HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 988RESOLUTION NO. 988 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING REZONING ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 68-179 OF FREDERICKS tLESOLUTION NO. 988 ., A RESO!JUT!ON OF THE PIANNING COMMISSION · . - OF TH~5 cITY OF-TUSTIN, CAI, I'I'ORNJ.A~', /' RECO~"R'iEND-XNG REZOJNING ON APPLICATION NO. ...... ' .................... Z' C 68-179 OF FREDERICKS I · · ' · 5 The Planning Comn~ission. 0f the City of Tustin, California, 6 does resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determineS: 8 9 10 11 A. That a proper application (No. Z. C. 68-179) was d~ly filed on behalf of FP=EDERiCKS for rezoning from the C-2 · · · . '(Central Commercial) zone. to the R-3 (Multiple Residential) zone of .the property ,described 'in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by 'this. reference. 13 - B. 'That said-rezoning is in conformity, with the 14 Genera]. Plan, will remove commercial zoning which is not 15 . . needed tO serve' ~'~' ' ' " e,~zot.~.ng or future r)eeas of the area, and .16 should be granted· 1V 2. The Planning Commission reconnnends said property be 18 rezoned to the R-3 (Muliiple Residential) zone subject to the follow .. 3_9 in~ conditions: " · 2O A. That 'there be dedication and construction of 21 i~rovements to provide adequate access to the subjeqt property. 24 25 26 ~9 30 32 A'I'rORN~';yS AT LAW CROCK[IR C'ITIZKNS ii ~ANTA /.,.~&. CA: I.F. ' ' "I'['L.~:PHOI,:~ i5 ,:3'-6 I ,q I ,' PASSED, APPROVED AN]) ADOPTED this 24th day of June, 1968 ,1968. - 7 '- .% STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) Jo Ann Turner , the u~dersigned, hereby certifies that she -~s-t~Se.cretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was .duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission' held on the 24th day of June , 1968. · · That portion of the Southwest quarter of the Stafford and Tustin Tract as · sho~n on a map recorded in Book 2, pages 618 and 619, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Newport,~ounty Road, (formerly called' Glen Avenue, now called Tustin Avenue) as shown on a said map with the South lin'e of Lot M of the said Stafford and Tustin Tract (said centerline of Newport County Road'begining persumed to be coincident with the Section line between Sections 16 and 17, Tom~ship 5 South, Range 9 West, SBB&>~ for this descript.ion); thence easterly along .' said South line of Lq,:t bf to a point 391.6 feet East of said centerline of Tustin Avenue: Thence North parallel with said centerline'of Tustin Avenue, to a point in the North line of said Southwest quarter of Lot b~; thence West along said Northerly line 391.6 feet to a point said centerline of Tustin Avenue; thence South along said centerline to the point-'of beg- inning. Except therefrom that port'ion lying Westerly and Southerly of the foll- owing describdd line: Beginning at the'intersection of the North line of said 'Southwest quarter with the centerline of Tustin Avenue ~said centerline is for the purpose of · this description, considered to be coincident with'the s~fion line between Sections 16, and 17~ township 5 South, Range 9 Wes~.~.thence along s.aid ° North line South 89° 30' 59" East 97.00 feet to a line parallel with and distant Easterly 97.00 feet, measured at right angles, from said center- line; thence alo~g said parallel line South 0~ 41' 01" West 476.~$ feet; thence South 85~ 26' 23'~' East 295,27 feet to a line parallel with and Easterly 391.60 feet from said centerline of Tustin Avenue; thence along said parallel line South 0° 41' 01" East 41.10 feet to the South line of Said L6t M. (~NE-RSH IP: A list of the ovmars of lands located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the' subject property together with a map showing said lands, is attatched. ~ LAND TITL~ A$$OCIATIOIW I CALIFORNIA LAND TITL'~ ASSOCIATION /