HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 939~8 lO ll 12 13 14 15 16 l? 18 19 26 ~7 ~8 29 RESOLUTION NO. 939 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMEND- ING REZONING OF LAND OF GARDEN LAND COMPANY ON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 68-164. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia does resolve as follows: After public hearing duly called, noticed and held, the Planning Commission recommends that the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refer- ence, be changed from the PD 3500 (Planned Development) to the R 3 (multiple family residential) District..~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning' Commission of the City of Tustin, held on the 22nd day of January,1968. ~HAI~N 'OF THE' PLA-NNING~.C'OMMISSION SEC}~TARY--0F THE PLANNING COMmiSSION ~ 1012.;-.-;05&1 COC. C ' · ~-;;can L,':nd Tit~o As~,,:,ciat;on icon Poll~ ~di~;ang; Coverage- i~62 :a:;forn;u Land Title Assoclotien ~Iondord Coverage Poli~--1963 *"" .. · /,. 'ATTACHMENT "A" SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this polic.j is described as follows: · r. Tuszin :';,-~-:0.,.~ per'tiaa of the S:afford and Tus;in Trac~, in thc cSty o~ county of Orange, ztate of California, as pe-r map recorded in boo:' 2 · ,.,.,..-~. 618 and 619 of :~-~iscellancous Rcco.,,s in t~o office cf co~:~ty rccordc, cE Los ",' ' , ,;ca ~s -- an,,elos CountT,. California descri~ ~" fo[1,-~'s'.,. ~cginning at tho intersection of' thc center linc of McFadden Avenue, 40.00 roe, w~dc, being 20 00 fact south fro;:~ ~,e south ina o said tract, with a line ~arailel wi~h and westerly 185.00 fee~ fro:;: . ~ ,,~liiaz:s Street, as shown on said map thence ~.or~,; 0° 46' i5" West 190.00 feet along ·said parallel line to a line paa'a!ie! . .~r,,,~ thc center line of" ~"' '~ ~-:~t]~ and northerly ~90.00 feet = .... as s:~own on a ~:ap z~cd in book 22 wa,.,e, o 46 of Record of Sttrvcy~., it; tgco office of r]:e county recorder of said Orange County: ~l:c:-tce Xorc:'~ .~a - ' . ,a.lel iin~ to ~". " ~5' 56" East 150.00 feet aloug last said ~o~' ~ ~ '..c cast lf..c of Lot X of said tract; thence Nor'th 0° 46' 15" iq'cst S85 94 feet sa~d east line to the south line of t~e land described ~n ,,:e deed. '~,..~..~,z~ 4.. ~osa, a~ ux, racor~ad Oo~oba: 6, i~6t in boo~ 5S7: ~a. . o~ O~Fzc~:l RacorJs~ thoHco Sou~h.8°° ~2' 4~" '" ~ . - · , . ,;e.~t 086.15 fact along · ~,~ west line of said lot K' :henca Sou~' o , , s id sou:]~ linc to ~,.~ ~,; C ~ 0 l:a5~ 768 11 fceg along said. ;:~cs¢ line and ~' thereof to said center line of ,~tcFadden Avenue; ~hencc Nor;h 8~~ 55' 55" East 742.3g feet ~o ~he point of beginning. ="~"'>? the ¢outh 20 00 fee~ thereof, measured from.~aid cen~er line of " ' ' ' ' ,',C I. a dO on-. Ay enue. .. , · EXCEPT-all .l,,ater and water rights in ~aid land. , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) 20 ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at'a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 22nd day of Januar__y, 196~. S~CRET~Y-OF- T~HE~pLANNING CC~YIIS~ION