HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 AB 109-MASTER MOU FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT & PCS ENHANCED LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERTIME SERVICES1TY O AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: JUNE 19, 2012 JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER SCOTT M. JORDAN, CHIEF OF POLICE Agenda Item 11 Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director N A SUBJECT: AB 109 — MASTER MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT AND POSTRELEASE COMMUNITY SUPERVISION ENHANCED LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERTIME SERVICES SUMMARY Assembly Bill 109, titled "2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety" became effective on July 1, 2011, and provided for the enactment of the "2011 Postrelease Community Supervision (PCS) Act." In October 2011, the Orange County Community Corrections Partnership (OCCCP) developed an implementation plan, which included an allocation of state funding for enhanced municipal law enforcement services. The purpose of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish policies, procedures, and cost reimbursement requirements for local agencies, including the City of Tustin, who provide such enhanced law enforcement services. RECOMMENDATION 1) Approve the AB 109 MOU between the City of Tustin and the County of Orange for public safety realignment and postrelease community supervision enhanced law enforcement services; 2) Authorize the Chief of Police to sign any AB 109 MOU related paperwork on behalf of the City of Tustin, to allow for the reimbursement of funds. FISCAL IMPACT There is no set amount dedicated to the City of Tustin under this agreement. It will be reimbursed on an as- needed basis for overtime services rendered. BACKGROUND /DISCUSSTION Assembly Bill 109, titled "2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety" became effective on July 1, 2011, and provided for the enactment of the "2011 Postrelease Community Supervision (PCS) Act". This act requires that certain offenders AB 109 Proposed Memorandum of Understanding June 19, 2012 Page 2 of 2 (non -sex, non - violent, non - serious) released from state prison be subject to postrelease community supervision by the Orange County Probation Department. Essentially, those individuals who would have been supervised by State Parole agents will now be monitored by county probation officers, with the assistance of local law enforcement. In October of 2011, the Orange County Board of Supervisors accepted the Orange County Public Safety Realignment and Postrelease Community Supervision 2011 Implementation Plan ( "PCS 2011 Implementation Plan "). This plan was developed and approved by the Orange County Community Corrections Partnership (OCCCP) Executive Committee. The PCS 2011 Implementation Plan includes an allocation of $692,354 from the state funding granted to the County for fiscal year 2011 -12, for enhanced municipal law enforcement services, as needed to achieve the objectives of public safety realignment. The specific amount of funding for the City of Tustin is undetermined, as the reimbursement occurs on an as- needed basis for overtime services rendered. If during the upcoming fiscal year, we partner with the OC Probation Department in order to conduct a "sweep" or monitoring operation of PCS offenders, the expense for officers' overtime pay will be reimbursed out of this funding pool. This current agreement is valid until June 30, 2012, and is renewable on an annual basis. The specific allocation for municipal law enforcement services for fiscal year 2012 -13 has yet to be determined, pending the passage of the State's budget. Since October 2011, the City of Tustin has received twenty -six (26) released prisoners via the AB 109 realignment. Of the twenty six, ten (10) are active, seven (7) are in custody on new charges, three (3) are absconding and have warrants issued for their arrests, and the remaining six (6) have not yet been released to our community. That equates to an approximate 50% recidivism rate, and we are expecting these numbers to increase as AB 109 continues to roll out. In addition to entering into this MOU with the County of Orange, the Police Department is in the planning stage of taking additional proactive steps towards this impending problem. We do view the AB 109 program as a significant threat to public safety looming over our community and we simply do not want to wait until it is beyond our control to take action. The approval of this MOU is a step in the right direction. SCOTT M. JO AN CHARLIE CELANO Chief of Polic& Captain Attachment 1: Master MOU between the City of Tustin and the County of Orange ATTACHMENT 1 MASTER MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY REALIGNMENT AND POSTRELEASE COMMUNITY SUPERVISION ENHANCED LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERTIME SERVICES This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as "MOU ", entered into this day of -201 which date is enumerated for purpose of reference only, is by and between the City of , acting on behalf of its Police Department ( "City"), and the County of Orange, a political subdivision of the state of California, acting on behalf of the Orange County Probation Department ( "County"). RECITALS WHEREAS, AB 109, titled "2011 Realignment Legislation Addressing Public Safety ", became effective on July 1, 2011 and provided for the enactment of the "2011 Postrelease Community Supervision Act'; WHEREAS, the 2011 Postrelease Community Supervision Act requires that certain offenders released from state prison shall be subject to postrelease community supervision provided by a county agency designated by each county's board of supervisors, as specified in section 3450 of the Penal Code and as added by AB 109; WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to Resolution No. 11- 111, designated the Orange County Probation Department ( "OC Probation ") as the County agency responsible for providing postrelease community supervision; WHEREAS, on October 18, 2011 the Orange County Board of Supervisors accepted the Orange County Public Safety Realignment and Postrelease Community Supervision 2011 Implementation Plan ( "PCS 2011 Implementation Plan ") developed by the Orange County Community Corrections Partnership ( OCCCP) and approved by the OCCCP Executive Committee, as required under AB 109 and subsequent related legislation; WHEREAS, the PCS 2011 Implementation Plan included an allocation of $692,354 from the state funding granted to the County for fiscal year 2011 -12, for enhanced municipal law enforcement services, as needed to achieve the objectives of public safety realignment; and WHEREAS, the parties to this MOU wish to establish the policies, procedures, cost reimbursement requirements, and other matters pertaining to the provision by City of such enhanced law enforcement services, for fiscal year 2011 -12 and subsequent fiscal years, as necessary. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1.0 TER The initial term of this MOU shall begin on October 1, 2011 and expire on June 30, 2012, concurrent with the ending date of the initial funding appropriated by the state for the implementation of AB 109 and subsequent related legislation. Thereafter, this MOU may be renewed for succeeding 12 -month periods of July I -June 30, on the same terms and conditions and upon mutual written agreement between City and OC Probation, subject to: 1.1 New or additional funding appropriated by the state legislature for subsequent fiscal years, for the continuing implementation of AB 109 and subsequent related legislation; 1.2 Acceptance by the Orange County Board of Supervisors of the state appropriation for the continuing implementation of AB 109 and subsequent related legislation, for inclusion in the County's budget for each fiscal year covered by this MOU; and 1.3 OCCCP Executive Committee approval of the allocations of such state appropriation to local resources and needs, including enhanced municipal law enforcement services. 2.0 ENHANCED MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERTIME SERVICES 2.1 New Populations under County Jurisdiction: Beginning October I, 2011, AB 109 and subsequent related legislation, as implemented by County, placed the following populations under County jurisdiction and supervision by OC Probation: 2.1.1 Persons released from prison on postrelease community supervision ( "PCS ") instead of parole, consisting of non - violent, non - serious and non high -risk sex offenders as defined by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 2.1.2 Persons who have committed felonies and now sentenced to County jail pursuant to subdivision (h) of Penal Code section 1170 instead of state prison, who may also be placed on supervised release. 2.2 PCS 2011 Implementation Plan: Pursuant to the PCS 2011 Implementation Plan approved by the OCCCP Executive Committee and accepted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors on October 19, 2011, municipal law enforcement agencies may be requested to provide enhanced services as needed to achieve the objectives of public safety realignment. The OCCCP Executive Committee has approved, and the County's Board of Supervisors has accepted, a total maximum allocation of $692,354 for fiscal year 2011 -12 for enhanced municipal law enforcement services to assist OC Probation with realignment services. For such services actually provided as requested by OC Probation, municipal law enforcement agencies will be individually compensated solely from the total maximum $692,354 allocation until such amount is depleted. For subsequent fiscal years, the continued provision of enhanced municipal law enforcement services will be subject to new or additional state funding as described in section 1 of this MOU. 2.3 Information on New Populations under County Jurisdiction; OC Probation will provide City with a "Notice of Supervision" with regard to individuals scheduled by the state for PCS release, as described in section 2.1.1 herein. Requests for information on particular individuals placed on supervised release, as described in section 2.1.2, may be directed to OC Probation, as needed. 2.4 Scope of Enhanced Municipal Law Enforcement Services: At various times that are determined necessary by OC Probation, County may request the services of City law enforcement personnel to check the compliance of offenders described in section 2.1 above with their conditions of supervision, by accompanying OC Probation peace officers in conducting the following activities, commonly termed as "sweeps ", outside of regular work hours, as overtime services: 2.4.1 Ascertaining the whereabouts of persons described in section 2.1 of this MOU and known to reside within City's geographical boundaries 2.4.2 Making searches and seizures, as appropriate 2.4.3 Performing surveillance of persons described in section 2.1 in City or any jurisdiction City has an agreement with pursuant to Penal Code section 830.1 2.4.4 Making arrests for violations of supervision conditions or for active warrants for persons described in section 2.1 2.4.5 Documenting the circumstances of arrests and new law violations 3.0 RESPONSIBIIIrM OF PARTIES 3.1 County, through OC Probation, shall: 3.1.1 As needed, and subject to the provisions of section 6 of this MOU, periodically deploy OC Probation peace officers to City police department facilities, to act as liaison for ensuring proper coordination of activities under the PCS 2011 Implementation Plan, including the services provided by City under this MOU 3.1.2 Request the overtime services described in section 2.4 of this MOU, as needed to accomplish specific objectives 3.1.3 Coordinate the scheduling of such overtime services with City's designated law enforcement personnel 3.1.4 In advance of the scheduled overtime services, provide specific information to City law enforcement personnel identifying the names, addresses, and known associations of the intended sweep subjects 3.1.5 Provide County vehicles for OC Probation peace officers assigned to accompany City law enforcement personnel in the performance of the overtime services requested 3.1.6 Participate in briefing sessions prior to and upon completion of scheduled activities 4.0 3.1.7 Compensate City for services provided under this MOU in accordance with section 4.0 herein 3.1.8 Oversee the administrative processes for billing and compensation of overtime services 3.1.9 Financially monitor the usage of the amount annually approved by the OCCCP Executive Committee for enhanced law enforcement services, so as not to exceed the maximum allocation made available from state funding for each fiscal year 3.2 City, through its Police Department, shall: 3.2.1 Provide the number of City peace officers scheduled to perform the enhanced services requested by County, for approval by OC Probation 3.2.2 If necessary and in advance of the scheduled overtime services, and subject to approval by OC Probation, request that certain individuals under PCS be added to the scheduled sweep, including the reasons for such request 3.2.1 Make a room available for the parties to participate in briefing sessions prior to and upon completion of scheduled activities, or at any other times as may be required, subject to the provisions of section 6 of this MOU 3.2.2 Provide police vehicles for City law enforcement personnel to conduct the scheduled activities 3.2.3 As appropriate, allow OC Probation peace officers to ride as passengers in City police vehicles, or to operate the vehicles if City law enforcement personnel are rendered unable to drive said vehicles, subject to the provisions of section 7 of this MOU 3.2.4 Complete and maintain probable cause, arrest, booking, and other documents pertinent to the scheduled activities as completed 3.2.5 Maintain timekeeping and payroll documentation supporting the submittal of invoices claiming compensation from County for overtime services rendered by law enforcement personnel under this MOU County shall pay City for the cost of overtime services rendered by law enforcement personnel assigned to perform services under this MOU, as follows: 4.1 Regular Position: The law enforcement personnel assigned by City to perform overtime services under this MOU shall consist of full -time employees of City in regular positions, whose normally assigned work hours equal a full work period. 4.1.1 A regular position shall mean a position established on a permanent year - round basis and requiring work on a schedule designated by City as a normal work schedule. 4 4.2 Overtime Work: Law enforcement personnel may be assigned by City to perform services under this MOU, during hours that are in excess of an employee's normal work schedule in a regular work period. County shall pay City for overtime services rendered by such personnel at one and one -half (1 -1/2) times their hourly rate, multiplied by the number of hours of service actually provided during the billing period. 4.2.1 No-Supplanting Overtime Work: City acknowledges its understanding that: (a) the overtime services rendered by law enforcement personnel assigned to perform services under this MOU have not previously been, or otherwise will be funded by City; and (b) employee compensation for said services does not supplant or replace any other City - funded overtime hours. 4.2.2 At all times during any particular action under this MOU, each party's employees shall conform to his or her respective departmental policies, requirements and procedures. Each party will operate under the direction of its respective chain of command. No party is responsible for the actions of another party's personnel. Any evaluation and investigation of any complaints regarding any party or its personnel shall be referred to the party at issue. 5.0 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 5.1 City shall submit invoices to County for services rendered under this MOU, with the following information: 5.1.1 Date of service 5.1.2 Name(s) of City law enforcement personnel who rendered the services, with their hourly and overtime rates, and number of service hours performed under this MOU 5.1.3 City's name and address 5.1.4 City's remittance address, if different from above 5.1.5 City's federal taxpayer identification number 5.1.6 Statement from City's designated representative for this MOU, to read: "I hereby certify to the appropriateness of the costs claimed and that these costs have not been reimbursed by revenue, income, or grains from any other source." 5.2 City's invoices shall be subject to verification and approval of services provided by the OC Probation PCS Division Director, and shall be mailed to. Orange County Probation Department Attention: PCS Division Director P.O. Box 10260 Santa Ana, CA 92711 5.3 Payment by County to City will be within 30 days of receipt of an invoice in the format specified in section 5.1 herein, as verified and approved by the OC Probation PCS Division Director, and subject to routine processing requirements. City agrees to accept such compensation as full remuneration for performing all services and for furnishing all staffing and materials required, and for any reasonably unforeseen difficulties or risks which may arise or be encountered in the performance of services under this MOU. 5.3 County reserves the right to verify City's source documents related to the provision of services under this MOU. County shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of City, which are determined to be pertinent specifically to this MOU, for the purpose of making an audit, evaluation, excerpts and transcripts. 6.0 LICENSE TO USE CITY REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY In consideration of the promises contained herein, City hereby grants to County rent -free use of office space, office furniture, and office equipment located in the offices of the City Police Department. Said office space, f imiture and equipment shall be used solely by personnel of City and OC Probation while performing their assigned duties related to services under this MOU. The precise location, size and type of said office space, office f imiture and office equipment will be determined by City. City shall supply all repair, maintenance and janitorial supplies and services to said premises and shall be responsible for all charges for utilities supplied to said premises. 7.0 PERMISSION TO USE CITY VEHICLES In consideration of the promises contained herein, City hereby grants to County permission for OC Probation personnel to operate and to ride as passengers in vehicles owned or leased by City, as necessary while performing their assigned duties related to services under this MOU. City shall supply all repair and maintenance services for said vehicles, and shall pay all fuel costs for said vehicles. 8.0 MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION County agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by City, and hold City, its officers, employees, and agents ( "City Indemnitees") harmless from any claims, demands or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage, arising from or related to the services, or other performance provided by County pursuant to this MOU. City's approval of counsel shall not be unreasonably withheld. If judgment is entered against County and City by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active negligence of City or City Indemnitees, County and City agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither party shall request ajury apportionment. This indemnification shall commence on the effective date of this MOU and shall continue thereafter for any and all causes of action accruing during the term of this MOU. City agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by County, and hold County, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents and those special districts and agencies for which County's Board of Supervisors acts as the governing board ( "County Indemnitees") harmless from any claims, demands or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage, arising from or related to the services, or other performance provided by City pursuant to this MOU. County's approval of counsel shall not be unreasonably withheld. If judgment is entered against City and County by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active negligence of County or County Indemnitees, City and County agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. This indemnification shall commence on the effective date of this MOU and shall continue thereafter for any and all causes of action accruing during the tens of this MOU. 9.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT The OC Probation PCS Division Director shall manage and oversee the operation and administration of this MOU pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. The PCS Division of OC Probation shall coordinate with City law enforcement personnel with regard to the activities covered under this MOU. 10.0 CONTINGENCY OF FUNDS City acknowledges that funding or portions of funding for this MOU may be contingent upon state budget approval, receipt of funds from, and/or obligation of funds by the state to County; and inclusion of sufficient funding for the services hereunder in the budget approved by the Orange County Community Corrections Partnership and accepted by the County's Board of Supervisors for each fiscal year covered by this MOU. If such approval, funding or appropriations are not forthcoming, or are otherwise limited, County may immediately terminate or modify this MOU without penalty. 11.0 CONFIDENTIAMY: City agrees to maintain the confidentiality of County and County- related records and information pursuant to all statutory laws relating to privacy and confidentiality that currently exist or exist at any time during the term of this MOU. All such records and information shall be considered confidential and kept confidential by City and City's staff, agents and employees. 12.0 TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this MOU, with or without cause, upon 30 days' written notice given to the other parry. The obligations pertaining to indemnification for, or defense of causes of action accruing during the term of this MOU, shall extend beyond the termination of this MOU until fully performed. 13.0 NOTICES: Any notices required or permitted to be given under this MOU shall be in writing and addressed as follows: Notices to City: Notices to County: Orange County Probation Department Attention: PCS Division Director P.O. Box 10260 Santa Ana, CA 92711 14.0 ALTERATION OF TERMS: // // // // // // // U // // // // // // This MOU fully expresses all understanding of the parties, and is the total agreement between the parties as to the subject matter of this MOU. No addition to, or alteration of the terms of this MOU by the parties, whether written or verbal, shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to this MOU, which is formally approved and executed by both parties. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized officers. CITY OF m APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney COUNTY OF ORANGE: m Steven J. Sentman Chief Probation Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY COUNSEL ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By: Deputy County C6dnsel OT Svcs Mastcr MOU Final 3 -28.12 Dated: Attest: Dated: Dated: Dated: 3 /Z61201L 0