HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecond Amended ROPS FOR 7-1-12 THROUGH 12-31-12RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE - CONSOLIDATED FILED FOR THE JULY to DECEMBER 2012 PERIOD Name of Successor Agency Successor Agency to Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34171(b) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Doug Davert Name 11 Chair Title April 10, 2012 Current Total Outstanding Total Due Debt or Obligation During Fiscal Year Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 176,046,629.00 $ 14,806,535.00 Total Due for Six Month Period $ 19,828,606.00 Outstanding Debt or Obligation Available Revenues other than anticipated funding from RPTTF Enforceable Obligations paid with RPTTF Administrative Cost paid with RPTTF Pass-through Payments Paid with RPTTF $ 9,275,211.00 $ 10,246,015.00 $ 307,380.00 $ Administrative Allowance (up to 3 percent of the property tax allocated to the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund money that is allocated to the successor agency for each fiscal year thereafter; provided, however, that the amont shall not be less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for any fiscal year or such lesser amount as agreed to by the successor agency. However, the allowance amount shall exclude any administrative costs that can be paid from bond proceeds or from sources other than property tax. $ 307,380.45 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34171(b) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Doug Davert Name 11 Chair Title April 10, 2012 Nam. of ReUeve ipmeM Agency Prof. Are.(.) DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Par All 26 -Section Ul"I') FORM A- Radevel.ment Ptolemy T. Treat Fund (RPTTF) Payabl from the Redevelopment Property Talk Trust Fund (RPTTF) CoNedlAgrmmaM Total Due Dune, •^ Pro ed Neese / Debt Collodion Elkemmn Date Pe ee Desorption Total Claimed Finial Year Fam, P ..b month July 2012 A 2012 1 See 2012 Oat 2011 Nov 204 Dec M12 Total tl Houelrq Talk Allocation Baha, Seem 2010 0=112010 BONhoMan vu YOA The Bank of Nov MNbn Proceeds from lM sole of Its Bonds .11 be mend In All d0.teryl 0 1,815,181 RPM prepay a porton of Me City Ot lgalian (Aflodale Houk, 1,210,453 W720 $ 1,815,101 Reimbursement Agreement), D) fort a real account la the BONS, and (c) enven for the can of..., the Bonds Told orq emena rest Includes pdndpal weal1rRereM 2) Fewsl Aglml Fees TABoM2010 01/192010 Theo-kofNary Yark Mellon ...... lrslronol[oMatlmhwlint annual[y] All 3,3(0 3,380 RPM 3) Confiner, dlatlonso eervww as &smeone rvoke C I01 010& Br1219Lq Applied BW Prader, Wdgen&Aawoalm lxlo Continue, drure wevrm for 2010 Mining Whimaq Al 4,350 1,360 RPTTF 3300 $ 33gg ardtrege server® 1,350 $ 1,350 4) County Adminulratne Fm County of Drmpe ilmal tar mllectlm wimmlelrallve lm Al 213000 213,1300 RPTTF 51 A.A., Semn. 0&012011 White, Nalmn, Dial. Even, LLP eWNrq of annual Agency-,noutres All 38,828 12,000 RPTTF 12.M 12.W0 213.000 E 213.000 E 13." 8) Giraffe removal Cable CoMml Systeme Graffi, removal In Me Town CaMM and South Central All 13,800 13 800 RPM 4,(1 4,ODD 4,000 Redwebgnent Phofse Are. CaprviupMdforlhmrgn i 1390) CDBG,lerad end RDAfiada 1) Contract for evadable mmmemd pmpaty wenn O9/mOut loo d, lex PPI Co Webbard mmmad Pmpaty Seam fir.alade rdal. All 3,500 3,500 RPTTF mer ma-ael, Incest are other peopMY types In TenonB)Gonialfor $ - webbesa pmnapa awdence informationW1182o11 Tonle foe B.. Siamese, LLC embossed bu5lrcss resonance lads available on IN City of All 1.140 1,140 RPM Tustin more $ - 9)Caehatl for I-NdServwok vahem Woodruff, SPadis,&Small lapel coumd-mNo law& Maloney toga...I as heeded All 4185.000 884,000 HPTTF 82,000 W.000 82.000 (ludamig Stmdhrq Yoga C«bon&Reulh,RemY, brHredhwppon rMadadnNas Contraddo.mt 82,000 82,000 82,000 E 692.000 Thomas Moon & Manley. Wats & Com re , mdmn a Tot W mused amouM-and b on an 'an reeled' JeareHe Junius. 52,000,0M)'Amebnubr Goldo-ndh& Bess WOMruH,Spre]8n&Sexedtlwpovldeslai Odvm ILP. $515,000 -Callao are Noel LLP, services under the Admintdmtive Budget we Mew code 31,500.000,'KWak Rare. $110,0W ars rot double mooted between edmlnblrave+tiled legal Seeman am ponied-rdda IWW elkpensea 10)Dlred Pmleq Related Coela(awlWlrq SNeyend BellellbfuNed oy the Foemmempbyeatimendby Me Su¢eeeor,perry ANNUAL Payroll or emgoyeea for died pmled operdlon. All 581043 581.043 RPM Succeww A9enry) that Paton, Sumeawr Agency rtna. for clued Thmarranl Hll Bududearl Theamdoyeeeere 49942 49,942 49.942 49942 49,942 49942 S 298,852 Pro's muni Paormoq Pro)e t related etlnmsamocilvr, (M enbrceeble aolgall fisted on Rove I3N10, Rowe W1 038. Road p4B,151. Rowe 055,151, & Rowe p50i89 11) PERS liadldy (annually adjusted) Cay of Tusher Empbysm funded b Me Successor y Ageewy IM1d pedmrm AlNI 140.618 RPTTF Sumeemr edndm Tne Ladlay a E an d may or a use] On a vendy of ana v neem' and may inatraal m'. am sa akerve 13) Bank Andyms Fees O.City of Amon. by takavumplwm Fees C ra by tank fa bammtlom AllA, 30."Arena 30000 RPTTF 13)Paymed In WuolTezmggrexnml-Flerrden PoiWe 1do1/199B City of Tudn Agency mo gof Annual Payment Moe to lnwnuevx All Mnud Sm Raw RPM $ $ 14) Payment in Lieu of Thew Agreement - Or Camara 0011311888 Tustin Agonry maulors to iroeermadalmnud payment All Annul Sm Rue 811 811 RPTTF - 15)OImn OOA/grMr Wdk o31O1I2W4 Fainv fledevdognml,Bona'Manlomgtoeneuelhepoledmmgi-Aur .DDA To All Annual See Row Mtt RPM In. intent RPTTF fund. ve ml evalade In fund the j _ mf emable obligation, Men the Obligation shell be mnadaed en eexcunbeenm of the LMIHF 18) ArMr Week Pwmiswry Notes v ka Presentment Agar/ Agency monitors to a®um the 10 effadarm IomeovmeMip AB Annual Sm R. At RPM j , units we in nomplikere vert the Pwmuamy News and! a emrda AfbNade Wusel Coverienb In without be All perms and meas. afinedad. loum, nonevents Hen agnrdabl. nommwe.n reiru or we Meir homes To the some RPM fares am rut rendidee to hies bis mrawade oU,M.n. man 8» mN,don dial tie meadaa an a..&.—of Ms WIHF, 111 Herthege Peal ODA Out IGO(b flasentimeed Agency Agmry modlon to ream 53 mes an In emgbnm mM As Armed Sea Roar At RPM effoNedlMy, remlraneMe To IM extent RPM fwds am $ _ not available to fund this ref ...Us oMlgdbn, there IM odpanon and M ninthand m eaOmbence of the 18) HmMge Phe. Loan ABmemedLMIHF WIZr)(n RMevdopmmt Agawy Finand awdmu.v provided by the Agacl W the All Annual S—R-911 D.edpor for m.Wden of a muM-lama, aajed eN the Agmry moroom the terms of the ben wreemere (slk.ism a- 1SZ033),IntlWllq ins rwpud remipl0eymed Tolhe swers RPTTF leek we rot evmlade b find Ole edormaeble ciblgdoq then the N,,.n "I be wnv . an..more. of the LMIHF 19)Slr,le and Multi Family RMaMlXdlon Loans vary ml Red-likenAgmry Agency monllon O Slagle Family and Multi -Family Loner All Annual S. Row i11 RPM baMcen the Agency, and ProInt Owents of minabllltda j - properties 201 A.Tannish O611gdlem TBO Sumeeeor Apenq In emordanca HO California Health and Safely Code All TRD 0 RPM Section 31111(.) the Sumeee , Allen, le rselanide for dIWaN of mMe and pro,amen an dlrecla by ih. WeMght Board pursuant no wbvlebm a of Stolon 34181. The Succmeor Agency HII Incur code eesotleted *in the Massif of make Mdudlhq but —1 lmlM1d W eschew fee, 1111. costa, remrdlrg fee. end any the see seta dark, nide 2t)Tcxn ' Pm act Nene Hoed ON anon Center Housrq Defiat Redudron Plan CorNx}(AgrxmeM Execulbn OMs OS/OtONXX) P.. Agayy. T. Center Hwang SY'Aade land Oeegl Mn Repayment for Tovm CuMef Hamrg Set Ague funds tlrvMel W au,non romfrouyrg RmevebpmeM edinLxm Are. Taxa CaRw OeM blselb 18]5,8,12 Total Due Ounrq Year Fl�0t 000.000 an Fo RPTTF Payable from Me Redevelopment Propmly moron P.—..Cq T. Truitt Fund (RPTTF) Ju12012 A 2012 Se 2012 2012 Nov 2012 Oec 2012 9W8W Total E Bon" 22) Tex Nlawlbn RaluMlrg Bot 1938 Town Cancer ( ) 0]/01/1998 BOndMbeM via US Bar, tam Center tlunp IM Pond! Of 1908-1902 Band 1.x to land non. pro)ects Tote.unanol, 'a,'x WcNal end IMsxl Toxo Center 8,181,]50 1,838,]71 RPTTF 1Ag2.a30 E 1,492,830 23f FlwlggeM Fax-TA BaN 1988 0111 MI US Bank MmmiMralronol Land egrviBx Torn Cnmx J.3W 3,J'JO gPTTF J,3W 3 3,383 24) Combnur0 drdoeum E ardirpe aerAcce 107.f0201080I12N003 Apo.. Bret Forenoon, W. Wan 8A..NY. ConOnun, dlectoaum 8 arbalrpe xrvoea far 1990 Calla iovm Lxpte 8,030 8,000 RPTTF 3.000 E 3,000 25) 26) Contact for ggineanrg -oda Sl--- Spur!Paid,ce,l Larpe OetlarMbn of CpvenMAa Cpndtllore, Redrlgb. Mrd Reawdbx 86D2r201 Obt]/1908 I Went SWqurx, Inc SMvw. 59uere Perklrg Sirutlure COMominlum ASxdelbn Structural ergmeenrg PeaavneM of Slevw SO.. Panic, 5lrWUro There one mgoirg mYMlona. mete x rpuired Cy the CCBRs. In poll Mi.rn are OMllme, ddxred Town Ceram Tovm Ceram 8,100 03,000 B18J 105Co TTF RP FIPT-fF 4,IX 320 4,100 320 320 J20 3,820 3,820 E 8,100 E 8,820 maintenance hand a that x111 a dYxmined by the gruquml apllrenrp.Ind TNoddaaemcwed WMargarg meinenew and delxrM malMarence repays are 2]) Ambrxe LAmAPnd Time Homepuyer 0511 Trp Radwelopnerd A9ere, sdlmd. A2erlry MOraOm to aleure Me S efAdabie MmeaxnmMap umd are in mmpiMlce adh the Promina, Notx and Torn CWn, Mnlul Sar ROw#11 RPTTF E - remrdedAlfmdedeHoueirq,dranaNe Ind,,da,the Agency operon MM executed artoNade noxirp dommeM! Non eRbrdam. Mmmsan m8namo m call Mar nem. To the extent RPTTF IUM. are note r.,Mde 1a fund MIB enpharebrO ON,dron, than the od,daon Mel he 281F1rd Time Homebuyer %omaaory Nota85(17(2000 RedevalopraWAgxky corsdxtl en eragmbrteme of the IMIHF ,e r AmomloM wumihe l find time homye ebur anuli mmplierroe mho the Pmntned, None And an Af blanc Town Chex _Mn" Son Rev PYt RPTTF Eh - Hoxn, Covterm In added, per Apenc, re"nue and execM. afforded. Muer, dowmBnte vA—aha efloNode Mmwxmr nerSm Or ylla Mea Mme TOMeeMent RPTTF fuala onee Miaeerned abb ONVAkon a eland OdiOelioa Men Ina Odgalbn Solan M mneMeRd an 2g)Mekane 307 31)Plue 32) 33)Micm 34)TMmppn9ulltllrgCPA %)Slevw JB)Pottetl 3])Proepyt 38) DDA O14 TPwnl Plrra RYal Rahrb DOA Lafeyalle DDA FOM COmmxtlM Reneb OOA Center DDA 59ume Perltlr, Bbudiae- Llxnee brxmeM(81 parts Agreements (17) Nllge BOq Pudic Work. Agreemun5odn Choral Redevalopmam Pro,ef 1N1&2WE 051102001 0]/02/1985 OBr15r18&9 11/21/1594 OBrO8r1B9a very vmy 0 WQGI 0VIDTHOW gedarMopn.i Pgerwy Recrven.,ra Agary FIedevalapnaM A9erey RedevYapTrwR Ag»,• RedevYopmxd Apenry Redevalapnml Agency RadevebpneM g9xiq RMavdppnent T9erwy Redevelopment Agency CO of Tudm mumbew of the LMIHF Fbrvlonr, la lrmure devebgrie in mmpltav xlM mMraquelodgMiw M1brotonrg to lrrum dAeopm is In compliance vend cora." od,Mwrq M1bnibdr, lO ireuredwelopm is in mmplierwe vend mMmduL od,ebom 11bnpO(Irybirbwedweb4wbmmmpVarce NM mntreduM bd,dlw MONbnp to lwrra developerinn complleme NM mMequel odbdlaro AMMIedr, lO Lure davelOpx le In mmpllemq NM contnqudad,albreE MorilOnr,blreura 811xr1.lean In cpmplance NM mohno lOd e8w WrulonrgMireure.vmdxn l]praemer#fare In mmpance xdh contracture odgelrore MOmbnrg to Insure develo urrn mmpliace vnlF mNractualodgelrom Or,MW Loan proud to the Agericym 1893 wx1mbalH eMimeted to be 333,500,000 fm Me Newport Avenue Torn LeMx totem Canton tovn Cella Taxn[xpx Tovm Cerner TO. Center Town Center Toxn Carta iovm CeMx Soul_Cadrrd Mnuel Mnuel Annual grmual Mniae Mnuel Annual Mnuel Mnual 30,254,80] Sx ROw K11 Sx Row K11 Sx ROW,Wt Sea ROW H1 Sao Rwktt Sell See RowMt Sx Rqv K11 Sea pour /H1 ].905,424 RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF RPTTF 1.664,112 E E 3 E E - - E 3 E 1,954,712 Eafenwn(NexpvR lhgarpm)b EMrger Avanr! The Intend ran Is 5%above the City. avorpe yrld on unveemenr. Reprymxlt o th.IUen u Wsed en Cdy-funded Pf 1xo (Captd ImProvemml Program-CIP70130) Ind hon prom compiled on Me Nmvyd A,... E harar,I North Bourg Ramp RwMlgurxron Prolect TM Pneae 1 pragq poen in 1B&T cop tete compardin Merri2010 Phex I(CIP701]0)mMrage are rot laded on previous FOPS or BOPS. There x nd dupicaneOfod,elroro Phw2xoM(CIP70131) corrode Of mnbata egad m Rouse #42-047 ant Ih.a mNuege time double been tlW de...W an Phe. I Ml to Scan rri 1 PUMA.. m of the PUNIC W W We fgmmneN, Br Succaexnc Age Annual pay the ins O are mmgnedren m earn- am Lamwhener (perSMlnn2yavmem ern - S&O of the AconamaMa enl x AOnlNumem 39)Memopndum of Untlxdandl she OrepeCan Weler OlMdq 03I2Ni985 Orapl COu Water OleMq payments mend Of theatuaymenlauntilcoee Of lho of the Ovaagd onfimgon of B. a Of Ina actual mcraaead code Of th pmlM T. snare prelmeM(praA0129O)WMthe Agency BONN Cen1rY 28,000 2,000 RPTTF E CmOaourbon emeK TolelDwouarg "' Payable hem Me 0.etlevelopmanf PrpPady Ts Trust Funtl lib ( 1 Pm NemeloeMObll aeon Exeadon Ode Pas T. OGIAlumrg Flralyw FUMIrp Pa.. morph )1 Mamrarum of Uradadnrg wide Tudln Unified $Resat D4Md OMI&1985 Tud1n Unified $dgcl D1dnd vend bn PerfectAree O abn 1111- 11" firm Ju 2012 A 2012 2012 Out 2012 Nov M12 Declot2 Total ($adorn 33)1 Payment; WIVJ $) Tae mere egreemam pre -1290 all PgerbY TN egreaneM $Dodd Catrd 0 0 RPTTf S " pdivids that carlarn lex sMnlp payment, sauM. ager the Agency has expal0ea Sip milder Winds for wndmglon of /,guise xMln the South Con. AmeMmed Arae ell or Arm boodle or oh rIrgeMetlrnv for Ai-dedudlons Pmvldlelm Meg9rsmmrl TMAgencyhearotrahretltne IrAeMednes smgdN x In the IM P.i World "Nor and. IN a his Ne nev. Men m psymema d1)MemoraWum oluMerdmll wXn sB]al.Mcx Wmmunn Wu rp OLMaq ($action 33)1 Payment; M1&1985) OVINI 5 Saddleback Commurly College Distad sae date Tae ahRaigrendard daa12AJMMAgerwy The a2reemenl $Dodd CeMN p pmvlds IM1d [,dein bx sbaarg paymeMa weld xnn dryer 0 RPTTF E " IM Ag.ncy has spagsd $10 M. Dollars lot mn.rvtlmn of ledlitis Mlhln the South Carted Amendment Nee W or relied M. or ON, IrdeMearns her such wMrudbn s IxovMa] In Ina Agrsmem Tib Agmry hs vol edlrea IM IMadMn.s aesddM vryh Me Public Works PgrsmeM add, rte B Ni there have been ep paymeMe 42) Weapon qv lSR55 NO Ramp Remrnfpuralron11RSY1M8psmm Elgnsnn4 Made tofide aPpIN but srvry advice, d3 Nerpea AV IEA1 NB Ramp Recce urabn 01/182010 AMeMonPens South Central 13,800 13,0[0 RPTTF 2,300 2,300 2,300 2.J00 2,300 2,YJo E 1J,000 dd)Nesyr(gv Edalawn NA Etllrgar qv 42/022010 Cak4enE Iroanrp Pdy-di nt anesand. South Conner 1,075 1,075 RPTTF 300 apo 300 3`U 3fq 375 $ 1.875 05)Neamd AV EstsewP NN Ednrlga Av taoari0lo tlapnaervl Fmdme South Central 7soo ],500 RPTTF 21 21 4d) Nerycrl As, EAenewn, Ni Eahga Av 12/1N103]Monron Who Management Mmsmpe dr apt srvlce. South Career 14,200 14,11 RPTTF 2.300 3,4]0 J.000 3,M) 3,000 d,W3 E 10,21 d) oudo Edmebd EEI end Av 01(182010 Ory U11111ytlmgneM mordMelwn mrvlcs $Dodd Card 1 .200 1.'X4 RPTTF 300 300 300 300 411 CBS CBS outdoor BldMaN AMerer.M.vinPred. P msaganeMservlw $oyM Center 5044 503J RPTTF 1,1%4 E 1,ZIX1 1l/1Md844 gMevacanan A9e^cy MonfOreg Mlanae Amnsee nlnmmPdamb xtin Soule Capel Anrmd See RDx X1f RPTlF 1000 1000 1000 1003 E SMA 49) Tustin Grove PromissoryNobe end AffordableHeuehg Covannb mmbdud Mlpdps S - very Redevelopnant Agency Agency Neutrons b aaurs theaides 18 elmmeela Sarth Cabd Annual Ss Rovi RPTTF N m.ofhip finds and In ..pit.. methftPromisory $ - Nds enn mane AlbrMae Houdry COvanM, In Aldi the Agency papers ad... ABo d.i Inusam tlocu .vA i afforded, in.. r sell tMlr home To Ina,dent RPTTF full, am nit ,Waled, b IUM INa enlomsebb q IM1en Me adlgabn III M cambered en emunncrepbnrlw of the 50) Tustin Grove AlloNAN. Hauvlg DDA 12R7114B5 RMevtlopmml Agedoy MIHF Morvlonrg to snare tM goleq wmplls wMt11e D0A To $Dodd Cartrol Annual IN ,dell ll RPTTF funds are nor available b IW IN. see Row X11 RPTiF E - enforceebla oM.,d pn, IN. the obllgdmn .11 der 51) Tax Albcelron BOMB-MCq$L filo, saris 2010 11N1201p b goMlgAaavTM1eBs of New YOM1 MNIon m do,=an avoumbande of The LMIHF BOM lemelo lung ner-buangpo,hoe TolalouldeMllg MCA$TutW debtIndq Prespal ad IMaW Mg14,11 2,111,11 RPTTF 1814,480 W7.413 E 2.Bt1,9O1 52) Focal Agent Fse - TA Bonn 2010 OMW2010 The Bank of N. York Mebr rminlstrson of MM a4vgs MCAS iuerin J,J1 53)Conemm�g dladoeve mrvlam6ardtrapa wvlcs 1pyO pip&&12/tl3 gpgrs Ban Praglcs,WdMand Asspds Contlnmq Inarl n, srvlcs for 2010 MCAS MMrs J,300 RPTTF ],300 E J,300 54) LaesmFuanermmol 1. 2662Or )Chr OSI1Yto02 Redevdomand AgWAt epmaye mrvroe. MGSTudln d]50 1,350 RPTTF 1]50 S 1,350 rOON dditioeado. AM Mlween We United slats Of Addition add Ina Cdy 01 Tuslm lOr PO2gru of Of din Property Meraganent. Mdebuderca, Emwnmadal MCASTWin Vans 0 RPTTF S _ lb Former Mss WN.e Ar Slehan TIn11n Remediation, ad ftsl Egale WrWfids of City slurs by Navy on Leese els wfit mnvayance Of Propalls. The I.Ii host managaneM add demon, P nand, managemenlaMremedbYon D1red POleq R181ed AaMrg mate only sxaalp vath excel manNemad and tllgaN neon Me LIFOC ere IWed ld RowXlr. C4nlals,I oresprs LIFOC national forbe all ora respArread Agreement tan be u mar era laurred Orr as mauaded by n 55) Less m Fudhersca of Com ayarca(LIFOC) exeMrJnd 18.214 0&1&201 Retlevebpnst Agawy, Me st of Nav oftwen IM Stas of Amsn add me CM of Tslln Ip P.rcel 2T Properly Marlagansl. Mamlenaru. Emlmmma8tl MG15 Tuahn Vms 0 RPTTF E _ r Pose of the Fomrer Marine Codes 11 Slalnn Twin Renbdrdwn. ad Rsl Erl adpdrone 41 Cary repiretl by Navy on Leas ads aR11 convyaws of PapaNea The Ir1tlMs a®el maneganml ad mgpW, p opedy masgederadirnmMurflad D -No Polegmlated Ainme, mabeody.eanlaled Wall eeea mdagana! ad tlkp ad udder Me UFOC are Ildr m Row X11 Conbadual rsyosep mere Our all dher r..pOdablldls under the LIFOC Agrsmere sell M rte May rte lrduded add As do,subed by 511) Emrwmp DwPOMAW Com (WC) for Monne Cone, Yeeves. m.0 ant of Nay _V. AIr Spend(MCA$) Tested s Amaded blpdws of Cdyntedad by Nari IN mmeyace of MCAS Tustin - this Property Order the Rene Plan hooped In 112. TN. E - 1rMndw. manganad Orr tllsposer, properly, madmamnlaMrenyoun n D1nd Poiedrelarstaffing mate seasonal vlln host management and mgmad under Me EDC ane hated m Row X11 Cadraduer meporae dean farallcherm firer Ina EDCAgreementxNIM 1helbMls as May are laurtr ad released, by Ina Deparmerlf of 5])CoMmdbrE,,dNdf Ativlsrservlcs OW07MIO Devel.bee. Rurarth Navy Implementation Plan and Strategy 51) Conrad for ErgmsX dplenmrp 0&OBRo10 RBF Co...O Plandlakar teed MCAS Tustin 1101 11.0100 RPTTF 5.0 a,L00 $ 11,000 50) Conlraq for Planning Servlcs OMOIROIO sMs Nee MCAS Tudm $4,18 54.050 RPTTF 5.000 5.000 5,000 5,000 S 20,000 1)COMrad lorE�lnesrg $ervlW 04(0]YLOIO & as HuraeXa dAawcals amSheraadr�m, Plan am Sherbet Tuehn 45,440 45000 RPTTF 15,000 15.000 1501 S 8d)ConbadWFlrendal 4ns'yda DI/ON1otl Dexamend stn O.M.MCAS 0lamalbn $Irafegy6 mapPng ee MCAS Tudln 141840 101,040 RPTTF 6,OW d,o1 4,01 Orr )g Davltl iauaelp dAsoclas drerl 1aMlsrysrvlcea aseadalM with dderminlrg MCAS Tusn 12750 12,]50 RPTTF 4,41 E 18,10 dlaMbdlon of aemeemade aestlated cam Mckgrour 12,]50 E 12.]60 82)Na pwU50.d6 GetexeyMMa pend Nraepampavememe OMW201p Infrastructure RBF Coraulllrp mate Preparation of Galeeny Mader pan and cei of larsupe MCAS Tuaa 51,084 51,884 RPTTF IOOW 1010 1J)Wa[ale Hohong Agreement mPovemaM $ 20 M00 ea) Can 0. for fares mpea 12/0&2010 COmmpo, LLC Wei NWN for the MCAS Tudm walwle(Amual) MCASTudm 1000 1.81 RPTTF 0&1& 2 001 Natnnal Cas4udbn ReMel, Inc Fenn repan s needed at MCA$ Tustin MCgS Tulin 0,210 I50 150 150 150 150 150E 404 2,41 RPTTF 21 21 21 240 MO 200E 1,200 C Iaclltulismen ToW TOW Due Dudtg ) -^ Payable from Ne Redevelopment Prol Tm Treat Fund (RPTTF) wlluwebpwSelection Procev, Eaped Penh SLpeWa 01/1S/2p11IVeroun (18 pem0ls)SOpenNunicauan for servlceof d,actimad noleseorul MCAS T'sOn N assn asm oorrc v ,� eV 12 NOV `ro12 Oho 2012 TOWI It;ovenenu and SUPplamenlel Reauletory gpreemeM eadnabpeh mmPlleswe euh mMractuol Vaenwr afbNeble M�.na iuwi P° �°°q°wi attl gPTTF umtg oElgMwre math N to 153 Moeda units within Me PRoot Totheeatenids TFfudaerenotavadeseto f,d this mbrceede oMpellon, than the odpetmn Nell ca considered! an emumbrmwe of the LMIHF Page 1(after Fwtditp) Pape 3(Admn aluiL Allowenm) Page d (Pace Thru Papnmle) .....•-..._.�..r...�...,...�.«..p...yvuu .�uv�yueervluaPPreee°oY rna onn� suAmlHlnp the " ONn19MFLOPS to M SM. and SWe OapadmM of Flnuq,NI total. due during flsctl ear and prymnlm..e is..chad. Funding atones from Ne succeuor apencY (For Oacal 2011-12 only, nhnnces to RPTTF could also mean las Incnment allocatetl to the Apen, prlor to February 1. 2012.) RPTTF - Radeveloyment Prop., Tax Trust Fund I antic. r....,...n ..a.—._____.._.._,__..._.. Bonda - Bond proonide (Mair - nwme, owns. In emat aaminpF rte 5,p3a 1 5'ySe Nama of Redewbpmed Agave, Tu.Yn Ca ul..M ftMarub u,ugAp an Prgad Aae(el RDA Purled Ane MI FORME- AI Ravanu Sum" Olhp Than Radewlo evet Paonon, Tea T2uef FandfRPTTF) DRAFT REOOGNUD OBLIGATION PAYMENT WHEODLE Par AS 26-Sctbn ]ali)11 COM WAgnemard TOw Due Gump Funtlnp PryabY from 0lMr Rawnue tourws Pm eq Nemel DeM 061 elbn EreMbn Oele P bean nlbn F�Year So. Pa man m nth n Pn ae DTonal ebtG N a 201 - olr, — Ju1 2012 2012 S 12012 Od2012 Nov 2012 Dec M12 T.W. 1)Con4acibr Envaanmertal5erncea 11/182010 Pagfic Stales Vl RanctlRoadebo P-Wated]tg69nrtn Duan MC/ST— 31 ConVed for GeoTech Semce. (mntuud mey he allLdnn t. M amaneM wm elancnfuhWne,alatetl B,pJO B.IW Bolla B,IIM $ e.oao 0&022010 NMG oT COnetrudnn of Turin Ranch ROM PVaset GrMvp 85torm OrdnlwMred may Grady, MLAS Tuedl 31 COMred for corefmabn Men m apeme M..ad to wmdale lulus hand- fated PmN(dl 20,100 20.1W Bonds 20,11]0 S 20.110 05NYL011 Pereoro Tmnawrlalbn GmuP Corlahuclbn merepemeni Nr Tuyln Rents Roetl (PM1asatand! 2) T"g O)Conbatl krTwLn RalM Rogtl CaroNrtlpn-PMyI CbDi/1O115arkovalPgelne ygneenq Corlehudlon of Tu9n RanclI ROM PhyallGntlrp851wm prabll 1.132.818 1,132.818 Bolla 40.(100 011,000 100,1100 120.000 130,000 100,000 S 580,000 h as MCq$Tuyn SW,oN SW,P'G BONe 51 P h-TABb 2010(SaAacm2. RDA —TBD 500,000 Rewln 11-05)1nclrtlkp Tuwb ReMIROM. Phase 2 e pWw-M—,. n of m,amellmjan aHM1CA$Tn 24M2,142Me 5,0,WO BOMB bGHbY Slaemekr TA BM 210 , 400,1XA 80D.a0 Lb0.D30 1.000,WB 1208,800 S 4.000,000 B)Otracl PrO)ecAretebl wad eeyroafapxyrMCAS iwMTer Em11M1Yaea Mer paRarm Chad.Afi.nlefed Albcelan BahaSalary Benefla Annual PBylall bremp0yvee aupwrl6q BOM-SmtleO pml^� MCAS Tuan —p(.010(ndWrq ell of brlaaMCABTugsTaaPHacyJonVwq- BuveeewAgerlryemdpydu) 112.5]8 230,038 BOMB t0.B45 fe,00.5 18,845 10.845 10.815 tB4O15 S 113,8]0 funded IUMMpnlede 21 Gonad Mr Tu.On Randl Road Cnnarudnn-Phaw 2(Sbeea iBp RJ Mble Camen Imgouemane) P Y CanlrucWnol TUNn Rv015,;WPhma2(Sbeef CngowmeHe) ACAB Tuaryl B.CW,000 4,CW,080 BOMB 400.O0J BOO.CCO 830,000 1.W3.000 11C0,0.V S 4,N0.q'0 B) CorNad br Erpmeeanrg Conpruclnn Sununu T ComauN of iugpn RarM Road Pbaw 215Mer hngowmapq mnbad rosy be 300,000 � Bprpe D RBF CorwM 8 Quin. br Envronmmu, 3erxme M d mm e1e Mwe LOM-rewM sale ,pq^ 10.000 10000 20,ro0 20,W0 $ 88000 I1N1/1010 Vandermaq Co 10 Comnd br NCMOlwp O PNeomn1opeal5erncw JR,dZbry/yancymnaYlug M[;RS Tuan 2]tl 02/10f1011 Paw 5 uhcun.lnc nalBP MCMaFpalwntoloplOalmm IwrcaaM mOnMmplor NegtlMrllrol E. MCAS Tuan 2,311 BOMB 2di1 $ 2.311 13,130 13,130 BDMe 2.CW 2,oW 2,000 '1,000 2,CL0 3,1M 5 13.130 S s t S s t S Towa-LMIHF t Taw.-BUNBand! K mie NIA S Towe-OBwr 34144 1088/402 WA BB 358 1400&5 1J]0815 1250845 2180815 2512025 92752" Grant nw-TVbP a WA ' The Pnllminary Dnfl RecppnbeE OVXpatbn PrymantC-anng011aBUY IROPtl la to McompYbtl by LiR0126y(M eucnuwapenry,anE aubwquenty MappwwtlbY 11h. NI 1250815 2180 BI5 2542025 9225211 Ovaw9hl Approved RON to Me State ul and Stat. Dep.0ment a Flnanca ovenlpM banE b.f.. the BnJ ROP9 baubMNeE tOtM Sttle Conimler a�ndl6wI pa alMnnlof Flt P by Apr1111, 2012 hBla nINanquYamen101tl IMM Apmd Upon Procatlumlwdp M Al total due during Seal yep and Payment amounts an proledad compYbtl balan aubmMlnp IVa Boal —Fu.c In. sources homlM aucceas.r panty' (Fw Mca12111143 ony, nlenncn to RPTTF coutl alga mean tae Incnmmt allocand totM Apanry pAor to F.brvary t, 2013.) RPTTF- gedmbprrant PmwdY Tax Trust Fund MIF. Low end MDd.rtlalncom Housb Fund Bond.- Bond Pnceetle Other- susses. nnb, lnbnal umF pe,ete /tleNn. Suaceaaa2 AtlrdnhfrNM Afaxartcv Name of Redevelopment Agam, TudeDCamoomit,rReclovehowasmAgenc, FORMC-AtlMnlatratM Coat slows. POM With Redevalopnent Profusely Tea Trust Food(RPTTF) pro,.Melva) ROA poled Area Al DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 28-saatbn 3«177 (ry Payable from the IGminWrvllw alowenca NbcNbn TpNlcal 0. Prp xt theme lOaM Obballon Pa Total DlRYdlding Fecal Y.. Yea Fumag p mda month penin bre Fro ed Ar peblor atbn 2012-2013" Zu. u. jul 2012 q 2011 5 12013 00 2012 Nov2012 Dec 2012 Total 11 Agreemerd for Rambunemed at Coco Employceefumetlby Me Apmnaba0re Budget for employsee, al 30/,380 307,380 /dmm 51,230 am CXylAdmMtweUa Agency Succ.Ag«ryMal orerbaeE fl legal aanhcee neatlad for 51230 51230 51,230 51,230 51.230 $ 301,300 Obera0oneLoen'beMeen the Succaaaor perbrm St., Agency daededomebalneoperatpn The lgencyardlMCtyandan -"-as headed for direct Orsrelght Board of Me Sup:wor Agency AeonWeMe BWg& pursuers to almmabatw operalgn« to the Twpn Conmunry Rmewlopnent Cahoots H«IM am Safely Cpds eal as owmea] and huge! Agency epamecl Me atlmmglraMe budget Seclptt Sal T/I)(rNWugealaryamsowed on March 13,2012 and!Me Successor benefits funded by the Successor Agency Ag«cy edopnd Successor Agency and Resolution No. 1211 on March 20,2012 ccda NCIWe Me "eamad Mh aPraoWg Me MmhJatralM Budgel and WwdmO, Somalia a Shen SW0.000 far epao se Me'ygraem«I Nr administrative legal serAcu aM Me Rehndrteememol Coat em Lea« of Office, Space S19A91) CSySuueemr Agency Oppebn Loan' Thea mount Wl XUWaN annually TM PDmruVeAn BWga. falcubled Or accede. w1M CeNwde Heats and Salary Code SBGttun Ul11 b).5%of Me tax $uaeemr AgencyY2011 -b2 Iw FY 2o11-2gt2 Peal 2)COMad far Lul915enxc« c LpNwun«I-pudeiewl et,port legal All ACWel expends ACNal eAesnaa Arms, Suri &ey-SVwdrvfl, Sthaflar,Yo.0 Sraun ware lnautlM rhe remautlealn Carbon amrouamaturaeeeemdo-.mywpwrt Reaming Yocu Caee.m admnlWatr Woodruff, the AdminsbeMe Xie Age We maces Spa11m85mm Nso poatl«Iptl wa,a Ream&Meale.Wates Butlga-Ro-aa1 BmgM-RaxM --Ra A Co 6 Henley, WBNre 6 Company, ea uda dnd poled senna aM adJ«none Juana) Ilb«.&s ae and eoade<ouded batww mminp9abwlemim lags, ewetma am poled-reltlm lege! ewaer 31 Leese oromn 5«w pK nHaMm, nuc omni wets rem ag Adadegnnes Ad«Ieapene Admin were maueetlm wege MIn AamldNnwe Measurn0e3a-Rwp1 Budat R M1 C)Wd$q WMe,NwnObM1I,EaqmyofamoalPgyepeMr« al ,MActual Actualevpenea pUuelnp.mes Idmn Lua wan Mame« In re maadea In MeeMeAdmand"Ohe Budget-R -91 Budget R,-AH 51 f 8 0 9 S to f 11 121 S 131 S la f 11 0 It 9 20 f 21 22 23 24) 2s M 271 S 2B 6 It f f S TotaN-Thle Pe 307,380 30}]60 51230 512]0 513]0 51 ]0 513]0 513]11 ' TM1a PrNiminary Draft Rocogntad Oblgtlion Payment Schedule lROPS)I. to be compplad by 1112012 by the 301360 aucwuoagency, odaubneutati, be.,Nnred by the ownight bomtl balue lb Intl Fill 1. abinad to 11.list. Controls and Slate Depotoant of Finance 16, 2012. I Ia not aveabamanl that the Agreed Upon Pro adurea Autll be conq%tW bafpre aubmlMMg IM Intl OwnlgM Approwd ROPS State by spm alhalal PaymanlamounNmp011.12. to the Controller and Star. Department of Flnanu. sodoMgIletheouccoat "'FundNg.lopfum1Naucnuoragsncy. /Forflau1301142 onM. resonances to RPTTF cauM alw memtea Increment tlbther-to Me Agency, Februaryt,2012.) aw Fund BRna.- Bonessor Int OIM1m-nurvse nnla, Inlmat «rnlnpa, ate LMHF - La Moderate Moderate Income Housing m«Houaing Fund IdnInfin Agency alowann -- Admowand All g0llc2.ml3 I F..A6-M1tlM ""-Mm'nbUdNaCut Mowanu ea • n5%af FDrmA&moniM1 tohN In 301142 and3%ef Feria A&mbntM1 toNla In 2012 13 The ealeWtllan -hot M not hada In passlhuu h goorments POW for with 0.PRFIn Foam D.