HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 CONSENT TO KUTAK ROCK'S REPRESENTATION, , , � � � � Agenda Item 12 Reviewed; City Manager x � Finance Director � MEETING DATE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: C+�II�T i il � T1:i 1 JUNE 5, 2012 JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER :7=1�11�7�:���TiICc� = • : ► CONSENT TO KUTAK ROCK'S SIMULTANEOUS REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE The law firm Kutak Rack has requested that the City consent to allow the firm to advise the County of Orange about military base closure matters that are not adverse to Tustin. • �� • That the City Council and the Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency approve and direct the City Attorney to execute the attached Memorandum consenting to the simultaneous representation. FISCA� IMPACT No additianal fiscal impact. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION For a number of years, George Schlassberg and other members of his law firm Kutak Rock have provided the City af Tustin and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency with specialized legal advice and representation about military base closure matters in relation with the reuse af the former MCAS Tustin. Mr. Schlossberg has been cor�tacted by the County Counsel requesting that he provide legal services to the County in base closure matters. He has expressed a wilGngness ta da so provided the representation is in no way adverse to the City's interests. Consistent with the ethical rules that govern attorneys, Mr. Schlassberg has requested the City's cansent to this simultaneous representation. Attached is a Memorandum prepared by Mr. Schlossberg that explains the proposed representation. Because Mr. Schlossberg advises the City in connection with a few matters in which the City's interests and the Caunty's interests cauld conflict {for Consent to Kutak RocEc`s Simultaneous Representation June 5, 2012 Page 2 of 2 instance, certain property exchanges and property cr�aperative agreements bet�nreen the City and ather public agencies at Tustin Lec�acy}, Mr. Schlossberg has informed ihe County that he will not be advising the County in reference to those matters. This limitation protects the City's ability to use Mr. Schlossberg's services in eflnnection with those matters. Hawever, there are other projects related to MCAS Tustin in which #he County`s interests and the City's interests are aligned and regarding which the Caunty is requesting Mr. Schlossberg's specialized legal services. The City Attomey has reviewed the attached Memorandum and recommends that the City Council and Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redeve(opment Agency consent to Kutak Rock's simuftaneous representation af the Caunty Qf Urange subject to the limitations set forth in the Memarandum. The Cify A#torney wifi �e available at the �ime of the City Council meeting to address any questions you might have. � David E. Kendig City Attorney Attachment No. 1: Memorandum from George Schlassberg, Kutak Rock c�'�e1ia�� r�. ��iiL����`^�iz � _�- � a � ��- �� :� � .. �� ���a f� 'I'C"J: ���� I��'T"�: ��; Attachment 1 . s . �! . . , � �, P ; A��;?v�C��.��d�J� T�� ���.��:�� ������� ������ ��� ��:��� �����x����s�� t��,�� ������ v,,�{ =m��r�� ���¢ >°�i-`3 Reil�v�>�"� ��t�tia�k �ssv €�raawr. ps€s���b�.����� f�iG��£:;�C� `�u6':�T�:`�����. `Cdi�g9iT'n. ��Y¥�.l.l P .�a�.1J11.7g ��6'Jiy�xq i 1,3i'J 1 S:.Sz ... . .��17i�,�S�..W i ��. ���`I5`C°��1� ��li�1CiI��'['{��3, , � ,S`1" � t��sSl�' %i`I' �i`�`�° �1�:�IAC��I� �F�C�ItCrF: SC��L�.����i��.� ���' ��, �C�1? �L`'C��; I�����C I.,I�I' i���'It�. � ,�T`�ti�3 CJ� �;��'�v1`�' �� �}it�"��'i� i�e�� t tc� t�� �i�cussic��, t�i� �i�� ��rz�rrn th�t � � �,��' � , � t�d �� �� C"€��t� ��` C_> ��, {���#"�a ' ��<G�u���''� tc� ��i�� ��t� t�r�t� � re�r n� �` t� dir��t�y �n �1c��r� r��tt��� � c��#i� ° �ic�� c�� ��rk t��� ��� ��� c�n�� �r� �at� � f c�#` t�� �r��t� c��' (�r���� bv tl���k� ��ar r� �c�r� c�f �i� �ity ��"�` #i�. i�iis����d t�Zis tt�r r�zt� `I°�c� �i�l�r, ��a��i�iz�� ��t� �� t�* ��c� e1, c����r� I��at�� ����'� ���� t�i�� r�1�i�rn����a �it� t�i� �i�y c��` `I"c��tir� �� it r�1�t�s t� tt�� ��c���u� r�d���t� r�t c��' I�i '�� Ca� �ir �C�����> °I" i�a ��.�� �� i' t��"�, 1 r� it �� fic� th� ���n�, ' it �� u�d���t��d �� ;��a�it�, t Iti ��k ���� r�p��.nt tl� C � irz ��y n���t�r ���t i:� ����� ic� t�i� C;�ty c��" °iu>��a�. 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