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PC RES 989
1 1:1.5 4 .5 6 8 9 10 11 14 15' .16 17 18 19 20 25 RESOLUTION NO. 989 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF ZONE CHANGE ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 68-174 OF BONNER. I A t,ESOLux%O.~.~ OF ..... ,~, PLANNZNG CO~:'~.MSSION Or,' THE CITY OF '~'USS)XN, CAL:[FOP. NZA, KECO:-~'dEND:rNG D~!'~IAL OF ZONE CI{AL~r~ ON APPI. XCATXON NO~ Z.C. 68-174 OF DONNER. The Planning Commission of the. City of Tustin, Calf fornia, resolves as fo). low s: 1.. The Planning Commission finds and determines as a) A proper application (No. Z.C. 68-174) was file( on behalf of DONNER for zone change from the k- and C-I-P zone to the R-3 (1750) zone of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorpqrated herein bY this reference° b) A pu~blic hearing %,;as duly called, noticed, and held on said application. ' c) Said zone change should be denied. 2. ~'he PXanning Commission reCommends denial of said application for rezoning. PASSED AND ADOPS?ED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City .of Tustin, California, held this 27th .day of May , 1968. SEC}ii:7i'ARY OF ,37'/E PL.Z~NNING CO:,~41(SS!ON // L/' JOR:rg 8-19-68 o. That portion of the West ~]~ of Lot 14, Block "B" 'Lecouvreur in ].870 in tee City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 102~ Page 15 of ~%sheitanaous [~Lnps, in the office of ' ~ ta= County Recorder of said County, des- cribed as follows. ~ Beginning at the Northerly termination of the West- -.erly right of way line.of Carroll Way as shown on a Record of Survey recorded in Book 85, Page 47, . Official Records of Orange'County, California; thence,- South 0° 04' 00" West 60.01 feet along said Westerly street right of way to a point lyzn~ on the Westerly prolongation of the South rightj of way line of Mediord Avenue, as sho~.m on a map oz Tract No. 6200 recorded in Book 227~ Page 25 of ~scellan- Records of said Orang~ County, thence, eous ~.pos, ~ . North 88 4].' t7" West 354o41 feet along said West- er_ly prolongation to the Easterly ;~ight of way line or California State Highway Route 55 (Newport Free- way) as recorded March 16, 1961~ in Book 5657, Pages =' ' o' 84 inclusive, records of said Orange 681 -~nrouon 6. , ~ · County; thence, Nortl i° 29' 54" West 116.63 f~.et along said Westerly Highway right of Way to an angle point; thence continu' ~ ' , -, ~ ln~. along said Highway riga~ of way North ~o 56' 45" West 547~28 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 86 of Tract No. 5726 as shown on a map recorded in Book 211, Pages 30 through 32, inclusive, of l~scel!aneous Mips of said Orange County; thence, South 89© 47' 07" East 416.28 feet along the South boundary o.f said Tract No. 5726, .to the East line of the West Half of said Lot 14~ as established per said Record. Of Survey, said South Tract boundary also being the-North line of said Lot 14; thence South 0° 04' 00" West 610 38 feet along said East line to th~ North ~io,,t of way of said Medford Avenue; thence, North 88° 41' !7" West 30.01 feet along said Northerly street right of way to the poiMt of beginning° S~ATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORA~;GE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) · · Jo .Ann Turner , the u~dersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing reso!u%ion was duly passed and adopted ah a regular meeting of. ~he PI. arming Connnission, held on the 27t~ day of May , 1968.