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PC RES 1090
2 4 10 11 12 13 l& 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 .32 RESOLUTION NO. 1090 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN,. CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V. 69-249 OF PAUL S. KNIGHT ON BEHALF OF RITA GRIES. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustln, California does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. V. 69-249) was 'filed by PAUL S. KNIGHT on behalf of RITA GRIES to permit two signs, each being 3 feet x 16 feet, having a total sign area of 96 sq. ft~ for the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed held on said application. c) That the proposed adjustment hereby authorized will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other pro- perties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. d) That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or ~urroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would 'depriv~ subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and ~tuder identical zone classification. e) That said ~ariance should be granted. 2. The variance is hereby granted to permit: a) Two (2) roof signs, maximum area 96 sq. ft., one facing west and the one facing eas~ is not to extend above the parapet and with a setback of ~ 4' 6" from the northerly edge of the roof. · b) Maximum total sign area for subject business on tk~ site of 96 sq. ft. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning .. Commission of the City of ~.Tustin, California, held on the 23rd. day of June, 1969 f Srd ., of JUNE ..... , 1969. day Ci~AIRM~ OF 'THE 'PLANNfN'G ..... /;'.. ,_/A~ ,...-_,_:-~ ? :_..'.f -SECRETARY OF Tithe PI2tNNING CON, MISSION JGR:It 8-27-69 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION NO: 1090 - V-69-249 1999. ,. · DON C, ' ;' C/O Forgy, Forgy & Thamer 416 First Wcntern Bank . ,. .. 'o · ACTUA~ CON$ID'FJ~%TION LESS T~{AN $100 Grant Dccd [ , , ~Y~ND J, ~ON mn4 F~C~3'~, ~ON, he,ban4 an~ dated Janua~ 5, 1960, ~n~C portion of ~C 9~0f aha V~nderll~ and ~ow.m Tr~cc, ~ Gno'~ on ~ '~21 recorded in Book 5, page 160 'of',C2~c6~a~ou~o-~d~'-o'f' ~a ~golcG . ~oun~.y, Califo~la, described os follow:: ~cg~nn~ng ~C Oho poin~ of intersection of tl~o IlcsC linc of tho l~nd .gcrlbed in dead ~o ~sCin Hills Cict~s /,~aociacion recorded D-c~bcr 31, ~ ~. . . ~ , ~95. ~n Bo?i. 2209, pa8o 81 of Official Record3, with ~h~ North lin~ of ~h~ lane aescr&ocd In dead co ~y W. l]acr and ochers, recorded Jul7 .7, 1959 id ' ~ook 4788, 'paso 460 of Official aacorda; chcnco South along &aid I.]a~ ling - ~o a ~oln; in ~ha Souah lina of aaid Waer proDercy; · ~hcnco Wc~c alan~ ~' ' acid ~ouch line ca a poin~ ina linc choc iG parallel with and ~'orchwescerly 60.00 faec from ch~cencer iina o~ Newport ~ad, &cia bains cbc Northwesterly 'lin~ of land described in deed :0 Pacific ElccCri~ ', ~ilway Co., recorded }larch 12, 191~ in Book 318,' page 290 of Daeda; ~ '' chance Southwesterly clops Gaid parallel linc Co ~ho SouChaa.G~ ch~ land.described in deed co cha 0range Councy F~ood ConCrol Di~Crlc= '- recorded March 24, 1960 in book 51~1', page 84 of Official Records; North along :ho ga3'C llno of a aid la~= mentioned land CO tho Norchcas~ · · co,cT thereof; chenc6 EaG~ 'along mai~ ~orch %ln~ o~ chG land O~ WGG~ CO cha point of ~oSinnin~, ,. . . . .'.". . ~ubJccc co covenanca, condfcion~, rose.Galena, ce~C~cClon8 Grid ~'Ighc& Wa~ of record. . , · F~¢C~~SON .. ,, ...... . . ~... · "...".' - .... ' . - . ~ ~ , .;. · ~ , .".'. . .. ~ '' , · My ~m,;9o, (.~i:¢~ O'C. 16. 1910 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) · COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, JO ANN TURNER, the Undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of ~"a Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that tk~ _oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of June ,,, 1969. SECRET~Y OF THE PL~-NNING CO¥~ISSI©N