HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1141/37 2 4 RESOLUTION NO. 1141 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING PREZONING ON APPLICATIO9N NO. P.Z. 69-121 OF WILLIAMS AND CLEGG ON BEHALF OF ASSMBLIES OF GOD. IJtNNING COY24ISSiON OF Tile CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING PREZONING ON APPLICATION NO. P.Z. 69-121 OF WILLiD~MS Ai. TD CLEGG ON BEI=~ALF OF ' ~e°"~ ' ' AS~nMBLIES OF GOD. 5 6 does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, 1. The Planning Commission finds and deterraines: a) That a proper application (No. P.Z. 69-121) was filed by WILLIAF_.S and CLEGG, on behalf of ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, for prezoning of property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto to the R-3 (1500), (Multiple Family Residential- 1500 square feet per dwelling unit), Zone. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That the said property should be prezoned to the R-3 (~900)0 (Multiple F~i!y Residen'~ial- 1900 square feet per dwelling unit.) Zone. 2. The Planning Com~ission reco:r~ends that ~%e s~ject property be prezoned to the R-3 (1900), (Multiple Family Residential 9 10 1! 12 14 15 16 17 l$1iconditions: 20 24 25 30 31 32 ['{OURK~' ,5; HOLt3ROOK A,';-TO~H'~t2y~ AT LAW CJ ¢OC K 12 F(-G 1T i Zl2 l,; ~. I 1500 square feet per dwelling unit) Zone, subject to the following a) 'Installation of all street imp_ove.:.=,.tsw · ~-~"' inc!udi, c pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and approve~ street trees on the Browning Avenue frontage. b) Relocation or reconstruction of ' ~ exzs~mng irriga- tion lines as necessary to permit on-site and street construction. c) A looped six-inch water main or two ~ead-end eight inch water mains shall 'be established to four approved hydrants, one located near the north end of each driveway and one near each driveway entrance on Browning Avenue. d) Four unobstructed passageways, at least four feet in width, shall be established from the drlveways to theapart~aent exit walkways. e) 2-1/2 gallon water type extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous and accessible locations within i00 feet of travel from carports and ment exits. f) A 2-3/4 pound dry chemical extinguisher shall be i located in each laundry room. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the · . Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, held on thc 26th day of JANUARY , 1970. i! SECRE ~'- OF THE PLANNING CO~%SSZON 5.3 i5 16 18 19 20 ~6 28 1-29-70 29 3O S TITLE COMPANY OF ORANGE COUNTY 1600 bi. MAIN -qT., P.O, BOX 05§, !~ANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702/(714j 547.6311 /ZENITH EXHIBIT A PZ-69-121 RESOLUTION .NO. 1141 P ELIMI NARY EPO2T Bank of Caltfo~,:la · 401 West Santa AP~, California Affent~on: · The following is a report of title, as of. '~~.~_21,-iQ69 ¢;t 7;30 A.fA. This report is issued as an accommoclotion, and is made without liability and without obliga,tion to issue a" Policy of Title Insurance, L/~), ~, ~.) ~-. · ..__ ,..z.,, ~ob EvaI!s Title Officer Vestee: $OLr£ilET¢.? C~%LiFO.'~IIA DISTRICT COUNCIL ASS'~.iBLY OF COD, INCo, a California corporation. Title to be vested in PAUI, P.,. I~LLIA/~S, a married man. The land referred to in this report is described as: All that certain land situaccd in the State of Ca]ifornia~ County of 0ranse~ described as follows: Ti]at portion of thc Soutl:t:ast,-riy half of tl~e Southeasterly half of Lot 36, in ~lock 1! of Irvine's Subdivision, as sho:.m on a ?-bp recorded in ]'~ok I~ PaZa S8 of }.:Igcellaneous Naps, records of Orange County~ California~ described as follows: ~e.s~nning a~ ~he ~ost ~,or,.l~..:']~,..... cornr, v of Trac~ ~To. ..5097. , a, ~]]~own on ~., . r~corded iu Book 22~5, Pa~c,:~ 40 and 4] of",~l.,(.cll:;nem,~,,-, ~f~q~o~ rocorc~;' of Orange County, California= said corner lying, in t!m ;;orC!~wonterly line of :~a:td easterly i~a!f of the South,>asst~rly I:alf; tt;ence South 49° 40~. 5g" Ea::t the >7ortheastar!y line of :~aid Tract ?ro. 5997 and tl:e Southeasterly 300.22 feet to a point In a-lino parallel with and alit;rant ~':ortl:wo::ter!,: 30.00 feet measured at right an~leo from th~ $ou~:~eal;eerly line of said !o- ~ in 1!; thence North 40~ 21~ 29~' /i~st along-,,:~.~.~.,' ' parallel l'Lno 2¢4.16'> feet;' ~:orth 49~ 41~ 37" West 300.23 fce~ to a point in said Northwesterly line of Soutlmaste~-!v imlf ,,f th~: Southeag,.e.ly~ "h...~" ' of I,ot 36 'in n.~ock' 1.l' thenc~ ~o '~' 40° 21' 22'" Went along said ]:ortl',w,~st~rly line 284 ll feet to the point of STATE OF CALIFOILNIA) COUT~TY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) ~'-, JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Con,mission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly ,passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 26th day of JANUARY , 1970. SECRETA~RY OF THE PLANNING CO;.E,[ISSi0X