HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 9931 3 4 RESOLUTION NO. 993 · . A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING REZONING OF PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-180 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION itE PT._ANNING COM~4ISSION OF THEC_iYT" OF ZNG ](Z.,ZO~Z~G OF PROPERTY ON ~,PP~!O)%.lOrl hO. .5 The Planning Co~m~.ission of the City of Tustin, Californi. 6 does hereby resolve as follo;.;s: 1) The Planning Commission finds and determines: 8 '9 l0 a) That a proper application (No. ZC 68-180) was initiated by the P!arming Commission for the rezoning of the property described in E~fl~ibit A attached hereto and incorporated h~ ~" ~r~mn by this reference. 11 12 14 15 b) ~.at a public hearing was duly called, and held on said appl_cat~o.n~ noticed c) That said rez0ning should 'be granted; d) The presently unclassified 35~00 square feet of lm~d will be incorporated into the existJ, ng zoning ~- ~'-~ ca~ago~.J, es, thereby paving the way to Future development on presently vacant portions. .16 1Y 18 19 20 ~2 23 24 25 26 ~8 2) The Planning Conm-:ission recommends that the subject property be rezoned ~o the C..1 (Retail Commercial)Zone, as.to the. ~.0 feet by 835.45 feet between First Street and Fourth Street, and · . to the R-4 (Suburban Residential) as to the 40 feet by ~64.73 feet strip of land fZ. onting on Fourth Street only. ~'~>'~'-~;:~'~" 'PASS'ED ~' ADOP~?ED:~t -a regular meeting, of the Planning . Oo,:..,~_..s~ion of ~he. Oi~ of ~s~in~ bela on the 22nd day of July, 1968 a~~a~ of ~u_.l~ .~~ .i968 'STO~'2'i'AiTY.-'U~r-i~?g--P'~'(": E':':(i'f,~i-W'0-0TT;Ti--~7C~ · 29 30 31 ;C - 1 ZOi'~ii,.iG · All that certain land .,ztuateo.in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of Califor.nia, described as follows: oo Beginning at a point in the center of First Street at a point 1185 feet East of the Sou'th~..:est corner of Allotment No. I to Leonor Yorba de lowland by Decree of Partition of Rancho /Santiago a~ San~a .... Aha, renderea September. lZ,, 1868, sa~d_ point /being the Soutneasv corner of land descrzbea in paragraph 2 (a) of the Decree of t zn..~ Distribution to Zella I. Thomson aua /recorded in Book ?42?, page 9~5~ Official Records of said 'Orange County; thence North along the East line and its Northerly prolongation of said Thomson ].and 871.45 feet to the South line of Fourth Street, 100 feet wide; thence Easterly along said Sc~th line of Fourth Street to a point on a line ,' . -,- v.a~ch is parallel with and 4.0 00 feet East, measured at r~ght ang!es~ from sa~d East line and it'.s Norther].y prolongation; thence South along said parallel line 871 feet, more or less, to said center of F~rst Street; thence West 40.00 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting that port,on oeazca~.ea for street purposes, R - 4 ZONING All that 9ertain ].and situated in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, .described as follows: . . Commenciug at a point Ln the center of First Street at a point 1185 feet East of the South~.~est corner of Allotment No. 1, to Leonor Yorba de Ro~.,..a,:d ~ Decree oC Partition of Rancho Santiago de Santa Aha, ren~..eo~,~' September 12, 1868,. said point being the Southeast corner of land described in paragraph 2 (a) of the Decree of Final DistrLbu'tLon to Ze!la I. Thomson and recorded in Book 742,~, page 953, Official Records of said Orange County; thence ::orth along the East line of said Thomson land ~22,72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Thomson land and to the true point of beginning; thence ' continuing North: along the Northerly prolongation of said F~st line ~8.73 feet to th9 South line of Fot.r-~h~ ~ S'~ore~-~ 100 feet wide; thence l'festerly a~_ong said ~Sou~sh li~e of Fourth Street to a point on a line which is parallel with . and 40.00 feel ~,./es't~ u~asurec, at r:.gn~ att~les~~, from said Ea~:~ .,. ~.,,._,..~ line..and ~ts:I'~.ortjqor].y prolongation; thence South along said '"" -" ~ ...... '~¥~'!1~1 ~ ,~ -4, o ~, ~ : ' pa lin~ ~.o z~..~v, ,.:ore or less, vo' the North line 0f ' ~ t~=~c East 40.00 feet to the true point said ~ho~.:son land; .... e of b~znn~ng. ' ORDINANCE 4.18 L"V U'T'D 'I'rp ^ / $.~ATE OF CALIFORNIA) 'cOUNTY OF OtL-~NGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) Jeanne tie in .......... , the. uJdersigned hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Plann~ - ~ . -no Corm~is,sion of the City of [[\~st:[n, California; that the foregoing, ~ .resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeti,,o of the I lannino Cow,mission, held on the 22nd day of · July "o 1968. --- ._