HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 10181 2 4 9 10 11 12 15 ' 16 17 18 19 -. 20 21 22 23 24 RESOLUTION NO. 1018 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V 68-221 OF RED HILL REALTY PL~-2'~N!N,G CO/%iISSION OF TI~ CITY OF TUST~.~, CAL~FOP~.~IA, G~u:,T~-~G A VARIANCE ON ~'~ :' '" ''~ 60~22! ...~: ,. I,ICA ~.LC:.,~ NO. V OF RED HiLI, The Planning Co~m. nission of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, does t).:?:reby resolve as follows: Co~,.~,lssion finds and determines. 1 o The Planning m~' · a) Th..:,.t a prop2r application (No. V 68--22!) %.;as filed on b.eha!£ of RED HILL REALTY to permit a four fcc.,t by fol!r foot (4'x 4') thirty .... two (32) squnre foot ground sign on th.2 property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporate¢], hmrein by this reference'. b) That a p,,blic he-~' d?!y lled, ., !,, lng was ca noticed ' and he!d. That said variance would not bo' a grant of special privi!,a, go. d) That s[~i~ ~-~,~. is 'e'~ ~ub3. e and necessary, th-~ subject ,'c.~ ~ .... .. p .... p~r-ay and not ~.pz,~icablc to proper'hies in the sam~ zcns and area, and ' "~--,~ i,:,d £or t.s harcby grantea~ to 2. A Valrl['iD, ce as c.£~.,~ ~ ~ ...... ~c',u~ bi, four foot (4'x' 4, ), thirty-two (32) squat.:, foot sJ 9'". ...on th~.~ subject prc'.,p~rty, ' .... . PASSED A!!D ADO~2"ZD at a regular m.~eting of tke Planning Cou',mins~on~ k.:>.,.o, on the, 28th day of October, 1968 25 o.:., ...- ..... i~::~;: 02' ~';..,.; ?'7,;~L2.~.'.;.,~ CO";-iYc~-,.,,~.~.v' .... ~ a7 ~8 a9 50 SECURITY TITLE INSUR'ANCE COMPANY 825 NORTH BROAD~,V2y, ' SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 · 547-725! lr. R. "DICN" MARVIN VICE PRESIOENT & IVtANAGER To: The Planning Cmmnission of the City of Tustin Decription of the subject property: That portion of the land designated as "B" Brown on the Map of the Vanderlip 'and Rowan Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 160 of Misc. Maps records of Los Angeles county, California. and a portion of the Rancho · Santiag° DeSanta Ana, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of parcel reco.rded Oc, tober 6, 1917 in Book 309, pages 43' f Deeds, said corner being in the southerly line of said Parcel "B" Brown; thence South 89° 14' 40" West, along said Southerly line of its Westerly prolongation 249.70 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 89° 14' 40" West, continuing along said Southerly line and its Westerly prolongation 416.01 feet to an intersection with the Easterly line of. Deed recorded March 28, 1881 in Book ~8, page 355 in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County; thence North 0° 18' 40" East along said Easterly line 184.].6 feet to ~n intersection with.the South line of the 60.00 foot strip of land described as Parcel 26'-113 in the Lis Pendens filed in connection with Case No. 93928 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Orange, a copy of which was recorded February 15, 1961 in book, 5630, page 628 of Official Records, said intersection being a point on a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 1230.00 feet from which a radial line bears North 2° 02' 48" Ehst; thence Southeasterly along said curve and the Southerly line of said 60.00 foot strip, through a central angle of 1° 57' 03" and arc distance 6f 41.88 feet to a li!te tangent; thence South 89° 15" East along said tangent line 373.72 feet to a point; theJce South 0° 12' 00" West leaving the R .- , ~ou~herly line of said 60.00 foot strip, 177.27 feet to thc true point of beginning ALSO EXCEPTING '-~w '~.,~, - ' ' 'lh~R~,,,O~4 TIlE EAS:i'ERLY 180.01 feet thereof. · SUBJECT TO ENCUMERANCES, LIEiWS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND EAS ..... : - ~,,~,~-,TS OF RECO?,D. · OWNERSHIP: A list of owners of lands locmted with 300 ~eet of the perimeter of the ~,ubject property together with a nuqp showing said lands, is attached° STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COb~TY OF Oihl~CE ) CITY OF TUSTiN ) SS I, JO Ab~? Ti.~,NEpI, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Co;~zmission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed ai~.d adopted at a regular '~' meeting of the Planning Con~ission held on the p ~-:' 1968. ' .~ day of .:..~ .... ,.,.,