HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetters; Jerry AmanteC EO'
2 Executive Circle • Suite 110
Irvine. California 92614
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Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts
P.O. Box 145
Tustin, CA 92780
My partner and L our business, and my family, have supported and advocated for the Tustin
Area Council for Fine Arts in a variety of ways over the years. We saw their mission as a
worthwhile one on behalf of the community.
Jerome L. Aitzaate^-
Darren G. Shaffer*
It is with great disappointment, therefore, that we have witnessed the change in tone at TACFA.
It has now become a political body. It chooses and prefers one candidate over others in City
elections. It works hard to promote one candidate over another in those elections. It has become
an activist in City politics. It does so despite the fact that those that are not favored with its
support have been long term supporters of TACFA and its mission, have supported it with their
time, talent and treasure, and have advocated on its behalf for many years.
TACFA's recent mistreatment of our Mayor, Doug Davert, during this last election cycle was
disgraceful. This is all the more distressing because of his efforts over the years on your behalf.
The manner in which you showcased your chosen candidate, Mr. Menard, even after he had to be
removed from office for abusing his power was also disgraceful. Clearly, TACFA neither cares
to remain neutral in City politics nor do they, apparently, care whom they choose to support.
This is the choice that TACFA has made. We all have choices.
I can no longer support TACFA given the choices it has made. I now choose to disassociate
myself completely with your organization. Therefore, please remove my name from any
materials which indicate that I am on your Board of Advisors. I hereby tender resignation from
that body immediately. Please remove my name from your mailing list or from any of your e-
mail lists or future solicitations. I do not wish to be a part of TACFA nor do I feel comfortable
supporting it going forward.
H. -�
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ovember 9, 2(-.'
Tustin Rotary
P.O. Box 14
Tustin, CA 927c
Dear RotarianslI I
Over the past fo I r years, I have been honored to work with your Organization, be a
speaker and presenter at some of your meetings and functions, and support your
events such asithe annual Cash Bash. I was particularly honored when then-President
Leslie Pontious, qominated me for honorary membership in Rotary last year, The
Rotary Club of T1 has always had a fine reputation for service in Tustin.
It is, therefore, with a very heavy heart that I hereby resign my status as an Honorary
Member. Encl6s I ed, please find my pin that I believe has been badly tarnished by your
� I
club's recent tr from a charitable service club to a political organization that
has abandoned its charter.
When the advoIcaky of a particular candidate becomes the focus of both your meeting
programs and y;,q I ur publications, and when the face of your organization (your current
president) and 'select members use the resources and the good name of Rotary to
promote the clOb"s chosen candidate and disparage another (who also happens to be
an Honorary Me m1ber and the Mayor of your city), you have abandoned your mission of
service and ignb ed the very rules designed to sustain Rotary and preserve its
charitable purpose.
Your club has pnJoyed many years of City support and support from current and former
members of thE City Council. I believe strongly that City government should support
the charitable service organizations in its community. I believe just as strongly,
however, that C government must not support any pqftical organization, particularly
one that supports and opposes candidates for local office. This is particularly true when
taxpayer dollar; are involved. Fee waivers for the use of facilities, the use of public
infrastructure to support club messages and advertising, and the payment of club dues
for City employees are examples of things that the City should do to promote service
and charity butplliould never do for any political organization. It is unfortunate that I can
no longer look upon Rotary as anything other than a political organization.
Please remove 1 name from all records and membership rolls immediately. Your
prompt atten ion', o this request will be most appreciated.
Sinc ely, i
D ug
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cc: L e (Calvert IR
lan, oistrict 1310, 1245 N. Glassell, Orange, CA 92865
94� 250 6061
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Tustin/Santa 1�da Rotary Club
P. 0, Box 14
Tustin, CA 92 -781
Dear Ladies ind Gentlemen:
November 8, 2006
...... ---- P. f-
0415 P.m 11 -U8 -2uub t 1
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Ojo— G', S.
Mayor Doug Divert and I were honored some time ago by the efforts of former Mayor
; I
Leslie Pontious and others within Rotary to name us as honorary Rotarians. We had each
attended a nu I
mber of Rotary meetings and/or events over the years. We had each
appreciated the principals which Rotarians pledge to fallow. We were each
impressed with the caliber of the progams Rotary undertook.
It is, therefore, with great regret that I have witnessed the Rotary Club's recent foray into
City politics arid had to witness its, frankly, unfair treatment of Mayor Davert during this
last political campaign.
In your own. punted newsletter, you honored and commended your board member,
Nathan Menar I d, cited his rim for City Council, and said he ran. against others including
; I
"One incumbent.' I
That "one incurnbent' 'has a name. It was your own honorary member
and currentl, I I
. serving Mayor—Doug Davert! Your own president has extolled Mr.
Mcnard's vi� es from Your podium at your meetings but has made no mention of the
Mayor, algooVe of your members.
It's unfortun when a community service club becomes a partisan in politics. It takes
from t tj l i r community -wide support and puts them into political camps. In this
case, your club's blatant selection of the Mayor's opponent, it's insult to him while
serving as O'n of your honorary members and your Mayor, and it's blatant efforts against
his re-electi-�On make it impossible for me to continue my association with your club.
.: re It is even rnb egregious, in my personal view, given that Mr. Menard, your favorite
candidate, liad to be removed from public office because of h is abuse of the power vested
in him by :tie City Council. Some of the unfounded and unfair things said about the
Nov 1;3 ub `iu: i fa i ustin 1 -na T'1Der of uotT merc ! I4o44LUOO
V4:X0:M0 P. M.
R 4 X50 6031
Tustin/Santa Ana �kotarY Club
November 8, 20P
Page 2
Mayor and about me by members of your club, the very club that once purportedly
honored us as lionorary members is truly beyond disappointing. It is, in fact, a
disgraceful part of playing politics rather than choosing "service above self"
I hereby resit' honorary membership. I return to you your pin designating me as
Y gni
such. I ask yo ii t� remove me from your e -mail lists, your mailing lists, your in ltatian to future events, ,,md the like. I wish to completely disassociate myself from your c
Hon. I�
2 Executive Circle - Suite 110
Irvine, California 92614
Telephone (949) 250-6060
Telecopier (949) 250-6061
Tustin American Legion Post 227
1100 Irvine Boulevard, #475
Tustin, CA 92780
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I've been extremely disappointed, almost beyond expression in words, with the complete
lack of leadership exhibited of late at the Tustin American Legion Post. Your
Commander has become a partisan in local community politics. He has become a vocal
opponent to those on the Council who have supported you and your efforts most. It is
disappointing and, for me personally, disgusting.
All of you know that I am an "American Legion brat". Many of you know that my father
and uncles were active members, that I served as a state historian for the State of
California Sons of American Legion, and that I have supported veterans in a number of
veteran's organizations my entire adult life. You also know that each and every year,
since the local Post was reorganized after the September 11 th attack on our country, I
have been both a financial supporter and a strong advocate for the local Post.
Nonetheless, given Commander Hall's recent activities, I feel uncomfortable appearing
publicly with him, being associated with his activities or sharing any dais with him
during any community wide event.
Therefore, I will not be in attendance at this year's Veteran's Day event in Peppertree
Park. I hope it out well for you. I hope the community enjoys it. I hope that all of
our veterans, wherever they are, feel the support of all Americans. They most certainly
have mine.
For my part, I will find another way to honor them this year. I will, perhaps, join your
celebrations again when you have new leadership.
Jerome L. Amante*
Darren G. Shaffer*
*A P-f-i-1