HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1057 1 ? 9 10 11 12 i3 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 28 29 30 31 32 OURKE & HOLBROOK ATTORNEYS AT LAW (:ROCK£R-'CI TIZ.~NS BANK E~UILDING SANTA A~A. ~ALIF. / ,' RESOLUTION N0. 1057 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 69-192 OF THOMAS BERNATZ 0?~'4ISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REC0>R4ENDING APPROVAL O_~N APPLICATION N__qO. ZC 69-192 OF The Planning Commission~of the City of Tustin, Californi~ does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That an application (No. ZC 69-192) was filed on 'behalf of THOMAS BERNATZ, to rezone from the C-1 (Retail Commercial) District to the C-2 (Central Commercial) District the property des- cribed in Exhibit A attached hereto. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That general commercial (C-2) is the type of commercial zoning which should exist in the Town Center Area. d) The commercial/residential ratio will.~not, be affected by the proposed change. e) That said~rezoning application should be ap~ 2. The Planning Commission recommends that the subject property be rezoned from the C-1 (Retail Commercial) District to the C-2 (Central Commercial) District. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 10th day of March, 1969. .iD_th_day of MARCH ..... , 1969. SECii,ETARY OF' T~"E PLANNiN~G CO:¢4ISSiON JGR:rg ~-17-69 Resolution No. 1057 ZC-69-192 8828 751 EXHIBIT "A" Ail-that certain land situated in the Sta~e of California, County of Orange, City of Tuft;n, described as follows: .That portion of a resubdivision of Rice's Addition to Tustin, as shot,al on a 5~ap thereof, recorded in Book 1, Page 47 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said county, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract No. 4842, as shown on a Map thereof recorded in Book 178, Pages 7 and 8 of Miscellaneous Maps~ records of said county, being also the Northeast corner of · the-land described in deed to A.B. McMahan and wife, recorded Dec- ember zO, 1941, in Book 1119, Page 421 of Official Records of said Couniy; thence along the Easterly line of the land described in said deed, South O 15'40" East 214.76 feet; ' thenceoParallel with the Southerly line of said Tract No. 4842, South 89 45'O0"West 74.44 feet to a point in a non tangent curve concave Southeasterly havin9 a radius of 90.00 feet, a radial iine of said curve passing through & central angle of 9°20'57,,~ an arc distance of 14.69 feet to. the beginning of a reverse curve concave Westerly, Southerlya~d Easterly, having a radius of 48.00 feet; thence Northerly, Northwesterly, Westerly, Southwesterly and Souther]'y along said curve through a central angle of 239°11'O2,,, an arc distance of 200.38 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 90.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said last mentioned curve through a central angle of 09°20'08,,, an arc distance of 14.66. feet to the true point of beginning, a radial line of said last mentiosed curve passin9 through said true point of beginning 'bears North 69 28'57" East; thence parallel with the Southerly line of said Tr6ct No. 4842, South 89°45,00,, West 201.42 feet to 'the Northeast corner of the land described in deed to Doyle Lynn, recorded July 1, 1966 in Book 7979, Page 860 of Official Records; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of the land described in said last mentioned deed, 140.00 feet to a line parallel with and distan~ Northerly 50.00 feet, measured at right angles, from the centerline of First Street, as shown on the' 5~p of said Tract No. 4842; -~hence along said parallel line, North 89o45'00'' East 182.00 feet to the beginning of a 'tangent curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence Northerly along said curve through a central angel of 90o00'40'', an arc distance of 39.27 feet; thence tangent to said curve, North 0°15'40'' West 83.84 feet to .the beginnin9 of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 90.00 feet; thence Northerly alon9 said curve through a central angle of 20° 15'23", an arc distance of 31.82 feet to the true point of beginninq. STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA) ~COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITy OF TUSTIN ) I, JO ANN TUP~NER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Con%~ission, held on the 10th day of MARCH , 1969.. SECRETA~P,Y OF THE PLANNING CO~hqISSION