HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1031 10 11 16 17 18 19 ~0 ~6 ~7 A~ORN~Y~ AT ~RQCK;R-CITIZENS LANK BUILDING t~0 NORTH eaOADWAY · ANT~ ANA. CALIF'. RESOLUTION NO. 1031 A RRSOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICAITON NO. V. 68-225 OF CROSS. P'24ISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE .ON APPLICATION _NQ.' V. 68___-225 OF ~ROSS. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,' California, dOes hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. V. 68-225) was filed on behalf of Cross to permit signs having total area of 356 square feet and a pole sign located within the front setback area and exceeding ].50 square feet each side and 300 feet total .area on th property described in Exhibit A, ~attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. b) That a public hearing .was .duly called, noticed and held on said application. · ¢) That because of exceptional circumstances applicabl t° the subject property the strict application of' the ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity, and unde~ identical circumstances. d) That the variance shall be subject to such . conditions as will assure that the adjustments authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. 2. A Variance as applied for is hereby granted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of December, 1968 ~_3rd' day'of December , 1968. SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING CO~.~4ISSION JGR:lt 12-30-68 STATE OF CALIFO~<IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) .. I, JO ~NN TUP~ER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Co~m~ission of the City of TU~tin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Co~.ission, held on the' 2_3~day'ofDacemt~er , .1968. ---- ' - - - ' EXHIBXT' . · RESOL. NO. 1031 V-68-225 That perrier of a, re-subdivision of Rico~s Addition'to Tustin: as sho~,rn on a map thereof recorded in·book 1~ paso Z~y M~scc!!ancous' In the. office of tho County '~ ~' ~.co~oor .cf said PARCEL 1: . ' Be~inOinz at tho intersection of thc cer. tCrlino el' Pi?~t c'-~ct Prospect Avenue; thence Nortl~ 8~° ~15~ 0O" '"~ r,~,st n~.~, tho geld center- l~no of F!rsg Stree¢~ a fl!stance of 175.00 fee~ to th~ t~:o polnt 6f boglm~ing of this dosCription~ thence ,:o~ ~.0° 16' 00~: I'[os~; a!on~ a linc parallel with tho said conterl!no of Prosoect Avonuo~ a distance of 190;00 feet go a point: said point heroin~tftor designated Point ~honco North 89°· 115' 00~ East along a linc pnralte! ~:iti~ the gaid center!Ins of First Street} a al!stance of 150 00 feet; 'thence So"-'~ · u~n 0° 16' 00~ ~'" along e. l~no parallel with the ~a!d contep!ino of Prospect Avcnue~. a distance of !90.00 feet to tho said conter!ine of Pirzt Street; thc-hoe South 89° 11~: 00~ West along the said contor!ina~ a distance of 150.00 'feet to tho true point of beginning of this . PARCEL 2: . A non-..exc!us~vo_ easement for street purposes ov~,--'~ a strip o~ !and 20.00 .feet In wldth~ the Southo?ly llne of which ~s 'more part!cul'ar-ly dosc~-Ibcd as follo~sl .- --described as follows: .. BoEinning at said Point 'A* heroin deccrlbod in Parcel l; thence South 89°. gl' OQ" }lest 175;00 feet to Pro~pgct Avenue. -~ .......... ~ at said Point 'A~ heroin ~oscrlbed in Parcel 1S thence 89° 45' 00" Egst ;~5.00 feet. PARCEL ~: ~ .. .A non-exclusive ease~.}en$ for ctreet purposes over a str. io of !and 20 00 feet in width~ the" ,'- ' ' ~ou~he~,ly llne of which is more pa~tlculariy .