HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1162'9 10 11 RESOLUTION NO. 1162 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V. 70-268 OF THOMAS J. AND MARY E. KELLY. 24ISSION OF T~E CITY OF TUSTiNi CALZFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ,,ON, APPLICATION N9. V. 70-268 QF THO~tAS .J. A/.~D MARY E. /fELLY. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows:' 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. V. 70-268) was filed on behal~ of TH0.~AS J. and MARY E. KELLY for a variance for waiver of set back and parking' spaces on the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto. ' b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. J c) That there are circumstances exceptional appiica- i~ hie to subject property including limited lot size, surrounded by older con%mercial developmentsl 1zi- in the town center area that have been deve!oped I! with zero front setbacks, is at a location tkat will cater to pedestrian clients rather than the motoring public, and proposed development is in 16 i:: the interest~ of the City and its General plan j implementation for strengthening the viability of' i7 the central business area. 18 2. The Planning Commission hereby grants a Variance for i9 subject property permitting a one foot (1') front building setback ~0 line from the property line abutting the right-of-way of E1 Camino ~I Real and a reduction in the required parking spaces for professiona~ ~ i building occupancy from a ratio of one (1) parking space for each ~5,,J" 300 square feet of gross floor area: to, one (1) parking space for each 400 square' feet .of gross floor area subject to the following: 25 a) Completion of satisfactory arrangements with the Southern California Edison Company for any pole ~6 relocation necessary to permit utilization of al!,l six parking spaces. b) Granting of ten feet of right-of-way for alley purposes on those Portions of the south half of . the alley where ri(~ht-o£-way has not previously been granted to the City. c) Conformance with building code requirements for Fire Zone One and the installation and mainuenanc~ of a lO-pound ABC type dry chemical extinguisher within the building as stipulated by the Fire Department. 4 d) Approval of final building design plans by the Development Preview Committee. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning i0 12 !4 i5 Commission o~ the City of Tustin, California, held on the 8th day of June, 1970 _Stk _1, JUNE ~ of , 1970. 24 ' ~5 27 3O 31 32 ~00 ~OR'f~ t~I,OADV/Ay gA~TA ANA, CALIF. P I.d~ING COMlvlIS SION JGR:It G-12-70 Resolu~tion No. 1162 June 8, 1970 lei EXHIBIT "A" -~-'-~u: ..... o %nc~'e~ro:x '~nc Northerly !O.O0 feet of '-' = ~,Ie~t~.-,-~,- 40 CC ~.~t cf thc Za~tc:-ly lCO. 30 fceZ of ~aid Lot 3. Parcel o. 'z!:c :,:ortl-%cz-!y i0 O0 feel; o~. one lcs%eriy !0 00 -~ -'- · ,.. ' ~-~ ...... o,..., on ,~. ma~ oz a P~-,~"t of ~,~.-~-:,- '"-'~ - ~-~y r ^ ~ pa,g. ez 215 ar.i · -,x.::;cc.,....,,,~o~,~, ~ecorcs o~. Los .... · ~e_ 3: h~orthe"~!y..!O O0 feet of Lot o in Block 14.~ as snox.rn or. a ::.a'o of a - ~-.. City~ recorded In Bock 4~ pages 218 ~d 219 of Miscellaneous Records of ~os f=ngeles County~ Caz~r, za. Parcel 4- ?ne Northerly !0.00 feet of Lot i in Block 14, as sho~,.~.. or. a r.~-.o cf a ,~so~.~ City, recorded in Book 4~ pages ~8 ~d 219 of l~scez~ancous i. O. ~. .,. ~.~ e. rom the ~asterly 30.00 fee~. P-~cel 5' '~ ~ ~' . * ' - ' .,...e ~.as~ 30 00 .eer, of Lot 3 e_nd the ~'orth lO O0 feet of '"-- .... = 17,~.~ ..,.3 S,., ~ee~ of Lot !, _:. D_oc.~ z, as sho~.,~ on a ~r~ of a P~t of ~'~-~-~ ~-'~- ' Book ~, Dages 218 ~ud 219 of Pdsccll~.eous Records of' Los ~ IL ~ '' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS I, JEAXNINE LINDSEY, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 8th day of JUNE , 1970. PLANNING RECORDING SECRETARY ~F THE iiSSiO~