HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 JAMBOREE I-5 PROJECTAgenda Item 15 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director /A MEETING DATE: MARCH 20, 2012 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: COUNCIL FOLLOW-UP ITEM REGARDING CITY OF IRVINE JAMBOREE/1-5 PROJECT SUMMARY As a follow up to Councilmember Gavello's inquiry, City staff recently became aware of an agreement between the City of Irvine and Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency titled "Temporary Congestion Relief Agreement for the Jamboree/1-5 Project". The agreement provides for additional traffic management strategies to relieve congestion during construction of the Jamboree/1-5 widening project which is currently underway. It will allow for converting the toll booths of SR -261 at Irvine Blvd southbound on-ramp and northbound off -ramp to free of charge ("Free") during the temporary closures of Jamboree Road necessary to complement pavement reconstruction. Roadway full closures will be allowed for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 consecutive weekends. A fully executed copy of the agreement is attached for further reference. Please note the revised project completion date is April 2013. In summary, the agreement defines both a Weekend Free Period and a Weekday Free Period. A Weekend Free Period is defined as a period commencing no earlier than 10:00 p.m. on Friday and concluding no later than 5:00 a.m. on the following Monday. The dates on which Weekend Free Periods are implemented shall be determined by the City of Irvine at its sole discretion. The loss of revenue incurred in connection with a Weekend Free Period shall be reimbursed at the rate of $5,000 per Weekend Free Period. Pursuant to the revised project schedule, these closures are projected to occur on weekends in January — February 2013. A Weekday Free Period is defined as the entire, continuous period commencing at 5:00 a.m. on Monday and concluding at 10:00 p.m. on the following Friday. A Weekday Free Period shall only be implemented if the Corridor Agency concurs. The reimbursement rate for loss of revenue incurred shall be $22,500 for each Weekday Free Period. Presently, there are no Weekday Free Periods anticipated. I suspect that a full Weekday Free Period versus an individual day is more advantageous and cost effective given the expense to notify, erect and remove traffic control. Again, the City of Irvine is responsible for all costs, coordination, public outreach materials, and signage for the implementation of the traffic management strategies. City of Irvine Jamboree/1-5 Project March 20, 2012 Page 2 Also to keep in mind, there are no lane closures allowed from November 1st to December 31st. RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. g(ao S. Stack, P.E. , I ct& of Public Works/City Engineer Attachment: Irvine Temporary Congestion Relief Agreement for the Jamboree/1-5 Project S:\City Council Items\2012 Council Items\Receive & file Jamboree @ 1-5 COI - Toll Agreement.docx ORIGINAL ~ TEMPORARY CONGESTION RELIEF AGREEMENT FOR THE JAM0]REE/1-5PROJECT This Temporary Congestion Relief Agreement ("Agreement) is entered into as of JULY 20 11 ("Effective Date) by and between the CITY OF IRVINE, a California municipal corporation ("City') and the FOOTHILUEASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY, A California ioint powers authority ("Agency'). City and Agency are sometimes referred to herein individually as a "party"or collectively as the "parties." RECITALS A. The City is moving forward with the construction of improvements along Jamboree Road to widen the roadway from six to eight lanes from approximately �50Ofeet west of Michelle Drive inthe City of Irvine to approximately 600 feet east of the 1-5 northbound ramps at Jamboree Road/El Camino Real intersection in the City of Tustin osdepicted on Exhibit A. B. The City has developed a traffic management plan to address traffic delays related to the construction ofthe project. C. The City and the Agency are interested in providing additional traffic management strategies to relieve traffic congestion during roadway full o|oounaa on the weekends and onother weekdays asneeded and mutually agreed. D. The additional traffic management strategies would allow motorists to use the SR- 261/Irvine Boulevard Ramps (northbound off -ramp and southbound on-ramp) free of charge (^free')during specified periods. Exhibit A depicts the location of8R- 281/|rvinGBoulevard Ramps. �— E. The City will, out of project construction budget, reimburse the Agency for loss of revenues and Agency's administrative cost of converting Irvine Boulevard on/off ramps huFree during the weekend closures ofJamboree Road and weekdays if requested bythe City. F. The City will notify the Agency 8Udays inadvance through aNotice ofIntent letter to implement the traffic management strategy on weekends, and shall notify the Agency two weeks inadvance through aNotice ofIntent letter ofits request hoimplement the traffic management strategy onweekdays. G. The City and the Agency will work together in developing public outreach materials and signage for the implementation ofthe traffic management strategies. NOW, THEREFORE, inconsideration ofthe above recitals and the mutual covenants set forth below, the City and Agency agree as follows: Construction schedule and Roadway Closures a. Construction Schedule. The construction is scheduled to begin in June 2011 and end mJanuary 2ul3� owill becompleted m5stages amindicated in Exhibit B. Majority of the construction will be completed during weekday hours b. Roadway Closures. Jamboree Roadway one lane closure will only beallowed between g:VUa.mn.UoJ:OOp.m. Roadway full closures will boallowed for a minimum of4weekends and amaximum ofGconsecutive weekends necessary tocomplement pavement reconstruction. Currently, said closures projected to occur on weekends in September and October 2012. 2. Temporary Congestion Relief. Traffic management strategies ho temporarily relieve traffic congestion will beprovided during roadway full closures onweekends and other weekdays, aomutually agreed between the parties. These strategies would allow motorists to use the SR-261/Irvine Boulevard Ramps (northbound off -ramp and southbound on-nonnp)for Free, during the following periods oftime: (a) AWeekend Free Period shall bedefined aeaperiod commencing no earlier than 1U:OOp.m.onFriday and concluding nulater than 5:0Oa.nn.¢nthe following Monday, during which motorists shall beallowed touse the GR-281/\rvina Boulevard Ramps for Free. The dates onwhich Weekend Free Periods will be implemented shall be determined by City in its sole discretion, provided proper notification is given hothe Agency in accordance with Section 3, ba|ow, and provided that nomore than six Weekend Free Periods shall beimplemented during the term of this Agreement unless mutually agreed to by both parties. (b)AWeekday Free Period shall be defined as the entire, continuous period commencing at5:UOa.rn. onMonday and concluding sd1U:OOp.nn. on the following Friday, during which motorists shall be allowed to use the SR-261/lrvine Boulevard Ramps for Free. AWeekday Free Period shall only beimplemented if the Agency concurs, and the City shall be required to provide proper notification of its request for a Weekday Free Period in accordance with Section 3, below. The City will notify the Agency 3Odays inadvance through allotice of Intent letter toimplement the traffic management strategy for aWeekend Free period. The City will notify the Agency two weeks in advance, in writing, of a request to implement aWeekday Free Period. Upon issuance ofrequest for oWeekday Free Period, the parties shall confer to determine whether they are in agreement that a Weekday Free Period will beimplemented, Costs and Payment. a. Costo The City shall reimburse the Agency for loss ofrevenues and Agency's administrative costs incurred in connection with a Weekend Free Period at the rate of$5.00Oper Weekend Free Period. The City shall reimburse the Agency for loss of revenues and Agency's administrative costs incurred in connection with eWeekday Free Period edthe rate of$22.5OOfor each Weekday Free Period. b. Payment. The Agency will send monthly invoices, as opp|ioeb|a. to the City. The City shall remit payment hothe Agency within 3Odays ofreceipt ofsuch invoices. Public Outreach and Traffic Coordination a. Public Outreach. The City, out ofproject conatruc±|onbudgat.inuoundinadon with the Agency, will develop and pay for public outreach materials and signage for the implementation of the traffic management strategies. The City is responsible for all signs, including Changeable Message Signs at decision points, to implement this Agreement. The City is also responsible to coordinate newly installed signs with existing signs tuavoid confusion to drivers. b Traffic Coordination. The City's Public Safety Department will, assist with coordinating traffic edthe SR -2O1 northbound off[8r0oo/nvineBoulevard intersection toensure smooth transition from the GR -2O1 toll road to Irvine Boulevard. R. The City will obtain all relevant permits to implement this Agreement, 7 Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain infull force and effect until the first to occur ofthe following events: (a)January 2O13or(b)completion ofproject. This Agreement may only be extended upon written mutual agreement by both parties. /l Implementation and Amendment. Upon execution ofthis Agreement, the City Manager and the Agency's CEO or their designee are authorized to implement this Agreement on behalf ofthe City. This Agreement may beamended inwriting etany time bythe mutual consent ofboth parties. Noamendment shall have any force oreffect unless executed inwriting byboth parties. The City Manager and the agency's Chief Executive Officer or their designees are authorized to negotiate and approve future amendment(s) bothe Agreement. In the event ofany dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured porty shall notify the injuring padyinwritingofthei junadporty'mcontentionobvsVUrnittingm claim to the other party by written notice sent in accordance with Section 12 below. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the ijuhng party commences tocure such default within 3Odays ofservice of such notice. Compliance with the provisions, of this Section shall be a condition precedent to (a) termination of the Agreement for cause and (b) any legal action; provided, however, that such compliance shall not be awaiver Vfeither party's right b}take legal action inthe event that the dispute is not cured, orbJseek whatever declaratory orinjunctive naUef may bonecessary. 10. The sole and exclusive remedies available hoeither party have under this Agreement are limited to: (a) cure orcorrect any default by the other party; (b) compel specific performance of this Agreement, including payment of costs by the City under Section 4; or (c) obtain declaratory or injunctive ns|ie[ Consistent with the foregoing, each party covenants to the other, on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, not to sue the other party, or its successors and assigns, for damages or monetary relief for any breach of this Agreement or arising out of or connected with any dispute, controversy orissue regarding the application, interpretation oreffect Cfthis Agreement, except for payments under Section 4, interest, attorneys' fees and costs of 11. |nany judicial proceedingbetween the City and Agency seeking enforcement of any of the terms and provisions of this Agreement (an �ction").the prevailing party in such Action shall recover all of its actual and reasonable costs and expenses (whether or not the same would be recoverable pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1O33.5orCivil Code Section 1717inthe absence ofthis Agreement), including expert witness fees and attorney's fees. However, such recovery shall not exceed the dollar amount ofthe actual costs and expenses ofthe party from whom recovery issought for such same Action (^0on'preva/lingParty'sExpenses") and such prevailing party shall not recover any costs and expenses in excess of the Non -Prevailing Party's Expenses. The right borecovery such costs and expenses shall accrue upon commencement ofthe Action, regardless ofwhether the action is prosecuted tofinal judgment or decision. 12. Notices. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication under this Agreement shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail tothe address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party ofthe change ofaddress inwriting. Notice shall badeemed given (a)upon personal delivery or (b) forty-eight (48) hours from deposit of such notice in the United States moi|, postage prepaid. P.O.To City: City of Irvine Box 19575 Irvine, CAS2O23-9575 Attention: Director of Public Works To Agency: Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency 125 Pauifina, Suite 120 Irvine, CAS2O18 Attention: Chief Engineer 13. Successor in Interest. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be binding upon and inure bothe benefit ufCity, Agency and their respective successors and assigns. 14` Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed bvand construed and enforced inaccordance with the laws ofthe State ofCalifornia. Any action atlaw urin equity arising under this Agreement or brought by any party hereto for the purpose of enforcing, construing or determining the validity of any provision of this Agreement shall be filed �nd tried in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, and the parties hereto waive all provisions nflaw providing for the removal orchange of venue to any other court. 15. Interpretation. The paragraph headings ofthis Agreement are for reference and convenience only, are not made part of this Agreement and shall have no effect upon the construction orinterpretation ofany part hereof. The provisions ofthis Agreement shall be construed in a reasonable manner to implement the purposes of the parties and ofthis Agreement. This Agreement shall beconstrued asifdrafted jointly byCity and Agency. 16. Entire Agreement This Agreement, together withBxhibitsA—B.repreoents the entire understanding of City and Agency as to matters contained herein, and no prior oral or written understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to the matters covered inthe Agreement. 17. Party Authority. The persons executing this Agreement onbehalf ofthe parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions ofthis Agreement. (Signature Page Foilows) This Agreement shall be made effective upon execution by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date first set forth above. M - ATTEST: By: Shade Apodada City Clerk By: IV If r IF Phil'K4n City Attorney Dated: rVaPURTATIC10i CORRIDOR AGE Y By: Thomas E. Marg*60 Chief Executive Officer APP OV�D ORM B and Interchange Improvements Puration stage 5A & 5B... 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Critical Path, 4 Internal Q; 1$4UqrI111;22,Jur0I,MoWtwjon sYkti*.1OProceed wth con -I 03.J j6U1.I-Ca" 0 uk1107_Jt-R of 11 12,ltlt ti Telflpo►atlt7+avjlq 0! 1a,1u411i i 13 JuM11, Teinporaryistd(p�iir1pp 0 14441-11 0 2Wutml 1, 113 Knill0 p4ul13 6'26;4,1 1 kill Reripie 28-Jull-11 i 274um I, CAI 2NUHI 1,29 -Jul- 1,$awOutARafnov 01-4up i11 1 09,A 1 eye Eadatif RauiBrin Svc 110-Atill11 I 23,4tw! 1. ilou4h4n Sia 24-A*I1 a siAull-ii, Excavate & 01 -Sap -11 0 0"eP-11,P4urC9)k 0 014sop11 � 0 ie-sa�i1, (Tisimi Sinn 0 19 -Sep -11 I 23-S 1,Install ! 0 2"ap-11 q. 03 -Oct -11 2 05-OCIA I, Electrics 0, a 12-0l:1-11, Rmov 0 06 -Oct -11 'a 0; 13-Od-11 8 17-Oct-11,Fb*G 027�, II, Pond 0 28-Od-11 0 03-Noy-11,13as 0 04-Nov,11 a 00-Ndv-11, Ba' 0 a' At 0 1544*41 a 2144OV-31,T 0 1T.Nov-11 a 22-kw,�'jt A 22-Nov-11liv 23 -Nov -1 I a 2=811"I 0: 01-1e0.'11 IN '�j 13-DeoI I, IWV-Decl' 0, 0, 0 0 a� 0 28 -Der -11 1i20.0eci� 0 29 -Deo -11 a 054an, 0 1 a 04-iih. 0 05;Jar,12 a 1D-Jjr 0 06-,Jan,12 a 12,* 0 0 11�Jan-12 i 11 -JAW 12-Jer).12.0 0 13 -Jan -12 s War al 17-Jah-12 r I" a 25-JWV 02~2 074FW12 0" 12 OAWIZ 4-Fst,-i2 27 Page I of 3 I $11no Payment IewNr 04* k Damutit -TrD4 Pie UgtNrty , dalir7llrq;� ng I,h c Signals MetarlIng System Location 9 r"i LV al ouu Curb &'Gutwr wise - Widened Roadway outse -'Rmp R3. '0� ckAntltir AS"M* US Orr a" wH, �ic, bit 19 onn Retaiiirp Loeb K40 and Temp Crash Cu#*jn. ternovil krigation 'Our RQUIlning Wall ND..19 Prep Footing RW No 1781 anal Oiubl'lril SAwcul&Fternove Impla" P Roger FceA41RW No',17 4 21 TASK filter. Critical Path, 4 Internal Pamboree/1-5 Widening and Interchange Improvements 1A -J-1575 Road Closure- Remove and Install Sian Stru... 0 22-Mar12 01 -Jul -11 18-114-1010 Relocate Existina Cathodic Teal Station - IR„, 7 224401T-12 30 -MAP -12 1AJ*15W instal Overhead Sian A STA 7+20 2 24-M1ttw12 28.11ilw2 1A -R2 -16W AC auks 5 27 -Mor -12 02 -Apr -12 1B -R4-1020 Rp4gh4n Irrigation 10 0"pr-12 13-A1s-12 1A -R5.1160 Backhl Pervious Material Behind RW No. 22:.. 5 03,Am--12 09 -Apr -12 1A -R2-1110 Form A Pour Curb 8 03APr-12 12 -Apr -12 1A-Rr.1790 Form and Pow V Gutter 10 10Agx-12 23 -Aar -12 1A -R2.1130 Form b Pour 2 Curb Ramp lint Detectable,., 5 13 -AR -12 1&Atx-12 1S -R4-1030 Instal Wood Posts for Roadside Suns 4 18-11pr-12 10 -Apr -12 1A-R2.15Z) Irish* TroffiaSignal Location 2 5 4OApr-12 25 -Acs -12 18.114-1040 InMal8 Roadside Sips 59040-12 25 -Apr -12 1A-R5.163D F#WConcrete, Slope Wal 1024Ats-12 07 -May -12 1A -R1-1570 insta84 Trafle Srgnab Location 2 R1 10 27Apr-12 1PAW12 1S-84.1070 Instal Traffic Signal 10 27-x41s--12 10-101ay-12 1A-115-1110 Form & Pam Curb 10 00 -May -12 21 -Mev -12 1A4t2-1530 Instal Sheat Lighting By SCE 8 11 -Mev -12 22-mary-12 1S-flt1-1160 Remo" TrafficSlonal 511 -May -12 17 -MOV -12 1040-1270 Fine Grade 4 18fd402 2Wmv,-12 1A -R5-1000 Rosa Course - Ramp R5 3 224Aaw12 24-Mav-12 1A -R2-1770 Remove street Lighting 3 234444-12 2W#y-12 1"4-1110 Base Course - Widened Roadway 4 24-May12 30-Mary12 7A -R5-1010 AC Pavlop - Ramp R5 5 254A*v-12 01 -jun -12 1A-85-1020 Ow Como - Widened Roadway 5 25. OY-12 01 -Jun -12 1A -R2.1000 Base Course- Widened Roadway 5 204im-12 044Urt,12 113.84-1130 Base Goias - Ramp R4 Fest L arra 5 31 -May -12 06•Jun-12 1A^R5-1030 AC Paying - Widanad Roadway 5 04 -Jun -12 08 -Jun -12 1A-82.1020 ease Como - Ramp R2 5 05 -Jun -12 11Jun-12 1 84.1120 AC Pgylrrg-VWdemd Roadway 3 OT -Jun -1;t 11Jun-12 ljtl-1i,$-1090 singing & morljria 3 11 -Jun -12 13 -Jim -12 1,0bFM-1030 AG PaWnO - Ramp R2 2 12Jun-12 13-Jun•12 1&R4.1140 AC Paving - Rama R4 East Lame 4 12Jurt-12 16Jun-12 "tA-RS.175D Remove Mail and Tamp Crash Cushion 4 14Jun-12 19, -Jun -12 WR2.1010 AG Paving- Widened Roadway 214 -,tun -12 16 -jun -12 1A1060 Sbipilg & Marwng 2 14 -Jun -12 154un-12 tA-12.1452 Remove K -rail and Tamp Crash Cushion 3 18Jun-12 20,1un-12 18472-1260 Soloing 8 Ma*ing 3 10 -Jun -12 29Jun-12 1"15-171)() Punch lip Stage 1A 10 20Jun-12 03-Ju1.12 1042-13100 Remove Wharf and Tamp crash 4 21 -Jun -12 26-duri-12 1 -1290 Punch Oot Stage 1A &1S 5 27Jurr12 03-Ju412 A1210 Finish Sks 1A& 1B 0 03Jul-12 A1190 Std2 118V40.12 26.11ap-12 24*1120 Area Signs 2 05Jtd.12 08,14)1.12 2 -Bit -41W 04MOVOUsi1naPavement Dolin"bin 100J*12 QBJtd-12 2.82.4060 Tstttpptaty, 6ldptnp 2 104it-12 114412 2-82-4060 Phos K4Q orad Tamp CroO Owhon 3 12.4412 16,IW-12 M-4060 Remowltdostim 217-Ju1a2 184412 2482-4030 Gearing and Grubblool 3 lNul-12 23-Ju1.12 2-11241150 Remove Fadsina Pa ornent 4 24J1d-12 27 -Jul -12 2.1124151 Remove Exiaing Curb & Gutter 2 9O ul,12 31,JuF12 2-R2406D RemovoCurbRemps 501 -Aug -12 07-Au4.12 2-112-4020 Remove & FJR/P 4 Drainage Inlets 15 00 -Aug -12 28-Aw12 2-R2-4070 Form & Poem Curb Romps (Inc Delectable W.,. 7 29,Ava-12 07Ssp-12 2-RZ-4110 Sidewalk 5104op-12 14 -Sep -12 2 -RI -100 Notify Fire department 0 17 -Sap -12 2.82-1080 Relocate, Existing Fire Hydrant W IRWD 501-00-12 0500-12 2.82.4200 Fine Grade 200.00-12 09,W-12 2-I -4190 Base Caoursa - Roadway & Romp R2 West L., 5 10-Gct-12 16.04.12 2-82.4140 AC Paying - Roadway & Ramp R2 West lane 5 17.0at-12 23.Od-12 2482.423,0 Singing & M41110" 124.0*12 24 -Oct -12 2-12.1220 Remove K-Wl sold Temp Crash Cushion 5 25.04.12 31 -Oct -12 2.82.4210 Punch lJst Stog62 R1 & R2 Lite 15 01 -Nov -12 27-NQw12 2-R5.1220 Remove K4*1 and Tamp Crash Cushon 5 23'Ngr.12 03-Deo•12 2-1351240 Ptnch,LJst Shh;q 2(R5 i-inel 15 04.13902 26 -Deo -12 A1230 Final Striping & Closeout Vocuments 15 27-10ec 12 17,1an-13 A1150 Finish Malaspina, Stage 1& 2 0 17 -Jan -13 A11W Plaut Establishment (125 Worldnp Days) 125 18-.JQn-13 17 -Jul -13 1A -R2-1345 Construction Area Signs 5 27Jun-11 01 -Jul -11 IA -P4 -20M Construction Area Signs 5 05 -Jut -11 11-Iu611 1A -R4-2010 Removd Exhiong Pavement Delineation 3 12Ju;•l1 14-J411 .IA -R4 -202D Temporary Paving 2 15-Ju1.11 16-Ju1-11 IA -R4 -20M Temporarysxripilp 219-Ju1.11 20 -Jul -11 1A -R4 -2W Place K-01 aN Tamp Crash Cushion 8 21JuW 01 -ALV -ll Actual Work 1�11 Critical Remaining Work Volloal' Summary O Remaining Work ♦ ♦ Milestone V I .fives we-rAmwoankhgnaw aunt 0 ; 22-Mar-ir2 A xi2,eRalbeaijr E>¢iifo CBtlw int 0 2344ar-12 1, 2&Mar,12, instil Oiwtpad"S)OO A $TA 7+2 0 27-Nar 12 02-APLI 2, AC DIM 4 0 02 Ap t2"as 113Als-12, Nt+ph-M 0..03 -Apt 1Z 9 Og,Apr-12,�Bad451 M�atial Benin Form Pour 0 • + 10"Ata`` 2 llf2 1Pr"r��c. fafn�MO PO V Gutter 0 .,. 13A�'�,; yko 1:.Rr ftw Cthb Ramer On , Ur6�olds Siylns 0 24 -Apr -12 w1 Fillip Concrete Slope Wore 0 27 Pr -12 a 1b lAlsj 12, kthid 4 TfatdC Sipnakg La 0 7 pi4 Its 1"Ily-1 , inatai Tralftc Igr1M) q 08,*t12.1111 21 -May -12, Form. & Pour Curb 0 i 11FMoiLi2 a 2244siy-12. instill Street Lighting By 0 ; 11*Any�lZ a 17 -May -12, RarauveTraticSignal 0: . -, ..... .. ....� 1Q-M11�r-12 a 23 -May 12, Fn1e Grade i 0 2`A1ay12 1 24-Mayb12, Wass Caiarai 0 23 -May -1R t 26-Map12, Rer0cvd Street Giptitiig 0 2MMiiiii-12 a 30;W)y 12; Bene Course • Wwaner 0 25*py-12 V 01pJtp}12 AC Pa+m9 4 Ramp 115 q 12 r 01Jurt i2'Saaa Carse Widenac 0 12 Wawa �2, oasis oa,ni� = VVsdai e. 0 fit 42 5 08-Ju0.12, Sale Course - Ramp R 0 o4Jurr',12 s i Wuh 12, AG Paling'- Widened I 0 05 lur*12 a VI -Jun -12. Base Course- Romp I q 074ur02ia t1Jun-12,ACPaviltl-VIOdoned 0 r , 11-,1u('F'i ,113Jtfi-1'2,'sInIpri®�Bi truing" 0 12Ju6-12 113-.Jun-12,AC +Romp R2 0 92Jur1.12a 15Jtan-1i2, AC � ti`amlt RF 0 1 ¢Jurh12 a a 9J 2, Te 0 „ . , . ,. �.. ., 94Jutr12 t 115-12, Aaambw 0 94 iiwi2 i f&:J --i�; rig 0 18 -Jun -12 1 20,itr 02, Remirva Krait std Te p 18,14n-12 1 i2"rl-i2.9biplrig . MN16ir& 01 20 -Jun -12 oriOg IuF 12. Pu >rh 1pl Stang IA Q ! 21J 12 a; =U11 12, ReMove K -aril aqd T 0 21'j2 , t19 Ju12', Pest ilsEfape FkdshStage 1A& iS D0 *U412 i4 ON z 004 so P, 1 1.2 r S p 1 12•1 Price aril arM Yr 0 i7Jp►1 i ittJNF12, Ria Iinl1 D 1g.rir-t# 2 ,2$4th % gears and gall D r _i 24 -Jul -12 h" Fir b" Exhaling d - 34rt�a<1''1±.1111 oy/iia�r�tilR 01 2 07-A4g-12, RetltaYs A 08AMd-12 i son ZB AU)Q 12 RNhav 6 0 . SeO-1 or 07 -Si 12. Farm 4 Pt D gaga 0 1Q Sep 12 a 14SL+�ri2r -- • Notly Nor e g 0143d-12 P 06.Od-12; Reiocs D i 06..W' 12 ; r Dpdirit-l2, File C 11�12: o 118dlct-12, Base p 17-0002 a 23-00.12, AC I a 'J4-�c1.1'� r;24-t2C1�2�41t 254Dd-12 It 31-00:12, Rei Q.N1V`, 111 03 -Dep -1, s s 18Jan-12, Q i . ... . ,,.. �... y, 7... 3 1' ConsinicdoiO ArBa signs "s I 1 d Construction Area Signe J n Construction Area Signs 3 i 1 Remove FAsing Pavement Delineation . , .. .. , i T mporary Roving i mpwarryStriping i re, place Kra6 and Tamp Crash Cushion Page 2 of 3 FTR Internal TASK filter: Critical Pat1t. ,,.a, i5___a__ - Yamboree/1-5 Widening and Interchange Improvements 1A -K2 -13w rempomry WPM 2 21 -Jul -11 22-Ju1­11 0 r sl emporary -Anpmg-- 1A^R2^1120 Placa K -rat) and Temp Crash Cushion 8 26-,Iul•11 03-Auo-11 0 i R Piece k4ajl and Toms Crash CLMNOn 1A -R4.1200 Remove irrigation 2 02-AU4-11 04-Aua•11 0 ! Remove Irrigation 1A -R2-1413 Temporary Chain Link Fencing 3 04-Au9.11 08 -Aug -11 0bmpotar Cheirt t tnkdallcr�lp ` 1A4t2-1780 Remove litigation - R2 3 04 -Aug -11 08 -Aug -11 0 a �iM941ion- R 1A -R4.14.00 Clearing and Grubbing 5 05-Atat-11 11 -Aug -11 0 ;o +rid Grubii 1A -M-1401 Clearing and Gtubbktg 6 09 -Aug -11 1SAug-11 0 9 0641rt9 kind GrubbkV . 1A•R4-1050 Remove EAstirmCurb and Guter 512 -Aug -11 18 -Aug -11 0 .,,n RemoveEadidngCtrbandGultgr 1A -R2-1100 Remove Uiring Pavement 5 16-Aug•11 22-Aua•11 0 b RerhoveE, JAno Pafrempnt 1. R+10 RefiPVBErdatiPgCurbRampe 419 -Aug -11 24-AuP-11 0 oiRartfov®E>jstingCybF{arnp: 1A^R2-1040 Remove Fidstina Curb and Gutter 5 23-Auo-11 29 -Aug -11 0 a Remove Existing Cub and Gutlar ; 1A -R4-1250 Remove & FIMP 4 Erdstinq Drainage Inlets 15 25 -Aug -11 15Sap-11 0 ® Remove & FAUP 4 Evis6r1g Dtahtlge inlets 1A -R2-1260 Demo Retaining Was 530 -Aug -11 08-Sep4 aDemoR �npWallsI I 1A -R1-1770 Rome" 8 FNUP Drainage inlet from R1kne 5 30•Aug-11 OBSep 11 0 � b Remove $ Fj , Dream Id�M �drt E�1YnR 1A -R2-12130 Ltowl W FaoEnas 3 1 09 -Sep -11 0 l Deme RW Fealr4o 1A^R2-1780 R1mw5 FMP 4 Drainage Inlets a 07 -Seat; 14.Cap-11 0 a Rom ove&FiRIP4Dranit"Inlets IA -112-10M Fossil" EAsfna Concrete Stairs 5 12-Sap•11 16­SeP.11 0 e Rompva E>ddng Gadcreti SIMIra 1A^112 1430 Rploosle Eigstina UG ConcluR- SCE 15 15 swi l 054)0.11 0 RalocaM L xiatrKi 110 C m" ,k# t7lalna ... . to-R4-1190titutei Storm Desna 5 15-$q>-11 22 -Sep -11 0 g instin e P 1A^112-1300 Romp" Concrete, pee SPaving 8 19•SeP-11 28 -Sep -11 0 O Ramous lillopit IA -R4-1170 Reloca14 2 E1ds4ng Water Meters by lRWD 8 23 Sea 11 30 -Sep -11 0 to Rsloc* 22 0adrtangWafar a 011 RWO 1A -R2.1795 Strvey and Excavate First Lift 4 20 -Sep -11 04 -Qct -11 0 a SrRva� Furst I IR 1A -R4-1180 Relocate E*ting Air Vac Assembly by IRWD 5 03 -qct -11 07 -Qct -11 0 n Rtslgs • , s• ip .. , •. all IR ,...' 1A -R2.1835 Wil hides in Foundation for Tieback First UR 3 05.Oc1-11 07 -qct -11 0 e Not iie�ii F tdr Fital R IA -R2-1590 O,aocomposita Drain 3 05-00-11 07 rJc,-11 0 ®GagegnpPaik Drain JA -R2-1440 ktafall Ebddc Conduits 10 08 Qct -19 79 Qci-11 0 U Instal Ebeft COnduga 1A-8+1040 over Escaveuan & Compacting a 10 -Oct -11 19.00-91 0 t ❑ Ovor EitgavAlium & climparlihy 1A -R2-18115 Repan & 61nocrata Relainina Wall N9.19 Firs„, 3 10-W-11 12-00-11 0 r Rebar 8 S Rdairt&tp W No 19 Firct Litt 7 r WIV-11806Emmatet acona wR 3 13•Qcl-11 17 oa11 0 ' < a xcivato (ap 1A-R2.1tt55 Ml Hglaf in Foundation for Tieback Second... 218,00-11 1H4gct•11 0 1 i htci$s iIFF arrlar iiebpcJr $ecrlrld �llt 1A-116.2000 ComiltvSlGn Area Signa 220-00-11 21.00-11 0 ' p . IA -RR -105 Rt#tl 4 S"crs% Ratalnma Wall No. 19 8is 3 20-W-11 24 -Oct -11 0 ; r a SRaiiar WItI No Is Sao 1A -R21480 Mo*FRWOppcs 13 20-W-11 07-Nov11 0 ai ...4• .. {„ r ....._M. 1A4115-1310 TettlpRtatyPaWtlg 3 24 -qct -11 28.Oct-11 0 ry°�"'.•.0 1A -R2-19,06 Exclivate Third Ufh 2 25.Oct-19 26 -Oct -11 0 t; i 1A-115-1040 Pk” K4;Wl e0A Temp Crash Cu shim 3 27-Od-1 i 31 -Oct -11 0 ti It4w and Timp Crash cushion 1A-112.1915 ticil Nplaa 3n Foundation for Tieback Third UR 3 27-0ct-11 31 -Oct -11 0 11 Drill Hples in Famdation la Tidlatl Third UR 1A-112.1320 Qrala (;Hitt Ng< 18 3 27-W-1 I 31 Oct -11 0 Prate, Drain No. 19 ?A4112-104 3 01 -Nov -9i 03-11 0 -i� 1 f11oyit fliiatWn 1A -R5-1440 Rettt4ve lxat! RNNrting Wall No. 19 Thi... 6 01 -Nov -11 07 -Nov -11 0 al RdpkadiA lwdtxep Retaining WON l(o. d9T�lid ulft 1A-115-1401 01114111169and Qruls"M 3 04-Nov91 08-Nov,11 0 i Drill CION Pie Foundation for SL.. 10 08-Nov11 22-Nov11 0 4N., �+ Pie Foundation lop 1A -R5-1050 Rome" EAstrin Pavement 5 09 -Nov -11 16 -Nov -11 0 U�P intRel�lp Wiling Cub and Gutter 5 17-Nov11 23 -Nov 11 0 fF`1da and Outiir 1A -R21510 PW1PIPH Pile Foundation ren Signal 1 23 -Nov -11 23-Nov11 0 tBjtplr for Signet to 1162115 1VQVIORn axtd Approval of Detour Plan (Q) 0 28 -Nov -11 0si No(Ml iati afatiAp(trovat of Detour Phan (G) IA-R6v 2i7 91H1 ta#11cu+re 1 19-Dec•11 19000.11 0 r Ftamouat$ypi&Nudure 1A-1162290 Raggg"E#He@ry1Fatindetion 3200ac-11 22-Daa11 0 s:Romovril ngFoundaton to-WI2�5 9wavak4 & Drill CIDH Pie Foundstpn far Qv_6 27•DaSr11 04 -Jon -12 0 � p Ekciiv�a�ikll GiN1` pia Fouidafiaui ilor t fviifles d 5q 1A4 Pout CIDH Pile Foundation for Overhead Sign 3 05 -Jan -12 0&Jarn-12 0 a P,am 0K}Fl Pile Foundation for Ovgrhoad Sign . i and P Plan a OJ 12 18 -Jan -12 to Fenn mid Pour Pies Caps 17-. IA-R2-IWCurkla 7 0744pw1I 14 -Noy -11 0 u Guririg 1A-RO.2101) Notification and Approval of Detour Plan (C) 0 18 -Jan -12 0 * NWllicatnn eiid pprpvahaf tleiau Puri (C) 1A,,i-1W Notification of Detour Plan STA 7+20 0 25 -Jan -12 0 : a. Po tion Pf De6�r Plan STAT+20 A1190 Final ConslreotlonCompletion 0 17 -Jan -13 0' •Fier Actual Work Ml= Critical RemainingWork 7a��► Summa Page 3 of 3 ty 1=TR Internet Remaining Work ! 4 Milestone TASK filtcr: Critical Path. 1JWll .Baseline Sut