HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1292 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 '25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1292 , A RESOLUTION OF THE PI.ANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A TEMPORARY USE PERMIT ON APPLI- CATION NO. UP-72-393, OF CLYDE STOCKDALE, ET AL. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows a) That a proper application (No. UP-72-393) was filed on behalf of Clyde Stockdale, et al., for a Tempor- ary Use Permit to permit the temporary use of two mobil~ home classrooms for a one year period for Tustin's Kiddie Kollege on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth here- in in full. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application; c) That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circum- 'stances of this case, be detrimental to the health, 'safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following find- ings: 1) That the need for physical expansion of the classroom facilities for the Tustin Kiddie Kollege has been evidenced; 2) That the temporary, mobile classroom units must meet all applicable State, County, and City re- quirements and standards for the proposed use and, 3) That said two (2) mobile units will be located in an unobstrusive area of subject property. d) e) That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or der rimental to the.property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of'the City of Tustin, .and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Coun- cil, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire. Code as administered by ~ the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. f) Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Development Preview Commission. 2. The Planning Commission hereby grants a Temporary Use Permit, as applied for,.to permit the temporary use of two mobil~ home classrooms for a one year period for Tustin's Kiddie Kolleg~ subject to the following conditions to be accomplished prior to any use or occupancy of the mobile units: ,.. - ' ~O~ ~ '_',-,a.: 20: :,.or, oZ t? ,;ouchoar, t:erly 19 ~cz'e~ oZ the ~ub(,~vi~or, of ~i~e F~llpc ...... , in ~.e Ci~y o~ Tuj~in, Cou~cy of Orange, S~a~e of California, aG ~hown on a map ~n Doo;~' ' 4, ,~° ..... 206. of l-ii~ce].ianeou~ Records, in ~he offic~ of Cbc County R~cord~- of ~-a;;;in;;iu~ ~.~ ;he norZhwc~;~ corner of ~he parcel o~ land ' " ~ ' A~q;'~w i~ ~.:.orri~ and ~ife to I G ~o~;en, recorded x,--~ 21 1919. i~ ~ook 330, Yag~ 358 of Dgad~, ~hence ea~cerly along ti:e north line of said' land conveyed :o Bowen, 330.34 =,-.-' aa &he nornav:e~& cor~or o~ the oarcel of land conveyed ~o ,. Gladys Wat:;on by - z~c~ Records, said poln~ Dac.~ recorda~ December 11, 1929 in ~ook 332, Page 350 of O'==' ~ ' ' ~c~'.$0 fcc~ wcs=criy f=o~= aha ea~c line of said Fclipe Yorba Tracn; thence soucheriy ~ . .~. ~ . .~ ~ , a,on~ ghe ~'~g line o'; maid Watson ia~d, 150.00 fee~ :o che sou~n%~,eu~ corner t~.~'goz; nncr:~g ca~:eriy along the 8ouch Ii'ne of said "'' land 125.00 fee~ ~o ?:oz~Lwc~e=2y corner of ghe land convoyed ~o L. W, Homphill and wife ba Deed :ccor~,od ;~ovc:~',ber' I0, 1930 in ~oo~ 432, ,oa~eo 308 of Official Records; ~hence =ougkctly 13~.00 · ~o.,G ~he waG= line of ~h~ f~c~ ~ong ~he %.~e~& line of ~aid ilemphiil land, and "~ convoyed ~o Doroghy 5ecl~n by Deed recorded i~ovcnf~er i0, 1930 in Book 4~2, -Page 509' ' '"~-' .'-~ 2eCords ~hence wes~eriy 455 O0 fee~ ~o a ~oin~ in =he we~ line of ~i~ land ' -~"'-' of begln~i~g; ghence norgkerly along said %-e~erly llne 286.00 ~2eeu ~oZac of be~ir,~ing. . . Lxcop~ c;ia~ ~or~ioii of Gaid land described as follow~: , .... :-~ poin~ or~ ~he west line az sa~ sounheas~ i9 acres, no~'~h.O° 32' 2~" ca,c, 2~5.'12 fee& fro~ ~ne south line of Gaid l)ellpe ~o~ba Trac~; ~hence nor&h 22° 0'9 ~4.4~ ~ec= ~o :aa ,oueh line of the land described ag parcel 1 in Deed ~o H. ~ .... . recap'dad ~n ~ook 1323, Page 442 ~ said '=~: ~-~ Re said paine being the grue po~n~ of ..... '-'-~'- ' ,O[.~.,~.~ Of chis descrip&ion; thence no~'&h 28~ 04' 47" eas= 319.51 feec ~o ,. . a~onS said north llne north 88° ~2' 24" west 21o 70 .xn~' of said parcel of land; chance ' ~ , ' __ ~ 'co ~a~G wes~ ilne thence alon~ ~a~ wcsu i~,,~, sou~h 0° ~2' 23" wes~, . . a.ono ~o t;ie ~ou~awes~ corner of said parcel of land; thence '~ ,, said sou~h line, souuh ' i0" ca8~, 67.95 fee~ to said true point of ' ~"~ ' '~ " conveyed to ~nu Sta&c ..ifornla by Deed recorded June 29, 1961 In Book 5769 Page 217 of ~=" ~ '~ · . Sa~d l~nd i~ included %;i~hln the area sho%-Tn on a map filed in the Office of ~he County ,,¢c~rder of ~aid Orange County, in Book 20 Page 12, Record of Surveys ......,,,.:..-...,~,~o4 .... '-- ac a point on che ease line of the subdiviaion of the Felipe Yorba · ~,e ~..cy of '~" C'oun~y of Orange, SCa~e of California, as ~ho%~ on a map recorda- ~.%ook 4, [~age 206 of ~li$cellaneouu P~ccords, in the Office of the County Recorder of Los .,<.u~es CounZy, California, said poin~ oelng southerly 700.57 feec from the cor,q~' of Lo= 1 of said Tract, said poln'c als° being on ghe weot line of a '40 foo~ -: land knovm ~s Yorba Street, thence fro~ ~aid po~.,~ of beginning southerly aionj ,'~a.,% llnc of the Peiipe Yorba Tract 150.00 feet; :hence %:escerly 258.00 feeu iZna 150.00 fee= s~u~herly of and parallel ~o thc south line of the parcel of icnd C~.cribcd in a Deed recorded l.:arch 31, 1919 In Book ~30, Page 367 of Dueda, RecorC~ O~,~S0 County, ~hence northerly ig0.O0 feet along a line parailol wiuh the eau=uti7 ilne of oaid ,.elipa Yorba Tract to the south line. of the= parcel of land described in gna " Deed recorded l.:a;'ch 21, 1919 in BooX 3Z0, Page 387 of Deeds, Records of O~-ange County, ~benca caoucrly-xo-o~' .... '~aid ~ou~h line 258.00 fcc'~ co the poin~ of oeo.nnino. : ~ ...... . .....-- %hero free[ She ecGC 163 00 fee~ ' ffice of the Sa~u lend is included %.;i''~ ~"' thc area ~ho~ on a map filed xn the 0 9oui;cy Xccorder of oaxd Orange Coungy, i~ ~" '>nr,~ 12} Record of Surveys. , , . I 1 $ 4 § 9 10 11 lZ 14 15 16 17 18 19 Z4 sO b) c) d) .. The filing of a parcel map which will clearly de- lineate the ultimate boundaries of the nursery school site, including the temporary mobile units; The filing of a Use Permit, applicable to only that area delineated by the parcel map, which shall legally establish the nursery school in the R-3 District; Conjunctive conceptual plans, to be filed with the Use Permit application, which shall indicate exist- ing and proposed development of the school facil- ity; including, structures, driveways, parking areas, and landscaping; and, The posting of a bond with the City, which shall be of sufficient amount, as determined by Staff,.to provide for the construction of a 6'8" masonry wall and other site improvements deemed necessary. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 9th day of October, 1972. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLKNNING--~M~I~S~O~ _~ECORDING SECRETARY -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN~ ) I, NANCY LAWTON, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adOpted at a regular ~~ing of the ~~Commission.,'ng held on the . '~ day of ..... , 19~ ~IS SECRETARY ~ ION R~CORDING