HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 9844 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 2.2 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~0 151. ~2 · RESOLUTION NO. 984 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APP. V. 68-210 OF MC FADDEN CITRUS CO. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California · does resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: a) That a proper application (No. V. 68-210) was filed on behalf of McFadden Citrus Co. for a variance to permit construction of accessory buildings on property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this' reference. b) That a public hearing was duly call_ed, noticed · and held on said application. , That the proposed variance would not be a grant of.special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. d) That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings the strict application of'the Zoning Ordinance will deprive subjec~ property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification. 2. A variance as applied for is hereby granted to Permit · construction of accessory buil'dings (carports') to within l0 feet of the south property line, subject tO the following conditions. a) Fire road be provided into the interior of the complex to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. b) Nine openings be provided through garages. c) Hydrants and water lines be placed to the satis- faction of the Fire Chief. d) Northeast and southeast corners of building be adjusted to provide adequate turning space for ladder trucks. day of June PASSED AND ADOPTED at' a regular meeting, of the Planning . Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 10th daya of June, 1968 ~n / 1968. SLCt!E~[AR~_ 0t" THE :~L:~:~:'JiMG CO>.~:.IiSSIO~'~ ,. ,,~ega! Description o¢ Subject :roi)arty Parcel A Ti:at ?.)ortio:i of Lot "L" of t],,o S'taz:uord ant. Tustin T ' of 'i'ttst'j.:~ cotutty o'¢ Oz .... ~,e~ si:ate of California po~- man recorded .. - .... ,~- . ract~ in t~te in .book ? page 618 oz ;,,cce.~2a;,ioous ](oct)re:;, in tho office, o~ ~]~o recorder oz Los A'"'"eios Cot;~-t),~ Caltifornia~ described a.s fo~lows: · -' , ...... e~t come-,- of said Lot "L" 'i-'d~ !5" Nest 35Z 89 * - ' · ' - , zeec a~on~, said ;,r,,~. ; t]~ence North 0° ~. ' ~ ,,~-.t lqno lo a line par,-:.[!o! wig]: korthor].), 175 00 feet ,.,.r .... - . ' ~ ..... ',~ured along said l'¢ester].y line ~.nc. its soti~]'i~:rlv ni'o~onc~ation) -- . ~ - - zrom the center].ine of ~fci':addon .,tvcnue, N°""~' ~ ,I. 5" t '~ .. . ' t}ionco '~"' 88° 55h fas 200,00 i:oe'c a!olIS said parai.Lol line to a line para!].el wit said ]?est line, t}ionco Sour,. 0° 46' i5" hast 15! 'a].on(¢ s~id P*i'aliel line to ~no SouZa tine of said Lot, thence South SS° 52: 15~ West 200 00 Coot along s~' , beein:iin~, ~ ~,. ' - , ~.e sou'th line to tho point of Pai'pel B: .,:ia,- po'r'~ion of l,ot "L" Of the Sta.--~- - , ~' ' ~.': ,.~.ord and 'fustin Tract~ of it;s'gi:l¢ cotin y of ..... s~ s'''~ · in oho CiZ)r in bbok 2~)a~e 6[8 . ,,- ~ c.,:t.e of Cal~fornia~ per map recoi'dhd ~ . ,~ o:: sce!.~,~:oous ;,.ecords~ in the orzice of th count)- recorder o~ Los ~'"~e~es County~ California, described as foi].ow's. ]~eginn:,.ng at the S "" , O ~ cYi~','~ S '~ C O "'"~ ....· . .. ' -~.~. o:: said ],et "L"; 't}fcnce ~'~ol'cn 0° 46' i5" ~(}esc 151.29 feet along said west line go a po.~nt on a line parallel with and Norzh~riy !75.00 feet (measured alo~g said line and irs Southerly Droi~,.,o~..on) fr t.:~e center line or :ucFadden ' . . w..o~ ui O',]I' "' ""' ' ~ ,, Aventte~ sa, ia po4nt boi]l~ ~'e true point oz o z,.. > o ~'' r ~ ocrj.~}l{ II~{ ' t]ionce nor SS° 55' 45" East >00 00 :feet a~onn- ~ald ,)atari. el line ~o a Ii:lo parallo~ wit}t said West i4no, cJ;cnce So',~h 0° 46' 15" Eas~. 15~,69 feet aion~ said paral~cn tine Zo ~he ,,ot,.~.l, line of said lot; thence Nor~,~ g~o S2' 1S" ~qast ~!~,65 fecg alon~ Sa'rd South line Zo th line of ~]le land describe¢ in ~::c'. i)eec to Leo Baudino e~ ai,~ , '' .... ' ' 0 ~¢OSt recorded January 78, lq63 in boo:.: 640q page 5'49 of 0~-[: , . in ~ne of~ce of the cot,:-~), recoraer o:: said -* .. ' · Oz ,-,,,.,e County, --~. Neff:, 0o 4?, 28" kos; 478 36':?oez along said lfesZ line ~o A~ ~O O;"~e .... ' ' · ~, ~lO}lCO ,. ~ -,-~ line described in that certain ins'-~ ~., .. 194y ir, ROOk t~80 1)~ c,U..,e,~t roco'rded /'"'~il 10 ":% ~'.' ~ge 500 of ssid O~ficiai Records, c~.ence Sout:~ '88 S5' 45" ',¥est 5~9.'i8 feet al o:,~ s~;.{d. Asreoment Line to -~' of said Lot "L"; ~].¢~ .... o - , .- ,,~ .... ce q~,,-:-h 0° 46' one ~est line , , "~'- 15" East 327 O0 foot. alo..~ l~st ~ine to tae true po';nt of beginning. - - ' ~'~ said / S~'ATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) Jo Ann Turner , the ufidersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of ~he Planning Conunission, held on the10th day of June , 196 8. / · Se cre tar-~/' ..... - '