HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 CROSSING GUARD CONTRACT RENEWAL• Agenda Item 10 _ AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: � � � City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: JUNE 5, 2012 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: SCOTT M. JORDAN, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND CONTRACT — CROSSING GUARD CONTRACT RENEWAL SUMMARY The crossing guard contract with All City Management Services, Inc. is up for renewal for the 2012 — 2013 City of Tustin school year. RECOMMENDATION Approve and execute amendment of the existing contract entered into on August 4, 2009 with All City Management Services, Inc. and the City of Tustin by renewing said contract in order to provide 14,076 hours of school crossing guard service for the 2012 — 2013 school year. FISCAL IMPACT $199,457 funds budgeted in 100-50-34-6010 for the 2012 — 2013 fiscal year. BACKGROUND In the ongoing budget process for the 2012 — 2013 fiscal year, funds are being budgeted for the renewal of a one-year amendment to the existing contract with All City Management Services, Inc. to provide school crossing guard service. The crossing guard service provides 22 crossing guards to cover 16 school sites throughout the City of Tustin during the traditional and year-round school schedules of 180 school days. Analysis of the program since the changes made in 2009 have shown traffic flow around the schools has improved significantly; no public safety issues have been discovered. More parents are walking their children to school and the children are walking in large groups for safety. This is an amendment to the revised contract of 2009 — 2010. This contract stands unchanged with the exception of this amendment, bringing the contract year current, as well as maintaining the wages at the sum of $14.17 per hour. . c S -�� SCOTT M. JOR N Chief of Police Attachment 1: All City Management Services Inc. Agreement Attachment 1 '�, .'11 I , l .1 I l � { .'� .\ .'� l � f . � 11!'. .\ I .ti l . IY � 1 l I ..� May 16, 2012 Sgt. Cl�rk Galliher, Traffic Unil Supervisor Tu�tin I'olice Department 300 Ccntennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Deur Sgt Galliher: All City Management Scrvices has placrd a price frecze on our billing rate For ihe coming 2012-2613 fiscal ycur for dsc Tusiin Police Departme�t. The hourly bil[ing rute will remain at FouAeen Dollars ruid Seventcen Ccnts ($14.17) per hour. We have tal:en the liberly of encbsing two (2) Amendments for ihe coming 20f2-2013 fiseal yeac If alf ineels with your approval please execute and retum one of the original Amendments for our records. We look forward to anoiher safe and successful s�hool year. If you have uny queslions, plcasc feel free io co�tact us. Sincerely, �r,�� Dcm FarweIl Ofti e Manager Corporate Secretary 6671'6��e �rr���aea� c�a�s��! �L'�aDa��.�,�'➢ 10440 Pionecr Blvd., Stc. #5, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 • 310-202-R284 • 800-540-9290 • FAX 310-202-8325 : f��� •��.►. l.l � l ��.�\.�.•�t,t.���:.� . � �.� �l.l..ti Amendment to Agreement between All City Management Services, Inc. and the City of Tustin for providing School Crossing Guard Services The Gity of Tustin hereinafter referred to as the "City", and All City Management 5ervices, Inc., located at 10440 Pioneer Bivd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", mutually agree to amend the existing Agreement entered into on August 4, 2009 as follows: . Item #1 The City and the Agresment for the thru June 30, 2013. Contractor agree to extend the term of this 2012 - 2013 fiscai year beginning July 1, 2012 Item #77 The City agrees to pay Contractor for services rendered pursuant to the Agreement the sum of Fourteen Doliars and Seventeen Cents, ($14.17) per haur of guard service provided. It is understood that the cost of providing Fou�teen Thousand and Seventy-Six (14,076) hours of service sha[I not exceed One Mundred Ninety-Nine Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty-Seven Dollars ($199,457.00). Except as provided for in Item #1 and Item #17, all other terms and conditions of the original Agreement and Amendments thereto between the City and the Contractor remain in effect. City of Tustin ay Signature Print Name and Title APPROVED AS TO FROM: Signature Print Name and Title Date All Ci Manageme Services, [nc. ey w� Demetra arwefl, orporate Secretary Date Mav 16. 2012 , Attest By: Date Signature Print Name and Title All City Management Servtces Inc. Clicnt Workshcct 2012 - 2013 Deparlmcnt: 7701 Currrnt Ratr: $14.17 Percent Incrcasc New Ratc Price Prcczc: KEY: Treditiunal Culend:tr: For siics wi�l� iio rogularly scheduled carly relcasc days, usc I 80 rcgulnr days For sius wiil� ouc regularly scheduled early relense dny/wcck, use 144 regular days and 36 minimum days Year Round Calrndar For scltools wiil� no rogularly sclieduled curly n�lcux dnys, use ?40 rebular days For scliools wiili onc rcgularly schedulcd early relcase day/�veek, use 192 regulor days aud 48 minimum days Summcr Scl�ool For schools wiih Summer Scltool sessions use 19 days Sites with traditional calendar: 16 sites with no earlv release: 6 sites with one early release: early release for sites above: S tes with vear round calendar: sites with no early release: sites with one early release: earl y release d: 5ummer School Sites 56 Total H 21 Total H 27 Tolal To�al Total for sites above: Total L 180 � X dayslyr X 144 X days/yr X � 36 � X days/yr X 240 X days/yr X � 192 � X days/yr X 48 X davs/Yr X $14.17 � _ ourly Billing Rate $14.17 = ourly Billing Ra1e $14.17 = ourlv Billine Rate �i4.i� � _ ourly Billing Raie $14.17 = ourly Billing Rate $14.17 = ourlv Billine Rate � $13.773 I I I 19 I I$14•�� I = I so.oi sites for summer school:: Total Hrs/day X days/yr X Hourly Billing Rate �OTAL PROJECTED HOURS 14076 TOTAL ANNUAL PROJEGTED COST $199,456.92 VOTES: