HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 10771 !0 11 12 14' 15 16 17 18 19 2O 2'1 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 AT LAV/ DUILDI~G {~ [iOA[)WAy CALIF. RESOLUTION NO. 1077 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLCIATION NO. U.P. 69-299 OF HARRY E. GILL ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ilE PLANNING CO~.~4ISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. ~~ 02~2 HA~~Y E.--~I~g,--0f~--}]I~'[-i'X'Lt;' OF THE CITY 0~2 TUSTiN The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California~ does hereby resolve as follows: .' 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. U.P. 69-299) was filed on behalf of the C..iY OF TUSTI~'~; to perrait a corporation yard and City offices in the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) district, and the. C-1 (Central Commercial district, on the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That the establishment, maintenance and o.oeratJ, on of the use applied for will not, under th~ circum-I etrlmen ual stances of th~ particular case, be d ' the health, safety~ morals, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in ti'. neighborhood of the proposed use, and it :..,ill no r be injurious or detrimental to the p operuy and improvements in the neigh.borhood or the general welfare of the City. d) That a Conditional Use Permit should be granted. 2. That a conditional Use Permit is hereby granted, as applied for, subject to the installation of curb, gutters, sidewalk street trees and paving on the Main Street and Centenial Way front-I ages. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plarming Commission, of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 28th day of APRIL , 1969. _ .JGR:rg 5-6-69 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION The land referred to in this policy is sltuoted in the State of California of Ora~ge~ Oity o£ Tustin ,nd ;s desc6bed os follow~: · · County Parcel 1. ~e Sou'therly 110.00 feet of the l{oz~oherly 220.00 feet of that · . portiOn~:of .Blocks 10, LI.~ 26 and 27 of th~ Town of 5.k~s'bin City, ~.~e,~no~na~.?~: on a l':-~p' recorded in Dook 4, p@ges P18 and P19 of Niscelianeous P, ecOrds of Los ;~geles Cotmty, California, doScrlbcd as follows: ~ginn~=j ~= the t~or'theasteriy corner of Tract Eo. 2187, as sho.m o: recorded in ~ook I05~ pages 37 and 38 of ~.i-Lsce!iancous ~.~aps, records of 0rsz~ge Coun't.y~ California~ also being a point in the Southerly line of oOO~ ..... ~2~-~ as sheen on a 1.~ap recorded, in Seek 1114~ pages 31 and ~' of ~,,zscel- laneous }~i:?s, records of 0z'angc County, Cailler'hie; thence Easlarly sbid Southerly ].ins a distance of 392.23 feet to the Easterly iL::e of said , Block 271 <.hence Southern, alo~og said ~ ,sa line and along t]~ ~ter].y line 6f ~aid Bio,,,, 26 to ~n. Southeasterly corner of said ~!ock Zo; %~esterly along the Souti~erly line of said Block 2~ and along tn ~...~ line of ~za Block li to one Southeasterly corner' of said thence ,,o.c~my~ along the z,,aste~ly line off said Wract a di ..... fee% %o %he pein% of beginning. Parcel 2 .... he Sou~.n.~rl~ 110.00 fe¢'b of tko l~ortherly 330 O0 fc~.b of that portion of ":1~-- 10~ . ~ ~ ~_, ...... ~ 1t 26 and g[ of the Town of ?~u~m Cl~y~ ~:s ~.~o~n on a }.~p reco:~ded in Book ~',.~ pages 2~8 ~.nd 2i9 of l.:~ccllan~oa~ Ra,~o:'ds of Los Angeles Cov0~ty~ Calx~oznxa, aescrz~.sd as follow:s: De'ginni:'c a~ the I:ortheosterly corner of ~k'sct I:o..2187~ ss si:c, recorded ~:, P~ok i05, pages 37 and 38 of r'~,.~] ~,--~ . Orange :':':' -~'v C~lzzornza,~ ' ~ .... ~so b~,:t:g a :,oin% in the Southar].y 39~-,-. .... sho:.:n on a. Map recorded in ]:ook 144~ pages 31 and laneous : ::'f,~ records of Orange County, California; thence :~,~,,~ said ~',,( .~:. :'ly line a distance of 392 23 feet to the ~ ' '' Block ~_ :::anco Souther]8~ alo::~ said l,astcr].y line ~::d along <..:u. '" ~"26 to the Southeasterly corner of said Bloc:: line o~:. 1:~ t~este:'). ~ ~!ong the ~ou'~::~rly line of said ~.o~,~~-~" 2~ and along ~z::~ line of ~ald Block 11 to ~h= Souoh~=s~ezi~ corner of said ~TaCt ........ ..:...~.~.~ s;o,,~ tho Essterly line of said tract a~,~<~-~'~,,,~ ..... of 639.50 feet to 'the point of beginning. ?oreo! =' ~:e Southerly 1~0 00 feet of t]:.2 i:or'ther!y 1:40.00 por~io:'~ c~:.' l;locks 10, 11~ .26 and 27 of thc, Town of ~stin Cz~ , ~: :~:.o::n on a ~.2~p :c:~__d in Book ,,-~ pages 218 gad 219 of I.~sc~llaneous;~ .... ...,,'~"~. of Los ~mge!es ~: ...... ~ ' d. escribe~ as ~oil. o,,o: }Zsginni~:t ~.4 the ]~oz~theosterly corner of. T~:act ~:o, 2187~ as recorded :::: 2mok 105~ pages 37 and ~ of hz,..c~ll.~..:eou~, l.~po, ~ · Ct County~ C~.:lifornj. a, also ~:~ng a point in thc ~,ou,,nsr].y lin~ of i:':a~. ~':o. 39~4~ as si:elm on a Map :'ecord~d in tbok 144~ pages 31 and 32 c. 7 ~.:is.:.el!anaous I.i.ops~ i~ec°rds of Orange County, California; thence Easterly a!c::g ca..nd South- erly li;:c a distance of 392.23 feet to the Esstcr~ ]ina ihence'Soa~4horly along said.Eas'tcrly ].ina and alo~g the Eastcr].y lin.. of -'~ . said Block 25 to thc Southeasterly .corner of said Block 26; thence along the Southerly line of said Block 26 and along the Southerly linc ~,aid Block 11 to thc Southesstcr~ corner of said Tract Es. 2187; thence ..~ortherly alo]~g the Easterly line of said Tract a distance of 639.~0 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 4. 5~a~t povtlon of Blocks 10, ll, P_6 and' P-7 of the To~.:n of Tastin C.ity, as shown on a Map recorded in Bosh 4, pages 218 and 219 of l.~scelleneous Eecords of Los Angeles County, California, described ~s follows: Beginning at the Eortheasterly corner Of,Tract ~,io. 2i87, as sho'.~n'on a recorded in Book 105, poses 37 and 38 of Miscellcneous M~ps~ records of 'Orsnge Cou~ty~ California, sloe being a point in the Southerly line of Tract 3994~ as shown on a Map recorded in Book 1;.:.l:.~ poses 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps,-records of Orange Century, California; thence Easterly along soid Southerly line a distance of 392.23 feet to the Easterly line of said Block ~7~ thence Southerly along caid Easterly line and olong the Easterly line of said ~lock 26 to the Sowbheasterly corner of said Block 26; thence ~esterly along the Southerly line of said ~ock 26 and along the Southerly line said Block 11 to the Southe~sterly corner of said Tract No. 2187; thence Northerly ~lo~g the Easterly line of said ~ract a distance of 6~.50 feat to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom the Northerly 440 feet. S?A?E OF CAL.7. FO,~N~A ) C~f'Y O? ?OS?~N ) I, JO ~2~N TURNEP~, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the £oregoing resolution was du].y passed and adopted at a regular .meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 28th day of ~PRIL 1969. 'Secretg.~/.y o? the Planning Con:mission