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PC RES 1103
4 5 8 10 ll 12 :1.3 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 1103 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 69-308 OF P.B.R. COMPANY ON BEHALF OF ZORRO INVESTMENT COMPANY. m,/,~/,UT ION NO. 1103 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO:OiiSSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GRAX?i.~i'~ A CONDITIONAL USE PEmMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U. P. ~-9%-~0" ON P-i--B. R. COMP---ANY ON BEtIALF OF ZORR--O INVES'£M~-[~-T COMPANY. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That an application (No. U. P. 69-30~) was f.:.ial on behalf of P. B. R. Company on behalf of Zcrro Investment Company to permit certain signs on tke property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said appiic~c_ or.. c) That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of the particular case be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfor~ and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed use and it will not be injurious or detrimenta? to the property and improvements 'in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the Citl 2. The Planning Commission grants a Conditional Use Permit to permit: a) One (1) freeway identification free-standing sign having a maximum height of 35 feet, maximum area of 152 sq. ft./side, maximum total area of 304 sq. ft. and located 25 ft. north of the norkherly right-of-way line of Irvine Boulevard and adjacent to the freeway. b) One (1) local identification free-s~anding sign having a maximum height of' 12 feet, maximum area of 13 sq. ft./side, maximum total area of 26 sq. ft. being the "pegasus" logo and located at approximately mid-point on the southerly properny line of the service station property, in the planter area, with standard covered with wood. c) One (1) wall sign to be located at the westerly ...... ,~" i 0 P corner on the south side of the service s~ building with a total area of 15 sq. ft. readi~ "Mobil Service". d) One (1) price panel sign which shall have a maximum area of 15 sq. ft./side, maximum total area of 30 sq. ft., maximum height of 5' 6" and have a type of structure which will set on the ground surface sign to be architecturally compatible with 'tl~e building and standard .to be covered with wood. Subject to condition thau plans shall be approved by the Development Provicw Committee. !0 !1 12 13 16 17 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of thc Planning Commission on the 22nd day of September, 1969 22nd day CHAIRFa~N OF THE PLA~NNING COM24ISSION ~ SECR~'ARY OF THE PLANNING COFE4ISSION JGR:lt 9-24-69 recorded ~rl Book 4 tm(lc 206 of'.M~sc:c'll;~leo~s Rucords [~1 tile Celerity Recorder of Los AllqOleS Co[~llLy., Califor;lia~ descrihe'd as . · o. BEGINNING at,~,e l)o[i~[oflr~Ler'.-;ectioI~ of the Easterly lille ~f tt;e land descr~t~ed in Parcel ! s[ thc: deed Lo tiie S[a[e of Califon~iar recorded Sel)tenlber 23,. '1960 ;:: ~>,:,o,: 5430 p~gc 49,:,L scq, of official record~w[tl~a linettlatfs parallel ~;nd ¢l[sta~t ~4c~rtl~crly ~:' 5~ O0 feet ~c'a'~.t:rc,d at r}gt~t a~gles fron~ tl~e Northerly c.f Ia~d described in Parcel 2 ut said deed to lh~, Si. aLe' o[ California, a~d the V,'esLcrl? i;rolon~;atlon tl~ereof; tt~o~ce No~tt~ 09u 42"25 ' Eas~ parallel with said " No~,l;e,'ly'~ li~,', a~(l tl~e ~vest(',rly ~' prolo~fiatlo~ l'l~ereof a ctlsl, a~ce of 160. O0 feet; lJ~ ncc So~th 0° Z]~ '50'' East parallel witt~ tt~e centerl[~le of Yorba Street. as s,,, c,,.~le Ina is ~,l~ev,'n on the.inai~, of Tra¢;tNo. 5725 recorded Book 20~ i)aqes 9 .'~n(l 10 of M~sc,ellanea~s iv al)s [n the of[ice of tile Co~nty Recorder of Or,~;~qe Ca~:,~t'l Ca`t`. d " " · .. .., ,,lc;mien i"stanc5 o[~ 5 O0 fuet tea pointin sa~d Nortt]erly llnc oft':e land desc~'i,ed in Parcel 2'oftl~e dt:ed to the State of California, ~ence. S,~lk ~9~' 42' 25 "We~t .~long said Northerly line 144~20 feet to a poln~ in said Eat. t.z-rly lt~o oiotfic lan~l described in Parcel l~)f the cl~'ed to !lie State of Cat'fondle. thc. nee N~'~rtl] 44 2,.;' 34"Westaio~q said Easterly tine of the land described Parcel i of q~,(l,'.c,.'~' to the SS'~[c of Caiifon~[a 27~85 feet to nn angle point ~erein; · t!~el~c~- North I 28~ 05" East along said Easterly line of~le land descri. I)ed~n , Pmcei i' af tlie deed to the State of California a distance of 1'.'.5.06 feet to ~e Point of Beqinn[ng~ · · ,.. ,,. RESERVING THEREFROM 'an easement for ingress and egress over U]e Easteriy ' 20, O0 feet tllereof, ~ ' ~ , . Parcel 2' An easement for ingress and egress over t;l~at portion of the So~d;l}ea' ' sterly 19 acre parcel 'of tl~e subdivision of ~le Felip~ Yorba Tract/ in fi~e C}ty. of'Tust[n. Co~,,ty of Ora,,ge~ State of Cai:fen;la, as s!iown on a real} recorded ['ri Book 4 page" 206, of Miscellaneous Records In fi,~e office of [t~e County Recorder of Los Artgeles , ' Cotli~tyz Cal[forr',i,'t.,. described as follows: .." · BEGINNING at tt~e point of }ntersection of ttie Easterly line of the land deocr~bed" la Parcel 1 of the deed to tt~c~ State of C,tl}[orn}a/ recorded September. 23z 1960 [n Bo~l, 5430~ p;.~;c 49 et seq.,, or Offic!al Records with a line Lhat is parallel wld~ and ctistarlL NurLlierly , 1~.-;5.00 feetn~easured aL rigl~tangtes frown the NortJlerly lilie of the lan¢l descril)c~l [~l ?,~rcel 2 of said deed Lo the Stat. e of ' C;il~fc, r~a.. and tile West. e~y l)rOlon(lat[on thereof; thence Nolth 89© 42' 2 5" East ,,~, II 3 0" ~,t ix~r,lllul wl~tl tlte cont[ortlne of Yorba Street as sliown g'le M,~;~ ~f Tract N~ 5725 rc. cu,'de~t lr~ Baal.: 208 pages 9 a~:d 10 of Miscellalx~ot~s Ma~s In t:~,', office ¢~f LI~e Co~;~t,, R~u~'~!er of s;fid Oranqe Co~nty, California. a , ~ .., . dr',ta~':ce of i" '3 O0 fe,',t to a i~inl ~n , ~i~J l),'~r.~Ilel lithe ii,aris dista~lt Nortt~erly .... ,, ~0.00 f~ot fro~i~ said Nortl~c. rtv li~e of P,irc¢l 2 ~t tho (too(~ to t.}~o Sta~o of Sot:tt~'O~ '~2' 30"E;tStl~,~rallc, lv.,,itl~ said c. ontcrI[ne o[ Yorba SLreeta d[st;~nce of 2O~OO feet to a point ~ a l[;~c, tiler is t)af, tll~:l wltli and dlstanL Northc, rly 10. O0 feel n,eas~re~! at Ii(iht ,lrlr;les fI'oiii 5;1[(1 Nortl~erly lin~ of P,~rcel 2 of tile cleed to' tt~e St;~[e of C,il[fonii,i; tllancc Nortli ~_,) 42~ ')u EaStl~,,raltelwIth said Nortllerly ,,,e a c [r, ta~ce, of 10. O0 feeL; lt~cnc(: Nortl; 26 ziG' -~"' "West 22, b 5 true Point, uf Bu,~int~l~q .. ........ ..... :I:"""" .............. ' ...................... 1 '4 1":~';I"7' ~ ........ ' ' ' '~'"~i ' ~L. lI . t .~-(.l~,,,t.,..-,:.. ~(., STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of TuStin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Co~mission, held on the 22nd day of September , 1969. SECRETLY OF THE PLA~NNiNG CO>~,iISSi'C~.7 ·