HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 991 9 11 12 14 15 '.16 1V 18 19 · . 20 21 2,2 23 ~4 25 2,6 29 3O 32 ~OURK£ & ~.'I"TOR,"~E Y5 AT LAW ~ROCKE:~ -CITITK~S ~Atil'A l.~a, CALIF. RESOLUTION NO.991 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING REZONING OF PROPERTY OF SIEGEL ON APPLICAITON NO. ZC 68-173. I~SOLU"..P!ON OF THE PLANNEKrG CO~,:,IiSSION OF THE CITY OF TUS~('II-~, CALIFORNIA,'~"~"z,~.~,.~'.!,,~,.~u~.~:,~"~m'"'~ REZOI,~ING. OF. PROPERTY OF SXEG:~L APPLICATION NO. ZC 68-1'/3. ~e Planning Ce~.uT, ission of tlQe City of Tustin, California does resolve as follow~: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: a) That a proper application (No. ZC 68-173) was filed, and amended, on behalf oZ SIEGEL for re- zoning of the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference frcm the R-4 (Suburban Residential) to the R-3 (1600) (Multiple Residential, 1600 square feet of lot area per d:.;elling unit) Zone. · · b) :~nat a public hearing was dul5 called, noticed 'and held on said application.. c) That said property shOuld be rezoned. 5%e extensive study of the Town Center Area revealed that encouragement of hig]~er density develoi?ment within the area will result in a two- fold acccmplishment~ in the long run elimJ, n~te.s blighted areas and upgrades eD.,.isting ccmmez'clal de~,e 1 opine n t s ~ e)' Subject property is located on a primary highway' ~J,]idst the'n~ost intensive com:..~nercially zongd · areas and adjacent to a high density development. , f) [t i's in the best interest.of the City to att¢irlpt to shift the tide of heavy density development from the South 'z~%stin area to the Town Center Are · 2. The Planning Co:¥m~ission hereby recommends that the subject property 'be rezoned to the R-3 (1600) Zone, and that the '~ ~ be Zoning Hap of the City of It.~tin remanded accordingly. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of July, 1968 , 1968. ~r~:~ PLANNX?~G CO:'~HISSEON i / JGR:rg 8-- 19-68 . The followinp~ described oroperty, si.tu-:,4-ed in. the C~l;y o~ ~u:~;!n County .of Oran~e~ ~tate of C~iforni~' :. ~ .. Parcel 1: Cnmmencin~ at a mount: i.n the.ce.~tor oF Fir~t Ftro,- ..... l .... e a]lot:~ n'b I'.lo, l q~5 feet East from the Southwest corn~ of -~ e to Leonor Yorba de Rowlaad' by fins], decree of ~.~nrtit'~on ~f Rancho eat~t~aF~o.., ct,~.. S~te .... Aha re~.ered ~tem~er ]2, 12Fa, au:'! run'nin~ thei~c:e :fast al. on~x the center of First Street 250 thence 'North: 522.72 feet; thence West 250 feet; ~nd tke~o~ South 522.72 feet to the ~l. ace of beginnings. ~*arce! 2: Commenc~.nff~ at a ]~o~n!.: J n !;¼e~ center of First said point being North 89° ~5' East 929,60 feet from the ~n~]+'-.-.- west corner of the A~ !otment.. No. . 1 to I, eo~or v~,o.~,,. ,. . de TM, ~',' by final, decree of :)~.rti ti on of ~a:-~cho .:~a~t~ao'o 4- .'Sant:~ rendered September ~ o 1868; thence No--th O0° 0~' 'We~t 52P feet; thence North 89° 45' East 'natalie! to First Str,~et ~.', feet to the Northwest corner of ].snd conveyed to W, S. m?. by Dee5 record~d 'J~_~nusrv 1 ].c~z~ ~n :~, ,.~ ,,' BOG, .. Records of Or:~,nce Co~]nti/~ ...~] ~ f'orn!r~' . . klest ].Sve o¢ ~a~d land ¢o]~v~5, ea t:o ~,,i ¢' ' ~"*,- .. · ......... ~ . ~ to ~-he cesta; ~,r w~s+- Stre,..-~-. t~:~-'nr,-, Sc,'~th gO° /~5' feet to ~ho ~ofin!; cf S~ATE OF CALIFOmNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) Jeanne Hein , .the ufidersigned,--/hereby certifies that she ~'s the Secretary of the Planning Com_mission of the City of ~' California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 22nd day of July , 1968. . .~[~secretary (Acting)