HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 03-13-12
Item # 1
MARCH 13, 2012
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Chair Pro Tem Puckett
Present: Chair Thompson
Chair Pro Tem Puckett
Commissioners Eckman, Kozak, Moore
Staff Present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development
Lois Bobak, Assistant City Attorney
Dana L. Ogdon, Assistant Director of Community Development
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Amy Stonich, Senior Planner
Edmelynne Hutter, Associate Planner
Suzanne Schwab, Planning Intern
Adrianne DiLeva, Recording Secretary
Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – FEBRUARY 28, 2012,
That the Planning Commission approve the minutes of the
February 28, 2012, meeting as provided.
It was proposed to approve the minutes of February 28, 2012, in
two votes, since Commissioner Moore recused himself from item
number three.
Motion: It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Kozak, to move item
number three of the minutes. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner
Moore abstaining from the vote.
Motion: It was then moved by Puckett, seconded by Kozak, to move the
remainder of the minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
2011-21 AND DESIGN REVIEW 2011-09 FOR AN
On January 30, 2012, the City of Tustin Zoning
Administrator adopted Zoning Administrator Action 12-002,
approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2011-21 and
Design Review (DR) 2011-09, authorizing the construction
of a single story detached accessory building to be used as
a guest house at 445 West Main Street.
On February 9, 2012, an appeal of the Zoning
Administrator’s decision to approve CUP 2011-21 and DR
2011-09 was filed by the applicant, Omar Karim. The
appeal specifically requests the removal of Condition 2.2 of
Zoning Administrator Action 12-002, which requires the
property owner to execute and record a deed restriction to
ensure that no part of the residence or the detached guest
quarters is to be used or leased as a second unit.
This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section
15303 (Class 3) of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). If the Commission directs staff to prepare a
resolution of denial, a separate statutory exemption would
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4193,
approving Conditional Use Permit 2011-21 and Design
Review 2011-09, authorizing the construction of a single
story detached accessory building to be used as a guest
house at 445 West Main Street subject to certain conditions
including the requirement to execute and record a deed
restriction; or direct staff to prepare a resolution of denial
with associated findings.
Minutes – Planning Commission March 13, 2012 – Page 2 of 8
Chair Thompson recused himself from the public hearing and left
the dais, due to his residence being located within 500 feet from the
subject property.
Willkom Presented the staff report for the appeal.
Moore Asked a question regarding who provides the deed restriction.
The public hearing opened at 7:14 p.m.
The applicant/property owner, Omar Karim, stepped
forward. Mr. Karim clarified to the Planning Commission
that he was told City staff would provide samples of deed
restrictions for him to follow, but that he would provide the
document to the City for approval. He stated he is only
opposed to the condition of requiring the execution of a
deed restriction. Generally, Mr. Karim’s concerns
included: the deed restriction is duplicative, it is
unnecessary, and it has a negative impact on the
The following members of the public stepped forward and
generally expressed their support for Mr. Karim’s position, and
opposition to the execution of a deed restriction.
Pat Madison
Jeff Gallagher
Ray Bianco
The public hearing closed at 7:31 p.m.
The Planning Commission reconvened to discuss the item.
Kozak Identified five issues that were noted by members of the public to
bring forward for discussion. The issues included: 1) the deed
restriction is duplicative; 2) there is no statutory requirement for
the restriction; 3) the application of the deed restriction is not
standardized; 4) alienation of property is a negative impact of the
restriction; 5) the restriction could be considered an infringement
of property rights.
Moore Appreciated the public response to the item. Stated he is in favor
of the deed restriction, and that the deed restriction is in place to
avoid misrepresentations of the property during future sale, thus
preventing law suits. Does not see the duplicative nature of the
restriction as an issue. Stated the deed restriction is simply
reflective of the property’s intended use, and it does not create an
additional negative impact on the owner. Added that this type of
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Moore cont. deed restriction does not represent an unreasonable restraint on
alienation of property rights. Would like to see a draft of the deed
restriction to ensure that the language is reflective of Resolution
No. 4193, the Conditions of Approval, and that no form of
compensation should be received or paid in connection with the
guest unit. Would like to amend Condition of Approval 2.2 to add
the language “rental unit/room” for further clarification.
Eckman Is in favor of the deed restriction. Stated he comes from a code
enforcement background, and does not want to see a guest unit
eventually morph into a rental unit creating negative impacts to
the surrounding neighborhood. Agreed with Commissioner
Moore’s comments.
Puckett Agrees with Commissioner Moore and Eckman’s comments.
Stated that for the past 30 years, prior residents adding guest
units to their property have agreed to deed restrictions, and does
not want to create a precedent with the current issue at hand. Is
in favor of approving Resolution No. 4193 as amended by
Commissioner Moore.
Kozak Stated his fellow Commissioners have responded adequately to
his proposed discussion questions, and agrees with their
statements. Does not want negative impacts, such as inadequate
parking, to occur within this neighborhood if the unit was to be
Motion: It was moved by Moore, seconded by Eckman, to adopt Resolution
No. 4193 as amended. Motion carried 4-0.
It was noted after the motion that the item would go on to City
Council if the item is appealed.
Omar Karim stepped forward after the motion to re-address the
Commission’s comments. Mr. Karim generally stated executed
deed restrictions are not consistently being provided to new owners
of existing property as a notification tool, and he cited an example
in which a neighbor requested documents regarding his property
from the City, was not provided with the deed restriction at that
time, and is now in a legal battle with his escrow and title company.
Mr. Karim added that the Commission’s comments still haven’t
addressed why the deed restriction is the best method for
accomplishing the goals of notifying future property owners of the
guest house’s intended use, or preventing the unit from being
illegally rented.
Minutes – Planning Commission March 13, 2012 – Page 4 of 8
Commissioner Moore clarified that executed deed restrictions are
recorded with the property and should be reflected on a title report.
At the January 24, 2012, Planning Commission meeting,
staff presented an overview of the draft update to the
Residential Design Guidelines for the Cultural Resources
District. Since that time, the draft document has been
made available to the public for review through the City’s
website and at the Tustin Library and City Hall. In addition,
copies of the document were provided to the Tustin Area
Historical Society and Tustin Preservation Conservancy.
Notices regarding the public review period were published
in the Tustin News on February 9, 2012 and February 16,
2012. The public review period ended on February 21,
2012. As of that date, staff had received comments from
three (3) individuals.
That the Planning Commission review and authorize staff
to forward the updated Residential Design Guidelines for
the Cultural Resources District to the City Council for
consideration by adopting Resolution No. 4192.
Presented the updated Residential Design Guidelines to the
Planning Commission.
Planning Commission discussion generally included thanks to staff,
and specifically to Suzanne Schwab, for the work done on this
document. Thanked those who contributed to the document, and
appreciated being part of the process as well.
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Puckett, to adopt
Resolution No. 4192 and forward the Residential Design Guidelines
to City Council for consideration. Motion carried 5-0.
Authorized to forward 4. 2011 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT AND ANNUAL
The General Plan annual report is required to be provided
to the City Council. Following the City Council’s action, the
General Plan annual report will be forwarded to the State
Department of Housing and Community Development
Minutes – Planning Commission March 13, 2012 – Page 5 of 8
(HCD) and the State Office of Planning and Research.
California State Law requires each City to adopt a
comprehensive, long-term general plan for its physical
development and any land outside its boundaries which
bears a relationship to its planning activities. In essence,
the City’s general plan serves as the blueprint for future
growth and development. As a blueprint for the future, the
plan contains policies and programs designed to provide
decision makers with a basis for all land use related
That the Planning Commission review and authorize staff
to forward the General Plan Annual Report on the Status
of the Tustin General Plan and the Annual Mitigation
Monitoring Status Report to the City Council for
Presented the staff report.
Appreciated the information on the Tustin Ranch Road project.
Thanked staff for putting together the report. Stated the document
is reflective of the City working to move projects ahead while
remaining in compliance with State Law.
Highlighted the adverse impact of the State cutting redevelopment
agencies. Stated it makes it difficult to advance State mandated
programs, such as affordable housing and related projects, while
on the other hand, the funding for these projects is taken away.
Stated staff did an excellent job, and proposed a motion to move
the item.
Motion: It was moved by Eckman, seconded by Kozak, to forward the
General Plan Annual Report to the City Council for consideration.
Motion carried 5-0.
The Director reported as follows:
Made it known that Suzanne Schwab was the author of the
Old Town Dining and Event Guide which has been
distributed throughout the City. Stated many compliments
have been received on the document;
Stated on March 6, 2012, City Council introduced Ordinance
No. 1411 implementing minor text amendments to the Tustin
Zoning Code. Will provide the Planning Commission with
Minutes – Planning Commission March 13, 2012 – Page 6 of 8
updated Zoning Code documents once it is approved;
Council also set the interviews for Planning Commission and
Community Services Commission vacancies at 4:30 p.m. on
April 3, 2012;
Council had a second reading and adoption of Ordinance
No. 1415 related to the Planning Commission authority on
Redevelopment related actions.
Encouraged everyone to check the City Website for
upcoming activities;
Wished the audience could see all the information put
together for this evening’s public hearing addressing one
small issue. Thanked staff for their work on this item.
Agreed with Commissioner Moore, and thanked staff for
their work on this evening’s items;
Echoed Commissioner Moore’s comment about upcoming
activities. Reminded everyone about the upcoming
Leprechaun Leap sponsored by the Tustin Community
Foundation and Chamber of Commerce;
Congratulated Keila Halili, who was crowned Miss Tustin
2012 last weekend, and noted that she will receive a
scholarship for her efforts.
Thanked staff for putting together this evening’s
comprehensive reports.
Echoed Commissioner Kozak in reminding the audience
about the upcoming Leprechaun Leap, stated he will be
there at 7:30 a.m. kicking off the event;
Congratulated the Miss. Tustin winner;
Stated his brother in Oklahoma viewed the prior Planning
Commission meeting, and the viewing area of the meetings
has definitely expanded.
Attended the Orange County Business Council
Infrastructure Committee Meeting where the CEO of OCTA
provided an overview of the latest happenings at OCTA;
Thanked staff for all their hard work, and appreciated the
time staff spent working in feedback from himself and others
on the Residential Design Guidelines;
Reminded the audience about the upcoming Easter Egg
Would like to close this evening’s meeting in Honor of Laura
Phillips who passed away on February 22 after a battle
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Thompson cont. with cancer. She is survived by her husband, Bruce Phillips,
who is the Senior Vice President of Pacific Advanced Civil
Engineering, and one son, a student at Washington State
University. Laura was a banker, and associated with the
banking industry for many years. She was also an alumni
from the USC Business School.
8:17 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is
scheduled for Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
Closed in Honor of Laura Phillips.
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