HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1312 4 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Zl 24 25 26 28 29 50 51 reso] RESOLUTION NO. 1312 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DENYING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V-73-1 OF COAST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FOR SIGNING AND FINDING A NON-CONFORMING STATUS ' The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby Lye as follows:' · 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: a) That a proper application for Variance (No. V-73-1) was filed on behalf of Coast Federal Savings and Loan: Association for a variance to permit a roof sign and canopy.sign, exceeding area and design limitations of the-Sign Ordinance No. 438 on the property de- scribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incor- porated herein by this reference, as though set forth in full, located at'530 East First Street in the Larwin Square Shopping complex. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That in the absence of special circumstances appli- cable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Sign Ordinance is found not to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and 'under iden- tical zone classification. d) That the granting of a variance as requested will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. That the granting of the variance as requested will be contrary to the intent of the Sign Ordinance, and said variance should not be granted. f) That the existing roof sign is in a non-conforming status with authorized right to continued use with change of sign face only, with said use to terminate upon change of character of occupancy of the struc- ture, abandonment of the sign use for a period exceed ing six months, voluntary removal, or destruction. g) That Ordinance No. 438 (The Sign Ordinance) author- izes a wall sign equivalent to two (2) s~uare feet for each foot of building frontage, and said author- ization is determined to be adequate to the needs of the facility and consistent with the limitations placed upon other business establishments under like circumstances. h) The design and format of authorized signs shall be as authorized by the Sign Ordinance and as approved by the Development Preview Commission. 4 17 2. The Planning Commission hereby denies a variance as applied for to establish a right for a roof sign in a commercial complex and authorizes the continued use of an existing sign structure in a non-conforming status, with all other signing being limited to the provisions of the Sign Ordinance as applic- able to businesses in a commercial complex. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, helf on the 22nd day of January., 1973. CPLm. IRMAN OF THE PLANNING~OMMISSION · 18 P~NNING CO~ISSION RECORDING SECRETLY 21 ~' 22 2~ 2A 25 2~ 27 28 2~ -2- · ~q3at portical of ~e R~cho Santiago de S~ta ~a, in ~e City of  ~sC~, ~nty of Or.ge. State of Califo~ia, desc=i~d as O ~I~I~ at the Not,est ~er o~ Bilk 29 of ~e ~ of ~ac~ according to a ~p thet~f recorded in ~k '~k]~i-'218 ed 219, Hiscell~eous Records of ~a ~elee Co~:y, Cali~o~ia, th~ce ~sterly al~s ~e ~etly line o~ First Street, 66 feet vide, NotCh 89' 49e ~" East 735.58 feet ~d ~rth 89' 5&' 20" ] ~3.28 feet to the ~rtheas: co~er of Yorba's Su~ivtsim,  ~ ~e City o~ ~st~n~ as sh~ ~ a.~p ~ereo~ recorded ~ ~ 5~ Page 11, Miscellaneous ~ps, Records of said ~ ~ge ~ty; :hence Sou:h 39* 56~ 00" ~est 1189.~2 feet &l~S ~e 8o:t~ester[y ~e of N~rC Avenue ~o ~e ~ center l~e ~:erseccton o~ ~trd S~reet~ ab~doned~ 66 ~ fe~: wide; thence South 89' &9~ gO" ~est ~35.37 ~eet el~& said c~cer~tne ~o the ~sterly l~e of H Street~ ' &6 feet wlde~ thence ~rCh 910.37 feet ~re o~ less alonK ~. said E~ter~y ~tne of H Street, ~ feet wide~ to said · ~ OF B~Z~. - ~~ the NortherZy 17 feet Cheryl; ~I~ at ~e said ~rtheast co,er of Yorba~s ~b- divisi~ thence WesterZy a~8 the ~utherly line of said F~I: Street, 66 feet wide, S~th 89' ~ 20" West ~eet; th~ce South 0* 05* 40" East 207.00 feet; thence ~r~ 89* 54~ 20" East 230,~ fee: to the Nor=~es:er'Zy l~e of N~rt Argue; ~ence North 39* 56* 00" ~st . -. 170.64 feet aZ~g said Northwesterly Z~ne of ' .. Av~e ~ the ~ OF .. ~ctn8 at the intersectt~ of ~e Vest line of said Bl~k ~ and the South ~tne of the North 17 feet o~ said ' ~ 29; ~ce South 0* 03~ 10" West al~E said West 1~*, a dtst~ce of 1~ ~eet; th~ce ~rth ~* 58~ 00' . ~, a dtst~ce of 2Z,2~ feet~ to the intersection of ,; ~ I~ ~th ~tne; ~ence South 89' ~Z* ~" ~es~ along ' s~d S~ ~ine, t dtst~ce of 15 feet to ~I~ OF ~IN- .' _. ~ ~~ the right to all minerals ly~n8 ~eath ~e ~urface ~eteof ~c~udtng~ without ~t:tn& the 8~era~tty og the foregotng~ · ~ ~et~e~ ot~ na:ura~ Ess ~d other hydr~ar~n substances '~teo~et nature ~d k~d prev~o~y ~cept~ ~ rese~ed o~ record. ~ ~[~ ttt~e to and the rtRht ~ extract s~ o~ the minerals a~ ~y kind and character occurrin~ ~ ~yinE be[~ a depth o~ 500 feet ~ea:h the surface ~ereo~ tnc~lnE~ without ~ittnE the ~erm~ity o~ the ~oregoing~ a~ petro~em, ot~, na:ura~ gas ~d o~er h~tocar~n substances o~ whatsoever kin~ ~d ~ature; provided, h~- wet~ wtt~t the right to use the sur[ace ~d the upper 500 fee: ~edi.' V ~neath the surface tn ~e ezercise of o- rights hete~ ~ept~. Ad rese~ed. ~ ~ ~S~ "A~ - e~o I o ~_ - ~_ ' ~,_~. ~ - ~ . __ ........... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, NANCY LAWTON, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Co~ission of the City of Tustin, California; that " the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the ~Co~ission, held on' the .~~. day of .~ , 19~. · PLMNNiNG ~OM~I~D~O~ RECORDING SECRETARY