HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1297RESOLUTION NO. 1297
resolve as follows:
1. The Planning Commission finds and determines:
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby
a) That a proper application (No. PZ-72-138) has been
filed by the' Planning Commission for a prezone
change from the Orange County C-2 District to the
City of Tustin Planned Community (P-C) District of
the property described in Exhibit %'A" attached ·
hereto and incorporated hen~n by this reference
as though set forth herein in full.
b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and
held on said application;
c) That a zone change should be granted for the follow-
ing reasons:
1) The requested P-C Planned Community prezoning
will permit City control, by specific plan
approval, of the uses and design of subject
property, to the benefit of the surrounding area~
Development of subject Property shall be. in accord-'~
ance with the policies adopted by the City Council,
Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Build-
ing Official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire
Chief, and street improvement requirements aS admin-
istered by the City Engineer.
Final development plans shall require the review and
approval of the Development Preview Commission.
f) That said proposal is in conformance with the Open
'Space-Recreation-Conservation Elements of the Tustin
Area General Plan.
2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City
Council approval of prezone change application No. PZ-72-138 from
the Orange County C~ District to the City of Tustin Planned Com-
munity (p-C) District, subject to the following conditions:
a) Annexation to the City of Tustin
b) Submit.tal of a specific plan of development; subject
to final approval by the Staff, Development Preview
Commission, and Planning Commission. Said plan to
be restricted to the following development criteria:
1) No residential structures to be loCated closer
than 50 feet to adjacent residential property
2) Height of all structures not to exceed 3 stories
Density of any multiple-family residential por-
tion to be no greater than one dwelling unit
per 1250 sq. ft. (34 dwelling units per gross
acre); designed and occupied as proposed as an
adult community.
· 4) Parking areas and t~affic circulation patterns
to be approved by the City. Engineer and Develop-
ment Preview Commission.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Com-
mission, held on the 13th day of November, 1972.
I, NANCY LAWTON,~ the undersigned, hereby certifies
that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning
Commission of. the City of Tustin, California; that
the foregoing Res.olution was duly passed and adopted
at a regular ome. e~_ting of the P~nning.~ Co~mission,
held on the ~u~_ day of . %~~~~J __, 197~.
./' . ' [XiilD IT
AII th.',[ certain l~,nd sltuated In tk, u SLOte of Cal;.¢~rnla0 Rancho Santi:~rjo cc SanTa .
~n. County
That ~orllon o[ tl~e ~ectGngul~ South h~if of ~he South h,~'lr o~ L6t I0 o~ the VonCeri.p -
records of Los Angeles CounZy, California, described as fOllOWS~
Beginning at the intersection of the $outhcrl¥ 1;nc of said Lot'lO with t;,r %,'csterl¥
lane of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company fight of way, 30.00 feet in ~;dth; thence
Ucst 207.80 ~eet along said Southerly S Ina; thence North ~lh. GG feet; thence
207.80 fcc[ co a point on sald ~csterly lifle 3lA.Th feet, t;orthcrly o( tho ~-;nt of
beginning; thence, Sou[horly 3lA,Th feet .to the point o( beg;nh;ag, . .
· '" ' · % '
~he rectangular'South hoif of the South half of Loc 10 of tho Vond;rl;p and-Rowan
as sho~n on o tt~p recorded In Book ';~....P~e 1~0 of ~;scolioncous Records .of Los..
County, C~li(ornia. .~ .
Excepting therefrom the Vesterly ~0~:.]~ feet measured ~ron tho center 1;ne of Hart
Avenue, 80 fee~ ~ide, es said itolr Avenue is shown on the Aap o~ sai~ Vanderiip and
Rowan Tract. ** · ,' .
Also ex'ccprln9 therefrom ti~e (oJlo~g: Beg;nn;n9 at the Soulheast corner of.sald Lot
10; thence Vest alan9 the Sou~h ilne of said Lot'i0 ~ distance o~ 2~7.80 feet to*the
Southv;est corner o~ the I~nd described In the deed to Tustin Hills Citrus Association,
recorded 0cccmber 21, 1~20 in Book ~80, Page ~25 of Deeds; thence North along the Vest
llne thereof, and along the West llne of ti~e' land describe6 in the deco ~o ~ai~ Asset;e-
- · ,.or
tiaa. recorded ~oY 27, 19~I in DaDA ASS, Pi. ye '~. of O~[,~,,"'i Re;orals. and =he"
. extension thereof, ~Ile.~G feet to o ~lnt in the North llne of the 'rcctangulnr South
~1[ o~ the Sou~h hel~ o~ s~id Lot 10;' ~hcncc E~s~crIV ~Iong sold ~or~ l~ne 2~7.80
' ~ee~ ~o ~e poln~ o[ beginning. '.-
T~e ~o~lheri~ 3.00 ~cc~ o~ Lo~ ~ o~ ~c ~ende~1;p ~nd Row~n'T~ac~. ~s ~o~n on ~
~cce~dc~ ~n Book S~ P~go 160 o~ ~scell~neous Rccor~s o~ Los Angelcs-~ounty.
Excepting therefrom the ~esterly ~03.3~ feet, measured at c~ght angles from thc centc~
line of Holt Avenue, 80~00 fee[ In ~tdth, sho~n on said ~ap as unnamed Road adjoining
said Lot 9 on [he ~est.
That portion of Lot ~ of the Vandetllp and Ro~nn Tra~t as sho~n on a ~ap recorded
Book 5, Page 160 of ~iscellaneous Recocds of Los Angeles County, Callforn;a, described
as fei
Beginnin9 at a point on the l¢orthe'tiy llne of the land describe6 ;n'a deed to V. ~.
M~itson and ~ife, recorded ~ay ill, i~i7 In 0oak 2~2, Page 97 of Deeds, said point being
30.00 'feet Sou[h of a point 228.~6 feet East of the North~¢est corner of ~a[d LOC ~;
thence Easterly along said Northerly llne 18~.~h feat to a point distant ~'estet;y 2~.00
feet from the No~theastc~ly corner of said land of Whltson; thence Southeasterly to a
point on the Easterly llne of said land of Whltson distant Southerly 2~.00 feet from
said florthwest corner of said land: thence Southerly along said Easterly llne
feet to the Southenstcrly corner of said' land o~ Uhltson; thence ~'cstcrly'along the
Southerly llne of said land of ~hitson, 210.8~ feet to o point 228,~6 (eel [~st of th~
Vest ilne of said Lot ~, ~aid Vest line being the center line of Holt ~venue, 80.00
feet in ~idth, adjoining s~ld Lot.on tho Vc~t; thcnce.North 52~.~G feet to thc point of
· · i · ·
boginn g. . , .
· · · * ~ ·
. · ·
· e ·
e ·
' ~ ·
e *
I · .el i :.· · " . ' · e. *
. · ·
, . · ., ...· %. 4,:# . . ·
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· e.
· · ·
· ,
303.36 {~ Eo~c~ly, m~o~ur~ ~ ~]~h~ ~ngic~ ~om thc cc~c~ lime o( s~d
·. ·
· · .... .,.. · · ' ' i - e' ~
PARCEL ~ ' · ·
~ , .
Th~ port,on o~ LoL ~ of thc Vondcrllp ~nd ~o~en T'~c~, es shown on ~ H,~P ~ccordcd
Oook 5, Po9o I~0 o~ ~JscoJloncous ~cco~ds of Los Angeles ~ounL7, Ce~j~o(n~, described.
es fo} lows: .. ·
. p~l}ci ~]~h ~l~c l~or~h llno o~ ~eld Lo~, 160.8 ~cc~: Lhcncc Sou~ O' O~" E~L
~o th6 E~s~ linc 6f '~oid Lo~, 16'/.5 fce~ ~hcnce E~s~ p~ro}lci ~o ~hc Mor~h linc
sold Lo~ ~; 18.80 ~ec~; ~hcncc SouLh O' 0~' Ees~,' 30 ~ccL; tl{cncc. E.~s~ porel~ci
thc ~orth llne of said Lo~, ~2 ~CcC, ~rc o~ 1ess, tO ~ poin~ in ~c ~es~ 1~ne
Lo~ ~, dJst~n~ Sou~h O' 0~' Ees~ 1~7.~0 [ce~ ~om ~hc po~n~ o~ beginning;' ~hcncc
-.- · ' · - · -'
PA~C~ ~: · · '' '~' - ' ~ ·
%ho~ por~lon o~ Lo: 9 o~ ~he'Vzndorl]P ~nd Rowan Tract,as ~hown on ~ ~aP rcco
Book ~, P~c ~60 o~ ~i~c~ll~ncou~ ~ccords'O~ Los An~el~ CoUntY, Col lfo~nio,
ms follows: .. · · '
Oeglnn~ng a~ a poin~ in thc Eas~ i~ne of ~Id Lo~ 9, 200.5 ~ce~ Sou~he'rly from
flortheas~ corne? of said LoC 9; thence West, parallel C'o the flor~h l~ne of sa~d LoC,
.e · ·
· .
O' 0°' East 20. feet; thence East, parallel with the North llne
of sald Lot, 64 feet; thenc~ $oul. h 0 09' East ~q ?yet;. :
thc florth l lne of sal. d Lot, 78 feet to a'point in tho ~a . '.
fee: S6'utherly {~om t~e Northeast corner'of said Lot ~; thence ~orth along the ~ast
,o~ said LOt, 6~ feet to th~ point of begifi. ;rig, . · ' -.
· . ,
?A~L 7: ! ' '' ' ' " ' ' '
That ~rtlon~of Lot ~ o~ :i~c Vandct~ip.~nd P.o~a~ Tract, as shown·on a ~ap tecsFded
Oook~, Page..160 of ~isceilaneou~ Record~ of-LOs A'nGcles County, Californla, described .
as follows:
· ; .'.
Bcginnlng at the Southeast Co~nc~ of the .land dcscribed as Parcel I in the deed.
~ustln Le~n Assoclatloo to CcntFol Lemon Associo:ion, reco~c~ July 23, 1~2~ in Boo~
661, eaOc 357 or Oceds, s~id point being South 0' 0~' East 55~.~6 feet from the ~otth-
~t corner o{ said Lot ~; thence ~est, along the Southcrly bou'nd,~y' llne of Parcel .1 .
dcscrlbed in said dc·d, 3~ fca:; thence Northwesterly 58 feet, more o~ 1ess, to a ~int . .
which is Iii feet North ond g0 feet ~est of thc Southeast corne~ of PaFccl I described
in above mentloncd deed: :hcncc No,th and Northwesterly along ~ curve concave ~o the
flo~thcOst, having a tadlus o~ 100 feet, ~1,.2S f~ct, ~e o~ less, to a ~int which
~ feet No~tM of thc Sou~hwes~ coF6c~ of thc ~and desc~ibcd ~n the above mentione~ dee~;
. thence ~est, parallel with tile North llne of said Lot ~, 12 feet; thence ~o~th O"
West 2g~.z~6 feet: thence ~est, pa~.allei witl~ the North llne of said LOt, 18.00 feet;thence
~otth 0' 09' West 167.50 fec~ to a point ~ fee~ South and 160.8 feet ~'est of tn·
.east cornet of said Loc.~;'thencc L'cs:, parallel with the ~orth llne of said Lot,
. lent, marc or less, to ~ point in thc ~cst ilnc of' said Lo: ~, distant 3 feet South
· :he Northwest cornet thereof,, snld l~ot:h~cs~ cotnc~ b~ing in the center I~ne of an.80
foot Foad es shown upon said ~op; thence South, along'the Wcs: 'llne of said Lot, 27 ·
feet to thc No~th~cs: corner of the land conveyed to Charles ~. Lo~an by deed
OeccmbcF I~, i~1~' in Book 311~, Pa0e 2~ of D~cds: thence EnSt, paFallcl to tl~c No~:~
line of said Lot ~ and along the ~orthc~ly boundary l~nc of the land so conveycd to
~13.~ feet, mo~e Bt less, to thc-Northwest corne~ of thc parcel of lan~ dcsctlbed as '
Parcel 2 in thc dccd f~om Charles F. Logan and wlfc to Tustin Hills Citrus Association,
fecoFdc'd Spctembc~ 1, 1~3Q in ~oo~ $~8, Pa~c 387 of'0f~iclai Records; thence Sou:h-' . .
' easterly along thc SouthwcstcF1y boundary line of the land so convegcd to Tustln hills
Clttus Association to thc ~st Southcriy cornet th~t*of, being n ~int in thc East
o~ %h~ 13~d conveyed ~o Charles F. Logan by said deed Fecordcd. in 0°~k 3fiG, Po~e
of Occdo; thence Soutl~ 0 0~' East, along tl~c Easterly boundary llnc of land of Logan,
~0~,.~ Tcet, n~rc or'Ices, to thc SouLhcast cornet 'thc~cof; thcncc W.est, alon~ the
Southerly bound~,'7 i lnc '~f land o~ Lo,an, f139-.20 f,~ct, n~te o~, less', to a polnt in the..
'.~: linc of ~aid Lot ~, dls&~nt 5~.~ [co& Southcrly'f~ the :~6~th~cst cotnc~
L~, s,3ld point being. In t~ c,.n.'~ lir,~ nf :h~ 80 [oo~ goad 4bovo. Eofct~ed :o; :hcnCm
- , e' . e I · " / e ~
South. along the West linc of said'Lot. 20 ('ecl lo iht llorthv~r:.s! co,"ncr of the Icad
conVc, y,~d to Il.' P. £h~${r'nscn b-y ,4:cd retarded Novcml)Cf .2~, 1.~/07 i,, ~ook I1,1,, PaSo 220
01' Del:els; thence E.~$L. aio~,l thc Ur;rthcr'ly ho,nd.3ry l ia,: el' the loll(Is of
an'~J ,~long thc t. ort$,c~ l,/ l~o~,~dary i lne of the lend dc:,C$';i~cd in. [hc dccu from
Chrlstcnscn .~n(I wife to Tustl~t Lemon Association nnd o/I,ers,.fccofdcd DcccmUef
'i~ '[look ~05, Page 52 o~ Oc~os, 620 fcct, marc or less, to a point ;~ [l~c [a~[ i';nc o~
s,~id Lot ~. dlstnnt ~7~,~6 f~et Southerly fFon~ the Northeast corner thereof; thence
· North O' O~e ~e~t along said East line 20 feet to thc ~olnt of'
£xcept;ng the,'cfrom the East ~$.00 feet of the. Vest :~03.~G feet"o'f the North 27.00 fc~:;
measured at right angles fr~ tho center ilne of Ilolt Avenue; .. .-
''Also exceptinO therefrom the E~st 7~.00 feet of the ~est 303.36 feet ~ tho South 20.00
~eet~ measured at right anglcs-~rom tho cente~ line o~ Holt Avenue.'
Also except;ag'that portion thereof described as foilo~vs: ' ·
aeglnnlng at a intersection of a linc parallei ~lth and I~0.00 ~et'Eastetly fto~ the
ecntc~ llne of Ilolt Avenuc, said center llnc also being the West line o~ sa~d Lot
.thc ~ortherly llne or Four:h S:rcct as dcsc?lbcd ~n*a oecd rccordcd ;n Book ~106, Po~c
2)2, Official Rccords of Orange County, Callfor~Ia; thence South $~' 20" l~" [~st
~ald KorthetIy l lne 27.00 feet; thence Nocth S2 ~0~ ~" West 33.G3 ~ee: to a '~;nt ;r
said parallel line, distant ~o'~h 0' ~q' 08" ~cst alon~ .said patella1 llno 20,OD fccc
tho point of beginning, ".. ' . "· . '. '
~ARCEL 8: .' ·
Thc I~orth ~ feet of the ~est. 188.~ feet oF Lot 9 of the VaRderllp and Re,an Tract, a~.
sh~ on a flap recorded in Book 5~ Page 160 of ~Iscellaneo'us Records of Los Angeles.
County~ Californla.. ". ': , . · . , ' .. I .
t.. . .
~ARCEL_~L "-: · ' ' " "· '
A perpetual" non-excluslve, easement for.~[ngres~. ~d e'gress over 'the followlng 'described
land: .,, , · · "'
That po;lion o~ Lo~ I0 of. the vande~ip and Rowan Tract, e's sho~zP on ~'flap recorded in'
Book 5, Page 160 of ~iscellaneOus Records of'Los Angeles County, CalifOrnia,
. .
- as fei lows: .. : .'
Beginning at the Intersection o~ the South'l~ne oF said Lot 10 ~;th a ilne paral'le;
and 228.~G ~eet East of the center.llne of Holt Avenue as said center llne is sho~,= on
the Hap o~ sa~d Vanderlip and Rowan Tract; thence Northerly 3.00 feet along said parallel'
line; thence Northeasterly ~oa ~int on a line parallel ~i~h ~0~.3~ feet East of said
center tlne o~ Holt AvenUe, distant' thereon Northerly h).00 feet from the South 1;ne
said Lot i0; thence Southerly h~.O0 feet along said parallel llne to the South l lac of..
~ald LOt 10; thence ~esterly along said South line t~ the point of beginning.
PARCEL 10: ·. .. . ..
A perpetual non-excluslve easement fo'r'ingress and egress ove~ and across the East 75.00
feet of the ~e~t ~0~.~G feet of the North 27.00 feet measured at right angles from tho
center llne ot' tloit Avenue of the .foilowlng described land:
That'~rtlon oF Lot ~ o~ the Vnnderllp'and Re,an Tract, as sho~n on'a map recorded
.Book ~, Page 160 o~' ~iscel laneous.Records-of Los Angeles County, Cai i [ornla, al.ascribed
as follows:
et~ thu f,o, LI,ve.~t corner of Li~a Innd ¢l,~cFibod In the nbuvo mentioned '~lc,~d~ thence West,
........... p,~fallel ~zlLh thc ItoFth linc of ~nld Lot 9, 12 /cc~; thence Nt~rth O~ 0.~' West 2~1~;h$ feet;
' thence ~lcst, parallel ~lth tho /~orlh'llno..of sold Lot; 18.80 ~cot; thence
Wc~t 167'50 fee[ to a point ~ foe[ South and 1~0.~ foot West of tho Northeast cornc~ of
... ~. ~ , . .
' ' '. 3 '/ , '
Beginning at thc Southcost corner of the land described as Parcel 1 ;n the deed from Tust. in
Lemon Association to Central Left, on Association, re~orded July 23, 1~2.~ in Book $6~, Page .
357 of Occds, said point bcin9 Soutl~ 0' 09' East $$~,~6 ~eet ~rom thc Northeast corner
of said Lot 9; thence ~est, along tho Southerly boundary linc of Parcel I dcscr[beo in .
sa~d deed, 31~ feet; thence Northwesterly ~8 feet, ~re or less,' to a point wh;ch ~s 1~
feet florth and 90 feet West of thc Souti~east corne~ of Parcel I described {'n above men-
tioned Oecd; thence Nor;h and North~vostcrly alan0 a-curve COACOVO $O th: Nor. theas~,
having a radius o~ ~00 feet, 5fl.25 feet, ,~re or less, to a point ~lh;ch ~s 9~ fc,lt gotth
, e
e*l % , ' '' , I
........ ...., ,.: ...... ...j~ '".' .. ..... .
·'...' .';' ',*'" .'', . · :..' ' ~,' ' ' "?la '.% '*. ~ · , . · ., .e. '
'~ ~ I'*
· . , , ..
~.~]d Lot ~; thin,C,' W~t, p,~,~llcl ~th thc N(,~th lin(: ~,~ 5.)~,J I.~1, I,~$.~ ~(.~, ,,~
w~st coFncF Of [h~ land convcycd ~o Ch~rlcs F. LoDnn by dc~,J Furor(ted ~cc~:~,bc[ ~D,
in Book ~1~, Page 2~i o( Dccd~; ii'once East, parallel to-thc :;ort'l~ linc o{ sn;d L<~t
. al~d o]onu thc Nocti~crly'bound~cy linc o( .thc i~nd ~o convc'/cd tc Lo,on. ~i~.~ (c~[. core
n~st ~outhcrly corner Jhcrco~, beln0 o point in the East line o~ the lend conveyed tO
ChorieS F, LoOnn by said deed recorded in Book 3h6, Page 2~i o~ Deeds; thence South
0~' East, along tho [as'terly boundary line of tend or Logan, 50/I.gG f~ct, more or less,
to tho Southeast corner thereof; thence Vest. ~Jong tho Southerly boundary l ino of lend
55.~.~G ~cet Southerly from ~hc Nortl~wcs~ cornet of said Lot. said point being ;n
center line of tim 80 foot reed ,~bove rc~ctred :o; thence South. alan9 the ~cst llne of
said Lot, 20 feet to 'the t~o~th~vcst corne~ of [l~e land conveyed to Ii. P. Chrlstcnscn bY
deed rccorded November 2G. i~07 in Book lhli, P~5~ 220 of Dc,ds; thcncc Eqst, a;on5 tho-
Northerly bo,ndo~y llne of the lnn4s of Chrlstcnscn ~nd.alon5 the hot[hetty boundary '
ilne of thc land described in the deed from H. P.' Ci~ristenscn and ~;fe to Tust;n Lc~n
Assocla~ion and others, recorded December. th, ~17 in Book ~O~, PaSo 52 o~ D~eds, ~20
feet, n~re or less, to a point in the East ilnc of said Lot.D, distant 57~.~6 f.eet
~utherly rrm the Northeast ,corner thereof; thence North 0 O~~ ~est along sa;6
line 20 ~eet to the point of beginning. · .. -. ... :. .- '.
· - · · · e .. *'
PARCEL 11: · . -' '' · ' .-
That p~rtlon of Lot ~ o~ th~ Vend, clip and ~o~on Tract, as Shod'on a map recorded ;n
Book ~, Peg* 160 o~ ~lscelJaneous Records of Los Angeles Count. y,. CaJ~fornia,'dcscrlbe6...
as fei 1o~s: .. ..... . · ·
.Beginning'At tho Southeast ·corner of th~ land described as Parcel I in the deed
. .Tust~n Lemon AssocintJon.to Central Lemon Association, recorded July 23, 1~2~ Jn Book
~GI, Peg~ ~57 or Dccds, said point being SoEt'h O' qg' [ns: 55~.~G feet from the hortheast
corner.of said Lot g; thence ~ost, along :he Southerly boundary line of Parcel J
' Iq feet North and ~0 feet ~est'of the Southeast cornea, of Parcel I described ~n above
mentioned deed; thence Uocth and ~ott.hwestccly along a curve concave to the t:orth'cast,
having o radius or 100 fcc[, ~h.2~ feet., more or less, ~o a poin't ~vhfch ~S ~S feet.
North of the Sou~l~est corner of the land described in the abogc mentioned deed; th~ce
~est, parallel uith the. I{orth line of said Lot ~, 12 ~cct; thence l~orth O' O~" West
Zliq.h6 feet; .thence East, parallel with the I;orth llne of said Lot, 6h feet; thence
South O' OD' East hh feet; thence East, parallel ~ith the North llne of sal~ Lot, 78 feet
to a point in the East line of said Lot ~, distant South thereon 2~h.5 feet fron the.
Northeast co?net of said Loc; thence South O' 0~* East along .tho East I ina thereof
· ,
more at Jess, to the point of boglnnln~, ' . . . . ..'.
· · e~, '. .
· · * ' :',. ".
· .e · . · ' · · .' ·
''' * e. e,- ·
... · . ;..' ' ~-
· ... .... .'. :
. · .
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