HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1174 4 5 6 '7 8 9 ~0 · 11 1:~ · 15 3.6 18 19 Z0 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~? ~8 ~9 50 51 ROURK~' & A~ORNEY~ AT LAW lANK ~UILDIN~ I~ NORTH ~NOADWAY · ANTA ANA. CA~IF. T~PHONt ~47-~18~ RESOLUTION NO. 1174 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 70-349 OF DOUGLAS OIL COMPANY. ,ON A_P~PLICATION N__O. U. _P. 70_._-.3.49 O__F D,OUGLAS OI___~L ~COMPANY. The Planning Commission Of the City of Tustin, Cali'fomi~ does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. U. P. 70-349) was filed on'behalf of DOUGLAS OIL COMPANY for a Conditional Use Permit to permit addition of a third lubrication bay and renovation of an exist- ing service station on the property described, in Exhibit A attached hereto. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That the proposed addition for a third lubricatio~ bay to the existing main structure would not prove detrimental to the surrounding area, and; d) That .the proposed renovation of the main structur~ and the site itself would be a definite and beneficial asset to the City of Tustin. 2. A Use Permit is hereby approved, as applied for', subject to the following conditions: a) ComplianCe with the stipulated requirements of th, City Engineer, including installation of street t-tees an4 lights. b) Compliance with the stipulated requirements of th~ Fire Chief including required fire extinguishers and a permit for any underground plumbing changes c) Review and approval of final development plans by the Development Preview Commission. d) Development shall be in conformity with the Service Station development standards. e) All signs, shall be stationary and non-rotating. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustln, California, held on the 31st,day of AUGUST , 1970. RMAN OF THE P~ANN~NG C'oMMIS'sION RECOIiDING ~E'CRETARY , JGR:It 9-2-70 : ING COMMI S S 1ON RESOLUTION NO. 1174 August 31, 1970 · . UP-70-349 I.EGhL DESCt~IPTION 'lhat portion of / :. · · liic'.k tt of' the S. Ya~t. ln Tract, In the Count). of Or~.r,q~, Sit, to. ¢f t':.ilfor~:l:, .~ ~hc~,'n on a ,nap thereof recorded In page 9q, [il::c. el lanccu~ ~lap~, records of ~ald Orange llt"]lr,';r;9 r,,t a ;,olnt In t,h,~ South~e,[terly line of ~Id dt~.t;t tt~ere~n hor~t'~ 39~ :';3~ E at 50 feet from ltg l::~e~aect~on I,r Sl.'~le c,f {:~llf~,r~:la by d~ed recor,li..d ~rch 3, 1954, e'~t::'i~ 11'11¢ el the pa::~'.i .of ,la~d conveyed'to tll~ Stvte Ct l l't,':",ltt., b? deed :'cc.~r',:ed Septrmber 8, 1932 lli kook 574, · . 5(:,t,. 51Ia' 0~~' .'~[)", '",:.;t..t~.,3.5,,. . f,~,-t.., to tr~c. ~io.~t E~tcr/~... " r:eor.:~,~ ,"t, il:,v,.,r ,~nd ',~I1',:,.rec. o;',l,zd October 29, lc;Go, 1:~ b~,ok ~) ~ ~ ~5e ?,. ~%'est I70. 75. let~t; ~'Jurth t;9~' 47: '50" [~u:t 43.90 feet.; "-.,re ,r le~s, to e point dlatant on ~.~,,r~t' .~uth~"" P9°, '7~ 50" E~st. fro,n th,~ w,.~t..., llne of sa~d gto,:~;' g,. ~ . th,::~Cc icarus:<, %it'e boand~r~ of ~ald Rover land Southwesterly '~io~'g t; l,~e which, If e;<tended, would intersect ;ho ;'~,: cf .',Id.. p~:.~cei., of I r~:tl coaveved., to the St~,te of C:~llfor-ia.. ~,~ dc,:ri rccordud In ha;ok "6a2 ,,a~,,, 37.1 Offlci;~l Re'etd, poi:~t dl,t~nt ~her[~o,, South 670 32* 3-i" East 65 feet from the g'~g t I tr.,j Ir.9 NOrth S :,,; t h 50o EXCEPT of.~?.'Id g!:,ck [I, to tan Inter,section ~lth a lin,2 6xtend- 50°0(~c30'' ~,;t fr~ the point uf begl~;nlng; thence ¥0~:1 the Southweitcrly ~00 feet t~ereof mee.~ared horth,.esterly ll.e of Newport Avenue, 60 feet wide; ~L.'.;O I;:,C;;F~i,.'~6 Tiig}:[:;l ,,0!~' the Southeasterly I00 feat thereof; ALSO EkCEPTI.~-:G TtI'I~E}.'"Oq tl~t, Northeasterly 20 feet comte: ..... . ' ,'ed to ' :ns. St.:'te ~f CJllfor~,lu by deed recorded September ti~ 1932, In t, ook 57.I .. ' , po~e i07, Official Records, RESOLUTION NO. 1174 STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) ss ). I, JEANNINE LINDSEY, the ~undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 31st.. day of AUGUST'.. ., 1970. RECORD~G SECRETARY OF T'HE~COMMISSI0;4