HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1513~~~ 3 d 5 7 8 9 ~~ ~2 13~ I ~~r , ~5 ~.ti X17 ~~ 1~ 2U J 2~ ~ ~~ 23 ~ 2~ ~~ 2G ~i ~~ 29 30 31 ~~ FFSOL~~TI.~`~ ivO. 1513 A RESOLUiIO~i O~' Ti? PL_~~INING CO?~:~'~IISSIO`1 OF THE CITY. OF TCTSTSN GR.~'\'i'TNC A CC?vDITIO~IAL USF PEF!~ti T nN APPLICATION VO. Lam-76--12 OF INSTA--TUNE ' The Planning Co~~~ission of the City of Tustin. does here resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Co:?L-:~? ssion finds and deter:nir_es as follow a. b. c. d. That a prcoer application No. UP ?6-12 was filed by James Crowl on~ behalf of Insta--Gas, Inc. , 17983. ~ Sky Park Circle, Irvine, CA, for a Use Permit to allow the operation and maintenance of a service station with automobile tune-up facilities on the property ? ocated at the westerly side: of New~iort Avenue, north of Irvine Blvd., known as 13061 Newport A~; enue . That a public hearing -was duly called and noticeF and held on said application. That an application was filed for a negative environmental ir.~pact report and is hereby approvef , 1 The establishment, maintenance and operation o_f - the usa-aoDlied for will not, under the circum- stances of~'~h_s case, be detrimental to the hea? safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of ~: , persons res i d? rg or working in the neighborhoo such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: - i 1) The use is a continuation and extension of a. previously authorized use, 2) Landscaoinar and perimeter walls will. isolate the facility from other uses wi thin the area. and enhance the amenities of_ the site. e . That the said establishment, ~ rmaint~enance and operation oT trze use applied for will not be - injurious or detrimental to the property.-and - improver^.er_ts in the neighborhood o-f the subject - . property, r_or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. - f . Final deveioo:_~ent plans shall require the revizw and app=oTTal of the Cit~T staff . ~ - 2. The Planning Co~^lssion hereby grants a Use Perrrtit as applied for to a ~ .c=•J the continued operation of a gasoline station .~ ith insta-tune autor:1obile tune-un services s~,zb~ect to the following conditions: a . Feplace~:e:~ t v_ al 1 broken ~ or cracked curb, clutter and sideT•;al'f across the frontagz of the subject property, b - Street t, eel ; 3 } shall bz ins ta? lec: a. d maintained on the prap?~'~v as shown on the re~;Tised plot plan. ~. 1 2~ o~ ~. 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 . l5 16' 17 1:8 l9 20 21 22 23 2S: 25 20 27 28 29 3G 3 ~. Resolution No. 1513 6-14-76, Page 2 ~~ c. Annexation of the subject parcel to the Tustin Lighting District .with .proof . of sub:aission of the annexation papers. to the County Surveyor's office furnished to the City Engineer prla?- to the is-- suance of anv occupancy certificate. d. Installation of rnarbleite street ~li.ghts~ and under- ground conduit as directed by the City ~;ngineer. e. Compliance to the requirements of.- the Uni.f_orm ~ . Fire Code. and Air. Pollution Di strict standards . f . The construction of a perimeter :aal? adjacent to the westerly property 1 ine of 6'- S" with «all plans to be sub:~itted for the .approval of the staff. g. Conformance with the requirements of-the Uni.f_orm Building Code related to ~^~odifications and alter- .ations of the structure. . h. The revised landscape plans to b e submitted to the staff for approval consisting of not less than a 5' planting strip on the exterior property line.. i. Authorization for a free standing pole sign. not to exceed 32 sq. ft. maximum area nor extend higher . ~ than the roof line of_ the adjo~.ning structure with other signs for. the proposed facility. to conform to the requirements of Ordinance No. 614 (Sign. ~ Ordinance of. the City of Tustin} . j. Plans for enclosure of trash area to be subject to staff ax~oroval. ~~ k. Not r.~ore than three automobiles for clients shall ~j be stored on the site in anv outside area desig-~ ii Hated as parking or drive areas, and all repair work shall be performed inside the enclosed structure. PASSED AND ADOP'?'ED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular r:~eeting held ~ n~the 14th da_y of Tune,. 1976. . ~~ f r f ~ t , I' '. ~~ ,~ ~~ !~~ t 1. f CHAIRl ~ OF THE PLA;'~1VING~ Cd'~4~`hISSI N PLANNING COi`~Is~~ISSION R.,E~O~T.?ItiG SE 32 ~~ i i i I} STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN I, MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the; Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regul r meeting o the 19ayming Commission, held on the JL ~~ day of ,