enter into an agreem~:nt with any perscsn having a legal or equita~sle interest in teal property ardd to provide for c'avaiapmant caf sucF~ prr~perty and to establish ce~ain devel~apmertt rights therei~€. ~~c'it`;~ri~e i~c~, '~<~~~ ~,~,cja 2 ~; , ~ ' i ra ~ ~qr ~ 4 .,. ~ ~ n '~~a~`t~~°;~, .?~ ~I'?l~y'9e ~y"'~1a~p~~?~~] i~yr~atr'..'11r~.7~i'i;~~?~ ._`?~'~'1~~ ~f~~~3~-a'i:~y~ ~i~::;~'~1;'7~~.,. ify~~'' 'S`~aJ i~tr~ ~,. i.. !)~~La~.u '~~~.f M1~5i.'~'ia1 c~ lJ. ~~jl Sa~iii~i, r~a~. ~.. ,G''~'CY:~ ~+a~/~Xi;.~'3PB~~~ ;~ ~~ ., :aaili ~~l~'~ ~v~eL~}iC a'+ax,+t„~4~ MY7f7~l;J~r~~2'>.~ ~e~~~!,:;d,a+~~.?~aa~;a a ~. ..a i. i w+ 0.,l 'L ~1~~i~~.3lIi ZA'a ~'t la'i L~~71a.+. d,.~i aW ~.f ~t~."'~, ~3 V~~s'~1 ~ i/~J S~~ri'1~1 ii~ ~~~..wi'~f~~b ?'~i~~ ~o`+~.'~;~ J?~~, ~.. `~°,ii~sl~"+~'s ~~~ ~~C~~ri~ i~~i~J°~'3~r~fi~~iu"" ti~ iril~i'~,:~ir~.f~~~;~' ~i;°3~ ~~3~'ili~~'i~;> ci~~~i~prn~nfi in ~~~~r~~,n~~ ~1~t~ fiiz~ ~~n~r~l ~I~n, il~~~~~ T~~'ti~ ~p~~i~i~; ~'i~n, ~nt~ Find ~ro~r~rr; i~~~i~ 'i:or fi~~ ~~so ~r~ ~i~~o~el s~f '~~~ F~r~~r ~~~ ~~a~~fiin ~n~ .~~~n~~.4~ ~fi~~ "Find ~~~~i"~. ~. iii ~r~a~~~~d ~ri~fi~ ~a~~o~i~prn~~fi ~r~,j~~fi~ ~~ ~ra~~~~iop prop~rh~ ~~ ~u~fiin ~~~~~~ ~r~ r~~~ir~d ~n~~~ fi~~ ~~~~ ~~~fii~ ~p~~i~i~ ~i~n ~~d Fire! ~1~~~~~ fi~ in~fi~i4 h~~~b~n~ ~n~ 9~~ai infr~~firucfi~ar~ or ~~~~ ~ f~i~ ~~~r~ ~~anfir~~~t~~n fi~ fi~~ d~~s~io~rr€~r~fi ®~ ~~~;~~aon~ ~nfr~~fir~~fi~r~ ~~~~ "'~~.~~fiir~ ~~g~~~ ~~~ith~n~ infr~~fir~~fi~ar~ ~ro~r~rrt'°j, ~n~ ~~~~ ~~.~hlio dodio~tit~~i~ ~~ ~~fi~rrrsin~ ~~~~~~~~ fi~ ~~~p~~ ~ropo~~c~ i~n~ ~s~s ifi}~in 'ti~~ ~roj~ot ~n~ fi~ ~~~~i~i~ c~~~~l~~~~r ~t~; ~ritar fi~ ~~an~fir~~#i~r~ c~~ i~~ro~~~~~fi~ ~~ ~ri~~#~ o~n~r~, 't~~ ~i' h~~ ~nfi~g•~~ infio ~r~~~?o~~s ~ifi~ ~~~~ ~ri~~fi~ o~n~r ~~i#~ir~ ~~~ ~ooific ~i~r~ r~~ r~~~r~i~ f~-~dir~c~ fir fh~ in~r~~fir~~fi~r~ i~~ro~~r~~nfi~. ~, T~~ pity rr~t~~t be abbe ~fl e~~~are ghat a prs~posed p~i~ate evel~p~nen# pro~oot i~ ~~,~~~oi-fiod b;~ ~~~~hoe ~~d loo~i ir~~Fr~s~ruc~u~e, mee`;s the r~~~air~rn~nt~ o~ ~~;~ Fir~i ~i~/~1, ~n~ fi~~fi i'~ i~~to~e~tfis ~~~oifc P~~n r~c;~:ir~rr~~nfi~. ~,fl~'iti•to~'t fih~ ~rofi~~fiic~~a~ pro~+i~e by~ ~~q~~rir~~ ~~velop~n~nfi ~e~r~~~~r~'~~ fio ~~fi~~i;~~ fi~~ fiirrr~in~, ~~q~senGi~~, fin~n~ir~g et~~ ~~~~io~~~nfi of in~r~~firu~fi~ar~, in~i~~iin~ fih~ Tustin ~~a~~y~ ~~ok~o~~ 4nfr~~fi3 ~,~ct~r~ i-'rr~c~r~~°r~, ~~~ ~ifiy~ ~r~~Bd ~~t est~re ~i•S~t the i~?fr~~fi~~~~fi~~r~ ~t~i9i h~ ~~~a~io~~ri in ~n ~~~r~~ri~fi~ gyred timely m~nn~r t+~ ~~rrro T~~~fiin ~.~g~~y r~~~ifiin~ in ~ vv~~'t~ or ~~~~~~ e~;~en~it€~re ~f ~L,hli~ r~~o~.er~~~, ~~o~i~fiion in fih~ ~o~fi o~ i~c~! in~r~~#r~,9oture end i ~~fiirt ~..~~~oy ~~~i4~on~ in'Fr~~firu~t~ar~ ~'ro~r~m irnpr~~o~~~t~fis, ertd ~ ~i'~i{ure ~~ co~p9~fi~ ~ora~~roi~~n~i~~ tr~~i~, dr~in~~o, ~n~ other Tus#in L~~~y ~okho~~ infr~~fir~;~fi~r'~ ~r~~r~rn irra~ro~erner~t re~gire~ by the ~~aeci~ic ~i~n,'~~~~ Find ~3~1~i~, ~~n~ T~.~~fiin ~ifiy~ ~c~de F. Tie ~ra~~s~in~ n~ ~;~prov~i of i~~~~~i~prn~nfi ~c~rourn~t~ts is infi~nd~d tt~ ~~~~~~nt ~n~ '~~art9~~r t~~ p~.ar~o~o~ ,~n:i infi~nfi ~~ fide ~e~eral ~',~n, specific ~l~n and Fine ~i~~Fi~. ~i-~~ ~ro~~~~in~ end epprc~v~i ~f Ck~veloprn~rfi gr~~~~nt~ ~rrii9 ~!irnin~fic uncort~ainfiy in p1~nr~ir~~ for ~r~ ~ec~ring tie 4r~~~ty ~~~~icp~~nfi ~~ ~"~.r~fin L~g~c~, insure ~ d~~ir~~ie ar~ci funs;fiir~n~1 ccrn~ur~it~ ~n~ircn~n~nfi, pr~auici~ for efFecfii~ae grid of~ici~nt ~~~~i~ap~aonfi of pudic f~ciiifiios, ;nfr~sfiructt~re, er~~ ~e~ice~ ~p~aropri~.~fi~ ~r~c~ n~c~ss~~ 'for 'ti~~ ~~~~lo~am~nfi ~~' Tu~ti~ ~e~~c~{, ~ssur~ ~~~inrn~~€fi ~~ t~~ ~~a~irn+~rn ~~~cfii~~ ~atili~~~iQ~ cf resc~~~r~~s ~~ifihin fi~~ ~ifi~, ~~+~ prca~ir~~ c~>~cr wi~nific~nfi ~n~ r~~uir~~ p~a~lic b~n~;fifi~ fic ti~~: ~ii~ ~n~ iI~ r~o~.~i3,€~iii~ ~a~ ofii~~~rv~s~ ~~i?i~~ein~ trs~ ~c~is ~n~ ~!rp~;s~;:a ra~~ fii~o ~o~olrap,~~r~~ r'~~~~~;~~n~nfi fi~f~~#~. Fu~:~~r, [~~~~~~:cp~~~~fi ~~~r~~~~ur~~~ ~~iii ~sfi~~?i~h ~ b!;i?~~~i~; ~~~' q~~rf~rrr~~r~~ f~a~' ~rc?in~n~~ i~~. 9a'i~ p~~Y ~ ~futaare devei~pr;aen}~ including obliga~ions and ~ahasir~g triggering r?`?~~hr~rii~rn ~ ~l~a~t er3~~ar~ i~?e~ a~Ya:?`~~'.s,~a~~i~ l~~~i ~ri~l ~~~~ir3 ! ~~c~ ~~cKG~rie {~i~f"~s'r? ~~a~r~ ~r~~?'~t~'' irnprovwmerats a r~ i~ ~I~~~ ~o a~a~3po9" a~:icipated de~~ele~pm ra# °n a~;corda;~ce 1.~~~itl~ the i~hasing ~;~~~ ide;~tifiicd n tMe i~~C~1~ ~~as'tia~ ~pec~if;c a~-1aa~ anti Fi^~! ~.l~~Ei~ a~;d Addenc~~.arra, and any °~~!stin Ci~~ Code repuirernents. C~. That on June i', 20~t ~ , tt;e City Councii adopted are Urger soy flrdin~nce Flo, 1401, reguirirag the execution of ~ l~evefoprraent Agreer~aent prier to cr conclarrent wi#h City approve! o~` any develc~prrient project. Cn July 5, 201 ~, the City Council adopted ®rdinance Flo. 1402, extending the requirement for the execution of ~ ©eve9opment Aa~reement prior to or concurrent jai#h City approval of any developrraent project for ;~ p~riocl of ten {~ 0) r~aonths and fifteen {1 ~) days. N. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and helr~ on said application on Februar~~ 14, 2012, by the Planning Coaramission. Following tfie public hearing, the Plar;Ining Comrnission adopted resolution 4100 recoa°ramending that the Ta_astin City Council apprt~ve SPA 20'11-fl4 by adopting ordinance t`~d. 14"3. t. That crn i~arcl~ ~, 2012, a public hearing ways duly nodded, calldd, end held before the City Council concerning SPA 2Q11-04a;C9rdinance ~lc~, 149 3). J. That on Jana.~ary 9 6, 2001, the City of Tustin cea pitied the Prcgrarra Finn! Environmental Irrapact ~tatementlEnvironmental lrrapact report ~Fl~l~/Elr) for the reuse and dispose! of a1/{CAS Tustin. ©n ~ecemfaer 6, 2004, the City Ccuracii adopted resolution No. 04-~6 ap~rovin~ a ~uppiement to the FEIN/Elr for the extension of Tustin ranch rodd between ~'iialnut Avenue and the future alignment of ~laiencia forth hoop Road. ©n April 3, 2006, the City Counci! adapted resolution loo. 06-43 approving an Addendum to the FEl~lE{f~. The FEISIEir along with its Addendum and ~~applemertt is a prograrra ElR under 'the California En~airor~mental Cuality Act (CEC~A). The FEI~IEIr, Addendum ar~d Supplement considered the potential environmenaa{ impacts associated with development on the former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. K. An environmental checklist was prepared for the proposed project tha# concluded no additions! environmental impacts would occur from approval of the project. The Environmental Analysis C;heck(ist concludes that al! of the proposed project's effects were previously examined in ti,~ FE{S~Eir, Addendum and Supplemen#, that no new effects would occur, that no substantial increase in the severity ofi previously identified signifiioant effects would occur, that no nevi mifiigatioa°a measures would be required, that no applicable mitigatis~n measures previously not found to be feasible would in fact be fieasible, and that. there arc n~ new mitigatic,r: measures or alternatives ~~;~~ .. ,,~d U [_~~~, 'aa ~+r,~'ii;,i(~a~~i~'`{. ~J'wiifi i~~ i.,'.~^. . , e~4: ~~ ,~,_ >"'!cls, .,~: #.~ . _ ~ r, ~ ~3~'~'t~~~t !`.~w:~,:.~.,:a ~1~i~ `;~i:a'i111?i~ ~s~`(;~ ~~5z . _, ~ ~?~'. ~J,i-0i~'a '~~t i.j;';~; ~.,,~j_`~~f~;'1 ~~~'.(~~'i~'3, Cs~.'~J~~ls"~,~u'ti1`i..``'~t, ca°C': 1'~'~9!'~~'l~~ef~' ~a~ {~.?~'~~~?} ?A~'il?s~i~~ ~~~ ~}w~~ °~~~~i~ ~~~~l~ic ~1~~ ~r~~. 2. ~r~~E~r~ i:~~~ cc~m~~~i~l~ ~n~ ror~~l~rr~erttary deveiopa~er~t cacc~rs. 3. Im~rc~°~ ~i~~-~~i~~ ~~r~~ra d~~~g~. 4. F'rcr~c`~~ ~~cr~crr~ic ~~p~r~~i®r~ aid ~i~~eiiica~ic~. ~. Irt~pl~r~~~~t ~ r~~€~~ pl~~ ~cr ~~~"e~ d u~~i~ v~~i~~~ ~t~~~irr~l~~~ ~#~~ ~pp~~9 ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~i~~~-~~~, rn~~~~~r-pi~r~~~~ ~~~+~lc~~+~~t. ~~~T1C7~ 2. Tables 3-~, 3-~, ~~ ~-~ ~~ ti-~~ ~~~~ ~ ~stin ~p~ci~ic l~lar~ are hereby. d~let~d as~d r~~i~~~tl in tl~~ir er~li~~~i~ ~ruith ~ yew Viable ~-~, 3-2, ar~d 3-3 ~~~Ti~l~ 3. ~~ctic~ 3.2.2 cif the ~~~~ Tt~~~i~t peci~ic Plan € ~~r~by amended to reed ~s follcsws Thy r~~;eirr~~r~~ r~~~~~ ~~ ~1~+~~lli~~ us~12~ i~ e~c~{ ~'lanrtin~ ~1r~~ may r~~~ exceed the ~ ~~arn~~r~ ~~ ~~a~~i~si~~ ~~ ~~~ ~.~~d ~~~ ~~~~i~~i ~' ~r~e~y~is The calcuieton of re~ic~~~ti~! density, a~ st~tsd in d~nreiling units per acre, shah be based cn gross acres 1"cr c~c~ praject ~aniess cth~~~ui~~ n®ted in specific l~ran;r~~ Free cie~~l~as~~~~~ ~~~n~i~~rd~. dross acres l~ d~~~r~~~ as total acres less rt~ri~l rc~~-~~~~.~~s. ~EGTit~~l ~~~'~ion 3.2.3 of the 1~~~~ Tustin ~~~cific Plan is hereby amended to reel ~~ i`~11o~~~s: 3.203 "~~°~n~f~r of i~~s~ediir€~ ni~~ ~~ii~~~~~io~s l~ ~ ~i~~-~i~~ ~,~-~~ i~ d~~~lc~~d ig~i~~ 1~~~, t3~~n ~~~ m~~ir~~arra r~ur~ber of units ~llfl~~~c~, tt~~r~ t~~ "~r~~~~d" r~sid~~~i~l d~v~(cpm~~h ~c~x~nti~l m~~ b~: trr~rt~ferr~d ~YCI'Pc'.~'?C? Nc~, 1~ i 3 b;? i?i~ ~ire~;'i:or (.,''i 6~.~3~ri`ij.~tloi~9 ~~lf~l~°i~Jir1~~:'~ ~~~`fo~~ ~. ~eotiort ~.2.~ of ti`aae i~~~~ Tustin ~~~~i~o flan is hereby ~~e~ded to r~aar~ ~~ $~l1~~ ~3s• ~.~a~ EC~'i~+i~~ C, ~ectiort 3.~.29~ of ti~~ ~C~~ "C~t~ti~ ~p~oifio ~i~r~ is 3~ereb~ ~ser~de~i t+~ reed as t®Il®~s: ~. ~~'~rrr~ifi~~~ ~~~ ~are~iitir~~~~y ~~~E~~ ~~~ The foilov~ing uses sb~ll be r~errrZitte~ by right ~n~l~ere the symbol "P" decors car by ct~rld~tiotl~i use ~errr~~t vvile~"~ tine symb~i „~" occurs. ® Commur~ify care ~fsciiities for si:~ r~r fewer perscar~s m ~ondorr~ir~iur~s ~r~d cooperatives P F~rniiy care borne, foster home or group home, fior P six or fewer persons Urge family day care for to R ci~ii~ren on sir3gie farr~iiy de#ache~ Fats in accor~ar~ce v~ifih the Austin pity bode i~iuitipie-family ~~veiling units (apartments} in C accorclar3ce v~~itb tenure provisi~ar~s in sec;ior~ 3.x.2. ~esi~e~ti~l care f~~ciiity for eic~eriy, fc~r six or fe~or ~' ~~ci~~r,~w ~=';~. "i:'~~ ~ag~ ,?Jvl"~~J~~ T ~!p'A~ ~A«~ ~ ldw i ri{,'pi~~ 9 `S n~ !.~ w~i~Ys.~i. ~ ~1i~~t~~'.~~'~,~'?i?b9 ~h~`is:'.~fi ~1;~r~fii`3~ ~i1;%~ f t. ~n ~i~~~i~ ~~r:~ii~ ~~~~~:~~~~' is~~~ ~~~T`C~~ 7, ~~~~i~~ 3.~.~.~.~ ~~ ~~~~ ~f~~~~ T~~~i~ ~~~~i~~c PIS is ~~r~by ~t~~d~d #~ r~~d ~~ f~i~~i~~: 4. T~~ure - ~~~~~Id~~~i~r~°~~~~ ire Pl~~~si~~ Area Thal! be pry#~r~~~ ovv~~~~~i~- ~~~~~~, ~3~~~i~~~~~~ ~~' ~~~~r~~~~~~ i~a di~c~~~lc~r~~~r ~c~~i~at~ ~~~~irlr~~~ ~~~~~~~i cad ~ ~~~~l~i~~a~i ~a~~ p~~~:~. ~ . ~~CTIC3N ~. ~~~~~~ 3.~.~A ~f tha ~~~~~ Tca~t~~ apa~i~i~ P~a~ts hareb~ amended ~® ~e~d a ~c~llc~~u~: `~"`~~ fc~lit~~~Vi~g ~ ~l^i~l°s ~~ ~~r~i~;~d ~~ ~i~~~ ~~iZ~~°e the syrYtbc~l aF~l~ ~~uc~ or by cc~ndltic~r~ai ~~e permit ~~~~~~ ~t~~~ ~;~~~? !!~~! ~~cus°~. ® Ch~~~l~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ r~Sic~i~us iir~~l;itutlc~~s ~~~~~~i~~ ~~r~ ~~~~iil~i~:~~ ~~r ~i~~ r~r fewer pera~rt~ ~ as ~o~c~~~i~i~~~~ ~~a~ ~~r~pera#i~es P ~a~~-~i~~~~~ ~~~~i~~f ~ F~mi;~o ~~r~: ~~~~, f~~#er home ~~' gr~~p home, fir ~ i~ ~~ ~~~,~~r ~~~~~~~ ® L~r~~ f~~i°~ ~~~ ~~re fc~ ~e~er~ ~~ ~~1~~~ ~hild~-en ~' ~~ ~i~~i~ F~r~il~ ~?~#~~l"a~cl l~fs i~ ~~~~rdan~: w~h d : "i~~ ~~ ~ f ~ t~~i i ~ t~t~ ~y 77 77 ¢} 7 ~^l y~ 3 V'y~ Y~ qy9 ~ ~j r i~S~LI~~~'~~1i~i1~% ~#J S7~~Ydi7~ ~o-i171~~ ~fl~~i s::c~~ll,~l:i.4!!~ t@i aC~fl~'t~~~t~~ V+a`i~l°t ~~~li,8f~ ~rt~~'i;'1~3~3~ tI"9 ~~G~lL}~ ~.~,~. ~ ~c~~1tJ ~1i7~'t't~~ ~ ~riv~fi~ ~~~i~~l ~ ® ~~~~1~ C3f ~3'1~~i~~ ~i'~~C~"IC3~i~ ~ Fire ;~t~~io~ ~' s ~'uh!iclpri~~~~ ~~ili~~ ~~il~lsr~~ f~~iii~~+ ~ ~~i~~~~i~l ~r r~ ~~~iii~j ~a~r ~ic~~~-~, fir air ~~` fev+~~r ~ p~r~~~~ ir~~i~~~~r~il~ ~~t~~~~~i ~~+.r~liit~~,~ ~r~3~~ ~~~d ~t:~a'~~~~ ® ~ir~l~_~~~~iil ~~~~~h~~~ Gl~i~l~iii~; ~ar~if~ P • ~3'~«~ie~~i,'i~~E~ ~i,°a~~ ~:~~h.; ~',n~S' ~~~oJ ~ls~~~:76s ~~»'.~~.a! ~%E~~i~"~~~ C'r~in~nc;e ~.~o. X13 ~'~;g~ 7 on sirt~rie4far~°;ily dei~,~~i~Cl lets a./So.. YNk i~~~t yes ~~1.•~~id~ ~."'1.~.~.~ o~~~~ d~5~..°~i4s' 31.A~\li Y 1i'Ugr~~~`s... ~1~.~ 1n.? tmi~r w~~f ~'~..~L ~~~,A G~ re~1~ ~',~ ~~tl~~'~~'~; ~. 7enLi~'e - ~ea,'~ICDp;I'~~)r;~ in Plar~nir~g area cif apai~tr'r~er~t~ ,~ discre#ionary acti©n r~qui;ir~~ approval of ~ cc~nditic~ nal use pen~ni#. ~~ ~ ~~y~ i ~. S~Gtion ~.~.~.~.~ t3f tr^s~;, wi~.~"s,~a~ rU~#~fil s7~1~~ii~i~. t i:.~ii i~ here~g~ amended #o read as f~ilov~s: ~. ~esiden#ial u~ds: F~~ily carp horr~e, foster home +ar groin hetme, scar P sfx or fewer persons ondominiurr~s and coopera#ives ~ ~t.altiple ;amity dwellings {apartrnerit~} in a~oc~rdanc~ P with tenure provisions in Section 3.x.2. o dingle family at~tach~d dVVelling units and duplexes P S~C~1©l`~ 1 ~. Section 3.6.~.1.~ and 5 0~ the Ii~CA~S ~ ustin ~peci~c i~lan is amended as follows: 4. ~ffordabili#y - In the event dvv~lling u~'lits ire props~sed, #be fc~i9owirig minimum affordable mousing produc#ion objectives are intended to refilect the in#en#ion of the Cite to crewte a redevelopr~nent project area {Cornrr~unity ~edpvelc:prr9ent La}~v, section 3369C?) and as needed to rne~t t~~gional dousing ~,lloca#ion needs as identified in the dousing ~lement~ o the general Plan #hrc~ugh the provisions of housing for Pouseholds a# very low, {ow and modera#e income levels. Specific mousing requirements fior redevelopment and dousing ~lernent corr~pliance on a residential housing project will be es#ablished at tme #in~e of developrrient project approval tc~ ensure conforrni#y with the dousing Efen7en# of the General Dian and other applicable provisions of California Law and to achieve the following: a} The number of affiordable mousing units in i~leighbormood ~ small be 196, o~~ which 53 must be a# the very iovv incc~rr~e level, _ at the low income level and at tme mraderate inc©rr~e level. (f future arriendrnents to the plan occur a# least 15°J° of additional units for initial occupancy by very low income #o rnodera#e income households for redevelopment, ~.rith i~i9la {or ~q%) of units. affordable to very low income h©useholds. ~) restricted affordable i~t~t.rsing units smell bo reasonably dispersed and lc~rated ar~d may be acr~crnplished ire attached projects only. the affordable units shall bo ~;ornpatible with the design and use ofi market ~;, ~ e~~n~V i~`a. 149 ~'•- 2,,~ gam, ~ ~i~~;f .?~ ~~..~t~;~~E~v~ R~r ~"~ ~~. ,~; f~"~`':`~'~t~; ~~;I~~ f .. 1'~~".>'~''~i,°.:~,t ~ e; .:~:iG'Ti~ ~ :~;a~,':'.p`ii.°'d~ yJi ~"3~?('~ ~' s, C~ ~~'l~~ "~C~ ~a~~.3~3`3a~' ~`~ w t.',~~i's~'i~~i~ ~i' ~i~' c'1u ~~'~i.l~~-?~?~i, u~. ~~~'~~,~~~' '~'.. A' ~~~~~a~~~~ ~~a~~~n~ ~~n3~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~i~~ ~~ ~r~~~~~y ~ap~rt ~~t~ car '~) ~~~~~~~ sad ~.~~~~~ ~~ ~~, °~~~~i~~~~, b~~~~~ ~t~~~ 2) ~~~s~c,~~r?~ ~~r ~~~l~~~~ir~~ ~~~~~~ ~~a~ rn~~:~~~t~rt~ ~~:~~ ~r ~~!~~ ~~;~~~ 3~ ~~~E~~ r~~~~s~~i~l~ fi~~ s~~~~ ~ri~ ~~~ i~~~~~~ ~. T~:r~~.~~~ m ~EG~;44~?~~ ~2, ~~~i~a~ ~.~.~.~.~,~) ~~d ~.~.2.I. a ~~ ~~~ SAS ~'~~~~~ ~~~i~~a~ Pd~ i~ ~} , , flr~in~n~w ~lc~. `~~13 ~'~g~ 9 ~~~'IC36~ '~ ~eeti~r~ ~.~.~.~.~-~ ~~ the ~~~~ ~t~~#%n ~pw~i~i~ Pf~E~ €s ~~~ ~y ~mer;de~ tc~ reef ~~ ~elica~~: 4. 1'~n~re - ~eu~elr~e~ei~pr~er~t of i='i~r~~i~~ ,~re~ ~~ sh~i~ ~~ er~~a~raged 'to be e~+~r3er~hip tenure. ~3e~eic~prr~er~t of ap~r#r~er~t~ i~ ~ di~~retipnarr~ a~tior~ r~q~~iring appreva6 r~~ ~ e~anctitionai ~~~ permit. ~~~Ti~3~ '14. ~eeti~r~ 4.2.9 thr~~gh 4.2. ~ ~ ~f the ~~~1~ `I-t~~tin ~pe~ifi~ ~'i~~ i~ hereb~+ am~;~~ed t~ r~~d ~~ f~linu~s~: .~~ ~~ ~ i~~~?r,~~ o. 1~~3 ~'~~~; iU ~-„%'o ~'i~i~°: t'~~~1~it'$~, ~'~K~i;~', ii ~iC7?'i '`~~~~ ^~~r'~L!?"l ~~~:.~~ ~~i~ ~~€{# jt~~~~'1%vi~~:"(?~e? ~i~~ri~} ~~ ~~i~~:~~~~ ~N~r~~~>~i~~) :-~h~ii ~~ ~~~i~~ ~~r ~ ~~~ ~~~i~~~ ~r ~~~~~~~~~ re~ia~~~i~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~i~~~. Thy ~i~~ ~f TA~.;:,L ~~ car I~ir~~, ~ ~~~ii~~~'~, viii ~~~i~~ ~~ t~ r~~~s~ tc~ the e~te~at c~~ible. U~~~~~~~r ~~~ re~~i~~icaZ~ c~nt~i~e~a ira this ~eci~~ leap cc~a~tii~t vz~ifi~ the ~~~~~l~~i:ir~~~ cad ~~~~ ~~~~ir~ ~i ~c~~ ~~ I~ria~e's ~~~~~, ~~ `ya~d~3i~i~i3~0.~:, the prc~r~isic~~ cat ~~i~ ~p~~i~3i~ ~'i~~ ~~~il ~~~~ pc~c~~~~;~~. °~ ~ ~ ~.~aa~i~ ~~~y ~~~~ ~r t~ir~~ ~za~~~, ~ ~p~aii~~hi~, ~~~i~ app1~ reg~~ciia~g say st~~s~~rci cr r~~~~i~ii~~ r~e# c~very~ry b~ this i~a~. if an~~ ~~~~it~~, ~c~~~~~ii~~t, s~abdivisic~t~, ~~~~~~~~, c[s~ase, phrase, exhi~~, gable air pcrli~ar~ ~~ ~~i~ ~~~~i~~i~; F'lea~ ds fca~rad ~~ be invalid or ~c~r~#i#~at~c~~~l y ~ court ~a~~ira j~ri~~i~~i~, each decl~ic~a ~~~~~ ra®t i~~.jaii~ate the rerraainia~g poatioa~s ls7 ti~~~ci~ +~r Ira pawl: of the Spacili~ Plan. ~ECYIC?~ ~ 5. ~everakallity l~f artj/ Sectaon, sa~bsect~on, s~nter~ce, ~i~~.c~~, phrase, cap ~c~~~on of this car~in~nce is #car aa~y~ reason l~~l~ ts~ b~ invalid car taa~~c~rs~tir~~i~artal by the ~1~~isi~an oaf ~~~ aaot~~t t~~f cs~r~~~~l~n~t j~ri~~i~tit~n, such ci~~isi~r~ snail a~aot affect t~~ ~~iit~i~~r ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ini~~ ~~rti~a~s c~~ this ordinance. 1"h C€ Co~ancll of #~~ ~i'~y~ ref ~"~~#i~ 12~r~i~~ ~~~i~~~a~s i:i~at id u~~~3d lave adopted this ~~~~~~~€tc~~ siic~ ~^~~ s~e~li~r~, s;~~s~~;~i~~, ~~~~~~~~, ~i~~~s~, ~hrese, ca- ~~r~iot~ t~~r~~f i~r~a~~~ti~~ ci i;~~ ~~~;~ '~~~~t ~ ~~ or~~ ~~ ~; ~a~~ ~~~~;~~~, s~abs~~i;i~ras, sea~tenc~s, el~~s~s, ~a~ra~s~s, or ~c~i~~s b~ c~~~i~r~~ i€~~ali~ Qr t~raconsti~~~~ti©nah F',~~~~iw~ ~~~?~ ~l~~r~~~~; n~ 4 r~~~~i~r r~~~ti~g o~ ~i4~ ~itt~ ~oncil fc~r the pity of ~~s~i!~ on ~h is {" day tai Via': ~ ~a ~i~, ~~12. ___ ~~i-3i~ ;`~il~ie.~EN ~i~Y(~~ ~T. Ordinance Flo: 't413 Page 1'1 STATE OF CAI_IFORI~IA } Ct~~i~?Y ~~ O~tA~iCE ~ ~. C11~OFTl~Sci~:i ) CERTIFICo4TlOE~ FC}R C}Rl~(~A~~CE , '143 PAiVlEt1~ S~QKi=~, Ci#~ Clor~c end ex-o~~cio Clark of the City Council o~ the Cify of Tustin, Califiarnial does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of 'Bastin is five; that the abQVe grad f~regoir~g Ordinance ~o. 1413 was duly and regaaiarly introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City Council held an the day of 2(?12, and t~vas given its second reading, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Clay Councii held can the ~ day of 2012, by the fioiloansing vote: CQU~ICILI'ERSOt~S AY'1=5: C{?tJI~ICIi_PEI'SO~lS t~QI=S: COI~I~CII,PERSOI~IS ASSTAi~l1=C: COCl~lCt~LP'EftSC?~S ABSEf~T: I'AM~LA STOKER, City Clerk xibi~ e~f ra Ordinance o. X4°83 o ~ ~ ~ ~ O " q ~' ` ~ 'U CIS `Li ~ CIS b C2~ 'T7 ~ ~ ~: ~ `C1 ~ ~ "C _ ~' ~ ~ ~ °' *C ~ o ~ o ~ ~ tai ~ aeti' ~ t" ~ ~ = ~a ~ "! o ~ ~ ~ ~; tzi ~' ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ 5' 5' ~ ~ ~' b ~ W y• ~ rn ~ ~ co ~ a. ~ ~ a. ~ o F a' ~ 5' ~ ~ ~~ w ~ ~ ~' ~ 5' ~' ~ 5' S' ~ ~t ra ~^,' 7a ~ as ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d as D (~ o ,~ ~ ~ C`~ as ~ ~ ~' ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ' ~ ~. ~ D ;, ~ ~. i ~ , c~ c w `" ~ '`= : d ~ `-`' • ~ ~ ~ t~D w ern i ; C ~ ip fi ~ w ~ ~, '. "~ : c u , i a s c ~ n 7 ~, ~. , : ~, o m. ~ rs ~ " ~' ~,, ~ q ~ ~ n `~ tip ~ro ~ ~ R to Ci C ~. a ~ ~ Ci c ~ "d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' °' o ro ~ ~ ~ !7 ~ p~ «-+ w l . ~ y W CS ,.. Ca Ca CO ih ~-+ J ~P V ~-+ LJ a ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~, ~ Lh N ~ ..1 J .p to W ~ b-. t!7 W ~. 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Senior housin Attached DU 170 590 Communit Commercial T;~~ I03.46 7,OS2 7 General Office TSF 144.84 1,922 PA 7 Tri Bud et Total 248,3 8974 iVsi hborhood B S uare Foota e To#al TSF 248.3 Nei hborhood ~ Tri Bud ~t Total $,974 NF.IGi-1BORHOOD C - -- Communi Commercial TSF SZS 3,924 6 Re Tonal Park ACRE 84.5 423 PA 6 Tri Bud et Total 3,920 Nei hborhood C S uare Foota e Total TSF 37.5 Nei hborhood C Tri Bud ~# Total 3,920 NEItil3I30R1300D D Hi h School STU 1,$50. 3,312 Nei hborhood Commercial. TSF' 65.69 7,345 General Office TSF 207 2,747 8 Office Park TSF 1,383.8 11,2$0 Industrial Park TSF 319.51 3,803 Park ACRE I0.3 52 S arts Park ACRE. 46 2,475 PA 8 Trip Bud et Total 1,976 28,487 MHDR 16-25 DUlAcre DU 891: 5,407 Hotel (380 TSF RQaM 500 4,115 Nei hborhood Cornmerclal TSF _ 9._76 1,091 Communi Commercial TSF 117.1 7,984 13 Ceneral0ffice 'TSF .. 1,512 20,065 Park ACRE 12:9 65 }3ealth Club TSF 30 988 Hi h-Turnover Restaurant TSF 12 1,526 PA l3 Tri Budget Total 2,064,86 35,169 14 Comrnunity Commercial TSF' 11.11 757 T~11LE 3p3 F',~4NNdN4: flffl T.~dl' ~~T~GET' f Pl dt~~Irder~i l~Ul'ar~rs lOTnr~-~e$~tl~nteal ra~ arrn tla~era Nay. ~rt~~ ~T~e C'rrte a ~Jy~1tg ~;'rxnarrr;< ~'s r~rraoa~nt .4B~Ts General4Tfice TSF 135.9 1,818 Ogee Park TSI' 547 5,645 Theatre 25 TSF SEAT 1,004 1,250 Hi h-TurnoverKestanr~tnt TSF 6 763 f'A 14 Tri ~utl et Total 726.01 10,233 Nei hborhood D S ~aare Faotz~ e Total TSF 4 962.8? Nei hbor6aor! 1? Tr1 Eud et Totrtl 74,4B9i NEIGHBORHOQD E Industrial Park TSF 44.61 Park ACRE 1.1 6 ~ >>. ~ ~ ;3ud cwt Total P.~ 9 Tri 44,61 ~ ' General OIl ice TSP 1.56.82 fidustrial Park TSF 124.41 1,569 10 Park ACRE 1.4 7 ~~ Pf'. 10 Tri I3ud et Total 281.23 Neighborhood Commercial TSF 18,13 2,028 General QLfrce TSF 3'11.89 4,935 Office. Park TSF 278.78 2,663 I 1 Industrial Park TSF 138.52 2,002 Park ACRE 25.7 130 Pty 11 Tri T$ud et Total 807.32 11,528 Gffrce Park TSB' 134.17 1,281 12 FA 12 Tri Bad et Total 134.17 1,281 i~lei h borhood I; S care lioota a Total TSF 1,267.33 Neighborhood E Trip Budget Total NEIGHBORHOOD F Sho in .Center TSF 448 13,772 16 PA lb Tri End et Total 448 13,772 SI;o~~i ~~ Ceder TSF 47 1,445 17 ~'~. 17 Tri Eud et Total 47 1,445 h'iilita Office TSF 40.85 542 I8 PAS lII Tri Ilud et'I'otal 40.85 542 Sho in Center 'TSF 435,6 13,391 435.6 13,391 19 Multi lex Thes~ter 70 TSF SEAT 3,5U0 6,300 P.4. 19 Tri Bttd et Total TSF 545.6 19,691 Nei h borhood F S oars Foota ~ Total TSF 1,441,45 Nei hborhood F Tri Bud et Total 35 454 NEIGHBC}RHOOD G L DR 1-7 I)i7lAcre DU 533 5,.102 MDI~ (8-15 DLIJAcre DU 489 3,912 MI3DR 15-25 DUlAcre DU I92 1,273 Element !Middle School STU 1,200 1,224 Nei hborhood Commercial TSF 26.68 2,983 15 Communi Commercial TSF 130.68 8,908 General Office TSF 150.28 1,994 Park ACRE 49 249 Senior Con. e ate TSF 158.99 970 S orts Park ACRE 14.1 758 PA 15 Tri Bud et Total 466.63 24,855 20 MHDR 16-25 DU/Acre D(T 376 2,493 21 LDR 1-7 DU/Acre DU 189 1,809 Aitr1R CR.1S i~TTlArrPl DU 465 3,720 ~4Ii'~A TRIP ~~QIEiBl12~' iS~Jdu~a?Y if[51a~(3f'ft) lYti/[ /iks 'iue[Lttu[ ,9reur 1~®. ~a~~~l Use e~te o PI~Its oust A1~7's ,~~~~~ra~it ~:1~Ts NEIGHBORHOOD H LDR (I-7 DU/Acre) DU I6b 1,58 22 MDR {8-15 DU/Acre I7T.T ~t3 1,944 Elementary/Middle School S"i'I1 6S0 563 Nei hborhood H S Dare Foota e Total TSF 0 Nei bborheod ii'i'ri Flud et'T~taf 0 ' Residential and Park usrs are shown for informational purposes only and are not part of the non.-residential trip budget. r . . ~ .., .. ~r ., .. ,,~ fttl7