HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1184 1 2 4 5 6 ? 9 11 :[5 ~6 18 19 ~0 ~5 ~6 ~9 ~0 A~ORNEY~ AT ~W CROCKER-CITIZENB BANK BUILDING e~ NORTH BROADWAY ~ANTA ANA, CALIF. RESOLUTION NO. 1184 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U. P. 70-352 OF LUCKY STORES, INC. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The PlanntnglCommission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. U. P. 70-352) was filed by LUCKY STORES, INC., for a Conditional Use Permit to permit a revolving free-standing sign on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this re fe rence. b) That a p~bltc hearing was duly called,* noticed and held on said application. c) That it has not been established to the satis- faction of the Staff, Development Preview Commis-i sion or Planning Commission that a revolving sign~. is necessary or appropriate for the conduct of the business enterprise at this location, and; d) That a revolving sign in proximity to a residen- tial neighborhood could adversely effect the character of the area and the aesthetic qualitiesi and desires of the community, and; e) That the granting of such a request would establish undesirable precedents for other such signing within the City. 2. The Planning~' Commission hereby denies the application~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 28th day of SEPTEMBER , 1970. C'H~I~ OF TH~ PL~ING' CO~'ssION-- SECRETARY JGR:lt 10-9-70 %1~ reJl p~v;~"r1~ in the City of ' '~t:inm C~unt¥ of oran~ ' ._ . . . ~ho=~ ca a Map =hereof recorded in book 1, ~age 88 of Miscella~eous Map~, o . . State of California. de'.cribed as L_ of Orange County, California, described as follows: · £eg'--"'-,.~ z' ..... '~o mos'_ Easterly corner of said Ncr~herly quarter; thence Seu~.kwesr-.-r'-, along ~he Southeaste[ly line of said Northerly quarter, ~a~d Southeasterly line . ghe Northwesterl7 line of Tract No.. 5234, as ~hown on a Map recorded ~n bo~k 181, . ' ~age, 37 to 39~ ~nclus~ve, of MSseellane~us Map~ ~ecords of Orange Coun~7~ ~o ~ortheasterl7 l~ne o~ Parcel 127 beSng a ~trSp of iana 80.00 feet wtde de~er~be~ deed to the CountT'of Orange recorded ~ovember 1, 1963 ~n book 6787, ~{ge ~17 o~ Official Record~ of sa~d CountT; thence ~orthwesterl7 al°rig ~a~d X~rthe~terl7 t · .. . .~o ~ts' intersection with a llne that ~s. parallel'with and dtstant Southeasterly . . .. 362.00 feet, measured at r~ght angles, from the Northwesterly lfne'~f sa~d Irv~ne'~ . . . . . . ... -.. .' . ..~ · · . Subdivision, said ~ntersectton b~ing the Southerly corner of the land ~escr~be~ . .- ~xhtbtt "A" o'f that 'certain lease between Cecil S. Suddaby and wife, as lessor, .. . ... · ~addleBack National Bank~ as lessee~ recorded ~ember 20~ 1966 ~n book 811'~ -. '~72 o'f OffSc~al Records; ~hence ~ortheasterl7 along ~a~d parallel.l~ne and along Southeasterl7 line of said land described tn Exhibit ,,A,, ~o the most Eas -~v · re._. co . ghereof; thence Northwesterly, along the Northeasterly ltna of' said.last ment~one~ . . ..~, 2 ..... ~ .. * · '--.-'- --_---.-----..-- ..__-'--- .................. ~ · ........ . .... ~ .~ ..__ ~. - . .... ............. . .... . . ~ ............ - . . .-. 'land and the'NorthwesterI~ prolongat~on'th~reo~,'.to the'Southeasterly line of the . ~-orthwes~erly 30.00 feet of said Lo~.'16; thence ~ort~easterly along sa~d las~ men- , . . , . tloned Southeasterly line to the Southwesterly line of the Northeasterly 75.00 fee: , . e ~ ". % . .' " ..- ~ .... .- , [- ... . '. -. · of said Lo~ 16; thence Southeasterly a~ong 'sa~d Southwesterly l~ne' to the South-' . . . easterly l~n'e of'~he Nor~hwester!y ~52_ .00 feet of 'safd L~_ 16; ~hence ~'~..~..~,.~=.~;~" . . , , .ou.aeas~erly l~na to the Northeasterly ~-- of ~a~d along sa~d last mentioned ~ . . . , .16; thence Southeasterly alons said Northeasterly. lfne o~ Lot 16 :o the po~n~ cf , . Segtna[ng.' · ' :"' '"" ' "'"':. "~ · · ;'".. · " ' '.' ~ · . .. ... ·