HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1040RESOLUTION .NO. 1040 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING REZONING OF THE PRPERTY OF TREAT ON APPLICAITON NO. Z.C. 69-189. .?,bqTSSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECO~,~,iENDING REZONING _OF_ T~ PROPERTY OF TREAT ON APPLICATION Nb. z. C. _69_-z8__ 9 . - .... 5 The Planning Con,mission of the City of Tus~in, Californi 6 does hereby resolve as follows: - ? 8 10 11 12 i3 14 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines.: a) That a proper application (No. Z. C. 69-189) was .filed on behalf of Treat for rezoning, to the R-3 (1750) Multiple Residential, 1750 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit Of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incor porated herein by this reference. That a public hearing-was duly called, notic&d and held on said application. c) That said pr.operty should not be rezoned. 2. The Planning Commission recommends that said '15 not be rezoned. 16 PASSED A/~D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning' 17 Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 27th day of January , 1969. -- 23 SECR O THE P'LAN~iNG 'CO>SqISSION 24 25 26 27 28 30 3.1 STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA) COUNTY OF OP~%~NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, 'California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and .' adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on .'the = 27th day of~janu.ary , 1969' . . -o 'SECRETA~RY OF THE PLANNING CO~5~IISSION -.~ ~'.:'-.~".:.'' ~.::~':.":. :~' . LEG~ DESCRIPTION '. -~ .' ' ".".: .... ~'"' :":~ .. ' "'"' ~" ' "~' '~SOLUTION. NO. ·1040 ' ' ' "' ' "~" Than por[iou of Lo~ 64 in Zlock 1i of Irvine's Subdivision, In ~he ~t~y of Tuscin, County of Orange, S~a~e of California, as per map recorded in - ~ook 1, psSe ~3 of ~-~iscellsneous ?.ecord :[a~s, in :he office of ~he County ~_~ecorder of said County, described as fo!lo~-~s: -. '. · Begi~ing at a point on ~he cen~er!ine of Yc~oor~ Avenua. Yor:h 4~" 00' 00" Eas~ 100.00 feet from the cen~er line of ~ha Southern ~alifornia ?,ail~ay, as described in deed recorded June 14, 1887, in book 245, page 223, of Deeds of Los An%eles County; ~hen.ce South 49".. 59' 45" Eas~ 1320.00 fee~ along the Yor~hcas[erly' line of ~he land of :he Southern California lail~.~ay Comoany,-as describ'&d ~. deed recorded April 14, 1892, in book .63, page 250 of Deeds of Orange County, :o the Sou:heaster!y l'ine of said Lo~ ~4- :hence l~orth 40" 02' 13'.' East 496.00 . · . ~ · fee~; thence i~orth 4'9~ 59' 45" West 1320.00 fee~ parallel ~.~i~h right of t~ay line to said center line; ~hence South 40'" 00' 00" Wes~ -. .. 495.00 feet fo :he point of beginning. ~ . . F. XCEPT that portion' thereof lying :~orth~.:eS~erly of a line narallel :.:ith and Southeasterly 30.00 fee~ from the Northwesterly line of said lot. , ~[LSO =_XCEPT that mort{on thereof included ~ithin the land described in :he deed t0 the Orange Count]{ Flood Control District, recorded August 6, 1963, in book 6662, page 445 of Official Records. Said land is included within ~he area sho~-a on a map filed, in book 70, page 30 of Record of Surveys, in the office of said county recorder. · ALSO EXCEPTI:~G THEREFROm[ that oorcion described in deed to Tustin School District of Orange County, recorded October 22, !968,.in book 8762, page 508 of Official Records of said county.