HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 987 '!' 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 1:5 14 ........ 15 16 17 18 19 .... ~0 25 26 2,7 ~8 ,3O 31 ' ~OU}~KE ~ HOL~ROOK ATTO~H~YS AT LA~y · AN~ .UILD,NG ~AN/A ~'.H&. CALIF, R-ESOLUTION NO. 987 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISISON OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 68-264 OF MEREDITH ]U~,SOLUTZON O~: THE PLA.'.qNii'~G I,.,SZO~ OF THE CITY OF '~IUSq"'...CN ~, CALIFORN:CA, G!b}NTING A CONDITIONAL USE PEI~,iZT ON APPLICATEoN NO. U. P. 68--26-4 OF 14EREDZTH The Planning Commiso...on of the 'City of Tustin, California, c!oes reso].ve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines: A, That a proper application (No. U. P. 68-266) was filed on behalf of ME~JD,!TH to pe×mit a single-story buildir~g · . to be moved onto. and used on a parcel of land in the R--3 zone on the subject proporty ¢'lescr.{bed i~ Exh.~ .L'c A attached hereto and i'ncorporated herein by this reference. B. That said use would not be: detrimental to the hea.l, tl:,safety~ morals~ comfort or general welfare of the person's residing or ~.~oz~,zng in the neighborhood of the pro .... posed use and it will not be injur.ious or detrimental to the .. property and improvements in the neighborhood or the generaI' welfare o~ the City. '. . C" That'-a Conditional Use Permit ' ' ' · Should be grantee. 2. The Planning Commission hereby grants a Conditional Use · Permit to Pe~n't~it moving onto and use of a single--story office building on the subject property as applied for, subject to the following conditions: ', A. That building and l'andscapin~ plans bo submitted to and approved by the Architectural Committee. The Archi- tectural Committee should, be partJ, cu!arly directed to seek , the normal standaro..~ expected for permanent buildinc~s constzucced, in th~ City. B That the previou~:ly submi .... .~.cea:parcel mep be comp lo ted. C. That a five foe[ clraina~e ea'se;!c~nt be granted 2 the easa-rly~Pr°Perty line of s'o. bject property. pA¢, r- ' ..~:>ED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannr~ng Co.nmission held on the 24th day of June , 1968. "' .. SECRmJ_AR:~ OP THE ]/I~NN_NG EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 21 and 22, Tract 2187. Description after a~proval of Use Variance: Parcel 1, Trac~ 2187. S.~ATE OF CALIFORNIA) cOUNTY OF 0~GE )SS ~ITY OF TUSTIN ) JoAnn Turner ~ _, the m[dersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Conmission of the City of 1\mtin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed a~{d adopted at a reg~ular meeting of the Planning Co~nission, held on the 24th day of . june 1968. -- _, Secretary .(Act'~ · ,. /