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PC RES 968
1 4 6 8 !1 .16 18 19 ~0 £? A~ORNEYS AT LAW ~ROCKER-CITI2ENS ~ANK eUILDING · 00 NO~TH OROADWAY ~ANTA AtlR, CALI~, RESOLUTION NO. 968 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V. 68-207 OF ALEXANDERS ~LE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, 'GRANTING' A .' VARIANCE _ON APPLICATION Ng..v. 68-207 O_~F __ALEXANDERS. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, Californ. does resolve as follows: · 1) The Planning Commission finds and determines: a) That a proper application (No. V. 68-207) was filed on behalf of Alexanders to permit a sign on the property described in Exhibit A a%tached hereto and incorporated herein.. The Planning Commission duly called, noticed an~ held a public hearing on said application. 'c) That because of Special circumstances including but not limited to size, shape, topography, lo- cation or surroundings, the strict application of the .Zoning Ordimance would deprive the propel of privileges enjoyed by other properties in th, vicinity and under identical zone classificati( d) The adjustment would not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property, is located, and should be granted. 2) A variance, as applied for, is granted to permit a three feet by twelve feet wall sign saying "Liquor" on the front of building below the name "Alexander", provided the applicant first re- moves the existing sign saying "Market''. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular me'eting df the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 22nd day of April , 1968. C-HAIPJ, IAN OF THE PLANNING CO~,iMISSIO:~ SECR~TARY OF THE PLANNING CO~4ISSION JGR :pw 4-23-68 .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN. ) Jo Ann Turnhr, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary ,of' the Planning Conm~ission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 22n___~d day of April_ 1968. SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING COld,fISSION V-68-207 Resolution No. 968 · EXHIBIT "A" · DESCRIPTION OF ALEY~kNDER'S '~~T LOCATED AT 550 EAST' FIRST STREET, TUSTIN, CALIFOPaNIA. That portion of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 29 of the To~ of Tustin, according to a map thereof recorded in BOok 4 at Pages 218 and 219, inclusive, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence, Easterly along the South- erly line of First Street 66.00 feet wide, North 89° 49' 40" East, 735.58 feet and North 89© 54' 20" East 463.28 feet to the Northeast corner of Yorba's Subdivision in the City of Tustin as sho~ on a map thereof recorded in Book 5 at Page 11 of Miscellaneous biaps~ records of said Orange County; thence, South 39° 56' 00" West, 1189.42 feet along the North- westerly line of Ne~.~port Avenue to the center line intersec- tion of Third Street, abandoned, 66.00 feet wide; thence, South 89~ 49' 40" West, 435.37 feet along said center line to the Easterly line of "H" Street, 66.00 feet wide; thence, North 910.37 feet, more or less, along said Easterly line of "H" Street, 66.00 feet wide, to said point of beginning. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record.