HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst Amended Second Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule – July to December 2012 Period (5-10-12)FIRST AMENDED SECOND RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE - CONSOLIDATED FILED FOR THE JULY to DECEMBER 2012 PERIOD Name of Successor Agency Successor Agency to Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34171(b) of the Health and Safety code, hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Doug Davert Chair Name /� Title sem' May 10, 2012 Sign re Date Current Total Outstanding Total Due Debt or Obligation During Fiscal Year Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 171,784,303.00 $ 12,769,835.00 Total Due for Six Month Period $ 10,618,051.00 Outstanding Debt or Obligation Available Revenues other than anticipated funding from RPTTF $ 588,411.00 Enforceable Obligations paid with RPTTF $ 9,737,515.00 Administrative Cost paid with RPTTF $ 292,125.00 Pass-through Payments paid with RPTTF $ Administrative Allowance (up to 3 percent of the property tax allocated to the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund money that is allocated to the successor agency for each fiscal year thereafter, provided, however, that the amount shall not be less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for any fiscal year or such lesser amount as agreed to by the successor agency. However, the allowance amount shall exclude any administrative costs that can be paid from bond proceeds or from sources other than property tax. $ 292,125.45 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34171(b) of the Health and Safety code, hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Doug Davert Chair Name /� Title sem' May 10, 2012 Sign re Date Hamed R.avelopinea Agana:y. Tustin ComatWN Redeveloomaa A9mw Pm�W Ate(+) RDA PIWW Arm AO FORK 0. • RWwebp mnint Pyedy Tea Treat FLM (RPTTF) FIRST AMENDED SECOND RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AS 26 • Semon 34177(•) Payable from the Redevelopment Pmparty T, Trust Furor (RPTTF) C,hamAgmvmvN Trial OWdaraling TendDuneabp Foal Year ••• Funding P— elm month W Nanne/Dai Ob' Exeaabn Dale P m P WArm D 201 1 S—Ju 2012 A 2012 Sent 2012 ON 2012 N. 2012 0.2012 7-1 11 Houebg Tax Abocean Snide, Saba 2010 03g1/2010 Bcodmdem vin The Sam, at New Yak Malts Proceeds heat the eels ofthe Bands unit be need b(a) An 40S"'Iso 1,815,181 RPTTF 1,27D,453 X"" a puffin. of the City Ob0pabn(A eedaNe Hauang 544.728 S 1.815,181 Relmbumanea Agannum), (b) fund a rosette named fa he Banda, and (a) pmad f.be need of leRdnp the Bands. renalm ateMbg debt mina. IdMpal and bmmem. 21 Farm Aged Fam-TA Bad 2010 Oti11V20/O The Bmkd Neu Yak Milan ebn40abdbn d bad amvMm(pad annually) All 3,300 3,300 RPTTF 3.300 S 3.3110 J Codhndngelaa.mm mrvkm6arbilmga aevkm 10130120106&1211 Applied Best Pusdw Woman 6 Am". Cadmngdeelosum aervkea for 2010 Houekg bonds and All 4,350 1380 RPTTF 1,350 f 1350 rNOageeeM— 4) Coudy Adatblagee mFee ComtydO amnllu Wlembn admiddm0vefm All 213,000 213,000 RPTTF 213,000 S 213,000 5) Gafld removal 1010172008 Onfld Cannel System Gneletl-1 b that Town Cedar and SOWN Caeml All 13,800 13,800 RPrTF 4,11100 4,600 4,800 f R.webpmenl Protea Alas. Cement in mid fa.rough - 13,800 CWO, G.—I end RDA 6) CoNma bravaaW. ca.mer W properly march 0012W010 LmpNM, Ins, wabbaad Curran—1 Poop" Maven il, A0 3,500 3,500 RPTTF S mmneida,indualaland atheriumpe.y tyPmmTlaan Turd. 7) Cadham W umlMaaed bueeims amNe.e lnfame0an 03/10/2011 TOm for autumn Succuss, LLC Webbeaaa bueinees asstabna mus walable an the City d Tuab11 webam AM 1,140 1.140 RPTTF 5 - .)Deed Pled Rebled Casb(k muding Sobry and Sumba handed by in. Foos—ployee,funded by "— S.IApmry ANNUAL Peymp for-play—fa altar patent ponation; AN 581,043 581,043 RPTTF 441,942 48,842 40,042 49.042 S—SAgenic/) pafam Su— Agmey adMbe, for dimcl Ihandid—fvABudmleamually. Theamplermeoam 49,942 49,942 f 200,852 mppo. Pafemkg[awed related adMlm Ilmldng in. W—bk obbgetbnd tided on Roan 613419, Rave 626636, Rowe (X0431. Run 655457, 6 Rosas 656668. o) PERS Will, (timutay admmd) Cbyo(Tu.un Empbysea haled by the Su.mmr Agency that paform All 140,518 RPTTF 3 . St—Ag yal,110Th. liability 1.Imann l annually and may inand ardec,ee basndana matyd enne—W andaamai—anapbone 101 Sam, Armyme Feat Band dAmedw Faro Ch.190 by bank W bamadime All 30000 30.000 RPTTF i _ 111 PaMM In Lim d Tmm Agrmmed• FWdes Pointe 1MVIGH Ckyaf Tudln Agencymodtnrabhwremobuntannml payment All Annual Sm Raw6/1 RPTTF 1 121 Payataaln Ll..fT..AW—W-Orange Godes 08713/1 C'dymf Tulin Apmry moNlommbsWa rocelpt dannml paymaa All Annual Bm Row 611 0.PTTF S 13) Clean DDNAma Weik 03/01/2004 Reaevebpmea Agmey Mgdorlrgbena thaPq-o—Pdswim—WA. To ue.ted RPTTF fund aro W avaibbb mfatl dtla All Annual Seo RWAM RPTTF 6 - adaceale-buipalv1. than the obigalion ahel be momdemd an encumbm.a er and LMHF. 14) Mbar Walk Proatlssay Notes varlas Reawaopmod Agency Agy monilwa b.sure the, 10 aRodelne mmmvmasNp A0 Am,l S,Rou611 RPTTF f . Wls aro b compliance with me P—doxy Nola and a.md ARardmie Hosebg Cwansnm In aMiaM the Agency preWnm anal meed, a6adabb haddi g tlowmada win, mambla hoatsoenae nallux—a sill methanes To memlea lSTTF funds are Mavaiebleb feed mie aas,mtleabYgal me mllgeibn a1re1 m tonaalemdan m.m6madlM LiNF1F. of that 151Ha6epa Poco OOA 04/1 VMI Rmevalapmaa Ag --y AgymgnWMWemum53umlaembmnpllmmva'Ih effay..n aebiilaat rres To the ectad RPTTF funds an All Amu. Sm Rou611 RPITF 3 . not available. fund this ante be oN'galm m. the .tell ba oomaland m aahmblalad ma LA8 ff. 161 Hambgs Pb- Loan Agrmmea OM17/2WT R.avebPmw Apy Fbmloper team wtion ddedbyme Agmcym me AD Anel See Rew611 Owabpar (a,nW Winn d e nuaBiamby Pmjxiend the 4 .gamymudmrametmnadTheban antyane. 162033), muktlmgthe roadmireoeipl paymak. Toms Tot. .lam RPT TF funds n nil ava0atle m fuel mic aaanamdsnariciian,Ban tlro ba anLMondN msalamd m ,ambranca d tie LA9HF- 17 Single and MW6Faat0y Rabameeilon Loons .11 Rad ,Ibpee d A gmry Mud•FOmylmro —ml Se Rw Wt RPTTF fbedmeapyandPmpany0rmmdrehebi3lelnd Immune. 18)Amel Transfer ObBpeuam TSC 6— Apy In eumtlmoe sNih CaMmtlaH,Mand Sanely Cade Au TBD 0 RPTTF See0mn3a1T1(e)ma Sucemeer Agybedbyth tiler dbpamap dassesand prg7adme,a. by me of Suellen . JamSude Beed PummelmwbvicionadIam3athe Th The Su.f.—A9yvAubanombamoda.Mm ballad anima I.dudlllp but not late la,ame bat, e, 3a.aA moaairg feat and anyaumaaaaa.tnd mmkg .ma 191 Town Cerderi kg ca ReacSon Plan 0510172000 Ag.cyh Tan Center Housing Soi Aside fatl RPan,—at fa Toe CCMatb tieing Sd•AMefade Town Clan 1,878,042 800.000 RPTTF 800.000 f gpp 000 dNa.nd m agport naMouainp Redavabpmea emvium in Town Caaan during me pednd d i9B6-1882. 20)Tax Alocoibn Relundkg Bond.1988 (Tum Cada) 07MR9B8 Bondmdm vis US Salk BaWiseus le(und norvhouaeg prdeas Tdalamunumg Tam Cadet 8,181,750 IW8.771 RPTiF debt Inpbdes pdWind and baerml. 1192,830 3 1,402,830 211 Flux Agee Feen - TA Band 1888 (111IM010 US Beek edMnl.trabn of bond scevbbl —7— Cada 3.wo 3.301 RPTTF 3.300 S 3,300 Payable, Item Oro Redevelopment PropeW Tax Tmet Fund (RPTTF) Pnoaaa Name#Data Obt4stion CartreotlAprommd Execution Date0 Taal OUWanding TOW Dm Dump Foud Yaw ^• Funding da me,dh Source RPTTF JalVM2 Ang 2012 SaaAM2 Od2012 Nov 2012 0-2012 Total 221 CdiMng discbsum 8 enb8mq senduad 10/3W201088112f1M Applied Best Pmctoes_Wllklw 6A. calm n Contk4pdidmm6addlmpeserviamfmiMboM, Ptolad Anse Tmin Ceekn Dablw Oblasellon 6,OW 2012-2013•6 6.= 3,099 f 3m0 23) Cmimd lar anglnaed.,;e,M— 06MO12011 CNbal Slnaaes, Ina 6WtlLmleeglneadrg aeaeadddSlmaro Squae TaArl Cenmr 5,100 0,100 0.PTTF 4,000 4,100 Pwkbg SWdwa S 8,100 2d)Sievmn Sgmd Gena Dade,apm of Covmandq Cmdillae, 0611111 6imero Square Parfdeg SWdum DOndanhi— There am orgobg mint— omism mgd;d by lira Town Cmlw 43,000 10,640 APTTF lbPardev R.W.V Adel Remrvatlma Awaldlen CCBRn In add4tda tlweamone *.ddened 320 320 320 320 3,520 3,520 S 5,020 mnimdadbg ropdn UelxhbadelaminMby Nodmaual aglma0p aslmand. Thaseam, d ongoblp malredea, aM ddened mdsdeneme mpebsare hsue eelbmlm 251 Ambmse tandFinl Tone Homenrye, WIT1200C RadMebpmea Agenry Wmodlolamamsm0e SaRadablelwmeam p TuanCenter Annmi SeeR-#Il RPTTFf urea b - a ampW me dh Ne Prarinavy Ndm and _ ramded A(radd,Han14g C-eeende. .Ne .perry prepereseM maWmapordebb holuhg hmkg deeummnwhm dtd.bb hom.mnd relk,pme wee9 tiWr llomm. To the mid RPT are bm fund Nnd,thea flobfgadon shutbe mvdmedm mombmme d 5 e LWHF. 35)f9d Tlma Fkmabuya Pmmheay Nola 06/17/2000 RalevebOmd Age Agency .nft a b masse Net OM llme homudom udt 4 Toun Cairo Annual ae SR,w011 RPTTF b mmpfanm dih0a Pmn mM Ndead en Affo.W. f _ H-deg Covelad. In e0dfbn, Ne Agaey pmpamaaM .eland—flordebb h—ing do-nMntsedun the affordable hmmowm+refinancaswad4 Ndrhmia Toff,ew ed RPTTF mndsere ret evefeaeb bel thio dacmbb 0an Nsebyg0m shell be cwlederod en 27) Mk— DDA HING/20lul Redev dapmd Agnry —, ba. arl-mdlm dtiro UWF. McNbdeg binsaedevelopabinmmplbrre wfh Teem Cada Annual See Row pl/ RPTTF -draaem oolgatioro, f - 25) Old TamPro. R"RdmbOOA (X5/102001 Rdwebpmm Agency Mod .11-nmrodevabperninmmpibmowdl Tmm Cadw Annual See Roo pti RPTTF -resadutl obOgalbra f' 29) Piano lamyetie DDA O7ATtl1M RetlmebpmeN Agency Monitoring m I—develow is In mmpk.—,,Ah Tovn Ceuta Annual S-R-011 RPTTF -dmat d obfpetbro. f 301 Fend CammenAel Reltm DDA =1 511M Realwebpeud Agmry MONImOg biome, developer Is in conpflenm vdh Teen Conder Amml SmR-011 RPTTF osnimdml obtigatloro. f ' 31)MicuCaere, DDA 112111004 RalmebpmentApan% Mandating re, imus dwelopst 4 In —0— van, T,en Cada Annual Sm Rawpll RPTTF n.Maauel adgatime. g - M)ThonpeonBuildirgOPA O6111O11004 Ralevebpmed Agm% Mad,d tohuue day eg ebpanbcwnpNnee wbh Toon Cmler Antral Sm Rowpll RPTTF mlbadml ablgdfms, S 33)Slevens Squane PeMng Shreddedlkeme Agmand(8) W Rtlevebpmeed Agmry M..kodsgm 1— a feemee are mampfamvAN mdmapel df T.en center Annual See Row alit RPTTF f ' 30) Polled Plots Agreements ) Wry Rdevebgned Agmy MOMoe bilmre anhaan lT eg preandnerob Taln Creta Annual S-R-011 -mp4rcIN oardmaude RPTTF 3% maa Yfnga OOA 0621274 RalevelopmdAgm no Moddgnimpe,i.icomdbm.wl TownCmia Annual See Flow all RPTTF -ndaaud obligations, ff ' 38)Pdac WOM1S AgreanaaS,uth CadM Redwg.Ment POW O701963 Cily of Tustin OrgilW taan—unt mtheA tgg3—Mtgg3—itially South CdM 38$64,57 3.09.424 RPTTF 1,954,712 eade W e l to be f33,500,000 for the, Nmpm Amus S 1.954,712 Eximabn(fMgoM1UMapaealbEdin9a Avawe. Tho Inland nle 4.5% above the Otybaverape yield on Invmrmds. Repeyon d of lir ban abased on Cltydmde i Pham 1 vsak(Cerger hemren a udeap"We", - OP 70130) tiW has been —epholul-Ce Nanped Avme FstenWNSR-65 No* Bound Ramp Raoo*—W. "al. The Phase 1 pmjecl began In 197 and vee mnpbled in March 2010. Plaee 1(OP 70130)-drM14 nut WmpravbssEOPSwROPb.Theenm dupimli-d.bBp011o1n Phm2vak(OP70131) sone sled mdlad. gated bdav In Rees 242447 and Them -nbada bee nal nem d-bb oodM m Phse 1. Pwamntb t d Na Agneefien reemem, la SuyomouvAWak ahti pay Wduan the Ctlk, oeSumemrApaay Gro City whm pmjeds aro msIPIdM and In eemiemud p BlaMmbL9 {per ,n..-tae, 2 Pwemaa Iwlha Aamc dlhe Anummoned . Thio ImnOmdvM rellea btltlel Mm6aaanad paymaea edit aed'meu- d Um Ovadghl Band of the Want mammal-dad the pmjea. 3T)ManomMumd UM—unwig vdh Orwge Camey Wda ULMd 032011M Ormge ComllY WdaOtddd Tex ahem mgreand(p AB 1200)*th OO Agwy. South Central 2%OW 2,000 RPTTF 3Bl m—Mum d UndasWdbgwdh Tustin UNfied School wsbid OAr1311985 Tue4s Uspfid 9dmol Dili i Tex aero agreemd pre'12B0 vAN Ageney. The agreomd South C." 0 0 RPTTF (Sec0on 7390/ Paymae; &1311985) a,vidm tlel Gabbs W ehdrlp peymads eolM occas epee g - 0m Agmcy hes expended S 10 m91bn do0as br mroNalm Amo BMw Of*Monseilhb Ne Souluer ra16e0 m--1. ouch mMawa—and as-nuttuad The Age -y pmvdedbNe...aw TheAgency hand r- Ne e 1993Pubo.Wadm '....neasaaee.'.vdJlen Aanedd red, eae resup, Ihme he been m peymmb mMebade. 09(13/1965 SOdNaback CommdlyCWeq DlLricl TmslMrepmalsin pr.Wng 91hAones,Tnn egmemd SauthComl 0 0 RPTTF DnlAst (Sall- 37901 Paymd; 9/1711986) ihi.abin paymadars or sore tits. f - theAg.lm d dMi Agmryhsmhmesd S1DmiN-edbafro cm of dfadfOm vANm dM Sound Cdral Amadmd Amp ander and ]MMaaMMOILW�MkVWthS&dM��,mgyclwplP-l";WINI such-nwkW m Meedbadewdnavent govdedln Na Apmated Tib Aar yhena rdbal0p Tb*Agw IMeblednemaesodded Weir the 1993 PoOIm WOMB mmd and, m a femdl, Nae have tam m payeads mads *dem. Pey�le fromth, Radevdepmant Property Tea TNN Pund(RPTTF) P ''eiNamel Debl ConOaalAgramlad Esmagbn DMo P Tom OMaiardng TNMWeDurtp —• FWat Year Fading P ores nmo 40j Nespwt Av.I8R5A NS Ramp RewMgmalbn 1112541 Penmen Engineerkg bon &egging wor mveyaervko Ars Sodh Central a 13,600 2012-2013•• J 2012 A 2012 6 2012 0,12012 Nw2012 Dee 2012 Two 41 Newport AvJSR56 NO RemP 0128rlO10AMareorrPama Program nnwgemersinks South CeNnl 1,875 13,800 RPTTF 1,876 RPTTF 2.300 2,300 2AM 2,300 2,300 2,300 S IS a. 42) import Av. Edembn, NO Edigor Av. Urger 02WMI DONNan Enw—ftg flnaidwignowned, Sough Carrel 7.600 71500 RPTTF 300 300 300 300 300 315 f IA75 p Navport Av. Extension, WO ESngs, M. 1&0&201 NUW Ianewspedsigneervks Sodh Central 19100 19290 RPTTF 200 f 200 2,300 3,000 3,000 3A00 44 Newport AT, E=2:. WO Edbxar Av. 12/1&2007 &driver Mawgemsd Ory Mily design and cooltlmabr servows, South CwW 1,200 1200 RPTTF 3A00 4,980 5 19,280 300 000 300 0 Newwd Av. Erdmeen, WO EdegNAV. 0/25201 AMenwPorma 'ragnmrnasperowt—o s South Cerand 5,000 5,000 RPTTF 300 t 1100 11000 1.000 I'M 48j C930ddom8iffbsnl 12floti 9 RedevelogsmAganq Modbdrg ro ft—llcanss (an ovmpheras Wlh South Owned Annual Sea Rewalf RPTTF 1AM IAW f 5,000 wn0ach dobligellom. p - 47) Toren Grove Pmmiswy Noms all ARaraMe Houdrd Cwewnis vary Red.oldpmmd Agency Agency mention; to endure me exiean 18 wordabie —South Carni Amwl Ss ROw011 RPTTF hounco eMip units we In wmP6w anWin 8m Remarry arty 5 Now all noel. Affodable Feueng Covmenia, In addbn, the Agency prepws and axeeds eRorGMe WrenwheIRITIFfumeout aidditeir Bolo w MNerhemo. TO line edanl RPTTF iurdearo sl ova®edalo fund Ihb MorceaMe dtlgMbn.lhen Oro LMIMMFos sldl beconsMered an aneumbnwedere ff. 96) TuaOn Omve Affordable Housing DG 1272IAM Rodevebpmerd Agency WMlorbgeweureth preject=pBSWhhe DDA. To South Cslyd Annual SSRovo011 RPTTF me edam RPTTF funds, em not asimass, ford Orb p _ mdonweblecMgatbr, M. the odogars, eetl he 49) Tax AgowOen Rinds-MCAS Town, Sro2010 11101201 Bordholden vis The Dan of New York Megan aondtleel an erwumbnnw d 0m L KVHF. Baal lemur to ford wPhood" pa"l"m TOW ow"md MCAS Tsgn 89914,068 2,811,901 RPTTF debt Inches principal and lower, 1,814,466 997,413 $ 2A11.01 SO)FbwIA fes •TA BOrd 2910 0&004201 The Bank d New Ywk MCEs emnin1*mw of boll a ahles WAS torso 3,300 3A00 RPTTF 3,300 51)CorNutnp tlscbsws srvkm6eMerepeaemiwc IMM0106&1211993 Applied Sol Produced. Witl&n S Assodets Continungdieoeaure services for 2010 MCAS bards A MCAS TueOn$ 4,350 1,350 RPTTF r"aBe oorVko 1,350 1,350 52) LaasNFu United dComeymNe (UFOC)saMtl MSY 13.2002 05IIM002 Retloabpmar Agency Prepadli Menegmnem, Mainronance,Emirermered MG6TUer Y 0 RPTTF themwrhMe#.CoMsdAmor,Tood. lydfTuWrlerPor4wd leso—so RanadlaLarm,M S - McFawwMrwCaryaAir 9le9onTr�n wood Novy on Leean endo mrlmmeyenwdpnpams. Tlds I... sent mansgemerd all disposal, properly mwgemameM rornMle6on. Occur prejecl red& Ndfing coda any associated sigh noel mmegemar all aepsd N .tMLIFOCs.VBWN Row011. Contractual respans cosh (a s,0 other rsporel"a" u Ma No LI FC C Agre wrd MO be on, they we Mounted! and as n8sded by Ne ticpedmer dNavy. 53)Lsaalr Fort,s owdConvoyars(UFOC).-Sid June/8.2004 WISI2004 Rarmebgnmd Agency Property Masgemsr, Maintenance. EmiMMn MCAS Took, Vada 0 RPTTF bellethe UMM SIMS of Amrw all the City of Toren for PomN 22 Rer "Mon, and Real Eaate obligations of City required by f - ofV.FomnmMadwCoNwAir Station TWn Mvys Lase elm until conveymwed proprio. This soludsesd masgennW all dowlef, p opsdy masgemadaMrenn w"", gleed pod rdd leMddbng oda onto ea ietad Wmasal mewpmnmdaMdMpow undwtheLIFOC em fid&tnRw011 Corre,1ud response ora fat eI.Oran impomibitNs uMw 0u LIFOC ad 008 he smey ere Irrmned and s regrwled BY the Dewdmmd of Navy. SOI Eaawmic DevelopmentCoeyenm (EOC)Appgmbw ler Mads Cape sCAS) 011 RMo Oebpmem AgAgencyOMtio igens d City required by Navy In hw d wevoyan MC0%S MS Toon V 0 RPTTF Air Walon(Ms Trdln Amended mepmpMyundw Ud Rau.PlenW pWin20GZ Tom S - Murder ase mwegwned all disposal. pmpry masgemed ell mmdlmor. Dowl paled tested aaffing dols a:aldNM voflh wass mawppmsM all doornail order the EDGanlisladln ROvo011. Cordra,1Wrmpanm orae er dt other, respwuMii6o indoor he EDC Ag--m0 be s.my an Imsared all. npraa w by the Depwm wow Navy. 65 Codred ler DevelopmentAdleo 0&0772010 DevalowVs Fammich ImPlemmrnuon PMn Yrtl Slnlagy MCASTstln 11.000 11.000 RPTTF 6.000 riaar 6PMrng adding 0&0&291 RBF Co�Mlirg cka swd� NGS Tuain 54,058 54.058 RPTTF AM S Ii.000 5.000 5.000 57 corms rorPmadngswlw, aw9rTm1 eblB am4leda nhe,1and IMPn Implamentahen Plan aM6bsfegy MGS T. 41.040 45,000 RPTTF 5.000 5.000 f 20.000 13,000 16,000 Y4.00D 58)ConlraC for Services E^rg Om072Dn HurskorBAsodds DlepWibn S9Me�6mapphg sanWum MGSTWN 141,840 141,640 RPTTF S 45.01101 4,000 4,000 69l Corer 1 ter Fisndd Aslyds Ot/0U 2011 Dedtl TBsagSAswdM= rxffiI advlsaYamvlwa eNaNtM sigh dlemddng MG6iwin 12,750 12.750 RPTTF 4.000 ,1,000 S to.= 12,780 MWiNdiond asssannanM erode& Win Ird9owd udmdrWuamas S 12.750 80)NeaparVSR-56Germany Mador plan 64Mowpolmprevamars _0WM01O RSFWmugbg Wepenur dGdoMV kladw pleneM dea9ndieMswpa MGSTuaOn 51.eog 61.600 RPTTF 10.000 10,000$ 01) Website Heading Alinement 17AIMD10 Cwnmpr0. LLC imPlwwnama WebNe hostfor OreMCASTusuowwage, (Anmel) MCAS Tuahr I.M 1,800 RPTTF 20A00 150 100 82)COMmdforfenserepdr 0&1&20W Ndiwml Consumed. Rental, 1. Fwrwrepaimsndsom MGSTude, MCAS Tuan 821 2.400 RP7TF ISO 150 15 IN S 900 200 83 cenwa err MalManunwd mtlevelopa, Properties landsupbg MandesusduMsdepedird(Ammsg MGS TurinL 71208 RPTTF S 1100 5934 SW4 5934 a)Cavasn 000.102010 Redevebpmam Amrnry Agency moMora resdpld PaYmwdNiWrd WosweO indo MCAS TrdNl 6s Rgr/R1 RPRF 5,934 5,934 5.934 f 35,804 and Supplemwdel RapdMy A¢eemWdResltldNe sdevebpMswmpilanwvoltco sl caruoraRmede $ . Li1/ZM20086pernun hooted do th.cal-FMto tou dramods—ie Pmjad. To he mtmtl RPTTF IUMoaro nal sa8aaelo lull 1.10fie Bea en Mr0he considered conadwell air arwmbranw d ho LMIHF. Mm stwor,tlnrrihe NHF. Teas• Tra2(Olh PTTF Funding) Toms Page 2(Olher FUMlrg) S 12,397,710 5 S 2078b06 5 116,228 S 3,178,337 $ 72448 S is 8 S 4216662 $ 973716 Teak-Page3(Atlmbtlaimtive Cod ABm—) 5 60,000 WA f 00011 5 00000 S 100000 5 120,000 S IMO& S 100 f 586,411 GnMlofal-AYP o $ 292.125 WA $ 48880 48,610 5 45,690 S 48880 S 48800 S NWb S 282126 S 127888% S 2/9386 S 2,15800 S J327 7 E 241.16 S 246 S 43357 S 108/8051 • TM Pramrsry Wan, RecogNasd Obligation Peynlaot Schedule(ROPS) Is toheeaegbad by 3NI20126y the aueweswegn%,aid aubee4s 6a epprmad tte by ovsnigtlbwrd before pia One ROPBbwbmn,hdtseramd Stab aubmlfting haflsI Ousrdght Approved ROPE an the Blur Controlm and Bole Dolowthnam of Fbrands. OapMmsntd Flnanw by Apr913.2012. n,bndaragdrerllanttlnd tlro Agreed Upon Proaaluls AudR ba compMod bafon tdds dM w during Merl oder and payment am oen unts pmaad, jeFuntling "'All eeuroebons Ma aumsswagarmy: (ForMw1201112 sin/, rNammwsto RPiTF deed anerwantot lnoramam elloeMed to the Agancy prerfe Febmary 1,2012.) PPTTF•Fhdvvdkp,whdP.pwyTS TrwIFUM LMOIF • Low and Madan s face—Houaln Full Bon&-8andprowWa Odwr•reaorVas. eenb,Nbresf earnings, we gdmM • 8ucsasor n AtlminrolMM Albwanp NameINRetlombpnna4 A9acy. TWnCmnwdv Redewrougm Aaam FORM B- All Rswnw Sowue NW Thin ft—� nl Pr ,,ty TU T.1 Fwd RPTTF) Ropci Nagy RDA Roiect Nu N FIRST AMENOEO SECOND RECOO OOBLIOA . -NT -MEOULE Per ae 29. aeGlen 34m (•) P."t,u trap Olher ft. S— ComecUABreemem R iNamel0.d0 elbn Ewculbn Pete TdN Qa Oaiq Fwdiq TOW WW v Fbcd Vwr Sano Pa rte rrPdh Pe O°an b pr c1 Nu O 10 bn 2012-2313•• 1012 2012 Se 2012 OG 2012 Nov 2012 Osc 2012 TOW 1 CoMreG la EnvtomBNtl SNNcee 1111&201 Pwlb Smu ConRncibnd TWnRerch Rud PlmalOramm ESlorm dein lwr0e<Ilmyb MCAS Tbvin 0,000 5,000 Bonds 0.000 2 cowad br OeoTwhServiva 09OT2010 NM0 ameMeO nla hdae Ford-ieYletl le carvhi Abnol TwlbR Pmd Phew i Oretlhp 6 Sl Ouu(wr trmybo MCAS TUGIn 20.100 20.1. Sort6 20,100 S 8.000 3 Cor4nct M Comwctbn..--d 05A32911 PerwmTrampalsOwGroup erm�WdYmnNele Mwe bo 4rWIM Roj.M) CaWruclbn marepemed b TWn Rarch RudlPlnw l ern 2) MCAS TWn 1.132918 1.132.918 Bornb 40,000 $ 10,100 0 CordrnlAa Emiomndd 5an*ea 1fA22010 Va llmt CowaO'ry Repdelay Aponry camelbp MCAS Twin 2311 2,311 Bonds 2.311 00.000 100.000 120,000 120,000 100.000 S S 6BO.Ow 2,311 5 5 S f S S S E S T01Me-LMIHF S TW, BOM Proteans WA S Tdob-011nr S 1,181,328 $ 1.131.328 WA f 00.411 $ 80.000 S mom S 120.Ow $ 120.000 S 100.000 S 508.011 GreM Wel-1M1i e WA S • TM by 112012 by tM ewuuer 3 1.181328 E 1.18132p WA ! 411 S 80000 S 100000 S 120000 S 120.000 E 100000 S SaB all gNAppmrylRO Sca fSul.C—nPsymed9chedJe(ROPS)YtabwmpbW elHncv,eM om..awdq bepProwO by ih anrGOM hovrtl bbniheRroi ROPE le submibdto the Sul. Cont�Oer srd BYY OauGmenl N FlmnFe by Apd115,2012. OnreipM Approvetl ROPB to tlm 9wle CemwlYr ertlSWe 0.wGmsM of FOMroe. Il is rota ngWHmerd ltitlM Aprnd Upon ProudwesAMllWcampledtl MlennbnlHrA tlp Rml '• Nltobldw dwlnpOvalyursrd wynrd amwmlean pro)ec1eQ '^ FMM1p sown Irem Ne auwuw eparcy: IFar flsul 2011.12 orly, nlsnrcea to RPT1F wdtl Mw moan fn Inaemed a0ouletl Y Uo Aparoy pdw b Fehrwry 1, 2012) RpTTF • ReMwlopmenl Property TaxTrwl Funtl LMIHF-LONaMM Bade -BOM Praoadp OIWr •Horne, nolo, IdeHsl eem4MH. ed -h<eme HOW Fwd Amnio-eecwuer AdmhietmlM Atloesnce NamaofRmweopmenl Age,W. Tustu CanmuYry RedweomeM Agenoy FORM C-Adminislrotieo Coal Athwart. Paid YNlh fledevNopnwnl Prapam/ Toa Tmq Fund (RMF) PMIW Arae) RDA Poul, Arae An FIRST AMENDED SECOND FIECOONMED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Par AS 20 -Settlor 341 TT (') PayaMe from the Admintetmdva Allowance Allocation'•" "ad Twl Due aarrg Pe me rU mond, Total,Obamlm Foal Yam Flndbg P Nemo/Dahl Obg P ee Desai Oa Pm Arne Deblw lion 2012-2013^ Source •• JUIVNI2 A 2012 S.02012 Od 2012 N-2012 Doc 2012 Tole: 11 Agreement for Rdmbuoamenl of Cosn, Empbyeafudatl by Na Adminlaaliva Butlge for anployaea, All 262,126 282,126 Admin 40,800 40,680 48,600 4t.soo 40,860 40,876 S 292,125 end Cky/Admbatmt,ve Agary Succavmr Agency Sul wehond IT bge sanvioa neared for OPeatian-1 belwem, the Sumwor per form Swxemor Agency dimdedmiadershvaopemeon. Th. Ageyedrhe Cay.W.n a dUvkeanaudedfdrdbeet OvemghlBadaflhe5umevor, Agary AdmnlWretive Budge punuent b WmIWaVelive operoliorma tete. Tudln Canmumy Rmwebpmell California Hakh am Saf.ry cm. wek.. weheaa ane legal Aga.q eppoved tip mntri—W. seebn 341 n g) pr.rmlrg clay am a leu. budge) on Meeh 13, 2012 and he b,da funded IN l6. suooaapr Agency Su:saar Aga,.d.Pm Summaor am edminlatraliva mals. Admi ,,- Agary Revolution No. 12-04 on Much W. aoste, Indude Ne egmeneM e". W12 epp,bg the Admbdtlraeve Budget Woodruff, Spmd0n85-4,300.0001., and app—act Me'Agree and for adminbSatNe [:;,'i—and egW earvioes am theRdmburaananl a Coes em Lou. o1 011k. S,. 346,461) City/Suocessm Agency Operaibru toen'. Tha emoum wall lura.,. annually. The Aamlmlmwe Budge ova oulnWWad In ....lona with Caamma Heeh aW Sdsly Cod.Sadbn 3a111(b), 600 W v,a popery tea elWkd b the S eouner Agency for FY 2011.2012. 21 Commd for Legal Servicm CRT Aauner-WoodMf, Legalmonel- pue. law h apede0y legal An splatlOn 0 sm.n (Indwng mind a lamed W dlrenN a,ppon NCWel vapeneea Aeual., ea Adirin a indadm b wee ntluded in SbaNMg Y6ea Carbon& aftnalalnewl-Warm, Woodoff, the Admiesre. the AdmrJeraft Rauh; Reny. Thomoose as, MSpmOn B Sudan els, Provides alBmgm-Row I,.,ew We1ea 9 Denpay,—I—undedh.d pmjetl a aWoee eW Al Bulge -Row Al aWJandleJuda) these malaemrotdabl—ad bdwa„ admnatmws•rduad legal ameae.Ind p,vjee relalm legal expeaa 3) Lame, of Offen Spam PK II Holden, LLC lMa aped nern All Aduel..pase. Ao/uel.,an Armin E over. nd.ded b w,:ra Included n Ne M.,ini-114 he AtlminiemOv 4)AuddgService Wdde, Nielson, OUAI, Evn,a, AWiSngofmnal Agenqupen Ru All gouge -RowA1 BmBd-Row Al Actual ..parses Aduel expense. Admin S LLP woe Indudm In we Intluded in he Admmemav he Adni na v Boge -Raw At Budge -Row Ai 5 5 5 6 5 T 5 0 9 5 lollf 5 11 $ 12 13 f 5 14 E 17 S 18 5 IB 5 20 f 21 S 22 E 23 5 2411 S 25 5 26 f 27 5 211 S f E S f S E E Tabu • This Page 202125 f 282 126 5 48 060 f 40 000 f 48 500 f 48 080 f as 060 f a 0I6 f 282.125 • Tha PmUminary Dry ,gMm ObSgW,, Peymem Sehoduk (ROPE) Ie to be panplro by Wi/ 2 by the aueauorageney. end .ubuquently W epprewd by N, m.Mght bond bf—Ne Rne1 ROPE Iv aubmk4d to the St Canbtllse and Sulo D.paM .f linen- by Apsll 15, 2012. It la nm. re pArtur Nnt that th Agrad Upon Prooedur.. Audit ba eanpleted before subm0ling th. final OarolgW Approved ROPE le the Sulfur ConbWur end Slate DepaMnm of Nana.. •' All Intal due during Real year and peymard amount. em pralaead '^ Fundln9 accrue. from Ilre suaysaa agency: IFw Decd 2011-12 aly, Marenae to RPTTF caWd ateo m.an /a Incnmam albcetatl to Ula Agupy pdnto February 1, 2012) RPTTF• Wd.v.bpm.m Property Tax True Fund Go.. - gond Vaae.d. WIMP -Lpwa d Moderote Income NoualnB Fund Admin•Sun. rAgency Adminlehetive All—ou Olhar- marvee rente, a,tereateeminga, ate ""•AdminblralWa Coet Allow.nam an6%olF—A6momh lural. In2011.12 ad 3%ofF—A&1onulalnteln2012-i3. The calculation Mould not feu, in me, thra h palrnente pldf—ft RPTTF In Form D.