HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1288 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 14 1§ '16 17 18 19 20 21 24 S8 29 RESOLUTION NO. 1288 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING THE PREZONING ON APPLICATION NO. (PZ-72-135) ON ITS OWN MOTION The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I · -a) The Planning Commission finds and determines: That a proper< a~plication (No. PZ-72-135) has been filed by the Planning Commission on its own motion for a prezone change· from the Orange' County C-2 Dis- trict go the City of Tustin Planned Community Dis- trict'of the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this ref-$ erence as though set forth.herein in full. . . b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application; c) That a prezone change should be granted for the fol- lowing reasons: ~ 1) Subject parcel is unique in size, bounded by mixed land uses of commercial, residential es- tates, R-4 residential, and public utilities. 2) A planned development would authorize a coor- dinated development of residential and commer- cial land uses compatible with each other on the same parcel and adjoining parcels. d) Development of subject property shall be-in accord- ance with the policies adopted by the City Council. Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Buil, ing Official, Fire Code as administered by the Firu Chief, and street improvement requirements as admin- istered by the City Engineer. e). Final .development plans shall require the review and approval of the Development Preview Commission.' 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends-to the City Council approval of zone change application No. PZ-72-135 to the City c~Tustin Planned Community District, subj.ect to the following conditions: · Annexation to the City of Tustin Submission of precise development plans to.the Plan- ning Commission and Development Preview Commission with said plans, in accord with the concept present~ and a part of this application, to accOmmodate: a) Buffering from adjacent residential properties by setbacks, height limitations and' landscapin~ b) Parking accommodations equivalent to two spaces for each dwelling unit. c) Not less than 30% oE ground surface area used fc " residential purposes to be unobstructed open space area for landscaping and recreational use. PARCEL I: · That portion of the rectanoular South half of the Sou~h half o; Lot l0 of LaC Vandcrllp and Rowan Tract, as shown on ~ ~ai) recorded In Ooo~ 5, Pn~~ IGO o~ ~[scoii~ncou~ ~ecords o~ Los Angeles County, CaltfoFnla, describcd as follows: Oeglnn~nD at the intersection of the SouthcF!y 1lac of sald Lot '~O ~lLh :he iino nf th~ 5outheFn Pacific RoiiFoa~ Company Fight of ~ay, ~.00 feeC ;n'~;ULh; :hcnc(. ~cs: 207.80 feet along said Southerly l lna; :hcnc~ North ~IG.G6 teat; thence 207.80 fca[ to a pOint on said ~cste~iy line 3lb. Th feet, t;orthcriy o{ the ~;n: of beginning; thence, Sou[hcrly ~}h. Th feet to the pain: of beginn;ng. PARCEL 2 :. · . The rectangular'South half of the South half of Lot ~0 o~ the Van~crllp and R%,an ~ract, as sho~'n on a ~la'p recorded in ~ook'~,.Page ~60 of ~iscallnncous Rccnrds.of Las Ange:es · ..'-- % ..... County, California. ., . . Excepting therefrom the ~aster}y 303 ~ ~eet m~asured from the center line oF Avenue, 80 ~eet wide, a~ said Holt Avenuo is sho~'n on the ~ap o~ said Van~cri;p and Rowan Tract. ' . . ., Also excepting therefrom tt~e ~o~low;ng: Beginning at the Sou:beast corner o~.sa;~ i0; thence ~est alan0 tho South llnc of said Lo~' I0 a distance gE 257.80 feet :o':he Southwest ,.orner oF the land ~escribcd In the deed to Tustln Hills ~itrus Association, recorded December 21, 1~20. in Book 380, Page 325 of Deeds; thence North along llne thereof, and.along the V/ese linc oF ti~e land ~escribed in the d~a to ~a~ tlon recorded ~oy '27, 1~31 in Eoo~ ~85, P~,uo :~ of O~F;c;a~ Records and :i~o ex:caslon thereof, ~th.66 [cat to o ~int in ~he North i ine oF the rectangular Sou~;~ . half of the South half of. said Lo: lO; thence Easterly along said North line to a point In the East llne of sai~ Lo~ t0; t~ence Sou~h along said East ,l lng, feet to the point of beginnipg. '' The Northerly 3.00 feet oF LOt ~ o~ the 'Vanderlip and Rowan Tract,-as shown on a rccorde~ in ~ook 5,' Pago 160 Of ~;sceilaneous'Records of LoS Angeles County, ~xccpt;ng therefrom the ~es:erly ~0~.~ feet, measured at Eight angi~s from the center line of. HoI~ Avenue~ 80.00 feeC In wid:h, shown on said Map as unnamed Roa~ said Lot ~ on :he . PARCEL 1~: That port;on of Lot D o( the Vanderlip and Rowan Tra~t as shown on a ~ap recorded Dook 5, Page 160 oF ~isceilaneous Records o~ L~s Angeles Count'/, :al iforn.;a, Beginning at a point on thc Northerly llne of thc land described in a deed :o Whitson and wi~e, recorded Hay [1~, 1917 in 0oak 292, Page ~7 of Deeds. sa;O po[nc be;n9 ~O.O0'feet South o{ a po;at 228.~ fee~ East of the North~ves[ corner of said Loc thence Easterly alan0 said Northerly l~ne 185~5h fe~t to a po;at d;s:an~ %'es:e~;'/ feet from the Northcastcr~y corner of said land of Whltson; thence Southeastcr;y to a po~nt on the Easterly l ine of said land of Whitson distant Southerly 25.00 fca: from sa~d llorthwest corner o~ said [and; thence Southerly along said Easterly ~inc feet to the SouLheastcr~ corner o~ sa~d' land o~ Wh[Cson; thence Wes[er~y a',on5 the Southerly ];ne of said land of Whitson, 2i0.8~ fee: to a po~n: 228,~6 {cat [as: of the West linc of said Lot 9, said West llne being thc c. entcr line o~ Holt ~venue, feel in width, adjoining s~Id Lot.on tho Vc~C; thcnco ,Nor th 52~,~ fcc[ to thc point of e , i i' , · · · e I ' EXccptln9 tl~erefrom that portion lying Westerly of a ilne parallel, with one dl Lent. 303 ~G ~cet Easterly, measured at rl~h~ angles from thc ccntcr linc o( solo .ho'l~ ~ · ' ,~V C~ U ~'. ,. PARC EL ~ ' · ~ha~ portion o~ Lot ~ o~ thc V~nderllp an~ Rowan T'~cT, ~s shown on a ~ap rc¢orCcC ~ook 5, Page l~O of ~;scoil~ncou~ ~cco~ds of Los Angeles CourtLy, California, as follows: .. . Ocglnnln9 at a point 3 fee': Sou~h of the Korthcast .comer'or sold Lo: 9; thence West . pa~allcl wlth thc l~orth llno oF sold Lot, 1~0.~ free; thence Scorn O' O~~ East parallel to th6 East linc dF 'said Lot, 167.5 fce~; thence ~.3st porallcl ~o Lbo t~orth I ina o~ sold Lot 9; 18.80 feet; ~hcncc Sou~h O' O~' EaSt,' ~0 feeL; th'once East parallci with thc No~th ilne o~ said Lot, ih2 {eel, ~ce or less, to a point in ~nc Ease llnc o~ Lei ~, distant South O* 0~' East ~7.50 ~ect ~rom thc point o~ beginning;' thence alan0 tho EaSt i lno o~ said Lo~ ~, 1~7.~0 ~cot ~o ~ho point o~ beginning. '~ · . . ~nat portion oF Lot'9 o~ 'the'Vandor~IP and Rowan Tract, as shown on a ;6ap recorded ~n Book 5J Page 160 o~ ~iscollanoous Records O~ Los Angeles County, California, as follows: · . . Beglnnlng at.'a point in the East llne oF s~ld Lot ~, 200,5 ~cet Southerly ~rom the Norti~east corne~ of said Lot ~: '~hence West, parallel t'o the ~orth llne o~ said Lot, · 11~2 fcctl thence Sou~l~ O' OD' East 20 ~aet: thence East, parallci with the North llne of said Lot, 6~ fee~: thence South O' 0~' East ~4' ~aetl thence East, parallel wlth · thc North line of sai. d Lot, 78 feet tO a point in tho East llne of said Lot 9,'26~.~ feet Sd'utherly from the Northeast corner'of said Lot 5; thence North alpng the East Ilar. .o~ said. Lot, ~ fcet t° th~ point of beglqning, · .. . i '" That ~¢t~on',of Lot 9 of th~ Vand-r~;p.a~d P, owan Tract, as shown, on a Nap recorded Dook 5, Page.ldO o~ ~iscellaneous ~ccords o~'Los Anfieles County, Callfornla, descri~e~ ~t follows: , Deg~nnlng at the Southeast corner of the .land described as Parcel ~in the deed ." ~ustln Le~n Association to Central Lemon Assoclatlon, recorded July 2~, 192~ in Book' . ~GI, Page 357 or Deeds, said polar being South O' 09' East 559.96 feet from the ~orth- · ~t-corner of sol8 Lot 9; thence West, along tl~e 5outheelY boundary l~ne of ,. described in said deed, 3~ feet; thence Northwesterly 58 feet, more or less, to a which is I~, feet ~iorth and 90 feet West of the Southeast corner of Parcel 1 'la above mentioned deed; thence North and Northwesterly along a.curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius o~ I00 feet, 9l,.25 f~et, ~re o? less, to a ~lnt whieh .. 95 feet North of the Southwest cor~er of the'}and described in the above mentlone~ thence West, parallel with tl~e North llne of said Lot 9, 12 f=et; thence North O' 09' '~est 29~'~ feet; thence West, p. ar. allel with the North l lne of sa~d Lot, 18.O0 ~orth O' 09' West IG7.50 feet to. a point 3 feet South and ~60.8 feet West of the North- .east corner of said LOt 9; thence Wcst, parallel with the North ilne of sal° Lot, . feet, marc or less, to a p0;nt in the West llne of said Lot 9, dlstant 3 fcct South " .the Northwest corner thereof,, said NOrthwest corner bela9 in the center l~ne of an foot road es shown upon said ~,ap; thence South, along .the West llne of sal~ Lot, 27 '' ~eet to the .Northwest corner of the land conveyed to Charles F. Lo,an by deco December 19' 1919 in Dook 3h6, Page 291 of D~eds; thence East, parallel to the · line of said Lot 9 and alan9 the }iortherly boundar'/ ~inc of the land'~o Conveyeo to Lo~a~, . ~1~.9 fcet, more or less, to the Northwest corner o¢ tho parcel of land descrlbed . , Parcel ~ in the deed from Charles F. Logan and wlfc to Tustin Hills Citrus Asscclazlon, recorded 5petember 1, 193q in ~ook 698, Pa5e 387 of'Orflclal ~ccords; thence South- easterly alan0 the 5outhwestcrlY bounder~ line of the land so conveyed to Tustln Citrus Association to thc ~st Southerly corner thereof, bela9 3 point in thc Eas~ of the land conveyed to 'Charles F. Logan by saiddeed eec°tried'in 8o~k ~hG, PaSe of De,ds;' thcncr 5outh O' 09' East', alan9 thc .Easterly boundary l lne of land of Lo5an, 50~.9~ 'feet, n~rc or less, to thc Southeast corner 'thereof; thence West, alon~ the ;outherlY boundary l lac of land ~¢ Lo9an, 1~39'20 fce~, n'ore or, less, to ~ polar in the'. West line of ~aid Lot ~, distant 55~.96 ~cct 5ot'thcrlY'~r~ the ~id~thwcst corner .n., ~ald. point being t~ ~h~ :enter linc ~f the 80 fo~ ;o.~ above, referred to; thence I · , , · . .' , , .o · o e- Souti~, alan9 the ldcst linc of said Lot,. 20 fcct to tim Northwr:st corner of thc land convcyco ~o i~. P. Chrlst~'nscn by deed race)tried November 26. 1~07 ;n i~ook Il, t,, P~se 22~ of DcccIs; thence rest, oJo,~q thc Northerly houndary t in~: of the lan(is of and alan9 Linc t, or. ti~c~ ly l,oundary ilne of the land dc~c,'i.bco in. thc duce from H."P' Ch~istcn~en and wife to Turtle Lemon Association and otimra, recorded 3cccmocr ].~,~ 121] 'in 8oo~ ~05, Page 52 of Duces, 620 feet. more or ie~s, to a point ;n the Sa;~ Lot 9, distant 579.96' feet Southerly frbm ~l~a ~o~thcas~ corner thc/caf{ thence North O' 02* ~est along said fast llne 20 fact to thc poin[ of bcDinning, . ixcepting thcrcfr~ ti,c [~s[ 75.00 feet of tho ~/c~t 503.3~ Feet o'f ~tha NOrth 27,'~; fcc:; measured at rlfht angles fr~ tab center line of ttol~ Avenue; .'.. Also exceptinfi therefrom the East 75.00 feat of the ~cst. 303.36 feet ~f tho South 20,G0 feet, mcasure~ at rlght angles from the canter ilno of holt-Avenue. · ' · Also excepting that portion thereof described as follows: ' · . · . · Beginning at a 'intersection of a llne parallel with and Ii0.00 fart Easterly- from. the. center llne of Holt Avenue, sa;~l center llne also bcin.q tire t4cst llne of said Lot .thc Northerly l lee of Fourth S~ree: ~s described in o oecd recorded in ~ook 51C6, 232, Official Records of Oransa COuntY, California' thcnce South ~' 20' I~" last sold Northerly l lee 27.00 feet; thence /iorth 52' 50~ ~$" g'es~ 3~.6~ fee~ to a'polnt ;n . '-said parallel llne, dlstan~ North O' ~' 08~' ~as't alan9 Said parallel lina 20~OD [c ~ ~o 'lha point, of ~eglnnlng. . -: . · . . . . . PARCEL 8: ~ '" m , _ ~ . .. . . . m . .. Tho l(orth ) feet o~ the ~est. 188.36 feet of Lot 9 of tho V~n. de~1 ip and Aowon Tract, shdwn on o ~OP recorded in Book ~, P~ge 160 of ~iscel laneous Accords of Cos CountY, California. .... . ~ ' . . . A perpetual non-exclusive, easement for (ngress and e'gress over the follo~ing 'described land: . . . · That portion or Lo't I0 of: the Vander;ilp and Rowan Tract, as shown on a gap 'recorded in'' .Book 5, Page 160 of ttisccllaneo, us Records of Los Angeles County, Caiifornia, dcscrlbed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of tho South'llne of sold Lot I0 with a ilne parallel and 228.36 feet East of the'center line of Holt Avenue os said center l lne 'is sk.o~,n on the flap of Said Vanderlip and Row0n Tract; thence Northerly ~.00 feet alan5 sold llne; thence tlortheastcrly [q a ~int on a line poraiiel with 30) 36 'feet East of s~id cente~ line of Holt Avenue, distant thereon Northerly h).O0 feet from the South line sold Lot I0; thence Southerly h~.00 feet along sa~d parallel llne to t~e South l'ina of said Lot i0; thence ~esterly along said South line to the'point of beg;nnins PARCEL 10: .A perpetual non-exclusive, easement fo'r 'ingress and'egress over and across the East TS.00 feet of the Vest 303.3G feet. of the t(orth 27.00 feet measured at right angles from tho · center line of Holt Avenue of the following described land: · · That 'po:tion of Lot ~ of the Vanderllp and Rowan Tract, as shown on a map recorded ;n .Book 5, Page 160 of ~iscelloneous.Records of Los Angeles County, California,.~escr;bcd as fol lows: ¢ . Be9innlng at the Southeast corner of the land described as Parcel 1 ;n the deed from 7us;in- Lemon Association to Central Lemon Association, recorded 3uly ~57 of Deeds, said point being South O' 09~ East ~5~.~0 feet from the ~/ortheost corner of said Lot ~; thence ~est, along the Southerly boundary line of Parcel I ~escrlbao ~n · said deed, ~li feet; thence Northwesterly ~8 feet, rare or less,' to a point ~hich feet fiorth ~nd 90 feet ~cst of the Southeast corner of Parcel I descFibed'i'n above men- lioned 0cud; thence North and Northwesterly along o curve concave ~o th: hor. theos~, herin9 o radius of i00 fce~, ~h.25 fact, n~re Be less, ~o of tho 5OuLllwe~t carnal of'tho lnnd ¢l~celbu(l in thc nl~uv0 mentioned (torO; thence Vest, parallel v/;th the /lorLh llnc of 5;lid Lot 9, l~ frei; Llmnce North 0' 09' ~'cs[ 2~11.1,~ ~ooC; " thence ~cst~ parallel with [l~o North'lino.of sold Lei; 18,80 Feet; thence ~est 167,50 fca[ roo pain[ ~ foot South and 160.8 foot ~os[ of the Northeast corner of . . . I e'e . .......... ...... ...... "'' '. ' .' '.'" · ,' .' · . ' , ' ' ". "lc , ,~ · · · · '.~ald Lot ~); ~hc-nC,' ~l, p,~r01l~l ~Lh Lhe ~(,~th l~n,~ c,f ~,,~,J l.ol, ~,~.~ ~c(.~ ,r,o~'e O~ lass, Lo a point' i~, ~l~e ~cst llne o~ snld LoL ~, di~.t.~n[ ~ feel 5ou~l~ of ~i~c: ~veS[ corner of the land convcycd to Chuclcs F. Logan by duc,J rucorocd Duc,:~.bc~ ;~, in ~o(,~ 3l*~, Page 2[~i of Ducd~; LiCorice East, parnllcl to ti,c ?;ortl~ llnc of said l.o[ m~d alanU ibc Horti~crly'bour, dory llne of .thc land ~o conveyed tc Louon, 41).~. feet, core or lass, to thc Nortl~wcst corner of thc porcei of land described oS Parcel 2 ;n ;ha deco front Cno~les V. Logan mhd wife to Tustin Hills Citrus Association, rccocdcd Scptc,~bcf j~]4 in Book 6gB'Pngc ~7 of Official Records' thence Southeasterly ~long ti~c SOuth- westerly boundary llne o? ti~c land so conveyed to Tuutln Ii;lis Ci'Lrus Associat[on ~o lllO$[ SoutiicrJy corner thereof, being o point in ti~c East' llnc of thc l~nd conveyed to. Charles f. Logan by said dccd rccordc-d in Book )1i6, Page 291 of Daces; thence South 0 ap' East, along the Easterly boundary line o~ land o~ Logan· 504.~6 f~ct, more or [o the Southeast corner thereof; thence W~s[, a~omg thc Souther[7 boundary [;nc o{ 'O~ Logan, 4~g.20 ~cct, more or less, Lo a poJn~ in tile ~csL Jjne o{ said Lot ~, 55~.~6 ~ce~ Southerly from ~nc Nor;I,west corner o~ sa;O Lot, said paine bc;ng ;n ccntcr line o~ the 80 ~oo[ road above ~e~crred ~o; lhcnce SouLh, along the Wes; ~;ne o~ .' sa~d Lot, 20 (eat to Jhe t~orthwcs[ corner o~ thc land conveyed to H. P. Cl~rJslcnsen bY dccd rccordcd Novcmbcr 26, i507 Jn Book Ih4, Page 220 of Dccds; thence EasE, along ~orthcrJy boundary'J ina o~ the ~nqd5 o{ ChrJstcnscn and alan5 the berth·fly boundary linc of thc land described in thc deed ~rom H. P. CnrJsLenscn end w;~e to Tus[;n Lc~ AssocJa~{on and otilcrs, recorded December. ih, ]5~7 in Book ~85, Page 52 o~ Deeds, 620 feet, n~re or less, to a po;hr in the East l~nc of said Lo~.~, distan~ 579.56 fee~ , ' .~uthcrly fr~ the Northeast,corner thereof; thence Nor'th 0 0~' Wcs[ aJon~ sa~d . , line 20 ~ect to Eh· point o~ beginning. .. · .. PARCEL 11: ..... "' . · - . That p~'rtion of Lot ~ o{ the VandcrJJp and ~owan Tract, as shod'on a map recorded;n . 'Book 5, Page 160 o~ ~jscelJancous Records of Los Ar, gales Count%,_ as fei l°~s: . .Beglnnjng'et Lbo Southeast .corner o~ the land described as ParceJ I Jn the deed from . .TUstin Lcmon Assocint~on.to Central Lemon AssociatJoq, recorded July 2~, J~2G in Book 6Gl, Page ~7 'of Deeds, said paine being So~th O' ag' [as~ 55~.~G fae~ {~om. the Northeast ' corner.o~ said Lot D; [hence ~ost, along the .SouthcrJy boundary line of ParceJ : in said'deed, 34 feet; thence Norti~wcstcrly 58 feet, more or Jess, Lo a poin~ which ' J4 feet North and 90 feet West 'of the Southeast corner of Parcel J described [n above mentioned deed; [h~nc~ liorth and NorLhwcstcrJy along a curve concave to thc having a radius of lO0 feeL; ~G.25 feet, marc or' lass, to a point ~vhJch ;s 55 feet. . North of thc Soutl~west corner of thc land described in thc above mentioned dead; th~ce Wcst, parallel wiLh thc llorth linc of said Lot B, ~2 fact; thence berth O' 0~' West 244.46 feet; .thence East, parallel with the llorth line of said Lot, 64 fce~; thence South O' 09' ~ast 44 feet; thence East. parallel with the North llne Of sai~ Lot,. 78 feet to a point in the East line of said Lot 9, distant South thereon 264.5 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lo~; thence South O' O2' [as[ along .the test line thereof · · o · e · · · · · . e... I · · . · e '· .. · · · .· · , i ., .. e . · , · · e. el· , i , . 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 15 14 15- 16 17 18 19 ~0 21 24 ~5 ~8 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, hold on the ON THE 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1972 o ~ day of , 1972. ?I~NNING coMM~.SSI0.N RE C~i~IRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIO~ '. ~RD-I NG SECRETARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OFiORANGE ~ ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, NANCY LAWTON, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular mee_~ting of the P~_~Co~ission held on the _~_~___day of_m~,~. , 1~7-~ PLANNING CO~MISSION kECORDING SECRETARY