HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 254 (1964) ORDINANCE NO. 254
Be it ordained by the CouncZ1 of the City of
Tus t in:
WHE?EAS, on 'the 2rid d.ev of ~r, ch~ 1~'~ the
Cou~cll of the Ci~y of Tusbin clie DaBS ~7z~d ado~-b
~esolu~ioz~ No. 200, givln~ no~ice of the _proposa, l
a, nnex c 'rt~l: unlmha~itea terr'ibor~ to the Cib2 of
Tustin, said terri bory ~einS t:,hePei~ d.,r:~si~na~ed .as
· ~ .~,P~.. b~d,,~ ANNiEXATIOI{" and s~i.d l{lesotution d'~ r~bed
the boufdaPies of the territory proposed to be
a;~m. exed; and
%.JHIsEEAS said Resolution did contain a notice
of the day, hour ard place when and where the Council
of the City of Tustln would h'e~r: protests made by any
person' ownin~ e property within the tei~ritory
r el
~orooosed to be annexed, the time of se~id hearing
being not less than. forty (a0) non more than sixty
(60) days from the date of passage of said l!esolution}
e, nd
WHEREAS, the Bou~darZ Commission of the Coun%Z
of O~-a~o'e Sb~te of C~itifornia, __ ,
.... o , did in session duly
assembled, api',rove the proposed annexet~ion boundaries
of said annexation; and
WHEIEAS, April gist, 196~4., st the hour of
i-n the Council Chambers, in the i'ustir~ ~=:'es. Youth
C~ ,
Center, 600 W, aixtb Street, ~ty of lustin, County
of O}>an~e, Sts~te of Ca~'
~Forr. ia, 9 protest hearinP
· w;~s ~ul.y held, pursuant to notice corltei'.ned in said
llesolution and continuance thereof, ~and on ss. id ds. te,
st said time <=}nd-~'~' ~'~
~.~-ace ~r .... Cit~' Council did n .... and
pass uY, on all eretests made to t~,e proposed
on~ lid determine thg. t protests he=~d not been ma. de by
the owners of one-half of the value of the privately
owned territory 'proposed to be annexed, as shown on
the last equellzed assessment roll, nor ]:V pub!io
owner. s of one-half of the value of the publicly
owned territory proposed L.o be an:nexed, as d ate rmin. ed
by said legi-lnt~ve body;
s .... ~nd
~",=r~:~,ra<:- Said territory is cont~r~ous to
City of 'Pustin, arid is uninhabited territory in the
~ :
County of Orange:
NOW, THEREFOZiN, the said Council of the City of
Tustin. does hereby ap.prove ~"~ _
~.~.: anr~eyation of the
territory hereinafter d. escreb~ to tb~, Cit-v of Tustin
and does hereby further ordah'~ that the said territory'
be and it is hereby annexed to the City oT Tustin,
T'r; % te the amr!exation of which
--~a~ said rritory,
to the City of Tustin is hereby approved, is all
t ......territory si. tuate in the Cou-nty o~ jra,~S:~,
State of California, more particularly describet
~}i S 0 t O W S
it~ B6u~c]ary of the
the existing C
City of Tust~r: as zer Yorba Street
Amrmexation ].'~o. 2 a-~ne'xe~] S:~ accorc~-
ance with Ordinance No. t39 oess~.d
a, nc] '~.do'obec~ by bhe Zustin City Council
om Se-otember 6, 1960, said ar~gle "oint
being the °outheast corner o~ Tr~K~ct
No. ].%6~ as shown on a mac thereof
recorded in Book 120, pages 1~ and].~
f~!iscetlaneous ~aps, Eecords of Orange
County, California., said angle ?oint
.also being the Northeast corner of
Trzct i.,Yo. ~!67 as sho~,,m o~ a mac
tb~'~.eo'e recorde~ i'~ book 188, p:~.~es
39 and ~0, Miscellaneous Maps, Re~ord. s
of Orange County, California:
Thence, departing f~.om said
City bour~arT, S 0 0~'03~' ~ along
the Eass li:~e of sai:i i~ract );o~ ~167
a distar~ce of 6~7.07 feet, to the
Southeast corner of said Tract No.
Thence, S 89 20'22" W~ along
°'outh line of se~cU '2~.~,~ Lo 516'~ a
distance of j30.90 feet., to the South-
x/¢est corner of said. Tract DJo. 5167:
Thence, N 0 02 ' 00" W, alon~y the
West line of said Tract No. 5167 a
distance of 661.9~ feet, to the N'orth-
west corner of said Trac'b No. 5167,
sai. d corner bei:q~X on said existing
City Boundary of the City of Tustin:
eo'llow!ng s. long
Thence, ....
exist~.ng City boundary, S 89 ~9'
0l_~ E, along Che North li'ne of said
Tract No. 5167
, a dist~nce of
feet, to bhe ooint of beginning.
OAj3:]]'fYjD AND ADOPTED at a re:!~ular meeti. n~ of
the City "'~o'~,n c i ~ held on the 4th day of May, 1964. _. ~
~ ~-z ~ of tb~ City of i~ustin, California,
he]..d on the ~th day of Hay,
RUTH C. POE, City Clerk anc] Ex-officio
Clerk of the ~ity Council of the City of Tt~stin,
California, does hereby c~}!~'ti£y that the
number of the members of t~?~e City Council of the
City of :i'ustin is five; t~at ~he abov~ anc~ fore-
~oi-n;~3· Ordin~v~ce ~es ,duly end r~Sularl-y i~t roduced
and ~ .... ~ .st a reS~.].~7.~,-~ rn~:~et~ of the City Council
held on t~h~ 21st ~fiay of ~pril, lxo~$, and wss~ g'3_ven
its second r~0sdisqg and ,a~a,~ ,9assed and a6opted
a regular meeting he~ on the ~th day of
!96~, by the fol!owi~ vote.
AYES:' COUNCILMEN fSheridam~ Doney,i~Sack, Coco
ABSI~NT: C'OUNCILZ'(EN Kli~gelhofer
City Cler]~
Tustin, C.!v~lifornia