HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 1017 RESOLUTION NO.1017 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF REZONIING OF PRO- PERTY OF ENDERLE ON APPLICATION NO. Z. C. 68-178 OF TI-LE CItY OF TUSTIN, CALI~'O!~,~IA PERTY OF E~'~ ~'~b~ 07.7 APPLICATION NO. Z. C. 68-178. 5 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, 6 hereby 'resolves as follows: ? 8 9 10 11 15 1. The.,~lanning Cor~ission finds and determines as follows: a) That. a proper appl' !ca~ion (No. Z. C. 68-178 was .fi].ed on behalf of Enderle for change of zone of the prop,:~rty~ desc-~_ m~_uc'"'*,~ ~ zn' Exnlb!t' ' ' A attached hereto and ii-~corporated herein by this reference, from R-1 (.q~'q~ ' ~ · ..... ,~.. family resio.,_ntlal) to R--3 (Mu:ltip!e residential). b) That a p,¢o~ '~ ..... ."L,. hoar±ng was duly called, noticed and he!cl, on said application. c) That sa. id rezoning should not be granta~7. 2. The Planning Commission recoi'~mon~ds that the subject not be rezonec]. 16 17 18 19 -20 4 ' = the P!a,nning [:ASSED Fd%'D ADOPTED at a rego.!ar meeting o~. Com:u~'~Jon of uh,; City of ~' ...... ...... ~ - ,~,;= uJ..n, Cs. iiforn~ a, held on the 10th day of June , 1968. 25 26 ;.'51 LEGiL DESCRIPTI01.J · ZC-68-178 Legal Description Exhibit "A" All that certain l~nd situated in tho St,.to of C~lifolmi~, de scribed as follows: PARCEL I Theses portions of )5et ~ of the Felipe Yorbm Tr,.ct, ~,s sho~vn on a map feces-dod in Book 4, page 206 of ~iscol!~eous Records of Los Angeles Century, and. Lot ~ of the Vicente Yorba T~act, as shown on a m~op recorded in Boob 2, page ~ of ~tiscellsmeous l~ps, records of Orange Coo~aty, described as follov~,s: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of so~id Lot &, distant along said Northerly line, North 89 ~-~' S8" West 61.00,feet from the Northegst corner of-said Lot ~; said point also being a point in the Easterly line of Pa. rcel No. i as described in a deed to the State of C~D. ifOrnia recorded November gl, 1980 in Book ~l?, Page 188 of Official Records; thence ~long so. id E~storly line the follo'~ving co~a~ses g~ud distp~nces; South 16 l~' ~7" West 1~.~ feet, South l0 12' 00" West ~-17.88 feet, South ~ 05"12" West 200.71 feet to the Southerly line of said ~ot ~-; 'thence along' said Southerly line South 89 22' ~" East 18~.~ feet to tho Southeast corner of s~td Lot ~; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot ~, North ! ZS' 2~" Ezst ~l~.S1 feet to a point that is dist~-~nt South 0 Z~' 2~" West ZZ$o~& feet from the Northeast corner of said Lot ~., as described in Parcel No. g of sgid deed to tho State of -' ~ Horth 89 2%' Californi~: ~hence ~.t right angles to said E~,ste~l~ line, West Z0.00 feet to a c~rve conc~ve Southe~.ste~.ly having a radius of 790.00 feet'; thence Hortherly ~.long said curve from e. %~ugent that bears ~Ior~h 0 55' Z4" East to a line that extends South 75 44' 2~~' Eo, st from the point of be- ginning; thence along l~.st mentioned line L~orth ?S 4~., 25" ~;est to the point of beginning. PARCEL II That portion of Lot ~ of th~ Vicente Yorbg Tract,.as shoun on a mmp recorded in Book 2, page ~ of }~fiscellaneous ~%ps, records of 0ramg~ County, lying North~.~esterly of the follouing described line; · Beginning at the l,lortherly terminus of that certain course described as }!orth 0 ~, £z~, E~.st 176.6~ feet as described in Parcel No. 6 in a deed recorded J~y 9, 1965 in Book 7588, ps.go Z23 of 0ffici~l Records; so. id Northerly terminus ~lso bei~ ~. point ~.n a curve conc~ve Souths~storly ~d h~vimg a rs, dius of 790.00 fo~t~ thence, along s~id c~'ve fro~ a t~u~g~nt theft bcd. rs North 13 ~0"Z6" East through ~ c~.tr~! ~og!o of 27 01' ~l" ~n~ ~rc diet,ce of ~?Z.?0 feet. S-~ATE 017 CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OiL~k~IGE )SS C~TY OF TUST]'N ) J.o Ann Turner ., the u~dersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Con~ission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at · the Planning Co~mission, held on the 10t~ a regular meeting of 1968. -- ' day of June Secrc [~ary ......... a, ....