HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1140 RESOLUTION NO. 1140 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 69-332 OF FRANK AND JOAN MALOVICH, ON BEHALF OF FRANARGOFIN RESOLUTION NO .___j_3_J_Q- A REsoLuTION OF Wt~ PLANNING CO~.~,.~ISSION CiTY OI.' TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, G~n.i?£ING A CCI~DET!O!'?-~L USE PEF~d%T ON APPL/CATIOI.~ NO. UoP.' 69-332 AND JOAN MALOVICH, ON,.~:~-~,-..,,_,~":)~'-":"~" m OF EPJ~]'>~A RGOFI~. The Planning Commission Of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. U.P. 69-332) was filed on behalf of FRANK AND JOAN M2~LOViCH on behalf of FRAk~RGOFIN for a Condi~^.~l~.~ Use Perm. it to permit the operation of a Go-Cart track on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2~ b) Tinat a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That the establishment, maintenance and operationI of the use applied for will not, under the cir- cumstances of the particular case, be detrlmental~ to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in ~h~ neighborhood of the proposed use, and it will not' be injurious or detrimental to the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. A Conditional Use Permit ks hereby granted, to operation of a Go-Cart track on the s~bject property, subject to the following conditions: a) cl,e,,,cal extin- Provision 'of a 10-pound ABC dry .... : ~isher, which shall be located near an exit.. b) Flammable liquid shall be stored and dispensed in accordance with the regulations of the Fire Code. c) Installation of all street improvements including pavement, curb and ~Fatter, sidewalks and approved street trees on the Laguna Road frontage. d) Relocation or reconstruction of exis'aing irriga- tion lines as necessary to permit street con- s truc tion. e) Approval of Plot, Elevation, Landoc~p~ng and Sign Plans by the Development Previe%:, Co,~mittee. f) Peznnit shall be effective for a period of ten (10) years, only. g) Operations shall not be conducted later than PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular .meeting of the Plan- 1! 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 1;:~ ning Cc,,~mission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 26th day of January, 1970 u}-: 21 day of 26 27 ~9 3O JANUARY , 1970. SECRETAry/OF THE PLAN~T[q'G CO. H~ISS ION 32 JGR: rg 1-29-70 . © © EXHIBIT "A" All ti:az certain land situated in thc State of Californza, County of Orange, City of Tustin, described as follows' Parcel i' That portion of Lot SS of Irvino's Subdivision, as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, pag~ 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County, d~scrib~d as follows' B~ginning az =hc intersection of a lin~ paral!~l with and diszan= South- easterly 225.00 feet, measured at right angles, from thc North- westerly line of said Lot 33, with a line p~rallel' with and distant Southwesterly ?0.00 fe~t, measured at right angles, from - '~ *'e +.=~ly line of said Lot 33; thence along said last mentioned parallel line, South 50° 06' 45" Bast 300.00 feet; thence parallel with the Northwesterly l~ne of said Lot 33, South 39° 52' 58" West 215.00 feet, more or less, to the. Northeasterly line .of the land described in deed to the State of California, recorded January 27, 1954 in Book 2657, p.age 524, Official Records of said Ora.nge County; thence along said last mentioned North- easterly line, North 65° 45' 17" West 325.00 feet, more or less, to said line "parallel with and distant Southeasterly 225.00 f~et, measured at r.ight angles, from the Northwesterly line of said Lot 33"; thence ale.ha said last mentioned parallel line, North 59° 52' £8'.' East 297.00 feet, more. or less, to the point of beginning. arcel 2' Aj easement for iFgr~ss and egress over a strip of land 25.00 feet wide, the Southeasterly line of said strip being th~ Northwesterly line of the hor~inabove' d~scrib~d Parcel !; said strip of land shall bo bounded Southwesterly by the O Northeasterly line of tho land described in d~ed to tho State - California, r~cordod January 27, 1954 in Book 2657, pegO 524, ...... ,,d Northeasterly by a Ozzic-~ i<ccords of said Orange County, . ~...,ostcrly 70 00 fao: .,o i:ne pa;ailel with and diszant Sou'~' .... ~hc Northeasterly linc of said Lo~ 55. STATE OF CALIFOP=NIA) COUNTY' OF ORA2~GE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) ~,~ JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Cor~]ission of ti-~e City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly ,passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Conur~ission, held on the 26th day of JANUARY , 19 70. SECRETA~RY OF THE PLA~NNiNG ""n'"':'"" ,...,.,,~."-'-.~.~ S S i