HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1133RESOLUTION NO. 1133 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 69-328 OF CLYDE E. STOCKDALE. RE $OLJ:£1ON NO. 2 A RESOLUTIOi{ OF Tt-~ PLANNING COi'/~{iSSION OF THS CI~ OF TUSTiN, CALIPOP~NiA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL US~ PERHIT O~ APPLICATION hQ- ~- ~- 69-328 OF CLYDE E. STOCk(DALE. does hereby resolve as follows: !4 15 16 18 !9 2O 3O The Planning Cor~ission of the City of Tustin, California,. a) That a proper application (No. U. P. 69-328) was filed by CLYDE E. STOCifDALE to permit a conv~iescenu hospital on the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed .and held on said application. c) That the establis~ent, maintenance or operation of the use applied for will, under the circ~u- stances of the particular case, not be de~-~-o~a' to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in ~ neighborhood of the proposed use and it wi il no{- be injurious or detrimental to property and zm- provements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. 2. A Conditional Use Permit is granted as applied for, subject to the following conditions:' a) An adequate water main system shall be established to approved hydrants. b) Access roads shall be provided to accom~odate fire department apparatus. c) The building shal~ be provided wi'ah an automatic sprinkler system and fire extinguishers. d} Plans shall be submitted to the office of the State Fire Marshal in Los Angeles. e) Dedication of right-of-way for a cul-de-sac at the north end of Myrtle Avenue and construction of full street improvements on the cul-de-sac including street trees and one street light. f) Dedication of an additional 15 feet of right-of- way for Yorba St. in accordance with the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. · . g) Construct or bond for street improvements on Yorba including curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive preaches, paving and street trees. 1. The Planning Commission finds and determla~s: 115 9 l0 ll 12 13 14 15 !8 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 RO~K[ & HOun;{ooK~i [;ANTA ANA. CALIF, h) Relocation or reconstruction of existing irrigation facilities a_3is necessar'~ at the north end of o ~ree t Myrtle Avenue to permit the construction of o~ improvements. · i) Submission and approval of a Parcel Map if this development is to be under separate ownership from the existing day school. J) Construction of a 6'8" solid masonry wall along all boundries of the total parcel abutting proper, ties zoned E-4; provided, however, that said mssonr wall shail~have a. height of three (3) feet within~ 20 feet of ultimate public rights of way. , k) Provision of off-street parking at the rate of: ~ One space/each six (6) patient beds, plus ~ One space/each staff member or doctor, plus One space/each three (3) additional employees 1) Approval of Plot, Elevation, Lzndscaping and Sign Plans by the Development Preview Con~mittee. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 22nd day of DECEMBER , 1969. SECRETAR~ OF THE PL~uNNING CO~LMISSZ~N-- / JGR:lt 12-24-69 · EXHIBIT "A" RESOL. NO. 1133 The land referred to ;n ~his policy is situated in tho S~oto of Cc~llfozntic~ , Count}, of ~r~ ~$%~ o~ ~~ ~nd is described os follows: f~ '~'"'~v~,~ 1~ ~rest ~ the fo~o~r~g 4 p~cols: P~-c~ l: ~nat ~icn of '~e ~uthc~tcrly 19 ~rcs ~ ~oou~.~zvioi~ ~ ~- ~ of' ~ Fclipo Yorb~ Trot: ~ sho~,~ ~ a kQ%p rcco~ ~ b~k 4~ ~e 2~ of BcgL~ir~ at the Nor~chx.~st corner of the P~-rcci of ~ud ~scrib~ ~ . ,,mrrzs ~ ~fe ~ I.G. Bo~mn~ ~co~d l~-ch ~ 1919 ~u b~,k 3~ of D~cds~ ~ ~ce ~riy ~o~ the l~orbh l~o of said ~~-~ o~0.O ~ feet~ ~re or less~ ~ the No~d~.~st coz~er of ~e p~'c~ of conve2~ '~ M. G~)~ T~atson by de~ recor~ Dec~ber ll~ 1929 Ln ~ok ~50 of ~fici~ Recoz~ s~d po~t betas 258 fe~c T[e~erly f~m ~d~e Esot $~d Fclipe Yorba ~t$ ~c~e Sou~erly ~ong the T[eot llne of ~a 150 feet"*~ ~e ~u~st co,er ~,~ ~ence ~~rly ~ong 'M~o South said ?~atson ~d~ 125 feet ~ the No~.;esterly ~~r oz~ ¢~e im~ co~zcyc& L.W. ~h~l ~ud ~e by deed resoled Norther lO~ 1930 ~ ~k 432~ of ~i~fici~ Reco~$ thence Southerly ~o~ ~e ~Jest l~ue of ~d ~~-~ p~a 309 of Offici~ Recoz~ ~z feet ze~ moro or less~ '~ m po~t ~ ~c $~est l~e of the ~oy~ by ~e& ~c~ed ~ book 330~ p~ ~ of O~tciol Recoz~ ~ f~ ~~erly ~ '~e ~t of bogt~~ ~ce ~oz~h~ ~r~ c~d feet ~ ~he ~t of b~m~~ ~Z~Z~2 J~t po~ion 0f sai'.(l~d~, described a~ fallows: ~aid lin% No~h 0~ 32' ~" E~t ~5.72 feet f~m ~d~e ~u-~ !~e of s~d F~i~ **~c~; ~d~m~ ~o~d~ ~* 09' ~9" E~t~ ~4.41 foci to thc ~u~ l~ of ~ book ~23~ p~ge 44~ of c~d O~ici~ 2ccor~ '~c t~d~ ~in% of be~ui2g of ~ic description; '~nce No~ ~* 0~' ~7" ~ 319.Sl~;fcet ~ '~e North 1Lua of feet '~ said ~4660 li;v;,~ ~ce ~ong sai~ %Je~t l~c~ SOU/~ O* 32' ~" Uost Sou'~ 8p~ aO' IO" E~t $7.95 feet to said wz~e Do~%t of ~g~ug~, ~ co~c2~A the StaZc of C~ifo~i= by ~cd recoz~ J~ ~3~ 1961 ~ b~k ~69~ p~e ~7 Offlci~ Rcco~s. ' P~ccl 2: D=g~.~un~g at ~ )point on the ~t l~e of the Subdivision of, ~o Folipc kbrba ~-act ~ cno~.;i~' ' on a ~p" rcco~cd ~ book 4~ ~e ~6 of ~,~cc~ue~,us' ~ - Ecco~ of Los ~mgclcs Co~u'ty~ C~Ifo~ said pof~t beL~ ~ '-" ~ .... 57 fa'c% ik~ ~1e ~u~cast corner of ~% i of c~id '2r~t~ s~d ~'b ~o ba~ on the I~cst linc of that cc~~ 40 foot of beglrm~ag Southei-ly ~ong said E~% line of ~u F~it)e zoro~. ~h~ct 150 k cct~ ~Tcstcrly ~ong a lino 150 feet ~u~ of ~ pol~~ '~ ~due ~U~l !~e of that p~-cc-i of ~ ~' "~ ~ - ooo~: 330~ ~Sc 307 of -, c~n~=ye_ by ~cd resoled M.=-ch 3!~ 1919 ~ ' : , to the Easterly line of said Felipe Yorb~ ~ct 150 feet to the South l~%e ~f that parcel of l~ud conveyed by deed recorded t~x'ch 21, 1919 in book 330, ~a °~87 of Dccdn~ rcco~is of Orange Co~uty~ Califonxi~; thence Easterly along said South ~ 258 feet to ~e point of beginning. East 16S feet. Pa~-cel ~: ;~ Eascm~%t for road an~ utility I~X~poseo over, ~r ~ ~o~ T~e fo~o~'~ ~scrib~ l~d. Crier ~cr ~-~ts ~ ~tce~ ~ir he~s ~ ~si~ rx~ ~ co~ey or d~icate ~d e~ent ~ ~ City of ~t~. 5%~t i~'~-hion of the Felip~ Yorb~ Tract, per ~np recorded in book 4~ pa~e 208 of .~sccli~ucous Records, in the office of the County Rcco.~lcr of Los ~geles County~ California~ described as follo~.~: Bogirn~ing at a point on the c~tcr liue of First Street~ disto_ut South' 89~ 5-£' 45" Wcst 405.31 feet from the Southeast corner of said Felipe Yorbu T~-act; thence ~2' 00" ~':cst 290.00 feet to the taupe point of ben-inning; beLug also the,~-~ westerly Southv~st corncr of the t~d d~scribed in td~e dead to J~es J. Pr~~tls' Pragg?astis~ recorded Dcc~mber 9~ 1963 in book 6034~ pa~e 684~. O£fici~l Reco~is; ~h~-~ Nor~u 89~ 51' 45" ~ 30.00 feet to ~:e South~,~ost co~.mer of the l~ud dcscribc~d u~.? de~ to Henz~y V. Ea~a~ 'and Hazel J, F~us~'~u~ reco~xled ~August 22~ 1980 in book i~,.~-~-,. ~¢ ~45~ e~fici.~l Records; %hence zlong the ~esterly and Northerly bour~ies of s~id East~nn land I~o_~h 0" P~q~ 00" %~est 50.00 feet and No~_~h $9* 51' 45" East ~0.00f~ thence leaving said bound~nry o~ Eas~s l~i North 0° 22' 00" ~est 117.86 feet to the Southerly lir~ of the l~nd dcscrib~l in Po~-cel I of ~ Deed to M. Gl~dys %'~atson race. ~ Augu~t 10~ 1945 Lu book k3P~3~ page 442~ 0ffici~l Records; ~ence ~esterly 60.00 feet along said Sou~er!y line to tho ~o?~h~est corner of said laud described in L~ok paA~ 6~4~ Official Recoz~s~ ~ence South 0° ~' 00" East 167.86 feet along the ~.~esterly ~ of said la~ of Pr .~ag~is to the true point of begin. Parcel 4: An Eas~m~nt f~- road ~%d utility purposes over~ under ~d ~long ~0.00 fee% of the following describcxl land~ as described in a deed to Henley V. ~u~! ii~ J. Ear,nan, rcco~ Augunt ~2, 1980 in book ~84~ pa~e ~45 of O~flcial Reco~; Grunter ~u~0her g~-snts to Gr~tee~ their h~irs and assigns~ the ~ght to convey or dedicate s~id easement to the City of Tustin. A portion of the South 19 acre parcel ac sho~ on Felipe Yo_Wb~ ~, recorded tn book 4, page Z06, ~scellaneous Records 'of Los Angeles County~ California~ described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center t~%e of First Street~ said point beLng 245.31 feet South 8~~ 5!' 45" ~cst fram ~e Southeast corner of s~id Felipe Yorba ~'act ~ ~n~c~c No~h 0° 22' 00" West 290.00 feet as the true point of begLuning of ~%e !c~u~i heraln described; thence £~0ut~] 89° 51' 45" %-~est 130.00 feet~ thence Noz*~2% 0° o~20~ 00" %:,~ast 50.00 feet; ~hanae North 89~ 5i~ 45" Ea~-g 1~0.00 £ee~ and thence Soul, A% 0° ~, 00" ~J ~0.00 fee~ to ~ r~!ut of beginning. · . ST~,~ OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CiTY OF ~US~N ) !, JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies t, hat she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the C~ty of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly ,passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission',. held on the ~~J. day of_ ~.~z~ ' ~. 1IS/ { SECRET~RY OF THE PLANNING CO}~,~IS~.,