HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 257 (1964) ORDINANCE NO. 257 AN ORDIANANCE DESIGNATING THAT PORTION OF NEWPORT AVENUE AT LAGUNA ROAD IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AS A COUNTY HIGHWAY. The City Council of the City of Tustin, County of Ora'K.{ve State of California, ~Noes hereby or~Sain as follows: Section i. Under the authority of Sect~_on !700, Artlcle 3, Chapter 9, Division 2 of the California S+"~e*s and Highways Code Stet~ of Caiifo~la, the Boapal of Supervisors off the Counsy of O'~yn~~ have declared by resolution thee all o.f ths. t portioll of i.CewooPt Avenue at Laiuna ]~oad in the City of Tustin, County of OreriSe, State of Ca!ifornia to ]De a County Highway. Section 2. Under the auE. hority of Section 1700, Article ~ Chaoter 9, Divl-sion 2 o.~ the Streets end Hl~llnweys Code State of Celifornis, y thls Ordinance, , . 9 b~ the C!ty of ~ustir., Coun~.y of Orange, Ste. te of California does hereby consent thet this h~'}-~way nameiv Newoort Avenue ab Leguna Road shell become a County Highway with respect to its constr'uction, maintenance, impPovement and reoair. Secti'on ~. The consent granted by Section 2 of this Ordinance shall remain in effect un-Cil the County of Orange under the authority of Section 170S, Article ~ Cahoter 9, Divj sion 2 of the 3treats and Highways Code, State of California, shall be resolution relin~_uish ~s jurisdiction over sa!d sineat at which time said streeE w ~. aSsran revert to th_ jurisdiction j~ ยท of the CZty. Section 4.. this Ordinance shell take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passa.ie and c, rior to the exDZretion of fif~ceen (15) days efteP its p~s{sse.~e 'U_ereof~ n this Ordine'nce shall be published once in the Tustin hews, e, newsesoer 'orinted end published iN the City of Tustin, togeNner with the names of the members of the City Council voting for and ~S~in~~- t~e same i~ASSED AND ADO?TED at a regular meeLinS of the City Council of the City of Tustin~ California, held on the 18th day of May, 1964. MA~OR ! ATTEST G~ '~' ~m ..*A' C iLIPOi!NIA, ) COUNTY 0P Oi{ANG'E, ) ss CITY OF TUgTIN. ) i~UTH C...POE~ City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Ci. ty ~ouNcil of the City of Tustis, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the ~'embers of the City Council~ of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Oity Cour}cil halt on the i&th day of May, 196~, and had its second reading and was oessed and sd. ooted st R regul,:-~r me~:.tinS of the Ci* ~ _ held_ on the !Sth day of Nay, i98a, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN Sheridan ~ Doney ~ K! inaelhofer~ Nack NO?S: COUNCILMEN None A]3SENT: COUNCILMEN Coco kCity Clerk ~ City of Tustin, California