HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 997 1 4 6 8 9 10 11 ~5 .16 17 18 19 20 ~6 ~7 ~8 ~9 31 RESOLUTION NO. 997 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 68-266 OF MUTUAL. !01'I I~0. 997 The Planninr~ ,~,-~-" s~-- ' Tu~;t.Ln~ Cali- · ~ Co,,,,mt,.,~ion of oho Ci~,y of~ o fornia, does hereby resolve as fo!].ows: 1. ~,a Piannin~ Cc, mm:l.ss~on finds anr~ determines: a) That a proper c.,pplica~cion (I',Io. U. P, 6S-fi66) was filod on behalf of MUTUAl, to permit installation of a liquid gas storage tank for industrial auxiliary fuel supply on the pro.- perry described in Exhibit A attached herc'to ~d inco?-~o~-o-t,-~d_t ..... . ,~. . ho:coin by this z'efare~me, -~.n~-~v a public hearing was duly cal]ed~ . noL,_ce.d - ' . ~.,,~ ~ held 14~-v,---,~-,n+ ,'.,~n+r~.' ~nn-, and operation of the to ti''~ heaii:b.~ sa~ ,Jty~ mora!s~ ge~ .... ~ welfare c>i ....... ~,n,., not ..~:jU):'iOU. S O:C dctri use~ "': !t wil'! be ~'" menta.:~ "co tnu pro~ur~,.. ~ and ngizaboz'hood or -~no ~encral welfare of tho City. d) That.a Conditio:.:::?~! Use Parmit should be grantt 2, A Conditional Use r""~,~.~:,~.;~- .... -is l'.,,ereby granbed as e:~o~ 'i r~d..,. .... ... . fo;'~. ~ subject. ~o th-e fo.ilo",';~ r:S_ . con4-~ h~,..., c_..on:::,: a ) If t? ...... ) .... "- v ~ '" _ ~ ,u, r' ~ ~ ~'' A enue is not ~bo~,-~n~-a any t~n:, and fence construction should ot~o:~.i do of th.e 60-.foot }~ewport Avenue right-.of--way, b) Construction of '?':-:',~ . "r '- ter!y one-he. If of I'iawport Avenue, if A-~p,,", is not abandonnd metal barricade to north end of 3 .5 10 1]. 12 13 14 ' ,i6 18 19 24 25 26 30 32 h) The entire area shall bo fenced. . i) One fire hydrant shall be placed to the satisfaction of ti?.oFire Chief. J) Shaded area 'on the attached map indicatcs where tank or tanks may be located. (Copy on. file in Planning D~pa~ ~,,ent. Pro~)o,~.! does not comply with this requiremont). k) Ali. fencing be in accordance with approvals 'of Architcc .... . ~,u~ al Conmiittee PASSED AND AD~ ~ '" ' OPIED at a regular meeting of the PI. an-. Co,,,,m~solon~ held on the 22nd day of July, 1968 , 19o8 ning ..... "' ~'' ' July ~ . - ~ Old .... · ,SCHEDULE C _. ' .......... ..... - .......' .... _ ---" THE LAND REFERRED TO IN' TI-ilS POLICY I8 DESCRIBED AS FOL[OWSI THAT PORTION OF THE LAND ALLOTTED TO Fo We KOLI. IN DECREE OF PARTITION OF THE RANCHO SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA~ RENDERED I.N CASE NO, 1192 AND ENTERED SEPTEMBER 12t 1868:~ IN BOOK "B" PAGE ' 410 OF JUDGMENTS OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF CALIFORNIA~ PARTLY' IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN~ ALL IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ DESCRIBED AG FOLLOWS~ BEGINNING AT A POINT SOUTH 2381.28 FEET FROM THE OLD BOULDER STONE SET~ ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ALLOTMENT OF F~ W. KOLL~ SAID STOt~E BEING WEST 2220,1~ FEEl' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID ALt. OTMENT~ SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALSO BEING ON THE .,~,:.-='~;~ ). ~'~. ~,-m: ,.. ~'.:. .~' ~''. ~.' O~ ~'t,v. ~,..:- . = ~,,,,.& fF. ~,. .WIV IHENCE SOgTri TO ThE tNORTriF;LSTENLY LiN: OF IRV1NE'S 6UbglVlfilON, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PAGE 88 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORD MAPS~ IN THE OFFICE. OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SALD ORANGE COUNTY I THENCE NORTH 39° 30~ 00" EAST ALONG SAID'NORTHWEGTERLY LINE TO SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE SANTA FE RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAYI THENCE NORTH ~0° ~0~ 00' WEST ALONG SAID 8OUTHWEGTERLY LINE ~0 THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ,,:UiUAL LIQUID GR$ p. O. r~ ,, ~,O,-,, NO. 322 GA RDfj,",i:~,. CALIF. Title Insurance and Trust Compa:~y Escrow.No, 462963-'VH STATE OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, ~~"~.F~_, the undersigned, hereby cerl. ifies that she is %he Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Comm_ission~ held on the 22nd day 'of July 1968. '~ecretary of the Plannin~ Co:m~iosi~'