HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1492y ~ ~~ ~ - ~[l~ ' i t - ' f ~ i, - _ _ ~-'~ - - P.ESOLUTI0:3 ~JO. 192 { - ~ ~.. . ~~ ± A Y.~.~C=~;;TIO:~J QF T:i~ PLr~t~;:vItV.r, C0~'I:-I3.SS1C?`; OE ~'F= - 3 = ~ C-~. ~' :r G_ ~'~ r? ~~"I~.i C1_-~Im~~`rf A USL P~'~t^~i`~` O'~I ~pp.r.~I- - C~-1~?'0'~i :v0. U.P. 76-3, O~` .BUDGET DY`JO-``Lrv.~. CO:-LD'~`d'Y. -~ ti 5 '7 8 9 10 . ~ ~ 11. 1~ 13 14 - 15 16 - l-7 . ~ 18 19 20 .21 - ~ 22 23 - 2~ 25 26 f 27 28 . i 29 JO 31 32 '; Thy P'-~nn? ng Cor~.~~:i scion of tiie City c_ Tt~s ~ ~- ~-~ ~ tin does ~.erebti ;resolve as follo~~s: {~ ~ i 4 1. The Planning Commission finds and deter~ines: _ j~ - ~. a) That a proper application (~Jo. U.P. 75--3} ~,,7a;; file- '!~ - o~ behalf of Budget Dyno-Tune Cor~~panv, -for a Use !~- Permit to authorize an automotive tune-uD center, ~~t ~ wit:Zin buildings previously operated as a. tiro { s =1,es faci liter, on the property located at 595 E1 Canino Real. ~ ~ 2. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. , c) That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the ci.rcur-i- .stances of this case, be detrimental to the health°.. safety, morals , comfort or general 4~e1 fare of th:~~ persons residing or working ir_ the neighborhood such proposed use, evidenced by the f_ollo~~~ing findings: i) ~ Subject user will renovate and refurbish the j exi sting vacantfacility. ii) The application of development standards to an existing property gill contribute to the enhancement and compatibility of the use with other activities within the general area. iii) Subject use is in confor~:ance with the Tustin s Area General Plana - - d) T~zat the establishment, maint~n of the use applied f_or wi 11 ~.ot detrir~entai to the property azd the neighborhood of the subject the general caelfare of the Ci~y should be chanted. once ar_d operation be inj u~ ious or i*~~proverents in oroperty, nor to of ~ ustin, -and e) Proposed development shall be in accordance. ~,~ith the Zoning Ordinance and the developr:^znt policies adopted by .the City Council, Jni form Building Caries as administered by the Building OfTicial, Fire Code as administerec? by the Fire Chief, and stye improvement requirer:.,ents as ~.~mir.istered by the City Engineer, i f) That a request for e:cemntion =ro: Ir,!pact Report procedures has peen a~nrovec~.. The Planning Commission hereby grants applied for, to allow the locatio : a:~~ the Environr^,ental filer and a L'se Permit , as :~ operation of an +~ .1 ' 1492 1 ~~esolu~ion iio. 1-1"?-7u 2 ` 2 age 2 t ~ i3 " ~: ~i i 7. $i 9 10 lI 12 13 l~r 15 lfi 17' 18' 19~ I 20 21 22 23 2~ ~; 25 2fi ~ ~7 28 29 30 31 ~ ~3 R automotive tune-up facility LJlthl:: eX_LSting b?Ili.G~.1P_U:~ whic'ri -are to be renovated. and refurbisi~ed, su.'~ject to the fol lot:~ing conc'.itions a) b) c) d) e) f) g) That precise develonm~ent plans be submitted f_or staff revie.~~ and approval , to includd irrigation, lighting,. signing, exterior elevations, landscao~ and building materials. That the following supplemental signs are per- mitted in lieu of any other nerrlanent wall signing: a five (5) square foot changeable copy sign along t'r_e westerly building elevation -and one five {5) square foot changeable copy sign on the southerly wall of the building designated on the site plans as Service Building No . 1. That the renovation and refurbishing of the sub- ject property shall' be done in conforrlance with all applicable codes .and standards, to include the City of Tustin Development Standards (Resolution :vo . 7 3-2 3) , the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance ~To . 15?~) , and the Sign Ordinance (Ordinance No. 614) . That the use of the property shall be limited ex- clusively to that as requested and authorized by this permit, and that any other use shall require: the specific approval of the Planning Commission pursuant to the procedures for an a~.endment .to a Use Permit. That the requirements of the Fire Marshall, City Engineer and Building Official be satisfied. That any noise generated by the subject use. shall not exceed 65 dB.(A) CNEL as measured at the pro- perty line of the subject site_ That the outside storage or display of ~roducts~ repair services, etc., is prohibited with the ex- ception of that area designated on the site plans adjacent to Service Building ~2, which shall be enclosed by a 6' 8" decorative masonry- block wall. h) That said use shall be operated in strict corm- . pliance with the City of Tustin Sign Ordinance with banners and temporary promotional signs being prohibited without a permmit having first been obtained. PASSED A~1D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning omission, held on the 12th day of J ~ a .' j 1976 - r ~) ~~ ~ .r C H ~. = .~~.r~,~~ 4~ 1 H ~ P LAM ~I I i~I C: CO ^•L~=:I S j I OBI ... E. 3~ 'ISSIC~~J "CORDINC~ SECT=~='~~~Y ;., Lri~ rt v STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN I, MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is thF, Recording-Secretary of the-Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting o the Planning Commission, held on the day of 197.