HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 9201 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14, RESOLUTION NO. 920 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO DAY NURSERIES. .SECrETlY OF THE PLANNING COMMISS'ION , ., The Planning Commission of' the City of TuStin, Call- fornia, resolves as follows: ~. · · .After public hearing duly called, noticed and'held,. the Planning Commission recommends adoption of an Ordinance a copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit. A". PASSED AND ADOPTED' at a regular meebing of the Planning Commission, held on the 25th day of Septembe, 1967 _ , · ~/' , STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF. ORANGE )SS' CITY OF TUSTIN ) JO ANN TURNER, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the .Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City.of Tustin, Cali- fornia; that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of .the Planning Commission, held on the 25th day of S.ept.ember, 1967,. SEQ~ETARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION EXHIBIT "A" Draft II August 25· 1967 Nurser_y Schools ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE cITy OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157 (ZONING ORDINANCE), AS AMENDED, RELATING TO DAY NURSERIES AND NURSERY SCHOOLS The City Council of Che City of Tust'in, California does ordain as follows: Section '1. Ordinance No. 157 is hereby amended by the addition ~here?o of the followlng: "SectiOn 11.131 'Day Nursery' A place where four '(4) or more chlldren are left for daytime care." Sect ion ' 2: Ord I hence ?heret°' Of the fo I I owl No. 157 Is hereby amended by the addition ng: "Section 11.351 'Nursery School' a publlc or private agency engaged in educational activity with pre-school children, In/not In conJunCtion with dally care." tec~_!on 3: Sections 4.2, 4'.5, -157 are hereby amended by the 4 4 4.5, 4.6 and 4.1 5 of Ordl nance ad~li~ion thereto of the follow'lng: "Uses Permit?ed - Day Nursery Use Permit Required - Yes Maxlmum Allowable Height - Th Hinimum Building Slte Required, Square Feet - Minimum Lot Wldth Requlred at Property Llne - Maximum Lot Coverage - Minimum Front Yard - Minimum Side Yard Minimum Rear Yard Minimum Lo, Area Per Family Unit, Sq. Ft. - Off-Street Parklng Required- Irty (30) feet I0,000 I O0 feet Same as required for primary uses In the dls,rlc, Same as required for primary uses In the dlstrl'c, Same as required for primary uses In the district One (I) space for each staff member plus one (I) loading space for each eight (8) children. Loading Spaces, shall be located for easy. circulation and shall not interfere wlth other required parking Addltiona I'. . I Requirements au sp Cl St Ou SU pu St by ildlng requlrements and Indoor and outdoor ace required per child are established by the ty of TuStln Unlform Building Code and by the ate Department of Soclal Welfare. ?door play areas shall be screened, from rroundlng properties by a 6'8" high solid Ii or fence, except when play areas abut bi lc park or playfleld. ructures proposed for use as a day nursery or nursery school shall be Inspected and approved the Fire Department prior to occupancy." Oraft II Page 2 8-25-67 Nursery Schools Sect I on 4: Ord I nance roi lowing: sections 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.15 of 157 are hereby amended by the addition thereto of the · "Uses Permitted Use Permit Requlred Maximum Al Iowable Height Minimum Building Slte Required,. Square Feet Minimum Lot Width Requir- ed at Property Line Haxlmum Lot Coverage Mlnlmum Front Yard NlnlmUm Side Yard Minlmum Rear Yard Hlnlmum Lot Area Per Family Unlt, Sq'. Ft. Off-Street Parkl ng Requ l'red - Nursery School - Yes - Thlrty (30) feet -I0,000 - I O0 fee - Same as primary - Same as primary - Same as primary requl red for uses In the dlstrlc, requlred for uses In ,he district required for.'. uses In the district - One (I) space for each staff member plus one (I) loading space for each eight (8) chlldren. Loading Spaces shall be located for easy circulatlon and shall not Interfere wlth other required parking Addltlonal Requlrements Building reqUlremen,s an space required per chl Id City of Tustln Uniform B State Department of Socl Outdoor play areas shall surrounding proper, les b wall or fence, except wh publ.lc park or playfi, eld Structures proposed for a nursery school shall b by the Fl re Department p d Indoor and outdoor are established by the 'ullding Code and by the al Welfare, be screened from y a 6~8" hlgh solid en play areas abut · use as a day nursery or e Inspected and approved riot to occupancy.' PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetlng of the Clty Council of the City of Tustln, California held on the .day of ...... , 1967. A-TTEST: ..... .... C"I T'¥ C~L'ERK ..... - '