HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecond Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule – January to June 2012 (5-10-12)SECOND AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE - CONSOLIDATED FILED FOR THE JANUARY to JUNE 2012 PERIOD Name of Successor Agency Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34177(l) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Current Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Total Due During Fiscal Year Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 175,576,653.00 $ 20,475,945.00 Outstanding Debt or Obligation Total Due for Six Month Period $ 20,262,956.00 Available Revenues other than anticipated funding from RPTTF Enforceable Obligations paid with RPTTF Administrative Cost paid with RPTTF Pass-through Payments paid with RPTTF $ 732,315.00 $ 16,267,186.00 $ 813,359.00 $ 2,450,096.00 Administrative Allowance (greater of 5% of anticipated Funding from RPTTF or 250,000. Note: Calculation should not include pass-through payments made with RPTTF. The RPTTF Administrative Cost figure above should not exceed this Administrative Cost Allowance figure) $ 813,359.30 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34177(l) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency. NamedRadevabpmam AgancY Sumosmr Aam.vtothe TuaUn CmnmuriN Rdenipenere Admen, FORM A-Red.-kepmmd Plepady Ton T— Fund (RPTTF) P.Jad Arogs) RDA Pm W Arm All SECOND AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE PerA6 20.8.9- 34670 Payable* am the Redevelopment Preparpy, Ta Trull Fund(RPTTF) CmnI1BCVAg�em TdalOaaMntling TOW DueD'a Flma1Vma m g _ hunting Pavement, bv mall Pm ad Neme/0ebt DMI Int E—Unn Deb Pees Int Ptjag Ares DeltmObluallan ti -012-- Seem Jen W12 Feb2012 I Ma12012 Am 2012 Man, 2012 Ien2012 I Taal 1) HaWng Ta[ Allmilan Rohe, Santa 2010 0O01MM13ond1old via The Bank of New Vmd Mallon Pmoesdahanmeesledme BondawRbeusdt.(a) All 42.480,491 3A9TZ09 RPTTF 556.370 1,270,463 S 1838,423 pygmy a ". a Ore City Obnhdlon (ABm d bl. Housing RaW Wamned Agmemard), (b) fund a reeave aroma Int the S.W. and (c) p—ld.frthe cmNd Itm1n9 a. Baht. T.W oddandi g date InaWea pindlal and mires!. 2) Fiscal Agent Fees - TA Band 2010 0111902010 The Bank of New Yak Mefbn admbblegmn a bond adhn6es Old In lh.f. Brommat All 3,300 3,300 RPTTF S FY 2011-20121 3) CaNNarg dlacbeur. services 6 aN6m8.—Iona 10130MIO & $11211903 Applied Beet Pnalar WWtlan S Ammdetos Cmdhming dbdowee servket W 2010 Ha.*V bend, and An 4,350 1,350 RPTTF 1.360 S 1,350 eRdtlag. savkes. 41 Coady Admbbua0ve Fee M-11.1, O.M. mnual W.0.9on ad.lhd.U,. fes AO 213,000 213.000 RP7TF 21300 f 213,000 S Gmnw removal 100112008 GWIN CaWol Syalama GmNm ren -11. the Toes Command South Cadml AN 55,080 55.000 RPTTF 8.600 5.500 5,580 8.580 5,600 6.400 f 38.000 RdevelopnentPmjed Areae. Canbed la esMfa Venugh CDBG. Genual and RDA funds. 0 Comma I. ..liable oa—dal propdy, sesmh 00202010 LmpNa/, Int Wab4msed Cummardal Pmpdy, Sesrch forevN4Me noted, AN 3,500 3,500 RPTTF 3,500 f 3,400 mmmaW . Induebkl and oma pmpedy types N Tusib 7) Comma for eebbaeed Gasinesaessidame lnfmmetkm 031/&201/ ml, In, Butane Suaaaa,, LLC Wdiasd business asslavrm tone available m the City al AN 1,140 1,140 RPTTF 1,140 S 1,140 Tudor veaan. e) Chad Paged RWtd CO-(Inducig Salary and Bmdb funded by Us, S—,Agway Paym0fa tmpkYees fordnlct pmJectoparailon.Taal AN 519,330 519,330 RPTTF 43,260 43,2M 43,280 43,280 43,280 43¢ 80 f 2 80,880 S._ Agency) anMandbg tlebt H en enmml Bgumed Nb emoumwill fluau,t. annually. Thetmpbyeea am pafaming poled related adlvOa Involving me adomesbl. oNlp tions IMW on Roes 0144028, Rowe 027-037. Rats W 2, end Rave OOvo 9) PERS haO1hy(ennually adjustable) City of Tustin Empbyess funded by the Samesesr Agmay that pafom All 140518 140,518 RPTTF f Sum®mr Agemayadlv8be. The IIab0ity b ravleeed ....fly and may Iacreses mdaaaseb..W one vm aly of smmmlc all.O." mmmplims. 10) Payment In Lieu of Tams Agreenenl-FWWem Pdnb 10niftim Cfy of Tua6n Agency mmlbm to beam m.W d annual Payment. To the All Annual SmR—011 RPTTF S - Went RPTTF funds as IMavailable k fund iMa admm.bb oMgall. , tha obigatbn shall be osesAand an cumbmnm of LMIHF funds, 111 Payment in Lieu d Teem Agent-Omng. Bend— 0OtOt088 Cay a Tuella Agan mmmlureW beam r«efp damual payment. Ta the All Amus SesR gtl RPTTF S - Want RPTtF funds re Mavallablem And orb anf—al. obSpaUon, the obllgalem shall be mesklard an semmbm—d LMOff fmda. 121 Olaan DDAOANm Welk 03/0102004 Redev.Pmetl Aganry Momlming b mean the poJect mmplim with the DDA. To All Amus Ses Roe0/1 RPTTF S - 0aaalemRPTTFfundsamnot.1alabi bfundNb adarmbb abliptim theabligatkm shall be mlaldeed an enmmbrame d LN114 fuada. 131 Ae—Walk Pranlam7Nolee vel Redevakpmmt Amory Aganry mandaeW aeene the 10 aHonlebe homarenael(p All Aanua Ses Row011 RPTTF f - unhaem In mmplleneewhh U. Pmmlemry Notes ad rammed Affomable H.WW Covamms. In adit., the Aganry maid—m! ea—deaffia-M. fiadrg documentsefi—S meble holmo — Wine— well RMrhomes. Taft ward RPTTF funds am ns, swhabsb rend Nla admreshla of area W LMIH fu.tbn cvnakened m encumOmme a LMIMF /untls, hmnw id) Harllage Plant DDA 0 tIaM Rdevolupmel A3m.y Apmy—nftomiomane63uW—Jn pI1.—wfh AD Annual See Rav011 RPTTF S - afmaebtarymaubanene. TOOrM aRRPTTFfuef..m not eve0able b fad fhb edameabla obliptim, the obligation shell be conemaad an ancanbmme a LIAHF IUW.s 15) Heritage Phim Loan Agmenn m 04112/2007 Redevelopment Aganry Fiiandal essbte—was paddd by the Aganry to the All Annual Sm R #Il Developer for m odniction at a mum4amily Projected the Agency na mba Ven Imes d the We ep.anae (apbes 4 15-2033). In.ludlrg me residual reeefp payment To the alem RPTTF fame an ns, avallabletofud orb admesebb ohlipetlaan, ill ablpatbm efall OD mmMad an aaumbmnmdLMIMF/uCi. 1S)Singla ed MuftW mnIIy RdmhadeUon Lines very Rodaelpment Agemy Ap nay marlin. a Single Family end Mul9Fedly Lae- All Annual SMRM#ll RPTTF $ - befeearl the Aganey ad Pmpeny Ownms d mhabllftMW prapol.a. To me adept RPITF fame em not nvehabl.to lend sedan—laG—wal,MI Ffand..aha0ha mnnldad an emumbranm d LMIHF funM. 17) Town Center Houelnp 066M Rduabn Plan O&01/2000 Ag w sTawe Center Housing eel-Aade fund Repaymae fm Tawn Coder Hwang Ss, -Adele funds Town Center 2,778.042 000.000 RPTTF 91)(1.00) S 800,000 dvdd b.Vpd—houeilg Rdevelmmad adlvaW in Tram Cardrtlumlg da Paled of 1858.1N2. ten) Ta AA7mWn Refunding Bode ION (Tovm Carer) 0740111000 Bondholders via US Bank Bond Issue W fund llotetoueln9 pmleda. Total oulstending Town Ceaa 5,622,218 3,133,206 RPTTF 1,870,680 S 1,670,550 debt includes pill and Inlmed. 19)FWWA.-F—,TA BO IMB 01/102010 US Bell dminbbalbnof bond MlvYies Town Comer 3.300 3.300 NPTTF S - Payable fmm the Redevelopment Prop" Tax Tma Fund (RPTTT) CaMmeVApwmens Total Due During PaMents by ordin P.4- Name l Dew O ten E.—dian Dale P Devi nPed Am Total OAdnndin0 Oeb w Ohl Hese!Veal 2011-2012^ Funtlinf Sme m Jen 2012 Fab M12 Met 2012 A 2012m Ma 2012 Jun 2012 Teal 2U) Continuing dWsesum S ambaga sendses 1OW2010 A W42/MApplied RW Pmdomar Wllman B Am mesa; Cmmang dledomm S atbilnfe aeniaa fm 1008 bands Town Canter 8,000 8,000 RPTTF f - 21)CoMna fon V0 tain8—I— OB/OB/1011 Cancel SU-t—Im SbudmalanpmedngeaeeameMOSlwvw Square Tewn C.M. 23,530 23,530 RPTTF 5,050 5,R0 S 11,720 Pnkilg Sbudwo 221 Sbvans SgwmParking Garage Dedaelf—fC—Me Cadm ltlo, 0811711088 San—Sgwm Peking Saud—CoMominian Tleas—sgdwlhm ngmaktsees se mgdmd by the Town Caller 50.000 50.000 RPTTF 1.400 1,400 1,400 1,/00 1,400 S 7,000 Residdiw aM Resematom Asamialbn CCBRa. In sudden. them ate W"11ddaned dnswmerenaha Ual MIIba dalembnd by me dm 1 aglneadnp easeemanL Tha mein aamdeted with ongoingmaWwneeaM tloallaI maiMwnp apeman estimates 23) Ambrose handFud Time Hanabuyr 06/17/2000 Rndewd"mardAgmy Agamy—t—le enaum0w5 effadablehon—madsp Tam Censer Antral See Raw Mit RPTTF y - wheaminse pit. ewthme PmmAwyNamend mmrded Affomehb Haaing (UvwMe. In eMllkn, Om Agwy prepaes and exasulea aRadable housing dmumermwnenafkM.oe haneownan rtlbaneew eel then bmeeMmBminp o ARadeW Ha arg Cmamms. To ma eaten RPTTF funds ere mi evdtaoe b NM gds enlomsebi oW0e1an.IM 04paWnahM1bemmibmdan anmaae efLMIHF fume wb 24) Find Time Heambuyer Prmdemry We 0511712000 Rmevelopm.d Agency Agency mmliae W annum the find time homebuyer unit is in Tuan OeMs, Anneal Seafrow811 RPTTF S mmpib—.M am Pmmesery Nob all an ARa bl. H—laU CovwM. In addWan, me Agwy propema am ..elle, dkrd,Na Musag documade Man me eRadabb manna minesnes,—J. ehhome. Totmexled RPTTF funds am nal svetableto flea) this enforceable oogetlon, fee oolpefkn be mmidarnd m anwmbne o mLMIHF fumeunds . 25)Makw DOA IW1W2004 RMevelopmens Agcy Musite p b Naas devekpar b In mMpli.—Mm Town Center Annual See Pew911 RPTTF y mMedwl oUlpatkla 261 Ob Tuan Plan Retail Rehab DDA 05110'2001 Redemlopmem Agency MaMOMg U, in— d.Mp. b In mmpltams Mm Tam Cane Annual See RO tall RPTTF y - mMndual ebligatiaw. 27) Pk— Ufyete ODA 0710'd10115 Redevelopmem Agcy Mapodng b Baum devdpp. a In mmpli.—Mm Tam Cane Annual See Raw9l1 RPTTF 3 - mMmdwl eMIpalMa 28) Fad Cemm—W Rdab DDA OW1511M RW.,d"maMAg.y Monko" te beam devebpar b In..Plame Mm Tam Cama M-1 See Pow911 RPTTF y _ mnnessal oWIpet_ 29)Mkm Confer ODA 11121!1004 RedeaelammAgey Watkbg W hone, davebpr Is In mm0lbnae2081 Tam Center Annual Sse Raw9ll RPTTF f - mmndual eagat um, W) Thampaon ftidig OPA 0000001004 RedeselpmaM Agcy Mambrhgrobeumdwebp.bin mmPlklae Mm Tuan Celle Ae— See Raw911 RPTTF y - seMnebal eNi"Z 31)Sbvw Sgwm Paddn2SWdun-Umnw AWwmwb vary Redevelopment Agency Madbdnpb hmueeticeramwbsemplbme Mm Tam Carder Annual See ROW911 RPTTF f Mnduelo Uwe. 32) Poled PtaMS AgmamMs, wry Rndeme pmaM Agemy Madbdngb tenure l7 admannade emineanplbnmwth =Mr Towle Center Annual See Row911 RPTTF y mMmebal oNigmbm. 331 Pmepad Wage DDA 06/2112004 Redwelopmem Agency Mookdrg le imam devdpar b In mmpibme Mm Tam Canter Anne! Sse Row 9/1 RPTTF f 3Q Pubis Wada AgwmeWSoum Central ftmevaropmrd Ptojea OWOTRM Cry ufTudb OdBbal lean amourd b the Apay in 1003 was initially seWmbd b be$33,600.000 fwtha N—pal Avera.. fadh Cashel 34,235.102 8,558,775 RPTTF 5,135285 3423.510 S 8,658,776 Eeleneon(Newped Und —)k Edmga Avansm. Ther Imeree min 1a.5%aboveim COyiaysmpeyNlJ an Imeaimmta. Rasynneedmaluenbboadon CBy-fundel Phase 1 wont (Capliel Impevameni Pragmm-CIP 70130) OW has been onnpbted on tan N -W A.— EalaebNSRf Noll Bound Ramp ReseMguraWn Pm)ea The Phase 1 Paled bags. in 1000 eM ares mmphded in Menh 2010. Phme i (CIP 70130) comrade amml tell m prevbus EOPS err ROPE. Th.e b m duplles8andobligatiene Phase 2 work(CIP 70131) mmieia ocolmada Deed blow In Rene 942�and Mede mondehavemtbean -sh, awMMkPhase 1. Putwrd ro Sedkn 1yublk Immavemerd Wmkef the P.W Woma Agwmerd.Ilm Sussermr Agency shag pay M. City Man posse an mmPldedall k seek. al Imbllmam (peg Seclbn2 Pa a bytM Aeericsf In. G10> 11. The One imtallmens (January 2012) shall be ger th—pnI m ed duedudng FY 200&2010 and the ton prymeMsduefe,FY201P2011 Theeeeond Wgllmam (Juin 2012) nail as fon Na Ma peymaMdue fon FY 2011- 20/2. Tmiwo llatalWerMMpteOed lMtiel rdmbulaarlerd p." u n l oodllmaton of the OvadpM Bosh of Me adwlinwmand macho aropropst M)Mamonndumof UndMndirlaMhOrange County Watw Db0i0 0.120r10B5 Omga County W.I. DiaWd Taxamraagmem-(p AB 1.Mwlblhe Agenw. South Central 28.000 2.000 RPTTF f WIMe .n ..fUnder Wingwth Tueb Untied Sshmi Diedd 00013/1005 Tustin Urdled Sdcd Dbbld Tudomagmemeniprsl2BOwth Agemy Theagneemerd South Cemni 0 0 RPTTF 5 (SeNm 33401 Payment 0/1311088) PMMM Oat mak tax sluing paymems wound moan efl. the Aganry hes eepandnd $10 muton ddb -fm oeeludbn offadlltaswMa tiesSerum CeMd Amendmad Aw andw mind bonds a cherindeMednmafw ouch mlmudron w pmvded In me Agwme d. The Agency hes set rdiad the IndeMeAlese usedefed will IM 1807 Puok Woda Ageenum allnull . as a m, seeh s ive been m peymame mnde la deb. Payable train the Redevelopmentents Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) CmgragpApempei Total Due Doing - Paymby me Plated Name I Data Obi Enamels. Data M Ion Prefect Ane T., ConnectingFbml Data m Obligation Year 2011-2012^ Funding S- Jan2012 Feb 2012 Mar2012 A r2012 May 2012 Jun 2012 Total 37 Memm m m of Understanding allh Saddleback Community CWtsgs 0141311085 SaddleOeck CommuByCollege DlaUld Tu sursagreement pre•t250 with Agency. The agreement Sough Casal 0 0 RI S - District (Section 33401 Pay.-, 911 WINS) provides thataabin lam aharirg payments weud -.ft. do Agency has upended $10 mlgon dollars for mdruotlm of fadlitlm ANin the Sculls Co mel Amendment Arm and or mond bwtb or ache fndebedis m fmmdr owglmcllon u provtl m. Mtlm,A=eTher Agimyhesmd instrdn Indebdn®a®claled Aih Me 1003 Public Waft Agremut and, u a rmutL aero have been no payments made b cola 50) Newpat AWSHISS MB Romp Recordlpmmbn 11125/2006 Pumas Egirwecig Mapping and survey warvim Sough Cemell 16,000 1,213 RPTTF f - 30NewportAVJSRSSNSRamp R -*. 0112612010 And-Pamw Pngremmemganmdmrviw Boom Cemil 4.OD 2.125 RPTTF S 40) Newport AV. External WO Edinger AV. 02/ 02/ 2010 Dokkm Englnaekg Flail design-I- Swath Dulml /00.000 02.500 RPTfF 15,1100 15,000 15,000 15,o0g 15,OW 17,500 S 02.500 41) Newport Av. Expansion. WO Edirga Av. 10111812010 Nuvh Lendsmpe design eeMcm SaWh Central 30,050 10,780 RPTTF ; 42) NMpM AV. Eabmbn, WO Edinger As. ComtY ofOmge(OCFCD) planchack-tom Sough Cmaiel 25,00D 25,000 RPTTF 18,080 81010 S 25.000 43) Newport AV. Edsxxdi WO Edinger Av. 12/162507 Mam-Maragmiet Dry Utility design end mondirams, service, South Central 2.W 1,323 RPTTF S 44)Newman AV Ealaubn, soO Etlirga As. OUYd2O10 AndenmnPmm Plepnmma.gememeamiem South Cental too0o 4,038 RPTTF ; 45) Navin. Av. Edembn, WO Edbger A, Spmhem California Regional Rall Authgmy (SORRA! Plan doei services South Genual 25,000 25.000 RPTTF S 14,000 10,000 S 25.50 48) CBS Outdoor Blllilmd 1211&1004 Rdevampmad Agency Motoring ft Inure licmam Is In mmience war, Sough Casal Annual S-R-011 RPTTF S emmulual obgatbu. 47)Tuelin Wove Prom 1-11 Mmm and MadaMe Nousbg Covenants very RadavNnpmem Agency Agency mmbonta aaaaile 18a8ordabe homeawmaelup South Conrad Annual Sm Raw MI RPTTF S - ahs en In complier w8h the Promissory idles und named AgodebeNi.w.90-ruts. baddlace a propaneand mW.hoa8ordoba Ianvhg docuo docamamn whea elfadaba hmnewmmrstime ncaored bur hmnm. To IMexIenl fiPTTF hntls pre rat avalbde ta funddamourrm-laccueef theobgnds. aheo be mnadad m enamarmtee d LMllf° fends. 48)T.fi.G-e Modable HcuWg DG 121281005 RadevabpmM Agency Mum6adng In acme the premed mmpfm with the DDA To South Central Annual Sm Row P11 RPTTF S - oa extant RPTTF funds pre.1 anibbetafund min atmcmbb oWdgag , theebigalion died be omsidama an snwmbame d LMIHF fords. 49)Tax Allocation BOMB• MCAS Tustin, Serle 2010 1 t70112o10 Bondholders vie The Ban of New York Made Band bmeb fund mn-houalng pmledd. Total outstanding MCAS Tandin M.364,751 2,282,632 RPTTF 828,464 1,814.468 S 2,440.52 debt Includes prkmand and inlaml. 50) Fiscal Agan Fem -TA Bond 2010 00707/2010 TM Bank of New Yam Motion WAS Tuatm 3,300 3,300 RPTTF 3,300 $ 34300 51) Comment; dbclosue aavkes 4 ara8mge service t0Mm2010 A 8112H 0B3 Annual Bnd Pradime; Wifdan 6 Associate Catimdng dbdodun savkes for 2010 MCAS bonds B MCAS Tulin 4.35D 1,350 RPTTF 1,350 f 1.750 omange -W- Went52)Laces 52) UneseIn FUMmmend COnveyame(UFOC) executed May 13,002 OWIW002 Relwdapmem Agency Property Mompamat, Meldmmirem en, Esvnemal WAS Tustinl Va 0 RPTTF $ - belweeathe United &m d elAmerica and the city d Tulin fm PdMsd RamedbBon, and Real Esble obligations of City required by the Framer Med. Corps Air Station Tudin Navy on Lmaedes mail caovepaca of properties. TNa Irdutlm easel maeaganat enddlayceel, property manemed-d nedbibn. Died Proled Meld staRlng p rade onlyaaAsheudme.gementend tlbpomi mdaua UFO Cmaare /Wal In Row;it. Contextual reapenne mstntm esti aha rmpmrstdlmes uMaihe UFS Agroeman w01 y an Inmmetl entllm u raquatd bylhe Oepdmnent of f eM d Mvy. 53) Lapmin Funhmn al Conmpnm(UFOC)uauted Ju.18,2(Ku4 O11116120D4 Rdevdopmet Agmy Property Management Maintenance, Environmental MCAS Tustin Verdes 0 RFTTF S ban es, the United Stales of Ammke and the City of Teem for Pend 22 Rmdbibn. and Rad Edda obligations of City required by of the Former Mad. Carps Air Station Tustin NavyonLeam dm esti mnveyamedpmpWm. Tints Includes emet management ..it dlapaeal, properly managmetendre WW.. DireotpmmeclrelatdalafOng add only Announced AW sad ma.gamenland disposalnada me UFO D en noted In Raw;11. Conbaadml nappme oostaforeB oche ndpmWbilmm uderme UFOC Agreement All be as Omyan Imuned ardim eanqumtal by be Depamnem ci Mvy. 64)EOOtpmioD-xmrawm Cawyame(EDC) Application for Mabe Corps 05/IWRK2 Rdevdmmam Agent' Obligations of ChymOdnd by Navy In the a.."- of MCAS Tenn Veda 0 RPTTF S - Air section (MCAS)Toxin adAmounted the properly mderthe Mus Plan adopted in 2002. Thio Incudesdeet me.ganau end dlepmel, prawy -.agement ed.ndlalbn. DbeU prajeot rsletd rifling mste amcbid manegamem and dls{asd ands d t. Faxd ten latdinR U.M. Wap , ft EDuairmpon.assb fed ecce rmponatbOBbs underihs EDC AgrumeM Ad be ad shy en dlPrmd andb es mluestd M the DePrlmenl tidy 55) Cotnot for DwelOpmam Advise services DOID712010 Davelopa's Reesman I mplanenallon Pbn ed analogy MCASTusOn 75,000 84.00 RPTTF S 50) Codec fm Engineering B Planning ==MID RBF Com096g Pbn clndc new tad map services MCAS Todn 00,000 35,042 RPTTF 4,675 4.000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 S 24,675 67) Comnd for Planning Service, OWD712010 SMS Architects Implanenbllon Plana& Still MCAS Tuan 50,OCO 15,000 RPTTF 6.000 6,050 3 111,000 88 Contract for Engineering S-1- O D1201OHutaaker&Amodmm Dbpmmen Btategy 8mappingaevise MGS Ten n 218,508 74,850 RPTTF 14,316 S M,318 59) Camelot fm Fl.ndal Anayss 01ID412011 David Teuatig B Amodalm I,=dvieary1-i Jeled Ab daaMnieg MCAS Tustin 47,500 34,760 RPTTF 5,701 5.701 5.701 5.701 5.701 5.705 S 34.750 tllddbtion duue ns; associated ekh background In rascal add 60)Naap."R-W Wteway, Mader plan; handicaps Immov-- 0&0&2010 RBF Camufkg Preparation d Celwny Master plum sit design d lasheape MCA$Tudn 125,070 74,290 RPTTF 8, 0,000 13.x00 12, B.ODO 5,481 S 55.401 Impmvanets 61) Woods, floating Agreanent 12/0&2010 Commpn. LLC Waade hmiing forme MCAS Tustin website MICAS Tustin 1,600 1,800 RPTTF 150 180 180 18 150 1804 000 82) Dextrad twfeme repair 0&1&2006 Isdoml ConWuodon Raul, Inc Fe on repabs u needed at MCAS Tuun MG8 Tulin 10,000 1,700 RPTTF 200 250 350 200 200 200 S 1,200 W)GatndforMaMamnme d imtlwsbpd jump- 11I2m2008SPand-l-ondacapkg Meintamncem undavdopd tad MGS Tush 71,356 71,508 RPTTF 5.34 5.34 5.034 5.034 5,041 5.034 S 35.804 Payable I— the RadevelepmeM Properly Tat; Trust Fund (RPRF) Twi Dae oaring Codnd/Agreanem .. TOMI Outafantling Float Vaer Funding 1 1 I IPey7: by m0'dh 1 1 I dwel par, mmplia—,elh oordmdoel eani—If viable ming obitgedom misted 10157 affonkble units within the q— To aie edard RPT -TF funds are red evellade to fund r eMormeble obliWilon, the pbllgollon atoll ba mnal fi— eneumbren0e of LMIHF funds Peg:2 (Cthar Funding) Page 0 (AdminldrelHe Cml Albwann) Paged (Pae Thru Paymmda) subnftng the Mel Ovanlght Approved ROPE to thM. e State Conuallar and SDepanbnant of Finance, ^ All —1, due during fOml yoer and paynwrvt enreurda am Pro2Mad, Funding eourae from the —eam ep cy: (Forgsoal 2011-12 only, refe orm to RPTTF could also neon tea Inarerrrnt e11e d ao the Ageney pH,, to Fabmsry 1, 2.12,) RPTTF-1 a levelopreent Property Tex Treat Fund gond.- Bond pre ... ds Other- raeer,m s, rents. Internet earnings. end Name MRe,vdo MAe WY SUcaamr Apercvb be Tud6 Commun2v RedembtaMM Aoenq FORM B- AS Rewnw Sourxs Od-Tben R,mWYWoWfM PMPMy Tu TttW FUM(RPT(F) P.*i A—(a) ROA ProjeM Nx NI SECOND AMENDED RED OON�D OBLJDATIDN PAYMENT SCHEDULE Por AB26•u0Um13 l7T(') ComuVApeemeM Pro INeme/Dad Od' 604 Enc Won DNA Pa D —obn Pre IAna Tom Due DUiry FUtlia Tam OMdaromp RmMyw Soux Dad a Od' bn 2011.201r• Jan 2012 Feb 2012 Payable barn OUlar Rawwa 6wrxa Pe W moMb Mer 2012 Am 2012 Me 2012 Ju2012 TWI 1)CmBmfm Enveom 3arvkee 1111&2010 Pa c§btu COMrucibnolTw,RarcbftoW PMxiOmd'ogbSbtm Orem MCAS Tudln 73,800 87.6W Bmde ISM 6,87 6 18.857 2)Cmmmt(w G -Tach Swdcas DBNT120/O NMG CameWbnoliw Rxmh Rau PMA t G—CA Slam Drab MCASTudm 20,100 20,100 Bonds 2Aw s 20.100 3) Cm— b Combucibn MercpemaM 081mo,, Pweom TrenUorleMnGnup Comlrmibnmemg—W fa Twh Rarcb Rou(PMA t aro 2) MCAS Tmdn 1,882,075 798.157 Bon, 64,767 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.080 unm s 564.767 A)CmMad Im Em mm—Sarlicu 11N272D10 Va..,—CemmiD Ra"Wy Agency—ArV MCAS TUNIn 30.000 3(1,000 a.m. 2311 s 2.311 5)DYed Rojw-rN- AW wocbW wM MCAG T.O Tax EmPbpae11WW,,daatWjml-MW Aboutbn Bwvls, Serio"TO (Mwia Semy Aro B Mleaof e M6a fm 0m MCAS Tuelln T= Al x nMro- empoyanj IUMW Prolscb Am,W Pey Wfm—pl sae wiPP VSmrt-fmmPjxb MCAS T -h 600,050 258,550 Bmtlm 21,360 21,300 21,300 21,381 21350 21,§83 § 128,280 s s s s s s S s s S S s s s s s Wb-LMIW oma -Baro Proceeds Wb -O M Orero bm•TNSP e s 2810025 s §Z6,0001$ NIA 1.123.007 NIA s WA 1,12360 WA § 96.637 s 98.537 f 127.947 s 127,047 f 121.300 s 121.380 E 121.360 s 12+380 s 121.380 f 121.380 § s 141791 s s t 791 § 732315 732315 • TM Pnlimlury Draft Raupnlxtl OMIPtiw PaymaM 6clrtlW (RI1P8) is to W emnpbbd M fl+R642 by W aucaaxm panty, ab aubxgwMly b pPreead fry IM PxnlpM bard Mion tlw tg1a1 ROPE h aubmlhtlfotM 8bb CeMrMlar end Bbb DawrbMM M Fiwrca M Aprl)16, M/2. kis MI a nRMnmaMfMt tln Aprxtl Uwn ProeWmx AutlN M aanPbbd b/en aubnMbp tiro flnl » M tMM dA dude hal yxrand pymaM ameunb en P . »• FUMip aeumafram tlr weuueraWrcy: (Fw 6aAl2Oii.i29ii-i2 eMy, nhnrama h RPTTF eddtlalx mumu IrcnmaM MIonIW b+M ManuY plan Fabmary t, 2012.) R;W•P,,W= aW Prowrty Tea Tlwt Fund Bolla•Bond proxa, OUmr-nxrvu,nW,IManM xrNpa,ab LYIXF•Lear and YOArab lrcmna Now) FUM Admin -864046404 AdmmatMln Nlowarma Name of Redevelopment Agency: Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Project Areas) RDA Project Area All SECOND AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AS 26 - Section 34177 (*) FORM C -Administrative Cost Allowance Paid With Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) Payable from the Administrative Allowance Allocatlon Total Outstanding Total Due During Fiscal Year Funding Payments b month Jan 2012 Feb 2012 Mar 2012 Apr 2012 May 2012 Jun 2012 Total Project Name 1 Debt Obligation Payee Description Project Area Debtor Ob ation 2011-2012" Source •• 1) Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs Employees funded by the Administrative Budget for employees, Ai 813,359 813,359 Admin 0 162,670 162,670 162,670 162,670 162,679 $ 813,359 and City/Administrative Agency Successor Agency that perform overhead & legal services needed for direct Operations Loan" between the Successor Successor Agency activites as administrative operation. The Oversight Agency and the City and an Administrative needed for direct administrative Board of the Successor Agency to the Budget pursuant to California Health and operations as well as overhead Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Safety Code Section 34177 0) (Including and legal services. approved the administrative budget on salary and benefits funded by the March 13, 2012 and the Successor Agency Successor Agency and administrative adopted Successor Agency Resolution No. costs. Administrative costs Include the 12-04 an March 20, 2612 approving the agreement with Woodruff, Spradlin & Administrative Budget and approved the Smart $300,000 for administrative legal 'Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs services and the Lease of Office Space and City/Successor Agency Operations $49,497) Loan". This amoumwilliluduate annually. The Adminstrative, Budget was calculated In accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 34171(b), 5% of the property tax allocated to the Successor Agency for FY 2011-2012. 2) Contract for Legal Services City Attorney - Woodruff, Legal counsel - public law & specialty legal AB Actual expenses Actual expenses Admin Spradilo & Smart (Including council as needed to directly support were Included in were Included In Strading Yocca Carlson & administrative activities. Woodruff, Spradin the Administrative the Administrative Rauth: Remy, Thomas, Moose & Smart also provides legal services under Budget -Row #1 Budget -Row #1 & Manley, Waters & Company: direct project services and these costs are and Jeanette Justus) not double -counted between administrative - related legal expenses and project -related legalexpenses. 3) Lease of Office Space PK It Hoidco, LLC Office space rent AN Actual expenses Actual expenses Admin were Included In were Included in the Administrative the Administrative Budget - Row #1 Budget - Row #1 $ 4) Auditing Services White, Nielson, DIshL Evans, Auditing of annual Agency expenditures All Actual expenses Actual expenses Admin LLP were Included in were Included in the Administrative the Administrative Budget - Row #1 Budget - Row #1 $ Totals - This Pae $ 813,591$ 813,359 162 670 $ 162 670 162,670 $ 162 670 S 162,6791S 8113,359 The Preliminary Draft Recognised Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) is to be completed by 31112012 by the successor agency, and subsequently be approved by the oversight board before the final ROPS Is submttted to the State Controller and State Department of Finance by April 15, 2012. It Is not a requirement that the Agreed Upon Procedures Audit be completed before submitting the final Oversight Approved ROPS to the State Controller and State Department of Finance. " All total due during fiscal year and payment amounts are projected. Funding sources from the successor agency: (For fiscal 2011.12 only, references to RPTTF could also mean tax Increment allocated to the Agency prior to February 1, 2012.) RPTTF - Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund Bonds -Bond proceeds Other - reserves, rents, Interest earnings, etc LMIHF - Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund Admin - Successor Agency Administrative Allowance -- Administrative Cost Allowance caps are 5% of Form A 6 -month totals In 2011.12 and 3% of Form Ali -month totals In 2012-13. The calculation should not factor In pass through payments paid for with RPTTF In Form D. Name of Redevelopment Agency: Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency FORM D - Pass -Through Payments Project Area(s) RDA Protect Area All OTHER OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AS 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Project Area Total Outstanding Dent or Obligation Total Due During Fiscal Year 2011-2012' Source of Fund" Jan 2012 Feb 2012 Pass Through and Other Payments - Payments by month Mar 2012 Apr2012 May 2012 Jun 2012 Total 1 City of Tustin City of Tustin pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 5,040,723 76,580 RPTTF 76,580 $ 76 SBO 00 2 Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) TUSD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 56,531,80 858,850 RPTTF 858,850 $ 858,850.00 3 Santa Acta Unified School District (SAUSD) SAUSD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 2,644,380 40,174 RPTTF 40,174 $ 40.174.00 4 Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) IVSD pass thru payments per A8 1290 General 43,344,635 658,506 RPTTF 858,508 $ 858 5W.0D 5 Sash Orange County Community College Dlsbict SOCCCD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 21,465,486 326,111 RPTTF 326,111 $ 326,111.00 g Rancho Santiago Community College District RSCCD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 581,386 8,833 RPTTF 8,8331 $ 8,833.00 7 Orange County Water District (OCWD) OCWD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 1,590,627 24,165 RPTTF 24,165 $ 24,165.00 g Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) OCTA pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 544,294 8,269 RPTTF 8,269 $ 8,26900 g Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) OCSD pass thru payments r AS 1290 Pe General 3,180,448 48,318 RPTTF 48,318 48318.00 10 Orange County Library District County of Orange pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 3,234,474 49,138 RPTTF 49,139 $ 49,139.00 11 Orange County Department of Education County of Orange pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 4,048,576 61,507 RPTTF 61,507 $ 61,507.00 12 County of Orange County of Orange pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 11,950,912 181,562 RPTTF 181,582 $ 181582.00 13 Orange County Fiord Control District County of Orange pass ihru payments per AS 1290 General 3,835,858 58,276 RPTTF 56,276 $ 58 278.00 14 8. Orange County Harbors, Beaches, Parks County of Orange pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 2,965,150 45,048 RPTTF 45,048 $ 45,048.00 15 Orange County Vector Control District County of Orange pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 216,911 3,295 RPTTF 3,295 $ 3,295.00 16 Orange County Cemetery District (OCCD) OCCD pass thru payments per AS 1290 General 96,279 1,463 RPTTF 1,483 $ 1,483.00 $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Totals -Other Obligations $ 161,271,999 $ 2,450,096 $ $ $ $ IS $ 2,450,096.001$ $ 2.450 096.00 The Preliminary Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPE) Is to be completed by 3M2012 by the successor agency, and subsequently be approved by the oversight board before the final ROPE is submitted to the State Controller and State Department of Finance by April 15, 2012. It is not a requirement that the Agreed Upon Procedures Audit be completed before submitting the final Oversight Approved ROPS to the State Controller and State Department of Finance. " All total due during fiscal year and payment amounts are projected. Funding sources from the successor agency: (For fiscal 2011-12 only, references to RPTTF could also mean tax Increment allocated to the Agency prior to February 1, 2012.) RPTTF - Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund Bonds - Bond proceeds Other- reserves, rents, interest earnings, etc LMIHF - Low and Moderate income Housing Fund Admin - Successor Agency Administrative Allowance - Only the January through June 2012 ROPS should Include expenditures for pass-through payments. Starting with the July through December 2012 ROPE, per HSC section 34183 (a) (1), the county audkor controller will make the required pass-through payments priorto transferring money Into the successor a enc Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for Items listed in an oversight board approved ROPE.