Staff is requesting that the City Council approve a Cooperative Agreement with the Cities of Irvine
and Newport Beach for implementation of the Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization Project CIP
No. 40081. Engineering and construction will be performed in collaboration with adjacent
jurisdictions, including Caltrans, with the City of Irvine taking the lead in managing the project.
Work will be performed under the OCTA Competitive Measure M2 Traffic Signal Synchronization
Program (Project P).
It is recommended that the City Council approve the Cooperative Agreement with the Cities of
Irvine and Newport Beach for the Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization Project, and authorize
the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City.
Under the OCTA Competitive Measure M2 Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P),
cities are required to provide minimum match funding of twenty percent (20%) for the project, with
Tustin's share amounting to approximately $19,000. Sufficient funds for this project have been
budgeted and appropriated in this Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Capital Improvement Program for this
On July 26, 2010 the OCTA adopted the countywide Traffic Signal Synchronization Master Plan.
From this Master Plan the Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (Project P) was
developed. To maintain City eligibility for funding under Project P, the City Council adopted the
Local Signal Synchronization Plan (LSSP) for Tustin on December 7, 2010 in compliance with the
OCTA Master Plan.
On April 5, 2011 the City Council approved the submittal of applications to the OCTA by
neighboring agencies, in collaboration with the City of Tustin, for funding of the following multi-
jurisdictional traffic signal synchronization projects:
Jamboree Road from Portola Parkway to Pacific Coast Highway, with the City of
Irvine submitting the application in collaboration with Caltrans and the cities of
Newport Beach and Tustin;
Cooperative Agreement for Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization
May 1, 2012
Page 2
2. Warner Avenue from Red Hill Avenue to Pacific Coast Highway, with the City of
Fountain Valley submitting the application in collaboration with Caltrans and the
cities of Huntington Beach, Santa Ana and Tustin; and
3. Tustin Avenue from First Street to Yorba Linda Boulevard, with the City of Santa Ana
submitting the application in collaboration with Caltrans and the cities of Placentia,
Anaheim, Orange and Tustin.
All three projects were subsequently approved by the OCTA Board and have been included in the
City's FY 2011 -2012 Capital Improvement Program Budget as CIP 40081. The OCTA has taken
the lead in administering design and construction of the Warner Avenue and Tustin Avenue
Synchronization Projects, for which cooperative agreements were approved by the City Council on
January 3, 2012.
The project includes nine signals, from El Camino Real to Portola Parkway, within the City of
Tustin. Approval by all agencies is required before work can proceed. The City Attorney has
reviewed and approved the agreement as to form. Caltrans and the City of Irvine are entering into
a separate agreement for synchronization of the 1 -5 Freeway ramps at Jamboree Road.
Stack, P. E.
Public Works /City Engineer
Attachment: Cooperative Agreement
S: \City Council Items\2012 Council Items\Approve Coop Agreement for Jamboree Road Synchronization Project.docx
This Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization Project Agreement ('Agreement') 2 ~ mgr��,nenc/
a California !heC|TY OF IRVINE, __,_~~r~~"on("City) and theu//EuuFmEVVPORTBEACHANDTUST|N
(co|lectively. �Pmr���i�A���ae�m�m���n�
tohenemind/vidueUyeoa" Agencies') --' -
A. The City, in cooperation with the Participating Agencies, are working together in
coordinating bm�nokJna�across muK��jur�dk��na/ boundaries asa part ofthe
Renewed Measure yN(yN2) Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program Project
p (Project P)to enhance oounlywide traffic flow and reduce congestion.
& The City has been awarded Project Pfunds based nn the application (heroinafter,
"Application") prepared by the City for implementation of signal synchronization —
traffic signals along Jamboree Road Corridor between Podu|a Parkway and
MacArthur Boulevard (henaina#*/.^Pnxoct^)
C, The Participating Agencies have elected to designate the City and the City agrees to
act ao implementing agency tn carry out the signal coordination Project,
D The Project will include approximately twenty-seven (27) traffic signals as identified in
the Application and illustrated in the Project scope of work, which is attached and
referred to herein anA�aohmentA '
E The Project will include elements identified in the Application such as the
development and implementation of optimized signal synchronization timing,
preparation of before and after study, and installation of signal timing improvements
ao identified in Attachment A.
F. The City agrees to work with Participating Agencies to coordinate the inclusion of
other traffic control elements that must be inohoUod at the same time as the
construction of the Project that are NOT included in Attachment A and will be the
hnancial responsibility of the Participating Agency owning each and any of those
traffic control elements during the course cf the Project.
G� The City agrees hoimplement the Project based on Attachment A The City and
Participating Agencies agree to a combined cash and in-kind match of fifty-seven
thousand, six hundred and hfty-8wodoUm
�($57.G52OO) equivalent t"~ twenty r percent
(20��)uf the Pn�edcost based onA�achmentB The" m received funds i through
P provide 80% or up to two hundred thirty thousand six hundred u eight " .. doldollars a
($230. 608.00) of the Project cost. n ' ���----- ''" `
,� the event the Project costs exceed the
esbnnabaaameubmhhadin the AppUcaUonaeprepare by the C `' eUpo�auagree to
meet and determine Project revisions to satisfy the budget or revised funding
pnopnem| by Participating Agencies which shall be documented —d and . ubmitted in
writing ama revision to the Agreement.
H The City the Project in support of Project P as pad of M2.
, Participating Agencies desire hz enter into this Agreement to implement
This Agreement defines the specific terms, conditions, and funding responsibilities
NOW, THEREFORE, hn consideration of the above recitals and the mutual covenants set
forth below, the City and the Participating Agencies agree as follows:
Complete Agreement
a. This AQreomen, including any attachments incorporated herein and mode
applicable by rohanence, unn/ddutea the complete and exclusive statement of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement between City and the Participating
Agencies and it supersedes all prior repnaaentabons, understandings and
communications between the parties. The invalidity in whole or in pert of any
term or condition of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of other term(s) or
conditions(s) uf this Agreement. The above referenced Recitals are true and
correct and are incorporated by reference herein.
City's failure to insist on any mstance(s) of Participating Agencies' performance
of any term(s) orcondhmn(s) of this Agreement ohoU not be construed as a
waiver or relinquishment of City's right to such performance or to future
performance of such term(s) or condition(s), and Participating Agencies'
performance of any term(o) or condition(s) of this Agreement shall not be
construed obligation in respect thereto nheU continue in full force and effect.
Changes to any portion of this Agreement shall not be binding upon City except
when specifically confirmed in vvhhng by on authorized representative of City by
way of a written amendment to this Agreement and issued in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement.
c. Participating Agencies' failure to insist on any instance(s) of City's performance
of any term(s) or condition(s) of this Agreement shall not be construed as a
waiver or relinquishment of Participating Agencies' right to such performance or
to future performance of such term(s) or condition(s), and City's obligation in
respect thereto shall continue in full force and effect. Changes to any portion of
this Agreement shall not be binding upon Participating Agencies except when
specifically confirmed in writing by an authorized representative of Participating
Agencies by way of a written amendment to this Agreement and issued in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
2. Scope of Agreement
This Agreement specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Parties as they pertain to
the subjects and projects addressed herein. Both City and Participating Agencies agree
that each will cooperate and coordinate with the other in all activities covered by this
Agreement and any other aupp|emantal agreements that may be required to facilitate
purposes thereof.
I Responsibilities of the City as Project Lead,Agency
The City as the Lead Agency agrees to the - responsibilities for the
implementation o[ the Project:
a. To manage, procure, and complete the Project as identified in Attachment A.
which is attached hoand, by this refensnoa, incorporated in and made a part of
this agreement.
b. To cooperate with the Orange County - ���t�m Authority (OC�) Primary Implementation phase of the Project,
C. To collect manual intersection movement and automated machine traffic counts.
U To develop new timing plans optimized for signal synchronization.
e To provide updated timing plans and traffic count data to the Participating
[ To prepare m "Before and After Study" for the Project. As described in the
Measure M2 Eligibility Guidelines adopted by the Orange County Transportation
Authority. the ^Bahz,e and After Study" for the project in considered the
equivalent of the required Project Final Report (Measure ~2 Ordinance No. 3
GechonB.UiQ) for the project. The City ohoUprovide tho^B—~reand After Stu y�
to the Participating Agencies in dn*# and final formats - — for comment ~'' "« d
comments shall be noted in the final study.
g To provide Ongoing Maintenance and Operation of optimized signal timing after
Primary Implementation of the Project is completed and continue until the end of
the three year grant period.
h To invoice the Participating Agency providing dollar match as identified in
Attachment 8o( the end of each phase.
i To request proof of expenditures from Participating Agency providing in-kind
match as identified in Attachment Bat the end of each phase.
4, Responsibilities of the Part!�Jpatinq Agencies
Participating Agencies agree to the following responsibilities for implementation and
funding of the Project:
e. To provide a technical representative to meet and participate as a member of the
project's Traffic Forum,
b. To authorize the City to manage, prouure, and implement all aspects of the
c To participate and support the Project implementation within the bmeframe
outlined in the Application and consistent with the Comprehensive Transportation
Funding Program (CTFP) Guidelines adopted byOCTA.
d. To provide the City all current intersection, |oom/ field masier, and/or central
control system hminQplans and related data upon request,
e To provide the |ooe( match and/or documentation for the in-kind services for the
project in accordance with Attachment B Failure to provide included match
and/or evidence of in-kind service may result in the loss of future participation for
competitive funds.
f Participating Agencies that have included a dollar match as identified in
Attachment B shall provide payment for the dollar match to the City within 30
days of receipt ofaninvoice.
Participating Agencies that have mouoeo an m*md match as identified in
Attachment B shall provide documentation of conformance to the City within 30
days cf City's request.
h. Participating Agencies shall provide updates to the City on the Project as part of
the semi-annual review process until completion of the three year Project grant
period. Documents to be provided include, but are not limited to, payroll records,
contracts, and purchase orders.
Delegated Authority
The actions required to be taken by Participating Agencies in the implementation of this
Agreement are delegated to their City Managers, or equivalent designees, and the
actions required to be taken by City in the implementation of this Agreement are
delegated to City's City Manager or his designee. Participating Agencies represent to
one another that this designation of authority is authorized under their respective local
rules and regulations.
6. Audit and Inspection
City ' Participating Agencies shall maintain a complete set o[records in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles. Upon reasonable notice. Qty shall
permit the authorized representatives of the Participating Agencies to inspect and audit
all work, mateha|u, poyno||, books, eccounto, and other data and records uf City for a
period of four (4) years after final payment, or until any on-going audit is completed. For
purposes of audit, the date of completion of this Agreement shall be the date of OCTA's
payment of City's final billing (so noted on the invoice) under this Agreement. The
Participating Agencies shall have the right to reproduce any such books, naconda, and
accounts. The above provision with respect to audits shall extend to and/or be included
in contracts with City's contractor,
a. The Participating Agencies shall jointly and severally indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the City, it's officers, directors, employees and agents from and against
any and all claims (including attorney's fees and reasonable expenses for
litigation and settlement) for any loss or damages, bodily injuries, damage to, or
loss of property caused by the negligent acts, omissions or willful misconduct by
the Participating Agencies, its officers, directors, employees or agents in
connection with or arising out of the performance of this Agreement.
b. The Participating Agencies shall maintain adequate levels of insurance, or self-
insurance to assure full indemnification of City.
c City shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Participating Agencies, its
nfhoem, dipactom, employees nragents, and/or its officers, din*ch7m, employees
or agents from and against any and all claims (including attorney's fees and
n*000nob|a expenses for litigation and settlement) for any !nsm or damages,
bodily injuheo, damage to. or loss of property caused by the negligent onta,
omissions or willful misconduct by City. its offioem, diruchom, employees or
agents in connection with or arising out of the performance of this Agreement.
d City shall maintain adequate levels of insurance, or self-insurance to assure full
indemnification of the Participating Agencies,
Additional Lrovisions
a. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until
September 30, 2016. This Agreement may be extended or amended at the
mutual consent of all parties hereto. No amendment shall have any force or
effect unless executed in writing by all parties hereto.
b The City and the Participating Agencies agree to work together in good haith
using reasonable efodyto resolve any unforeseen issues and disputes arising
out of the pe�nrmanoeof this Agreement,
n. Legal Authority: The City and the Participating Agencies hereto consent that they
are authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf cfsaid parties and that by
so executing this ogreement, the parties hereto are formally bound to the
provisions of this Agreement.
d Severobikh/: If any term, prov/oion, covenant or condition of this Agreement is
held to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, to any extent, by any court of
competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be effected
theveby, and each (enn, provimion, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall
be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted bylaw,
a. Counterparts of Agreement: This Agreement may be executed and delivered in
any number ofcounterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered oho||
be deemed an original and all of which together ohoU constitute the same
agreement. Facsimile signatures will bepermitted.
L In the event that the Project Coots exceed the eoUmoh*s as submitted in the
Application as prepared by the City, all parties agree to meet and determine
Project revisions to satisfy the budget ma revised funding proposal by
Participating Agencies which shall be documented and submitted in writing as a
revision hz the Agreement.
g. The Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes
ordinances and n*gu|adonaof any governmental euthohtyhaving jurisdiction ove
the Project,
In, Force Majauna: Either Party ahoU be excused from performing its obligations
under this Agreement during the time and bo the extent that itio prevented from
performing by an unforeseeable cause beyond its oontno|, including but not
limited 1o; any incidence of fivo. flood; acts of God: commandeering ufmabahe|
produnto, plants or facilities by the federal, state or local government; national
fuel yhodage� or material act oromission by the other paUY; when uah�a�n
evidence of such cause is presented to the other Party, and provided further that
such nonperformance is unfon*aeeab|e, beyond the control and in ncdduetot
fault or negligence of the Pa�ynot podbnning ''�
Assignment: Neither this Agreement, nor any of the Parties hghta, obligations, `
without the prior written consent of the other Party in its sole and absolute
discretion. Any such attempt of assignment shall be deemed void and of no
foe and effed ConsenttoonoaaaignmentmheUn��bed d
eem�oonaent toen
� any
subsequent assignnmnt, nor the waiver of any right to consent to such
subsequent assignment.
j Obligations hx Comply with Law. Nothing herein shall be deemed nor construed
to authorize or require any Party to issue bonds, notes or other evidences of
indebtedness under the tenna, in amounts, or for purposes other than as
authorized by local, state or federal law.
k. Governing Law: The laws of the State of California and applicable local and
federal laws, regulations and guidelines shall govern this Agreement.
Notices: Any nohoe, demend, request, conoent, approval or communication
under this Agreement shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by
prepaid, first-class mail ho the address set forth below. Either party may change
its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing.
Notice shall be deemed given (e) upon personal delivery or(b) forty-eight (48)
hours from deposit of such notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid,
To City of Irvine:
City of Irvine
P.O. Box 19576
Irvine, CA82S23-0575
Attention: Director of Public Works
To Citv of Newport Beach:
City of Newport Beach
P.O. Box 1768
Newport Beach, CAQ2S58
Attention: Director of Public Works
To City of Tustin:
City of Tustin
3O0 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA0278O
Attention: Director of Public Works/City
(Signature Page Follows)
This Agreement shall be made effective upon execution by both parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed on the date first set forth above,
Manuel Gomez
Director of Public Works
Shane Apodaca
City Clerk
Phil Kohn
City Attorney
Nancy Gardner
Leilani Brown
City Clerk
City Attorney
By 1
Director of Pu blic Works
By: f-kA
Shade Apoclac�
City Clerk
Phil l4ohn
City Attorn y
Dated: zfi.V1 L
John Nielsen
Pamela Stoker
City Clerk
Scope of Work
Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization
The City of Irvine will lead the PROJECT to optimize signal synchronization timing along
Jamboree Corridor (Portola to MacArthur). Below is the list of intersections:
Table 1: Project Traffic Signals
City of Tustin
15. Jamboree Rd @ Alton Pkwy
1. Jamboree Rd @ Portola Pkwy
16. Jamboree Rd @ McGaw Ave
2. Jamboree Rd @ Champion Way
17. Jamboree Rd @ Kelvin Ave
3. Jamboree Rd @ Trevino Dr
18. Jamboree Rd @ Main St
4. Jamboree Rd @ Robinson Dr
California Department of Transportation
5. Jamboree Rd @ Irvine Blvd
19. Jamboree Rd @ 1-405 NB Off-Ramp
6. Jamboree Rd @ Tustin Ranch Plaza
20. Jamboree Rd @ 1-405 SB Off-Ramp
7. Jamboree Rd @ Bryan Ave
City of Irvine
8. Jamboree Rd @ West Dr
21. Jamboree Rd @ Michelson Dr
9. Jamboree Rd @ El Camino Real
22. Jamboree Rd @ Dupont Dr
California Department of Transportation
23. Jamboree Rd @ Campus Dr
10. Jamboree Rd @ 1-5 NB Off-Ramp
24. Jamboree Rd @ Birch St
11. Jamboree Rd @ 1-5 SB Off-Ramp
25. Jamboree Rd @ Fairchild Rd
City of Irvine
26. Jamboree Rd @ Centrepointe
12. Jamboree Rd @ Michelle Dr
City of Newport Beach
13. Jamboree Rd @ Barranca Pkwy
27. Jamboree Rd @ MacArthur Blvd
14. Jamboree Rd @ Beckman Ave
The following is an outline of the scope of services for PROJECT Primary Implementation,
1> Proiect Administration
CITY shall provide general project administration, environmental prVoeSaing, and quality control.
PARTICIPATING AGENCIES shall provide support project nl8n@Qem8Dts8micesfVrthHp jeot
intersections located within their jurisdiction and assist in maintaining PROJECT schedule.
8) Data Collection
The CITY will assemble with the assistance of PARTICIPATING AGENCIES the necessary
data to understand the existing traffic conditions for the PROJECT and its respective traffic
signal operations. This shall include, at minimum, the following
• All dota, dOCunlentG, p|ono, phOt0S, etc. related to each Project intersection
within the pant two years;
• Local agency timing preferences or policies for all modes of travel and special
intersection treatments; and
• Manual and K0aChiUa Traffic counts for highway links and intersections for
weekday and weekend time periods for all [DudeS of travel. Special 72-hour
video counts will be conducted at up to eight (0) intersections along the
corridor with established special modal use.
b\ Field Reviews
CITY shall conduct PROJECT field reviews to verify collected data including geometric
|ayout, inventory of existing traffic signal control and connnnunicadnns, and any and all
factors that impact or affect signal progressions.
2} Signal Synchronization Timin
The CITY shall develop a signal synchronization model using SYnchroaDd Sim Traffic D.0
and Tru — Traffic 9.0 to verify the operation of existing timing and then produce and evaluate
potential timing changes that would improve or refine the corridor traffic fl0vvo through
improved opbnnkc8d signal operations. The PARTICIPATING AGENCIES shall be involved
in the review and validation of the recommended signal timing. The DCTA Corridor
Synchronization performance Index (CGP|) combines Average Speed, 5<Opa per Mile, and
Greens per Red (number of iDte[meChOOS SuCcaSShJ||y traversed on 8 Green Light VS.
Stopped by a Red Light) into a composite index. The CSPI shall be the defined metric in this
The CITY shall utilize the approved Optimized Signal Timing and implement the timing into
the central and field controller systems and provide Fine Tuning services. The After Study
Travel Time Runs Shall be performed and the Before hJ After comparison CGP| shall then
be determined.
3) CITY shall conduct real-time floating car "runs" in each direction during the planned (Before)
and implemented (After) time periods of PROJECT traffic signal synchronization. Summary
reports shall be prepared by CITY in coordination with the PARTICIPATING AGENCIES to
|ndenUfv improvements inmetrics from the Before 1O After conditions. The Before and After
Study shall constitute the PROJECT Final Report.
Additionally, this report shall document improvements accomplished and recommend
procedures for continuing ma/nheOeOc0. surveillance, and evaluation of the coordinated
signal system.
4). Engineering Design, Review, and Procurement/Construction — SgRport Infrastructure
Each PARTICIPATING AGENCY shall provide sufficient staffing to provide Engineering
Design Review of design documentation. If design documentation is provided by the
PARTICIPATING AGENCY for PROJECT, the Engineering Design Review requirement
shall be satisfied. Purchase and construction/installation of the requested traffic signal
infrastructure and upgrades, software, licenses, or other components as approved in the
application shall be by the CITY in the name of and for the end user PARTICIPATING
AGENCY. The CITY shall work with the PARTICIPATING AGENCIES to coordinate design,
identification of applicable standards/specifications, purchasing and/or installation of the
required improvements. Design and other technical Support to implement the upgrades
GA8U be subject to the designated cost estimate, The budget for these improvements is
fixed to the approved budget and will be subject to revised scope or additional oOO<hbUdoDS.
The highest priority improvements shall be those that are required t0 optimize signal timing.
The PARTICIPATING AGENCY shall waive all fees for permits and inspections and shall
provide sufficient pn}fBsS|qna/ staffing to provide construction support and inspection
services 1oPROJECT.
For @ period of two (2) years (24 monthS), from the date of PROJECT acceptance, CITY shall
provide for On Going Maintenance and K4Dnih3hn0 of PROJECT, This shall include the
observation of corridor and system intersection DpeGdiODe to maintain PROJECT integrity.
CITY will make observations and provide recommended changes to PARTICIPATING AGENCY
for approval and implementation. CITY shall also provide resources for maintenance and repair
of any PROJECT installed infrastructure for the same time period. PARTICIPATING AGENCY
shall provide sufficient staffing for assistance in administration of this task.
Cost Estimates
Jamboree Road Signal Synchronization
City of Irvine
Number of Si
1 7 si nals 11
17 signals (in)
includes 4 Caltrans
S nchronization Costs,
1 7 si nals x
17 signals x $6,000/signal
Before & A ft er Stud
17 signals x
a 1
si s x $300/signal
$ 5,100
Signal Improvement Costs-
Ift 0
Time Sou rce
Time Source installed at:
$ 1,680
imize T
0 ti i d iming
Jamboree/1-5 NB Ramps
Communications & Detection
Jamboree/1-5 SB Ramps
$ 2,400
Jamboree/1-405 NB Ramps
Total $ 10,380
Jamboree/1-405 SB Ramps
- Type of Matching Funds: In-Kind
Monitoring & Improving
4 signals x $2,000ea
17 signals x $70/signal/month x 2
$ 8,000
$ 28,560
Optimized Timing
Communications & Detection
17 signals x $100/signal/month x 24
$ 40,800
20% City of Irvine Match: $36,892 (20% of $184,460)
Llype of Matching Funds: In-Kind —
City of Newport Beach
Number of -Oirjnn1--
S 'Ss:
I si nal
S nchronization Cost
1 si nal v cta rinn/�,ignq1
1 si na I x $6�
$ 6,000
Before & Affinr Stud %r
1 si na I x $3 0/signal
1 si nal x $30
$ 300
0 Imp roving
Monitoring & Improving
1 signal x $70/signal/month x 24 months
$ 1,680
imize T
0 ti i d iming
Communications & Detection
1 signal x $100/signal/month x 24
$ 2,400
Total $ 10,380
-. City of Newport Beach Match $2,076 (20 of $10,380)
- Type of Matching Funds: In-Kind
City of Tustin
Number of Si pals:
9 signals
S S c r o i �
richrnza on Costs. Costs.
9 signal x $6,000/signal
$ 54,000
Before & A r zr Stu irjw
e d
9 signal x $300/signal
$ 2,700
Moni toring
Monitoring & Improvi ng
9 signal x $70/signal/month x 24 months
$ 15,120
Optimized Timing
Communications & Detection
9 signal x $100/signal/month x 24
$ 21,600
$ 93,420
20% City of Tustin Mitch: $18,684 (20% of $93,420)
__Iype of Matching Funds: Dollar Match