JUNE 5, 2012
Agenda Item 11
City Manager
Finance Director
On April 3, 2012, the Tustin City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1416 establishing a new parking
exception option for Old Town Tustin that would allow all or a portion of an infill development
project's required on-site parking spaces to be met through the payment of an annual fee intended
to compensate the City for the proportional use and maintenance of public parking spaces.
Ordinance No. 1416 requires the property owner/developer of an approved Old Town infill project
to execute a contract with the City agreeing to the payment of the annual fee. The subject draft Old
Town Parking Exception Contract with Mr. Guillermo Del Rio and Ms. Lizet Orozco (the property
owners of 195 EI Camino Real) has been prepared for City Council consideration.
Authorize the City Manager to execute the Old Town Parking Exception Contract establishing
the annual Old Town Parking Exception fee of $600 for 195 EI Camino Real (10 spaces x$60 per
The Tustin Planning Commission has approved the development of a commercial infill project at
195 EI Camino Real and authorized the developer to participate in the Parking Exception Program
recently established by Ordinance No. 1416 for 10 parking spaces. Ordinance No. 1416 requires
the developer of a Tustin Planning Commission approved Old Town infill project to execute a
contract with the City committing to payment of an annual Parking Exception fee. The City
Attorney's office has reviewed and approved the draft Old Town Parking Exception Contract as
to form. City Council authorization is requested prior to contract execution by the City Manager.
Approval of the proposed contract would enable the collection of an annual fee to compensate the
City for the maintenance of public parking spaces in the commercial portion of Old Town
proportional with the increased use of such spaces by the approved infill commercial project at 195
EI Camino Real. Through City Council adoption of Resolution No. 12-27, the Old Town Parking
Exception Fee was established at $60 per space, although the fee can be reevaluated or adjusted
in the future based on analysis and typically in conjunction with the periodic adoption of the City's
Comprehensive Fee Schedule.
Old Town Parking Exception Contract
June 5, 2012
Page 2
On April 3, 2012, the Tustin City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1416 establishing a new parking
exception option that would allow all or a poRion of an Old Town infill development projecYs
required on-site parking spaces to be met through the payment of an annual fee intended to
compensate the City for the proportional use and maintenance of public parking spaces in the
area. On April 17, 2012, the Tustin City Council adopted Resolution No.12-27 establishing the
annual fee at $60 per space.
On May 8, 2012, the Tustin Planning Commission approved Design Review 2012-006 for the infill
development of a 3,291 sq. ft. commercial building at 195 EI Camino Real, in Old Town Tustin. At
that time, the applicant requested, and the Planning Commission approved, utilization of the Old
Town Parking Exception Fee provisions established by Ordinance No. 1416 for ten parking
spaces. At $60 per space, the annual fee for this project totals $600.
Ordinance No. 1416 requires a property owneddeveloper of an approved infill project to execute a
contract with the City agreeing to the payment of the required annual fee. The subject draft Old
Town Parking Exception Contract has been prepared for City Council consideration.
Dana L. Ogdon, AICP
Assistant Director
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Director of Community Development
Attachment A: Old Town Parking Exception Contract for 195 EI Camino Real
Director of Community Development
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780-3767
Space Above This Line For Recorder's Use Only
Fee Exempt per Govt. Code Section 6103
This Old Town Parking Exception Contract ("ContracY'), dated this _ day of
2012 is entered into by and between the City of Tustin ("City"), and Guillermo A. Del Rio Farias
and Lizet Marie Orozco, owners of the property located at 195 EI Camino Real, Tustin
WHEREAS, the Owner owns certain Property as more particularly described in Exhibit
"1" to this Contract, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein
(the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, Property is located within the Cultural Resources (CR) and Parking Overlay
(P) Districts, and in both the Central Commercial (C-2) District and the Old Town Commercial
General Plan land use designation as established by the Tustin City Council; and
WHEREAS, the development planned for the Property (the development is hereinafter
referred to as "Project") requires a certain number of parking spaces to satisfy the off-street
parking requirements of the City of Tustin Zoning Code in effect as of the date of this Contract
(hereinafter referred to as "Zoning Code"); and
WHEREAS, on February 19, 2008, the Tustin City Council approved a comprehensive
Parking Study for Old Town Tustin which determined that Old Town had a significant amount of
available public parking and that modern parking standards were an impediment to the area's
economic development; and
WHEREAS, on April 3, 2012, the Tustin City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1416
establishing a new parking exception option in the Zoning Code, applicable to development in
the commercial area of Old Town Tustin, that allows all or a portion of a projecYs required
onsite parking spaces to be met through the payment of an annual fee intended to compensate
the City for the proportional use and maintenance of public parking ("Old Town Parking
Exception"); and
WHEREAS, Owner submitted an application for Design Review 2011-006 proposing
development of the Property which included a proposal to utilize the Old Town Parking
Exception, for ten (10) parking spaces required by the Zoning Code, but which will not be
provided onsite.
WHEREAS, on May 8, 2012, the Tustin Planning Commission considered Design
Review 2011-006, determined that the Project met certain findings established by Ordinance
No. 1416, and adopted Resolution No. 4194 approving the Project and the use of the Old Town
Parking Exception as satisfying the parking requirements set forth in the Zoning Code; and
WHEREAS, Condition No. 7 of Resolution No. 4194 requires the Owner to execute and
record an agreement requiring the payment of an annual fee in accordance with the Old Town
Parking Exception for each Project parking space not provided onsite.
WHEREAS, the Old Town Parking Exception program is granted as a privilege and not
as a matter of right; and
WHEREAS, the execution of a valid written contract as described above. and the
satisfaction of certain other conditions, would allow the Project on the Owner's Property to
qualify for a Certificate of Occupancy upon completion of the Project; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Owner hereby agree as follows:
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Section 1.00 Conferrinq Parkinq Exception to Owner
Section 1.01 Location of Proiect Site
The Project site is located at 195 EI Camino Real, within the Cultural Resources
(CR) and Parking Overlay (P) Districts, and in both the Central Commercial (C-2) District and
the Old Town Commercial General Plan land use designation as established by the Tustin City
Council, and as described in the legal description set forth in "Exhibit 1" hereof;
Section 1.02 Desiqnation of Parkinq Exception Spaces
The City hereby designates ten 10 parking spaces generally located within the
Old Town commercial area as available for Parking Exception Spaces purposes for the uses
proposed and approved for Design Review 2011-006. The final number of Parking Exception
Spaces confirmed by this Contract may be adjusted in accordance with Section 1.05, below.
The City reserves the right to redesignate, by subsequent written notice to Owner, the location
of the Parking Exception spaces.
Section 1.03 Conferrinp of Parkinq Exception Sqaces
The City hereby confers all rights and obligations for use of the Parking
Exception Spaces on the terms and conditions provided herein. In consideration thereof, the
Owner agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.
Section 1.04 Riqhts and Obliaations Pertaininq to Parkinq Exceqtion Soaces.
The City hereby provides, and the Owner hereby acknowledges, that the Parking
Exception Spaces are being conferred on the Property in order to satisfy the parking
requirements for the specific use approved by Design Review 2011-006. Neither the Old Town
Parking Exception program nor this Parking Exception Contract grants Owner any right or
privilege to use the Parking Exception Spaces greater than those rights and privileges enjoyed
by the public generally. No property interest in the actual spaces themselves is being
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transferred, granted, or conveyed to Owner. In addition, the location of employee parking shall
be determined by the City.
Section 1.05 Parkinq Exception Spaces to Remain with the Propertv
The convenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Contract shall be
binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the Parties to this contract and their respective
successors, representatives, heirs and assigns, and shall continue as a servitude running in
perpetuity with the property. Owner agrees to notify the City in writing prior to any conveyance
of the Property.
Section 1.06 Adiustments to Number of Parkinq Exceotion Spaces
In the event that the actual use of the Property requires a number of Parking
Exception Spaces different from the number assigned by Section 1.01, then the actual number
of Parking Exception Spaces conferred shall be agreed to in writing by the City and Owner as
provided in Section 3.07 (Written Amendment).
Section 1.07 Time for Obtaininp Certificate of Occuqancv
The Owner shall have two (2) years from the date of this Contract to obtain a
Certificate of Occupancy for the Project from the City of Tustin, unless the Director of
Community Development extends such period in writing based on a finding that the delay was
due primarily to factors outside the control of Owner. If a Certificate of Occupancy is not issued
by the Community Development Department by this date, this Contract shall terminate and all
Parking Exception Spaces shall automatically revert to the City. A copy of the Certificate of
Occupancy shall be appended to this Contract and shall be recorded by the City.
Section 1.08 Use of the Proqertv
The Owner agrees to use and otherwise operate the Property in conformance
with the Design Review 2012-006 and this Contract.
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Section 2.00 Pavments bv Owner
Section 2.01 Parkinq Exceotion Fee
The "Parking Exception Fee" shall be the amount of $60.00 for each Parking
Exception Space, per year, as may be modified at any time by Resolution of the Tustin City
Council. The Parking Exception Fee shall be due and payable in full by July 151 of each year
and every portion of a year when the Contract is in effect and, therefore shall not be prorated.
As an alternative, the City may arrange to collect the Parking Exception Fee
through an annual assessment collected by the County Tax Assessor at the same time and in
the same manner as County taxes are collected, and all laws providing for the collection and
enforcement of County taxes shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the assessments.
The Parking Exception Fee shall remain in effect until such time that the Parking
Exception Spaces are no longer conferred by the City.
The Owner shall not oppose any effort by the City to establish a Vehicle Parking
Assessment District or Business Improvement Area intended to supplement public parking in
the area.
Section 2.02 Amount of Parkinq Exceqtion Fee to be oaid bv Owner
Based upon the number of Parking Space Exceptions conferred by this Contract,
the Owner agrees to the following annual payments ("Owner Payments"): $60.00 X 10 Parking
Exception Spaces =$600.00 total initial annual payment. If the number of Parking Exception
Spaces is ever adjusted pursuant to Section 1.06, then the total amount of Parking Exception
Fees due shall be adjusted accordingly.
Said Owner Payments are due and payable as stipulated in Section 2.01. There
shall be a late fee of twenty percent (20%) for each month payment is not made in addition to
any other collection fees for payments not received by the City by the due date set forth in this
Contract. Failure of the Owner to make payment of the annual Owner Payments installment by
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the due date shall be considered a default and shall entitle the City to exercise the remedies
stated in Section 3.01.
If County Assessor Owner Payment collection is not implemented as stipulated
in Section 2.01, the City will send the Owner a written notice stating the amount of Owner
Payments due, including any adjustment made by Resolution of the City Council, no less than
thirty (30) days before the due and payable date for each annual Owner Payment. Such notice
shall be provided to the Owner for the Owner's convenience only. Failure of the City to provide
such notice does not relieve Owner from fulfilling its obligation to pay such Owner Payment.
Section 2.03 Adiustments to Owner Pavments
As stipulated in Section 2.01, and pursuant to the Mitigation Fee Act
(Government Code § 66001(a) et al), the Tustin City Council may modify the Parking Exception
Fee at any time by Resolution of the Tustin City Council. Further, in accordance with Section
1.06 of this Contract, the amount of Owner Payments may be increased or decreased to reflect
the actual number of Parking Spaces required for the use of the Property.
Section 3.00 Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 3.01 Default
In the event Owner materially defaults in any of its obligations hereunder, the
City may declare a defauit and terminate this Contract by written notice to the Owner. The
notice shall specify the basis for the default. The Contract shall terminate unless such default is
cured before the effective date of the termination stated in such notice, which date shall be no
sooner than twenty-one (21) days after the date of the notice. Upon termination, the City may
then take any action under the procedures then in effect to revoke Design Review 2011-006,
Certificate of Occupancy, building permit or other authorization applicable to the Property if the
parking requirements are not othernrise met. The City shall be entitled to retain all Owner
Payments due to and through the termination date (and any applicable late fees).
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Section 3.02 No Assiqnment
Other than any conveyance to a successor in interest to the Property, as set
forth in Section 1.05, Owner shall not assign or transfer this Contract or any rights hereunder
without the prior written consent and approval of the City, which may be withheld in the City's
sole discretion. Any unauthorized assignment or transfer shall be null and void and shall
constitute a material breach by the Owner of its obligations under this Contract. No assignment
shall release the original parties or otherwise constitute a novation.
Section 3.03 Proceeds of This Contract
All Parking Exception Fees collected shall be deposited into the General Fund
for use in performing maintenance of the public right-of-way and parking facilities in the Old
Town commercial area.
Section 3.04 Attornev's Fees
If any action at law or in equity is brought to enforce or interpret this Contract,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable costs and attorney's fees.
Section 3.05 Laws
Owner shall comply with all Federal, State and City laws applicable to the uses
contemplated on the Property which is the subject of this Contract.
Section 3.06 Apqlicable Law
This Contract, and the rights and duties of the parties hereunder (both
procedural and substantive), shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the
State of California.
Section 3.07 Written Amendment
This Contract may only be changed by written amendment signed by Owner and
the authorized representative of the City, subject to any requisite authorization by the City
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Council. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this Contract shall be of no force
or effect.
Section 3.08 Severabilitv
If any provision in this Contract is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to
be invalid, illegal, void, or unenforceable, such portion shall be deemed severed from this
Contract, and the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect as
fully as though such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable portion had never been part of this
Section 3.09 Choice of Forum
The parties hereby agree that this Contract is to be enforced in accordance with
the laws of the State of California, is entered into and/or is to be performed in the City of Tustin
and that all claims or controversies arising out of or related to performance under this Contract
shall be submitted to and resolved in a forum within the County or Orange at a place to be
determined by the rules of the forum.
Section 3.10 Duqlicate Oriqinals
There shall be two (2) fully signed copies of this Contract, each of which shall be
deemed an original.
Section 3.11 Time
Time is of the essence in this Contract
Section 3.12 Notices
Any notice or demand to be given by one party to the other shall be given in
writing and by personal delivery or prepaid first-class, registered or certified mail, addressed as
follows. Notice simply to the City of Tustin or any other City department is not adequate notice.
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Page 8 of 10
Guillermo Del Rio Farias and Lizet Marie Orozco
5022 Greencap Avenue
Irvine, California 92604
Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given upon delivery, if personally
delivered, or, if mailed, upon receipt or upon expiration of three (3) business days from the
date of posting, whichever is earlier. Either party may change the address at which it desires
to receive notice upon giving written notice of such request to the other party.
Section 3.13 No Estate.
Nothing contained in this Contract, nor the acts of the parties hereto, nor the acts
of any third party shall be deemed or construed to create the relationship of principal and agent,
or a partnership, or a joint venture, or of any association between the parties to this Contract.
Owner agrees that it will not claim at any time any vested right, property right, interest, title,
leasehold, or estate in the Parking Space Exceptions or the public parking within the Old Town
commercial area by virtue of this Contract or by virtue of Owner's occupancy, use or
expenditures under this Contract.
Section 3.14 Destruction of Premises
The Owner and City agree that, if the Project approved by Design Review 2011-
006 is ever wholly or partially destroyed, and the Project is considered conforming, the Project
may be rebuilt and the provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force as described herein.
In the event that the Project approved by Design Review 2011-006 is considered a legal,
nonconforming structure, any reconstruction shall be governed by the City's nonconforming
provisions of the Tustin City Code. If either the City or the Owner determine that the destroyed
Project cannot or will not be rebuilt, then either party may terminate this Contract by 15 days
written notice to the other. As of the date of termination, the Parking Exception Spaces shall no
longer be used by the Owner to meet any Zoning Code requirement or to support the parking
requirement underlying Design Review 2011-006, Certificate of Occupancy, or other permit.
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Upon such termination, neither Owner no City shall have any liability to the other, either on
account of the unavailability of the Project or the unavailability of the Parking Exception Spaces.
The liability of the Owner for payments properly due prior to termination shall survive any
termination of this Contract pursuant to this paragraph.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be
executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date set forth below.
Pamela Stoker
City Clerk
David E. Kendig
City Attorney
Jeffrey C. Parker
City Manager
Guillermo A. Del Rio Farias
(For 195 EI Camino Real)
Lizet Marie Orozco
(For 195 EI Camino Real)
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