HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1481q,. ~~, ~/ 5' ?~ ~~ ff~ I~ 1, . ~- ~ .. -~ ~ _ ~ n T ~j J''~ 1 Q ,~ fj .• ~Ls.7\.~~~.J~Jrl .LOiY roll • .l- ~ V 1 1 (~y ~~ E'~ `~IJJ~J~~I.Ti ~ J`V V ~.' ~I1L n fIL1~~~~Y~.Y.~J C~~''TZ"13.c7.JI`J~~I 'Ji, ! '~~ C.L i.~tT ~i C~~' rICJ'S`L'1_d, •'.f~ •:.J:•L•It~~'.7ali~ir TO ':'fig TCISTIi3 CiT~' C!` t~' i; Ti'?e. Planni~ ~ ~~ -~ ~- ~~; g Cor-LTn.ission of th~ Cit1 0:_ us`ir. does h~r~by ~- ;ir`solve as follo:•TS ; r ~; ~.. 1, The Planning Cor.~?.issior? finds and deterrti.~?es: 7i 9 1Q 11 12 13 la) 15 16 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26) 27 28 29I 30' 3~t ' 32 a) .TI-~ ,• ~ r':~ntative Tract ntap f'do. 90 81 has beer filed bar the C . B . ~ . S'. Corporation on be'za 1= o f the Pia r k I I I . .. Center, and ~ia~h•ard and Glenice ~~iorgan, o°~m~rs of re core and. subdividers , .for tr.e properties• ~no:•~n as Lo Ls 7, 8, 9 and 10 of !Tact i~Io. 6617, and also known as 202 and 222 Fashion Lane, Tustin,. located on Fashion Lane betcaeen Irvine BIE~d. and 1st Street. . Subject pror~erties consist. of approxi=;ately 1.714 acres , upon ~~~hic'n are located 2 office cor^~plexes of . 3 and a~ bui ldings respectively, w_nich. are intended for conversion to condominium offices to be offered fog sale. b) That subject property is located ~fithin the C-Z (C~mrr,~r~ci~al) .District in which professional offices . ~ are a permitted` use . . c) shat existing office buildings are presently locatec upon the subject properties. d) That tze subject anblication is deter~i.ned to be • categorically exempt from the require^;ent of an . .Environmental -Impact Report as a Class l (Exist.~ng- Facilty) . e) That said Tract is in conformance •,~~itZ the Tustin Area Gzneral Plan. . . 2. The Planning Com.*?iission hereby reco*~~~ends to the City Council, approval of Tentative-Tract •sap ~~o. 9084 sub- ject to the rollotiving conditions a) That the conditions , . covenants , ar_d restrictions be submitted to, and. approved by, the City of Tustin. b) That the existing tenants be notified of the pro- . ~ ~ posed conversion to condortir_ium un is ~_ ricr to sub- mission of a final map. c) . That easements and agreements be s~abr~=`_ted to t?Z~e • Ci t~; o = Tustin. for review and annr ova to include, but not limited to, reciprocal oar ir., , tra f y _c in- press and egress, and maintenance agreements o, for to the sale of any properties or units. d) That any missing or dead street trees be replaced. e) ~ That provisions for the rtanager;ent and onerati on of the co:~ dor~,ini ums be submitted Tor revie:~~ and ao- pro~~al~ to the . City Attorney, i . e . , ar. ? nder~endent maTaCemant agency, and that an indivic•.zal be made av:a~.lable at all tires ~,rith regards to routine and .emLrge^~cy maintenance o~ all comTon ut_iities , *i ~~ ~ i . Zo~~2esalLitian .:v, l~z~l ~ i - ; z -- --- . ~~ . 2. ~?a 2 f~ . ~ }~ f) That t~~se ^,operties. shall re~-ain in co:~forma.nee ~ - _ ~fJitn t~*.e a~oro~~ed develonr_Zent ~lar_s. for the . ~~ _- ' properties . i 5 c~) . That the apDli cants and/or their agents comply strictl~r ~.ri ~.~: the City of Tustin Siern Code rela- 6 ` tive to~ the r:arketing of the subject properties , and ~ relatj ~.-e to permanent sicning identities for 7 ~ each offi c? cor!plex. 8 ' h) That doct:~~!ents be recorded in t:~e Office of the. i County Recorder providing for perpetual easene.nt_r ' 9 to insu~Ye that each lot of the subdivision have access to all utilities., including but not limy 10 to the fo'_lo~.~ring: ~ irrigation , sewer, water, ~- ~ ~ { ~ phone,-gas, electric,-and cable ~.V.. 11 i) ~ That all ~.ter:~ pertinent to public knowledge sha_: 12 be ideas ti tied within .the CC ~. R t s , and that a stater~~ent. of receipt and acknowledgement of~ said 1~ ~ CC & P,' s s.~al 1 be required fror,: all purchasers , and a cop_J o= such. statement of receipt -and acknc,~ , l4 ~ ledgerent be forwarded to the City of~ Tustin to ~ ~ be kept on file. 15 j } That provision be made in the CC & R' s to ins ux 16 _ that all airspace cubicles are provided with al. ~ ~ the necessary ~ utilities, heati ng, air conditio~: l7 } and/or vent i lation , as required by Code . ~ 18 ~ PASSED ~ ~, ~, z Y A.7D ADO. _~D a~. a regulate m~etinq of the Planning ~Cormi ssion, held on the ? 2 th day o anuary, 19 76 . 19 - ~0 E ~ ~ ~, 21 ! _. ~ Cry ~L' ~~ O THE ~..-v_~I~vr_- CO~~~ISSIO~t 22 3 . i ~.~ P LAiv'i1 I ~ G C~'L'!I I~ S I O 2~ i 25 ~6 27 f~ ~a 2 9 '' .~o 31 ,E ~ ~. V n STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN I, MARY ANN CHAMBERLAIN, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regu a,~ meeting o-frthe Planning Commission, held on the /~ day of , 19'~. /