HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 11075 6 8 i0 11 12 13 3.5 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O RESOLUTION NO. 1107 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CTITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 69-309 OF ANGEL/MOCK AND ASSOCIATES ON BEHALF OF GEORGE W. WILLIS. I~Y OF. TUSTIN., CALIFORNIA, GiLANTING A CONDI?IO~TAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.p. 69-309 OF ANGEL/~OCI( AND ASSOCIATES QN B~I~LF ,QF, GEORGE WILLIS. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolves as follows: The planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No' U.P. 69-309) was filed by ANGEL/MOCK and ASSOCIATES on behalf GEORGE W. WILLIS to permit establis~]ent of a Pioneer Chicken take-out food establisl~ment on the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circur,- stances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and it will he.injurious or detrimental to the property improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. d) That a Conditional Use Permit should be granted. 2. A Conditional use Permit is hereby granted as applied for, subject to the following conditions: a) .Installation of all street improvements including 8 foot sidewalk and street trees (per the Master Street Tree Plan.) b) Re&ocation of any existing irrigation lines as necessary to permit street and on-site construction c) Installation of underground utility services to the building. d) Provision of a minimum of one 10 pound ABC dry chemical fire e~tinguisher located inside the building near an exit. e) installation of an automatic fire extinguishln( system in the kitchen exhaust hood. f) Installation of a 6'8 solid masonry w~, along the rear property line abutting the g) Provision ~:'f a minimum setback of five (5) feet from the · ~ ,,ir property line. 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 ~7 ~8 ~9 ~OUmK~ ~ ~O~m~OOM A~TO~t4EY~ A~ LAW ~ANK ~OO NORTH ~NOADWAy ~ANTA ANA. CALIF. h) Reduction of building size by 64 sq. ~t. to comply with off-street parking requirements.. , i) An easement for ingress and egress satisfactory to'the'City Attorney shall be Provided. The use shall be immediately discontinued if the ingress-~ egress easement is cancelled by Standard Oil Company. j) Signs, building elevations and site layout are not a part o~ the approval. Submission and approval of a Parcel Map if de- velopment or lease is not in accordance with currently recognized parcel lines. 1) Ail exterior lighting shall be directed so as not to illuminate adjacent residential properties. PASSED AND .ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 13th day of OCTOBER , 1969. SECRET~ 0:~ T~IE PLANNING COMMISSION JGR:lt 10-16-69 I' I ,_RECURITY TITLE INSURANCE .COMPANY 1125 NORTH BROADWAY, SAN, TA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 · 547-7251 F. R. '*~iCK" h/~ARVIN viCE pRGC, tOENT & MANAGER ATTACi'[i~SNT A Resolution No. 1107 UP-69-309 i~iscellaneous Order No. Sept. 12, 1969 To: .Planning Commission of ~he City of Tus~in I' Description of SubjeCt Property: ' PARCEL 1: That Dora,'on of Lot 33 in 'Block !1 of irvlne:s Subdivision, as shown on & map thereof recorded in book 17 pag~e 88~ ,-._sce_!aneous Record :,!aps~ records of said Of-ante Cou~nty~ described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of the Nortnwcsterly of said Lot 33: bein~ in ~he center line o~f ~.Litchell Avenue 66 fee~ in ~-~'~ 50° 09~ 30~ ~'Jest~ along the South- ~idth~ ~d running thence .,~-~.. westerly line of said ~t 33~ 521i.94 feet; thence North 39° 50' 30" ~,~ ina f the ian~! ' ~st 305.70 feet to the t~e point of bo~_..n o described~ running thence ~orth 39° 50~ 30= East S0 feet; thence ~orth 50° 09? 30= %'est 136 feets, more or less'~ to the Northt, esterly line of ,~...~ort Avenue 60 feet in wid=h~ said Lot 33~ being in the center llne of thence Sou~h 39~ 49~ 30= ~%s=~ along the Nor=h%-~esterly line of said ~t 33~ 80 feet to a point which bears North 50° 09~ 30w West from the ~e poin~ ~f beginning; ~hence South 50° 09' 30w Eas~ 136 fee:, more . . . Ownership: . A list: of the owners of lands located wit:bin 300 feet: of t:he perimeter of ~he subject property, together wiuh a map showino~ said lands, is a~ached hereto. AMERICAN LAND ~I'ITt. E AIF.,GDCIATIQN . CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE A-~-'GDCIATION · · " ' ~ Page 2 of Attachment A Resolution No. 1107 P;,ROEL 2: That ?ortion c? Lot 3.3 in Block !! of fray!ne Subdivision, ~ ~ ~,~ ~hereof recorde~ In book 1~ pa~e 88~ . described as follows: Maps~ records of said 0range County~ ~inninK at a point_ In the NorthwoZtcr!y !!ne of Tract ~[o. !,~6~ as sho%.~ on a map thereof recorded In book 5;-t~ paze 20~ Miscellaneous ~ps, records of said 0range County~ distant thereon North 3Q° 50' 30" East 3~5.70 fee~ from the intersection of the South%.;estem!y pro- · ._ne of the stree~ !on.~ation of said ~[orth~:cster!y line with the cen~er ~ 6~.00 feet in width, no%'; known as Mitchell Avenue, adjoining said ~-act No. 1863, on the Southwest; thence ~orth 50~_ 09~ ~O~' West 136.00 feet~ more or less~ to the ~orthwestorly llne of said Lot thence North 3~° 49' 30" East a!on~z said North~.~esterly lin~ 124.O0 .'feet to the most '~ester!y corner of Parcel 1 of the land conveyed !95~ P~ll!ip A. Se~mi~ and wiCe~ b~ dee~ ~eco~d~d MapCember 2~, in book 2583~ page. 507, Official Records; thence South ~° 09' 30" East along the Southwesterly line of Parcel I of said land conveyed to Segrais~ !36.00 feet, more or less, to tho most ~ortherly corner of Lot 7. of said ~ac~ No. 1863;' thence South 39~ 50' 30~ %f~s~ alcng the Northwesterly line of z~d.$ract, ~12~.00.feot to the poin$ of beginninE. . . ........... . ........................ . STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )' SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on · the 13th day of OCTOBER , 1969. SECRET~RY OF THE PLANNING CO~MISSiON